Results for 'Claire Vitet'

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  1.  29
    Groupe de parole sur les violences « Quand l’écho permet la passe ».Emmanuel Gratton, Christian Chambert & Claire Vitet - 2018 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 221 (3):49-62.
    Aborder la violence telle qu’elle résonne en chacun dans son actualité singulière et proposer d’en faire « l’écho » collectivement, telle est l’invitation du dispositif en groupe de parole évoqué dans cet article. L’approche des auteurs définit la violence comme polysémique, polymorphe, continuelle, originaire, centrale et problématique. Chacun peut en faire l’expérience au cours de son existence dans divers champs, familial, professionnel, social, voire dans plusieurs, successivement ou simultanément, et selon des positions subjectives variables – auteurs, victimes ou témoins – (...)
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    Le soi: nouvelles perspectives humiennes.Alexandre Charrier & Claire Etchegaray (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: Hermann.
    "L'usage substantivé du mot 'soi' est intriguant. Le pronom tonique 'soi' ne pose pas de problème particulier dans les expressions comme 'prendre soin de soi', 'compter sur soi' ou 'être hors de soi'. Mais parler d'un 'soi', c'est aller au-delà de la réalité grammaticale et supposer une identité personnelle à travers la diversité des expériences. Or, l'idée de soi et la croyance en l'identité personnelle ont été mises en question par David Hume, dont les arguments résonnent toujours dans la philosophie (...)
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    What’s Wrong with Mandatory Nutrient Limits? Rethinking Dietary Freedom, Free Markets and Food Reformulation.Jenny Claire Kaldor - 2018 - Public Health Ethics 11 (1):54-68.
    Around the world, unhealthy diets are a leading cause of disease. Shifting population diets in a healthier direction will require downstream policy interventions. This means changing the composition of the processed food supply, particularly reducing salt, sugar and fat. Mandatory nutrient limits imposed by government are one way of achieving this. However, they have been criticized as a particularly intrusive regulatory option, interfering with both free markets and free choices. At the same time, voluntary industry reformulation has become an intervention (...)
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    Digital cognitive technologies: epistemology and the knowledge economy.Bernard Reber & Claire Brossaud (eds.) - 2010 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    Digital Cognitive Technologies is an interdisciplinary book which assesses the socio-technical stakes of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), which are at the core of the Knowledge Society. This book addresses eight major issues, analyzed by authors writing from a Human and Social Science and a Science and Technology perspective. The contributions seek to explore whether and how ICTs are changing our perception of time, space, social structures and networks, document writing and dissemination, sense-making and interpretation, cooperation, politics, and the dynamics (...)
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    La poursuite du vent.Jean-Jacques Thomas & Claire Goll - 1977 - Substance 6 (17):171.
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    Towards a Practice of Respecting the In-between: Condition Sine Qua Non of Living Together Peacefully.Anne-Claire Mulder - 2009 - Feminist Theology 17 (2):245-253.
    Living together peacefully in a world of differences asks for a practice of respecting the irreducible difference of the other. Acknowledging this `not-me' of the other subject generates an in-between: a space/time between subjects that cannot be transgressed other than by violence. Following Irigaray, I argue that this `in-between' comes about through the passion of wonder, a being touched in the flesh in the encounter with the other, which opens the subject to him/herself and to the other. To perceive this (...)
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    Raphaëlle Branche & Fabrice Virgili (dir.), Viols en temps de guerre.Anne-Claire Rebreyend - 2014 - Clio 39:287-290.
    Issu d’un colloque qui a réuni en 2009 de nombreux chercheuses et chercheurs en sciences humaines (anthropologie, sociologie, histoire, philosophie, droit…), ce livre s’empare d’un sujet assez peu étudié jusqu’ici dans l’histoire des guerres : les viols. Dès l’introduction, Raphaëlle Branche et Fabrice Virgili soulignent qu’il n’est pas facile de nommer l’acte du viol (qui peut se classer dans un vaste répertoire de violences sexuelles) ni de le comptabiliser en raison des lacunes persistante...
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  8. La connaissance du physique et du moral (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles).Celine Spector, Claire Crignon-De Oliveira, Gilles Barroux, Martin Rueff, Alexandra Torero Ibad, Mariafranca Spalianzani, Francois Pepin & Thierry Hoquet - 2003 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 43:23-416.
