Results for 'Clinton Rossiter'

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  1. War, depression, and the presidency, 1933-1950.Clinton Rossiter - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Traditionalist dissent: The reorientation of american conservatism, 1865–1900*: Gillis J. Harp.Gillis J. Harp - 2008 - Modern Intellectual History 5 (3):487-518.
    The last couple of decades has brought a renewed interest in American conservatism among historians. Yet most recent studies have focused on the emergence of neoconservatism after World War II and virtually no recent scholarly work has pursued the history of conservatism before the 1920s. Both Richard Hofstadter and Clinton Rossiter agreed that the late nineteenth century was an important watershed in the evolution of American conservative thought. Hofstadter argued that the new laissez-faire conservatism that became dominant during (...)
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    John C. Calhoun.Daryl H. Rice - 1991 - History of Political Thought 12 (2):317.
    No point of John C.Calhoun's political thought has been more disputed than exactly where it is situated in the theoretical landscape. Calhoun has been treated as the �Marx of the master class� by Richard Hofstadter; a �reactionary conservative� arguing eclectically from liberal premises by Louis Hartz; an authentic conservative by Russell Kirk, Clinton Rossiter and August Spain; and a precursor to the pluralist vision of politics by Peter Drucker. Two of the most engaging treatments of Calhoun's thought are (...)
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    Stato di eccezione, spazi di eccezione. «Emergenzialismo» e mutamenti geografici.Alessandro Ricci - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 23.
    What have been the geographical consequences of the restrictive policies due to the Covid-19 pandemic? Has there been a transformation of ordinary spaces into spaces of exception, by virtue of a sanitary emergency and the policies adopted to contrast it? These topics have been only partially debated: the object of analysis that this article intends to focus on is precisely the link that seems to connect the emergency condition deriving from the Covid-19 pandemic and the creation of spaces of emergency (...)
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  5. Hedonism and Natural Law in Locke’s Moral Philosophy.Elliot Rossiter - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (2):203-225.
    according to some interpreters of John Locke’s moral philosophy, there is an inconsistency between Locke’s adoption of hedonism and his commitment to a natural law view of ethics. Indeed, Locke is not fully explicit about the relationship between pleasure and pain and the natural law in the Essay concerning Human Understanding. But the thesis I defend in this paper is that the idea of convenientia, according to which God harmonizes the natural law with human nature, can be used to understand (...)
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  6. From Experimental Natural Philosophy to Natural Religion: Action and Contemplation in the Early Royal Society.Elliot Rossiter - 2019 - In Alberto Vanzo & Peter R. Anstey, Experiment, Speculation and Religion in Early Modern Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
    This chapter explores the ways in which the project of the early Royal Society supported the transformation of religion into a practical and reasonable activity that essentially consists in a kind of natural religion wherein we focus on what can be known about God and our duties through the natural light, understood in terms of an experimental approach to nature. More precisely, Rossiter argues that the natural religion supported by figures in and around the Royal Society subverts the traditional (...)
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    Science, Agriculture, and the Politics of ResearchLawrence Busch William B. Lacy.Margaret Rossiter - 1985 - Isis 76 (4):617-618.
  8. Translating the Indifference of Communication: Electronic Waste, Migrant Labour and the Informational Sovereignty of Logistics in China.Ned Rossiter - 2009 - International Review of Information Ethics 11:36-44.
    This essay is interested in the relationship between electronic waste and emergent regimes of labour control operative within the global logistics industry, the task of which is to manage the movement of people and things in the interests of communication, transport and economic efficiencies. It considers the production of non-governable subjects and spaces as they figure in the relation between electronic waste, global logistics industries and biopolitical technologies of labour control.
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    "Women's Work" in Science, 1880-1910.Margaret Rossiter - 1980 - Isis 71 (3):381-398.
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    Cicero, Epicurus, and Systemic Injustice.Elliot Rossiter - 2012 - Southwest Philosophy Review 28 (1):55-61.
  11.  24
    A computer simulation of the electrical resistivity during pre-precipitation.P. L. Rossiter & P. Wells - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 28 (3):505-512.
