Results for 'Christianity and Spirituality'

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  1.  17
    Dilemmas of reaction in Leninist Russia: the Christian response to the Revolution in the works of N.A. Berdyaev, 1917-1924.Christian Gottlieb - 2003 - Portland, OR: International Specialized book Services.
    In the moral and spiritual vacuum left in Russia by the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989-1991, some of the thinkers who first opposed the Leninist revolution of 1917 have come to a new prominence, and among these is the religious philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev (1874-1948). He expressed a passionate protest against the revolution and was clearly the most comprehensive contemporary critic of the revolutionary project from a Christian perspective. From his consistently religious perspective he foresaw with precision much of (...)
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    Justice et économie: Latitudes d'égalisation et obstacles existentiels.Christian Arnsperger - 2002 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1 (1):7.
    Cette étude a pour but de situer la discussion sur l'égalité économique dans le contexte existentiel qui lui est approprié. Interprétant le système économique non seulement comme un système de production et de distribution, mais aussi comme un lieu où s'opère une certaine forme de « colmatage existentiel » individuel, nous étudions les rouages enfouis du système économique qui pourraient expliquer pourquoi les arguments classiques d'incitation, souvent invoqués par la théorie économique égalitariste, peuvent cacher des obstacles puissants à l'égalité. Nous (...)
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    Consciousness Development in Rastafari: A Perspective from the Psychology of Religion.Christian Stokke - 2021 - Anthropology of Consciousness 32 (1):81-106.
    This paper explores a Rastafari perspective on consciousness development and relates this to developmental stage theories of consciousness evolution from the psychology of religion. The empirical material is from fieldwork on an online Rastafari community with global reach but run by a group based in Trinidad. The people on this particular forum align with the “spiritual, but not religious” trend in contemporary religiosity, which means they are more focused on interior questions of consciousness raising than on religious externals. This paper (...)
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  4. From brahmanism to buddhism.Christian Lindtner - 1999 - Asian Philosophy 9 (1):5 – 37.
    It is argued that early Buddhism to a very considerable extent can and should be seen as reformed Brahmanism. Speculations about cosmogony in Buddhist s tras can be traced back to Vedic sources, above all R gveda 10.129 & 10.90—two hymns that play a similar fundamental role in the early Upanisads. Like the immortal and unmanifest Brahman and the mortal and manifest Brahm, the Buddha, as a mythological Bhagavat, also had two forms. In his highest form he is “the profound” (...)
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    Todd LeVasseur, Pramod Parajuli and Norman Wirzba : Religion and sustainable agriculture: world spiritual traditions and food ethics: University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 2016, 376 pp, ISBN 9780813167978.Christian Kelly Scott - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (2):537-538.
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    Six Understandings of the Word 'Spirituality' in a Secular Country.Peter la Cour, Nadja Hørdam Ausker & Niels Christian Hvidt - 2012 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 34 (1):63-81.
    Spirituality is a growing research theme, especially in relation to health issues. The term is often poorly defined and one’s understanding is often so broad that it becomes a mere frame word devoid of meaning. In this study, we asked 514 adult Danes about their understanding of the word ‘spirituality’. Factor analysis of the answers resulted in six different understandings of spirituality: positive dimensions in human life and well-being; New Age ideology; an integrated part of established religious (...)
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    Aelred de Rievaulx et les discours cisterciens sur l’'me.Christian Trottmann - 2011 - Chôra 9:429-470.
    Cet article commence par rappeler quelques éléments de la vie et de l’oeuvre d’Aelred de Rievaulx, connu comme philosophe de l’amitié. Il situe ensuite son discours sur l’âme au sein du regain d’intérêt pour ce sujet manifesté dans l’ordre cistercien par des auteurs comme Guillaume de Saint-Thierry, Isaac de l’Étoile ou l’auteur du De spiritu et anima, mais aussi chez les Victorins. Il en vient ensuite à la spécificité du discours d’Aelred tel qu’on le trouve dans son dialogue sur l’âme, (...)
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    About the world we live in.Andrei Pleşu & James Christian Brown - 2004 - Studia Phaenomenologica 4 (3-4):187-216.