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    Metagames 2023.Shantanu Tilak, Claire Audia, Issaga Bah, Kate Barta, Marina Bulazo, Brennan Colvard, Noah Dzierwa, Sam Ferretti, Braxton Fries, Christopher Gehrke, Lillia Gipson, Colleen Greve, Julia Guo, Sarah Hammill, Christopher Jaenke, Anna Jahn, Kavya Jayanthi, Megan Lencke, Lily Marsco, Paige Moonshower, Parker Picha, Robek Bridgette, Leigha Schumaker, Kiersten Souders, Charlotte Stefani, Avery Tenerowicz, Ayla Wachowski, Landon Ward, Anna Woods, Nevin Woods & Laura Zalewski (eds.) - 2023 - Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University.
    This paper, co-authored by undergraduate students and their instructor part of an educational psychology seminar, describes a participatory curriculum design approach for preservice teacher education that focuses on the use of the principles of second-order cybernetics to teach about teaching and learning. Using elements of an Open Source Educational Processes framework, our Spring ESEPSY2309 section created project-based collective hive minds of preservice teachers, relying on a cybernetic approach at the crossroads of Gregory Bateson and Gordon Pask's theories. The classroom community (...)
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    Measuring Chinese Middle School Students’ Motivation Using the Reduced Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (RIMMS): A Validation Study in the Adaptive Learning Setting.Shuai Wang, Claire Christensen, Yuning Xu, Wei Cui, Richard Tong & Linda Shear - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Indeterminate Bodies: Introduction.Kathryn Yusoff & Claire Waterton - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (3):3-22.
    Indeterminate Bodies organizes a number of theoretical and empirical studies around the concept and actuality of indeterminacy, as it relates to body and society. Located within the struggle to apprehend different categories of ‘body’ in the volatile flows of late-capital, indeterminacy is considered through such multiple incarnations as economy, contingency, inheritance, question, force, uncertainty, materiality and affective resistance to determination. While indeterminacy is often positioned as the ‘trouble’ or friction in subject/object knowledge-formation (framed as ontological or empirical challenge), it also (...)
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    Navigating the Intersection of PrEP and Medicaid.Naomi Seiler, Claire Heyison, Gregory Dwyer, Aaron Karacuschansky, Paige Organick-Lee, Alexis Osei, Helen Stoll & Katie Horton - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (S1):60-63.
    The proposed national PrEP program would serve people who are uninsured as well as those enrolled in Medicaid. In this article, the authors propose a set of recommendations for the proposed program’s implementers as well as state Medicaid agencies and Medicaid managed care organizations to ensure PrEP access for people enrolled in Medicaid, addressing gaps without undermining the important role of the Medicaid program in covering and promoting PrEP.
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    Clk‐1, mitochondria, and physiological rates.Robyn Branicky, Claire Bénard & Siegfried Hekimi - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (1):48-56.
    Mutations in the C. elegans maternal-effect gene clk-1 are highly pleiotropic, affecting the duration of diverse developmental and behavioral processes. They result in an average slowing of embryonic and post-embryonic development, adult rhythmic behaviors, reproduction, and aging.(1) CLK-1 is a highly conserved mitochondrial protein,(2,3) but even severe clk-1 mutations affect mitochondrial respiration only slightly.(3) Here, we review the evidence supporting the regulatory role of clk-1 in physiological timing. We also discuss possible models for the action of CLK-1, in particular, one (...)
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    George Sand fils de Jean-Jacques. Textes établis, présentés et annotés par Christine Planté.Marie-Claire Hoock-Demarle - 2013 - Clio 38.
    Christine Planté nous a habitués à des généalogies inattendues et à des regroupements familiaux insolites, sa « petite sœur de Balzac », dans la lignée de la sœur de Shakespeare chère à Virginia Woolf, en est un exemple bien connu. Avec George Sand fils de Jean-Jacques, elle nous entraîne dans une histoire de filiation qui, cette fois, n’est pas de son invention mais s’inscrit dans l’histoire littéraire du xixe siècle et dans l’histoire personnelle de George Sand. Celle-ci s’est elle-même qua...
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  15. Sobre el peso y la elección del pasado: Una lectura crítica de El síndrome de Vichy.Marie-Claire Lavabre - 2012 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 3 (5):19 - 9.
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    Comment écrire l’histoire des sexualités au xxe siècle?Anne-Claire Rebreyend - 2005 - Clio 22:185-209.
