Results for 'Child and School Psychology'

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  1.  13
    The Oxford Handbook of School Psychology.Melissa A. Bray & Thomas J. Kehle - 2011 - Oxford University Press USA.
    With its roots in clinical and educational psychology, school psychology is an ever-changing field that encompasses a diversity of topics. The Oxford Handbook of School Psychology synthesizes the most vital and relevant literature in all of these areas, producing a state-of-the-art, authoritative resource for practitioners, researchers, and parents.Comprising chapters authored by the leading figures in school psychology, The Oxford Handbook of School Psychology focuses on the significant issues, new developments, and scientific (...)
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    Child Abuse at an Ecuadorian School in Ambato.Katherine Romero Viamonte, Marina Isabel Villacís Salazar & Ernesto Jara Vázquez - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):215-226.
    Introducción: El maltrato infantil se define como el abuso y la desatención de que son objeto los menores de 18 años; incluye el maltrato físico o psicológico, abuso sexual, desatención, negligencia y explotación comercial o de otro tipo que puedan causar un daño a la salud, al desarrollo o la dignidad del niño, y poner en peligro su supervivencia, en el contexto de una relación de responsabilidad, confianza o poder. Método: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, con enfoque cuali-cuantitativo, modalidad de (...)
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    Perspective Taking Ability in Psychologically Maltreated Children: A Protective Factor in Peer Social Adjustment.Ada Cigala & Arianna Mori - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Perspective taking is conceptualized as a multidimensional construct characterized by three components: cognitive, affective, and visual. The experience of psychological maltreatment impairs the child’s emotional competence; in particular, maltreated children present difficulty in understanding and regulating emotions and in social understanding ability. In addition, the literature contains several contributions that highlight maladaptive behaviors of children with a history of maltreatment in peer interactions in the school context. Perspective taking ability has rarely been studied in maltreated children and the (...)
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    Down the greasy slope: the fatal contradictions of anti-doping.UKb School of Applied Psychology Newcastle Upon Tyne, Political Sciences Australiac School of Social & Uk - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-20.
  5.  8
    Positive Psychology Interventions in Practice.Carmel Proctor (ed.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book presents recent advancements in positive psychology, specifically its application across broad areas of current interest. Chapters include submissions from various international authors in the field and cover discussion and presentation of relevant research, theories, and applications. The volume covers topics such as CBT, Student Resilience, Active Aging, Humour, Mindfulness, Character Strengths, Education, Health, Relationships, Workplaces, Performance, Technology, Design, and Communities. With the growing interest in the applications of positive psychology across diverse fields within psychology and (...)
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    Who Benefits From Being an Only Child? A Study of Parent–Child Relationship Among Chinese Junior High School Students.Yixiao Liu & Quanbao Jiang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    After more than three decades of implementation, China’s one-child policy has generated a large number of only children. Although extensive research has documented the developmental outcomes of being an only child, research on the parent–child relational quality of the only child is somewhat limited. Using China Education Panel Survey (2014), this study examined whether the only child status was associated with parent–child relationships among Chinese junior high school students. It further explored whether children’s (...)
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  7.  10
    School psychology ethics in the workplace.Daniel F. McCleary - 2023 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Jillian Dawes.
    School Psychology Ethics in the Workplace introduces a pragmatic and user-friendly model that helps readers become proficient ethical decision-makers using the 2020 NASP ethical code and to critically engage the ethical standards and work through ethical dilemmas that often occur in school and clinical settings. This book provides an overview of the National Association of School Psychologists' (NASP) latest Principles for Professional Ethics. It introduces readers to various ethical codes related to psychology, the importance of (...)
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    Children as agents in their worlds: a psychological-relational perspective.Sheila Greene - 2020 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Edited by Elizabeth Nixon.
    Are children the passive recipients of influence from their parents and from society? Is their development determined by their genes and their neurons, or do they have the capacity to think about and influence their own lives and the world around them? How does their interaction with their social and material worlds support or hinder agency? Arechildren agents, and what do we mean by agency? Children as Agents in Their Worlds aims to answer these questions through a critical psychological and (...)
