Results for 'Clock synchronization'

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  1. Clock synchronization, a universal light speed, and the terrestrial redshift experiment.Alan Macdonald - 1983 - American Journal of Pyysics 51:795-797.
    This paper (i) gives necessary and sufficient conditions that clocks in an inertial lattice can be synchronized, (ii) shows that these conditions do not imply a universal light speed, and (iii) shows that the terrestrial redshift experiment provides evidence that clocks in a small inertial lattice in a gravitational field can be synchronized.
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    Mutual synchronization in a network of digital clocks as the key cellular automaton mechanism of nature: computational model of fundamental physics.Simon Y. Berkovich - 1986 - Rockville, MD: Synopsis.
  3.  26
    Synchronization of the mammalian circadian timing system: Light can control peripheral clocks independently of the SCN clock.Jana Husse, Gregor Eichele & Henrik Oster - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (10):1119-1128.
    A vast network of cellular circadian clocks regulates 24‐hour rhythms of behavior and physiology in mammals. Complex environments are characterized by multiple, and often conflicting time signals demanding flexible mechanisms of adaptation of endogenous rhythms to external time. Traditionally this process of circadian entrainment has been conceptualized in a hierarchical scheme with a light‐reset master pacemaker residing in the hypothalamus that subsequently aligns subordinate peripheral clocks with each other and with external time. Here we review new experiments using conditional mouse (...)
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    Non-standard synchronization of clocks outside a rotating body.Arnold Rosenblum - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (4):439-442.
    It has been known for years that it is only the round-trip speed of light that has physical significance. We show that even using this freedom, the synchronization gap, which is useful for testing predictions of general relativity, still remains.
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  5. Comment on: “The role of dynamics in the synchronization problem”, by Hans C. Ohanian.Alan Macdonald - 2005 - American Journal of Physics 73 (2).
    Hans C. Ohanian 1 claims to “defeat” the conventionalist thesis of clock synchronization using an argument based on dynamics. My aim here is to show that his argument does not succeed.
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    Circadian clocks in changing weather and seasons: Lessons from the picoalga Ostreococcus tauri.Benjamin Pfeuty, Quentin Thommen, Florence Corellou, El Batoul Djouani-Tahri, Francois-Yves Bouget & Marc Lefranc - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (9):781-790.
    Daylight is the primary cue used by circadian clocks to entrain to the day/night cycle so as to synchronize physiological processes with periodic environmental changes induced by Earth rotation.However, the temporal daylight pattern is not the same every day due to erratic weather fluctuations or regular seasonal changes. Then, how do circadian clocks operate properly in varying weather and seasons? In this paper, we discuss the strategy unveiled by recent studies of the circadian clock of Ostreococcus tauri, the smallest (...)
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    Problems of synchronization in special relativity and possible links with stochastic electrodynamics.G. Cavalleri & G. Spinelli - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (12):1221-1229.
    The Mansouri-Sexl and Sjödin point of view on clock synchronization in special relativity is maintained against various criticisms, taking into account also the recent point of view of stochastic electrodynamics. Light speed invariance is also discussed in an intuitive way.
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    Proper time synchronization.Thomas E. Phipps - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (9):1071-1087.
    A clock-transport method of synchronization employing proper time is described that yields in any given inertial system the same result as slow transport, but that imposes no limit on transport proper speed. It is argued that because the method involves only the empirically validated kinematic invariant proper time, on which all observers must agree, there exists an option to synchronize clocks in such a way that thesimultaneity of spatially separated events is agreed upon by all observers, hence is (...)
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  9.  17
    Extended Kalman Filter-Based Approach for Autonomous Synchronization and Ranging in GPS-Denied Environments.Xiaobo Gu, Weiqiang Tan, Yudong di ZhangLu & Ruidian Zhan - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-7.
    Network ranging and clock synchronization based on two-way timing stamps exchange mechanism in complex GPS-denied environments is addressed in this paper. An estimator based on the Extended Kalman filter is derived, according to which, the clock skew, clock offset, and ranging information can be jointly estimated. The proposed estimator provides off-line computation by storing the transmitting timing stamps in advance and could be implemented in asymmetrical and asynchronous scenarios. The simulation results show that the proposed estimator (...)
