Results for 'Clinical governance'

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  1.  58
    Clinical Governance, Performance Appraisal and Interactional and Procedural Fairness at a New Zealand Public Hospital.Carol Clarke, Mark Harcourt & Matthew Flynn - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (3):667-678.
    This paper explores the conduct of performance appraisals of nurses in a New Zealand hospital, and how fairness is perceived in such appraisals. In the health sector, performance appraisals of medical staff play a key role in implementing clinical governance, which, in turn, is critical to containing health care costs and ensuring quality patient care. Effective appraisals depend on employees perceiving their own appraisals to be fair both in terms of procedure and interaction with their respective appraiser. We (...)
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    Clinical governance breakdown: Australian cases of wilful blindness and whistleblowing.Sonja Cleary & Maxine Duke - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1039-1049.
    Background: After their attempts to have patient safety concerns addressed internally were ignored by wilfully blind managers, nurses from Bundaberg Base Hospital and Macarthur Health Service felt compelled to ‘blow the whistle’. Wilful blindness is the human desire to prefer ignorance to knowledge; the responsibility to be informed is shirked. Objective: To provide an account of instances of wilful blindness identified in two high-profile cases of nurse whistleblowing in Australia. Research design: Critical case study methodology using Fay’s Critical Social Theory (...)
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    Clinical governance: vision or mirage?Neville W. Goodman - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (2):243-249.
  4.  15
    Clinical governance—watchword or buzzword?Alastair V. Campbell - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (suppl 1):54-56.
    In the latest reform of the National Health Service great emphasis has been placed on the achievement and maintenance of quality. Mechanisms for ensuring this are being set up under the general title of “clinical governance”. What is the meaning of this term? The metaphor behind the phrase is of navigation through stormy seas, but who guides the helmsman? Clinical ethics committees could have a part to play in these changes, provided their role is properly understood. (...) governance is concerned with management according to an agreed set of aims. The task of ethics committees is Socratic rather than managerial. They should ask fundamental questions about the ethical norms of the services provided and give critical appraisal of the moral character of institutional policies. If these tasks are carried out then governance may become a watchword rather than just another buzzword. (shrink)
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    Clinical governance--watchword or buzzword?A. V. Campbell - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (90001):54i-56.
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    Principles to govern clinical governance.Carl W. R. Onion - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (4):405-412.
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    The evidence base for clinical governance.M. Thomas - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (2):251-254.
  8. Primary Care and Clinical Governance.N. H. S. Executive, A. McColl, P. Roberick, H. Smith, E. Wilkinson, M. Moore, A. Farooqui, K. Khunti & R. Sorrie - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (2):111-20.
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    Governing the research-care divide in clinical biobanking: Dutch perspectives.Conor M. W. Douglas & Martin Boeckhout - 2015 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11 (1):1-16.
    Biobanking, the large-scale, systematic collection of data and tissue for open-ended research purposes, is on the rise, particularly in clinical research. The infrastructures for the systematic procurement, management and eventual use of human tissue and data are positioned between healthcare and research. However, the positioning of biobanking infrastructures and transfer of tissue and data between research and care is not an innocuous go-between. Instead, it involves changes in both domains and raises issues about how distinctions between research and care (...)
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    Book Review: NICEly does it: economic analysis within evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, Clinical governance: striking a balance between checking and trusting. [REVIEW]Kevin Kendrick - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (2):174-175.
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    NICE, CHI and the NHS Reforms - enabling excellence or imposing control? Edited by Andrew Miles, John R. Hampton, Brian Hurwitz and Clinical Governance and the NHS Reforms - enabling excellence or imposing control? Edited by Andrew Miles, Alison P. Hill, Brian Hurwitz. [REVIEW]Sandro Limentani - 2002 - Philosophy of Management 2 (1):75-77.
    Traditionally, medical professionals have taken a paternalistic stance towards their patients and have relied on a traditional approach to medical ethics. In recent years, in Britain, however, a new ‘managerialism’ has developed in the National Health Service (the NHS). This stresses consumerism and greater patient choice and is changing the relationship between doctors and patients. This paper draws out the implications for patients. It describes the ethical characteristics of the two conflicting approaches and argues the need to stress again the (...)