    The article conveys the portrait of a man for whom understanding was a matter of the highest spiritual intimacy, a man who continuously disregarded his possible engagement in the public life as a philosopher, finally a man whom we find, in the twilight of his life, concerned with the intricate tension between the “muteness” of philosophy (as being able “only” to double life by means of rational discourse) and religion. Alexandru Dragomir’s portrait is portrayed in comparison to another important Romanian (...)
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  9. The Gift as Insufficient Source of Normativity.Christian Arnsperger - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (195):83-85.
    To my mind, the most urgent current task in the social sciences is one in the context of which the unduly cut-and-dried distinctions between positive and normative, between sociology and ethics, between secular pluralism and religious spirituality, and so on, should be abandoned. I would like to reclaim the legacy of a Marxian-type dialectic by stating that the social sciences today (and I would even risk speaking of a single present-day ‘social science’) have the threefold task of (1) thinking (...)
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    Gott, Natur, Kunst und Geschichte: Schelling zwischen Identitätsphilosophie und Freiheitsschrift.Christian Danz & Jörg Jantzen (eds.) - 2011 - Göttingen: Vienna University Press.
    English summary: The contributions to this volume discuss the philosophical development of Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling (1775-1854) in the first half of the 19th century. In 1801, Schelling presented a broad concept for a systematic philosophy in which all of Nature and the whole spiritual world are understood as phenomena of one and the same principle. In 1809, he presented his Philosophical Inquiries into the Essence of Human Freedom, a conception that appears to contradict the system drafted in 1801. Schelling (...)
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    Ellul on Biblical Violence.Christian Bassac - 2023 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 7 (2):15-34.
    Jacques Ellul’s analysis of biblical violence is resolutely Christocentric: all manifestations of violence must be seen in the perspective of the Revelation in Christ. There are no subtypes of violence, and all manifestations of violence are expressions of necessity. In turn, violence, which stands in stark contrast with language, leads to servitude and this circle can be broken only by the freedom brought by the violence of God’s unconditional love. This love is both the ultimate spiritual violence, as it is (...)
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  12.  16
    Europa jenseits von Mythos und Aufklärung.Sternad Christian - 2016 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 4 (1):151-179.
    In the course of the 20th century, many phenomenologists tried to develop a novel philosophical understanding of Europe. Departing from Edmund Husserl, they defined Europe as a culture of rationality whose origins are to be found in the Ancient Greece of the 7./6. century B.C. where a novel and unprecedented universal-critical attitude towards the world originated. Although many of the big proponents of phenomenology followed this interpretation in their own respective ways, this mono-genealogy is far from being without doubts. In (...)
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  13. From Christian Spirituality To Eco-Friendliness.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2020 - International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI) 3 (1):34-38.
    Spirituality connotes praxis informed by religious or faith convictions. This can transform the individual and society at large. Christian spirituality is centered on how a person’s relationship with the God of Jesus Christ informs and directs one’s approach to existence and engagement with the world. The ecosystem concerns humanity and relationship with it is invariably influenced by faith or religious informed praxis. The reality of climate change is convincing many people that humankind’s common homeland needs to be treated (...)
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  14.  24
    The act of being: the philosophy of revelation in Mullā Sadrā.Christian Jambet - 2006 - Cambridge: the MIT Press.
    Exploring the thought of Mulla Sadra Shirazi, an Iranian Shi'ite of the seventeenth century: a universe of politics, morality, liberty, and order that is indispensable to our understanding of Islamic thought and spirituality.
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  15. Gathering Memory: Thoughts on the History of Libraries.Christian Jacob - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (196):41-57.
    Maps and libraries are ways of externalising memory and knowledge, making them not only concrete, visible and accessible, but also durable, reproducible, communicable and socially active. Both are linked to processes of totalisation. Maps add together and incorporate individual, particular and partial experiences of a space: they provide a summary and synthesis of points of view concerning a given territory, obscuring their empirical content in order to construct a coherent degree of visibility and intelligibility. Libraries represent the sum of the (...)
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    Christian antinomy in modern spiritual poetry.L. N. Tatarinova - 2014 - Liberal Arts in Russia 3 (1):45.
