Results for 'Claire Richter Sherman'

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  1.  45
    Claire Richter Sherman. Writing on Hands: Memory and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe. Edited by, Claire Richter Sherman and Peter M. Lukehart. With contributions by, Brian P. Copenhaver, Martin Kemp, Sachiko Kusukawa, and Susan Forscher Weiss. 278 pp., illus., bibl., indexes.Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2001. $35. [REVIEW]Richard Williams - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):121-122.
    This book is an expanded catalogue of an exhibit of mid‐fifteenth‐ through seventeenth‐century drawings, woodcuts, engravings, and etchings emphasizing hands as objects of study, as teaching tools, and as reflections of the human being. In addition, it contains an extended introduction by the curator of the exhibit, Claire Richter Sherman, and four essays by other contributors on pertinent topics: the hand as an instrument of the intellect, manual reckoning, music, and chiromancy . These essays, which precede the (...)
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  2. What Is Art Good For? The Socio-Epistemic Value of Art.Aleksandra Sherman & Clair Morrissey - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
    Scientists, humanists, and art lovers alike value art not just for its beauty, but also for its social and epistemic importance; that is, for its communicative nature, its capacity to increase one's self-knowledge and encourage personal growth, and its ability to challenge our schemas and preconceptions. However, empirical research tends to discount the importance of such social and epistemic outcomes of art engagement, instead focusing on individuals' preferences, judgments of beauty, pleasure, or other emotional appraisals as the primary outcomes of (...)
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    Response to: Commentary: What Is Art Good For? The Socio-Epistemic Value of Art.Aleksandra Sherman & Clair Morrissey - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  4.  51
    Nietzsche et les Théories Biologiques Contemporaines.Claire Richter.Albert Schinz - 1913 - International Journal of Ethics 23 (3):370-374.
  5. Is consciousness a gradual phenomenon? Evidence for an all-or-none bifurcation during the attentional blink.Claire Sergent & Stanislas Dehaene - 2004 - Psychological Science 15 (11):720-728.
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    Discovering the structures of lived experience: Towards a micro-phenomenological analysis method.Claire Petitmengin, Anne Remillieux & Camila Valenzuela-Moguillansky - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (4):691-730.
    This paper describes a method for analyzing a corpus of descriptions collected through micro-phenomenological interviews. This analysis aims at identifying the structure of the singular experiences which have been described, and in particular their diachronic structure, while unfolding generic experiential structures through an iterative approach. After summarizing the principles of the micro-phenomenological interview, and then describing the process of preparation of the verbatim, the article presents on the one hand, the principles and conceptual devices of the analysis method and on (...)
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    The reflexive habitus : Critical realist and Bourdieusian social action.Claire Laurier Decoteau - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 19 (3):303-321.
    The critical realist and Bourdieusian conceptions of action fundamentally disagree on a number of fronts: the synthetic versus dualistic relationship between structure and agency; the social nature of the self/body; the link between morphogenesis and reflexivity. Despite these differences, this article argues that re-reading Bourdieu’s theories with attention to some of the core tenets of critical realism (emergence, the stratification of reality, and conjunctural causality) can provide insights into how the habitus is capable of reflexivity and social change. In particular, (...)
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    Gilles Deleuze.Claire Colebrook - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    One of the twentieth-century's most exciting and challenging intellectuals, Gilles Deleuze's writings covered literature, art, psychoanalysis, philosophy, genetics, film and social theory. This book not only introduces Deleuze's ideas, it also demonstrates the ways in which his work can provide new readings of literary texts. This guide goes on to cover his work in various fields, his theory of literature and his overarching project of a new concept of becoming.
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    The Effect of COVID-19 on Loneliness in the Elderly. An Empirical Comparison of Pre-and Peri-Pandemic Loneliness in Community-Dwelling Elderly.Theresa Heidinger & Lukas Richter - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Introduction.Claire Colebrook - 2006 - Feminist Theory 7 (2):131-142.