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    Crop Nutrition: Science and Practice before LiebigG. E. Fussell.Margaret Rossiter - 1973 - Isis 64 (3):405-406.
  13.  30
    United we stand: Accruals in strength-based argumentation.Julien Rossit, Jean-Guy Mailly, Yannis Dimopoulos & Pavlos Moraitis - 2021 - Argument and Computation 12 (1):87-113.
    Argumentation has been an important topic in knowledge representation, reasoning and multi-agent systems during the last twenty years. In this paper, we propose a new abstract framework where arguments are associated with a strength, namely a quantitative information which is used to determine whether an attack between arguments succeeds or not. Our Strength-based Argumentation Framework combines ideas of Preference-based and Weighted Argumentation Frameworks in an original way, which permits to define acceptability semantics sensitive to the existence of accruals between arguments. (...)
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  14.  58
    The personal is the organizational in the ethics of hospital social workers.Richard Walsh-Bowers, Amy Rossiter & Isaac Prilleltensky - 1996 - Ethics and Behavior 6 (4):321 – 335.
    Understanding the social context of clinical ethics is vital for making ethical discourse central in professional practice and for preventing harm. In this paper we present findings about clinical ethics from in depth interviews and consultation with 7 members of a hospital social work department. Workers gave different accounts of ethical dilemmas and resources for ethical decision making than did their managers, whereas workers and managers agreed on core-guiding ethical principles and on ideal situations for ethical discourse. We discuss the (...)
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    Applied Ethics in Mental Health in Cuba: Part I-Guiding Concepts and Values.Amy Rossiter, Richard Walsh-Bowers, Isaac Prilleltensky & Laura Sánchez Valdés - 2002 - Ethics and Behavior 12 (3):223-242.
    As part of a project on professionals' lived experience of ethics, this article explores the guiding concepts and values concerning ethics of mental health professionals in Cuba. The data, obtained through individual interviews and focus groups with 28 professionals, indicate that Cubans conceptualize applied ethics in terms of its central role in professional practice and its connection to the social context and subjective processes. Findings also show that Cuban professionals are guided not only by a set of professional values but (...)
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    Isis Online—Access and “Angels”.Margaret Rossiter - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):ix-ix.
  17.  20
    Introduction to Spotlight on Using the Past to Enhance the Future.Margaret W. Rossiter - 2012 - Centaurus 54 (4):286-287.
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    Precarity as a Political Concept, or, Fordism as Exception.Brett Neilson & Ned Rossiter - 2008 - Theory, Culture and Society 25 (7-8):51-72.
    In 2003, the concept of precarity emerged as the central organizing platform for a series of social struggles that would spread across the space of Europe. Four years later, almost as suddenly as the precarity movement appeared, so it would enter into crisis. To understand precarity as a political concept it is necessary to go beyond economistic approaches that see social conditions as determined by the mode of production. Such a move requires us to see Fordism as exception and precarity (...)
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    Learning from broken rules: Individualism, bureaucracy, and ethics.Amy Rossiter, Richard Walsh-Bowers & Isaac Prilleltensky - 1996 - Ethics and Behavior 6 (4):307 – 320.
    The authors discuss findings from a qualitative research project concerning applied ethics that was undertaken at a general family counseling agency in southern Ontario. Interview data suggested that workers need to dialogue about ethical dilemmas, but that such dialogue demands a high level of risk taking that feels unsafe in the organization. This finding led the researchers to examine their own sense of "breaking rules" by suggesting an intersubjective view of ethics that requires a "safe space" for ethical dialogue. The (...)
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  20. Sciences at Harvard University: Historical Perspectives.C. A. Elliott, M. W. Rossiter & J. A. Bennett - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (4):421-421.
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    Joan T. Mark.Joy Harvey & Margaret W. Rossiter - 2017 - Isis 108 (3):651-653.
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    The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity of A1-6·8 at. % Zn.J. Perrin & P. L. Rossiter - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 36 (1):109-116.