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  12.  23
    Governing Humanity.Stephen Wallace - 2008 - Journal of Medical Humanities 29 (1):27-32.
    In the United Kingdom, clinical governance has become a master narrative for health care over the last decade. While many see this political imperative as embodying both enlightening and humanistic goals, I argue that it has also become an apparatus for resuscitating a hypermodernist worldview which further conceals the political drivers of health care delivery. While resistance to clinical governance seems futile, insistence on the inclusion of historical analysis in understanding modern health care delivery may be (...)
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    Reflections on Governance Models for the Clinical Translation of Stem Cells.Jeremy Sugarman - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (2):251-256.
    Acentral promise of human embryonic stem cell research is the potential to develop viable therapeutic approaches to a range of devastating diseases and conditions. Despite excitement over such advances, there are scientific and medical reasons to be cautious as stem cells and their products are introduced into patients. In response to such concerns, the International Society for Stem Cell Research as well as ad hoc groups and individuals have offered approaches to governance of this research. While there are similarities (...)
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  14.  36
    Governance and Standards in International Clinical Research: The Role of Transnational Consortia.Raffaella Ravinetto, Sören L. Becker, Moussa Sacko, Sayda El-Safi, Yodi Mahendradhata, Pascal Lutumba, Suman Rijal, Kruy Lim, Shyam Sundar, Eliézer K. N'Goran, Kristien Verdonck, Jürg Utzinger, François Chappuis & Marleen Boelaert - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (10):59-61.
  15.  57
    A call to restructure the drug development process: Government over-regulation and non-innovative late stage (phase III) clinical trials are major obstacles to advances in health care.Thomas C. Jones - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (4):575-587.
    The history of drug/vaccine development has included major advances guided primarily by risk/benefit analyses concerning the innovative agent, not by evidence-based clinical trials (Phase I–IV). Because the approval for new drugs is hindered under the present process, the system requires restructuring. The Phase I/II study period should be more flexible, using the “environment of knowledge” about the new agent, plus risk/benefit assessments. Phase III, as presently constructed, does not add new adverse events data, it provides a narrower profile of (...)
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  16.  29
    Clinical Trial Application in Europe: What Will Change with the New Regulation?Viviana Giannuzzi, Annagrazia Altavilla, Lucia Ruggieri & Adriana Ceci - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (2):451-466.
    The European framework surrounding clinical trials on medicinal products for human use is going to change as demonstrated by the large debate at European institutional level. One of the major challenges is to overcome the lack of harmonisation of clinical trial procedures among countries. This aspect is gaining more and more importance, considering the increasing number of multicentre and multinational studies. In this work, the actual European rules governing the Clinical Trial Application have been analysed throughout the (...)
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    Difficulties in the dissemination and implementation of clinical guidelines in government Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Brazil: how managers, medical and nursing, position themselves.Cynthia Magluta, Maria A. de Sousa Mendes Gomes & Susana M. Wuillaume - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):744-748.
  18.  30
    Regulating clinical trials in India: The economics of ethics.Gerard Porter - 2017 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (4):365-374.
    The relationship between the ethical standards for the governance of clinical trials and market forces can be complex and problematic. This article uses India as a case study to explore this nexus. From the mid-2000s, India became a popular destination for foreign-sponsored clinical trials. The Indian government had sought to both attract clinical trials and ensure these would be run in line with internationally accepted ethical norms. Reports of controversial medical research, however, triggered debate about the (...)
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  19.  20
    Reflections on the implementation of governance structures for early‐stage clinical innovation.Luke Cowie, Jane Sandall & Kathryn Ehrich - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (6):1019-1025.
  20.  38
    Recruitment of minority ethnic groups into clinical cancer research trials to assess adherence to the principles of the Department of Health Research Governance Framework: national sources of data and general issues arising from a study in one hospital trust in England.S. Godden, G. Ambler & A. M. Pollock - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (6):358-362.
