Results for 'Chester Kirby'

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  1.  47
    ‘Who’ is turning?Vicki Kirby - 2022 - Derrida Today 15 (1):98-105.
  2.  68
    Compression and communication in the cultural evolution of linguistic structure.Simon Kirby, Monica Tamariz, Hannah Cornish & Kenny Smith - 2015 - Cognition 141 (C):87-102.
  3.  28
    The Gamma Paradoxes: An Analysis of the Fourth Book of Aristotle’s Metaphysics.Jeremy Kirby - 2018 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In this book, Jeremy Kirby analyzes Book Gamma of Aristotle's Metaphysics and introduces the debates such as relativism versus the idea of a ready-made world, the possibility of true contradictions, the nature and possibility of metaphysics, the limits of thought, and logic.
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    The Limits to Setting Limits on Critical-Care Delivery: Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Balancing Legitimate Critical-Care Interests: Setting Defensible Care Limits Through Policy Development”.Jeffrey Kirby - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (1):5-8.
    Critical-care decision making is highly complex, given the need for health care providers and organizations to consider, and constructively respond to, the diverse interests and perspectives of a variety of legitimate stakeholders. Insights derived from an identified set of ethics-related considerations have the potential to meaningfully inform inclusive and deliberative policy development that aims to optimally balance the competing obligations that arise in this challenging, clinical decision-making domain. A potential, constructive outcome of such policy engagement is the collaborative development of (...)
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    Two Concepts of Basic Equality.Nikolas Kirby - 2018 - Res Publica 24 (3):297-318.
    It has become somewhat a commonplace in recent political philosophy to remark that all plausible political theories must share at least one fundamental premise, ‘that all humans are one another's equals’. One single concept of ‘basic equality’, therefore, is cast as the common touchstone of all contemporary political thought. This paper argues that this claim is false. Virtually all do indeed say that all humans are ‘equals’ in some basic sense. However, this is not the same sense. There are not (...)
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    Paper: Enhancing the fairness of pandemic critical care triage.Jeffrey Kirby - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (12):758-761.
    Historically, the triage of temporarily scarce health resources has served narrow utilitarian ends. The recent H1N1 pandemic experience provided an opportunity for expanding the theoretical foundations/understandings of critical care triage in the context of declared infectious pandemics. This paper briefly explores the ethics-related challenges associated with the development of modern critical care triage protocols and provides descriptions of some ‘enhanced fairness’ features which were developed through the use of an inclusive deliberative engagement process by a Canadian provincial Department of Health.
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    What does evolutionary theory add to stereotype theory in the explanation of attractiveness bias?Kirby Q. Maguire & Timothy P. Racine - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  8. The Death of Postmodernism and Beyond.Alan Kirby - 2006 - Philosophy Now 58:34-37.
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    An innovative, inclusive process for meso-level health policy development.Jeff Kirby & Christy Simpson - 2007 - HEC Forum 19 (2):161-176.
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    Aristotle On Metaphor.John T. Kirby - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (4):517-554.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aristotle On MetaphorJohn T. KirbyMuch Madness is divinest Sense—To a discerning Eye——Emily DickinsonOurs is an age of metaphor. Wayne Booth, in his inimitable fashion, remarks,There were no conferences on metaphor, ever, in any culture, until our own century was already middle–aged. As late as 1927, John Middleton Murry, complaining about the superficiality of most discussions of metaphor, could say, "There are not many of them."... Explicit discussions of something (...)
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  11.  46
    IRBs and the Protection-Inclusion Dilemma: Finding a Balance.Phoebe Friesen, Luke Gelinas, Aaron Kirby, David H. Strauss & Barbara E. Bierer - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (6):75-88.
    Institutional review boards, tasked with facilitating ethical research, are often pulled in competing directions. In what we call the protection-inclusion dilemma, we acknowledge the tensions IRBs face in aiming to both protect potential research participants from harm and include under-represented populations in research. In this manuscript, we examine the history of protectionism that has dominated research ethics oversight in the United States, as well as two responses to such protectionism: inclusion initiatives and critiques of the term vulnerability. We look at (...)
