Results for 'Claire Wendland'

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  1.  19
    Exceptional Deliveries: Home Births as Ethical Anomalies in American Obstetrics.Claire L. Wendland - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 24 (3):253-265.
    Interest in home birth appears to be growing among American women, and most obstetricians can expect to encounter patients who are considering home birth. In 2011, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) issued an opinion statement intended to guide obstetricians in responding to such patients.In this article, I examine the ACOG statement in light of the historical and contemporary clinical realities surrounding home birth in the United States, an examination guided in part by my own experiences as an (...)
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    To the Editor.Claire Wendland - 2010 - Hastings Center Report 40 (4):7-8.
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    Speaking through the mask: Hannah Arendt and the politics of social identity.Norma Claire Moruzzi - 2001 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Nonetheless, psychoanalytic feminist theory can offer a new interpretive strategy for deconstructing her equally famous opposition between the social and the ...
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    Suicidology as a Social Practice.Scott J. Fitzpatrick, Claire Hooker & Ian Kerridge - 2015 - Social Epistemology 29 (3):303-322.
    Suicide has long been the subject of philosophical, literary, theological and cultural–historical inquiry. But despite the diversity of disciplinary and methodological approaches that have been brought to bear in the study of suicide, we argue that the formal study of suicide, that is, suicidology, is characterized by intellectual, organizational and professional values that distinguish it from other ways of thinking and knowing. Further, we suggest that considering suicidology as a “social practice” offers ways to usefully conceptualize its epistemological, philosophical and (...)
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  5. Extractive summarisation of legal texts.Ben Hachey & Claire Grover - 2006 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 14 (4):305-345.
    We describe research carried out as part of a text summarisation project for the legal domain for which we use a new XML corpus of judgments of the UK House of Lords. These judgments represent a particularly important part of public discourse due to the role that precedents play in English law. We present experimental results using a range of features and machine learning techniques for the task of predicting the rhetorical status of sentences and for the task of selecting (...)
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    Co-design and implementation research: challenges and solutions for ethics committees.Felicity Goodyear-Smith, Claire Jackson & Trisha Greenhalgh - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-5.
    BackgroundImplementation science research, especially when using participatory and co-design approaches, raises unique challenges for research ethics committees. Such challenges may be poorly addressed by approval and governance mechanisms that were developed for more traditional research approaches such as randomised controlled trials.DiscussionImplementation science commonly involves the partnership of researchers and stakeholders, attempting to understand and encourage uptake of completed or piloted research. A co-creation approach involves collaboration between researchers and end users from the onset, in question framing, research design and delivery, (...)
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  7.  30
    "Moments of Beating: Addiction and Inscription in Virginia Woolf's" A Sketch of the past".Barbara Claire Freeman - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (3):65-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Moments of Beating Addiction and Inscription in Virginia Woolf’s “A Sketch of the Past”Barbara Claire Freeman (bio)My title, which alludes to the collection of autobiographical essays authored by Virginia Woolf and entitled Moments of Being, implies that being and beating are co-constitutive and that exploring their interdependence may shed light upon the logic that binds the one to the other. In particular, I want to examine the ways (...)
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  8.  45
    A mechanism of implicit lexicalized phonological recoding used concurrently with underdeveloped explicit letter-sound skills in both precocious and normal reading development.Claire M. Fletcher-Flinn & G. Brian Thompson - 2004 - Cognition 90 (3):303-335.
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  9. Truth, Meaning, and Circularity.Claire Horisk - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 137 (2):269-300.
    It is often argued that the combination of deflationism about truth and the truth-conditional theory of meaning is impossible for reasons of circularity. I distinguish, and reject, two strains of circularity argument. Arguments of the first strain hold that the combination has a circular account of the order in which one comes to know the meaning of a sentence and comes to know its truth condition. I show that these arguments fail to identify any circularity. Arguments of the second strain (...)
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    Autism and Coherence: A Computational Model.Claire O.&Rsquolaughlin & Paul Thagard - 2000 - Mind and Language 15 (4):375-392.