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  11. Feminine Virtues and Florentine Vices: Citizenship and Morality in Paradiso XV-XVII.Claire Honess - 1997 - In John Robert Woodhouse (ed.), Dante and Governance. Clarendon Press.
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    Disentrenching Experiment: The Construction of GM—Crop Field Trials As a Social Problem.Claire Marris, Pierre-Benoit Joly & Christophe Bonneuil - 2008 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 33 (2):201-229.
    The paper investigates how field experimentation of genetically modified crops became central to the French controversy on genetically modified organisms in recent years. Initially constructed in the 1980s as a cognitive endeavor to be preserved from lay interference, field trials of genetically modified crops were reconceived as “an intrusion in the social space,” which had to be negotiated with actors from that space. In order to analyze this transformation, the authors suggest that it is necessary to develop an interpretive framework (...)
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  13. Deflationism, Meaning and Truth-Conditions.Claire Horisk, Dorit Bar-On & William G. Lycan - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 101 (1):1 - 28.
  14.  68
    On being a whistleblower: The Needleman case.Claire B. Ernhart, Sandra Scarr & David F. Geneson - 1993 - Ethics and Behavior 3 (1):73 – 93.
    We believe that members of the scientific community have a primary obligation to promote integrity in research and that this obligation includes a duty to report observations that suggest misconduct to agencies that are empowered to examine and evaluate such evidence. Consonant with this responsibility, we became whistleblowers in the case of Herbert Needleman. His 1979 study (Needleman et al., 1979), on the effects of low-level lead exposure on children, is widely cited and highly influential in the formulation of public (...)
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  15.  22
    Introduction : les temporalités entrecroisées des réseaux sociaux.Claire Bidart & Michel Grossetti - 2018 - Temporalités 27.
    Traiter des liens entre les temporalités et les réseaux sociaux, à partir de différentes disciplines des sciences sociales, implique de préciser d’emblée ce que recouvre l’expression « réseau social », de plus en plus souvent utilisée dans le langage ordinaire pour désigner des médias sociaux numériques. Précisons donc que les réseaux sociaux sont entendus ici comme des systèmes de relations « dyadiques », que...
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  16. Rationality revisited.Reed Richter - 1984 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 62 (4):392 – 403.
    This paper looks at a dispute decision theory about how best to characterize expected utility maximization and express the logic of rational choice. Where A1, … , An are actions open to some particular agent, and S1, … , Sn are mutually exclusive states of the world such that the agent knows at least one of which obtains, does the logic of rational choice require an agent to consider the conditional probability of choice Ai given that some state Si obtains, (...)
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    Scientists Reflect on Science : Scientists' Perspectives on Contemporary Science and Environmental Policy.Claire Waterton, B. E. Wynne, Robin B. Grove-White & T. Mansfield (eds.) - 2001 - University of Lancaster.
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    Anchoring in Lived Experience as an Act of Resistance.Claire Petitmengin - 2021 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (2):172-181.
    Context: The pandemic we are going through is an unprecedented situation from which tragic consequences loom. Disturbing and painful though it is, we should, however, remember that it is but a ….
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    Risky Tradeoffs in The Expanse.Claire Field & Stefano Lo Re - 2021 - In Jeffery L. Nicholas (ed.), The Expanse and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 179–185.
    The Expanse does not provide an easy answer to the vexing question on making a decision when competing, but considering conflicts of values on the show can help us reason about tough choices in real life. Sometimes, scientific progress conflicts with the prudential value of self‐preservation. This chapter explains three ways of understanding value conflicts: as situations in which every option is forbidden, situations in which every option is permissible, or situations in which some options are obligatory and some options (...)
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  20.  8
    Midnight: the tempest essays.Molly Nesbit - 2017 - New York, NY: Inventory Press.
    Midnight: The Tempest Essays, the second book in Molly Nesbit's 'Pre-Occupations' series, returns the question of pragmatism to the everyday critical practice of the art historian working in the late 20th century. These essays take their cues from the work of specific artists and writers, beginning in the late 1960s, a time when critical commentary found itself in a political and philosophical crisis. Illustrated case studies on Eugène Atget, Marcel Duchamp, Jean-Luc Godard, Cindy Sherman, Louise Lawler, Rachel Whiteread, Gabriel (...)