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    Desynchronized circadian clock and exposures to xenobiotics are associated with differentiated disease phenotypes.Konstantinos Christos Makris - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (11):2100159.
    A paradigm shift in the human chronotoxicity of xenobiotics would study two‐sided desynchronized phenomena of interfacial interactions between cyclic or periodic environmental insults and the endogenous response and recovery profile. These systems‐based networks are under the influence of well‐synchronized biological clocks and their metabolic regulators. This perspective argues in favor of addressing the concept of synchronization in studies involving critical life windows of susceptibility, or circadian rhythms, or 24‐hour (periodic) diurnal rhythms and answering whether these disruptions in synchronization (...)
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  11.  47
    Spinoza and Christiaan Huygens: The Odd Philosopher and the Odd Sympathy of Pendulum Clocks.Filip A. A. Buyse - 2017 - Society and Politics 11 (2):115-138.
    In 1665, in a response to a question posed by Robert Boyle, Spinoza gave a definition of the coherence between bodies in the universe that seems to be inconsistent both with what he had written in a previous letter to Boyle (1661) and with what he would later write in his main work, the Ethics (1677). Specifically, Spinoza’s 1665 letter to Boyle asserts that bodies can adapt themselves to another body in a non-mechanistic way and absent the agency of an (...)
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  12. Galileo Galilei, Holland and the pendulum clock.Filip A. A. Buyse - 2017 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar 26 (41):9-43.
    The pendulum clock was one of the most important metaphors for early modern philosophers. Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) discovered his pendulum clock in 1656 based on the principle of isochronism discovered by Galileo (1564-1642). This paper aims at exploring the broad historical context of this invention, showing the role of some key figures such as Andreas Colvius (1594-1671), Elia Diodati (1576-1661), Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) and Constantijn Huygens, the father of Christiaan Huygens. Secondly, it suggests - based on this context (...)
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    Cybernetic times: Norbert Wiener, John Stroud, and the ‘brain clock’ hypothesis.Henning Schmidgen - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (1):80-108.
    In 1955, Norbert Wiener suggested a sociological model according to which all forms of culture ultimately depended on the temporal coordination of human activities, in particular their synchronization. The basis for Wiener’s model was provided by his insights into the temporal structures of cerebral processes. This article reconstructs the historical context of Wiener’s ‘brain clock’ hypothesis, largely via his dialogues with John W. Stroud and other scholars working at the intersection of neurophysiology, experimental psychology, and electrical engineering. Since (...)
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  14. An analysis of the concept of inertial frame in classical physics and special theory of relativity.Boris Čulina - 2022 - Science and Philosophy 10 (2):41-66.
    The concept of inertial frame of reference in classical physics and special theory of relativity is analysed. It has been shown that this fundamental concept of physics is not clear enough. A definition of inertial frame of reference is proposed which expresses its key inherent property. The definition is operational and powerful. Many other properties of inertial frames follow from the definition, or it makes them plausible. In particular, the definition shows why physical laws obey space and time symmetries and (...)
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  15. Universal one-way light speed from a universal light speed over closed paths.Ettore Minguzzi & Alan Macdonald - 2003 - Foundations Of Physics Letters 16:593-604.
    This paper gives two complete and elementary proofs that if the speed of light over closed paths has a universal value c, then it is possible to synchronize clocks in such a way that the one-way speed of light is c. The first proof is an elementary version of a recent proof. The second provides high precision experimental evidence that it is possible to synchronize clocks in such a way that the one-way speed of light has a universal value. We (...)
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  16. Superluminal Signals and the Resolution of the Causal Paradox.F. Selleri - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (3):443-463.
    The experimental evidence for electromagnetic signals propagating with superluminal group velocity is recalled. Transformations of space and time depending on a synchronization parameter, e1, indicate the existence of a privileged inertial system. The Lorentz transformations are obtained for a particular e1≠0. No standard experiment on relativity depends on e1, but if accelerations are considered only e1=0 remains possible. The causal paradox generated by superluminal signals (SLS) in the theory of relativity does not exist in the theory with e1=0. The (...)
