Results for 'Ching-Hsin Yu'

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  1.  21
    Innovations of Candidate Selection Methods: Polling Primary and Kobo under the New Electoral Rules in Taiwan and Japan.Ching-Hsin Yu & Chen-Hua Yu - 2014 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 15 (4):635-659.
    This paper explores the linkage between electoral systems and candidate selection methods by analyzing two innovations of CSMs in Taiwan and Japan: polling primary and kobo, respectively. With an assumption that partiesno-finding’ conclusion in some previous large-N studies on the linkage between electoral systems and choices of CSMs. Additionally, our findings highlight the importance of institutional factors, such as electoral systems, in explaining CSM reforms in a comparative perspective.
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  2. Hsin ching chieh.Yü-Chieh Li - 1961
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  3. Pai T o K Un Ching Hsin Ju Hsüeh Yü Chung-Kuo Cheng Chih Wen Hua Ti Yen Chin.Thomas A. Metzger, Tung-lan Huang, Hua Kao, Tzu-K. O. Mo & Shih-an Yen - 1995
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    Sheng ming tsʻun tsai yü hsin ling ching chieh.Junyi Tang - 1977
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  5. Chung-kuo chin tai ssu hsiang yen chiu.Hsin-yüan Wen - 1973
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  6. Time course of visual attention in statistical learning of words and categories.Chi-Hsin Chen, Chen Yu, Damian Fricker, Thomas G. Smith & Lisa Gershkoff-Stowe - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    A New Visual Stimulation Program for Improving Visual Acuity in Children with Visual Impairment: A Pilot Study.Li-Ting Tsai, Jung-Lung Hsu, Chien-Te Wu, Chia-Ching Chen & Yu-Chin Su - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  8. Ti chʻiu chung hsin yü chou lun.Chih-pai Hsin - 1978
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    Learning Object Names at Different Hierarchical Levels Using Cross‐Situational Statistics.Chen Chi-Hsin, Zhang Yayun & Yu Chen - 2018 - Cognitive Science:591-605.
    Objects in the world usually have names at different hierarchical levels (e.g., beagle, dog, animal). This research investigates adults' ability to use cross‐situational statistics to simultaneously learn object labels at individual and category levels. The results revealed that adults were able to use co‐occurrence information to learn hierarchical labels in contexts where the labels for individual objects and labels for categories were presented in completely separated blocks, in interleaved blocks, or mixed in the same trial. Temporal presentation schedules significantly affected (...)
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  10. Yu chʻing chi hui chu i ho Kʻung-tzu ssu hsiang.Yün-ko Ching (ed.) - 1974
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  11. A new framework for host-pathogen interaction research.Hong Yu, Li Li, Anthony Huffman, John Beverley, Junguk Hur, Eric Merrell, Hsin-hui Huang, Yang Wang, Yingtong Liu, Edison Ong, Liang Cheng, Tao Zeng, Jingsong Zhang, Pengpai Li, Zhiping Liu, Zhigang Wang, Xiangyan Zhang, Xianwei Ye, Samuel K. Handelman, Jonathan Sexton, Kathryn Eaton, Gerry Higgins, Gilbert S. Omenn, Brian Athey, Barry Smith, Luonan Chen & Yongqun He - 2022 - Frontiers in Immunology 13.
    COVID-19 often manifests with different outcomes in different patients, highlighting the complexity of the host-pathogen interactions involved in manifestations of the disease at the molecular and cellular levels. In this paper, we propose a set of postulates and a framework for systematically understanding complex molecular host-pathogen interaction networks. Specifically, we first propose four host-pathogen interaction (HPI) postulates as the basis for understanding molecular and cellular host-pathogen interactions and their relations to disease outcomes. These four postulates cover the evolutionary dispositions involved (...)
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  12. Ko Hung pʻing chuan.Hsin-Hsiung Yu - 1977 - T'ai-pei: Wen chin chʻu pan she yin hsing.
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  13. Greenwash and Green Trust: The Mediation Effects of Green Consumer Confusion and Green Perceived Risk. [REVIEW]Yu-Shan Chen & Ching-Hsun Chang - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (3):489-500.
    The paper explores the influence of greenwash on green trust and discusses the mediation roles of green consumer confusion and green perceived risk. The research object of this study focuses on Taiwanese consumers who have the purchase experience of information and electronics products in Taiwan. This research employs an empirical study by means of the structural equation modeling. The results show that greenwash is negatively related to green trust. Therefore, this study suggests that companies must reduce their greenwash behaviors to (...)