    The problem of the article is based on a long tradition of studying the category ‘antinomy‘ in the history of philosophy from antiquity until the early twentieth century. Antinomical thinking has particular importance for the spiritual life in the 20th century. The author draws attention to the fact that, for example, in the poetry of Thomas Stern Eliot antinomies and paradoxes are of philosophical and religious nature especially in then dealing with questions of reaching the Truth by rational way exclusively. (...)
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    Christian Experiences with Buddhist Spirituality: A Response.Robert Thurman - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):69-72.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 69-72 [Access article in PDF] Christian Experiences with Buddhist Spirituality: A Response Robert Thurman Columbia University Recently I read an account on the CNN website of a statement made at the Kumbh Mela at Allahabad in India, where about eighty million devotees of Hinduism were joined in their worship of the grace of the Goddess River Ganga by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, informal (...)
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    Integrating Christian Ethics with Ignatian Spirituality.Jennifer E. Beste - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (1):61-67.
    If Christian ethics is to have an authentic connection to Jesus Christ, it is crucial to establish pedagogical objectives and best practices that are transformative. In this article, I examine how integrating Christian sexual ethics with Ignatian spirituality has fostered many students’ holistic growth and commitment to justice.
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  19. Utter Metaphysical Banalities.Alexandru Dragomir & James Christian Brown - 2004 - Studia Phaenomenologica 4 (3-4):171-181.
    The article conveys the portrait of a man for whom understanding was a matter of the highest spiritual intimacy, a man who continuously disregarded his possible engagement in the public life as a philosopher, finally a man whom we find, in the twilight of his life, concerned with the intricate tension between the “muteness” of philosophy (as being able “only” to double life by means of rational discourse) and religion. Alexandru Dragomir’s portrait is portrayed in comparison to another important Romanian (...)
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  20.  20
    Religion, spiritualité et société De l'étude sociologique du pentecôtisme latino‐américain.Christian Lalive D'epinay - 1976 - Dialectica 30 (4):305-313.
    RésuméA partir d'une présentation du mouvement pentecôtiste, l'auteur indique par divers exemples comment une religion de la conversion et de la rupture, même dans ses signes et dans ses rites les plus négateurs de la société ambiante, se nourrit de l'humus socio‐culturel qu'elle conteste. L'auteur défend ainsi la thèse selon laquelle la religion est à la fois, et de manière inextricable, un phénomène spirituel et un phénomène social.SummaryStarting from a representation of the Pentecostal movement, the author gives various examples of (...)
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  21. Alexandru Dragomir.Andrei Pleşu & James Christian Brown - 2004 - Studia Phaenomenologica 4 (3-4):65-72.
    The article conveys the portrait of a man for whom understanding was a matter of the highest spiritual intimacy, a man who continuously disregarded his possible engagement in the public life as a philosopher, finally a man whom we find, in the twilight of his life, concerned with the intricate tension between the “muteness” of philosophy (as being able “only” to double life by means of rational discourse) and religion. Alexandru Dragomir’s portrait is portrayed in comparison to another important Romanian (...)
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    The reasons of Europe: Edmund Husserl, Jan Patočka, and María Zambrano on the spiritual heritage of Europe.Christian Sternad - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (7):864-875.
    ABSTRACTThis article investigates the genuinely philosophical engagement with the idea of Europe twentieth century philosophy. Here, especially phenomenology has developed a distinct tradition of conceiving Europe not as a geographical and political entity but rather as a ‘spiritual shape.’ Husserl, as the originator of this thought, traces this spiritual Europe back to Ancient Greece of the 7/6 century B.C. in which an unprecedented ‘theoretical attitude’ towards the world originated. Hence, Europe is conceived as a project of reason, of pure rationality (...)
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    Spiritual Authority: A Christian Perspective.Karl Baier - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:107-119.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Spiritual AuthorityA Christian PerspectiveKarl BaierOne could define spiritual authority as the power to support the opening of the entire universe —and especially of the life of human beings—toward union with the redeeming ultimate reality. Christian tradition knows several holders of this power: God, Jesus Christ, the angels, the saints and priests, spiritual guides, and last but not least each and every Christian and person of goodwill. They all are (...)
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    Early Christian spirituality of ‘seeing the divine’ in 1 John.Dirk van der Merwe - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1):11.