    Recent theorizing about the nature of the cognitive impairment in autism suggests that autistic individuals display abnormally weak central coherence, the capacity to integrate information in order to make sense of one’s environment. Our article shows the relevance of computational models of coherence to the understanding of weak central coherence. Using a theory of coherence as constraint satisfaction, we show how weak coherence can be simulated ina a connectionist network that has unusually high inhibition compared to excitation. This connectionist model (...)
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    Blaming the Victim of Acquaintance Rape: Individual, Situational, and Sociocultural Factors.Claire R. Gravelin, Monica Biernat & Caroline E. Bucher - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  12. When is a child not a child? Child soldiers in international law.Claire Breen - 2007 - Human Rights Review 8 (2):71-103.
    International humanitarian law and international human rights law both prohibit the use of child soldiers in armed conflict. The protection afforded to children is problematic because the age a child may become a soldier and what constitutes child “soldiering” fluctuates between States and cultures. Differing levels of children soldiers’ protection leave them vulnerable to particular abuses. This paper examines some different attitudes and approaches towards the use of child soldiers and concludes that international human rights law and international humanitarian law (...)
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    (1 other version)Le rempart.Pierre Aupert, Claire Balandier & Pierre Leriche - 2012 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 136 (2):667-679.
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    Does Economic Theory Matter in Shaping Banking Regulation? A Case-study of Italy (1861-1936).Alfredo Gigliobianco & Claire Giordano - 2012 - Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium 2 (1):5.
  15. Faculty as Critical Thinkers.Claire Phillips & Susan Green - 2011 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 26 (2):44-50.
    The research presented in this paper used a case study approach to concentrate on the critical thinking preparation and skill sets of professors who, in turn, were expected to develop those same skills in their students. The authors interviewed community college instructors from both academic and work force disciplines. In general, the results of the study supported the researchers’ hypothesis that the ability to teach critical thinking was not necessarily intrinsic to a teaching professional. The authors of this study would (...)
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  16. The ethics of medical research on humans.Claire Foster-Gilbert - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Theory of mind and the origins of divergent thinking.Thomas Suddendorf & Claire Fletcher-Flinn - 1997 - Journal of Creative Behavior 31:169-179.
    The development of a `theory of mind' may not only be important for understanding the minds of others but also for using one's own mind. To investigate this supposition, forty children between the ages of three and four were given false-belief and creativity tasks. The numbers of appropriate and of original responses in the creativity test were found to correlate positively with performance on false-belief tasks. This association was robust, as it continued to be strong and significant even when age (...)
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    Des pratiques qui diffèrent de leurs croyances? Analyse quantitative des croyances épistémologiques, des conceptions pédagogiques et des pratiques d’enseignants belges du secondaire.Dorothée Baillet & Claire Gérard - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):153-175.
    In french and english speaking countries, the articulation between epistemological beliefs, conceptions of teaching and learning and pedagogical practices of secondary school teachers in the natural sciences and humanities has been little studied (Araújo-Oliveira, 2012 ; Bartos et Lederman, 2014 ; Wanlin et al., 2019). Yet, while teachers display predominantly constructivist beliefs about teaching and learning, their teaching practices remain rather passive (OECD, 2019). Like in Therriault et al. (2018-2023), this article explores the characteristics of epistemological beliefs, conceptions of teaching (...)
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  19. Image or Time? The Thought of the Outside in The Time Image (Deleuze and Blanchot).Marie-Claire Ropare-Wuilleumier - 2009 - In David Norman Rodowick (ed.), Afterimages of Gilles Deleuze's Film Philosophy. University of Minnesota Press.
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    Group Emotions in Collective Reasoning: A Model.Claire Polo, Christian Plantin, Kristine Lund & Gerald Niccolai - 2017 - Argumentation 31 (2):301-329.
    Education and cognition research today generally recognize the tri-dimensional nature of reasoning processes as involving cognitive, social and emotional phenomena. However, there is so far no theoretical framework articulating these three dimensions from a descriptive perspective. This paper aims at presenting a first model of how group emotions work in collective reasoning, and specifies their social and cognitive functions. This model is inspired both from a multidisciplinary literature review and our extensive previous empirical work on an international corpus of videotaped (...)
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    Browne's External DSM Ethical Review Panel: That Dog Won't Hunt.Pouncey Claire & F. Merz Jon - 2017 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 24 (3):227-230.