    Background This article describes the issues encountered when designing a study to evaluate recruitment of minority ethnic groups into clinical cancer research in order to monitor adherence to the principles for good practice set out in the Department of Health, Research Governance Framework, England. Methods (i) A review of routine data sources to determine whether their usefulness as a source of data on prevalence of cancer in the population by ethnic category. (ii) A local case study at one (...)
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  21.  72
    On considerations of method and theory governing the use of clinical categories in neurolinguistics and cognitive neuropsychology: The case against agrammatism.William Badecker & Alfonso Caramazza - 1985 - Cognition 20 (2):97-125.
  22.  18
    Conscience and Catholic health care: from clinical contexts to government mandates.David E. DeCosse (ed.) - 2017 - Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books.
    In this volume, leading scholars in ethics, theology, and health care address conscience and how it relates to Catholic health care. Topics addressed include end-of-life care, abortion, and sterilization. The book is particularly useful for ethics boards and chaplains in Catholic hospitals, especially those merging with non-Catholic chains.
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  23. How Clinical Trials Really Work Rethinking Research Ethics.Debra A. DeBruin, Joan Liaschenko & Anastasia Fisher - 2011 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 21 (2):121-139.
    Clinical trials are a central mechanism in the production of medical knowledge. They are the gold standard by which such knowledge is evaluated. They are widespread both in the United States and internationally; a National Institute of Health database reports over 106,000 active industry and government-sponsored trials (National Institutes of Health n.d.). They are an engine of the economy. The work of trials is complex; multiple people with diverse interests working across multiple settings simultaneously participate in them, and they (...)
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  24.  96
    Clinical biobanks in Italy and Liguria: Ethical and social issues, initiatives at the national, regional and local level.Barbara Parodi - 2013 - Research Ethics 9 (2):78-85.
    This article aims to revise the ethical and social implications for clinical biobanks and their application in Italy, in the Liguria Region and in a comprehensive cancer centre in Genoa. The policies already in place in the regional network and in the IST National Institute for Cancer Research in terms of involvement of the community of patients and citizens are described, as well as the future development of initiatives aimed at improving the active participation of the community. The author (...)
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  25.  22
    National Clinical Sentinel Audit of Evidence‐based Prescribing for Older People.G. M. Batty, R. L. Grant, R. Aggarwal, D. Lowe, J. M. Potter, M. G. Pearson & S. H. D. Jackson - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (2):273-279.
  26.  58
    Clinical Research in Context: Reexamining the Distinction between Research and Practice.J. A. Anderson - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (1):46-63.
    At least since the seminal work of the (US) National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research in the 1970s, a fundamental distinction between research and practice has underwritten both conceptual work in research ethics and regulations governing research involving human subjects. Notwithstanding its undoubted historical importance, I believe the distinction is problematic because it misrepresents clinical inquiry. In this essay, I aim to clarify the character of clinical inquiry by identifying crucial contextual (...)
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  27.  29
    Why Young People Participate in Clinical Trials and the Implications for Research Governance.Katharine Wright, Seil Collins & Bobbie Farsides - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (11):22-23.
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    Clinical and Organizational Ethics: Challenges to Methodology and Practice.Mark J. Cherry - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (3):191-197.
    The day-to-day work of clinical ethics consultants and healthcare ethics committees can easily become overly routine. Too much routine, however, comes with a risk that morally important practices will be reduced to mere bureaucratic formalities, while practitioners become desensitized to ethically significant distinctions between cases. Clinical ethics consultation and organizational ethics must be set within the broader social and cultural context of the healthcare environment. This practice requires looking beyond mere legal compliance and the routinely false assumption that (...)
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  29.  6
    Clinical Ethics Fellowship Programs in the United States and Canada: Program Directors’ Opinions About Accreditation and Funding.Ellen Fox & Jason Adam Wasserman - 2025 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 16 (1):1-9.
    To succeed, an accreditation process for clinical ethics fellowship programs (CEFPs) would need support from CEFP directors. To assess CEFP directors’ opinions, we surveyed all 36 CEFP directors in the United States and Canada, achieving a 100% response rate. We found that support for accreditation is strong, with 30.6% strongly supportive, 44.4% supportive, 22.2% neutral, 2.8% opposed, and 0% strongly opposed. Most directors (77.8%) would be likely to apply for accreditation within the next five years regardless of the availability (...)