    Apophatic theology and cataphatic theology both occur in the corpus Johanneum to describe the character of God. Apophatically the Gospel of John and the first epistle of John state that ‘nobody has ever seen God’. Cataphatically, Jesus teaches in the Gospel that, ‘Whoever has seen me has seen the Father’, and in 1 John we read that after the Parousia has taken place ‘we know that when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he (...)
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    African spirituality in the Johane Masowe Chishanu religious movement in Zimbabwe: A Christian church-sect dichotomy.Phillip Musoni - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):7.
    This study explored the impact of African indigenous spirituality on African indigenous churches (AICs), particularly in the Zimbabwean context, a special focus was on the Johane Masowe Chishanu (JMC) religious movement spirituality. The spirituality of the JMC religious movement is examined by cross-examining its denigration of the centrality of the Bible, the historical Jesus and the temple gathering as the movement appropriates and re-socialises traditional African shrines for religious gatherings. Thus, the following questions are raised in this (...)
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    Christian Spiritual Formation in a Southeast Asian Theological College.Jimmy Boon-Chai Tan - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (2):163-179.
    This article is an account of the teaching and practice of a course on Christian spirituality and ministry at Trinity Theological College in Singapore. It introduces the design of the course, discuss its theological foundations and practicums, and explains how it is delivered and assessed. The course adopts a historical-theological approach to the introduction of Christian spirituality and traces its development from the early church until the Protestant and Catholic Reformations. It introduces spiritual exercises from each epoch of (...)
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    Christian Spirituality as Openness toward Fellow Creatures.Jay McDaniel - 1986 - Environmental Ethics 8 (1):33-46.
    In developing theologies and spiritualities of ecology, Christians can learn from the Nobel laureate Barbara McClintock and from process theology. That “feeling for the organism” of which McClintock speaks can be understood within a process context as a distinctive mode of spirituality. The feeling is an intuitive and sympathetic apprehension of another creature in a way which mirrors God’s own way of perceiving. It involves feeling the other creature as a fellow subject with intrinsic value. A subjective capacity of (...)
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  28. The Bloomsbury guide to Christian spirituality [Book Review].Austin Cooper - 2014 - The Australasian Catholic Record 91 (3):379.
    Cooper, Austin Review(s) of: The Bloomsbury guide to Christian spirituality, by Richard Woods and Peter Tyler, eds. (London: Bloomsbury, 2012), pp. viii + 422, $65.00.
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    Christian Insight Meditation: A Test Case on Interreligious Spirituality.Springs Steele - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):217-229.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 217-229 [Access article in PDF] Christian Insight Meditation: A Test Case on Interreligious Spirituality Springs SteeleUniversity of Scranton, PennsylvaniaIn Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger's 1989 "Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Some Aspects of Christian Meditation," there is this significant caveat to Catholics: With the present diffusion of eastern methods of meditation in the Christian world and in ecclesial communities, we find ourselves (...)
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    Christian Spiritual Formation in the Classical School.JohnMark Bennett Beazley & Matthew R. Miller - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (2):230-240.
    Classical Christian education has ancient roots in the Christian church. In recent days, Christians have attempted to recover this classical tradition. Many cite the intellectual rigor vis-à-vis public schools as the reason for choosing classical Christian education. However, intellectual rigor is only one part of the classical tradition. More importantly, classical Christian education seeks to develop morally upright Christians. This education forms the character of Christians so that they may live faithfully in the world. This article describes how classical Christian (...)
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    Spiritual Reading Culture in Medieval Western Christian Monasticism (c. 6-12.): Lectio Divina.Yasin Güzeldal - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (1):251-267.
    In this research, the key elements of lectio divina, which is a Western spiritual practice, were tried to be mentioned. Many new practices emerged in the transition from desert monasticism, where early Christian monasticism emerged, to the settled monastic order, which attached little importance to reading other than the Bible. The habit of reading has also become one of the indispensable elements of the monastery after the transition to the settled monasteries. The entry of this term into monastic literature dates (...)
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    Christian Spiritual Perspective in Helping Professions.Svetlana Trbojevic, Sofija Georgievska & Natasha Stanojkovska Trajkovska - 2021 - Religious dialogue and cooperation 2:117-127.
