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  1. Wisdom, moderation, and elenchus in Plato's apology.Christopher S. King - 2008 - Metaphilosophy 39 (3):345–362.
    This article contends that Socratic wisdom (sophia) in Plato's Apology should be understood in relation to moderation (sophrosune), not knowledge (episteme). This stance is exemplified in an interpretation of Socrates' disavowal of knowledge. The god calls Socrates wise. Socrates holds both that he is wise in nothing great or small and that the god does not lie. These apparently inconsistent claims are resolved in an interpretation of elenchus. This interpretion says that Socrates is wise insofar as he does not believe (...)
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    Gadamer, Levinas, and the Hermeneutic Ontology of Ethics.Christopher King - 2019 - Philosophies 4 (3):48.
    Much debate has been held over the question of whether Hans-Georg Gadamer’s hermeneutic approach to ethics and the other can do justice to the alterity of the other, as exemplified in Emmanuel Levinas’s approach to ethics as first philosophy. The challenge to Gadamer and to hermeneutics more generally, comes obliquely from Levinas and more directly, from Robert Bernasconi, who argues that Gadamer cannot account for an otherness that ends in incomprehensibility as one finds in encounters between persons of asymmetrical power (...)
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  3. Quantum mechanics, chaos and the conscious brain.Chris King - 1997 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 18 (2-3):155-170.
    A model is described in which subjective consciousness is generated through an unusual property of quantum non-locality. Chaos and bifurcation serve to link quantum transactions to global brain dynamics through the fractal architecture and dynamics of the central nervous system. The resulting process operates at the boundary between quantum computation and wave-particle reduction, thus combining optimality and free-choice. It is concluded that subjective consciousness has an evolutionary role as a non-computational predictive faculty, first emerging from chaotic excitations in single-celled organisms; (...)
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  4. Economic theories of democratic legitimacy and the normative role of an ideal consensus.Christopher S. King & Chris King - 2013 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 12 (2):156-178.
    Economic theories of democratic legitimacy (discussed here as minimalist theories) have criticized deliberative accounts of democratic legitimacy on the grounds that they do not represent a practical possibility and that they create conditions that make actual democracies worse. It is not simply that they represent the wrong ideal. Rather, they are too idealistic – failing to show proper regard for the cognitive and moral limitations of persons and the depth of disagreement in democratic society. This article aims to show (1) (...)
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  5. Problems in the Theory of Democratic Authority.Christopher S. King - 2012 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 15 (4):431 - 448.
    This paper identifies strands of reasoning underlying several theories of democratic authority. It shows why each of them fails to adequately explain or justify it. Yet, it does not claim (per philosophical anarchism) that democratic authority cannot be justified. Furthermore, it sketches an argument for a perspective on the justification of democratic authority that would effectively respond to three problems not resolved by alternative theories—the problem of the expert, the problem of specificity, and the problem of deference. Successfully resolving these (...)
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    Levinas’s Readings of Husserl’s Lectures on Time Consciousness.Christopher J. King - 2023 - Levinas Studies 17:131-148.
    Emmanuel Levinas identifies Husserl’s lectures on the internal consciousness of time as of central phenomenological importance. However, Levinas gives two different readings of these lectures: the first argues that Husserl’s concept of the proto-impression is the receptivity of sensation that provides the basis for intentional constitution. The second reading, by contrast, argues that Husserl’s account is ultimately bound to the category of the Same, as whatever enters consciousness is not put into question. Most commentators either conflate the readings or interpret (...)
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    Teaching Justice as Fairness as Theory of Distributive Justice.Christopher Stewart King - 2023 - Teaching Philosophy 46 (4):443-465.
    Highlighting a progression of exercises, this paper develops a pedagogical model aimed at giving students tools to deliberate about justice from within the Original Position and to debate the broader goals and limitations of justice as fairness. The approach focuses on the idea of a “distribution” of primary goods without relying on caricatures or being intimidated by the more technical features of the presentation. The series of exercises shows students how to move from more intuitive to less intuitive deliberative situations—a (...)
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    Formative encounters with the other: examining the structural differences between Bonhoeffer and Levinas.Christopher J. King - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (1):35-54.
    In this paper, I offer an account of the structural differences, neglected in the literature, between Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Emmanuel Levinas, showing how Bonhoeffer’s account of persons and responsibility is differentiated through creation, fall, and redemption, whereas Levinas’s account of ethical selfhood offers itself as a kind of transcendental account of persons in which the self is structured by its encounter with the other which commands responsibility. This difference (situationally differentiated vs. transcendental) plays out in two ways – the role (...)
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    Authority, Particularity and the Districting Solution.Chris King - 2019 - Southwest Philosophy Review 35 (1):163-171.
    There are at least two ways to explain the presence of political obligations – by appeal to general duties or by appeal to authority. The fi rst sort of account is familiar but, according to some, is defeasible by the Particularity Problem – the problem of showing why there is a duty of persons to obey the laws of a particular State exclusively. Authority accounts can seem promising in this light but bring a few problems of their own. In this (...)
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    From Object to Other: Models of Sociality after Idealism in Gadamer, Levinas, Rosenzweig, and Bonhoeffer.Christopher J. King - 2017 - Dissertation, University of South Florida
    This dissertation offers an account of the different ways in which putatively idealist and transcendental models of sociality, which grounded the subject’s relation to other human beings in the subject’s own cognition, were rejected and replaced. Scrapping this account led to a variety of models of sociality which departed from the subject as the ground of sociality, positing grounds outside of the subject. Hans-Georg Gadamer, Emmanuel Levinas, Franz Rosenzweig, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer represent alternative positions along a spectrum of models of (...)
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    Hypothetical Consent and Political Obligation.Chris King - 2020 - Southwest Philosophy Review 36 (1):55-63.
    Hypothetical Consent Situations are widely employed in normative argument as if they help to justify normative claims or to explain normative facts. Historically, however, there is plenty of suspicion about them. In this light, there is a tendency to prefer theories of political obligation that do not depend upon hypothetical consent to explain political obligations – those that appeal, for instance, a general moral principle or to actual consent. This paper makes no full-throated defense of hypothetical consent. But it does (...)
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    On the Conversion of Philosophy: The Problems and Promise of Emmanuel Falque’s Theology of Philosophy.Christopher J. King - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (1):75-84.
  13.  69
    Quantum cosmology and the hard problem of the conscious brain.Chris King - 2006 - In Jack A. Tuszynski, The Emerging Physics of Consciousness. Springer Verlag. pp. 407--456.
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  14. The response of teachers to new subject areas in a national science curriculum: The case of the earth science component.Chris King - 2001 - Science Education 85 (6):636-664.
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    The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey, written by Michael Huemer. [REVIEW]Chris King - 2016 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 13 (4):475-478.