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    (1 other version)Jordynn Jack. Science on the Home Front: American Women Scientists in World War II. x + 165 pp., bibl., index. Urbana/Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2009. $20. [REVIEW]Margaret W. Rossiter - 2010 - Isis 101 (4):898-900.
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    Processual media theory.Ned Rossiter - 2003 - Symploke 11 (1):104-131.
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    The History and Philosophy of Science Program at the National Science Foundation.Margaret Rossiter - 1984 - Isis 75 (1):95-104.
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    Dining Posture in Ancient Rome: Bodies, Values, and Status (review).Jeremy Rossiter - 2007 - American Journal of Philology 128 (4):596-599.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dining Posture in Ancient Rome: Bodies, Values, and StatusJeremy RossiterMatthew B. Roller. Dining Posture in Ancient Rome: Bodies, Values, and Status. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. xvi + 219 pp. 8 color plates. 18 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $39.50.As the author of this volume is quick to point out, a book-length study focusing solely on how the Romans sat, or reclined, at table might not seem like the most (...)
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    The electrical resistivity during pre-precipitation processes.P. L. Rossiter & P. Wells - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 24 (188):425-436.
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    Chips, Coke and Rock-'N'-Roll: Children's Mediation of an Invitation to a First Dance Party.Amy B. Rossiter - 1994 - Feminist Review 46 (1):1-20.
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    Forty Issues On; or, Isis Midwifery.Margaret Rossiter - 2003 - Isis 94 (4):viii-ix.
  30.  17
    Low-frequency a.c. susceptibility of a superconducting Pb–Sn eutectic alloy.Paul L. Rossiter & Lawrence M. Schafe - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 31 (6):1271-1287.
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    Locke, Providence, and the Limits of Natural Philosophy.Elliot Rossiter - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (2):217-235.
    John Locke's comments on experimental natural philosophy can plausibly be seen as a part of the physico-theological project of certain Christian virtuosi of the Royal Society to show that the workings of nature reveal the existence of a providential God. As I make clear, Locke thinks that God providentially designs us with limited epistemic capacities in order to check our pride and to motivate us to seek perfection in God. Locke maintains that a true science of nature is possible, but (...)
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    A Response to Michèle Barrett and Mary McIntosh.Ann Rossiter - 1986 - Feminist Review 23 (1):157-159.
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    In Reply.Margaret Rossiter - 2004 - Isis 95 (1):98-98.
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    Negotiating nature: Colonial geographies and environmental politics in the Pacific northwest.David A. Rossiter - 2008 - Ethics, Place and Environment 11 (2):113 – 128.
    Noting tension between environmental and aboriginal politics in the Pacific Northwest of North America, this paper explores the historical-geographic constitution of both the Great Bear Rainforest conflict in British Columbia and the Makah whaling conflict in Washington State. By highlighting the uneven production of territoriality between each jurisdiction and tracing these differences though the historical-geographic imaginations of environmental activists and writers of letters to editors of metropolitan newspapers, the paper argues that situated geographies of colonialism inform interactions between environmental and (...)
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    Suggestions for overcoming obstacles to research in the history of agricultural sciences and technology.Margaret Rossiter - 1984 - Agriculture and Human Values 1 (2):3-5.
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    Toward a Well-Fed WorldDon Paarlberg.Margaret W. Rossiter - 1990 - Isis 81 (2):323-323.
  37.  23
    The More You Look, the More You Find: Archives of Recent American Women Scientists.Margaret W. Rossiter - 2012 - Centaurus 54 (4):288-291.
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    A comment on the electrical resistivity during G.P. zone formation.P. L. Rossiter - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (6):1015-1020.
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    Hypothetical Necessity and the Laws of Nature: John Locke on God's Legislative Power.Elliot Rossiter - unknown
    The focus of my dissertation is a general and comprehensive examination of Locke’s view of divine power. My basic argument is that John Locke is a theological voluntarist in his understanding of God’s creative and providential relationship with the world, including both the natural and moral order. As a voluntarist, Locke holds that God freely imposes both the physical and moral laws of nature onto creation by means of his will: this contrasts with the intellectualist perspective in which the laws (...)
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    Introduction.Margaret Rossiter - 1999 - Isis 90 (S2):S1-S3.