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    Ethical Transgressions of School Psychology Graduate Students: A Critical Incidents Survey.Georgiana Shick Tryon - 2000 - Ethics and Behavior 10 (3):271-279.
    This study examines ethical transgressions of school psychology graduate students using the critical incidents technique. Program directors of school psychology programs listed in the Directory of School Psychology Graduate Programs were asked to describe ethical violations committed by their students during the past 5 years. Violations dealt primarily with issues involving confidentiality, competence, and professional and academic honesty. Directors believed that the majority of students would not find most ethical issues problematic. Implications for training (...)
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  10.  45
    Reply to Alvin I. Goldman.William Child - 2002 - In Simulation and Knowledge of Action. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 45--21.
  11. The unconscious.Charles Manning Child (ed.) - 1928 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
    The beginnings of unity and order in living things, by C. M. Child.--On the structure of the unconscious, by K. Koffka.--The genesis of social reactions in the young child, by J. E. Anderson.--The unconscious of the behaviorist, by J. B. Watson.--The unconscious patterning of behavior in society by E. Sapir.--The configurations of personality, by W. I. Thomas.--The prenatal and early postnatal phenomena of consciousness, by M. E. Kenworthy.--Values in social psychology, by F. L. Wells.--Higher levels of mental (...)
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  12.  14
    School counselling in a Chinese context: supporting students in need in Hong Kong.Ming-tak Hue (ed.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    School Counselling in a Chinese Context discusses research in school counselling in the Chinese context of Hong Kong schools and various educational settings, and provides a contextualized understanding of counselling issues. This book highlights key contextual conditions for counselling in Hong Kong a Chinese society. The sub themes addressed in the book include school practices and teacher perspectives on guidance, counselling, behaviour support and school discipline; whole-school guidance program for identity construction; school counselling for (...)
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  13.  8
    The Silent Child: Exploring the World of Children Who Do Not Speak.Laurent Danon-Boileau - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Language expert and psychologist, Laurent Danon-Boileau, has spent a lifetime trying to release silent children's ability to communicate. This book describes his treatment of six patients, all of whom were able to begin normal schooling after treatment: it is a landmark in the field.Children who speak late are a source of anxiety to parents and evoke conflicting responses from professionals. Professor Danon-Boileau argues that language disorders are too often considered from the perspective of either psychology or neurology and that (...)
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  14.  37
    Wittgenstein.William Child - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    Life and works -- The Tractatus, language and logic -- The Tractatus, reality and the limits of language -- From the Tractatus to philosophical investigations -- Intentionality and rule-following -- Mind and psychology -- Knowledge and certainty -- Religion and anthropology -- Legacy and influence.
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  15.  78
    Predictive Psychosocial Factors of Child-to-Parent Violence in a Sample of Mexican Adolescents.Cristian Suárez-Relinque, Gonzalo del Moral Arroyo, Teresa I. Jiménez, Juan Evaristo Calleja & Juan Carlos Sánchez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of this study was to carry out a psychosocial analysis of child-to-parent violence (CPV) in a sample of school adolescents, considering a set of individual variables (psychological distress, problematic use of social networking sites, and perceived non-conformist social reputation) and family variables (open and problematic communication with parents) according to sex. The sample consisted of 3,731 adolescents (54% boys), aged between 14 and 16 years (M = 14.6 years, SD = 0.567), from the state of Nuevo (...)
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  16.  9
    A History of Child Psychoanalysis.the Late Pierre Geissmann & Claudine Geissmann - 1998 - Routledge.
    Child analysis has occupied a special place in the history of psychoanalysis because of the challenges it poses to practitioners and the clashes it has provoked among its advocates. Since the early days in Vienna under Sigmund Freud child psychoanalysts have tried to comprehend and make comprehensible to others the psychosomatic troubles of childhood and to adapt clinical and therapeutic approaches to all the stages of development of the baby, the child, the adolescent and the young adult. (...)
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  17.  5
    Today & Tomorrow Volume 6 Child & Education: Autolycus, or the Future for Miscreant Youth Thrasymachus, the Future of Morals Romulus or the Future of the Child Procrustes, or the Future of English Education.Joad Gordon - 2008 - Routledge.
