Results for 'Cira Romero'

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    Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda desde otro ápice: su labor como prologuista.Cira Romero - 2014 - Arbor 190 (770):a189.
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  2. Homenaje a Francisco Romero.Francisco Romero (ed.) - 1964 - [Buenos Aires,:
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    Francisco Romero, maestro de la filosofía latinoamericana.Francisco Romero & Arturo Ardao (eds.) - 1983 - Caracas: Sociedad Interamericana de Filosofía, Secretaría.
  4. Modality is Not Explainable by Essence.Carlos Romero - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (274):121-141.
    Some metaphysicians believe that metaphysical modality is explainable by the essences of objects. In §II, I spell out the definitional view of essence, and in §III, a working notion of metaphysical explanation. Then, in §IV, I consider and reject five natural ways to explain necessity by essence: in terms of the principle that essential properties can't change, in terms of the supposed obviousness of the necessity of essential truth, in terms of the logical necessity of definitions, in terms of Fine's (...)
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  5. Novelty versus Replicability: Virtues and Vices in the Reward System of Science.Felipe Romero - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):1031-1043.
    The reward system of science is the priority rule. The first scientist making a new discovery is rewarded with prestige, while second runners get little or nothing. Michael Strevens, following Philip Kitcher, defends this reward system, arguing that it incentivizes an efficient division of cognitive labor. I argue that this assessment depends on strong implicit assumptions about the replicability of findings. I question these assumptions on the basis of metascientific evidence and argue that the priority rule systematically discourages replication. My (...)
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  6. Jorge del Romero, Coordinador del Centro Sandoval.Virginia Fernández Aguinaco & Jorge del Romero - 2008 - Critica 58 (953):68-72.
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    Scientific Philosophy.Gustavo E. Romero - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This textbook presents the basics of philosophy that are necessary for the student and researcher in science in order to better understand scientific work. The approach is not historical but formative: tools for semantical analysis, ontology of science, epistemology, and scientific ethics are presented in a formal and direct way. The book has two parts: one with the general theory and a second part with application to some problems such as the interpretation of quantum mechanics, the nature of mathematics, and (...)
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  8. On negative yes/no questions.Maribel Romero & Chung-Hye Han - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (5):609-658.
    Preposed negation yes/no (yn)-questions like Doesn''t Johndrink? necessarily carry the implicature that the speaker thinks Johndrinks, whereas non-preposed negation yn-questions like DoesJohn not drink? do not necessarily trigger this implicature. Furthermore,preposed negation yn-questions have a reading ``double-checking'''' pand a reading ``double-checking'''' p, as in Isn''t Jane comingtoo? and in Isn''t Jane coming either? respectively. We present otheryn-questions that raise parallel implicatures and argue that, in allthe cases, the presence of an epistemic conversational operator VERUMderives the existence and content of the (...)
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    La Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey en el proceso de fortalecimiento de valores desde el proyecto educativo estudiantil.Mercedes Bartutis Romero, Rosa Aguirre del Busto, Graciela López-Chávez Martínez & Zulma María Antúnez Veloz - 2010 - Humanidades Médicas 10 (3):1-12.
  10. La reforma gerencial de las universidades públicas.Cira Pelekais - 2001 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (5):171-172.
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    J. Rawls: el sentido de justicia en una sociedad democrática.Agra Romero & María José - 1985 - [Santiago de Compostela]: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
  12. Reduced Conditionals and Focus.Maribel Romero - unknown
    The term “Reduced Conditional” is coined by Schwarz (1996, 1998, 2000) to designate a certain kind of ellipsis that may occur in the consequent of a Conditional in German, as illustrated in (1): (1a) is a Full Conditional (FC, henceforth) and (1b) is its Reduced Conditional (RC) counterpart.
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  13. Can the Behavioral Sciences Self-correct? A Social Epistemic Study.Felipe Romero - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 60 (C):55-69.
    Advocates of the self-corrective thesis argue that scientific method will refute false theories and find closer approximations to the truth in the long run. I discuss a contemporary interpretation of this thesis in terms of frequentist statistics in the context of the behavioral sciences. First, I identify experimental replications and systematic aggregation of evidence (meta-analysis) as the self-corrective mechanism. Then, I present a computer simulation study of scientific communities that implement this mechanism to argue that frequentist statistics may converge upon (...)
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    Sobre la filosofía en América.Francisco Romero - 1952 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Raigal.