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    Collectivism, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Resource Advantages in Retailing.Yu-Chiang Hu & Chia-Ching Fatima Wang - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (1):1-13.
    Is corporate social responsibility (CSR) linked to performance-related instrumentality or real moral concerns? Does CSR create resource advantages? Reasons for and results of CSR remain unclear. We choose a leading retail company in a Confucian, collectivist, and high power distance society and ask whether managers are naturally oriented toward societal actions. We study managerial perceptions regarding the importance and the performance of CSR in relation to other management factors. Drawing on Hunt’s (2000, A General Theory of Competition: Resources, Competences, Productivity, (...)
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  15.  39
    A New Approach to Identify High Burnout Medical Staffs by Kernel K-Means Cluster Analysis in a Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan.Yii-Ching Lee, Shian-Chang Huang, Chih-Hsuan Huang & Hsin-Hung Wu - 2016 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 53:004695801667930.
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    White-Matter Structural Connectivity in Relation to Humor Styles: An Exploratory Study.Ching-Lin Wu, Suyu Zhong, Yu-Chen Chan, Hsueh-Chih Chen & Yong He - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  17. A comprehensive update on CIDO: the community-based coronavirus infectious disease ontology.Yongqun He, Hong Yu, Anthony Huffman, Asiyah Yu Lin, Darren A. Natale, John Beverley, Ling Zheng, Yehoshua Perl, Zhigang Wang, Yingtong Liu, Edison Ong, Yang Wang, Philip Huang, Long Tran, Jinyang Du, Zalan Shah, Easheta Shah, Roshan Desai, Hsin-hui Huang, Yujia Tian, Eric Merrell, William D. Duncan, Sivaram Arabandi, Lynn M. Schriml, Jie Zheng, Anna Maria Masci, Liwei Wang, Hongfang Liu, Fatima Zohra Smaili, Robert Hoehndorf, Zoë May Pendlington, Paola Roncaglia, Xianwei Ye, Jiangan Xie, Yi-Wei Tang, Xiaolin Yang, Suyuan Peng, Luxia Zhang, Luonan Chen, Junguk Hur, Gilbert S. Omenn, Brian Athey & Barry Smith - 2022 - Journal of Biomedical Semantics 13 (1):25.
    The current COVID-19 pandemic and the previous SARS/MERS outbreaks of 2003 and 2012 have resulted in a series of major global public health crises. We argue that in the interest of developing effective and safe vaccines and drugs and to better understand coronaviruses and associated disease mechenisms it is necessary to integrate the large and exponentially growing body of heterogeneous coronavirus data. Ontologies play an important role in standard-based knowledge and data representation, integration, sharing, and analysis. Accordingly, we initiated the (...)
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  18.  22
    Did the fire ant supergene evolve selfishly or socially?Yu-Ching Huang & John Wang - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (2):200-208.
    The genetic basis for animal social organization is poorly understood. Fire ants provide one of the rare cases where variation in social organization has been demonstrated to be under genetic control, which amazingly, segregates as a single Mendelian locus. A recent genetic, genomic, and cytological analysis revealed that this locus actually consists of over 600 genes locked together in a supergene that possesses many characteristics of sex chromosomes. The fire ant social supergene also behaves selfishly, and an interesting evolutionary question (...)
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    First‐trimester Down syndrome screening in women younger than 35 years old and cost‐effectiveness analysis in Taiwan population.Ching-Yu Chou, Fon-Jou Hsieh, Mei-Leng Cheong, Fa-Kung Lee, Bo-Quing She & Ming-Song Tsai - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (5):789-796.
  20.  20
    An agent model for incremental rough set-based rule induction in customer relationship management.Yu-Neng Fan & Ching-Chin Chern - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 1--12.
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  21.  12
    Representation and Contestation: Cultural Politics in a Political Century.Ching-Yu Lin & John McSweeney (eds.) - 2010 - BRILL.
    Questions of cultural representation and contestation, central to political and ethical thinking after the so-called ‘cultural turn’ of recent decades, have if anything intensified in a twenty-first century of new media, globalization, migration, and ever renewed struggles over identity, memory, and cultural performance. At the same time, theoretical debate is increasingly marked by a concern to retrieve a properly political sphere of action as such. The essays collected in this interdisciplinary volume aim to break new ground by exploring the critical (...)
