Results for 'Christine D’Yvoire-Doligez'

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  1.  30
    Handicap maternel et maltraitance. Quand l’enfant vient rompre le pacte dénégatif autour du handicap.Christine D’Yvoire-Doligez - 2015 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 209 (3):133-144.
    Dans le cadre de ses activités de consultation médicale en pmi et de ses missions de prévention et de protection de l’enfance, l’auteure analyse comment l’arrivée d’un enfant pour une mère porteuse de handicap vient questionner et ébranler les mécanismes défensifs mis en œuvre par son entourage et par elle-même autour du handicap. Par l’expression de ses propres besoins, l’enfant vient rompre le pacte dénégatif inconscient qui lie les membres de sa famille, et plus largement l’ensemble des personnes en lien (...)
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  2. A plea for the highlands of Scotland": university reform in the early Twentieth Century.Christine D. Myers - 2005 - In David Seth Preston, Contemporary issues in education. New York, NY: Rodopi.
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    Responding to Strangers: Insights from the Christian Tradition.Christine D. Pohl - 2006 - Studies in Christian Ethics 19 (1):81-101.
    The historic Christian tradition of offering hospitality to strangers provides moral, theological and practical insights for contemporary responses to the needs of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants. Ancient writers were explicit about the difficulties, blessings, and necessity of welcoming strangers. In this paper, specific components of the tradition, especially as they are evident in the writings of Chrysostom, Calvin and Wesley, are discussed. Suggestions are offered for points of intersection with contemporary concerns related to asylum and immigration.
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    Changes in Payer Mix and Physician Reimbursement After the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion.Christine D. Jones, Serena J. Scott, Debra L. Anoff, Read G. Pierce & Jeffrey J. Glasheen - 2015 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 52:004695801560246.
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    Examining our credibility: perspectives of the public and the press.Christine D. Urban - 1999 - Reston, VA: ASNE Foundation.
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    Internet-using children and digital inequality: A comparison between majority and minority Europeans.Christine Ogan & Leen D’Haenens - 2013 - Communications 38 (1):41-60.
    In this research we focus on ethnic minorities, one of the underserved groups in Europe. In particular, we address the internet use of Turkish ethnic children, aged 9 to 16, in several EU countries. We examine the extent to which they can be considered digitally disadvantaged when compared to the majority population in those countries. We also compare Turkish children living in Turkey to those in the diaspora as well as to the majority children living in those same European countries. (...)
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    Introduction to the Special Issue: Media and Ethnic Minorities in Europe.Christine Ogan & Leen D'Haenens - 2007 - Communications 32 (2):137-140.
    Across the countries of Europe and within the European Union, there seems to be no end to discussions of policies related to migrants – from the labor migrants who came to Europe more than 40 years ago to the continued requests from prospective migrants who want to immigrate for asylum and family formation. The discussions on what those policies should be, range from multiculturalism to integration and assimilation. Shifts in policies have occurred because of the slow economic and educational progress (...)
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    The farmer’s battlefield: traditional ecological knowledge and unexploded bombs in Cambodia.Erin Lin, Christine D. Sprunger & Jyhjong Hwang - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (3):827-837.
    What role does traditional ecological knowledge play in the lives of smallholder farmers in post-conflict communities as they cope with the destructive impacts of war? In many cases, military weapons, such as unexploded bombs, are left behind in the surrounding landscape, forcing farmers to adapt their livelihood practices to the increased risk of death and injury. We analyze trends in the local production of knowledge in Ratanak Kiri province, Cambodia, an area heavily bombarded by the US Air Force during the (...)
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  9. Book Review: Luke Bretherton, Hospitality as Holiness: Christian Witness amid Moral Diversity (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006). x + 215 pp. £47.50 (hb), ISBN 0—7546— 5372—2. [REVIEW]Christine D. Pohl - 2007 - Studies in Christian Ethics 20 (3):421-424.
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  10. Language and simulation in conceptual processing.Lawrence W. Barsalou, Ava Santos, W. Kyle Simmons & Wilson & D. Christine - 2008 - In Manuel de Vega, Arthur M. Glenberg & Arthur C. Graesser, Symbols and embodiment: debates on meaning and cognition. New York: Oxford University Press.
  11. Are Automatic Conceptual Cores the Gold Standard of Semantic Processing? The Context‐Dependence of Spatial Meaning in Grounded Congruency Effects.Lauren A. M. Lebois, Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall & Lawrence W. Barsalou - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1764-1801.