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  30.  30
    Private Wisdom and Public Practice: Formation and Governance in the Medical Profession in the United Kingdom.Al Dowie & Anthea Martin - 2009 - Ethics and Social Welfare 3 (2):145-157.
    In 2006, the Chief Medical Officer for England published the report Good Doctors, Safer Patients in a call for strengthened regulation of the medical profession. The changing relationship between patients and doctors in the United Kingdom arises from the interplay between societal expectation and clinical governance, personal formation and professional practice, private being and public doing. The wisdom of professional practice is in the habits of professionals, a practical wisdom that is the reflex of professional identity. Socialization into (...)
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    Navigating the future of clinical trial management – insights on the transformative role of AI.Lara Bernasconi & Regina Grossmann - forthcoming - Research Ethics.
    This study addresses the current lack of empirical data on the experiences and attitudes of clinical research professionals towards AI-powered clinical trial management tools. Clinical research professionals affiliated with various Swiss and international clinical research networks were invited to participate in an online survey. The survey focused on nine use cases of AI-powered clinical trial management tools. Participants were asked to share their ethical considerations, and their experiences were assessed at both the individual and institutional (...)
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  32. Empirical assessments of clinical ethics services: implications for clinical ethics committees.Laura Williamson - 2007 - Clinical Ethics 2 (4):187-192.
    The need to evaluate the performance of clinical ethics services is widely acknowledged although work in this area is more developed in the United States. In the USA many studies that assess clinical ethics services have utilized empirical methods and assessment criteria. The value of these approaches is thought to rest on their ability to measure the value of services in a demonstrable fashion. However, empirical measures tend to lack ethical content, making their contribution to developments in ethical (...)
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  33.  40
    Brief communication: Evaluating the presentation and management of upper respiratory tract infection in primary care clinics in saudi arabia: Biomedical factors do not govern clinical decision making.Sulaiman A. Al-Shammari & Hamza Abdul Ghani - 1999 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 5 (1):65-71.
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  34.  70
    The Ethics of Clinical Care and the Ethics of Clinical Research: Yin and Yang.Charles J. Kowalski, Raymond J. Hutchinson & Adam J. Mrdjenovich - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (1):7-32.
    The Belmont Report’s distinction between research and the practice of accepted therapy has led various authors to suggest that these purportedly distinct activities should be governed by different ethical principles. We consider some of the ethical consequences of attempts to separate the two and conclude that separation fails along ontological, ethical, and epistemological dimensions. Clinical practice and clinical research, as with yin and yang, can be thought of as complementary forces interacting to form a dynamic system in which (...)
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  35.  90
    Fiduciary Obligation in Clinical Research.Paul B. Miller & Charles Weijer - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (2):424-440.
    Bioethics is currently witnessing unprecedented debate over the moral and legal norms governing the conduct of clinical research. At the center of this debate is the duty of care in clinical research, and its most widely accepted specification, clinical equipoise. In recent work, we have argued that equipoise and cognate concepts central to the ethics of clinical research have been left unnecessarily vulnerable to criticism. We have suggested that the vulnerability lies in the conspicuous absence of (...)
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  36. Government Policy Experiments and Informed Consent.Douglas MacKay & Averi Chakrabarti - 2019 - Public Health Ethics 12 (2):188-201.
    Governments are increasingly making use of field experiments to evaluate policy interventions in the spheres of education, public health and welfare. However, the research ethics literature is largely focused on the clinical context, leaving investigators, institutional review boards and government agencies with few resources to draw on to address the ethical questions they face regarding such experiments. In this article, we aim to help address this problem, investigating the conditions under which informed consent is required for ethical policy research (...)
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  37.  7
    Governance Ethics in Healthcare Organizations.Gerard Magill & Lawrence Prybil - 2020 - Routledge.
    Drawing on the findings of a series of empirical studies undertaken with boards of directors and CEOs in the United States, this groundbreaking book develops a new paradigm to provide a structured analysis of ethical healthcare governance. Governance Ethics in Healthcare Organizations begins by presenting a clear framework for ethical analysis, designed around basic features of ethics - who we are, how we function, and what we do - before discussing the paradigm in relation to clinical, organizational (...)
