Results for 'Claude Johnson'

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  1. La culture juste dans le domaine de la santé : une approche qui responsabilise les individus et les organisations médicales.Claude Johnson - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (3):77.
    Ce texte résume l’expérience de l’auteure suite à la participation au cours de certification « Culture juste (Just culture) dans le domaine de la santé », offert par Saegis en octobre et novembre 2020. Cette formation permet de comprendre ce qu’est la culture juste et de mettre en application ses principes fondamentaux avec des exemples concrets.
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    15. Claude Lévi-Strauss.Christopher Johnson - 2002 - In Jon Simons (ed.), From Kant to Lévi-Strauss: The Background to Contemporary Critical Theory. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 228-243.
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    Wanted: The meaning of life.George Johnson - manuscript
    The grandest unification theory of them all got its start in 1948, when two remarkable publications appeared. Claude Shannon's paper ''A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits" and Norbert Wiener's book ''Cybernetics'' brought to the world's attention an idea that had been bubbling beneath the surface for years: information, like matter and energy, can be considered a thing in itself -- a fundamental building block of reality. Ever since, there has been a growing effort to explain the brain, (...)
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    The Ibis: Transformations in a Twentieth Century British Natural History Journal.Kristin Johnson - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (3):515-555.
    The contents of the British Ornithologists' Union's journal, "The Ibis," during the first half of the 20th century illustrates some of the transformations that have taken place in the naturalist tradition. Although later generations of ornithologists described these changes as logical and progressive, their historical narratives had more to do with legitimizing the infiltration of the priorities of evolutionary theory, ecology, and ethology than analyzing the legacy of the naturalist tradition on its own terms. Despite ornithologists' claim that the journal's (...)
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    Thinking in dialogue: the role of the interview in post-war French thought.Christopher Johnson - 2003
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    Andrianou, Dimitra. The Furniture and Furnishings of Ancient Greek Houses and Tombs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. xvi+ 213 pp. 24 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $80. Andrisano, Angela Maria, and Paolo Fabbri, eds. La favola di Orfeo: Letteratura, immagine, performance. Ferrara: UnifePress, 2009. 255 pp. 41 black-and-white. [REVIEW]Victor Bers, Rachel Bowlby, Claude Calame, Viccy Coltman, Katharina Comoth & Joan Breton Connelly - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (2):345-347.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedAndrianou, Dimitra. The Furniture and Furnishings of Ancient Greek Houses and Tombs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. xvi + 213 pp. 24 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $80.Andrisano, Angela Maria, and Paolo Fabbri, eds. La favola di Orfeo: Letteratura, immagine, performance. Ferrara: UnifePress, 2009. 255 pp. 41 black-and-white figs. Paper, €15.Bartsch, Shadi, and David Wray, eds. Seneca and the Self. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. ix + 304 pp. 1 (...)
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    Routes of the Universal: “The Return of the Political” in the Black Atlantic.Niklas Plaetzer - 2021 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 50:103-129.
    Bien que les théoriciens du « retour du politique»s’efforcent de penser l’agir selon ses propres termes, c’est-à-dire en l’absence de fondements philosophiques, ils invoquent fréquemment des récits eurocentriques au sujet de l’histoire occidentale pour justifier la force critique de leur mode de pensée. La première partie de cet article met en évidence ce provincialisme du politique tel qu’il est en jeu chez Claude Lefort et Cornelius Castoriadis. Dans un deuxième moment, je présente la rencontre entre Socialisme ou Barbarie et (...)
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    Free to Decide: The Positive Moral Right to Reproductive Choice.Tess Johnson - 2021 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 31 (3):303-326.
    The advent of novel assisted reproductive technologies has considerably expanded our sphere of control over our reproduction, and consequently, the scope of ethical debate surrounding reproductive choice. The widespread availability of genetic selection, in particular, raises questions regarding what reproductive choice does and should entail. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for genetic selection builds on in vitro fertilization. It forces us to confront questions of whether a moral right to reproductive choice extends not only to the decisions whether to have children and (...)