    According to grounded cognition, words whose semantics contain sensory-motor features activate sensory-motor simulations, which, in turn, interact with spatial responses to produce grounded congruency effects. Growing evidence shows these congruency effects do not always occur, suggesting instead that the grounded features in a word's meaning do not become active automatically across contexts. Researchers sometimes use this as evidence that concepts are not grounded, further concluding that grounded information is peripheral to the amodal cores of concepts. We first review broad evidence (...)
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    A Framework for Deep Resilience in the Anthropocene.Dekila Chungyalpa, Pilar E. Gauthier, Robin I. Goldman, M. Vikas & Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall - 2025 - Humanistic Management Journal 10 (1):49-64.
    This paper presents a conceptual framework proposed by the Loka Initiative for building inner, community, and planetary resilience as a unified vision and goal. Titled “A Framework for Deep Resilience in the Anthropocene,” the framework emerged from a three-day dialogue with over 40 researchers, academics, community experts, clinical psychologists, and contemplative leaders who participated in the Resilience in the Anthropocene Summit from August 8–10, 2023. We propose that a unified goal of inner, community, and planetary resilience is necessary to subvert (...)
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    Putting Everything in Context.Lauren A. M. Lebois, Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall & Lawrence W. Barsalou - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1987-1995.
    In response to Casasanto, Brookshire, and Ivry, we address four points: First, we engaged in conceptual replications of Brookshire, Casasanto, and Ivry, not direct replications. Second, we did not question the validity of Brookshire et al.'s results, nor the similar findings of other researchers, but instead explained divergent findings within an integrated theoretical framework. Third, challenges to the construct of automaticity, including ours, were widespread, long before Brookshire et al.'s article. Fourth, the planned comparisons that we reported tested our theoretical (...)
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    Paediatric Physician–Researchers: Coping With Tensions in Dual Accountability.Katherine Boydell, Randi Zlotnik Shaul, Lori D'Agincourt–Canning, Michael Da Silva, Christy Simpson, Christine D. Czoli, Natalie Rashkovan, Celine C. Kim, Alex V. Levin & Rayfel Schneider - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):213-221.
    Potential conflicts between the roles of physicians and researchers have been described at the theoretical level in the bioethics literature (Czoli, et al., 2011). Physicians and researchers are generally in mutually distinct roles, responsible for patients and participants respectively. With increasing emphasis on integration of research into clinical settings, however, the role divide is sometimes unclear. Consequently, physician–researchers must consider and negotiate salient ethical differences between clinical– and research–based obligations (Miller et al, 1998). This paper explores the subjective experiences and (...)
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    The quality of informed consent in a clinical research study in Thailand.Christine Pace, Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Theshinee Chuenyam, Chris Duncombe, Judith D. Bebchuk, David Wendler, Jorge A. Tavel, Laura A. McNay, Praphan Phanuphak & Heidi P. Forster - 2004 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 27 (1):9-17.
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    The effects of happy and angry expressions on identity and expression memory for unfamiliar faces.Arnaud D'Argembeau, Martial Van der Linden, Christine Comblain & Anne-Marie Etienne - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (4):609-622.
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    Émotions et Valeurs.Christine Tappolet - 2000 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    Pour contrer le scepticisme au sujet de la connaissance des valeurs, la plupart soutiennent avec John Rawls qu’une croyance comme celle qu’une action est bonne est justifiée dans la mesure où elle appartient à un ensemble de croyances cohérent, ayant atteint un équilibre réfléchi. Christine Tappolet s’inspire des travaux de Max Scheler et d’Alexius von Meinong pour défendre une conception opposée au cohérentisme. La connaissance des valeurs est affirmée dépendre de nos émotions, ces dernières étant conçues comme des perceptions (...)
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  18. Personal identity and the unity of agency: A Kantian response to Parfit.Christine Korsgaard - 1989 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 18 (2):103-31.
  19. Fellow creatures: Kantian ethics and our duties to animals.Christine M. Korsgaard - unknown
    Christine M. Korsgaard is Arthur Kingsley Porter Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University. She was educated at the University of Illinois and received a Ph.D. from Harvard. She has held positions at Yale, the University of California at Santa Barbara, and the University of Chicago, and visiting positions at Berkeley and UCLA. She is a member of the American Philosophical Association and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She has published extensively on Kant, and about (...)
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    Separating a and W effects: Pointing to targets on computer displays.Christine L. MacKenzie & Evan D. Graham - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):316-318.