    Autolycus or the Future for Miscreant Youth R G Gordon Originally published in 1928. "His clear and spirited presentation of the problem should rekindle interest in the subject and help towards legislation…" Times Educational Supplement Methods are outlined for dealing with the difficult problem of young offenders. The volume is aimed not only at teachers, doctors and social workers but also parents. 86pp ************** Thrasymachus or the Future of Morals C E M Joad Originally published in 1925. "…outspoken and unequivocal. (...)
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  18.  8
    James Sully’s psychological reduction of philosophical pessimism.Communication Patrick Hassan School of English - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (5):1097-1120.
    One of the greatest philosophical disputes in Germany in the latter half of the nineteenth century concerned the value of life. Following Arthur Schopenhauer, numerous philosophers sought to defend the provocative view that life is not worth living. A persistent objection to pessimism is that it is not really a philosophical theory at all, but rather a psychological state; a mood or disposition which is the product of socio-economic circumstance. A developed and influential version of this view was advanced in (...)
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  19.  16
    Measurement of the Effects of School Psychological Services: A Scoping Review.Bettina Müller, Alexa von Hagen, Natalie Vannini & Gerhard Büttner - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    School psychologists are asked to systematically evaluate the effects of their work to ensure quality standards. Given the different types of methods applied to different users of school psychology measuring the effects of school psychological services is a complex task. Thus, the focus of our scoping review was to systematically investigate the state of past research on the measurement of the effects of school psychological services published between 1998 and 2018 in eight major school (...)
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  20.  5
    Examining the 'Gift to the Child' Approach, one of the Religious Development Models, in Terms of Teachers' Views.Mine Yılmaz & Recep Uçar - 2025 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (2):61-78.
    The necessity, method and content of childhood religious education are discussed from various perspectives in our country and around the world. The ‘Gift to the Child’ education method, which is applied in England where different religions live together, is a secular religious education approach with psychological, pedagogical and theological foundations. According to this method, which was developed with different methods from adult religious education and considering educational-scientific inferences, children can learn many information and skills based on religions and can (...)
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  21.  15
    ‘I’m not X, I just want Y’: Formulating ‘wants’ in interaction.Carrie Childs - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (2):181-196.
    This article provides a conversation analytic description of a two-part structure, ‘I don’t want X, I want/just want Y’. Drawing on a corpus of recordings of family mealtimes and television documentary data, I show how speakers use the structure in two recurrent environments. First, speakers may use the structure to reject a proposal regarding their actions made by an interlocutor. Second, speakers may deliver the structure following a co-interactant’s formulation of their actions or motivations. Both uses decrease the likelihood of (...)
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  22.  34
    What comes after compulsory education? A follow‐up study on parental expectations of their child's future education.Hannu Räty - 2006 - Educational Studies 32 (1):1-16.
    This paper examines the contribution of parents? education and children?s gender on parental expectations of their children?s future education and the role of parental perceptions of their child?s competencies in the formation of their expectations. A group of university and vocationally educated parents (N = 418) were asked to estimate the probability of their child entering gymnasium (high school) or vocational education and assess the child?s competencies, first in preschool, and then at the end of the (...)
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  23.  10
    Whole Child, Whole School: Applying Theory to Practice in a Community School.Eileen Santiago, JoAnne Ferrara & Jane Quinn - 2012 - R&L Education.
    This book provides a unique examination on the ways in which educating the whole child in the community school serves to ameliorate the conditions of poverty and obstacles to learning faced by students. Using a case study approach the book will highlight the successful journey of one school that transformed itself into a "community" school.
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  24.  20
    Characteristics of the school adaptation of college freshmen during the COVID-19 epidemic.Hua Niu, Shuo Ren & Shuna Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Few studies have actually explored the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in college students, although many studies have suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic poses a great threat to people’s mental health in many cohorts. Furthermore, college students may be a particularly vulnerable cohort that needs more attention and access to psychological services due to the psychological changes involved in the transition to college and the characteristics of college students’ study habits and lifestyle. Therefore, investigating the basic characteristics (...)