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  38.  64
    A strategy of clinical tolerance for the prevention of hiv and aids in china.Yanguang Wang - 2000 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25 (1):48 – 61.
    HIV infection and AIDS create many dilemmas in Chinese AIDS/HIV prevention policy. A strategy of clinical tolerance is proposed to address these dilemmas. The immediate purpose of the strategy of clinical tolerance is to win the cooperation of members of stigmatized groups at high risk for contracting HIV infection and AIDS, which occurs as a result of acts done in private and thus beyond the reach of regulation. The strategy of clinical tolerance differs from both tolerance as (...)
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  39.  14
    Targeting Health-Related Social Risks in the Clinical Setting: New Policy Momentum and Practice Considerations.Blake N. Shultz, Carol R. Oladele, Ira L. Leeds, Abbe R. Gluck & Cary P. Gross - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):777-785.
    The federal government is funding a sea change in health care by investing in interventions targeting social determinants of health, which are significant contributors to illness and health inequity. This funding power has encouraged states, professional and accreditation organizations, health care entities, and providers to focus heavily on social determinants. We examine how this shift in focus affects clinical practice in the fields of oncology and emergency medicine, and highlight potential areas of reform.
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  40.  47
    Legislative regulation and ethical governance of medical research in different European Union countries.Piret Veerus, Joel Lexchin & Elina Hemminki - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (6):409-413.
    Objective To obtain information about the similarities and differences in regulating different types of medical research in the European Union .Methods Web searches were performed from September 2009 to January 2011. Notes on pre-determined topics were systematically taken down from the web pages. The analysis relied only on documents and reports available on the web, reflecting the situation at the end of 2010.Results In several countries, regulatory legislation applied only to clinical trials on drugs and medical devices, in other (...)
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  41.  65
    What Makes a Catholic Hospital “Catholic” in an Age of Religious-Secular Collaboration? The Case of the Saint Marys Hospital and the Mayo Clinic.Keith M. Swetz, Mary E. Crowley & T. Dean Maines - 2013 - HEC Forum 25 (2):95-107.
    Mayo Clinic is recognized as a worldwide leader in innovative, high-quality health care. However, the Catholic mission and ideals from which this organization was formed are not widely recognized or known. From partnership with the Sisters of St. Francis in 1883, through restructuring of the Sponsorship Agreement in 1986 and current advancements, this Catholic mission remains vital today at Saint Marys Hospital. This manuscript explores the evolution and growth of sponsorship at Mayo Clinic, defined as “a collaboration between the Sisters (...)
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  42.  20
    Under the Microscope.Robert Marshall - 2008 - Journal of Medical Humanities 29 (1):61-66.
    This is a personal account of life in the United Kingdom National Health Service by a pathologist who has worked there for 25 years. The principles of clinical governance are embraced by the medical profession, but their application is often insensitive, governmental and bureaucratic. A doctor’s working life is now less autonomous, less centred on the patient and less fun. Medical humanities are a balm for the sore spots but not, I think, used consciously so by management, likely (...)
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  43. International Clinical Research and Justice in the Belmont Report.Joseph Millum - 2020 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 63 (2):374-388.
    The Belmont Report was written by a US Commission charged by the US Congress to advise on research supported by the US government. Its focus was understandably domestic. In the 40 years since its publication, clinical research has become increasingly international. Many clinical trials have sites in multiple countries, and many of the host countries are relatively impoverished. Such research raises some distinctive ethical issues. This paper outlines some of the key ethical challenges that have been raised by (...)
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  44.  11
    Neuroscience, Psychotherapy and Clinical Pragmatism.William Borden - 2016 - Routledge.
    This volume explores how conceptions of pragmatism set forth in American philosophy serve as orienting perspectives in psychotherapy. Drawing on the influential contributions of William James and John Dewey, the author demonstrates how realistic, comparative approaches to understanding strengthen everyday therapeutic practice. He also examines recent developments in neuroscience that shape training and practice in the broader field of psychotherapy, encompassing psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive and humanistic traditions. By following a clinical pragmatism, psychotherapy can be viewed as an instrumental project (...)
