Results for 'Chantal Gaillard'

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  1.  11
    Proudhon et Michel Onfray, deux philosophes plébéiens.Chantal Gaillard - 2020 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 293 (3):27-50.
    Peu de philosophes sont issus des classes sociales défavorisées. Proudhon et Michel Onfray sont donc une exception. Cette situation les rapproche d’autant plus qu’ils sont tous deux fiers de cette origine et qu’ils estiment que ce parcours exceptionnel leur donne des devoirs envers ce peuple dont ils sont issus. Ainsi, devenus des intellectuels célèbres, ils conservent une grande proximité avec leur milieu d’origine, tout en se gardant de toute démagogie. Leur préoccupation principale est donc la mise en pratique de la (...)
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    Pursuit of Perfection? On Brain Organoids as Models.Maxence Gaillard & Mylène Botbol-Baum - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 13 (2):79-80.
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  3. On the Political.Chantal Mouffe - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (4):830-832.
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    The Democratic Paradox.Chantal Mouffe - 2000 - Verso.
  5. On the Political.Chantal Mouffe - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    Since September 11th, we frequently hear that political differences should be put aside: the real struggle is between good and evil. What does this mean for political and social life? Is there a 'Third Way' beyond left and right, and if so, should we fear or welcome it? This thought-provoking book by Chantal Mouffe, a globally recognized political author, presents a timely account of the current state of democracy, affording readers the most relevant and up-to-date information. Arguing that liberal (...)
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    Affects, Actions and Passions in Spinoza: The Unity of Body and Mind.Chantal Jaquet & Tatiana Reznichenko - 2018 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Edited by Tatiana Reznichenko.
    Revisiting the generally accepted notion of psycho-physical parallelism in Spinoza, Chantal Jaquet offers a new analysis of the relation between body and mind. Looking at a range of Spinoza's texts, and using an original methodology, she analyses their unity in action through affects, actions and passions.
  7. Nonconscious semantic processing of emotional words modulates conscious access.Raphaël Gaillard, Antoine Del Cul, Lionel Naccache, Fabien Vinckier, Laurent Cohen, Stanislas Dehaene & Edward E. Smith - 2006 - Pnas Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (19):7524-7529.
  8.  14
    The return of the political.Chantal Mouffe - 2020 - New York: Verso.
    Chantal Mouffe is one of the most influential political theorists at work today. Her work has influenced political parties across Europe and continues to inform the direction of left politics. In this work, Mouffe argues that liberal democracy misunderstands the problems of ethnic, religious and nationalist conflicts because of its inadequate conception of politics.
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    Neuroessentialism, our Technological Future, and DBS Bubbles.Maxence Gaillard - 2019 - Neuroethics 14 (1):39-45.
    Having reviewed a considerable body of scholarly work in neuroethics related to DBS, Gilbert, Viaña, and Ineichen identify a major flaw in the debate—a “bubble” in the literature—and propose new directions for research. This comment addresses the authors’ diagnosis: What exactly is the nature of this bubble? Here, I argue that there are at least two different orientations in the “DBS causes personality changes” bubble. According to a first narrative, DBS is a special technology because its direct, causal action on (...)
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  10. (1 other version)The Return of the Political.Chantal Mouffe - 1993 - Science and Society 60 (1):116-119.
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  11. Pluralismo agonista: la teoría ante la política (entrevista con Chantal Mouffe).Antonella Attili & Chantal Mouffe - 1996 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 8:139-150.
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    Controverses et acceptabilité sociale des projets de développement économique : former les futurs décideurs à la décision collective.Chantale Mailhot - 2016 - Éthique Publique 18 (1).
    Entretien réalisé par Chantale Mailhot avec Madeleine Akrich, ingénieure et sociologue, créatrice du cours « Controverses environnementales », et avec Liliana Doganova, chargée de recherche, cofondatrice – avec Brice Laurent, également chargé de recherche et ingénieur au corps des mines – de l’option « Affaires publiques et Innovation » à l’École des Mines de Paris.
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  13. The Challenge of Carl Schmitt.Chantal Mouffe - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (1):158-159.
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    Organoid Ethical Typology: varieties of three-dimensional stem cell constructs and the many issues they raise in bioethics.Maxence Gaillard, Charles H. Pence & Mylène Botbol-Baum - 2025 - Biology of the Cell 117 (1):e2400093.
    The advancement of and prospects for stem cell research raise a number of specific ethical issues. While navigating the ethical landscape of stem cell research is often challenging for biology researchers and biotechnology innovators, it is also difficult for the public and other persons of concern (from ethicists to policy-makers) to grasp the technicalities of a burgeoning field that develops in many directions. Organoids are one of these new biotechnological constructs that are currently eliciting a rich debate in bioethics. In (...)