    We address two main issues: the distinction between time-constrained and spatially constrained tasks, and the separable A and W effects on movement time (MT) in spatially-constrained tasks. We consider MT and 3-D kinematic data from human adults pointing to targets in human-computer interaction. These are better fit by Welford's (1968) two-part model, than Fitts' (1954; Fitts & Peterson 1964) ID model. We identify theoretical and practical implications.
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    Informed Consent: Practices and Views of Investigators in a Multinational Clinical Trial.Lindsay Sabik, Christine A. Pace, Heidi P. Forster-Gertner, David Wendler, Judith D. Bebchuk, Jorge A. Tavel, Laura A. McNay, Jack Killen, Ezekiel J. Emanuel & Christine Grady - 2004 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 27 (5):13-18.
  22. The Toughest Triage — Allocating Ventilators in a Pandemic.Robert D. Truog, Christine Mitchell & George Q. Daley - 2020 - New England Journal of Medicine.
    The Covid-19 pandemic has led to severe shortages of many essential goods and services, from hand sanitizers and N-95 masks to ICU beds and ventilators. Although rationing is not unprecedented, never before has the American public been faced with the prospect of having to ration medical goods and services on this scale.
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    A Bridge to Nowhere.Christine Mitchell & Robert D. Truog - 2003 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 14 (3):189-189.
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    The Importance of Ordinal Information in Interpreting Number/Letter Line Data.Christine Podwysocki, Robert A. Reeve & Jason D. Forte - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  25. Emotions and the intelligibility of akratic action.Christine Tappolet - 2003 - In Sarah Stroud & Christine Tappolet, Weakness of will and practical irrationality. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 97--120.
    After discussing de Sousa's view of emotion in akrasia, I suggest that emotions be viewed as nonconceptual perceptions of value (see Tappolet 2000). It follows that they can render intelligible actions which are contrary to one's better judgment. An emotion can make one's action intelligible even when that action is opposed by one's all-things-considered judgment. Moreover, an akratic action prompted by an emotion may be more rational than following one's better judgement, for it may be the judgement and not the (...)
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    Contrer la barbarie.Walter Benjamin et la notion de « barbarie positive ».Schmider Christine - 2011 - Noesis 18:85-101.
    La pensée de Walter Benjamin constitue la tentative aussi lucide que désespérée d’un intellectuel de contrer ce qu’il sait inévitable : la déshumanisation d’un monde dont la tradition et les valeurs culturelles ont été liquidées par l’expérience de la grande guerre et l’avènement de la barbarie fasciste qui fera de l’histoire une catastrophe. Les stratégies politiques et esthétiques que Benjamin développe afin de combattre la menace du fascisme peuvent être résumées sous la notion de « barbar...
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    Corporate Image: Employee Reactions and Implications for Managing Corporate Social Performance. [REVIEW]Christine M. Riordan, Robert D. Gatewood & Jodi Barnes Bill - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (4):401 - 412.
    Corporate image is a function of organizational signals which determine the perceptions of various stakeholders regarding the actions of an organization. Because of its relationship to the actions of an organization, image has been studied as an indicator of the social performance of the organization. Recent research has determined that social performance has direct effects on the behaviors and attitudes of the organization's employees. To better understand these effects, this study develops and empirically tests a model which links corporate leaders' (...)
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  28. Corporate image: Employee reactions and implications for managing corporate social performance. [REVIEW]Christine M. Riordan, Robert D. Gatewood & JodiBarnes Bill - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (4):401-412.
    Corporate image is a function of organizational signals which determine the perceptions of various stakeholders regarding the actions of an organization. Because of its relationship to the actions of an organization, image has been studied as an indicator of the social performance of the organization. Recent research has determined that social performance has direct effects on the behaviors and attitudes of the organization's employees. To better understand these effects, this study develops and empirically tests a model which links corporate leaders' (...)
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  29. Accountability and pediatric physician-researchers: are theoretical models compatible with Canadian lived experience?Christine Czoli, Michael Da Silva, Randi Zlotnik Shaul, Lori D'Agincourt-Canning, Christy Simpson, Katherine Boydell, Natalie Rashkovan & Sharon Vanin - 2011 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 6:15.
    Physician-researchers are bound by professional obligations stemming from both the role of the physician and the role of the researcher. Currently, the dominant models for understanding the relationship between physician-researchers' clinical duties and research duties fit into three categories: the similarity position, the difference position and the middle ground. The law may be said to offer a fourth.
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    Should People Do unto Others as They Would Not Want Done unto Themselves?Christine Harrison, D. W. Molloy, P. Darzins & M. Bédard - 1995 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 6 (1):14-19.
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    Antecedents to an evangelising consumer.Christine D', N. A. Lima & Mala Srivastava - 2019 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 12 (4):448.