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  25. The Position of Old-World Prehistory (Conclusion).Gordon Childe - 1954 - Diogenes 2 (6):85-100.
    The pioneers of European prehistory marched under a banner inscribed Ex Oriente Lux, assuming as an axiom that all the fundamental inventions and discoveries like farming and metallurgy were brought to Europe from the East. The Frenchman Salomon Reinach first challenged the dogma, branding it as le mirage orientale, and then the Germans set about inverting the roles of Europe and Asia till under Hitler it was seriously contended that conquering invaders from Europe had spread to the valleys of the (...)
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    Schools of psychology: A complementary pattern.Saul Rosenzweig - 1937 - Philosophy of Science 4 (1):96-106.
    “If, then, we are really to find out what is true and what is false, we must direct our attention to the role of any particular item in the whole of which it is a part.”—Wertheimer: On Truth.In these days of Gestalttheorie it seems not untimely to inquire whether psychology itself does not stand in need of being recognized as a configuration of complementary parts. The suggestion, it is true, tends at the first to be repudiated by the implacability (...)
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    Young People Who Meaningfully Improve Are More Likely to Mutually Agree to End Treatment.Julian Edbrooke-Childs, Luís Costa da Silva, Anja Čuš, Shaun Liverpool, Catarina Pinheiro Mota, Giada Pietrabissa, Thomas Bardsley, Celia M. D. Sales, Randi Ulberg, Jenna Jacob & Nuno Ferreira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: Symptom improvement is often examined as an indicator of a good outcome of accessing mental health services. However, there is little evidence of whether symptom improvement is associated with other indicators of a good outcome, such as a mutual agreement to end treatment. The aim of this study was to examine whether young people accessing mental health services who meaningfully improved were more likely to mutually agree to end treatment.Methods: Multilevel multinomial regression analysis controlling for age, gender, ethnicity, and (...)
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  28.  27
    The Psychology of Child Development. [REVIEW]E. N. Henderson - 1904 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 1 (7):181-183.
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    Prolegomena to a Thomistic child psychology.Eugene M. DeRobertis - 2011 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 31 (3):151-164.
    In this article, ideas from St. Thomas Aquinas's neo-Aristotelian philosophy pertaining to the nature of human existence are used to arrive at a metapsychological orientation to child psychology. Four primary characteristics were identified as being fundamental to a Thomistic perspective on child development: anthropological holism, vitalistic integrative development, inherent sociality, and tactile interpersonal relatedness. These characteristics served as guiding themes for the articulation of a succinct, coherent narrative describing the nature of a Thomistic child psychology. (...)
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  30.  52
    From Reading Minds to Social Interaction: Respecifying Theory of Mind. [REVIEW]Carrie Childs - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (1):103-122.
    The aim of this paper is to show some of the limitations of the Theory of Mind approach to interaction compared to a conversation analytic alternative. In the former, mental state terms are examined as words that signify internal referents. This study examines children’s uses of ‘I want’ in situ. The data are taken from a corpus of family mealtimes. ‘I want’ constructions are shown to be interactionally occasioned. The analysis suggests that (a) a referential view of language does not (...)
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    (1 other version)Educational psychology in the secondary school.William Brown - 1910 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 7 (1):14-18.
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    (1 other version)From psychology to phenomenology : A controversy over the method in the school of Twardowski.Witold Płotka - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (1):141-167.
    This paper seeks to define the main trends, arguments and problems regarding the question of method formulated by Twardowski and his students. In this regard, the aim of the paper is twofold. First, I situate Brentano’s project of descriptive psychology within the context of disputes in the school of Twardowski concerning the method of both psychology and phenomenology, arguing that descriptive-psychological analysis was dominant in this respect. Second, the study explores the notion of eidetic phenomenology, as founded (...)
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  33.  20
    Psychological analysis of intrapersonal conflict in secondary school students.Zoriana Kovalchuk - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 17 (3):73-77.
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    Synesthesia in school-aged children.Julia Simner & Edward M. Hubbard - 2013 - In Julia Simner & Edward M. Hubbard, Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia. Oxford University Press. pp. 64.
