Results for 'Christian Kabbalah, Neoplatonism, Fabio Paolini, Venetian Humanism'

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  1.  61
    Anima e Numero nel Rinascimento. Simbolismo dei numeri e platonismo nel XVI secolo.Marco Ghione - 2024 - Milano: Mimesis Edizioni.
    This essay examines the links between the soul and number in Renaissance thought, from the sixteenth to the early seventeenth century, a period in which ancient philosophy was fully accepted and modern science gradually asserted itself. Thanks to the influences of Kabbalistic thought, Pythagoreanism and Neoplatonism - in particular the works of Porphyry, Iamblichus and Proclus - the study of arithmology, a discipline concerned with the symbolic properties of numbers, spread throughout the Renaissance. By examining largely unpublished treatises such as (...)
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    Renaissance Humanism.Tony Houston - 2014 - Philo 17 (1):44-58.
    What Neoplatonism and scholasticism did for Plato and Aristotle, Renaissance humanism did for Cicero and Epicurus. Renaissance humanists were critical of efforts to reconcile Plato and Aristotle with Christianity, yet their own efforts to reconcile philosophy with Christianity were hardly faith­ful to the originals. Plato’s idealism was easily appropriated for Neoplatonist dualism. Aristotle’s metaphysics became orthodoxy for the scholastics. The Renaissance humanists transformed Stoic constancy into acquiescence, aca­demic skepticism into learned ignorance, and Epicureanism into an affirma­tion of material pleasure (...)
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    Raphaels Vitruvius and Marcantonio Raimondi‘s Caryatid Façade.Kathleen W. Christian - 2016 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 92 (2):91-127.
    Marcantonio Raimondis so-called Caryatid Façade has received scant attention, yet it occupies an important place in the printmakers oeuvre and was widely admired and imitated in the sixteenth century. The image, which features an architectural façade adorned with Caryatid and Persian porticoes and an oversized female capital, does not fit easily with the usual narrative about Raimondis career in Rome, summed up in Vasaris account that he collaborated with Raphael to publicise the masters storie. Rather than being an illustration of (...)
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    Giovanni Pico’s warning against pantheistic implications in Ficino’s Neoplatonism.Paul Richard Blum - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (1):49-66.
    The famous controversy between Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola is known to regard the proper use of Platonism in humanist and Christian context. With special attention to Pico’s Commentary on a Canzone, the point of disagreement with Ficino, which is not at all obvious, is examined through a close reading. The result is that Pico sees the temptation of a pantheistic and anthropocentric understanding of the relationship between the human realm and God. Whereas Ficino engaged in making (...)
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    The Nude in the renaissance: Unveiling the world and revealing human dignity.Émilie Séris - forthcoming - Diogenes:1-18.
    The humanist theory of the nude is one of the places where what can be called a ‘poor metaphysics’ developed during the Renaissance. To construct the concept of the nude as a representation of man in his own right, art theorists used common scholastic categories such as substance and accident, form and matter, potentiality and actuality, quantity and quality, whole and part, soul and body. Resolutely poor in its object – the human body, the work of art – and in (...)
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    Teologia pracy: asceza, kenoza, apokalipsa.Agata Bielik-Robson - 2020 - Civitas 26:13-45.
    The subject of this essay is the modern theology of work. Contrary to neoplatonism that condemned matter as unworthy of spiritual investment, theology of work states that matter is an ontological material that deserves further processing. Therefore, if modernity is to be understood as the beginning of the materialistic philosophy of immanence, early modern theological transformations have deeply contributed to this. Namely, the appreciation of matter as a realistically existing material to work through, the not yet ready and not fully (...)
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    Newman’s Romantic Meta-Rhetoric in An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent.Christian Humanism, Cold Grace & Christian Faith - 2008 - Renascence 61 (1):39-50.
  8.  13
    Explorations in Augustine's anthropology.Fabio Dalpra & Anders-Christian Jacobsen (eds.) - 2021 - Berlin: Peter Lang.