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    From silk to twill. Scenography of the clothing at the Carmel (France, xviith-xviiith century).Christine Aribaud - 2012 - Clio 36:91-108.
    Le propos de l’article est l’analyse de la cérémonie de la prise d’habit au sein de l’Ordre Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel aux xviie et xviiie siècles. À partir des sources normatives, picturales et hagiographiques, cette cérémonie est détaillée, notamment la scénographie de l’avant/après, gommant toute marque féminine (présence de cheveux, soins pour un teint pâle, vêtement ajusté, usage de soieries, de bijoux, etc.). Certaines pratiques témoignent de la mise en impatience de ce passage de la soie au drap, qui se traduit (...)
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  33. Épilogue.Christine Mohr et Domicele Jonauskaite - 2020 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou, Pascale Derron & Pierre Ducrey, Psychologie de la couleur dans le monde gréco-romain: huit exposés suivis de discussions et d'un épilogue. Vandœuvres: Fondation Hardt pour l'étude de l'antiquité classique.
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    La pensée du dehors: littérature, philosophie, épistémologie.Christine Baron - 2007 - Paris: Harmattan.
    L'ouvrage revient sur l'idée fort ancienne selon laquelle la littérature serait par elle-même porteuse d'une interrogation philosophique, voire qu'elle serait une instance de vérité. Il propose ainsi une analyse des méthodes suivant lesquelles elle construit des modèles de pensée empruntés aux sciences, à la sociologie ou à l'histoire.
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    Art as experience of the living body: an East/West dialogue = L'art comme experience du corps vivant: un dialogue Orient/Occident.Christine Vial Kayser (ed.) - 2024 - Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press.
    This book analyses the dynamic relationship between art and subjective consciousness, following a phenomenological, pragmatist and enactive approach. It brings out a new approach to the role of the body in art, not as a speculative object or symbolic material but as the living source of the imaginary. It contains theoretical contributions and case studies taken from various artistic practices (visual art, theatre, literature and music), Western and Eastern, the latter concerning China, India and Japan. These contributions allow us to (...)
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  36. La Ceppède's Théorèmes And Augustinian Sources.Christine Mccall Probes - 1970 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 32 (2):407-422.
  37.  14
    (1 other version)Patricia Izquierdo, Devenir poétesse à la belle époque (1900-1914).Christine Planté - 2012 - Clio 36.
    Les premières années du XXe siècle ont vu en France un essor de la presse féminine et de la production littéraire des femmes, marquées par une vogue de la poésie d’autant plus frappante qu’elle reste sans équivalent dans d’autres périodes. On ne saurait y voir un mouvement littéraire cohérent ni concerté – quoique certains commentateurs aient parfois, à la suite de Charles Maurras, parlé à ce propos de « romantisme féminin » –, et cette étonnante reconnaissance publique d’une poésie écrite (...)
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    Miracles and God: A Reply to Robert A. H. Larmer.Christine Overall - 1997 - Dialogue 36 (4):741.
    RésuméJ'ai soutenu dans un article de 1985 que s'il y avait des miracles, cela parlerait contre l'existence du Dieu judéo-chrétien. Dans son livre de 1988 sur le concept de miracle, Robert Larmer propose une critique de mes arguments. J'évalue ici la force de cette critique. Je montre que la redéfinition de «miracle» que propose Larmer est circulaire; que sa distinction est spécieuse entre violer une hi naturelle et la surmonter grâce à la création ou la destruction d'énergie par Dieu; et (...)
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  39. Altruism across disciplines: one word, multiple meanings.Christine Clavien & Michel Chapuisat - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (1):125-140.
    Altruism is a deep and complex phenomenon that is analysed by scholars of various disciplines, including psychology, philosophy, biology, evolutionary anthropology and experimental economics. Much confusion arises in current literature because the term altruism covers variable concepts and processes across disciplines. Here we investigate the sense given to altruism when used in different fields and argumentative contexts. We argue that four distinct but related concepts need to be distinguished: (a) psychological altruism , the genuine motivation to improve others’ interests and (...)
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    Creating spaces.Marit Honerød Hoveid & Christine Winter - 2012 - Ethics and Education 7 (3):207-210.
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    Author Reply: What Jealousy Can Tell Us About Theories of Emotion.Christine R. Harris & Mingi Chung - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (4):291-292.