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  12.  95
    Hume, Sympathy, and the Theater.Brian Kirby - 2003 - Hume Studies 29 (2):305-325.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 29, Number 2, November 2003, pp. 305-325 Hume, Sympathy, and the Theater BRIAN KIRBY Every movement of the theater, by a skillful poet, is communicated, as it were by magic, to the spectators; who weep, tremble, resent, rejoice, and are inflamed with all the variety of passions, which actuate the several personages of the drama. (EPM 5.2.26; SBN 221-2) Much has been written recently about (...)
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  13.  45
    Heroin addicts have higher discount rates for delayed rewards than non-drug-using controls.Kris N. Kirby, Nancy M. Petry & Warren K. Bickel - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 128 (1):78.
  14.  23
    T. Lucretius Carus. Of the Nature of Things.Kirby Flower Smith, T. Lucretius Carus & William Ellery Leonard - 1918 - American Journal of Philology 39 (1):81.
  15.  53
    The Problem of Basic Equality.Nikolas Kirby - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 26 (3).
    This paper offers a targeted five-point critique of the current debate about the problem of basic equality. First, it argues that the debate should be refocussed away from any particular concept(ion) of basic equality to a more agnostic proposition about the possibility of establishing equality in any basic moral property. Second, it re-articulates the problem in terms of grounding relations rather than supervenience. Third, it argues that proponents of predominant approach to solving this problem have failed to properly distinguish between (...)
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    Unjust Shadows: Living with the Burden of Distrust.Nikolas Kirby - 2024 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 52 (4):500-531.
    Philosophy &Public Affairs, Volume 52, Issue 4, Page 500-531, Fall 2024.
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  17. Transnational Gestational Surrogacy: Does It Have to Be Exploitative?Jeffrey Kirby - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (5):24-32.
    This article explores the controversial practice of transnational gestational surrogacy and poses a provocative question: Does it have to be exploitative? Various existing models of exploitation are considered and a novel exploitation-evaluation heuristic is introduced to assist in the analysis of the potentially exploitative dimensions/elements of complex health-related practices. On the basis of application of the heuristic, I conclude that transnational gestational surrogacy, as currently practiced in low-income country settings , is exploitative of surrogate women. Arising out of consideration of (...)
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  18.  33
    Up with Categories, Down with Sets; Out with Categories, In with Sets!Jonathan Kirby - 2024 - Philosophia Mathematica 32 (2):216-227.
    Practical approaches to the notions of subsets and extension sets are compared, coming from broadly set-theoretic and category-theoretic traditions of mathematics. I argue that the set-theoretic approach is the most practical for ‘looking down’ or ‘in’ at subsets and the category-theoretic approach is the most practical for ‘looking up’ or ‘out’ at extensions, and suggest some guiding principles for using these approaches without recourse to either category theory or axiomatic set theory.
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    Feminist conversations with Vicki Kirby and Elizabeth A. Wilson.Elizabeth A. Wilson & Vicki Kirby - 2011 - Feminist Theory 12 (2):227-234.
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    Balancing competing interests and obligations in mental health‐care practice and policy.Jeffrey Kirby - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (6):699-707.
    It is often challenging for mental health‐care providers and health organizations to perform their various roles and to meet their varied obligations. In complex mental health‐care circumstances the concurrent application of relevant ethical principles and values often leads to the emergence of completing obligations that need to be carefully weighed and balanced in the making of care‐related decisions. Although some clinical circumstances, such as those potentially triggering the duty to warn, are adequately guided by existing rules based on legal precedents, (...)
