Results for 'Chad M. Galuska'

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  1.  20
    Advancing behaviorism in a Judeo-Christian culture.Chad M. Galuska - 2003 - In Kennon A. Lattal (ed.), Behavior Theory and Philosophy. Springer. pp. 259--274.
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  2. Experience Machines, Conflicting Intuitions and the Bipartite Characterization of Well-being.Chad M. Stevenson - 2018 - Utilitas 30 (4):383-398.
    While Nozick and his sympathizers assume there is a widespread anti-hedonist intuition to prefer reality to an experience machine, hedonists have marshalled empirical evidence that shows such an assumption to be unfounded. Results of several experience machine variants indicate there is no widespread anti-hedonist intuition. From these findings, hedonists claim Nozick's argument fails as an objection to hedonism. This article suggests the argument surrounding experience machines has been misconceived. Rather than eliciting intuitions about what is prudentially valuable, these intuitive judgements (...)
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    Ethics Education in U.S. Allopathic Medical Schools: A National Survey of Medical School Deans and Ethics Course Directors.Chad M. Teven, Michael A. Howard, Timothy J. Ingall, Elisabeth S. Lim, Yu-Hui H. Chang, Lyndsay A. Kandi, Jon C. Tilburt, Ellen C. Meltzer & Nicholas R. Jarvis - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (4):328-341.
    Purpose: to characterize ethics course content, structure, resources, pedagogic methods, and opinions among academic administrators and course directors at U.S. medical schools. Method: An online questionnaire addressed to academic deans and ethics course directors identified by medical school websites was emailed to 157 Association of American Medical Colleges member medical schools in two successive waves in early 2022. Descriptive statistics were utilized to summarize responses. Results: Representatives from 61 (39%) schools responded. Thirty-two (52%) respondents were course directors; 26 (43%) were (...)
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    Comfort Care after Self-Immolation: Is the Physician Complicit?Chad M. Teven & Peter Angelos - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (8):123-125.
    Volume 20, Issue 8, August 2020, Page 123-125.
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    Postcolonial anxiety and anti-conversion sentiment in the report of the Christian missionary activities enquiry committee.Chad M. Bauman - 2008 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 12 (2):181-213.
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    Care As a Virtue for Journalists.Linda Steiner & Chad M. Okrusch - 2006 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 21 (2-3):102-122.
    The prevailing normative model of contemporary journalism, drawn primarily from a liberal enlightenment tradition emphasizing universal notions of rights, contributes to what many perceive as a crisis in contemporary journalism; at the least, Kantian models are too "thin" to provide an adequate ethical standard. We consider the extent to which an ethic of care, reconceived to address weaknesses identified in recent scholarly critiques, provides journalists with an alternative framework for moral decision making. We use the concept of unequal ethical pull (...)
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  7.  22
    Mood-specific effects in the allocation of attention across time.Paul D. Rokke & Chad M. Lystad - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (1):27-50.
  8.  27
    Modeling Magnitude Discrimination: Effects of Internal Precision and Attentional Weighting of Feature Dimensions.Emily M. Sanford, Chad M. Topaz & Justin Halberda - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (2):e13409.
    Given a rich environment, how do we decide on what information to use? A view of a single entity (e.g., a group of birds) affords many distinct interpretations, including their number, average size, and spatial extent. An enduring challenge for cognition, therefore, is to focus resources on the most relevant evidence for any particular decision. In the present study, subjects completed three tasks—number discrimination, surface area discrimination, and convex hull discrimination—with the same stimulus set, where these three features were orthogonalized. (...)
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    An unpublished manuscript of John von Neumann on shock waves in boostered detonations: historical context and mathematical analysis.Molly Riley Knoedler, Julianna C. Kostas, Caroline Mary Hogan, Harper Kerkhoff & Chad M. Topaz - 2020 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75 (1):83-108.
    We report on an unpublished and previously unknown manuscript of John von Neumann and contextualize it within the development of the theory of shock waves and detonations during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Von Neumann studies bombs comprising a primary explosive charge along with explosive booster material. His goal is to calculate the minimal amount of booster needed to create a sustainable detonation, presumably because booster material is often more expensive and more volatile. In service of this goal, he formulates (...)
