Results for 'Christie Pratt'

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  1. Pornography at the Edge: Depiction, Fiction, & Sexual Predilection.Christy Mag Uidhir & Henry Pratt - 2012 - In Hans Maes & Jerrold Levinson, Art and Pornography: Philosophical Essays. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 137-160.
    The primary purpose of depictive works of pornography, we take it, is sexual arousal through sexually explicit representations; what we callprototypical pornography satisfies those aims through the adoption of a ceteris paribus maximally realistic depictive style. Given that the purpose of sexual arousal seems best fulfilled by establishing the most robust connections between the viewer and the depictive subject, we find it curious that not all works of pornography aspire to prototypical status. Accordingly, we target for philosophical scrutiny several non-standard (...)
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    Healthcare providers' knowledge and attitudes about rapid tissue donation (RTD): phase one of establishing a rapid tissue donation programme in thoracic oncology.Matthew B. Schabath, Jessica McIntyre, Christie Pratt, Luis E. Gonzalez, Teresita Munoz-Antonia, Eric B. Haura & Gwendolyn P. Quinn - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (2):139-142.
    In preparation for the development of a rapid tissue donation programme, we surveyed healthcare providers in our institution about knowledge and attitudes related to RTD with lung cancer patients. A 31-item web based survey was developed collecting data on demographics, knowledge and attitudes about RTD. The survey contained three items measuring participants’ knowledge about RTD, five items assessing attitudes towards RTD recruitment and six items assessing HCPs’ level of agreement with factors influencing decisions to discuss RTD. Response options were presented (...)
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    Altruism in terminal cancer patients and rapid tissue donation program: does the theory apply? [REVIEW]Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Devin Murphy, Christie Pratt, Teresita Muñoz-Antonia, Lucy Guerra, Matthew B. Schabath, Marino E. Leon & Eric Haura - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):857-864.
    Rapid tissue donation (RTD) is an advancing oncology research procedure for collecting tumors, metastases, and unaffected tissue 2–6 h after death. Researchers can better determine rates of progression, response to treatment, and polymorphic differences among patients. Cancer patients may inquire about posthumous body donation for research to offer a personal contribution to research; however, there are barriers to recruiting for an RTD program. Physicians must reassure the patient that their treatment options and quality of care will not be compromised due (...)
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    Some School-Books - A First Latin Course, by R. F. Pratt. Pp. 462. London: Harrap, 1935. Cloth, 4s. 6d. - A First Latin Course, Part II, by A. S. C. Barnard. Pp. 175. London: Bell, 1935. Cloth, 2s. 6d. - Latin Revision and Drill, by C. E. Robin. Pp. viii+105. London: University Tutorial Press, 1935. Boards, is. 6d. [REVIEW]J. T. Christie - 1935 - The Classical Review 49 (05):201-202.
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    Imagining Dewey: artful works and dialogue about Art as experience.Patricia L. Maarhuis & A. G. Rud (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: Brill Sense.
    Imagining Dewey' features productive (re)interpretations of 21st century experience using the lens of John Dewey's 'Art as Experience', through the doubled task of putting an array of international philosophers, educators, and artists-researchers in transactional dialogue and on equal footing in an academic text. This book is a pragmatic attempt to encourage application of aesthetic learning and living, ekphrasic interpretation, critical art and agonist pluralism.0There are two foci: (a) Deweyan philosophy and educational themes with (b) analysis and examples of how educators, (...)
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    Interview: Choreographies: Jacques Derrida and Christie V. McDonald.Christie V. McDonald & Jacques Derrida - 1982 - Diacritics 12 (2):66.
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  7. What Fascinates Me.Christie McDonald - 2003 - Substance 32 (1):33-35.
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    Adequately considered: an American perspective on Louis Janssens' personalist morals.Dolores L. Christie - 1990 - [Grand Rapids, Mich.]: Eerdmans.
    Christie is a member of the Department of Religious Studies at Baldwin-Wallace College, Cleveland, Ohio (U.S.A.).
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  9. Never Weary of Gazing: Contemplative Practice and the Cultivation of Ecological Virtue.Douglas E. Christie - 2020 - In Heesoon Bai, David Chang & Charles Scott, A book of ecological virtues: living well in the anthropocene. Regina, Saskatchewan: University of Regina Press.
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  10. The First Three Years of Childhood, Ed. And Tr. By A.M. Christie.Bernard Perez & Alice M. Christie - 1885
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    Are Biological Traits Explained by Their ‘Selected Effect’ Functions?Joshua R. Christie, Carl Brusse, Pierrick Bourrat, Peter Takacs & Paul E. Griffiths - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (4):335-359.