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  21.  19
    What If Culture Was Nature All Along?Vicki Kirby (ed.) - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    New materialisms argue for a more science-friendly humanities, ventilating questions about methodology and subject matter and the importance of the non-human. However, these new sites of attention - climate, biology, affect, geology, animals and objects - tend to leverage their difference against language and the discursive. Similarly, questions about ontology have come to eclipse, and even eschew, those of epistemology. While this collection of essays is in kinship with this radical shake-up of how and what we study, the aim is (...)
  22. Biophilia.Christopher Kirby - 2011 - In R. K. Rasmussen, Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues.
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  23. Basic equality and social contract theory.Nikolas Kirby - 2018 - In Edwin E. Etieyibo, Perspectives in social contract theory. Washington DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
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    Basal slip in Mg3Cd.J. H. Kirby & F. W. Noble - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (161):877-885.
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    Originary Humanicity: Locating Anthropos.Vicki Kirby - 2018 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 8 (1):43-60.
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    The Struggle to See: Painting after the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.Matthew Kirby - 2019 - Listening 54 (3):144-150.
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    Should Institutional Conscientious Objection to Assisted Dying be Accommodated?Jeffrey Kirby - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 4 (1):15-20.
    The contentious, topical debate about whether faith-based health care organizations should be granted accommodation on the basis of institutional conscientious objection to medical assistance is dying (MAiD) is addressed through a comparative analysis of arguments on both sides of the issue that references such relevant considerations as: claimed ‘moral-authority’, competing rights-based claims, obligations arising from patient welfare principles, formal justice, dissimilarity in consequences, and two illustrative arguments from analogy. The analysis leads to the conclusion that nonconditional accommodation on the basis (...)
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  28.  42
    Reconceptualizing ‘Psychiatric Futility’: Could Harm Reduction, Palliative Psychiatry and Assisted Dying Constitute a Three-Component Spectrum of Appropriate Practices?Jeffrey Kirby - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (7):65-67.
    Bianchi, Stanley, and Sutander argue in an insightful, cogent manner for the consideration of harm reduction as an ethically-defensible, non-paternal management approach for capable persons...
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    Initial Segments of Models of Peano's Axioms.L. A. S. Kirby, J. B. Paris, A. Lachlan, M. Srebrny & A. Zarach - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):482-483.
  30.  49
    Flipping properties in arithmetic.L. A. S. Kirby - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (2):416-422.
  31.  75
    Finitary Set Theory.Laurence Kirby - 2009 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 50 (3):227-244.
    I argue for the use of the adjunction operator (adding a single new element to an existing set) as a basis for building a finitary set theory. It allows a simplified axiomatization for the first-order theory of hereditarily finite sets based on an induction schema and a rigorous characterization of the primitive recursive set functions. The latter leads to a primitive recursive presentation of arithmetical operations on finite sets.
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    Who Comes after the Anthropocene?Vicki Kirby - 2021 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 4 (2):111-130.
    I remember my immediate fascination with an edited collection, now twenty years old, Who Comes After the Subject? The title seemed to entirely displace the identity of the subject, the “of-courseness” of its uniquely human definition. Indeed, its provocation did more than destabilise the what and where of the subject, as if we might extend this complexity, albeit in attenuated form, to non-human entities. The more radical implication was a destabilisation of human identity itself—its circumscribed location—together with the progress narrative (...)
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    Interpreting Irremediability When a Mental Health Disorder is the Sole-qualifying Medical Condition for MAiD.Jeffrey Kirby - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (4):83-88.
    In this critical commentary, a set of ethical considerations of relevance to the (currently contested) interpretation of irremediability for medical assistance in dying (MAiD) in circumstances where the sole-underlying medical condition is a mental health disorder is explored and analyzed. Based on the application of an ethics lens, a practical description of irremediability is proposed for intended use as guidance by Canadian mental health care clinicians, MAiD assessors and providers, and provincial/territorial professional regulatory authorities.
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    An Existential-Phenomenological Investigation of Women’s Experience of Becoming Less Obsessed with their Bodily Appearance.Jennifer K. Kirby - 2016 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 16 (sup1):1-15.