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  21.  20
    Pleasures of Benthamism, K. Blake.Claire Wrobel - 2012 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 11 (11).
    Le propos est précédé par une illustration, la seule de l’ouvrage, extraite d’une Histoire de l’industrie du coton en Grande-Bretagne parue en 1835. Il s’agit de la reproduction d’un dessin représentant le processus d’impression de motifs sur du calicot. On y voit deux hommes travailler, de façon semble-t-il minutieuse, sur deux grandes machines installées dans un atelier spacieux. L’illustration est égayée par les motifs imprimés sur les pans de tissu, qui occupent une grande partie de l’esp..
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  22.  55
    Boosting or choking – How conscious and unconscious reward processing modulate the active maintenance of goal-relevant information.Claire M. Zedelius, Harm Veling & Henk Aarts - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):355-362.
    Two experiments examined similarities and differences in the effects of consciously and unconsciously perceived rewards on the active maintenance of goal-relevant information. Participants could gain high and low monetary rewards for performance on a word span task. The reward value was presented supraliminally or subliminally at different stages during the task. In Experiment 1, rewards were presented before participants processed the target words. Enhanced performance was found in response to higher rewards, regardless whether they were presented supraliminally or subliminally. In (...)
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  23.  13
    The voice of youth [World Youth Day Forum (12th: 1997: Paris)].Claire Barbeau - 1998 - The Australasian Catholic Record 75 (4):413.
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    Kanna, Ahmed, Amélie Le Renard, and Neha Vora: Beyond Exception. New Interpretations of the Arabian Peninsula.Claire Beaugrand - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (2):500-501.
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    Learning Communicative Acts in Children's Conversations: A Hidden Topic Markov Model Analysis of the CHILDES Corpora.Claire Bergey, Zoe Marshall, Simon DeDeo & Daniel Yurovsky - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (2):388-399.
    Topics in Cognitive Science, Volume 14, Issue 2, Page 388-399, April 2022.
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  26.  29
    The Existential Crisis of Clinical Ethics Consultants.Claire Horner - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (4):64-65.
    With the growth and evolution of the field of clinical ethics, the one constant has been its variation. Resolving ethical issues at the bedside is done differently across the country based on one’s...
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    A cut in relationality.Claire Colebrook - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (3):175-195.
    One of the ways in which one might chart the force of various forms of posthuman thought is to mark a reversal in the ways we think about relationality. Rather than distinct Cartesian subje...
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  28.  14
    Amelia Rauser, The Age of Undress. Art, Fashion, and the Classical Ideal in the 1790s.Elizabeth Claire - 2021 - Clio 54 (54):290-293.
    Le 11 mai 1793, Sir Gilbert Elliot écrit une lettre à sa femme dans laquelle il s’étonne d’une nouvelle mode qu’il a observée au bal offert par une amie. Lady Abercorn organise une soirée dansante « où se trouve une douzaine de femmes vêtues en statues, c’est-à-dire, avec la gaine placée juste en dessous des seins et une draperie de tissu qui tombe ». Sir Elliot précise que ces femmes « n’étaient pas tout à fait dénudées, mais l’effet était néanmoins (...)
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    La critique du modèle perceptif de nos opérations mentales chez Thomas Reid.Claire Etchegaray - 2017 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 122 (3):437-458.
    Thomas Reid (1710-1796), comme on sait, réfute toute réduction des opérations mentales à la perception de quelque chose de mental (une image ou une idée par exemple). Ainsi il s’oppose au modèle perceptif des opérations mentales. Mais, pour sa part, comment pense-t-il les opérations mentales? Parce qu’il identifie la conception, que toute opération intellectuelle implique, à l’acte de concevoir, nous pouvons nous demander s’il pense que le pouvoir de l’esprit est celui d’un agent et si, selon lui, les opérations créent (...)