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    Book Notes. [REVIEW]by Scott A. Anderson, Jeremy D. Bendik‐Keymer, Samuel Black, Chad M. Cyrenne, Bart Gruzalski, Mark P. Jenkins, John Morrow, Michael A. Neblo, Tommie Shelby & James Stacey Taylor - 2002 - Ethics 112 (2):421-427.
  11.  66
    Two uneliminated uses for “concepts”: Hybrids and guides for inquiry.Chad Gonnerman & Jonathan M. Weinberg - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):211-212.
    Machery's case against hybrids rests on a principle that is too strong, even by his own lights. And there are likely important generalizations to be made about hybrids, if they do exist. Moreover, even if there were no important generalizations about concepts themselves, the term picks out an important class of entities and should be retained to help guide inquiry.
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  12.  38
    The belief bias effect is aptly named: A reply to Klauer and Kellen (2011).Chad Dube, Caren M. Rotello & Evan Heit - 2011 - Psychological Review 118 (1):155-163.
  13.  36
    Assessing the belief bias effect with ROCs: It's a response bias effect.Chad Dube, Caren M. Rotello & Evan Heit - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (3):831-863.
  14.  33
    From technician to professional: Integrating spirituality into medical practice.Chad F. Slieper, Katherine Wasson & Lois M. Ramondetta - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (7):26 – 27.
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  15. Are philosophers expert intuiters?Jonathan M. Weinberg, Chad Gonnerman, Cameron Buckner & Joshua Alexander - 2010 - Philosophical Psychology 23 (3):331-355.
    Recent experimental philosophy arguments have raised trouble for philosophers' reliance on armchair intuitions. One popular line of response has been the expertise defense: philosophers are highly-trained experts, whereas the subjects in the experimental philosophy studies have generally been ordinary undergraduates, and so there's no reason to think philosophers will make the same mistakes. But this deploys a substantive empirical claim, that philosophers' training indeed inculcates sufficient protection from such mistakes. We canvass the psychological literature on expertise, which indicates that people (...)
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  16.  48
    The Impact of Budget Goal Difficulty and Promotion Availability on Employee Fraud.Shana M. Clor-Proell, Steven E. Kaplan & Chad A. Proell - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (4):773-790.
    The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of two organizational variables, budget goal difficulty and promotion availability, on employee fraud. Limited research shows that difficult, specific goals result in more unethical behavior than general goals :422–432, 2004). We predict that goal difficulty and promotion availability will interact to affect employee fraud. Specifically, we contend that the availability of promotions will have little, if any, effect on employee fraud under easy goals but have a substantial effect on fraud (...)
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  17.  72
    Gender and Scientists’ Views about the Value-Free Ideal.Daniel Steel, Chad Gonnerman, Aaron M. McCright & Itai Bavli - 2018 - Perspectives on Science 26 (6):619-657.
    A small but growing body of philosophically informed survey work calls into question whether the value-free ideal is a dominant viewpoint among scientists. However, the survey instruments in used in these studies have important limitations. Previous work has also made little headway in developing hypotheses that might predict or explain differing views about the value-free ideal among scientists. In this article, we review previous survey work on this topic, describe an improved survey instrument, report results from an initial administration of (...)
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  18. Restrictionism and Reflection: Challenge Deflected, or Simply Redirected?Jonathan M. Weinberg, Joshua Alexander, Chad Gonnerman & Shane Reuter - 2012 - The Monist 95 (2):200-222.
    It has become increasingly popular to respond to experimental philosophy by suggesting that experimental philosophers haven’t been studying the right kind of thing. One version of this kind of response, which we call the reflection defense, involves suggesting both that philosophers are interested only in intuitions that are the product of careful reflection on the details of hypothetical cases and the key concepts involved in those cases, and that these kinds of philosophical intuitions haven’t yet been adequately studied by experimental (...)
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  19. Intuition & calibration.Jonathan M. Weinberg, Stephen Crowley, Chad Gonnerman, Ian Vandewalker & Stacey Swain - 2012 - Essays in Philosophy 13 (1):15.
    The practice of appealing to esoteric intuitions, long standard in analytic philosophy, has recently fallen on hard times. Various recent empirical results have suggested that philosophers are not currently able to distinguish good intuitions from bad. This paper evaluates one possible type of approach to this problematic methodological situation: calibration. Both critiquing and building on an argument from Robert Cummins, the paper explores what possible avenues may exist for the calibration of philosophical intuitions. It is argued that no good options (...)