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    Présentation de Pierre-Jean Labarrière.Claude Troisfontaines - 1994 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 92 (1):9-14.
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    A trade-off: Antimicrobial resistance and COVID-19.Tess Johnson - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (9):947-955.
    As we combat the COVID-19 pandemic, both the prescription of antimicrobials and the use of biocidal agents have increased in many countries. Although these measures can be expected to benefit existing people by, to some extent, mitigating the pandemic's effects, they may threaten long-term well-being of existing and future people, where they contribute to the problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). A trade-off dilemma thus presents itself: combat COVID-19 using these measures, or stop using them in order to protect against AMR. (...)
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    The Father of lights: a theology of beauty.Junius Johnson - 2020 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, a Division of Baker Publishing Group.
    Offers a robust, full-orbed theology of beauty, showing how it has functioned as a theological concept from biblical times to the present day.
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    Note on the variant of ‘κρυφη’ in Exodus 11:2a.Claude A. Otabela - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):4.
    The spoliation of the Egyptians is an exodus theme whose interpretation is difficult and often controversial. The great cleavage lies between the thesis of a secret and dishonest action and that of an operation of definitive donations within the framework of the expulsion. The addition of the adverb ‘κρυφη’ in the Septuagint has been used to support the exit from Egypt by a secret escape with fraudulently borrowed objects. This article re-evaluates this variant by showing the limits of the status (...)
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  13. The Relation between Formal and Informal Logic.Ralph H. Johnson - 1999 - Argumentation 13 (3):265-274.
    The issue of the relationship between formal and informal logic depends strongly on how one understands these two designations. While there is very little disagreement about the nature of formal logic, the same is not true regarding informal logic, which is understood in various (often incompatible) ways by various thinkers. After reviewing some of the more prominent conceptions of informal logic, I will present my own, defend it and then show how informal logic, so understood, is complementary to formal logic.
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  14. Obligation.Robert Johnson - manuscript
    Since Plato wrote of political obligation in his dialogue Crito, obligation in general has been of ongoing interest to philosophers. In that dialogue, Socrates argues that he was under an obligation to obey the laws of Athens and comply with a sentence of death. During the course of the argument, he raises and offers solutions to many of the central issues about obligation that philosophers still puzzle over. For instance, how can obligations have the grip on us that they do—in (...)
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  15. The Import of Categorical Propositions.W. E. Johnson - 1893 - Mind 2 (6):219-223.
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    Camp Revival, or the Sissification of the Black Church.E. Patrick Johnson - 2020 - Palimpsest 9 (2):30-33.
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    David S. Miall, Metaphor: Problems and Perspectives.Mark Johnson - 1983 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (4):463-465.
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  18. The Metaphoric Circuit: Organic and Technological Communication in the Nineteenth Century.Laura Otis - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (1):105-128.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.1 (2002) 105-128 [Access article in PDF] The Metaphoric Circuit: Organic and Technological Communication in the Nineteenth Century Laura Otis [Figures]In a public lecture in 1851, Emil DuBois-Reymond proposed that the wonder of our time, electrical telegraphy, was long ago modeled in the animal machine. But the similarity between the two apparatus, the nervous system and the electric telegraph, has a much deeper (...)
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    Libres paroles.Claude Ber - 2003 - Montpellier: Chèvre-feuille étoilée.
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    Les animaux «Utiles» chez isidore geoffroy saint-hilaire: La mission sociale de la zootechnie.Claude Blanckaert - 1992 - Revue de Synthèse 113 (3-4):347-382.
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  21. A la recherche du reT6rent perdu.Claude Bremond - 1985 - Semiotica 53.
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    Les qualités selon Stout.Claude Panaccio - 1986 - Philosophiques 13 (2):237-252.