    Before we respond to Tamara Browne's proposal for an external ethics advisory review panel to oversee content in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, we wish to introduce ourselves. One of us is a professor of bioethics, a lawyer, and a doctor of public policy, and one of us is a philosopher of psychiatry who studies psychiatric nosology, and who has done bioethics work for two congressional advisory agencies. Based on our backgrounds, we flatter ourselves that we might (...)
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    Parents' attitudes to neonatal research involving venepuncture.Janet E. Berrington, Claire Snowdon & Alan C. Fenton - 2010 - Clinical Ethics 5 (3):148-155.
    The objective of the study was to explore parental experiences of being offered participation in a previous neonatal research study involving venepuncture. The method employed was a questionnaire-based exploration of parents' attitudes in those approached to participate in a study of term and preterm immunization responses (Preterm Immunisation Study [PREMIS]). We explored experience of the initial approach, knowledge of study, venepuncture and views on research ‘in general’. In all, 59% of families responded. Highest response rates were for those participating in (...)
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  23.  26
    Gender, power, and sexuality.Pamela Abbott & Claire Wallace (eds.) - 1991 - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan.
    Gender, Power and Sexuality is a collection of original and exciting articles by well-known feminists which makes a major contribution to our understanding of the ways in which men exercise control over girls and women in their daily lives, in the home, at school, at work and in the courts. Women are seen to resent and challenge male power, but, the institutionalisation of male power is shown to mitigate against women taking control over their own lives.
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    Fratries : séparer pour soigner?William Baticle, Claire-Marie Hétier & Hana Rottman - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 234 (4):141-159.
    Dans le domaine du placement d’enfants, la loi de 1996 préconisant le maintien de la communauté de vie des frères et sœurs est souvent comprise comme une injonction sine qua non. Cet article se fait l’écho des observations d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire (éducateurs, psychologue, psychanalyste) engagée depuis de longues années dans l’accueil familial qui dévoilent, à travers une analyse à la fois quantitative et clinique, une réalité qui vient nuancer cet impératif. Les auteurs montrent que, dans un certain nombre de cas, (...)
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  25. Tyranny and tyrannicide in mid-seventeenth century England: A woman's perspective?Claire Gheeraert-Graffeuille - 2009 - Études Épistémè 15:585-86.
  26.  32
    What’s Wrong with Mandatory Nutrient Limits? Rethinking Dietary Freedom, Free Markets and Food Reformulation.Jenny Claire Kaldor - 2018 - Public Health Ethics 11 (1):54-68.
    Around the world, unhealthy diets are a leading cause of disease. Shifting population diets in a healthier direction will require downstream policy interventions. This means changing the composition of the processed food supply, particularly reducing salt, sugar and fat. Mandatory nutrient limits imposed by government are one way of achieving this. However, they have been criticized as a particularly intrusive regulatory option, interfering with both free markets and free choices. At the same time, voluntary industry reformulation has become an intervention (...)
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  27.  14
    Les trois temps des migrants.Claire Lobet-Maris - 2021 - Temporalités 33.
    Based on a sociological survey carried out in a camp for asylum seekers in Belgium, the article questions the modes of existence in this “out of place” and “out of time” that is the camp. Behind the apparent emptiness of waiting in a decelerated present, the investigation highlights three temporalities that together shape the breathing of the camp and the living conditions of asylum seekers: the rhythm of the framework that holds together daily life, the cycle and the passage that (...)
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  28.  22
    Women in Iran: Notes on Film and from the Field.Norma Claire Moruzzi - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (1):89-100.
  29.  87
    Anne Fausto-Sterling, Corps en tous genres. La Dualité des sexes à l’épreuve de la science.Anne-Claire Rebreyend - 2013 - Clio 37:251-254.
    La pensée d’Anne Fausto-Sterling, biologiste reconnue dans l’espace anglophone, historienne des sciences et professeure à l’université de Brown (Rhode Island), est enfin accessible au lectorat français. La traduction de Sexing the Body, publié en 2000 aux États-Unis a été initiée par l’Institut Émilie du Châtelet pour le développement et la diffusion des études sur les femmes, le sexe et le genre et financée par la Région Ile-de-France. Dans sa préface américaine, l’auteure rappelle combien d...