    The selected effects or ‘etiological’ theory of Proper function is a naturalistic and realist account of biological teleology. It is used to analyse normativity in philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of medicine, and elsewhere. The theory has been developed with a simple and intuitive view of natural selection. Traits are selected because of their positive effects on the fitness of the organisms that have them. These ‘selected effects’ are the Proper functions of the traits. Proponents argue that this (...)
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  12. Final Reflection-MA Teacher Leadership Christie Davis May 30, 2012 1.Christie Davis - forthcoming - Philosophy.
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    Philosopher Kings?: The Adjudication of Conflicting Human Rights and Social Values.George C. Christie - 2011 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Philosopher Kings? The Adjudication of Conflicting Human Rights and Social Values, by George C. Christie, examines the attempts by courts to sort out conflicts involving freedom of expression, including religious expression, on the one hand, and rights to privacy and other important social values on the other. It approaches the subject from a comparative perspective, using principally cases decided by European and United States courts. A significant part of this book analyzes conflicts between freedom of expression and the right (...)
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  14. Is Feminist Political Liberalism Possible?Christie Hartley & Lori Watson - 2010 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 5 (1):121.
    Is a feminist political liberalism possible? Political liberalism’s regard for a wide range of comprehensive doctrines as reasonable makes some feminists skeptical of its ability to address sex inequality. Indeed, some feminists claim that political liberalism maintains its position as a political liberalism at the expense of securing substantive equality for women. We claim that political liberalism’s core commitments actually restrict all reasonable political conceptions of justice to those that secure genuine substantive equality for all, including women and other marginalized (...)
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  15. Taking jokes (apart) seriously.Christie Davies - 1987 - Semiotica 66 (4):451-454.
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    Saladin. By Anne-Marie Eddé. Translated by Jane Marie Todd.Niall Christie - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (1).
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    (1 other version)Transformations in Personhood and Culture After Theory: The Languages of History, Aesthetics, and Ethics.Christie McDonald & Gary Wihl (eds.) - 1994 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    These essays define transformation by blending the familiar with the conflicted and plural. Transformation refers to the shifting ground in our present culture between the familiar and the unfamiliar. These essays are viewed as examples of new intellectual 'genres' rather than 'theories.' If they do belong to a post-theoretical, intellectual genre of writing, it is because they blend philosophical vocabularies with expressions of curiosity, novelty and plurality.
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    Ethics and the Elderly: The Challenge of Long-Term Care by Sarah M. Moses, and: Loving Later Life: An Ethics of Aging by Frits de Lange.Dolores L. Christie - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):214-216.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ethics and the Elderly: The Challenge of Long-Term Care by Sarah M. Moses, and: Loving Later Life: An Ethics of Aging by Frits de LangeDolores L. ChristieEthics and the Elderly: The Challenge of Long-Term Care Sarah M. Moses maryknoll, ny: orbis, 2015. 206 pp. $38.00Loving Later Life: An Ethics of Aging Frits de Lange grand rapids, mi: eerdmans, 2015. 169 pp. $19.00Today many women and men live beyond (...)
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    Richard Morison (d. 1556) an analysis of his life and work.Sharon Christie - 1979 - Moreana 16 (1):11-12.
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    Covering It Up? Questions of Safety, Stigmatization, and Fairness in Covert Medication Administration.Christy Simpson - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (2):204-211.
    This paper examines the practice of covert medication administration from an organizational ethics perspective. This includes consideration of vulnerability and stigmatization, safety, and fairness in terms of the culture of health care organizations and the relevance of policies and processes in relation to covert medication administration. As much of the discussion about covert medication administration focuses on patients and health care providers, this analysis aims to help expand the analysis of this practice.
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    Equal Citizenship and Public Reason: A Feminist Political Liberalism.Christie Hartley & Lori Watson - 2018 - Oup Usa.
    This book is a defense of political liberalism as a feminist liberalism. A novel and restrictive account of public reason is defended. Then it is argued that political liberalism's core commitments restrict reasonable conceptions of justice to those that secure genuine, substantive equality for women and other marginalized groups.
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    Patient and Trainee: Learning When to Step In.Christy L. Cummings - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (4):5-6.
    With advancing rank in medical training comes increased academic and clinical responsibility, including education and supervision of trainees and junior staff. When I became a senior postdoctoral fellow sub‐specializing in neonatology, I assumed the role of co‐attending in the neonatal intensive care unit. At that point in my training, I felt well prepared for the challenging task. I would be in charge, make decisions independently with the team, and supervise, as well as teach, the junior fellows, residents, and practitioners. In (...)
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    (2 other versions)Pursuit Of Happiness.Christy Warner - 1992 - Business Ethics 6 (6):46-46.