    What is a human being according to Augustine of Hippo? The question has occupied a group of researchers from Brazil and Europe and has been explored at two workshops during which the contributors to this volume have discussed anthropological themes in Augustine's vast corpus. In this volume, the reader will find articles on a wide spectrum of Augustine's anthropological ideas. Some contributions focus on specific texts, while others focus on specific theological or philosophical aspects of Augustine's anthropology. The authors of (...)
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    Can a Peer Support the Process of Self-Management in Narcolepsy? A Qualitative Narrative Analysis of a Narcoleptic Patient.Christian Franceschini, Chiara Fante, Marco Filardi, Maria Claudia Folli, Francesca Brazzi, Fabio Pizza, Anita D’Anselmo, Francesca Ingravallo, Elena Antelmi & Giuseppe Plazzi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  10. I misteri della natura e la chiave del settenario. La scienza dei numeri di Fabio Paolini tra aritmologia antica ed indagine sul cosmo.Marco Ghione - 2023 - In Flavia Buzzetta, Saperi segreti. La conoscenza nascosta nel mondo cristiano, ebraico e musulmano tra Medioevo e Rinascimento. Officina di Studi Medievali. pp. 33-40.
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    Marsilio Ficino in Germany from Renaissance to Enlightenment: a reception history.Grantley McDonald - 2022 - Genève: Librairie Droz.
    The philosopher and humanist Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) has attracted scholarly attention as translator of Plato, the Corpus Hermeticum, Plotinus and other Neoplatonists, and for his complex synthesis of Platonism and Christianity. While most previous studies of Ficino's reception have focussed on Italy, France, England and Spain, this book presents a comprehensive study of his reception in Germany and neighbouring areas, examining how Northern writers between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries remembered and reinvented Ficino's person and work. Focused chapters examine the (...)
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    „Von dem einigen mitler Jhesu Christo“. Was man von Andreas Osianders Häresie noch lernen könnte.Walter Sparn - 2022 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 64 (4):382-399.
    The first part of this contribution is devoted to my recollection of Christoph Schwöbel; both of us were pupils of Carl Heinz Ratschow, albeit at different times and in different roles. However, we both have been following a twofold counsel of our teacher, first not to restrict theology to value judgments but to strive for an ontology of Christian belief and second to work with a “Trinitarian definition of Christology”. Part two recounts the turmoil around Andreas Osiander in a (...)
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  13.  41
    Is There Progress in Economics? Knowledge, Truth and the History of Economic Thought. Stephan Boehm, Christian Gehrke, Heinz D. Kurz, Richard Sturn (eds).Boehm Stephan, Christian Gehrke, Heinz D. Kurz, Richard Sturn, Donald Winch, Mark Blaug, Klaus Hamberger, Jack Birner, Sergio Cremaschi, Roger E. Backhouse, Uskali Maki, Luigi Pasinetti, Erich W. Streissler, Philippe Mongin, Augusto Graziani, Hans-Michael Trautwein, Stephen J. Meardon, Andrea Maneschi, Sergio Parrinello, Manuel Fernandez-Lopez, Richard van den Berg, Sandye Gloria-Palermo, Hansjorg Klausinger, Maurice Lageux, Fabio Ravagnani, Neri Salvadori & Pierangelo Garegnani - 2002 - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
    This thought-provoking book discusses the concept of progress in economics and investigates whether any advance has been made in its different spheres of research. The authors look back at the history, successes and failures of their respective fields and thoroughly examine the notion of progress from an epistemological and methodological perspective. The idea of progress is particularly significant as the authors regard it as an essentially contested concept which can be defined in many ways – theoretically or empirically; locally or (...)
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  14.  28
    Proclus as a source for Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s arguments concerning emanatio and creatio ex nihilo.Georgios Steiris - 2016 - In Danielle A. Layne & David D. Butorac, Proclus and his Legacy. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 353-363.