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  20.  47
    Political Corruption and Firm Value in the U.S.: Do Rents and Monitoring Matter?Nerissa C. Brown, Jared D. Smith, Roger M. White & Chad J. Zutter - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (2):335-351.
    Political corruption imposes substantial costs on shareholders in the U.S. Yet, we understand little about the basic factors that exacerbate or mitigate the value consequences of political corruption. Using federal corruption convictions data, we find that firm-level economic rents and monitoring mechanisms moderate the negative relation between corruption and firm value. The value consequences of political corruption are exacerbated for firms operating in low-rent product markets and mitigated for firms subject to external monitoring by state governments or monitoring induced by (...)
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  21.  21
    Robot Authority in Human-Robot Teaming: Effects of Human-Likeness and Physical Embodiment on Compliance.Kerstin S. Haring, Kelly M. Satterfield, Chad C. Tossell, Ewart J. de Visser, Joseph R. Lyons, Vincent F. Mancuso, Victor S. Finomore & Gregory J. Funke - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The anticipated social capabilities of robots may allow them to serve in authority roles as part of human-machine teams. To date, it is unclear if, and to what extent, human team members will comply with requests from their robotic teammates, and how such compliance compares to requests from human teammates. This research examined how the human-likeness and physical embodiment of a robot affect compliance to a robot's request to perseverate utilizing a novel task paradigm. Across a set of two studies, (...)
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    Comments on Chad Bogosian’s “Impeccability, Consensus, and Trusting One’s Intuitions”.Todd M. Stewart - 2015 - Southwest Philosophy Review 31 (2):15-19.
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    C. S. Lewis, Apostle to the Skeptics. By Chad Walsh. [REVIEW]Victor M. Hamm - 1949 - Renascence 2 (1):66-67.
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    A soldier's morality, religion, and our professional ethic: does the Army's culture facilitate integration, character development, and trust in the profession?Don M. Snider - 2014 - Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute and U.S. Army War College Press. Edited by Alexander P. Shine.
    The authors argue that an urgent leadership issue has arisen which is strongly, but not favorably, influencing our professional culture--a hostility toward religion and its correct expressions within the military. Setting aside the role of Chaplains as a separate issue, the focus here is on the role religion may play in the moral character of individual soldiers--especially leaders--and how their personal morality, faith-based or not, is to be integrated with their profession's ethic so they can serve in all cases "without (...)
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    From Iliadic Integrity to Post-Machiavellian Spoils: James's The Ambassadors.James Duban & Jeffrey M. Duban - 2023 - Philosophy and Literature 47 (1):1-23.
    Abstract:This study links Homeric and Machiavellian outlooks in Henry James's The Ambassadors. We first relate Lambert Strether's embassy seeking Chad's return to Woollett to what Alexander Pope famously designated the "Embassy to Achilles," i.e., the Achaean effort to induce Achilles's return to battle. Achilles impassionedly rejects the embassy's hypocrisy; he will not be bought. We then find Chad Newsome conspiratorially excluding Strether from the family fortune via intended marriage to Mrs. Newsome. Contrary to Achilles's forthrightness and integrity, (...) and his Parisian circle adopt a post-Machiavellian ethos of deceit as the norm. (shrink)
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    Sex & World Peace, Valerie M. Hudson, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Mary Caprioli, and Chad F. Emmett , 304 pp., $26.50 cloth. [REVIEW]Helen Kinsella - 2013 - Ethics and International Affairs 27 (2):228-230.
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  27. Lesbian couple create a child who is deaf like them.M. Spriggs - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (5):283-283.
    A deaf lesbian couple who chose to have a deaf child receive a lot of criticismA deaf lesbian couple in the US deliberately tried to create a deaf child. Sharon Duchesneau and Candy McCullough hoped their child, conceived with the help of a sperm donor, would be deaf like the rest of the family. Their daughter, five year old Jehanne, is also deaf and was conceived with the same donor. News of the couple choosing to have a deaf child has (...)
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  28. Edgington on Compounds of Conditionals.M. Kolbel - 2000 - Mind 109 (433):97 - 108.
  29. Computable functions, quantum measurements, and quantum dynamics.M. A. Nielsen - unknown
    Quantum mechanical measurements on a physical system are represented by observables - Hermitian operators on the state space of the observed system. It is an important question whether all observables may be realized, in principle, as measurements on a physical system. Dirac’s influential text ( [1], page 37) makes the following assertion on the question: The question now presents itself – Can every observable be measured? The answer theoretically is yes. In practice it may be very awkward, or perhaps even (...)