  24. Feminism, religion, and shared reasons: A defense of exclusive public reason.Christie Hartley & Lori Watson - 2009 - Law and Philosophy 28 (5):493 - 536.
    The idea of public reason is central to political liberalism's aim to provide an account of the possibility of a just and stable democratic society comprised of free and equal citizens who nonetheless are deeply divided over fundamental values. This commitment to the idea of public reason reflects the normative core of political liberalism which is rooted in the principle of democratic legitimacy and the idea of reciprocity among citizens. Yet both critics and defenders of political liberalism disagree over whether (...)
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    Francis Jeffrey's Associationist Aesthetics.W. H. Christie - 1993 - British Journal of Aesthetics 33 (3):257-270.
  26. The Orient in American Transcendentalism.Arthur Christy - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44:89.
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  27. Justice for the disabled: A contractualist approach.Christie Hartley - 2009 - Journal of Social Philosophy 40 (1):17-36.
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    Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering and Queer Affect. By Mel Y. Chen.Christy Reynolds - 2014 - Environmental Philosophy 11 (1):135-137.
  29. When hope makes us vulnerable: A discussion of patient–healthcare provider interactions in the context of hope.Christy Simpson - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (5):428–447.
    ABSTRACT When hope is discussed in bioethics’ literature, it is most often in the context of ‘false hopes’ and/or how to maintain hope while breaking bad news to patients. Little or no time is generally devoted to the description of hope that supports these analyses. In this paper, I present a detailed description of hope, one designed primarily for the healthcare context. Noting that hope is an emotional attitude, four key aspects are explored. In particular, the function of imagination in (...)
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  30. The social standing of science: some contemporary history.John Christie - 1995 - History of the Human Sciences 8 (2):103-108.
  31. Expressive desert and deserving compensation.Christi Favor - 2010 - In Gerald Gaus, Julian Lamont & Christi Favor, ESSAYS ON PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS & ECONOMIC: INTEGRATION AND COMMON RESEARCH PROJECTS. Stanford University Press.
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  32. Y. DEJIMA, S. FUKUDA, S. ICHIJOH, K. TAKASAKA and R. OHTSUKA 203–220.Christy F. Telch, Stewart Agras, Hui-Guang Tian, Gang Hu, Qina Dong, Xilin Yang, Ying Nan, Pirjo Pietinen, Aulikki Nissinen & Tanis Furst - 1996 - Human Studies 26 (2).
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    Antonio Giusti: Antologia Omerica (Odissea). Pp. 205. Milan: Signorelli, 1935. Paper, 5 lire.J. T. Christie - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (01):36-.
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    Acceptance V. Inclusion: Reframing the Approach to Helping Individuals with Disabilities in Social Settings.River Christie-White - 2022 - Studies in Social Justice 16 (2):496-497.
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    Editor's Welcome.Robert C. Christie - 2015 - Newman Studies Journal 12 (2):2-2.
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  36. Introduction : why cultures of uneven and combined development?James Christie & Nesrin Degirmencioglu - 2019 - In James Christie & Nesrin Degirmencioglu, Cultures of uneven and combined development: from international relations to world literature. Boston: Brill.
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  37. Opening the Black Box of Minds: Theatre as a Laboratory of System Unknowns.L. F. Christy Jr - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (3):616-618.
    Open peer commentary on the article ““Black Box” Theatre: Second-Order Cybernetics and Naturalism in Rehearsal and Performance” by Tom Scholte. Upshot: What von Foerster accomplished in raising the specter of second-order cybernetics now requires experimental design and the heavy lifting of theory to complete his quest for new ways of thinking. Scholte’s “black box theatre” points to research into non-trivial systems as a formal means of grasping living systems.
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    The Role of Abbreviation in Figurative Processes of Language Change.T. Craig Christy - 1983 - Semiotics:219-226.
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    Recognizing disparities in health care for children with special health care needs.Christie Crump - 2018 - Clinical Ethics 13 (3):112-119.
    IntroductionThere is a significant disparity in the United States between the health care received by children with special health care needs versus physically healthy children.ObjectiveThe objective of the paper is to show that children with special needs receive less than adequate health care overall. This disparity affects the quality of life for these children and influences their ability to live their lives to their full potential.MethodsResearch was conducted by examining multiple studies with a focus on six major factors that play (...)
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  40. Metaphor in "Sons and Lovers".Christie Jeffries - 1948 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 29 (3):287.
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    Organizational ethics and social justice in practice: Choices and challenges in a rural-urban health region.Christy Simpson & Jeff Kirby - 2004 - HEC Forum 16 (4):274-283.
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    Ethical issues in family medicine.Ronald J. Christie - 1986 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by C. Barry Hoffmaster.