    Cet article se propose de réfléchir à la manière d'écrire l'histoire contemporaine des sexualités, en se concentrant sur le xxe siècle, et à partir de quelques productions francophones ou anglophones significatives. Il ne s'agit pas d'un bilan historiographique exhaustif, mais de comparer les outils méthodologiques et les problématiques déployés. L'articulation des questions de genre et de sexualité sera par exemple au cœur de ce parcours historiographique. Après avoir pointé les principales différences entre une historiographie anglo-américaine très riche, axée sur une (...)
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  17.  26
    Posthumous Life: Theorizing Beyond the Posthuman.Jami Weinstein & Claire Colebrook (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Posthumous Life launches critical life studies: a mode of inquiry that neither endorses nor dismisses a wave of recent "turns" toward life, matter, vitality, inhumanity, animality, and the real. Questioning the nature and limits of life in the natural sciences, the essays in this volume examine the boundaries and significance of the human and the humanities in the wake of various redefinitions of what counts as life. They explore the possibility of theorizing life without assuming it to be either a (...)
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  18. (1 other version)On the possibility and reality of introspection.Michel Bitbol & Claire Petitmengin - 2013 - Kairos. Revista de Filosofia and Ciência 6:173-198.
  19. L'enthousiasme: contagion ou panique?Claire Crignon De Oliveira - forthcoming - Contagion: Enjeux Croisés des Discours Médicaux Et Littéraires.
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  20. Tisser du lien" : textile art as a tautological performance and embodiment of an expression.Claire Le Pape - 2023 - In Urmila Mohan (ed.), The efficacy of intimacy and belief in worldmaking practices. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
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    Emerging Issues in Location Based Services.Claire Levallois-Barth - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 53 (1).
    Location Based Services (LBS) are information services that can be\naccessed with mobile phones. They rely on the system's knowledge of the\ngeographical position and the identifier of the phone being used, and\ntherefore on collecting data on an identified or identifiable user. In\nthis respect, the French data protection act stipulates that users agree\nto be supplied with an LBS service on a fully transparent basis and that\ntheir location data must be erased or made anonymous once the service\nhas been provided. In some cases, location-based (...)
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    Futuna ou l'enfant perdu... Un timide biculturalisme.Frédéric Angleviel & Claire Moyse-Faurie - 2002 - Hermes 32:377.
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    Reconstruction of binary relations from their restrictions of cardinality 2, 3, 4 and (n ‐ 1) II.Gérard Lopez & Claire Rauzy - 1992 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 38 (1):157-168.
    We shall prove here that any binary relation on a base E with cardinality n > 6 is reconstructible from its restrictions of cardinality 2, 3, 4 and . This proof needs results of part I of this paper where we characterize any pair of relations R, R' which are 2-, 3- and 4-hypomorphic. As a corollary we obtain that any binary relation is -reconstructible.
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    MutL: conducting the cell's response to mismatched and misaligned DNA.Yaroslava Y. Polosina & Claire G. Cupples - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (1):51-59.
    Base pair mismatches in DNA arise from errors in DNA replication, recombination, and biochemical modification of bases. Mismatches are inherently transient. They are resolved passively by DNA replication, or actively by enzymatic removal and resynthesis of one of the bases. The first step in removal is recognition of strand discontinuity by one of the MutS proteins. Mismatches arising from errors in DNA replication are repaired in favor of the base on the template strand, but other mismatches trigger base excision or (...)
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    Macleay’s Choice: Transacting the Natural History Trade in the Nineteenth Century.Simon Ville, Claire Wright & Jude Philp - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (3):345-375.
    Much of our knowledge about the nineteenth-century natural history boom resides with the collectors themselves and their collections. We know much less about the conduct of the global trade that made collecting possible. That such a trade occurred in the face of significant obstacles of distance, variable prices, inadequate information, and diverse agents makes our knowledge deficit the more significant. William John Macleay, based in Sydney, built his significant natural history collection by trading locally as well as across the globe. (...)
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    Gender, power, and sexuality.Pamela Abbott & Claire Wallace (eds.) - 1991 - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan.
    Gender, Power and Sexuality is a collection of original and exciting articles by well-known feminists which makes a major contribution to our understanding of the ways in which men exercise control over girls and women in their daily lives, in the home, at school, at work and in the courts. Women are seen to resent and challenge male power, but, the institutionalisation of male power is shown to mitigate against women taking control over their own lives.