    This study investigated women’s lived experience of becoming less obsessed with their bodily appearance. Written narrative accounts were collected from seven women co-participants and a phenomenological analysis of these descriptive protocols was then performed in order to reveal the prereflective structure of the focal phenomenon, seven essential constituents of which emerged. A major goal of this research was to contribute to the undernourished area of phenomenological research regarding the experience of body image.
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  35. Heroin addicts have higher discount rates for delayed rewards than non-drug-using controls.Kris Kirby, Nancy Petry & Warren Bickel - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 128 (1):78–87.
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    The Conditions for Two Conditionals in Hume’s Of Liberty and Necessity.Jeremy Kirby - 2013 - Southwest Philosophy Review 29 (1):13-22.
    Hume considers the extent to which the Deity might be held responsible for resultant sin, given that he is responsible for the necessary chain of events leading thereto. Were we to place the responsibility with God, it would not, seemingly, be placed upon ourselves. If we countenance a necessary chain of events, and a perfect Deity, so the argument goes, we lack culpability. Hume rejects this line of reasoning, maintaining that the mind of man is by nature formed to attribute (...)
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    Original Science: Nature Deconstructing Itself.Vicki Kirby - 2010 - Derrida Today 3 (2):201-220.
    This article explores Derrida's suggestion in Of Grammatology that deconstruction might be considered a positive science. The implication here is that ‘no outside of text’ does not evoke an enclosure whose limits can't be breached, an enclosure that discovers human exceptionalism in linguistic and technological capacities. Instead, this sense of a system and its involvements (différance) is already entangled in any ‘atom’ of its expression, whereby ‘no outside of text’ can be read as ‘no outside of Nature’. The logic that (...)
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  38.  31
    An Ethics-Informed, Comparative Analysis of Uterus Transplantation and Gestational Surrogacy for Uterine Factor Infertility in High-Income Countries.Jeffrey Kirby - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (3):417-427.
    Interest in the future, clinical implementation of uterus transplantation for uterine factor infertility was recently boosted by the demonstration of proof-of-concept for deceased uterus donation/transplantation. The ethical dimensions of living and deceased uterus transplantation are explored and addressed in the paper through their comparison to the ethical elements of an existing, legal, assisted reproduction practice in some high-income countries, i.e., gestational surrogacy. A set of six ethics lenses is used in the comparative analysis: reproductive autonomy and rights, informed choice/consent, relevant (...)
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  39.  35
    Making choices in anticipation of similar future choices can increase self-control.Kris N. Kirby & Barbarose Guastello - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 7 (2):154.
  40. Do corporations have a duty to be trustworthy?Nikolas Kirby, Andrew Kirton & Aisling Crean - 2018 - Journal of the British Academy 6 (Supplementary issue 1):75-129.
    Since the global financial crisis in 2008, corporations have faced a crisis of trust, with growing sentiment against ‘elites and ‘big business’ and a feeling that ‘something ought to be done’ to re-establish public regard for corporations. Trust and trustworthiness are deeply moral significant. They provide the ‘glue or lubricant’ that begets reciprocity, decreases risk, secures dignity and respect, and safeguards against the subordination of the powerless to the powerful. However, in deciding how to restore trust, it is difficult to (...)
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  41.  55
    Institutional Integrity: Its Meaning and Value.Nikolas Kirby - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (5):809-834.
    People can have or lack ‘integrity’. But can public institutions? It is common to speak of the ‘integrity’ of such institutions: in popular discourse, legal decisions, law and regulations, and also increasingly, political theory, and proximate disciplines. Such integrity is often said to be at risk of being ‘subverted,’ ‘corroded,’ and ‘corrupted,’ by both forces within and without. Furthermore, the implication is that this is a very worrying thing. The integrity of our institutions, at least, needs to be preserved, supported, (...)