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  30.  13
    Soutenir la parentalité dans un espace de rencontre : écueils et perspectives.Hanane Boumaiza & Claire Metz - 2023 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 241 (3):95-110.
    Les situations de séparation conflictuelle entre parents peuvent provoquer une rupture du lien entre l’enfant et un de ses parents. L’espace de rencontre ( er ), en mettant en place des droits de visite encadrés, est alors le dernier recours de ces parents pour retisser un lien. Dans l’ er dont il est question dans cet article, les visites concernent principalement le père, la mère étant alors le parent gardien. Dans ce cadre ont été rencontrés des enfants qui affichaient une (...)
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  31. L'enthousiasme: contagion ou panique?Claire Crignon De Oliveira - forthcoming - Contagion: Enjeux Croisés des Discours Médicaux Et Littéraires.
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    Beliefs, self-destruction, and the rational mind.Claire M. Fletcher-Flinn - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    (3 other versions)Apollonia d'Illyrie (Albanie).Maria Gracia Amore, Claire Balandier, Pierre Cabanes, Neritan Ceka, Olivier Deslondes, Vangjel Dimo, Julien Espagne, Annick Fenet, Eric Fouache, Lami Koço, Jean-Luc Lamboley, Philippe Lenhardt, Skënder Muçaj, Jean-Claude Poursat, François Quantin, Rezart Spahia & Bashkim Vrekaj - 1995 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 119 (2):761-781.
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  34. Sobre el peso y la elección del pasado: Una lectura crítica de El síndrome de Vichy.Marie-Claire Lavabre - 2012 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 3 (5):19 - 9.
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    Gender, HIV/AIDS and Refugees. Reconceiving Vulnerability and Promoting Transformation. A Kenyan Study.Margot Claire Morris - 2005 - Dialogue: Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. 3 (1):1-40.
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    Controversial More and Puzzling Utopia: Five Hundred Years of History.Marie-Claire Phélippeau - 2016 - Utopian Studies 27 (3):569-585.
    The figure of Thomas More and his work Utopia have followed chaotic but often separate fates all along history. More wrote his Utopia in 1515, when he was under forty years of age and, more important, before the first expressions of the Lutheran movement in England. Ten years after the first edition of Utopia, Europe had become a different world, often a much more hostile one, a place in which Thomas More assured he would not have repeated the same adventure. (...)
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    Alain Corbin, L’harmonie des plaisirs. Les manières de jouir du siècle des Lumières à l’avènement de la sexologie.Anne-Claire Rebreyend - 2010 - Clio 31:307-309.
    Après l’odorat, la vue, l’ouïe, Alain Corbin, « historien du sensible », s’attache à un nouveau domaine d’étude relevant des sensibilités et de l’imaginaire, celui du plaisir des sens. Adoptant la démarche d’anthropologie historique qui lui est familière, il décrypte les différentes représentations (essentiellement masculines) de la jouissance au sein du couple hétérosexuel dans l’espace francophone de tradition catholique entre 1770 et les années 1860. Pour mener ce voyage dans le temps, il...
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  38. Conclusion.Bernard Reber & Claire Brossaud - 2010 - In Bernard Reber & Claire Brossaud (eds.), Digital cognitive technologies: epistemology and the knowledge economy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  39.  51
    Une « femme libérée »?Anne-Claire Rebreyend - 2009 - Clio 29:185-191.
    Née en 1943 à Alger, Andrée Job-Querzola poursuit des études de lettres à Aix-en-Provence puis à Paris dans les années 1960. Devenue enseignante, elle gravite dans la mouvance féministe et d’extrême gauche et participe activement aux événements de Mai. Marquée par les luttes féministes des années 1970, en particulier celles du MLF, du MLAC, du MFPF, elle souhaite rendre hommage aux femmes de sa génération – « une génération rebelle » qui, selon elle, sonne le glas de « générations de (...)
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    La logique.Antoine Arnauld, Pierre Claire, François Girbal & Pierre Nicole - 1970 - [Paris]: Flammarion. Edited by Pierre Nicole.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  41.  9
    Le soi: nouvelles perspectives humiennes.Alexandre Charrier & Claire Etchegaray (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: Hermann.
