Results for 'Cj Fazzaro'

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  1. Proposed model for analysis of administrative decision making-territoriality concept approach.Cj Fazzaro & H. R. Weinstoc - 1973 - Journal of Thought 8 (3):206-214.
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  2. A solid-state microwave relay system.Cj Beanland & Amiere Amiee - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 1--45.
  3. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 73: 1987.Becker Cj - 1988
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  4. Neither Mind Nor Brain. An interdisciplinary Inquiry.Roy Cj - 2021 - USA: Amazon.
    Science increases understanding, and offers more and more approximate natural explanations. The process of rationality uncovering patterns as well as causes constitutes scientific inquiry. This book is a multidisciplinary study of the mind body problem. Hypothesis of this book challenges reductionist-scientists identification of mind and body, and the so-called common-sense religious dualism of soul-in-the-machine of the body. Though human mind cannot be disserved from its neuronal correlates as a separate entity, it is irreducible to the brain. If mind and brain (...)
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    The Cia's work is never done.Farley Cj - 1993 - In Jonathan Westphal & Carl Avren Levenson (eds.), Time. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.. pp. 142--10.
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    The other secret middle east peace talks.Farley Cj - 1993 - In Jonathan Westphal & Carl Avren Levenson (eds.), Time. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.. pp. 142--15.
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    An illustrated history of coming to grips.Farley Cj - 1993 - In Jonathan Westphal & Carl Avren Levenson (eds.), Time. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.. pp. 142--13.
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    What they did on their summer vacations.Farley Cj - 1993 - In Jonathan Westphal & Carl Avren Levenson (eds.), Time. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.. pp. 142--10.
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  9. Freedom of Speech, American Public Education, and Standardized Tests: A Critical Enquiry.C. J. Fazzaro - 2006 - Journal of Thought 41 (4):11.
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    Collected Papers on Mathematics, Logic and Philosophy.Cj Hookway - 1985 - Philosophical Books 26 (2):90-90.
  11. Validation of the computerized adaptive armed services vocational aptitude battery.Cj Martin & Rk Park - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):354-354.
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    The Object of Literary Criticism.Cj Radford - 2009 - Philosophical Books 26 (1):61-63.
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  13. Technology and inter-dependency.Cj Sabatino - 1982 - Journal of Thought 17 (2):3-11.
  14. Relative frequency of knowledge of results and complex motor skill learning.Cj Winstein & Ra Schmidt - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):328-328.
  15. Farms and Villages in Denmark from the Late Bronze Age to Viking Period.Cj Becker - 1988 - In Becker Cj (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 73: 1987. pp. 69.
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  16. Triage-III.Cj Brainerd - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):526-526.
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    Maybe they should pay the kids to graduate.Farley Cj - 1993 - In Jonathan Westphal & Carl Avren Levenson (eds.), Time. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.. pp. 142--13.
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    You aren't now, but have you ever been?Farley Cj - 1993 - In Jonathan Westphal & Carl Avren Levenson (eds.), Time. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.. pp. 142--14.
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  19. L'aletheia di Protagora.Cj Classen - 1989 - Rivista di Filosofia 80 (2):163-188.
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  20. Generative phonology of ancient greek.Cj Ruijgh - 1976 - Foundations of Language 14 (4):561-586.
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  21. Management of the earth, a responsible response.Cj Saldanha - 1995 - Journal of Dharma 20 (1):9-16.
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  22. Aging and the semantic processing of visual objects.Cj Vaidya & Wj Hoyer - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):467-467.
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    Anticipatory responding and avoidance discrimination as factors in avoidance conditioning.M. R. D'amato, James Fazzaro & Michael Etkin - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (1):41.
  24. AHLBRANDT, G. and ZIEGLER, M., Quasi finitely axiomatiz-able totally categorical theories ASH, CJ and ROSENTHAL, JW, Intersections of algebraically closed fields BAUDISCH, A., On elementary properties of free Lie algebras. [REVIEW]Jw Rosenthal & A. S. H. Cj - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 30:321.
  25. The gravest threat: Dealing with north korea's nuclear program.M. August & Cj Farley - 1993 - In Jonathan Westphal & Carl Avren Levenson (eds.), Time. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.. pp. 142--22.
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  26. Variantes iconográficas de Santa Clara en el barroco ibérico.Cj Castro Brunetto - 1994 - Verdad y Vida 52 (207-08):637-647.
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    Petronius Satyrica 89.Michael Cj Putnam - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 106 (3):487-491.
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    Virgil and Heaney:“Route 110”.Michael Cj Putnam - 2012 - Arion 19 (3):79-108.
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    Facilitating nourished scholarship through cohort supervision in a professional doctorate programme.Eloise Cj Carr, Kathleen Theresa Galvin & Les Todres - 2010 - Encyclopaideia: Journal of Phenomenology and Education 27.
    Nel corso degli ultimi 20 anni c’è stata una espansione globale in materia di istruzione dottorale e in particolare di ‘dottorati professionali’. Difficoltà nell’avanzamento e nel completamento diventano sempre più il centro dell’attenzione per tutti i tipi di dottorato. È stato riconosciuto che una serie di fattori al di là di quelli prettamente demografici potrebbe influire sulla possibilità di completare gli studi. C’è ancora molto da imparare sul motivo per cui l’avanzamento e il completamento del dottorato sono così impegnativi. In (...)
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  30. El pensamiento franciscano en el arte y cultura canaria del siglo XVIII.Cj Castro Brunete - 1996 - Verdad y Vida 54 (213-14):203-214.
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    But Professor de Burgh has given us so much of value within the narrow compass of these lectures that we are scarcely justified in making a charge against him that he has not given us more.Clement Cj Webb - 2009 - In David Papineau (ed.), Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 491.