    This chapter looks at synaesthesia in school aged children from approximately 5-6 years onwards. We examine how synaesthesia develops from its earliest roots both behaviourally and neurologically, and describe how this development can be affected by literacy and learning. We present evidence showing that synaesthesia emerges over time undergoing stages of 'growth' from an immature to more mature form. We also discuss the prevalence of childhood synaesthesia and the methodologies available for testing this. Next we consider how the condition (...)
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  35.  17
    A Bibliometric Analysis of Child Language During 1900–2021.Xingrong Guo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study purposed to provide a bibliometric overview of child language research from 1900 to 2021 and identify major trends in CL. A total of 48,453 research articles related to the CL were identified from the Web of Science. Co-authorship, co-word, and co-citation analysis was conducted by using VOSviewer and CiteSpace. The following was analyzed: annual distribution of related papers; related disciplines; mainstream journals; geographical and institutional distribution; hot topics; keyword burst detection; and co-citation analysis of journals, authors, and (...)
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  36.  16
    Psychopathology at School: Theorizing Mental Disorders in Education.Valerie Harwood & Julie Allan - 2016 - Routledge.
    _Psychopathology at School_ provides a timely response to concerns about the rising numbers of children whose behaviour is recognised and understood as a medicalised condition, rather than simply as poor behaviour caused by other factors. It is the first scholarly analysis of psychopathology which draws on the philosophers Foucault, Deleuze, Guattari and Arendt to examine the processes whereby children’s behaviour is pathologised. The heightened attention to mental disorders is contrasted with education practices in the early and mid-to-late twentieth century, and (...)
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  37.  46
    Child Psychology for the Professional Worker. [REVIEW]Gregory J. Schramm - 1940 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 15 (3):570-571.
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  38.  48
    The Child-Centered School[REVIEW]Edward A. Fitzpatrick - 1930 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 4 (4):674-677.
  39.  17
    The Child's Discovery of Death: A Study in Child Psychology.Sylvia Anthony - 1999 - Routledge.
    Routledge is now re-issuing this prestigious series of 204 volumes originally published between 1910 and 1965. The titles include works by key figures such asC.G. Jung, Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Otto Rank, James Hillman, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney and Susan Isaacs. Each volume is available on its own, as part of a themed mini-set, or as part of a specially-priced 204-volume set. A brochure listing each title in the "International Library of Psychology" series is available upon request.
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  40.  22
    Outdoor Education in Italian Kindergartens: How Teachers Perceive Child Developmental Trajectories.Francesca Agostini, Marianna Minelli & Roberta Mandolesi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:382623.
    Outdoor Education (OE) refers to organized experiential education that takes place in the outdoor, characterized by action-centered and thematic learning processes. Literature shows how OE may have beneficial effects on different areas of child development, including cognitive abilities, social skills and motor development. This relationship is not necessarily linear, but moderated by different variables. Until now, few studies have examined, using rigorous methods, the role of OE in children’s development and studies of preschool aged children remain lacking. The current (...)
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  41. The Philosophy of Social Segregation in Israel's Democratic Schools.Arie Kizel - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (11):1042 – 1050.
    Democratic private schools in Israel are a part of the neo-liberal discourse. They champion the dialogic philosophy associated with its most prominent advocates—Martin Buber, Emmanuel Levinas—together with Paulo Freire’s critical pedagogy, the humanistic psychology propounded by Carl Rogers, Nel Noddings’s pedagogy of care and concern, and even Gadamer’s integrative hermeneutic perspective. Democratic schools form one of the greatest challenges to State education and most vocal and active critique of the focus conservative education places on exams and achievement. This article (...)
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  42. Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on College Students After School Reopening: A Cross-Sectional Study Based on Machine Learning.Ziyuan Ren, Yaodong Xin, Junpeng Ge, Zheng Zhao, Dexiang Liu, Roger C. M. Ho & Cyrus S. H. Ho - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    COVID-19, the most severe public health problem to occur in the past 10 years, has greatly impacted people's mental health. Colleges in China have reopened, and how to prevent college students from suffering secondary damage due to school reopening remains elusive. This cross-sectional study was aimed to evaluate the psychological impact of COVID-19 after school reopening and explore via machine learning the factors that influence anxiety and depression among students. Among the 478 valid online questionnaires collected between September (...)