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  22.  21
    Reverse and negativity: José Manuel Caballero Bonald’s Entreguerras.Ching-Yu Lin - 2019 - Alpha (Osorno) 49:88-107.
    Resumen: El presente estudio se centra en la obra poética titulada Entreguerras de José Manuel Caballero Bonald en la que las experiencias biográficas se unen a las lingüísticas. El poemario, caracterizado por elementos de antítesis y negatividad, presenta una autocrítica basada en oposiciones y una palabra poética enfrentada a sí misma. Además, se trata de una antibiografía en la que el conjunto de los lugares de la memoria se transforma en el no lugar imaginario y textual. No es el pasado (...)
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  23.  20
    Development and validation of interactive creativity task platform.Ching-Lin Wu, Yu-Der Su, Eason Chen, Pei-Zhen Chen, Yu-Lin Chang & Hsueh-Chih Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Co-creativity focuses on how individuals produce innovative ideas together. As few studies have explored co-creativity using standardized tests, it is difficult to effectively assess the individual’s creativity performance within a group. Therefore, this study aims to develop a platform that allows two individuals to answer creativity tests simultaneously. This platform includes two divergent thinking tasks, the Straw Alternative Uses Test and Bottle Alternative Uses Test, and Chinese Radical Remote Associates Test A and B, which were used to evaluate their open-and (...)
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  24. The Determinants of Green Product Development Performance: Green Dynamic Capabilities, Green Transformational Leadership, and Green Creativity. [REVIEW]Yu-Shan Chen & Ching-Hsun Chang - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (1):107-119.
    Because no previous literature discusses the determinants of green product development performance, this study develops an original framework to fill the research gap. This study explores the influences of green dynamic capabilities and green transformational leadership on green product development performance and investigates the mediation role of green creativity. The results demonstrate that green dynamic capabilities and green transformational leadership positively influence green creativity and green product development performance. Besides, this study indicates that the positive relationships between green product development (...)
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  25. CIDO: The Community-Based Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology.Yongqun He, Hong Yu, Edison Ong, Yang Wang, Yingtong Liu, Anthony Huffman, Hsin-hui Huang, Beverley John, Asiyah Yu Lin, Duncan William D., Sivaram Arabandi, Jiangan Xie, Junguk Hur, Xiaolin Yang, Luonan Chen, Gilbert S. Omenn, Brian Athey & Barry Smith - 2021 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO) and 10th Workshop on Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences (ODLS).
    Current COVID-19 pandemic and previous SARS/MERS outbreaks have caused a series of major crises to global public health. We must integrate the large and exponentially growing amount of heterogeneous coronavirus data to better understand coronaviruses and associated disease mechanisms, in the interest of developing effective and safe vaccines and drugs. Ontologies have emerged to play an important role in standard knowledge and data representation, integration, sharing, and analysis. We have initiated the development of the community-based Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology (CIDO). (...)
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  26.  54
    Tracking Multiple Statistics: Simultaneous Learning of Object Names and Categories in English and Mandarin Speakers.Chi-Hsin Chen, Lisa Gershkoff-Stowe, Chih-Yi Wu, Hintat Cheung & Chen Yu - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (6):1485-1509.
    Two experiments were conducted to examine adult learners' ability to extract multiple statistics in simultaneously presented visual and auditory input. Experiment 1 used a cross‐situational learning paradigm to test whether English speakers were able to use co‐occurrences to learn word‐to‐object mappings and concurrently form object categories based on the commonalities across training stimuli. Experiment 2 replicated the first experiment and further examined whether speakers of Mandarin, a language in which final syllables of object names are more predictive of category membership (...)
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  27.  44
    A Unifying Computational Framework for Teaching and Active Learning.Scott Cheng-Hsin Yang, Wai Keen Vong, Yue Yu & Patrick Shafto - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (2):316-337.
    According to rational pedagogy models, learners take into account the way in which teachers generate evidence, and teachers take into account the way in which learners assimilate that evidence. The authors develop a framework for integrating rational pedagogy into models of active exploration, in which agents can take actions to influence the evidence they gather from the environment. The key idea is that a single agent can be both teacher and learner.
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  28.  8
    Unlocking the Connection between Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and Firm Performance: Unveiling Mediating and Moderating Effects.Jonah Tyan, Shih-Ching Liu, Carol Yeh-Yun Lin & Tien-Yu Chang - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 197 (3):597-611.