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  33. From tribal spirituality to christianity: Olaudah equiano's AfroEnglish view of Christians in eighteenth-century western culture.Mary-Antoinette Smith - 2001 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 24 (3):163-180.
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    The characterisation of the Spiritual Christian: In conversation with God according to 1 Corinthians 2.Dirk van der Merwe - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3):10.
    Irrespective of the short academic history of Christian spirituality, a vast number of academic and popular publications ensued and is still dynamically growing. Many definitions have been proposed to define (Christian) spirituality. Spirituality is also no longer connected only to religion, although in this research the focus will fall on Christian spirituality. This research intends to partake in the continuing academic dialogue to define Christian spirituality. Christian spirituality is interpreted from the perspective of the (...)
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    Configured to Christ: On Spiritual Direction and Clergy Formation by James Keating (review).O. S. B. Christian Raab - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (3):1110-1113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Configured to Christ: On Spiritual Direction and Clergy Formation by James KeatingChristian Raab O.S.B.Configured to Christ: On Spiritual Direction and Clergy Formation by James Keating (Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road, 2021), xxix + 312 pp.Deacon James Keating has served the Church by forming her clergy for thirty years. While he has been a seminary professor and a director of deacon formation at the diocesan level, his prolific scholarship as (...)
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    The role of spiritual formation in the education of modern human beings: A European Christian perspective.Constantin V. Necula - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-6.
    One of the most considerable changes in the contemporary European educational mentality is a person's disconnection from spiritual life. Christian formation has been replaced with religious pluralism, in terms of syncretism influenced by global economic ideologies. Some consequences are low resilience and low spiritual resistance to contemporary challenges, associated with mental traumas or social behaviour deficits. Is it possible to restore the modern person's spiritual education? There is no evolution in the modern individual's social life without a horizon of spiritual (...)
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    Religiosity, Spirituality, and God Concepts.Christian Zwingmann & Sonja Gottschling - 2015 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 37 (1):98-116.
    Within a German sample, the current cross-sectional questionnaire study conducts interreligious and interdenominational comparisons between Catholics, Protestants, free-church Protestants, Bahá’ís, Muslims, Spiritualists, i.e., religiously unaffiliated persons who label themselves as “spiritual,” and religious/spiritual “nones.” The comparisons refer to self-ratings of religiosity and spirituality, centrality of religiosity, as assessed by the Centrality of Religiosity Scale, and God concepts. The study is largely exploratory in nature, but also aims at identifying contexts of faith in which the term “spiritual” is typically used (...)
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    From Spiritual to Material Russia's Bipolar Conception of Christianity.Onur Aydin - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (47):237-266.
    In recent days, it has been observed that the number of discussions on the phenomenon of nationalism and religion has increased all over the world, both in the national and international arena. This situation arises from the urge to reactivate the consciousness of being a nation in the memories of societies. The same is true for the Russian Federation. Looking at their historical traditions, autocracy, nationalism and Orthodoxy in the Russian land are inseparable parts of a whole. Christianity, which (...)
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    (1 other version)Christian Materialism Versus Anti-Christian “Spirituality”.Michael P. Slattery - 1978 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 52:159-167.
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    Groaning for the Kingdom of God: Spirituality, Social Justice, and the Witness of the Blumhardts.Christian T. Collins Winn - 2013 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 6 (1):56-75.
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    Christian doctrine of human spirituality.Valentyna Bodak - 1998 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 8:29-38.
    The crisis situation of the present human society is considered in modern theology as a state of spiritual degradation, which in general is inherent in the whole human race. Ignoring the spiritual factor in public life, according to theologians, is a major source of deepening social contradictions. Impotence is the source of all misery in personal, family and social life. Therefore, today sermons from the church's ambon sound with appeals to the moral and spiritual revival of man, with the teachings (...)
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    Moral, believing animals: human personhood and culture.Christian Smith - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What kind of animals are human beings? And how do our visions of the human shape our theories of social action and institutions? In Moral, Believing Animals>, Christian Smith advances a creative theory of human persons and culture that offers innovative, challenging answers to these and other fundamental questions in sociological, cultural, and religious theory. Smith suggests that human beings have a peculiar set of capacities and proclivities that distinguishes them significantly from other animals on this planet. Despite the vast (...)