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  15. Eloge de la singularite. Essai sur la modernite tardive.Chantal Delsol - 2000
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    Aspects philosophiques du droit de l'arbitrage international.Emmanuel Gaillard - 2008 - Boston: Martinus Nijhoff ;.
    Le droit de l arbitrage, plus encore que le droit international privé, se prête à une réflexion de philosophie du droit.
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    Literary Code(s) and Ideology: Towards a Contestation of Semiology.Francoise Gaillard & Carl R. Lovitt - 1976 - Substance 5 (15):68.
  18.  22
    La construction symbolique de l'espace Européen.Florence Gaillard - 2002 - Hermes 34:105.
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    L'improvisation dansée: risquer le vide Pour une approche psycho-phénoménologique.Jacques Gaillard - 2006 - In Anne Boissière & Catherine Kintzler (eds.), Approche Philosophique du Geste Dansé: De l'Improvisation à la Performance. Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. pp. 983--71.
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    Rudolf Steiner artiste et enseignant: l'art de la transmission.Céline Gaillard - 2012 - Paris: Orizons.
    Tracer un parcours entre le début du XXe siècle et l'aube du XXIe siècle en compagnie de plusieurs artistes enseignants et de Rudolf Steiner en particulier, tel est l'objectif de cette étude. En mettant en connivence les grandes aventures que représentèrent la construction du Goethéanum près de Bâle à Dornach (1913-1918) et celle du Bauhaus à Weimar, Dessau, Berlin (1919-1933), l'auteur a voulu faire découvrir des territoires nouveaux d'où émergeait une Utopie de mission civilisatrice. Rudolf Steiner, tout comme Kandinsky, Klee (...)
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  21. The Terror of Consensus.Françoise Gaillard - 1998 - In Jean-Joseph Goux & Philip R. Wood (eds.), Terror and consensus: vicissitudes of French thought. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 65--74.
  22.  12
    Un colloque international « L'automate: modèle, machine, merveille ».Aurélia Gaillard, Jean-Yves Goffi, Bernard Roukhomovsky & Sophie Roux - 2009 - Revue de Synthèse 130 (1):217-219.
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    Le corps.Chantal Jaquet - 2001 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Nous sommes des êtres de chair, mais cette évidence s'obscurcit dès qu'il est question de déterminer l'étendue des aptitudes du corps et la nature de ses rapports avec l'esprit. Que peut au juste le corps? Telle est l'interrogation qui sous-tend depuis longtemps la réflexion philosophique et qui rend nécessaire aujourd'hui encore l'élaboration d'un " Connais-toi toi-même " corporel. Il importe alors d'examiner le corps à l'œuvre et d'explorer les diverses facettes de la corporéité pour en montrer la prodigieuse puissance. A (...)
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    Liberalizem in radikalna demokracija.Chantal Mouffe - 1986 - Filozofski Vestnik 7 (1-2).
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    Quelques remarques au sujet d'une politique féministe.Chantal Mouffe & Annie Bidet-Mordrel - 2001 - Actuel Marx 30 (2):173-182.
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    Icarus fallen: the search for meaning in an uncertain world.Chantal Delsol - 2003 - Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books. Edited by Robin Dick.
    It would be difficult to find a more perceptive description of Western man and the world he now inhabits than that provided by Chantal Delsol in Icarus Fallen: The Search for Meaning in an Uncertain World . With style and lucidity, Delsol likens contemporary Western man to the mythical figure Icarus, fallen back to earth after trying to reach the sun, alive but badly shaken and confused. During the twentieth century, Delsol argues, man flew too closely to the sun (...)
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  27. Deconstruction and Pragmatism.Chantal Mouffe (ed.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    Deconstruction and pragmatism constitute two of the major intellectual influences on the contemporary theoretical scene; influences personified in the work of Jacques Derrida and Richard Rorty. Both Rortian pragmatism, which draws the consequences of post-war developments in Anglo-American philosophy, and Derridian deconstruction, which extends and troubles the phonomenological and Heideggerian influence on the Continental tradition, have hitherto generally been viewed as mutually exclusive philosophical language games. The purpose of this volume is to bring deconstruction and pragmatism into critical confrontation with (...)
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    Tōjisha Research and Narrative Medicine: Contribution of a Japanese Experiment in the Investigation of Patients’ Personal Experience.Maxence Gaillard - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (6):749-760.
    Tōjisha research is a methodology intended to help psychiatric patients through dialogue. It was introduced in the context of community care in Bethel House (Hokkaido, Japan) in the early 2000s and later spread to other parts of Japan as well as abroad because of its originality and apparent therapeutic success. It offers patients a framework to investigate their own problems, symptoms, and delusions and to build a discourse around them. In this paper, I present a short account of tōjisha research (...)