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    Context, common sense and the reality of place: A critical reading of meyrowitz.Andrew Kirby - 1988 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 18 (2):239–250.
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    Ethically Preferable Alternative Practice: “No”; A Preferable, Head-to-Head Analytical Approach: “Maybe”.Jeffrey Kirby - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (6):57 - 59.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 6, Page 57-59, June 2011.
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  44.  52
    Socrates on the Virtues.Jeremy Kirby - 2006 - Southwest Philosophy Review 22 (1):93-101.
  45.  56
    Situating the employee rights debate.Donald Kirby - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (4):269 - 276.
    Theological ethics provides a framework for at least adequately resolving the dilemma inherent in the issue of employee rights: the tension between individual rights and organizational authority. The central question is what consitutes the human dignity of the worker. The Roman Catholic theological tradition centers on the concept of human dignity and recognizes the causal relationship between how one's social conditions are divided and structured and the realization of one's human dignity. The author discussed why and how this tradition provides (...)
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  46.  19
    Ethically Informed Pragmatic Conditions for Organ Donation after Cardiocirculatory Death: Could They Assist in Policy Development?Jeffrey Kirby - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 24 (4):373-380.
    The modern practice of organ donation after cardiocirculatory death (DCD) emerged in the 1990s as a response to the alarmingly wide gap between the number of transplantable organs available through organ donation after neurological death and the urgent organ transplantation needs of persons in end-organ failure. Various important ethical dimensions of DCD have been considered and debated by prominent organ donation/transplantation theorists and clinicians.In this article, consideration of some of these ethical elements provides a foundation for a proposed set of (...)
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    Informed consent: what does it mean?M. D. Kirby - 1983 - Journal of Medical Ethics 9 (2):69-75.
    The editorial in the September 1982 issue of this journal and many articles before and since have addressed the problem of informed consent. Is it possible? Is it a useful concept? Is there anything new to be said about it? In this article the basic rationale of the rule (patient autonomy) is explained and the extent of the rule explored. Various exceptions have been offered by the law and an attempt is made to catalogue the chief of these. A number (...)
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  48.  45
    Morally-Relevant Similarities and Differences Between Assisted Dying Practices in Paradigm and Non-Paradigm Circumstances: Could They Inform Regulatory Decisions?Jeffrey Kirby - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (4):475-483.
    There has been contentious debate over the years about whether there are morally relevant similarities and differences between the three practices of continuous deep sedation until death, physician-assisted suicide, and voluntary euthanasia. Surprisingly little academic attention has been paid to a comparison of the uses of these practices in the two types of circumstances in which they are typically performed. A comparative domains of ethics analysis methodological approach is used in the paper to compare 1) the use of the three (...)
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  49.  18
    Regulating cinematic stories about reproduction: pregnancy, childbirth, abortion and movie censorship in the US, 1930–1958.David A. Kirby - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Science 50 (3):451-472.
    In the mid-twentieth century film studios sent their screenplays to Hollywood's official censorship body, the Production Code Administration, and to the Catholic Church's Legion of Decency for approval and recommendations for revision. This article examines the negotiations between filmmakers and censorship groups in order to show the stories that censors did, and did not, want told about pregnancy, childbirth and abortion, as well as how studios fought to tell their own stories about human reproduction. I find that censors considered pregnancy (...)
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  50. Education as Greek Paideia, Chinese Xué (學), and Deweyan Growth.Christopher Kirby - 2008 - In K. Boudouris, Paideia: Education in the Global Era, Vol I. Boudouris, K., ed.
    CONFERENCE PAPER: In the early 20th century, John Dewey helped revolutionize the way education was thought of in the United States. Nearly fifty years after his death, however, much of his vision is still yet to be realized. Perhaps one explanation for this would be that educators have not yet embraced the most important feature of Dewey’s thinking on education, viz. that education as a cumulative process is a interwoven with the continuous developments in social and ethical life, indeed culture (...)
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