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    The African Church’s application of anointing oil: An expression of Christian spirituality or a display of fetish ancestral religion?Joel K. Biwul - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):10.
    The content of Christian spirituality that made waves since the inception of the early church soon took on different contours as the faith got adapted to different gentile contexts. The expression of this faith, along with its liturgical symbolism and sacramental observances, is still gaining momentum in African Christianity. The emerging practice of the use of ‘anointing oil’ in its religious expression is receiving more attention than the Christ of the Gospel. In this article, we argue that against (...)
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    When time becomes personal. Aging and personal identity.Christian Sternad - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (2):311-319.
    Aging is an integral part of human existence. The problem of aging addresses the most fundamental coordinates of our lives but also the ones of the phenomenological method: time, embodiment, subjectivity and intersubjectivity, and even the social norms that grow into the very notion of aging as such. In my article, I delineate a phenomenological analysis of aging and show how such an analysis connects with the debate concerning personal identity: I claim that aging is not merely a physical process, (...)
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    Self-Compassion as a Christian Spiritual Practice.James C. Wilhoit - 2019 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 12 (1):71-88.
    One of the human dynamics that spiritual formation must address is the set of messages that play over and over in our minds. This self-talk or personal commentary frames our reactions to life and its circumstances and shapes how we relate to God and others. Often, the pattern of self-talk that we employ is negative, and in the past decade Christopher Germer and Kristin Neff have developed a series of self-compassion exercises designed to dispute this negative thinking. Their research and (...)
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    Approaching the religious psychiatric patient in a secular country: Does “subalternalizing” religious patients mean they do not exist?Ricko Damberg Nissen, Frederik Alkier Gildberg & Niels Christian Hvidt - 2019 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 41 (2):123-140.
    This article presents the findings of an empirical research project on how psychiatrists in a secular country (Denmark) approach the religious patients, and how the individual worldview of the psychiatrist influences this approach. The study is based on 22 interviews with certified psychiatrists or physicians in psychiatric residency. The article presents the theoretical and methodical grounding and introduces the analytical construct “subalternalizing,” derived from subaltern studies. “Subalternalizing” designates a process where a trait in one worldview (patient) is marginalized as a (...)
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    Pastoral juxtaposition in spiritual care: Towards a caregiving faith theology in an evangelical Christian context.Victor Counted & Joe R. Miller - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):1-10.
    The problem for many troubled youths seeking help within a Christian context is that their need for meaningful connections and spiritual growth is attached to relationships with their significant others. When needs of attachment are not adequately met due to the effect of an insecure attachment working model in a relationship with God, the teen may end up leaving the faith community seeking a new caregiver or regress into spiritual struggles, depression, anxiety, self-doubt and other negative emotions. This paper responds (...)
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    Touched by Love: Spiritual Experience in Chinese Christian Conversion Narratives.Nicholas Hsieh, Alexander Chow, Kate Scorgie & Glen G. Scorgie - 2022 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 15 (1):44-69.
    Christianity has become the religion of choice for a growing number of diasporic Chinese. This qualitative study examines the conversion narratives of first-generation Chinese converts to evangelical Protestant Christianity, exploring in particular the spiritual experiences that encouraged or confirmed their resolve to become Christians. Utilizing the method of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, twenty English-speaking participants were interviewed, mostly immigrants to the United States or the United Kingdom from China, including Hong Kong, or from Taiwan. The converts to Christianity (...)
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    The Efficacy of Spiritual Direction in the African American Christian Community.R. Neal Siler - 2017 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 10 (2):304-312.
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    The Wisdom of Christian Spiritual Formation.Evan B. Howard & James C. Wilhoit - 2020 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 13 (1):5-21.
    This article is intended to serve as a reminder of the themes that have been present in Christian spiritual formation through the centuries. In a WISDOM orientation we ground our approach to CSF in Scripture, in theology, and in “best practices,” yet we also seek to thoughtfully locate CSF within specific contexts. The WISDOM acronym reminds us that formation must involve: Wise planning, where the leaders prayerfully seek to implement what is needed in a specific situation; Intentionality, calling people to (...)
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