    George Frederick Stout fut, dans la philosophie du XXe siècle, le principal promoteur de la thèse à tendance nominaliste du particularisme des qualités, selon laquelle chaque propriété d'une entité individuelle quelconque est elle-même une entité individuelle. On examine ici de façon critique les arguments avancés par Stout en faveur de cette doctrine ontologique ainsi que les objections qui lui ont été adressées. N'ayant trouvé au bout du compte aucun argument décisif ni d'un côté ni de l'autre, on suggère, dans une (...)
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    4. Die Bestimmung der Sinnenwelt durch das vernünftige Wesen.Claude Piché - 2016 - In Jean-Christophe Merle (ed.), Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Grundlage des Naturrechts. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 45-56.
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    Les sources du concept fichtéen de phénoménologie dans la Doctrine de la science de 1804.Claude Piché - 2007 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 63 (1):7-20.
    Fichte caractérise la seconde partie de sa Doctrine de la science de 1804 à l’aide du terme «phénoménologie», auquel il assigne une double signification: théorie de l’apparence et théorie du phénomène. Si le premier volet de sa définition rappelle la conception de Lambert, inventeur de la phénoménologie comme discipline philosophique, le second volet correspond à l’idée que se fait Kant de la phénoménologie, notamment dans les Premiers principes métaphysiques de la science de la nature. La question qui se pose est (...)
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    On the Nature of Legal Deliberation.Claude Prevots - 1965 - The Monist 49 (3):424-442.
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    Un bronze de Delphes à inscription chypriote syllabique.Claude Rolley & Olivier Masson - 1971 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 95 (1):295-304.
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    Should Research Participants Be Notified About Results of Currently Unknown but Potential Significance?Liza-Marie Johnson, Jennifer Zabrowski & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (4):73-74.
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    Precision, Consistency, Implication, and Inference.Claude Gratton - 2000 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 15 (1):30-37.
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  29. Dr. Robert Eisler on the Beginnings of Christianity'.Claude G. Montefiore - 1931 - Hibbert Journal 30:298-318.
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    L’instauration d’un ordre juridique juste d’après Fichte (1812–1813).Claude Piché - 2006 - Fichte-Studien 29:79-87.
  31. Mental language and tradition encounters in medieval philosophy : Anselm, Albert and Ockham.Claude Albert - 2007 - In John Marenbon (ed.), The many roots of medieval logic: the aristotelian and the non-aristotelian traditions: special offprint of Vivarium 45, 2-3 (2007). Boston: Brill.
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    Gentile und territoriale Staatsideen im Westgotenreich.Dietrich Claude - 1972 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 6 (1):1-38.
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    (1 other version)Hommage à : Robert CASTEL.Claude Martin - 2013 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 66 (2):, [ p.].
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    Unité et profondeur théoriques comme critère d'empiricité des théories économiques.Claude Meidinger - 1995 - Dialogue 34 (3):521-.
    L'histoire des sciences témoigne fréquemment de tentatives méthodologiquement divergentes visant à résoudre les anomalies d'un programme de recherche scientifique. L'accumulation d'anomalies peut être pour certains une incitation à scruter les faits, alors que pour d'autres c'est l'occasion d'une réflexion sur les fondements théoriques des constructions spéculatives. C'est en ce sens que, dans la crise relativiste de la physique classique, Einstein plaide pour une réflexion sur les fondements de la science physique alors que Poincaré soutient au contraire que la solution à (...)
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    The Idealist Illusion and Other Essays: Translation and Introduction by Fiachra Long, Annotations by Fiachra Long and Claude Troisfontaines.Maurice Blondel & Claude Troisfontaines - 2000 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    This book presents three of Blondel's important turn of the century articles. These are The Idealist Illusion, The Elementary Principle of a Logic of the Moral Life and in two parts, The Starting Point of Philosophy. These essays uncover a certain pragmatism in Blondel's thought while Fiachra Long's introduction argues that Blondel veered away from idealism and towards a logic of the concrete life which allied him closely if unwittingly with the Scottish common sense school of Thomas Reid.
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    Les voies de l'homme.Claude Cotti - 1957 - Paris,: Guillemot et De Lamothe.