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  30.  11
    Language without soil: Adorno and late philosophical modernity.Gerhard Richter (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Theodor W. Adorno's multifaceted work has exerted a profound impact on far-ranging discourses and critical practices in late modernity. His analysis of the fate of art following its alleged end, of ethical imperatives "after Auschwitz," of the negative dialectic of myth and freedom from superstition, of the manipulation of consciousness by the unequal siblings of fascism and the culture industry, and of the narrowly-conceived concept of reason that has given rise to an unprecedented exploitation of nature and needless human suffering, (...)
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  31.  20
    Indeterminacy and More-than-human Bodies: Sites of Experiment for Doing Politics Differently.Claire Waterton - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (3):102-129.
    This article analyses research that has explored the potential of a focus on indeterminate bodies for decision making, policy and politics. Drawing on different ways of conceptualising indeterminacy in scientific and policy domains it describes the Loweswater Care Project, a participatory ‘knowledge collective’ that attempted to avoid converting the complexities of vital cyanobacterial bodies into a purely social or managerial set of questions around water quality. Through a commitment to opening out the nature of ‘things’, participants in this collective honed (...)
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  32.  29
    Une prise de conscience féministe? L'Occupation vue par les femmes écrivains en France après 1968.Claire Gorrara - 1995 - Clio 1.
    1994, cinquantième anniversaire de la libération de la France, 1995, cinquantième anniversaire de la libération des camps de concentration et de la fin de la guerre en Europe ; toutes ces commémorations nous montrent l'importance de la mémoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale sur l'identité politique et culturelle des peuples européens. Néanmoins, l'historien et le critique littéraire ont souvent du mal à trouver des témoignages de femmes relatant l'Occupation. Pourtant, beaucoup de femm...
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  33.  17
    Explaining the success of karmic religions.Claire White, Paulo Sousa & Karolina Prochownik - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Performative Politics at Parícutin Volcano in Michoacán, Mexico (1943–1952).Claire Perrott - 2024 - Isis 115 (4):838-845.
    A volcano emerged from a cornfield in Michoacán, Mexico, on February 20, 1943. Its sudden appearance alarmed residents in surrounding villages and excited outsiders who traveled to the Meseta Purépecha to see the spectacular natural phenomenon. Within the first two years of activity, the residents of two of the towns nearest the volcano had to evacuate before their communities were completely covered with lava. The Mexican government took advantage of the natural disaster to show off generous aid to Indigenous communities (...)
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    Elite Education: International Perspectives.Claire Maxwell & Peter Aggleton (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    _Elite Education – International Perspectives_ is the first book to systematically examine elite education in different parts of the world. Authors provide a historical analysis of the emergence of national elite education systems and consider how recent policy and economic developments are changing the configuration of elite trajectories and the social groups benefiting from these. Through country-level case studies, this book offers readers an in-depth account of elite education systems in the Anglophone world, in Europe and in the emerging financial (...)
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    The social turn : collaboration and its discontents.Claire Bishop - 2008 - In Francis Halsall, Julia Alejandra Jansen & Tony O'Connor (eds.), Rediscovering Aesthetics: Transdisciplinary Voices from Art History, Philosophy, and Art Practice. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 238-255.
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    Responses to “An Ethical Analysis of the Barriers to Effective Pain Management” by Ben A. Rich (CQ Vol 9, No 1).Claire Brett - 2001 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 10 (1):88-98.
    Ben Rich, J.D., Ph.D., presents a scholarly, passionate view of the ethics of the His manuscript is detailed, analytical, and compassionate. No reasonable sensitive person, especially a physician committed to caring for patients, can disagree with the proposal that human beings should have their physical, emotional, and spiritual pain tended to aggressively, meticulously, and compassionately. Similarly, the same individuals advocating for such pain management would agree that no one should go to jail unless he or she is guilty of a (...)
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  38.  8
    Le confinement de la covid-19 : quelques conséquences psychologiques chez les enfants exposés aux violences conjugales.Claire Metz, Daria Silhan & Anne Thévenot - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 237 (3):69-88.