  15. On the Ontology of Spacetime: Substantivalism, Relationism, Eternalism, and Emergence.Gustavo E. Romero - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (1):141-159.
    I present a discussion of some issues in the ontology of spacetime. After a characterisation of the controversies among relationists, substantivalists, eternalists, and presentists, I offer a new argument for rejecting presentism, the doctrine that only present objects exist. Then, I outline and defend a form of spacetime realism that I call event substantivalism. I propose an ontological theory for the emergence of spacetime from more basic entities. Finally, I argue that a relational theory of pre-geometric entities can give rise (...)
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    The Orthodox Church and the Transhumanist Ideas on Overcoming Death.Călin Emilian Cira - 2021 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 4:39-45.
    For mankind, death is a great mystery. Throughout history, numerous opinions about death have been issued, in search of its cause, and many ways and means to defeat it have been attempted. Recent scientific developments have not stayed back from the challenge of studying biological life and attempting technological solutions to help people reach an advanced age that is not subject to decrepitude, and perhaps even to achieve immortality. This idea is also present in the transhumanist movement that aims to (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Prensa extranjera en España. La integración social a través de los medios escritos.Laura López Romero - 2009 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 80:116-123.
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  18. How Does Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy Work? A Systematic Review on Suggested Mechanisms of Action.Ramon Landin-Romero, Ana Moreno-Alcazar, Marco Pagani & Benedikt L. Amann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:286360.
    Background: Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing [EMDR] is an innovative, evidence-based and effective psychotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD]. As with other psychotherapies, the effectiveness of EMDR contrasts with a limited knowledge of its underlying mechanism of action. In its relatively short life as a therapeutic option, EMDR has not been without controversy, in particular regarding the role of the bilateral stimulation as an active component of the therapy. The high prevalence of EMDR in clinical practice and the dramatic increase (...)
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  19. Scope and situation binding in LTAG using semantic unification.Maribel Romero & Laura Kallmeyer - manuscript
    This paper develops a framework for TAG (Tree Adjoining Grammar) semantics that brings together ideas from different recent approaches. Then, within this framework, an analysis of scope is proposed that accounts for the different scopal properties of quantifiers, adverbs, raising verbs and attitude verbs. Finally, including situation variables in the semantics, different situation binding possibilities are derived for different types of quantificational elements.
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  20. From Change to Spacetime: An Eleatic Journey.Gustavo E. Romero - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (1):139-148.
    I present a formal ontological theory where the basic building blocks of the world can be either things or events. In any case, the result is a Parmenidean worldview where change is not a global property. What we understand by change manifests as asymmetries in the pattern of the world-lines that constitute 4-dimensional existents. I maintain that such a view is in accord with current scientific knowledge.
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    Con armas, como armas: la violencia de las mujeres.María Xosé Agra Romero - 2012 - Isegoría 46:49-74.
    El texto aborda uno de los temas de la violencia contemporánea, la violencia política de las mujeres. A partir de los problemas para nombrar la violencia y de los análisis de A. Cavarero sobre el «horrorismo», se centra en dos casos: la muerte de Yoyes y las mujeres bombas suicidas chechenas, mostrando las construcciones sociales y culturales de sexo/género, sus mitos y estereotipos, en cuanto constituyen una de las raíces más profundas y persistentes de la violencia. En definitiva, de lo (...)
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    Consideraciones críticas de la noción de cuerpo propio.Paula Diaz Romero - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (170):187-203.
    El trabajo ofrece un análisis crítico a la noción de cuerpo propio (Leib) en M. Merleau-Ponty, como superación del dualismo cuerpo-mente. Se amplía dicha noción para integrar las experiencias del cuerpo físico (Körper) y posibilitar el diálogo entre fe-nomenología y medicina, al proponer una fenomenología del organismo doliente.
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  23. El rostro de los desplazados colombianos más allá de las fronteras.F. Romero - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    Théorie du complot, secret et transparence.Alejandro Romero Reche - 2020 - Rue Descartes 98 (2):81-102.
    Selon des auteurs comme Byung-Chul Han, la société contemporaine est une société de la transparence, où les espaces de secret et d’intimité diminuent. Cela devait, en principe, réduire la croyance aux théories du complot, étant donné que le complot est seulement possible sous le couvert du secret. Cependant, les théories complotistes disposent encore d’un public nombreux, et d’une large diffusion sur internet et les réseaux sociaux. Cet article examine ainsi comment la spéculation sur le secret et le complot se maintient (...)