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    Global Versus Local Theories of Consciousness and the Consciousness Assessment Issue in Brain Organoids.Maxence Gaillard - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (1):1-14.
    Any attempt at consciousness assessment in organoids requires careful consideration of the theory of consciousness that researchers will rely on when performing this task. In cognitive neuroscience and the clinic, there are tools and theories used to detect and measure consciousness, typically in human beings, but none of them is neither fully consensual nor fit for the biological characteristics of organoids. I discuss the existing attempt relying on the Integrated Information Theory and its models and tools. Then, I revive the (...)
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    Gramsci and Marxist Theory.Chantal Mouffe (ed.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    This book familiarizes the English-speaking reader with the debate on the originality of Gramsci’s thought and its importance for the development of Marxist theory. The contributors present the principal viewpoints regarding Gramsci’s theoretical contribution to Marxism, focussing in particular on his advances in the study of the superstructures, and discussing his relation to Marx and Lenin and his influence in Eurocommunism. Different interpretations are put forward concerning the elucidation of Gramsci’s key concepts, namely: hegemony, integral state, war of position and (...)
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    North-South research partnership: Is collaboration possible between unequal partners?Jacques F. Gaillard - 1994 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 7 (2):31-63.
  32.  35
    Looking for Neuroethics in Japan.Maxence Gaillard - 2017 - Neuroethics 11 (1):67-82.
    Neuroethics is a dynamic and still rather young interdisciplinary field involving neuroscience, philosophy, or bioethics, among other academic specialties. It is under a process of institutionalization on a global scale, although not at the same pace in every country. Much literature has been devoted to the discussion of the purpose and relevance of neuroethics as a field, but few attempts have been made to analyze its local conditions of development. This paper describes the advancement of neuroethics in Japan as a (...)
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  33. First- and third-person approaches in implicit learning research.Vinciane Gaillard, Muriel Vandenberghe, Arnaud Destrebecqz & Axel Cleeremans - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (4):709-722.
    How do we find out whether someone is conscious of some information or not? A simple answer is “We just ask them”! However, things are not so simple. Here, we review recent developments in the use of subjective and objective methods in implicit learning research and discuss the highly complex methodological problems that their use raises in the domain.
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  34. Which World Order: Cosmopolitan or Multipolar?Chantal Mouffe - 2008 - Ethical Perspectives 15 (4):453-467.
    Chantal Mouffe, in her contribution “Which world order: Cosmopolitan or multipolar?”, argues that the universality of democracy and human rights, as we understand them, is all too often taken for granted. Western politicians and political thinkers alike see it as an all-or-nothing matter: democracy and human rights are to be literally adopted, in the very same way as they are known in Western Europe or North America. All deviations from this model are by definition morally suspect. They thereby overlook (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Deliberative Democracy or Agonistic Pluralism?Chantal Mouffe - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66 (3):745-758.
    One of the main reasons that liberal democratic societies are not ill-prepared to confront the present challenge presented by disaffection with democratic institutions, is that the type of political theory currently in vogue is dominated by an individualistic, universalistic, and rationalistic framework. This erases the dimension of the political and impedes envisaging in an adequate manner the nature of a pluralistic democratic public sphere. This paper examines the most recent paradigm of liberal democracy: 'deliberative democracy', in order to bring to (...)
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  36. Sobre el dolor.Chantal Maillard - 2003 - Humanitas 1 (4):353-360.
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    The Microeconomic Interpretation of Games.Chantale LaCasse & Don Ross - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:379 - 387.
    This paper is part of a larger project defending of the foundations of microeconomics against recent criticisms by philosophers. Here, we undermine one source of these criticisms, arising from philosophers' disappointment with the performance of microeconomic tools, in particular game theory, when these are applied to normative decision theory. Hollis and Sugden have recently articulated such disappointment in a sophisticated way, and have argued on the basis of it that the economic conception of rationality is inadequate. We argue, however, that (...)
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    The Lily of the Valley, or Love as Breathing in the Scent.Chantal Jaquet - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):34-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Lily of the Valley, or Love as Breathing in the ScentChantal Jaquet (bio)The Lily of the Valley, published by Balzac in 1836, can be considered as a standard in olfactory literature since the novel is entirely built on the perception of odors and the central role of breathing in romantic relationships. As the title indicates, it is in the floral and olfactory registers that the essence of love (...)
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    (1 other version)The governance of "Well-Ordered Science", from Ideal Conversation to Public Debate.Maxence Gaillard - 2013 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 28 (2):245-256.
    En "Science, Truth and Democracy" (2001) y Science in a Democratic Society" (2011a), Philip Kitcher propuso un modelo de "ciencia bien ordenada". A través del desarrollo de un ideal filosófico, la ciencia bien ordenada de Kitcher tiene como objetivo consolidar los requisitos de la democracia, así como de la práctica científica. El presente artículo trata de seguir este modelo ideal desde una perspectiva más empirica: ¿Hasta qué punto podemos aplicar dicha teoria en el plano de la política científica y de (...)