    While ethicists have directed much attention to controversial biomedical issues--including euthanasia, abortion, and genetic engineering--they have largely ignored the less obvious, but more pervasive, everyday ethical problems faced by family physicians. Ethical Issues in Family Medicine addresses these problems, offering an ethics that reflects the distinctive features of family practice, and helping family physicians to appreciate the extent to which ethical issues influence their practice.
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  43. Language Helps Children Succeed on a Classic Analogy Task.Stella Christie & Dedre Gentner - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (2):383-397.
    Adult humans show exceptional relational ability relative to other species. In this research, we trace the development of this ability in young children. We used a task widely used in comparative research—the relational match-to-sample task, which requires participants to notice and match the identity relation: for example, AA should match BB instead of CD. Despite the simplicity of this relation, children under 4 years of age failed to pass this test (Experiment 1), and their performance did not improve even with (...)
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  44. Natural Separateness: Why Parfit's Reductionist Account of Persons Fails to Support Consequentialism.Tim Christie - 2009 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 6 (2):178-195.
    My goal in this essay will be to show, contra Parfit, that the separateness of human persons—although metaphysically shallow—has a moral significance that should not be overlooked. Parfit holds that his reductionist view of personal identity lends support to consequentialism; I reject this claim because it rests on the assumption that the separateness of human persons has an arbitrariness that renders it morally insignificant. This assumption is flawed because this separateness is grounded in our 'person practices', which reflect some of (...)
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    Rootedness: the ramifications of a metaphor.Christy Wampole - 2016 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Roots are good to think with indeed most of us use them as a metaphor every day. A root can signify the hiddenness of our beginnings, or, in its bifurcating structure, the various possibilities in the life of an individual or a collective. This book looks at rootedness as a metaphor for the genealogical origins of people and their attachment to place and how this metaphor transformed so rapidly in twentieth-century Europe. Christy Wampole s case study is France, with its (...)
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    Movement contributes to infants' recognition of the human form.Tamara Christie & Virginia Slaughter - 2010 - Cognition 114 (3):329-337.
    Three experiments demonstrate that biological movement facilitates young infants’ recognition of the whole human form. A body discrimination task was used in which 6-, 9-, and 12-month-old infants were habituated to typical human bodies and then shown scrambled human bodies at the test. Recovery of interest to the scrambled bodies was observed in 9- and 12-month-old infants in Experiment 1, but only when the body images were animated to move in a biologically possible way. In Experiment 2, nonbiological movement was (...)
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    Medically assisted dying in Canada and unjust social conditions: a response to Wiebe and Mullin.Timothy Christie & Madeline Li - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):423-424.
    In the paper, titled ‘Choosing death in unjust conditions: hope, autonomy and harm reduction,’ Wiebe and Mullin argue that people living in unjust social conditions are sufficiently autonomous to request medical assistance in dying (MAiD). The ethical issue is that some people may request MAiD primarily because of unjust social conditions, not their illness, disease, disability or decline in capability. It is easily agreed that people living in unjust social conditions can be autonomous. Nevertheless, Wiebe and Mullin fail to appreciate (...)
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    Factories for Learning: Neoliberal Governmentality and Inequality in a London Secondary Academy.Christy Kulz - 2015 - Routledge.
    This book draws upon original research at a celebrated flagship secondary school, to explore how new forms of neoliberal governmentality are reproducing raced, classed and gendered inequalities. Considering the complex narratives of students, teachers and parents, the book examines the stories underlying the school’s glossy veneer of success, highlighting the persistent structural inequalities concealed beneath its rhetoric of aspirational citizenship. Chapters demonstrate how hopes and dreams are harnessed and mobilized to exact social control, and how marketized education systems reshape inequality, (...)
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    Legalism, Countertransference, and Clinical Moral Perception.Christy A. Rentmeester & Constance George - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (10):20-28.
    This target article focuses on dynamics that arise in three typical ethically complex cases in which psychiatric consultations are requested by physicians: a dying patient refuses life-prolonging treatment, an uncooperative patient demands to be allowed to go outside and smoke, and an angry patient demands to be admitted to the hospital. The discussion canvasses what is at stake morally and clinically in each of these cases and explores clinician–patient interactions, dynamics in relationships between consulting physicians and consultant psychiatrists, patient transference, (...)
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  50. Disability and Justice.Christie Hartley - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (2):120-132.
    Historically, philosophers have had little to say about justice and disability. However, in recent years and in response to disability rights movements, philosophers have started to consider the claims to justice of persons with mental and physical impairments. Importantly, some have charged that without extensive revision, social contract accounts of justice – which enjoy immense popularity among political philosophers – cannot address the needs and interests of persons with disabilities. In this article, I explain why social contract accounts are thought (...)
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