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  30.  12
    Plato's Pigs and Other Ruminations: Ancient Guides to Living with Nature.M. D. Usher - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Greeks and Romans have been charged with destroying the ecosystems within which they lived. In this book, however, M. D. Usher argues rather that we can find in their lives and thought the origin of modern ideas about systems and sustainability, important topics for humans today and in the future. With chapters running the gamut of Greek and Roman experience – from the Presocratics and Plato to Roman agronomy and the Benedictine Rule – Plato's Pigs brings together unlikely bedfellows, (...)
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    Public deliberation and private choice in genetics and reproduction.M. Parker - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (3):160-165.
    The development of human genetics raises a wide range of important ethical questions for us all. The interpersonal dimension of genetic information in particular means that genetics also poses important challenges to the idea of patient-centredness and autonomy in medicine. How ought practical ethical decisions about the new genetics be made given that we appear, moreover, no longer to be able to appeal to unquestioned traditions and widely shared communitarian values? This paper argues that any coherent ethical approach to these (...)
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  32. Autonomy, problem-based learning, and the teaching of medical ethics.M. Parker - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (5):305-310.
    Autonomy has been the central principle underpinning changes which have affected the practice of medicine in recent years. Medical education is undergoing changes as well, many of which are underpinned, at least implicitly, by increasing concern for autonomy. Some universities have embarked on graduate courses which utilize problem-based learning (PBL) techniques to teach all areas, including medical ethics. I argue that PBL is a desirable method for teaching and learning in medical ethics. It is desirable because the nature of ethical (...)
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  33.  18
    Between Specters of War and Vision of Peace: Dialogic Political Theory and the Challenges of Politics, written by Gerald M. Mara.Avshalom M. Schwartz - 2022 - Polis 39 (2):409-413.
  34.  17
    Lattice-ordered reduced special groups.M. Dickmann, M. Marshall & F. Miraglia - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 132 (1):27-49.
    Special groups [M. Dickmann, F. Miraglia, Special Groups : Boolean-Theoretic Methods in the Theory of Quadratic Forms, Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 689, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2000] are a first-order axiomatization of the theory of quadratic forms. In Section 2 we investigate reduced special groups which are a lattice under their natural representation partial order ; we show that this lattice property is preserved under most of the standard constructions on RSGs; in particular finite RSGs and RSGs of (...)
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  35. Equivalences between Pure Type Systems and Systems of Illative Combinatory Logic.M. W. Bunder & W. J. M. Dekkers - 2005 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 46 (2):181-205.
    Pure Type Systems, PTSs, were introduced as a generalization of the type systems of Barendregt's lambda cube and were designed to provide a foundation for actual proof assistants which will verify proofs. Systems of illative combinatory logic or lambda calculus, ICLs, were introduced by Curry and Church as a foundation for logic and mathematics. In an earlier paper we considered two changes to the rules of the PTSs which made these rules more like ICL rules. This led to four kinds (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Eikos muthos.M. F. Burnyeat - 2009 - In Catalin Partenie (ed.), Plato’s Myths. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 167--186.
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    Suffering, Ethics, and the Body of Christ: Anointing as a Strategic Alternative Practice.M. T. Lysaught - 1996 - Christian Bioethics 2 (2):172-201.
    Within the moral/social order maintained and reproduced by biomedical ethics (i.e., the “peaceable community”), suffering is a senseless accident with no value. Insofar as suffering compromises the fundamental pillar of this order, namely, autonomy, it threatens the existence of the “peaceable community”. Consequently, biomedical ethics is only able to offer those who suffer one moral or practical response: that of elimination, embodied most vividly in the increasingly approved practice of assisted-suicide. Another moral/ social order, however, the “peaceable Kingdom” or the (...)
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    No evidence that reversibility affects causal judgments in late-preemption cases.Paul Henne, Karla Perez & Chad McCracken - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Recently, Ross and Woodward (2022) argued that the reversibility of an outcome – that is, whether the outcome can be undone – affects causal judgments. One prediction of their account is that reversibility affects causal judgments in latepreemption scenarios, where people typically judge that events that produce the outcome earlier are more causal than preempted alternative events that would have otherwise produced the outcome. Ross and Woodward’s account predicts that when the outcome is reversible, people would judge these events similarly (...)