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  17.  15
    On the Equivalence Between Rotation and Gravity: “Gravitational” and “Cosmological” Redshifts in the Laboratory.Christian Corda - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (2):1-17.
    The Mössbauer rotor effect recently gained a renewed interest due to the discovery and explanation of an additional effect of clock synchronization which has been missed for about 50 years, i.e. starting from a famous book of Pauli, till some recent experimental analyses. The theoretical explanation of such an additional effect is due to some recent papers in both the general relativistic and the special relativistic frameworks. In the first case the key point of the approach is the (...)
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  18.  30
    Appearance and reality: Einstein and the early debate on the reality of length contraction.Marco Giovanelli - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (4):1-30.
    In 1909, Ehrenfest published a note in the Physikalische Zeitschrift showing that a Born rigid cylinder could not be set into rotation without stresses, as elements of the circumference would be contracted but not the radius. Ignatowski and Varićak challenged Ehrenfest’s result in the same journal, arguing that the stresses would emerge if length contraction were a real dynamical effect, as in Lorentz’s theory. However, no stresses are expected to arise, according to Einstein’s theory, where length contraction is only an (...)
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  19.  85
    The relativity principle and the nature of time.F. Selleri - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (11):1527-1548.
    Old and recent ideas concerning the nature of time are reviewed, starting from Mach's refusal of Newton's absolute time. Many experiments show that the slowing down of moving clocks is a real phenomenon. Such must then also be the so-called “twin paradox,” which owes its name to its evident incompatibility with the philosophy of relativism (not to be confused with the theory of relativity). The Lorentz reformulation of special relativity started by postulating physical effects of the ether, but accepted Einstein's (...)
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    Conventionalism in special relativity.Peter Mittelstaedt - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (7-8):573-583.
    Reichenbach, Grünbaum, and others have argued that special relativity is based on arbitrary conventions concerning clock synchronizations. Here we present a mathematical framework which shows that this conventionality is almost equivalent to the arbitrariness in the choice of coordinates in an inertial system. Since preferred systems of coordinates can uniquely be defined by means of the Lorentz invariance of physical laws irrespective of the properties of light signals, a special clock synchronization—Einstein's standard synchrony—is selected by this principle. (...)
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  21. Special Relativity in Superposition.Ted Dace - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (2):199-213.
    By deriving the Lorentz transformation from the absolute speed of light, Einstein demonstrated the relativistic variability of space and time, enabling him to explain length contraction and time dilation without recourse to a "luminiferous ether" or preferred frame of reference. He also showed that clocks synchronized at a distance via light signals are not synchronized in a frame of reference differing from that of the clocks. However, by mislabeling the relativity of synchrony the "relativity of simultaneity," Einstein implied that this (...)
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  22.  72
    Experimental and Real Coordinates in Space-Time Transformations.Joseph Levy - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (12):1905-1922.
    The experimental (apparent) space-time transformations connect coordinates altered by length contraction and clock retardation. When clocks are synchronized by means of light signals (Einstein–Poincaré procedure) or by slow clock transport, the experimental space-time. transformations assume the mathematical form of the “Extended space-time transformations”.(4) These reduce to the Lorentz–Poincaré transformations when one of the frames they connect is the fundamental inertial frame. If the synchronization procedure were perfect, the experimental space-time transformations would assume the form of Selleri’s inertial (...)
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  23. Discovering the relativity of simultaneity how did Einstein take "the step"?John D. Norton - unknown
    It is routinely assumed that Einstein discovered the relativity of simultaneity by thinking about how clocks can be synchronized by light signals, much in accord with the analysis he gave in his 1905 special relativity paper. Yet that is just supposition. We have no real evidence that it actually happened this way. In later recollections, Einstein stressed the importance of several thought experiments in the thinking that led up to the final theory. They include his chasing a light beam thought (...)
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    Synchronizing oscillations: Coding by concurrence and by sequence.V. G. Haase & L. F. M. Diniz - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):690-690.
    Synchronizing oscillations may be just one case of integration and/or coding, one which explains associations by concurrence. Understanding the sequencing of neural/behavioral events requires a clock mechanism that imposes structure behind mere associations, and may be best served by dissociating oscillations and synchronization in terms of physiologic and computational mechanisms.