    The question whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives can be transferred to firm performance to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) prompted this study to investigate how CSR strategies influence both SDGs and financial performance. A mediated moderating model based on the organizational alignment theory was developed to examine the mediating and moderating roles of organizational structure and corporate governance, respectively. By analyzing the three-year panel data of 1,480 firm-year observations from publicly listed companies in Taiwan, we find that organizational structure (...)
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  29.  62
    Effects of task-irrelevant emotional information on deception.Jing Liang, Yu-Hsin Chen, Wen-Jing Yan, Fangbing Qu & Xiaolan Fu - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (6):1265-1274.
    ABSTRACTDeception has been reported to be influenced by task-relevant emotional information from an external stimulus. However, it remains unclear how task-irrelevant emotional information would influence deception. In the present study, facial expressions of different valence and emotion intensity were presented to participants, where they were asked to make either truthful or deceptive gender judgments according to the preceding cues. We observed the influence of facial expression intensity upon individuals’ cognitive cost of deceiving. Larger cost was observed for high intensity faces (...)
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  30.  23
    Compositionality in Plant Fixed Expressions.Sebastian Meier, Chinfa Lien & Shelley Ching-yu Hsieh - 2005 - In Markus Werning, Edouard Machery & Gerhard Schurz, Applications to Linguistics, Psychology and Neuroscience. De Gruyter. pp. 107-312.
    Compositionality in Plant Fixed Expressions Shelley Ching-yu Hsieh, Chinfa Lien, Sebastian Meier Abstract This paper examines fixed expressions that contain plant names in Mandarin Chinese and German corpora. It aims to reveal the compositionality of the concepts of the vehicle flower by means of frame semantics, and then popular vehicles (plant names) and underlying conceits (the associations between vehicles and meanings) of plant fixed expressions in these two languages will be explored. The linguistic frames of flowers show that German (...)
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  31. Confucian and Taoist Work Values: An Exploratory Study of the Chinese Transformational Leadership Behavior. [REVIEW]Liang-Hung Lin, Yu-Ling Ho & Wei-Hsin Eugenia Lin - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (1):91-103.
    When it comes to Chinese transformational leadership behavior, the focus seems to be Confucian work value; nonetheless, it represents only one of the Chinese traditions. In order to have a better understanding the relationship between Chinese traditional values and transformational leadership behavior, Taoist work value should also be taken into consideration. Thus, this study firstly develops Confucian and Taoist work value scale (study 1) and then applies this scale to examine its relationship with transformational leadership (study 2). The results show (...)
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  32.  35
    Relationships among computational performance, pictorial representation, symbolic representation and number sense of sixth‐grade students in Taiwan.Der‐Ching Yang & Fang‐Yu Huang - 2004 - Educational Studies 30 (4):373-389.
    Twenty classes in ten schools with 627 sixth?grade students in five cities in Taiwan participated in this study. The research provides information on the performance differences among written computation, pictorial representation, symbolic representation and number sense. The results of One?way ANOVA analysis indicate that significant difference was found among WCT, PRT, SRT and NST tests, with F=536.327, p=0.000. The a posteriori comparisons show for each pair (WCT vs PRT, WCT vs SRT, WCT vs NST, PRT vs SRT and SRT vs (...)
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  33.  17
    How do mini games affect female users of mobile commerce? Improving platform satisfaction through game use intention.Yi-Ting Huang, Na Yu & Ching-Yi Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Combining games with mobile commerce applications has been a trend in recent years. Mobile commerce is attracting a large number of people, especially females, to play mini games on the platform. The gamification of mobile commerce may affect users’ platform satisfaction. This study aims to explore the intention of female users to play mobile commerce games and its impact on platform satisfaction. We collected data from females in China who played mobile commerce games and then used a structural equation model (...)
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  34.  29
    Chin Sheng-t'an.Lucien Miller & John Ching-Yu Wang - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):275.
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  35.  18
    Quantitative Analysis for the Delineation of the Subthalamic Nuclei on Three-Dimensional Stereotactic MRI Before Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery for Medication-Refractory Parkinson’s Disease.Chun-Yu Su, Alex Mun-Ching Wong, Chih-Chen Chang, Po-Hsun Tu, Chiung Chu Chen & Chih-Hua Yeh - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Delineation of the subthalamic nuclei on MRI is critical for deep brain stimulation surgery in patients with Parkinson’s disease. We propose this retrospective cohort study for quantitative analysis of MR signal-to-noise ratio, contrast, and signal difference-to-noise ratio of the STN on pre-operative three-dimensional stereotactic MRI in patients with medication-refractory PD. Forty-five consecutive patients with medication-refractory PD who underwent STN-DBS surgery in our hospital from January 2018 to June 2021 were included in this study. All patients had whole-brain 3D MRI, including (...)