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  45.  26
    Better governance in academic health sciences centres: moving beyond the Olivieri/Apotex Affair in Toronto.L. E. Ferris, P. A. Singer & C. D. Naylor - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (1):25-29.
    The Toronto experience suggests that there may be several general lessons for academic health sciences complexes to learn from the Olivieri/Apotex affair regarding the ethics, independence, and integrity of clinical research sponsored by for profit enterprises. From a local perspective, the OAA occurred when there already was a focus on the complex and changing relationships among the University of Toronto, its medical school, the fully affiliated teaching hospitals, and off campus faculty because of intertwined interests and responsibilities. The OAA (...)
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    Establishing a clinical ethics support service: lessons from the first 18 months of a new Australian service – a case study.Elizabeth Hoon, Jessie Edwards, Gill Harvey, Jaklin Eliott, Tracy Merlin, Drew Carter, Stewart Moodie & Gerry O’Callaghan - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-9.
    Background Although the importance of clinical ethics in contemporary clinical environments is established, development of formal clinical ethics services in the Australia health system has, to date, been ad hoc. This study was designed to systematically follow and reflect upon the first 18 months of activity by a newly established service, to examine key barriers and facilitators to establishing a new service in an Australian hospital setting. Methods: how the study was performed and statistical tests used A (...)
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  47.  15
    Legal aspects of clinical ethics committees.Judith Hendrick - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (suppl 1):50-53.
    In an increasingly litigious society where ritual demands for accountability and “taking responsibility” are now commonplace, it is not surprising that members of clinical ethics committees (CECs) are becoming more aware of their potential legal liability. Yet the vulnerability of committee members to legal action is difficult to assess with any certainty. This is because the CECs which have been set up in the UK are—if the American experience is followed—likely to vary significantly in terms of their functions, procedures, (...)
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  48. Kidney xenotransplantation: future clinical reality or science fiction?Daniel Rodger & David K. C. Cooper - forthcoming - Nursing and Health Sciences.
    There is a global shortage of organs for transplantation and despite many governments making significant changes to their organ donation systems, there are not enough kidneys available to meet the demand. This has led scientists and clinicians to explore alternative means of meeting this organ shortfall. One of the alternatives to human organ transplantation is xenotransplantation, which is the transplantation of organs, tissues, or cells between different species. The resurgence of interest in xenotransplantation and recent scientific breakthroughs suggest that genetically-engineered (...)
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    The Current State and Challenges of Clinical Ethics Consultation for Prenatal Diagnosis: A Qualitative Study of Committee Employee Perspectives in China.Ying Wu, Tianchi Hao, Xing Liu, Xin Zhang, Yuqiong Zhong, Dan Luo & Xiaomin Wang - 2025 - Asian Bioethics Review 17 (1):73-90.
    Clinical ethics consultations (CECs) play an important role in resolving ethical issues in clinical practice worldwide. The government has encouraged the development of CECs in China to address the ethical challenges arising in prenatal diagnosis. So far, the current state and challenges facing CEC remain understudied. This study aimed to explore the perspectives of employees on ethics committees for prenatal diagnosis in 13 medical institutions in Hunan Province, China. Twenty-eight employees participated in interviews. Our qualitative approach employed content (...)
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    Review of the Regulatory and Governance Environment for Medical Research in the UK with a Particular Focus on Clinical Trials. The Academy of Medical Sciences — Call for Evidence; National Research Ethics Advisors' Panel/Association of Research Ethics Committees Joint Statement May 2010. [REVIEW]David Anderson-Ford & Andrew George - 2010 - Research Ethics 6 (3):108-113.
    This joint response from the National Research Ethics Advisors' Panel (NREAP) and the Association of Research Ethics Committees (AREC) has been formulated on the basis of detailed in depth discussion between the two organizations, in consultation with their membership. NREAP is a body that was constituted by the United Kingdom Ethics Committee Authority (UKECA) in order to provide guidance to, and strategic oversight of the NHS Research Ethics Service. AREC represents all sectors of the Research Ethics Committee (REC) community and (...)
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