    Pico’s view on emanationism is ambiguous. Moreover, his position viz. emanation seems to change at times. He made his emanationism more elaborate and complex by incorporating in it Neoplatonic ideas and the Kabbalistic hierarchy. He attempted a reconciliation of emanatio and creatio ex nihilo, as certain Christian Neoplatonists like Augustine did before, but Pico’s main intention was not the defense of the Christian dogma. To illustrate this point, I note that he did not hesitate to interpret even the (...)
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  15. Women Preachers and Prophets through Two Millennia of Christianity. Edited by Beverly Mayne Kienzle and Pamela J. Walker. [REVIEW]S. J. Paolini - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (6):854-854.
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    Pico Della Mirandola: New Essays.M. V. Dougherty (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume provides a comprehensive presentation of the philosophical work of the fifteenth-century Renaissance thinker Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. In essays specially commissioned for this book, a distinguished group of scholars presents the central topics and texts of Pico's literary output. Best known as the author of the celebrated 'Oration on the Dignity of Man', Pico also wrote several other prominent works. They include an influential diatribe against astrology, an ambitious metaphysical treatise attempting to reconcile Platonic and Aristotelian metaphysical views, (...)
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    Hans Kelsen on political Catholicism and Christian Democracy.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (4):457-476.
    Hans Kelsen was one of the most important legal thinkers of the 20th century, and he is known for mounting an elaborate defense of liberal party democracy at a time when the latter was hardly the most popular form of regime. This article examines how Kelsen responded to two major political movements he experienced in his intellectual prime: political Catholicism, which he was confronted with in interwar Austria, and Christian Democracy, which became a hegemonic political force in Western Europe (...)
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  18. Quantification in Ordinary Language and Proof Theory.Michele Abrusci, Fabio Pasquali & Christian Retoré - 2016 - Philosophia Scientiae 20:185-205.
    This paper gives an overview of the common approach to quantification and generalised quantification in formal linguistics and philosophy of language. We point out how this usual general framework represents a departure from empirical linguistic data. We briefly sketch a different idea for proof theory which is closer to the language itself than standard approaches in many aspects. We stress the importance of Hilbert’s operators—the epsilon-operator for existential and tau-operator for universal quantifications. Indeed, these operators are helpful in the construction (...)
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  19.  21
    What real progress has metaphysics made in Germany since the time of Leibniz and Wolff?Immanuel Kant - 1983 - New York: Abaris Books.
    The German humanist Johann Reuchlin (1455-1522) defended the value of Jewish scholarship and literature when it was unwise and unpopular to do so. As G. Lloyd Jones points out, "A marked mistrust of the Jews had developed among Christian scholars during the later Middle Ages. It was claimed that the rabbis had purposely falsified the text of the Old Testament and given erroneous explanations of passages which were capable of a christological interpretation." Christian scholars most certainly did not (...)
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  20.  43
    Pietro bembo and etna - Williams Pietro bembo on etna. The ascent of a venetian humanist. Pp. XVI + 419, colour pls. New York: Oxford university press, 2017. Cased, £41.99, us$65. Isbn: 978-0-19-027229-6. [REVIEW]Dawn L. Hollis - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (2):580-583.
  21.  78
    Aquinas on Being. By Anthony Kenny. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002. Pp. x+ 212. Price not given. Before and after Avicenna: Proceedings of the First Conference of the Avicenna Study Group. Edited by David C. Reisman, with the assistance of Ahmed H. al. [REVIEW]Rahim Leiden, Islamic Humanism By Lenn E. Goodman & Letting Go - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (2):277-278.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedAquinas on Being. By Anthony Kenny. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002. Pp. x + 212. Price not given.Before and after Avicenna: Proceedings of the First Conference of the Avicenna Study Group. Edited by David C. Reisman, with the assistance of Ahmed H. al Rahim. Leiden: Brill, 2003. Pp. xix + 302. Price not given.Beside Still Waters: Jews, Christians, and the Way of the Buddha. Edited by Harold Kasimow, John (...)