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  25. Synchronizing individual time, family time, and historical time.Tamara K. Hareven - 1991 - In John B. Bender & David E. Wellbery (eds.), Chronotypes: the construction of time. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 167-182.
    This chapter examines the impact of new concepts of time on the social clocks that individuals and families followed in the context of changing historical time. The type of "time" addressed here is not chronological in the strict sense. Its essence is timing—meaning coincidence, sequencing, coordination, and synchronization of various time clocks, those being individual, collective, and social structural. The chapter defines the concept of "timing" from a life-course and historical perspective. It compares the patterns and perceptions of timing (...)
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    Weak quantum theory and the emergence of time.Hartmann Romer - 2004 - Mind and Matter 2 (2):105-125.
    We present a scenario describing how time emerges in the framework of weak quantum theory. In a process similar to the emergence of time in quantum cosmology, time arises after an epistemic split of an undivided unus mundus as a quality of the individual conscious mind. Synchronization with matter and other mental systems is achieved by entanglement correlations. In the course of its operationalization, time loses its original quality and the time of physics as measured by clocks appears. avoided/explicated.
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    Einstein’s physical chronogeometry.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2017 - Manuscrito 40 (1):241-278.
    ABSTRACT In Einstein’s physical geometry, the geometry of space and the uniformity of time are taken to be non-conventional. However, due to the stipulation of the isotropy of the one-way speed of light in the synchronization of clocks, as it stands, Einstein’s views do not seem to apply to the whole of the Minkowski space-time. In this work we will see how Einstein’s views can be applied to the Minkowski space-time. In this way, when adopting Einstein’s views, chronogeometry is (...)
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  28. Hume’s Thoroughly Relationist Ontology of Time.Matias Slavov - 2021 - Metaphysica 22 (2):173-188.
    I argue that Hume’s philosophy of time is relationist in the following two senses. 1) Standard definition of relationism. Time is a succession of indivisible moments. Hence there is no time independent of change. Time is a relational, not substantial feature of the world. 2) Rigid relationism. There is no evidence of uniform natural standard for synchronization of clocks. No absolute temporal metric is available. There are countless times, and no time is privileged. Combining 1) and 2) shows that (...)
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    Time from Semiosis: E-series Time for Living Systems.Naoki Nomura, Tomoaki Muranaka, Jun Tomita & Koichiro Matsuno - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (1):65-83.
    We develop a semiotic scheme of time, in which time precipitates from the repeated succession of punctuating the progressive tense by the perfect tense. The underlying principle is communication among local participants. Time can thus be seen as a meaning-making, semiotic system in which different time codes are delineated, each having its own grammar and timekeeping. The four time codes discussed are the following: the subjective time having tense, the objective time without tense, the static time without timekeeping, and the (...)
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  30. Relativistic Linear Spacetime Transformations Based on Symmetry.Friedman Yaakov & Gofman Yuriy - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (11):1717-1736.
    Usually the Lorentz transformations are derived from the conservation of the spacetime interval. We propose here a way of obtaining spacetime transformations between two inertial frames directly from symmetry, the isotropy of the space and principle of relativity. The transformation is uniquely defined except for a constant e, that depends only on the process of synchronization of clocks inside each system. Relativistic velocity addition is obtained, and it is shown that the set of velocities is a bounded symmetric domain. (...)
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    Comment on "relative simultaneity in the special theory of relativity".Carlo Giannoni - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (2):306-309.
    In their recent paper, Jackson and Pargetter have attempted to prove that simultaneity is not a matter of convention. They attempt to show that it is an empirical fact whether or not a moving rod A′B′ is perpendicular to a plane XY. If it is an empirical fact, then such a perpendicular rod can be used to synchronize clocks. We shall show that it is not an empirical fact, but it is in fact synchronization dependent.
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  32. On the establishment of a universal time.Parry Moon & Domina Eberle Spencer - 1956 - Philosophy of Science 23 (3):216-229.
    The concept of simultaneity, and the associated problems of synchronization of moving clocks and establishment of a universal time scale, were given little or no attention prior to the twentieth century. In 1905, however, Einstein analyzed the concept of simultaneity on the basis of two principal postulates: Absolute velocity is meaningless,The velocity of light in a vacuum is the same for all unaccelerated observers.