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    Santé mentale et foi chrétienne.Claude Geets - 1982 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 13 (3):267-286.
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    Parler en philosophe : Platon, Lettre VII.Claude Giboin - 2015 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 65 (2):23-38.
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    (2 other versions)Another Look at St. Thomas and the Plurality of the Literal Sense of Scripture.Mark F. Johnson - 1992 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 2:117-141.
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    Śaṅkheśvara Māhātīrtha: First PartSankhesvara Mahatirtha: First Part.Helen M. Johnson, Śāntamūrti Munirāj Jayantavijayaji & Santamurti Muniraj Jayantavijayaji - 1948 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 68 (4):203.
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    Between Political Inquiry and Democratic Faith.James Johnson - 2011 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3 (2):167-185.
    In the post-War decades political science in the United States has been animated by two seemingly incompatible aims. On the one hand, the discipline is committed to scientific inquiry interpreted in largely positivist terms. On the other hand, the discipline aspires to generate knowledge that might improve democratic politics. I start by sketching pragmatist interpretations of social and political inquiry, of democratic politics, and of how the two are related. Problems of complexity and visibility emerge as central to those interpretations. (...)
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    Some Essentials of Moral Education.Harrold Johnson - 1907 - International Journal of Ethics 17 (4):475-483.
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    The other side of power.Claude Steiner - 1981 - New York: Grove Press.
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    Education on the Wild Side: Learning for the Twenty-first Century.Michael L. Johnson - 1993
    Johnson (English, U. of Kansas) explores the present crisis in education, especially in the US, by surveying broad changes in recent curricular and pedagogical theory and practice. These changes entail a shift from teaching to instructing from students learning what the teacher knows to learning.
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    Logique et (triple) logos dans la Divisio scientiarum d’Arnoul de Provence.Claude Lafleur & Joanne Carrier - 2017 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 73 (3):415-436.
    The purpose of this article is first to enrich the exposition on the contribution of the magistri artium in Claude Panaccio’s Le Discours intérieur by an in-depth scrutiny of a quotation from the Latin al-Fārābī ending the presentation of logic in the Divisio scientiarum (ca. 1250) of the Parisian Arts Master Arnoul of Provence (Arnulfus Provincialis). Once accomplished this revision using the various Latin versions or adaptations of the Farabian Enumeration of the sciences (Iḥṣāʾ al-ʿulūm) by Gerard of Cremona (...)
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    The Senecan Moment: Patronage and Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century.Edward Andrew - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (2):277-299.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Senecan Moment:Patronage and Philosophy in the Eighteenth CenturyEdward AndrewThis piece examines the place of patronage in eighteenth-century thought and specifically Diderot's analysis of Seneca's philosophy of the art of graceful giving and grateful receiving.1 Patronage, in Burke's definition, is "the tribute which opulence owes to genius."2 However, the patronage of thought has been rarely discussed by political theorists, and when mentioned favorably by thinkers such as Rousseau or (...)
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    The dilution of academic power in Canada.Claude T. Bissell - 1973 - Minerva 11 (1):130-133.
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    The Arch lectures.Claude Fayette Bragdon - 1942 - New York,: Creative Age Press.
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    Le soi discursif par les autres : pour une anthropopoiétique des identités auctoriales et rythmiques (de l'identité narrative à l'identité énonciative).Claude Calame - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Entièrement remaniée pour l'occasion, une première version de ce texte est parue dans la Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie 138, 2006 : 343-354 ; une version plus développée, centrée sur la critique de Paul Ricœur, a été publiée dans l'ouvrage collectif édité par F. Gaudez, La Connaissance du Texte. Approches socio-anthropologiques de la construction fictionnelle I, Paris (L'Harmattan) 2010 : 13-28. En 1968, date-clé pour le développement des sciences humaines dans le domaine francophone, Roland (...) - 5. Première journée (...)
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  50. Building object knowledge from perceptual input.Dima Amso & Johnson & P. Scott - 2009 - In Bruce M. Hood & Laurie R. Santos (eds.), The origins of object knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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