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  22.  24
    The Inner Word in Gadamer's Hermeneutics.John Arthos - 2009 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Late in his life, Hans-Georg Gadamer was asked to explain what the universal aspect of hermeneutics consisted in, and he replied, enigmatically, “in the _verbum interius_.” Gadamer devoted a pivotal section of his magnum opus, _Truth and Method_, to this Augustinian concept, and subsequently pointed to it as a kind of passkey to his thought. It remains, however, both in its origins and its interpretations, a mysterious concept. From out of its layered history, it remains a provocation to thought, expressing (...)
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  23. Mentalidad hispanoamericana: Samuel Ramos ante la construcción del concepto situado de hombre.Fabio Morandín - 2015 - Stoa 6 (12):3-32.
    The main theme of this work is rescue the Samuel Ramos proposal for a philosophical anthropology from his new humanism. Two main issues discussed: the dichotomy material-spiritual world; and the sense of complexity that resizes the man as ideal being or identity in response to the Kantian question: Was ist der Mensch?
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  24. Andreas Osiander v dějinách filosofie, vědy a filosofii vědy.Tomáš Nejeschleba - 2016 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 38 (4):405-424.
    The article deals with the position of Lutheran theologian Andreas Osiander sen. in the history of philosophy, history of science and philosophy of science. It works on humanistic foundation of Osiander’s thought and his elaboration of the tradition of the antient wisdom and Christian cabbala of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola in particular in the biblical exegesis. The article deals with Osiander’s edition of Nicolaus Copernicus’ book De revolutionibus orbium caelestium as well and with his edition of the mathematical work (...)
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    Damnata verba: censure di Pletone in alcuni codici platonici.Fabio Pagani - 2009 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 102 (1):167-202.
    This paper explores the historical and palaeographical features linking together three manuscripts of Plato that bear - as previous researchers have shown - marginalia and textual corrections in the hand of the Byzantine humanist George Gemistos Pletho: Marc. Gr. 188 and 189 and Laur. 80, 19. There is, however, one more astonishing peculiarity associating precisely these three manuscripts: at several points there are erasures of passages dealing with ancient theology or with pagan myths and gods.The first part of this study (...)
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  26.  20
    The Noetic “Russian Dolls” to Hermeticism: Western Esoterism, within Esoteric Christianity, within Neoplatonism, within Hermeticism.Craig Matheson - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):100-131.
    This report offers argued theory & supporting evidence for how the theistic philosophy of Hermeticism intellectually coursed across time to lay groundbreaking path for the development downstream of noetic hybrids known as Neoplatonism, Esoteric Christianity, and Western Esotericism. Accordingly, it is contended that certain Hermetic tenets have long existed philosophically encoded within the foregoing hybrid approaches, ideas and/or movements— all aimed at mastering such a speculative study. Moreover, discussed theory to this report sets forth that since the dawn of said/ (...)
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  27.  42
    Art as Occupations: Two Neglected Roots of John Dewey's Aesthetics.Fabio Campeotto, Juan Manuel Saharrea & Claudio Marcelo Viale - 2023 - The Pluralist 18 (2):1-25.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Art as Occupations:Two Neglected Roots of John Dewey's AestheticsAuthors: Fabio Campeotto (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, CONICET, Univ. Nacional de La Rioja); Juan Manuel Saharrea (CONICET, Universidad Católica de Córdoba-Unidad Asociada al CONICET) and Claudio M. Viale (CONICET, Universidad Católica de Córdoba-Unidad Asociada al CONICET). Campeotto and Saharrea contributed similarly to the development of this work. Language edition: Rita Karina Plascencia, This article was made (...)