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    Shall I Trust You? From Child–Robot Interaction to Trusting Relationships.Cinzia Di Dio, Federico Manzi, Giulia Peretti, Angelo Cangelosi, Paul L. Harris, Davide Massaro & Antonella Marchetti - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Studying trust in the context of human-robot interaction is of great importance given the increasing relevance and presence of robotic agents in the social sphere, including educational and clinical. We investigated the acquisition, loss and restoration of trust when preschool and school-age children played with either a human or a humanoid robot in-vivo. The relationship between trust and the representation of the quality of attachment relationships, Theory of Mind, and executive function skills was also investigated. Additionally, to outline children’s (...)
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  44.  27
    Psychological Themes in the School of Alexius Meinong.Arnaud Dewalque & Venanzio Raspa (eds.) - 2019 - De Gruyter.
    This volume addresses key aspects of the philosophical psychology elaborated by Alexius Meinong and some of his students. It covers a wide range of topics, from the place of psychological investigations in Meinong's unique philosophical program to his thought-provoking views on perception, colors, "Vorstellungsproduktion," assumptions, values, truth, and emotions.
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    Guiding the Child : On the Principles of Individual Psychology.Alfred Adler - 2013 - Routledge.
    First published in 1930 this book was written under the leadership and inspiration of Alfred Adler. He and a group of physicians and educators organized 28 child guidance clinics in Vienna, Berlin and Munich in the years prior to publication. Conducted according to the tenets of Individual Psychology, these clinics revealed many new and stimulating problems that they felt were as applicable to conditions in America and England at the time as in the experimental countries. The book was (...)
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    Western Psychology.Gardner Murphy - 1969 - Basic Books.
    There is a moment when every child leaves color-blindness behind & enters the world of race consciousness. At that moment, there are two roads parents, educators, & therapists can take: they can follow the status quo, internalizing racial expectations, & become-consciously or unconciously-part of the problem. Or, they can question stereotypes, &, actively work against racism to become part of the solution. This book provides the tools we all need to become part of the solution. Beginning with racial segregation (...)
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  47. Workshop participants.Janette Atkinson, Edoardo Bisiach, Oliver Braddick, Bill Brewer, Michele Brouchon, Peter Bryant, George Butterworth, John Campbell, Bill Child & Lynn A. Cooper - 1993 - In Naomi Eilan, Rosaleen A. McCarthy & Bill Brewer, Spatial representation: problems in philosophy and psychology. Cambridge: Blackwell. pp. 400.
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    The Inner World of the Immigrant Child.Cristina Igoa - 2015 - Routledge.
    This powerful book tells the story of one teacher's odyssey to understand the inner world of immigrant children, and to create a learning environment that is responsive to these students' feelings and their needs. Featuring the voices and artwork of many immigrant children, this text portrays the immigrant experience of uprooting, culture shock, and adjustment to a new world, and then describes cultural, academic, and psychological interventions that facilitate learning as immigrant students make the transition to a new language and (...)
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    Validating the Radboud faces database from a child’s perspective.Iris A. M. Verpaalen, Geraly Bijsterbosch, Lynn Mobach, Gijsbert Bijlstra, Mike Rinck & Anke M. Klein - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (8):1531-1547.
    ABSTRACTFacial expressions play a central role in diverse areas of psychology. However, facial stimuli are often only validated by adults, and there are no face databases validated by school-aged c...
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    Psychology's path towards a mature science: An examination of the myths.Adrian C. Brock - 2011 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 31 (4):250-257.
    This article is an invited comment on the article by George Mandler in the same issue. It is suggested that the latter contains a series of myths that are popular among psychologists. These are that psychology was fragmented into “schools” in the 1920s and 30s and that this led several writers to declare that it was in a state of crisis. It is said to have overcome this crisis by becoming more eclectic and incorporating the best aspects of the (...)
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