    "L'usage substantivé du mot 'soi' est intriguant. Le pronom tonique 'soi' ne pose pas de problème particulier dans les expressions comme 'prendre soin de soi', 'compter sur soi' ou 'être hors de soi'. Mais parler d'un 'soi', c'est aller au-delà de la réalité grammaticale et supposer une identité personnelle à travers la diversité des expériences. Or, l'idée de soi et la croyance en l'identité personnelle ont été mises en question par David Hume, dont les arguments résonnent toujours dans la philosophie (...)
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    Présentation.Claire Crignon-De Oliveira & Dominique Weber - 2011 - Astérion 8 (8).
    L’interrogation sur les âges de la vie et en particulier sur la vieillesse, relancée et reconfigurée par les avancées spectaculaires des sciences médicales des cinquante dernières années, fait partie de ces interrogations qui gagnent à être appréhendées sous le double point de vue de l’histoire de la philosophie et de la médecine, d’une part, et de la réflexion contemporaine sur le phénomène de la médicalisation de l’existence, d’autre part. Nul ne doutera qu’il est nécessaire désormais de ré..
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  43. L'esthétique Bergsonienne: Révélation et création.Anne-Claire Désesquelles - 2002 - Giornale di Metafisica 24 (1-2):71-100.
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    Emotion Recognition as a Real Strength in Williams Syndrome: Evidence From a Dynamic Non-verbal Task.Laure Ibernon, Claire Touchet & Régis Pochon - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  45. Tisser du lien" : textile art as a tautological performance and embodiment of an expression.Claire Le Pape - 2023 - In Urmila Mohan (ed.), The efficacy of intimacy and belief in worldmaking practices. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
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    Abnormal patterns of attentional network communication underlie visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease.Shine Mac, O'Callaghan Claire, Muller Alana, Halliday Glenda & Lewis Simon - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Subversive pedagogies: radical possibility in the academy.Kate Schick & Claire Timperley (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Subversive Pedagogies draws attention to creative and critical pedagogies as a resource for engaging pressing problems in global politics. The collection explores the radical potential of pedagogy to transform students, scholars, citizens and institutions. It brings together scholars and students from a range of disciplinary backgrounds, including international relations, political science, indigenous studies, feminist theory and theatre studies, as well as practitioners in theatre and the arts. These diverse voices explore innovative pedagogical practices that extend our understanding of where pedagogy (...)
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    Correction to: Macleay’s Choice: Transacting the Natural History Trade in the Nineteenth Century.Simon Ville, Claire Wright & Jude Philp - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (3):377-378.
    During the publication process of above mentioned article the Notes to Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 were erroneously deleted from the figure legends. The correct versions are given below.
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    Robert Sommer, Das KZ-Bordell. Sexuelle Zwangsarbeit in nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslagern [Le bordel du camp de concentration. Travail sexuel forcé dans les camps de concentration nationaux-soc.Claire Auzias - 2010 - Clio 32.
    Cet ouvrage est issu de la thèse soutenue par Robert Sommer à l’Université Humboldt de Berlin en 2006. Il s’agit d’un travail entièrement original sur un sujet absent de la recherche, à l’exception de l’enquête pionnière de Christa Paul en 1994. Mais avant la somme de Robert Sommer on ne disposait d’aucune étude systématique de cette ampleur. C’est chose faite avec la minutie et la rigueur adéquates au genre. Par un décret du 9 septembre 1939, Reinhard Heydrich, chef de l’Office (...)
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    Women and the Spanish-American Wars of Independence: An Overview.Claire Brewster - 2005 - Feminist Review 79 (1):20-35.
    This article looks at the ways in which Spanish American women exploited the political and social turmoil of the late 18th and early 19th centuries to move beyond their traditional sphere of influence in the home. Women directly participated in the Túpac Amaru Rebellion (1780–1781) and in the Wars of Independence (1810–1825) providing funding, food supplies, infrastructure and reinforcements for the troops, and nursing the wounded. Others contributed by taking part in the physical fighting (both openly and disguised as men) (...)
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