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  28.  31
    Law and Belief: A Pragmatist Interpretation of the Althusserian Conception of Legal Ideology.Fabio Bruschi & Marc Maesschalck - 2015 - Law and Critique 26 (3):281-303.
    This article aims to interpret the Althusserian critique of ideology in order to put forth the mechanisms at work within the relation of belief that constitutes every ideology and to insist on its practical consequences on the relation between the intellectual and the masses. To do so, we will draw upon Althusser’s review of humanism, upon his commentaries of the work of Montesquieu and Rousseau, and upon his conception of ideology in the article from 1970 on ‘Ideology and Ideological (...)
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    El sentido sistemático de la lectura hegeliana de Plotino.Sergio Montecinos Fabio & Juan Serey Aguilera - 2021 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 61:69-107.
    There is an affinity between Hegel’s philosophy and Neoplatonism that Hegel himself explicitly pointed out. We claim that this affinity is due to systematic reasons and involves theoretical and practical aspects of both philosophies. To argue in that direction, we address the thematization of Plotinus’s philosophy in the Hegelian Lessons on the history of philosophy. We seek to show that, according to Hegel, Plotinus elaborates in ancient times, for the first time, a complex synthesis of the philosophical principles that precede (...)
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    Presagi del destino: Emanuele Severino e il cristianesimo (San Paolo, Plotino, Eckhart, Spinoza, Leopardi).Fabio Farotti - 2021 - Padova: Padova University Press.
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    Renaissance Thought on the Celestial Hierarchy: The Decline of a Tradition?Feisal G. Mohamed - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (4):559-582.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Renaissance Thought on the Celestial Hierarchy:The Decline of a Tradition?Feisal G. MohamedThe Dionysian arrangement of the angels was dismantled on the one hand because its author was increasingly regarded as a "counterfait," and on the other hand because Protestants upheld the Bible's supremacy over all the "vain babblings of idle men." In consequence, those who like Spenser celebrated the "trinall triplicities," look back upon a great past that had (...)
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  32. Dei, umani e algoritmi. L'immagine dell'artista nell'era digitale.Fabio Fossa - 2020 - Odradek 5 (1):435-477.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss how the image of the artist has formed in Western culture and how digital art may shed light on some of its internal contradictions, if not perhaps even help us overcome them. Firstly, I take into consideration the Jewish and Christian tradition according to which the image of God as Creator may play the role of the archetypal artist, of whom the human artist is a sort of copy and imitator – (...)
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  33. Evil from the perspective of christianity and neoplatonism.Cf Geyer - 1991 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 98 (2):233-250.
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    A Veneração aos Santos no Catolicismo popular brasileiro – Uma aproximação histórico-teológica.Fabio de Azevedo Mesquita - 2015 - Revista de Teologia 9 (15):155-174.
    This article analyzes the importance of the Saints in the Brazilian popular Catholicism from the Cristian iconography. This study is done by a historical approach on how devotion to the saints expanded worldwide and became a point of discussion in the Church, and how this devotion, along with popular Catholicism, arrived in Brazil and was introduced in the life of indigenous people, black people and their descendants. This article presents, finally, the meaning of the veneration to the saints and its (...)
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  35. Observações aos prolegômenos da teoria kantiana dos juí­zos jurí­dicos a priori em Rechtslehre.Fábio César Scherer - 2010 - Princípios 17 (28):99-128.
    Neste artigo interpreta-se a Rechtslehre kantiana enquanto uma doutrina jurídica crítica, compreensível à luz do projeto crítico – iniciado em Kritik der reinen Vernunft e adaptado ao campo prático em Kritik der praktischen Vernunft . Em particular, objetiva-se destacar, além da aprioridade, do caráter sistemático e da busca pela completude dos princípios jurídicos, o emprego da teoria de solubilidade de problemas da razáo em geral nos "prolegômenos" da Rechtslehre . O estudo desta parte introdutória se justifica por apresentar a divisáo (...)