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    Emergence of space–time from topologically homogeneous causal networks.Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano & Alessandro Tosini - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (3):294-299.
    In this paper we study the emergence of Minkowski space–time from a discrete causal network representing a classical information flow. Differently from previous approaches, we require the network to be topologically homogeneous, so that the metric is derived from pure event-counting. Emergence from events has an operational motivation in requiring that every physical quantity—including space–time—be defined through precise measurement procedures. Topological homogeneity is a requirement for having space–time metric emergent from the pure topology of causal connections, whereas physically homogeneity corresponds (...)
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    The physical rationale for special relativity.Arthur E. Ruark - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (1):21-36.
    The structure of the Lorentz transformation depends intimately on the conventional operations for measurement of lengths (L) and time intervals (T). The prescription for length measurement leads to justifiable utilization of Euclidean geometry over finite values of the coordinates. Then T-values can be regarded as ratios of length measurements within a suitably defined clock. In certain cases the synchronization process should be supplemented by measurements providing position certification. The Lorentz transformation emerges from three specific symmetry statements, assured by (...)
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  35. List of Contents: Volume 19, Number 2, April 2006.Synchronization Debates, Vladimir Dzhunushaliev, Md M. Ali, A. S. Majumdar, Dipankar Home & Force Laws - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (5).
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  36. All kinds of.Hans-Johann Clock - 2004 - In Erich Ammereller & Eugen Fisher (eds.), Wittgenstein at Work: Method in the Philosophical Investigations. New York: Routledge. pp. 221.
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    A comparison of ethical perceptions of business and engineering Majors.Priscilla O'Clock & Marilyn Okleshen - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (9):677 - 687.
    Previous research has reported that ethical values of business students are lower than those of their peers in other majors. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a self-selection bias with respect to ethical values exists among students enrolled as business majors when compared with students planning to enter the engineering profession. Engineering students are exposed to a similar technical orientation in academic curricula and also supply the market for managers.A survey instrument was administered to 195 students enrolled (...)
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  38. Anticipation, 119,257,263 serial, 136-141 A-series, 242 Attention, see also Model and distractions, 65.Circadian Rhythm & Pacemaker Clock - 1990 - In Richard A. Block (ed.), Cognitive Models of Psychological Time. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 263--277.
  39. Profissão docente no século XXI: concepções do professor sobre o seu papel na sociedade contempor'nea. [REVIEW]Lizie Mendes Clock, Ana Lucia Pereira Baccon, Lucken Bueno Lucas & Thamiris Christine Mendes - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (1):77-96.
    O artigo traz resultados de uma investigação de mestrado que teve por objetivo pesquisar as concepções de um grupo de professores a respeito das funções que os mesmos exercem frente à sociedade contemporânea. Partiu-se da premissa de que suas concepções guardam relação com suas práticas educativas e pedagógicas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa desenvolvida na perspectiva qualitativa, com cinquenta e um professores que atuam em seis escolas estaduais da cidade de Ponta Grossa-PR. Elegeu-se como aporte teórico autores que tratam da formação (...)
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  40. Hallucinations: Synchronisation of thalamocortical oscillations underconstrained by sensory input.P. R. - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (3):413-451.
    What we perceive is the product of an intrinsic process and not part of external physical reality. This notion is consistent with the philosophical position of transcendental idealism but also agrees with physiological findings on the thalamocortical system. -Frequency rhythms of discharge activity from thalamic and cortical neurons are facilitated by cholinergic arousal and resonate in thalamocortical networks, thereby transiently forming assemblies of coherent oscillations under constraints of sensory input and prefrontal attentional mechanisms. Perception and conscious experience may be based (...)
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    Hallucinations: Synchronisation of thalamocortical ? oscillations underconstrained by sensory input.R. P. Behrendt - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (3):413-451.
    What we perceive is the product of an intrinsic process and not part of external physical reality. This notion is consistent with the philosophical position of transcendental idealism but also agrees with physiological findings on the thalamocortical system. -Frequency rhythms of discharge activity from thalamic and cortical neurons are facilitated by cholinergic arousal and resonate in thalamocortical networks, thereby transiently forming assemblies of coherent oscillations under constraints of sensory input and prefrontal attentional mechanisms. Perception and conscious experience may be based (...)