    Les violences conjugales affectent durablement la santé psychique et physique des enfants qui y sont exposés. Dans le contexte de la covid-19, les auteures explorent, selon une étude longitudinale d’un an, le monde psychique interne de mères et de leurs enfants en repérant les enjeux qui relèvent de la crise sanitaire. La méthodologie est constituée d’entretiens semi-directifs, d’épreuves projectives (test-retest Thematic Apperception Test, Children’s Apperception Test ; dessins de famille) afin d’apprécier l’évolution des enfants et de leur mère dans le (...)
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  39. Une poétique de l'homme.Madeleine Préclaire - 1971 - Tournai,: Desclée.
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    Constellations of indigeneity: The power of definition.Claire Timperley - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (1):38-60.
    Lack of attention to definitions of indigeneity is a problem in both political theory and practice. Defining indigeneity has at least two important consequences: it affects who has access to resources or rights reserved for Indigenous peoples; and it shapes the kinds of privileges and resources available to Indigenous peoples. In this article, I draw on Theodor Adorno’s concept of ‘nonidentity’ as a resource for exploring the power and limits of conceptions of indigeneity. I argue that recognizing the non-identical aspects (...)
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  41.  27
    Dance Studies, genre et enjeux de l’histoire.Elizabeth Claire - 2017 - Clio 46:161-188.
    Dans son introduction à la collection Moving Words. Writing Dance consacrée à une analyse des évolutions de la recherche anglophone des années 1990 sur la danse, Gay Morris souligne l’héritage d’une historiographie « anecdotique, sans théorisation, et avec un appareil critique très rudimentaire ». Carol Brown confirme que l’histoire de la danse est fondée essentiellement sur l’écriture des « balletomanes » qui ont idéalisé le corps de la danseuse comme une entité anhistorique. Rattachée à un...
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  42.  44
    Fire, Flood and Pestilence as the Condition for the Possibility of the Human.Claire Colebrook - 2020 - Derrida Today 13 (2):135-141.
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    Mcclary, Susan. Feminine Endings: Music, Gender, and Sexuality.Claire Detels - 1992 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (4):338-339.
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    A Good Abortion Is a Tragic Abortion: Fit Motherhood and Disability Stigma.Claire McKinney - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (2):266-285.
    In the context of abortion stigma, most abortion stories remain untold. The stories we do tell of abortion are often told to morally recuperate the status of the woman who has an abortion through a recourse to tragedy. Tragedy frames experiences where every choice produces some suffering, so decisions are geared toward maintaining individual integrity rather than adherence to absolute moral truths. This article argues that one dominant tragic abortion narrative, that of the disabled fetus, works to recuperate the moral (...)
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  45. Lord, Have Mercy: Praying for Justice with Conviction and Humility.Claire E. Wolfteich - 2006
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    Aesthetic Reason: Artworks and the Deliberative Ethos.Alan Singer - 2003 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In recent years the category of the aesthetic has been judged inadequate to the tasks of literary criticism. It has been attacked for promoting class-based ideologies of distinction, for cultivating political apathy, and for indulging irrational sensuous decadence. _Aesthetic Reason_ reexamines the history of aesthetic theorizing that has led to this critical alienation from works of art and proposes an alternative view. The book is a defense of the relevance and usefulness of the aesthetic as a cognitive resource of human (...)
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  47. Rethinking Dissociation As an Altered State of Consciousness: An Exploration of Altered State Encounters in Imaginal Space and Beyond.Claire M. Karam - 2003 - Dissertation, Pacifica Graduate Institute
  48. Du point de vue du tiers..Claire Lejeune & Martine Renouprez - 2006 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 113:77-96.
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  49. Du principe d'identité au principe de réciprocité.Claire Lejeune & Martine Renouprez - 2006 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 113:233-246.
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  50. J'ai brisé la statue du commandeur.Claire Lejeune & Martine Renouprez - 2006 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 113:207-214.
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