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  36.  9
    From Plato to Postmodernism: The Story of the West Through Philosophy, Literature and Art.Christopher Watkin - 2011 - London: Bloomsbury.
    From Plato to Postmodernism presents the cultural history of the West in one concise volume. Nearly four thousand years of Western history are woven together into an unfolding story in which we see how movements and individuals contributed to the philosophy, literature and art that have shaped today's world. The story begins with the West's Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian origins, moving through the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Enlightenment and Romanticism to twenty-first century postmodernity. The author covers key figures such as Moses, (...)
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    A Marxist-Humanist perspective on Stuart Hall’s communication theory.Christian Fuchs - 2023 - Theory and Society 52 (6):995-1029.
    At the end of his life, Stuart Hall called for the reengagement of Cultural Studies and Marxism. This paper contributes to this task. It analyses Stuart Hall’s works on communication and the media.The goal of the paper is to read Stuart Hall in a manner that can inform the renewal of Marxist Humanism and the development of a Marxist-Humanist theory of communication. This involves reconstructing elements of Hall’s approach, criticising certain aspects of his work, and through this engagement developing (...)
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    Coloniality and the State: Race, Nation and Dependency.Walter D. Mignolo & Fábio Santino Bussmann - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (6):3-18.
    It is of concern that, until now, Western and Southern theories have not been able to provide a full conceptual understanding of the complicity of the elites and states of former colonies outside the West with the political domination they suffer from their Western counterparts. Decolonial thought, by exploring global epistemic designs, can fully explain such political dependency, which, for Aníbal Quijano, results from the local elites’ goal to racially identify with their Western peers (self-humanization), obstructing local nationalization. We explore (...)
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  39. Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius.Andrea Strazzoni - 2022 - Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy.
    Agrippa was the main expounder of the occult philosophy, which is the knowledge of the hidden causes of things and is finalized to their manipulation by magic. Magic, in turn, is the highest form and the end of philosophy. According to his De occulta philosophia, magic is threefold: natural (concerning sublunar world), celestial (concerning stars and heavenly intelligences), and divine (concerning God and higher angels). It consists of the manipulation of concrete objects and of the summoning of intelligences and God, (...)
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    (1 other version)Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism.Ronald Srigley & Albert Camus (eds.) - 2007 - South Bend, Indiana: University of Missouri.
    Contemporary scholarship tends to view Albert Camus as a modern, but he himself was conscious of the past and called the transition from Hellenism to Christianity “the true and only turning point in history.” For Camus, modernity was not fully comprehensible without an examination of the aspirations that were first articulated in antiquity and that later received their clearest expression in Christianity. These aspirations amounted to a fundamental reorientation of human life in politics, religion, science, and philosophy. Understanding the nature (...)
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    Carnap's Scientific Humanism.Christian Damboeck - 2025 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 13 (3).
    Scientific humanism is the formula by which Rudolf Carnap positions science as the best tool for improving life. Science allows us to maximize the rational character of human decisions on the basis of meta-values that include epistemic values and values for rational decision making. These values are politically neutral in that they are not tied to any partisan political position, but deeply political because they allow us to avoid irrational reasoning and to make the right use of science for (...)
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    The Franciscan “Spirit”: From the Monti di Pietà to the Bank of America - The Little Fellow’s Bank.Oreste Bazzichi & Fabio Reali - forthcoming - Humanistic Management Journal:1-32.
    This essay examines the figure of Amadeo Peter Giannini, founder of the Bank of Italy (later Bank of America), as an example of an _alternative_ banking model based on ethical and humanistic principles inspired by Franciscan socio-economic thought. The analysis explores how values such as fraternity, gratuity, simplicity, humility, and service - rarely found in the financial sector - can be integrated into _banking management_ to create a positive and democratic impact. The objective is to fill a gap in research (...)