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    Synchronisation rules and transitivity.Jarrett Leplin - 1976 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 27 (4):399-402.
  43.  15
    Assessing Sensorimotor Synchronisation in Toddlers Using the Lookit Online Experiment Platform and Automated Movement Extraction.Sinead Rocha & Caspar Addyman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Adapting gross motor movement to match the tempo of auditory rhythmic stimulation is a complex skill with a long developmental trajectory. Drumming tasks have previously been employed with infants and young children to measure the emergence of rhythmic entrainment, and may provide a tool for identification of those with atypical rhythm perception and production. Here we describe a new protocol for measuring infant rhythmic movement that can be employed at scale. In the current study, 50 two-year-olds drummed along with the (...)
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    High-frequency synchronisation in schizophrenia: Too much or too little?Leanne M. Williams, Kwang-Hyuk Lee, Albert Haig & Evian Gordon - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (1):109-110.
    Phillips & Silverstein's focus on schizophrenia as a failure of “cognitive coordination” is welcome. They note that a simple hypothesis of reduced Gamma synchronisation subserving impaired coordination does not fully account for recent observations. We suggest that schizophrenia reflects a dynamic compensation to a core deficit of coordination, expressed either as hyper- or hyposynchronisation, with neurotransmitter systems and arousal as modulatory mechanisms.
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    Synthetic synchronisation: from attention and multi-tasking to negative capability and judgment.Andrew Stables - 2013 - Ethics and Education 8 (2):192-200.
    Educational literature has tended to focus, explicitly and implicitly, on two kinds of task orientation: the ability either to focus on a single task, or to multi-task. A third form of orientation characterises many highly successful people. This is the ability to combine several tasks into one: to ‘kill two birds with one stone’. This skill characterises people with initiative, who exercise judgment, deliberation and creative imagination in their personal organisation. The motivation to work in this way indicates personal commitment (...)
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    Emotional Empathy as a Mechanism of Synchronisation in Child-Robot Interaction.Irini Giannopulu, Kazunori Terada & Tomio Watanabe - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:410587.
    Simulating emotional experience, emotional empathy is the fundamental ingredient of interpersonal communication. In the speaker-listener scenario, the speaker is always a child, the listener is a human or a toy robot. Two groups of neurotypical children aged 6 years on average composed the population: one Japanese ( n = 20) and one French ( n = 20). Revealing potential similarities in communicative exchanges in both groups when in contact with a human or a toy robot, the results might signify that (...)
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    The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C.: Proceedings of an International Symposium at Schloss Haindorf, 15th-17th of November 1996 and at the Austrian Academy, Vienna, 11th-12th of May 1998. [REVIEW]Marian H. Feldman & Manfred Bietak - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4):867.
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    Binding by synchronisation: A task-dependence hypothesis.Guido Bugmann - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):685-686.
    Binding needs to be task dependent, and cannot usefully be driven by properties of the stimulus alone. However, task dependent binding can only take place after the patterns in a stimulus have been identified. Thus pattern recognition needs to be done prior to binding. Synchronisation may be a consequence of pattern recognition and can be used to localise the pattern and tag its attributes at different levels of information processing.
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    Altered neural synchronisation in major depressive disorders during emotional video viewing.Guo Christine, Nguyen Vinh, Hyett Matthew, Parker Gordon & Breakspear Michael - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Les expériences temporelles du confinement : une épreuve inédite de synchronisation.Marc Grossetti Bessin - 2021 - Temporalités 34.
    La pandémie de Covid-19 a créé dans le monde une situation inédite, moins par la nature du virus et des pathologies qu’il provoque que par les réactions que la pandémie a suscitées dans les systèmes de santé et auprès des pouvoirs publics. Ces changements induits par la crise et les manières d’y faire face, collectivement ou plus individuellement, ont mis en évidence l’enjeu central de la synchronisation sociale, ici largement mise à l’épreuve. Les nombreuses enquêtes en sciences sociales, la...
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