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    On objectivity.Felix M.�Hlh�Lzer - 1988 - Erkenntnis 28 (2):185-230.
    The following definition of “objective” is proposed: A statement S is objective if and only if in S all parameters that are relevant to its truth value are made explicit. The objectivity of predicates and relations can be defined in a similar manner. This simple conception of objectivity-which could be called “explicitness conception of objectivity”-can be found in Hermann Weyl and plays a central part in the natural sciences. There are grades of objectivity depending on the ‘quality’ and the number (...)
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    A Further Review of the Incompatibility between Classical Principles and Quantum Postulates.M. Ferrero, V. Gómez Pin, D. Salgado & J. L. Sánchez-Gómez - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (1):125-138.
    The traditional “realist” conception of physics, according to which human concepts, laws and theories can grasp the essence of a reality in our absence , seems incompatible with quantum formalism and it most fruitful interpretation. The proof rests on the violation by quantum mechanical formalism of some fundamental principles of the classical ontology. We discuss if the conception behind Einstein’s idea of a reality in our absence, could be still maintained and at which price. We conclude that quantum mechanical formalism (...)
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  41. Autonomy in the face of a devastating diagnosis.M. Spriggs - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (2):123-126.
    Literary accounts of traumatic events can be more informative and insightful than personal testimonials. In particular, reference to works of literature can give us a more vivid sense of what it is like to receive a devastating diagnosis. In turn this can lead us to question some common assumptions about the nature of autonomy, particularly for patients in these circumstances. The literature of concentration camp and labour camp experiences can help us understand what it is like to have one's life-plans (...)
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  42. al-Kalimah al-Ilāhīyah ʻinda mufakkirī al-Islām.Ibrāhīm Muḥammad Turkī - 2002 - Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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    A poetics of being-two: Irigaray's ethics and post-symbolist poetry.M. F. Simone Roberts - 2011 - Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield.
    "M. F. Simone Roberts's A Poetics of Being-Two is animated by a lively and engaging voice, drawing readers in with a sense of serious purpose working (delightfully) in tandem with a sense of humor. Roberts's aesthetics and her close readings of Yves Bonnefoy, St-John Perse, and Jorie Graham clearly demonstrate the literary effectiveness of Irigarayan sexual difference as an analytic trope, even as they emphasize the philosophical and political possibilities sexual difference opens up for feminism, environmentalism, and all levels of (...)
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    Travels in the World of the Old Testament: Studies Presented to Professor M. A. Beek on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday.Jack M. Sasson, M. S. H. G. Heerma van Voss, Ph H. J. Houwink Ten Cate & N. A. van Uchelen - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):317.
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  45. Why we need a Citizen’s Basic Income: The desirability and implementation of an unconditional income.M. Torry - 2018
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    The electrical theories of M. V. Lomonosov.Henry M. Leicester - 1973 - Annals of Science 30 (3):299-310.
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    Kant's application of the Analytic/Synthetic distinction to Imperatives.M. H. McCarthy - 1979 - Dialogue 18 (3):373-391.
    In the first Critique Kant introduced the analytic/synthetic distinction and illustrated it with theoretical propositions. As his main aim in that work was to justify synthetic a priori propositions, Kant was able to bring his central questions into relief and discuss the methodology of their solution by contrasting synthetic propositions, such as: “Every event has a cause” with analytic propositions, such as: “Every effect has a cause.” Consequently, few commentators have any difficulty in stating as propositions the propositions Kant is (...)
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    XII—Belief in Speech.M. F. Burnyeat - 1968 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 68 (1):227-248.
    M. F. Burnyeat; XII—Belief in Speech, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 68, Issue 1, 1 June 1968, Pages 227–248,
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    Review of F. M. Christensen: Pornography: The Other Side.[REVIEW]F. M. Christensen - 1991 - Ethics 101 (4):886-887.
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    Experimental Philosophy.Timothy Williamson - 2007 - In The Philosophy of Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 406–466.
    Experimental results can in principle undermine the procedures of any intellectual community, by revealing patterns of variation in its members’ judgments that are hard to reconcile with the supposition that those judgments are even moderately reliable. Armchair philosophy typically involves the evaluation of constant stimuli, such as the scenario of a thought experiment, often presented by a written description, so in that respect Shanteau’s paper is encouraging. Jonathan Weinberg does not attempt to specify the psychological or social nature of armchair (...)
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