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    L’héroïsation du poète Hésiode en Grèce ancienne.Marie-Claire Beaulieu - 2004 - Kernos 17:103-117.
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    The Role of Experiential Avoidance and Parental Control in the Association Between Parent and Child Anxiety.Lisa-Marie Emerson, Claire Ogielda & Georgina Rowse - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Le récit de la pensée.Aldo Giorgio Gargani & Claire Margat - 2009 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 4 (2):119-124.
    Résumé Comme poète et comme romancière, Ingeborg Bachmann a tenté de confronter le langage à ses limites à la suite de Ludwig Wittgenstein. Sa lecture permet à Gargani de réfléchir philosophiquement au langage et à la connaissance et ainsi de découvrir l’utopie d’un « nouveau langage ».
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    Emotion Recognition as a Real Strength in Williams Syndrome: Evidence From a Dynamic Non-verbal Task.Laure Ibernon, Claire Touchet & Régis Pochon - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Abnormal patterns of attentional network communication underlie visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease.Shine Mac, O'Callaghan Claire, Muller Alana, Halliday Glenda & Lewis Simon - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  32.  17
    Deleuze and law: forensic futures.Rosi Braidotti, Claire Colebrook & Patrick Hanafin (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This collection shows how Deleuze's ideas have influenced current thinking in legal philosophy. In particular, it explores the relations between law and life, addressing topics that are contested and controversial -- war, the right to life, genetic science, and security.
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  33. Conclusion.Bernard Reber & Claire Brossaud - 2010 - In Bernard Reber & Claire Brossaud (eds.), Digital cognitive technologies: epistemology and the knowledge economy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  34.  51
    Une « femme libérée »?Anne-Claire Rebreyend - 2009 - Clio 29:185-191.
    Née en 1943 à Alger, Andrée Job-Querzola poursuit des études de lettres à Aix-en-Provence puis à Paris dans les années 1960. Devenue enseignante, elle gravite dans la mouvance féministe et d’extrême gauche et participe activement aux événements de Mai. Marquée par les luttes féministes des années 1970, en particulier celles du MLF, du MLAC, du MFPF, elle souhaite rendre hommage aux femmes de sa génération – « une génération rebelle » qui, selon elle, sonne le glas de « générations de (...)
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    Rethinking the Body and Space in Alfred Schutz’s Phenomenology of Music.Rhonda Claire Siu - 2016 - Human Studies 39 (4):533-546.
    What is initially striking about Alfred Schutz’s phenomenological account of the musical experience, which encompasses both the performance and reception of music, is his apparent dismissal of the corporeal and spatial aspects of that experience. The paper argues that this is largely a product of his wider understanding of temporality wherein the mind and time are privileged over the body and space, respectively. While acknowledging that Schutz’s explicit or stated view is that the body and space are relatively insignificant to (...)
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  36.  20
    Bertha von Suttner, Bas les armes! Roman, avant-propos de Marie-Antoinette Marteil, préface de Gaston Moch.Marie-Claire Hoock-Demarle - 2016 - Clio 44.
    Il faut saluer la réédition aux Éditions Turquoise de la traduction de Die Waffen nieder!, l’ouvrage antimilitariste de la pacifiste autrichienne Bertha von Suttner, qui, dès sa parution en 1889, devint le best-seller incontesté de la fin du siècle, immédiatement traduit en une vingtaine de langues et en français en 1899. C’est du reste cette traduction, la seule existant à ce jour en langue française, qui est rééditée ici avec la préface d’époque signée par Gaston Moch, dreyfusard de la prem...
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    Jürgen Siess, Vers un nouveau mode de relations entre les sexes. Six correspondances de femmes des Lumières.Marie-Claire Hoock-Demarle - 2018 - Clio 47.
    Quiconque, au cours de ses recherches, s’est aventuré dans le domaine des correspondances, sait que, quel qu’en soit l’auteur et quel qu’en soit le moment, il aborde là un continent aux limites inconnues. Aussi, sonder en quelque 150 pages ̶ comme le fait Jürgen Siess dans son ouvrage Vers un nouveau mode de relations entre les sexes ̶ les correspondances de six épistolières qui ont compté parmi les plus prolixes et les plus célèbres de leur temps, semble relever du défi. (...)
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    Rita Thalmann (1926-2013), pionnière de l’histoire des femmes.Marie-Claire Hoock-Demarle - 2014 - Clio 39:233-238.
