Results for 'Chandos'

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    Active citizenship in contemporary democratic practice in Africa: Challenges and prospects.Theophilus Chando - 2021 - South African Journal of Philosophy 40 (1):75-92.
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    The First American Sublime.Chandos Michael Brown - 2012 - In Timothy M. Costelloe (ed.), The sublime: from antiquity to the present. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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    Thomas Jefferson: Statesman of ScienceSilvio A. Bedini.Chandos Brown - 1991 - Isis 82 (2):383-384.
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    Lady Chandos and the Humanity Function: Reading the Postscript to J. M. Coetzee´s Elizabeth Costello with Lacan and Badiou.Fiona Hile - 2022 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 5 (2):77-97.
    Badiou has said that his entire philosophical project stems from the need to “update” the traditional philosophical categories of Truth, Being, the Infinite and the Universal in the wake of the 19th Century German mathematician Georg Cantor’s explication of transfinite set theory. In his essay, “What is Love?”, he provides an account of one of the ways in which a post-Cantorian reconfiguration of the ontological status of the category of Woman might operate. This is given in the form of a (...)
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    Chando'nuśāsana of HemacandrasūriChando'nusasana of Hemacandrasuri.E. B. & H. D. Velankar - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (2):280.
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    All Roads Lead to Campion: George North, William Shakespeare, and the Chandos Portrait.Andrea Campana - 2019 - Heythrop Journal 60 (2):170-196.
    A close look at the Jesuit and Catholic recusant network that existed in the English midlands yields a pathway to the Chandos portrait of Shakespeare. The portrait is traced from the 3rd Duke of Chandos to Grafton Manor, seat of the Shrewsbury earls and a principal Jesuit center in the Jesuit district comprising Worcestershire and Warwickshire created in 1623. The article finds that during Shakespeare’s lifetime, Grafton Manor was owned by a Catholic recusant member of the Talbot family (...)
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    Chandos Michael Brown, Benjamin Silliman: A Life in the Young Republic. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989. Pp. xvi + 377. ISBN 0-691-08533-1. $29.95. [REVIEW]John Warner - 1991 - British Journal for the History of Science 24 (1):104-105.
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    Les attentes de Lord Chandos (Les êtres et les mots dans « Ein Brief » de Hugo von Hofmannsthal).Flavio Luoni - 1985 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 90 (2):230 - 246.
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    Benjamin Silliman: A Life in the Young Republic. Chandos Michael Brown.Robert V. Bruce - 1991 - Isis 82 (2):384-386.
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    CORDÓN-GARCÍA, José-Antonio et al. (2013) – Social reading: platforms, applications, clouds and tags. Oxford: Chandos Publishing (Chandos Information Professional Series; 10), 292 pp. [REVIEW]Helder Mendes - 2015 - Cultura:293-296.
    Fruto da colaboração de quatro autores com ligação à Universidade de Salamanca (José-Antonio Cordón-García, Julio Alonso-Arévalo, Raquel Gómez-Díaz, Daniel Linder), Social Reading: platforms, applications, clouds and tags pretende fazer a defesa do conceito e, principalmente, das práticas de leitura social em ambiente digital. E fá-lo apresentando, além da necessária contextualização teórica, efectuada sobretudo no primeiro capítulo, uma série de conselhos e recomendações de plataformas, disp...
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    China's Publishing Industry From Mao to the Market Qidong Yun Kidlington: Chandos Publishing, 2018 ISBN 978-0081009192 320 pages £62.95. [REVIEW]Paul Richardson - 2018 - Logos 29 (4):53-55.
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    Perder y re-encontrar el mundo. Hacia una fenomenología no-gnóstica.Annabelle Dufourcq - 2023 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 8:151-169.
    En Métaphysique du sentiment, Renaud Barbaras contrapone una teoría del amor y de la superabundancia del ser –que se fenomenaliza sin agotarse nunca– a una tendencia acósmica del existencialismo –según la cual la fenomenalización comienza cuando el ser humano es arrebatado de la absorción a lo que simplemente es–. Por otro lado, Barbaras desarrolla una teoría del exilio humano, esta vez utilizando todos los códigos del mito de la separación. Este artículo analiza la fuerte tensión que existe en Métaphysique du (...)
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    Márgenes silentes. Palabra excedida y silencio inspirado (Hofmannsthal/Blanchot).César Moreno-Márquez - 2016 - Quaderns de Filosofia 3 (1):27-49.
    Against attempts to vacate silence of the possibility of expression, and empty the expression of its own silence, this article proposes as a task for our contemporary world that we should be silence-trackers. This task is not easy, since the decisive silence cannot be heard, but it is treasured within the words and works as their last and most inspired truth. To that end, it is taken as a guide the famous Letter of Lord Chandos (Hofmannsthal), who claims his (...)
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    From stage to studio: performances versus recordings in classical music.Amy Blier-Carruthers - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    From Stage to Studio: Performances versus Recordings in Classical Music presents a cultural study of classical music-making through the analysis of live and studio performances of orchestral and operatic repertoire conducted by Sir Charles Mackerras. The close listening analysis is based on detailed research into Mackerras's private collection of over 600 reel-to-reel and cassette tapes containing recordings of over 1,000 live performances which he conducted between the 1950s and the late 1990s. This is contextualized with evidence collected during ethnographic fieldwork (...)
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    Secret Languages: The Roots of Musical Modernism.Robert P. Morgan - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 10 (3):442-461.
    It is frequently noted that a “crisis in language” accompanied the profound changes in human consciousness everywhere evident near the turn of the century. As the nature of reality itself became problematic—or at least suspect, distrusted for its imposition of limits upon individual imagination—so, necessarily, did the relationship of language to reality. Thus in the later nineteenth century, the adequacy of an essentially standardized form of “classical” writing was increasingly questioned as an effective vehicle for artistic expression: even though often (...)
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  16. Open access in the united states.Peter Suber - manuscript
    in Neil Jacobs (ed.), Open Access: Key strategic, technical and economic aspects, Chandos Publishing, 2006.
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  17. Open access in the united states.Jason Turner - manuscript
    in Neil Jacobs (ed.), Open Access: Key strategic, technical and economic aspects, Chandos Publishing, 2006.
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