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  36.  46
    Taoist mirror: Ching-Hua Yuan and Lao-Chuang thought.Hsin-Sheng C. Kao - 1988 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 15 (2):151-172.
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  37. Hsing yü chou tsung lun = A general sommary [sic] of the formal cosmos.Chih-pai Hsin - 1979
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  38. Lun yüeh chʻiu yü huo hsing wu shui liu sheng wu chih ku = Why no water and living things on the moon and the mars.Chih-pai Hsin - 1978
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  39. CIDO, a community-based ontology for coronavirus disease knowledge and data integration, sharing, and analysis.Oliver He, John Beverley, Gilbert S. Omenn, Barry Smith, Brian Athey, Luonan Chen, Xiaolin Yang, Junguk Hur, Hsin-hui Huang, Anthony Huffman, Yingtong Liu, Yang Wang, Edison Ong & Hong Yu - 2020 - Scientific Data 181 (7):5.
    Ontologies, as the term is used in informatics, are structured vocabularies comprised of human- and computer-interpretable terms and relations that represent entities and relationships. Within informatics fields, ontologies play an important role in knowledge and data standardization, representation, integra- tion, sharing and analysis. They have also become a foundation of artificial intelligence (AI) research. In what follows, we outline the Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology (CIDO), which covers multiple areas in the domain of coronavirus diseases, including etiology, transmission, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, (...)
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  40. The Influence of Event Valence and Emotional States on the Metaphorical Comprehension of Time.Weiqi Zheng, Ye Liu, Chang Hong Liu, Yu-Hsin Chen, Qian Cui & Xiaolan Fu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  41. Tzu jan yü chou tsung lun = A general sommary [sic] of the natural cosmos.Chih-pai Hsin - 1978
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  42. Tʻien tsun ti pei yü chou lun = Theo-highest and geo-lowest cosmology.Chih-pai Hsin - 1978
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  43. The attitudes of neonatal professionals towards end-of-life decision-making for dying infants in Taiwan.Li-Chi Huang, Chao-Huei Chen, Hsin-Li Liu, Ho-Yu Lee, Niang-Huei Peng, Teh-Ming Wang & Yue-Cune Chang - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (6):382-386.
    The purposes of research were to describe the neonatal clinicians' personal views and attitudes on neonatal ethical decision-making, to identify factors that might affect these attitudes and to compare the attitudes between neonatal physicians and neonatal nurses in Taiwan. Research was a cross-sectional design and a questionnaire was used to reach different research purposes. A convenient sample was used to recruit 24 physicians and 80 neonatal nurses from four neonatal intensive care units in Taiwan. Most participants agreed with suggesting a (...)
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  44. Fêng-tê ho Tʻieh-chin-na ti kou tsao hsin li hsüeh pfai ti li lun chi chʻu.Chʻi-chʻêng Ching - 1958
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  45. Chʻien ku hsüan an ti jen hsing hsin lun.Ching-hua Huang - 1974
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  46. Shê chiao, tʻan hua, hsin shih.Ching Shang - 1970
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  47.  65
    “You Should Have Seen the Look on Your Face…”: Self-awareness of Facial Expressions.Fangbing Qu, Wen-Jing Yan, Yu-Hsin Chen, Kaiyun Li, Hui Zhang & Xiaolan Fu - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  48.  62
    Opposing Subjective Temporal Experiences in Response to Unpredictable and Predictable Fear-Relevant Stimuli.Qian Cui, Ke Zhao, Yu-Hsin Chen, Weiqi Zheng & Xiaolan Fu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  49.  27
    An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Literature: Taiwan, 1949-1974. 1, Poems and Essays; Vol. 2, Short Stories.James M. Hargett, Chi Pang-Yuan, John J. Deeney, Ho Hsin, Wu Hsi-Chen, Yü-Kwang-Chung & Yu-Kwang-Chung - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):338.
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  50. Hsin Yü Wu.C. E. M. Joad & Chün-mai Chang - 1973 - T Ai-Wan Shang Wu Yin Shu Wu Yin Shu Kuan.
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