Results for 'Chirine Chehab'

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  1.  29
    The Need for a Systematic Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility.Dima Jamali, Sarah Wazzi & Chirine Chehab - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:168-173.
    In the context of the recent ascendancy of CSR, the spotlight has been primarily focused on the business sector, with sharp escalations in expectations of socialinvolvement and contributions throughout both the industrialized and developing world. These rising expectations can be reasonably understood and framed in the context of the expanded global reach and influence of the private sector, and acute market failures and governance gaps in developing countries for which the corporate sector is able to compensate. This paper argues however (...)
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    Fondements anthropologiques et théologiques de l’idéal communautaire des chanoines de Saint-Victor.Chirine Raveton - 2019 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 56:85-101.
    La communauté des chanoines réguliers de Saint-Victor de Paris, si importante dans l’histoire intellectuelle du Moyen Âge, a vécu de façon intense l’idéal de vie communautaire défini par la règle de saint Augustin. L’épistémologie, la métaphysique et la théologie victorines sont cohérentes avec ce mode de vie, supposant que l’unité la plus haute intègre une certaine pluralité. Après avoir situé la règle d’Augustin par rapport aux autres conceptions de la vie religieuse et présenté l’ordre canonial, qui se distingue de l’ordre (...)
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    L’élaboration de la notion de totalité dans les textes théologiques de Bonaventure et de Thomas d’Aquin : vers un sens transcendant.Chirine Raveton - 2016 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 53:95-114.
    Dans leurs textes théologiques trinitaires, Bonaventure et Thomas d’Aquin excluent que Dieu – Père, Fils et Saint-Esprit – soit une totalité, au nom de sa simplicité absolue. Alors que le créé est soit composé de parties, soit la partie d’un tout, l’incréé échappe à cette structure tout / parties. Toutefois Bonaventure et Thomas d’Aquin doivent justifier l’application à Dieu, par Augustin ou le Pseudo-Denys, du vocabulaire de la totalité, dont ils mettent alors à jour un sens transcendant. En vertu de (...)
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    Social sustainability in Egypt hospitality and tourism supply chains.Chéhab ElBelehy & José Crispim - forthcoming - Business and Society Review.
    Social sustainability is in its early stages in hospitality and tourism supply chains, especially in developing countries. This research draws on institutional and stakeholder theories to identify the adopted social sustainability practices in Egypt and to determine the factors affecting their implementation. A mixed-method research approach is followed involving interviews of hotel managers and a literature-based questionnaire answered by a total of 187 practitioners from hospitality and tourism supply chains in Egypt. The interviews revealed that social sustainability practices in the (...)
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    AutoBioPhagies.May Chehab & Apostolos Lampropoulos (eds.) - 2011 - Bern: Peter Lang.
    De Feuerbach a Derrida, de la gastronomie au cannibalisme et de la saveur a la terreur, cette etude decline les differentes postures du sujet mangeant.<BR> Plus precisement, et resolument ancre dans un corps place au centre du present volume, c'est d'abord un sujet phagique jouissif qui triomphe dans l'autobiographie gastronomique. Mais l'etude examine egalement les modalites d'apparition d'un sujet dysphorique, emiette, spectralise ou vampirise, aussi bien dans les litteratures de l'eclatement de soi que dans les mises en spectacle des dechirements (...)
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    Jasmonates in plant defense responses.E. Wassim Chehab & Janet Braam - 2012 - In Guenther Witzany & František Baluška, Biocommunication of Plants. Springer. pp. 67--88.
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    A scoping review of reporting ‘Ethical Research Practices’ in research conducted among refugees and war-affected populations in the Arab world.Jihad Makhoul, Rana F. Chehab, Zahraa Shaito & Abla M. Sibai - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):36.
    Ethical research conduct is a cornerstone of research practice particularly when research participants include vulnerable populations. This study mapped the extent of reporting ethical research practices in studies conducted among refugees and war-affected populations in the Arab World, and assessed variations by time, country of study, and study characteristics. An electronic search of eight databases resulted in 5668 unique records published between 2000 and 2013. Scoping review yielded 164 eligible articles for analyses. Ethical research practices, including obtaining institutional approval, access (...)
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    Centromedian thalamic neuromodulation for the treatment of idiopathic generalized epilepsy.Andrew J. Zillgitt, M. Ayman Haykal, Ahmad Chehab & Michael D. Staudt - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:907716.
    Idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) is a common type of epilepsy and despite an increase in the number of available anti-seizure medications, approximately 20–30% of people with IGE continue to experience seizures despite adequate medication trials. Unlike focal epilepsy, resective surgery is not a viable treatment option for IGE; however, neuromodulation may be an effective surgical treatment for people with IGE. Thalamic stimulation through deep brain stimulation (DBS) and responsive neurostimulation (RNS) have been explored for the treatment of generalized and focal (...)
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