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    Symmetries as by-products of conserved quantities.Diego Romero-Maltrana - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 52 (Part B):358-368.
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    Transition to Adulthood Autonomy Scale for Young People: Design and Validation.Teresita Bernal Romero, Miguel Melendro & Claudia Charry - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Division of Replication Labor.Romero Felipe - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (5):1014-1025.
    Scientists are becoming increasingly aware of a “replicability crisis” in the behavioral, social, and biomedical sciences. Researchers have made progress identifying statistical and methodological...
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  28. El sueño antropológico en Las palabras y las cosas de Michel Foucault: por fin es posible pensar de nuevo.Gustavo Romero - 2012 - Cuadernos de Trabajo 1:23-30.
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    Consideraciones sobre el dolor desde una perspectiva fenomenológica.Paula Diaz Romero - 2015 - Co-herencia 12 (23):89-106.
    El presente artículo trata sobre cómo la fenomenología del dolor físico puede entablar un dialogo con las ciencias médicas, brindando, por un lado, un marco teórico sobre la relación mente-cuerpo que no sea reduccionista y, por otro lado, algunos aspectos que mejoren la posibilidad de la cuantificación del dolor mediante test de evaluación del dolor, a partir del refinamiento de los reportes subjetivos. El artículo que divide en tres secciones: la consideración fenomenológica del dolor; la consideración médica del dolor y (...)
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  30. The Collapse of Supertasks.Gustavo E. Romero - 2014 - Foundations of Science 19 (2):209-216.
    A supertask consists in the performance of an infinite number of actions in a finite time. I show that any attempt to carry out a supertask will produce a divergence of the curvature of spacetime, resulting in the formation of a black hole. I maintain that supertaks, contrarily to a popular view among philosophers, are physically impossible. Supertasks, literally, collapse under their own weight.
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  31. The Penn lambda calculator: Pedagogical software for natural language semantics.Maribel Romero - manuscript
    This paper describes a novel pedagogical software program that can be seen as an online companion to one of the standard textbooks of formal natural language semantics, Heim and Kratzer (1998). The Penn Lambda Calculator is a multifunctional application designed for use in standard graduate and undergraduate introductions to formal semantics: Teachers can use the application to demonstrate complex semantic derivations in the classroom and modify them interactively, and students can use it to work on problem sets provided by the (...)
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  32. Sobre la filosofía en América.Francisco Romero - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (4):426-426.
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  33. La música y su influencia en el destino humano.Luis Casas Romero - 1940 - La Habana: Molina y compañía. Edited by Eduardo Sánchez de Fuentes.
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    Competencia intercultural y conciencia cultural en el aula de lenguas extranjeras.Raúl Dávila-Romero - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-10.
    En este estudio se exploran recursos didácticos para fomentar la reflexión intercultural en el aula de idiomas. En un aula de alemán como lengua extranjera de una universidad española, con alumnas y alumnos de nivel inicial (A1.2), se integraron actividades para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa intercultural en una programación anterior de orientación comunicativa y con fuerte presencia de la interacción oral entre pares. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación cuasi-experimental informan sobre el desarrollo de la conciencia cultural de (...)
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  35. Brightman and Latin-American Philosophy.Francisco Romero - 1953 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 34 (4):367.
  36. La escala de los seres en la filosofía de Tomás de Aquino.Francisca Tomar Romero - 1993 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval:225-238.
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  37. Etica Y politica en platon: La funcion de la virtud (II).F. Tomar Romero - 1999 - Espíritu 48 (119):101-111.
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    Nostalgia de la conversación.Fernando Carlos Vevia Romero - 2019 - Argos 6 (17):149-157.
    Toda la vida sólo escuchando. ¿A quién? A la autoridad en todas sus formas; las más burdas y las más sutiles. Luego, más tarde, sólo oír. Oír, no escuchar. Con órdenes estrictas a las neuronas para no almacenar la información oída. Con los músculos faciales entrenados para poner cara interesante, mientras la conciencia dormita. Luego resultó que es mucho peor hablar. Decir, decir, decir. Mover la lengua, los pulmones, las cuerdas vocales... Sentir la señal roja que se prende en el (...)
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  39. Parmenides Reloaded.Gustavo E. Romero - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (3):291-299.