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    Studies in Epicurus and Aristotle (review). [REVIEW]Thomas G. Rosenmeyer - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (1):102-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:102 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY historical circumstances a suprahistorical, eternal significance, and that a historian or interpreter of a philosophy will do it justice only if he grasps this lasting truth and content, in addition to comparing it with the opinions of other earlier or later thinkers. One cannot see how a thinker who considered Plato as valid while treating him and others historically could have arrived at a different (...)
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    Neoplatonism and Christian thought.Dominic J. O'Meara (ed.) - 1981 - Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press [distributor].
    1 The Platonic and Christian Ulysses JEAN PEPIN i PHILOSOPHOS ODYSSEUS1 Several philosophical schools in antiquity made use of the figure of Ulysses. ...
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    Seeds of Virtue and Knowledge.Maryanne Cline Horowitz - 1998 - Princeton University Press.
    In this wide-ranging and thought-provoking study, Maryanne Cline Horowitz explores the image and idea of the human mind as a garden: under the proper educational cultivation, the mind may nourish seeds of virtue and knowledge into the full flowering of human wisdom. This copiously illustrated investigation begins by examining the intellectual world of the Stoics, who originated the phrases "seeds of virtue" and "seeds of knowledge." Tracing the interrelated history of the Stoic cluster of epistemological images for natural law within (...)
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    Neoplatonism and early Christian thought: essays in honour of A.H. Armstrong.A. H. Armstrong, H. J. Blumenthal & R. A. Markus (eds.) - 1981 - London: Variorum Publications.
    "The studies collected in this book are all concerned with aspects of the Platonic tradition, either in its own internal development in the Hellenistic age and the period of the Roman Empire, or with the influence of Platonism, in one or other of its forms, on other spiritual traditions, especially that of Christianity." [Book jacket].
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    Deux lettres de marchands humanistes florentins du début du XV E siècle.Christian Bec - forthcoming - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance.
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    Case Report: Burden of Illness in Narcolepsy Type 1: Hikikomori in a Teenage Girl.Marco Filardi, Vincenza Blunda, Stefano Vandi, Alessandro Musetti, Annio Posar, Paola Visconti, Fabio Pizza, Giuseppe Plazzi & Christian Franceschini - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Narcolepsy type 1 deeply impacts on quality of life, especially during adolescence, with NT1 children and adolescents that frequently report difficulties in integration with peers and decreased participation in after-school activities. Here we describe the case of NT1 teenager girl presenting with severe physical and social withdrawal, fulfilling the proposed diagnostic criteria for hikikomori, together with the classic NT1 symptoms. Social withdrawal is an overlooked phenomenon among NT1 children and adolescents that, if present, require a multidisciplinary approach and personalized interventions, (...)
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    Something must happen before first breath.Paolo Fiori Nastro, Fabio Virgili, Marcella Fagioli & Daniela Polese - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-4.
    BackgroundDefinition and concept of the ‘beginning of human life’ are weakened by co-existing contrasting hypotheses based on humanistic or religious beliefs rather than scientific foundations. This plethora of conceptually distant views have important common concerns in different fields of science and shape, in turn, several societal aspects including laws related, for instance, to inheritance eligibility or abortion, end-of-life care and euthanasia, and reproductive technology. Also, they are fundamental to evaluate opportunity for resuscitation vs. palliative care in extremely preterm infants. In (...)
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    Neural Responses of Benefiting From the Prosocial Exchange: The Effect of Helping Behavior.Daniele Olivo, Andrea Di Ciano, Jessica Mauro, Lucia Giudetti, Alan Pampallona, Katharina M. Kubera, Dusan Hirjak, Robert Christian Wolf & Fabio Sambataro - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Prosocial behavior is critical for the natural development of an individual as well as for promoting social relationships. Although this complex behavior results from gratuitous acts occurring between an agent and a recipient and a wealth of literature on prosocial behavior has investigated these actions, little is known about the effects on the recipient and the neurobiology underlying them. In this study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to identify neural correlates of receiving prosocial behavior in the context of real-world (...)
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