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    Africaines, éducation et violence en Afrique du Sud : aperçu bibliographique.Chantal Ahounou - 1997 - Clio 6.
    De nombreux ouvrages - travaux historiques, mémoires, romans ou témoignages - évoquent la condition des Africaines en Afrique du Sud, qui représentent 70% de la population féminine et n'ont cessé de subir les manifestations de la discrimination et du sexisme. Le livre de Jacklyn Cock (1980) est une étude approfondie sur le statut social et économique des Africaines. Dès l'enfance la jeune fille est victime d'un préjudice qui détermine le reste de son existence. La famille puis l'école...
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    Les journalistes, des super citoyens qui s’abstiennent ?Chantal Francoeur - 2013 - Éthique Publique 15 (1).
    Comment adapter l’éthique journalistique aux réseaux sociaux ? Comment respecter son devoir de réserve sur les réseaux sociaux ? Faut-il respecter ce devoir de réserve même sur les réseaux sociaux ? Quelle transparence les journalistes doivent afficher sur les réseaux sociaux ? Cet article suggère des pistes de réflexion.
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    Comptes rendus.Maxence Gaillard, Natacha Chetcuti-Osorovitz, Elisabetta Basso, Samuel Thoma, João Machado-Vaz, Jérôme Englebert, Valérie Follet, Gaëlle Chartier, Michelle Perrot, Mireille Delbraccio & Emmanuel Delille - 2016 - Revue de Synthèse 137 (1-2):191-221.
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    La partialité comme atout dans les sciences humaines.Georges Gaillard, Patricia Mercader & Jean-Marc Talpin (eds.) - 2011 - Paris: In Press.
    Partisane de l'objectivité, notre culture n'envisage la science que sous l'angle de la neutralité, qui serait le seul chemin vers la vérité. Pourtant, les physiciens soutiennent depuis longtemps déjà que l'observateur modifie l'observé. Et qu'en est-il des sciences humaines, où l'objet observé est en même temps le sujet observant : l'homme? Allant à contre-courant des positions habituellement admises, ce livre pose la question de la place du sujet dans la recherche en sciences humaines. Le "sujet" dont il est question ici (...)
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    Neurobiological correlates of the unlocking of the unconscious.Jean-Michel Gaillard - 2000 - International Journal of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy 14 (4):89-107.
  45.  14
    Un événement politique méconnu : le congrès libéral progressiste des 29 et 30 mai 1887.J. Gaillard - 1974 - Res Publica 16 (5):589-600.
    During the 19th century, the Belgian Liberal Party was frequently divided between its «progressive» or «radical» wing and its conservative majority.Between 1880 and 1900, the program of the progressive liberalism was worked out and stated precisely during seven political meetings.The one hold in 1887 put the headlines into shape, chiefly : big extension of the franchise, compulsory education, disestablishment of the Church.In spite of their small number of members, the progressists were surely most influential upon the adoption of the universal (...)
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    Les relations devineresses — ‘quêteurs’ dans les annonces publicitaires tsiganes.Chantal Hilaire - 1996 - Semiotica 111 (1-2):35-54.
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    De la morale commune à l’éthique.Chantal Jaquet - 1998 - Philosophique 1:23-36.
    L’assimilation des notions de bien et de mal par Spinoza à des modes de l’imagination est souvent comprise comme une critique radicale invalidant les valeurs morales. Dans cette optique l’auteur de l’Ethique apparaît comme le précurseur d’une philosophie par delà bien et mal. L’article s’inscrit en faux contre cette interprétation hâtive et met au jour la positivité des concepts de bien et du mal, en analysant les raisons pour lesquelles la critique spinoziste n’entraîne pas paradoxalement leur rejet mais leur conservation (...)
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    Communisme ou démocratie radicale?Chantal Mouffe - 2010 - Actuel Marx 48 (2):83-88.
    Communism or Radical Democracy ? It is the very idea of Communism that is to be questioned, insofar as it implies an anti-political view of society whereby all antagonisms would eventually be ruled out, and in which domination, the State, and all the other regulating institutions would be deprived of any relevance. Clearly, social divisions and antagonisms are socially constitutive. They demand or aspire to hegemonic order. In consequence, the substance of emancipation does not consist in reconciliation but in a (...)
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    Feministische Perspektiven.Chantal Mouffe & Jürgen Trinks (eds.) - 2001 - Wien: Turia + Kant.
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    Le politique et ses enjeux: pour une démocratie plurielle.Chantal Mouffe - 1994 - Editions La Découverte.
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