    I argue for a four dimensional, non-dynamical view of space-time, where becoming is not an intrinsic property of reality. This view has many features in common with the Parmenidean conception of the universe. I discuss some recent objections to this position and I offer a comparison of the Parmenidean space-time with an interpretation of Heraclitus’ thought that presents no major antagonism.
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  40. Adversus Singularitates: The Ontology of Space–Time Singularities.Gustavo E. Romero - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (2):297-306.
    I argue that there are no physical singularities in space–time. Singular space–time models do not belong to the ontology of the world, because of a simple reason: they are concepts, defective solutions of Einstein’s field equations. I discuss the actual implication of the so-called singularity theorems. In remarking the confusion and fog that emerge from the reification of singularities I hope to contribute to a better understanding of the possibilities and limits of the theory of general relativity.
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  41. Perspectivas sobre el biopoder en la obra de Gilles Deleuze y su relación con Foucault.Gustavo Romero - 2012 - Revista Pensamiento Político:95-107.
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    Ethical perspectives in sharing digital data for public health surveillance before and shortly after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.Romina A. Romero & Sean D. Young - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (1):22-31.
    ABSTRACT Data from digital technologies are increasingly integrated in public health research. In April of 2020, we interviewed a subset of participants who completed a survey approximately one month earlier. Using the survey, we contacted and interviewed participants who had expressed their willingness or unwillingness to share digital data for use in public health. We followed a directed content analysis approach for the analysis of the interview data. Among participants who had reported being unwilling to share data, concerns about privacy, (...)
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  43. Why there isn’t inter-level causation in mechanisms.Felipe Romero - 2015 - Synthese 192 (11):3731-3755.
    The experimental interventions that provide evidence of causal relations are notably similar to those that provide evidence of constitutive relevance relations. In the first two sections, I show that this similarity creates a tension: there is an inconsistent triad between Woodward’s popular interventionist theory of causation, Craver’s mutual manipulability account of constitutive relevance in mechanisms, and a variety of arguments for the incoherence of inter-level causation. I argue for an interpretation of the views in which the tension is merely apparent. (...)
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    From Volitional Self-Contradiction to Moral Deliberation: Between Kleingeld and Timmons’s Interpretations of Kant’s Formula of Universal Law.Paola Romero - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (2):477-481.
    My aim in this note is to shed light on ways of interpreting Kant’s Formula of Universal Law (FUL), by looking at relevant similarities and differences between Pauline Kleingeld and Mark Timmons. I identify both their readings as a formal interpretation of Kant’s FUL, in contrast to the substantive interpretations that favor a robust conception of rational agency as a necessary requirement for moral deliberation. I highlight the benefits that arise from Kleingled’s interpretation in showing the immediacy involved in the (...)
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    La teoría antropológica de Jürgen Habermas: un naturalismo débil entre Kant y Darwin.Javier Romero & Ricardo Mejía Fernández - 2019 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 46:113-140.
    El propósito de este estudio es dilucidar algunos de los rasgos distintivos de la concepción del ser humano que mantiene Jürgen Habermas y sus implicaciones en la teoría de la acción comunicativa. De este modo, se trata de mostrar que la antropología habermasiana se singulariza por adoptar una perspectiva naturalista y darwinista. En la primera parte, se analiza el legado epistemológico de Darwin como un programa de investigación y se contrastan los estudios de Habermas sobre antropología biológica con las últimas (...)
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  46. Justicia, conflicto doctrinal y estabilidad social en el liberalismo político de J. Rawls.M. -X. Agra Romero - 1996 - Revista Agustiniana 37 (114):999-1048.
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    Una concepción clásica de la justicia social y política.Mª Xosé Agra Romero - 1997 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 15:135-156.
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  48. The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology.Romero Felipe & Craver Carl - forthcoming - Wiley-Blackwell.
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  49. Definitions of Man.Francisco Romero & George McSpadden - 1955 - Diogenes 3 (11):73-84.
    The interpretation of man which I have defended in my book, Theory of Man, agrees with the Linnaean designation of homo sapiens, which is more exact, in my opinion, than the classical one of “rational animal.” In that work I maintain that what is peculiar to man is that he is conscious of a reality outside of himself and of his own intimate being, or, in other words, that he recognizes the independent existence of the world and is an ego. (...)
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  50. Latin America and the Idea of Europe.José Luis Romero & Victor A. Velen - 1964 - Diogenes 12 (47):75-82.
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