    Née à Nuremberg dans une famille juive, d’un père allemand et d’une mère suisse, Rita Thalmann fuit avec les siens le régime nazi, dès 1933, se réfugiant d’abord en Suisse puis en France. Ayant perdu son père (arrêté sur dénonciation et déporté à Auschwitz) puis sa mère (internée et morte de carence alimentaire à Dijon), elle survit grâce au réseau de solidarité organisé par la directrice du lycée de jeunes filles de Dijon, Marcelle Pardé, résistante et déportée à Ravensbrück. En (...)
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  39. The ethics of medical research on humans.Claire Foster-Gilbert - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Of whistleblowers, investigators, and judges.Sandra Scarr & Claire B. Ernhart - 1993 - Ethics and Behavior 3 (2):199 – 206.
    Needleman's (1993) reply to our article in this journal (Emhart, Scarr, & Geneson, 1993) is a good example of the tactics he uses to deflect attention from questions of his scientific misconduct. Rather than address the many doubts about his scientific conduct, he attempted to focus readers' attention on (a) the motives and character of colleagues who question his research, (b) legitimate debates in the research literature on low-level lead effects on children, and (c) testimonials by colleagues who cannot know (...)
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    Four Catholic Writers Who Read Their Way to Faith.Claire Schaeffer-Duffy - 2003 - The Chesterton Review 29 (3):433-436.
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    Theory of mind and the origins of divergent thinking.Thomas Suddendorf & Claire Fletcher-Flinn - 1997 - Journal of Creative Behavior 31:169-179.
    The development of a `theory of mind' may not only be important for understanding the minds of others but also for using one's own mind. To investigate this supposition, forty children between the ages of three and four were given false-belief and creativity tasks. The numbers of appropriate and of original responses in the creativity test were found to correlate positively with performance on false-belief tasks. This association was robust, as it continued to be strong and significant even when age (...)
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    Morphogenèse et imaginaire.René Thom, Claire Lejeune & Jean Pierre Duport - 1978 - Lettres Modernes Minard.
    Enth.: De quoi faut-il s'étonner / par René Thom. Du point de vue du tiers... / par Claire Lejeune. Géométriser la signification / par Jean-Pierre Duport.
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    Fear in the Medical and Literary Imagination, Medieval to Modern: Dreadful Passions.Daniel McCann & Claire McKechnie-Mason (eds.) - 2018 - London: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book is about an emotion constantly present in human culture and history: fear. It is also a book about literature and medicine, two areas of human endeavour that engage with fear most acutely. The essays in this volume explore fear in various literary and medical manifestations, in the Western World, from medieval to modern times. It is divided into two parts. The first part, Treating Fear, examines fear in medical history, and draws from theology, medicine, philosophy, and psychology, to (...)
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    Divine Wo/men Are Dignitaries: Seven Billion of Them ‘Walk’ in Dignity and Flourish.Anne-Claire Mulder - 2013 - Feminist Theology 21 (3):232-243.
    In this text the author takes up Luce Irigaray’s call upon women to image their ‘God’: a quality or attribute that makes them divine women when they realize it in their lives. She presents ‘human dignity’ as such a ‘divine’ quality and as a value that is understood by many to be the ultimate of our human being. Inspired by Ina Praetorius’ expression that seven billion dignitaries walk the earth, the author connects the different aspects of the concept of human (...)
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    Incarnation: The Flesh Becomes Word.Anne-Claire Mulder - 2002 - Paragraph 25 (3):173-188.
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    Convergent evidence for top-down effects from the “predictive brain”.Claire O'Callaghan, Kestutis Kveraga, James M. Shine, Reginald B. Adams & Moshe Bar - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Taking the PACIC back to basics: the structure of the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care.John Spicer, Claire Budge & Jenny Carryer - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (2):307-312.
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    Who knows best? Awareness of divided attention difficulty in a neurological rehabilitation setting.Josephine Cock, Claire Fordham, Janet Cockburn & Patrick Haggard - 2003 - Brain Injury 17 (7):561-574.
  50. Histoire de plumes ou la redécouverte d'un triptyque en mosaïque de plumes du musée national de la Renaissance.Sylvie Colinart, Claire Bergeaud, Bénédicte Rolland-Villemot, Virginie Trotignon & Frédérique Vincent - 2002 - Techne: La Science au Service de l'Histoire de l'Art Et des Civilisations 16:102-108.
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