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    A'most fundamental principle of marxism'.Jiang Wu & S. U. N. Cj - 1993 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 25 (2):43-71.
    Chairman Hua emphasized in his speech last year at the opening ceremony of the Central Party School that: "Chairman Mao instructed us over and over that ‘the integration of theory and practice is the most fundamental principle of Marxism.’ Chairman Mao fought all his life against the evil work style of boasting and of separating theory from practice. … Political swindlers such as Lin Biao, Chen Boda, and the "gang of four" have messed up many basic theoretical issues and damaged (...)
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    Practice is the sole criterion of truth.Jiang Wu & S. U. N. Cj - 1993 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 25 (2):31-42.
    What is the criterion of truth? This is a question that was resolved long ago by the revolutionary teachers of the proletariat. But as a result of damage done by the "Gang of Four" and a mass of distorted propaganda in the media under their control, it has become muddled beyond compare in recent years. In order to deepen the criticism of the "Gang of Four" and eradicate the remnants of their poison and influence, it is very important to clear (...)
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    Facing threat: Infants' and adults' visual scanning of faces with neutral, happy, sad, angry, and fearful emotional expressions.Sabine Hunnius, Tessa Cj de Wit, Sven Vrins & Claes von Hofsten - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (2):193-205.
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    Do miRNAs have a deep evolutionary history?James E. Tarver, Philip Cj Donoghue & Kevin J. Peterson - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (10):857-866.
    The recent discovery of microRNAs (miRNAs) in unicellular eukaryotes, including miRNAs known previously only from animals or plants, implies that miRNAs have a deep evolutionary history among eukaryotes. This contrasts with the prevailing view that miRNAs evolved convergently in animals and plants. We re‐evaluate the evidence and find that none of the 73 plant and animal miRNAs described from protists meet the required criteria for miRNA annotation and, by implication, animals and plants did not acquire any of their respective miRNA (...)
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  36. Are both nonsemantic and semantic information processed from an icon.Cw Mcintyre, Cp Gancarz, Cj Ptacek & La Nix - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):469-469.
  37. Prior use of durable medical equipment as a risk adjuster for health-based capitation.Richard C. van Kleef & René Cj A. van Vliet - 2010 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 47 (4):343-358.
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  38. McCRACKEN, CJ and TIPTON, IC (eds.)-Berkeley's Principles and Dialogues.M. Atherton - 2001 - Philosophical Books 42 (4):290-291.
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    CJ Arthur on Marx and Hegel on alienation.David A. Duquette - 1993 - Auslegung 19 (1):75-85.
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  40. ASH, CJ, Categoricity in hyperarithmetical degrees BALDWIN, JT and HARRINGTON, L., Trivial pursuit: Re-marks on the main gap COOPER, SB and EPSTEIN, RL, Complementing below re-cursively enumerable degrees.J. Steprans & S. Shelah - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 34:311.
  41. CJ McCracken and IC Tipton: Berkeley's Principles and Dialogues: Background Source Materials.J. Walmsley - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (1):144-146.
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  42. Ash, CJ, Stability of recursive structures in arithmetical degrees Ash, CJ, Categoric@ in hyperarithmetical degrees.D. Cenzer, P. Clote, R. L. Smith, S. S. Wainer, K. J. Compton, C. W. Henson & S. Shelah - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 40:307-310.
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    ASH, CJ, Stability of recursive structures in arithmetical degrees BLASS, A. and GUREVICH, Y., Henkin quantifiers and complete problems BUCHHOLZ, W., A new system of proof-theoretic ordinal functions. [REVIEW]H. Friedman & Rc Flagg - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 32 (C):299.
  44. In R. Penrose and CJ Isham, editors.D. Deutsch - 1986 - In Roger Penrose & C. J. Isham (eds.), Quantum concepts in space and time. New York ;: Oxford University Press.
  45. Knight, JF, see Ash, CJ (3).C. J. Ash - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 75:313.
  46. Compte rendu de CJ BROWN [éd.], The Cultural and Political Legacy of Anne de Bretagne. Negotiating Convention in Books and Documents, Leyde, Brill, 2010.Jonathan Dumont - 2011 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 73.
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    ASH, CJ, Categoricity in hyperarithmetical degrees (1) BALDWIN, JT and HARRINGTON, L., Trivial pursuit: Re-marks on the main gap (3) COOPER, SB and EPSTEIN, RL, Complementing below re-cursively enumerable degrees (1). [REVIEW]Rl Epstein - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 34 (1):311.
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    Smislenost i poverljivost (CJ Misak, Verificationism: Its History and Prospects, London: Routledge, 1995).Vojislav Božičković - 1998 - Theoria 41 (2):107-109.
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  49. Kant on God’s Intuitive Understanding: Interpreting CJ §76’s Modal Claims.Reed Winegar - 2017 - Kantian Review 22 (2):305-329.
    In §76 of the 3rd Critique, Kant claims that an intuitive understanding would represent no distinction between possible and actual things. Prior interpretations of §76 take Kant to claim that an intuitive understanding would produce things merely in virtue of thinking about them and, thus, could not think of merely possible things. In contrast, I argue that §76’s modal claims hinge on Kant’s suggestion that God represents things in their thoroughgoing determination, including in their connection to God’s actual will. I (...)
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  50. Bolin, FS 80 DES 154 Borko, H. 14, 16 Dawson, CJ 109.D. Aacte40 Boud, E. Aera46 Boyd, R. J. Alexander, D. Boydell, G. Allport, M. Brennan, M. Andrew, J. E. Brophy, A. Anning & S. Brown - 1993 - In James Calderhead & Peter Gates (eds.), Conceptualizing reflection in teacher development. London ;: Falmer Press.
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