  41. Wordsworth and Pre-Existence.H. Rossiter Smith - 1960 - Hibbert Journal 59:356.
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    Applied Ethics in Mental Health in Cuba: Part II-Power Differentials, Dilemmas, Resources, and Limitations.Richard Walsh-Bowers, Amy Rossiter, Laura Sánchez Valdés & Isaac Prilleltensky - 2002 - Ethics and Behavior 12 (3):243-260.
    This article is the second one in a series dealing with mental health ethics in Cuba. It reports on ethical dilemmas, resources and limitations to their resolution, and recommendations for action. The data, obtained through individual interviews and focus groups with 28 professionals, indicate that Cubans experience dilemmas related to the interests of clients, their personal interests, and the interest of the state. These conflicts are related to power differentials among clients and professionals, professionals from various disciplines, and professionals and (...)
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    Bearing Response-Ability: Theater, Ethics and Medical Education. [REVIEW]Kate Rossiter - 2012 - Journal of Medical Humanities 33 (1):1-14.
    This paper addresses a growing concern within the medical humanities community regarding the perceived need for a more empathically-focused medical curricula, and advocates for the use of creative pedagogical forms as a means to attend to issues of suffering and relationality. Drawing from the ethical philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, I critique the notion of empathy on the basis that it erases difference and disregards otherness. Rather, I propose that the concept of empathy may be usefully replaced with that of ethical (...)
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    The third and fourth international competitions on computational models of argumentation: Design, results and analysis.Stefano Bistarelli, Lars Kotthoff, Jean-Marie Lagniez, Emmanuel Lonca, Jean-Guy Mailly, Julien Rossit, Francesco Santini & Carlo Taticchi - 2024 - Argument and Computation:1-73.
    The International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation (ICCMA) focuses on reasoning tasks in abstract argumentation frameworks. Submitted solvers are tested on a selected collection of benchmark instances, including artificially generated argumentation frameworks and some frameworks formalizing real-world problems. This paper presents the novelties introduced in the organization of the Third (2019) and Fourth (2021) editions of the competition. In particular, we proposed new tracks to competitors, one dedicated to dynamic solvers (i.e., solvers that incrementally compute solutions of frameworks obtained (...)
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    Roman houses S. P. Ellis: Roman housing . Pp. VIII + 224, map, ills, pls. London: Duckworth, 2002 (first published 2000). Paper, £16.99. Isbn:0-7156-3196-. [REVIEW]Jeremy Rossiter - 2004 - The Classical Review 54 (02):498-.
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    Preventing Harm and promoting Ethical Discourse in the Helping Professions: Conceptual, Research, Analytical, and Action Frameworks.Isaac Prilleltensky, Amy Rossiter & Richard Walsh-Bowers - 1996 - Ethics and Behavior 6 (4):287-306.
    The first in a series of 4 articles, this article provides an overview of the concepts and methods developed by a team of researchers concerned with preventing harm and promoting ethical discourse in the helping professions. In this article we introduce conceptual, research, analytical, and action frameworks employed to promote the centrality of ethical discourse in mental health practice. We employ recursive processes whereby knowledge gained from case studies refines our emerging conceptual model of applied ethics. Our participatory conceptual framework (...)
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    Agricultural Science and the Quest for Legitimacy: Farmers, Agricultural Colleges, and Experiment Stations, 1870-1890. Alan I Marcus. [REVIEW]Margaret Rossiter - 1986 - Isis 77 (2):357-358.
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    Black Pioneers of Science and Invention. Louis HaberNegroes in Science: Natural Science Doctorates, 1876-1969. James M. Jay. [REVIEW]Margaret Rossiter - 1977 - Isis 68 (1):121-122.
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    Woman-Nation-State. [REVIEW]Ann Rossiter - 1990 - Feminist Review 36 (1):131-134.
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    Renate Tobies;, Annette B. Vogt . Women in Industrial Research. xv + 258 pp., illus., bibl., index. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2014. €52. [REVIEW]Margaret W. Rossiter - 2015 - Isis 106 (2):485-486.
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