    We clarify aspects of our Dynamic Functional Model of Jealousy in response to D’Arms and Stets. Our model proposes that jealousy is an evolved motivational state that arises over threat by a rival to one’s relationship or some aspect of one’s relationship. The formation or loss of relationships rarely occurs instantaneously. Therefore, we argue that jealousy, whose goal is to remove or reduce the rival threat, can occur over a longer time course than is often assumed in theories of specific (...)
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    Le trauma à l’adolescence sous le prisme familial transgénérationnel.Christine Melato - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 243 (1):137-153.
    Cet article, adossé à un cas clinique, propose une réflexion sur la dimension traumatique à l’adolescence en analysant la problématique de l’intrus persécuteur et la problématique transgénérationnelle. L’adolescent manifeste une dynamique de survie psychique par des symptômes somatiques, des conduites phobosociales et une hypersensibilité narcissique. La différenciation et la séparation-individuation d’avec l’objet interne intruseur sont également apparues dans le travail psychique engagé dans les entretiens familiaux.
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    Le travail d’accompagnement des formateurs de stagiaires dans l’enseignement supérieur : perspectives compréhensives et modalités de mise en place.Christine Lebel, Catherine Van Nieuwenhoven, Stéphane Colognesi & Louise Bélair - 2019 - Revue Phronesis 8 (1-2):1.
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  44. Simone Weil et la justice d'après-guerre.Christine Ann Evans - 2019 - In Robert Chenavier & Thomas G. Pavel, Simone Weil, réception et transposition. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Women's consciousness, women's conscience: a reader in feminist ethics.Barbara Hilkert Andolsen, Christine E. Gudorf & Mary D. Pellauer (eds.) - 1985 - San Francisco: Harper & Row.
    Essays discuss the division of household labor, anti-semitism, violence against women, reproductive freedom, parenting, friendship between women, and feminist theology.
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    Les luttes écosociales en France.Christine Poupin - 2024 - Actuel Marx 76 (2):65-76.
    Les combats actuels contre des projets d’infrastructures écocides, des mégabassines aux autoroutes, s’inspirent directement de l’expérience, longue, emblématique et… victorieuse forgée dans la mobilisation contre le projet d’aéroport à Notre-Dame-des-Landes. Ils reprennent et actualisent ses acquis : la diversité des modes d’actions et l’unité des composantes de la lutte, l’auto-organisation et la démocratie, la créativité et la recherche de cohérence entre les buts et les moyens. Dans un moment politique et social différent, avec de nouvelles générations, les luttes d’aujourd’hui sont (...)
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    Offrandes dans les sanctuaires thasiens (campagnes d’étude 2000-2014).Christine Aubry, Stephanie Huysecom-Haxhi, Jacky Kozlowski, Jean-Jacques Maffre, Arthur Muller, Marie-Dominique Nenna, Martin Perron, Anne Tichit & Christine Walter - 2014 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138 (2):665-687.
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    Je t'aide moi non plus: biologique, comportemental ou psychologique, l'altruisme dans tous ses états.Christine Clavien - 2010 - Vuibert.
    « Je t’aime moi non plus », le titre de la fameuse chanson de Gainsbourg reflète de manière exquise ce que la vie a de beau et d’amer à la fois. A défaut de traiter d’amour, cet ouvrage analyse les méandres de l’aide à sens unique. L’altruisme, ce comportement de don sans attente de retour de service, est abordé ici de manière scientifique et philosophique plutôt que poétique et littéraire. Un objectif est d’en traquer les mécanismes sous-jacents, ceux qui échappent (...)
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    An empirical survey on biobanking of human genetic material and data in six EU countries.Isabelle Hirtzlin, Christine Dubreuil, Nathalie Préaubert, Jenny Duchier, Brigitte Jansen, Jürgen Simon, Paula Lobatao De Faria, Anna Perez-Lezaun, Bert Visser, Garrath D. Williams, Anne Cambon-Thomsen & The Eurogenbank Consortium - 2003 - European Journal of Human Genetics 11:475–488.
    Biobanks correspond to different situations: research and technological development, medical diagnosis or therapeutic activities. Their status is not clearly defined. We aimed to investigate human biobanking in Europe, particularly in relation to organisational, economic and ethical issues in various national contexts. Data from a survey in six EU countries were collected as part of a European Research Project examining human and non-human biobanking. A total of 147 institutions concerned with biobanking of human samples and data were investigated by questionnaires and (...)
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  50. I feel like a complete idiot! : starting a Ph.D. program in a new field.Christine Cox Eriksson - 2018 - In Christopher McMaster, Caterina Murphy & Jakob Rosenkrantz de Lasson, The Nordic PhD: surviving and succeeding. New York: Peter Lang.
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