Results for 'Communism and society Bibliography'

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  1.  5
    Guide to Marxist philosophy.Józef M. Bocheński - 1972 - Chicago,: Swallow Press.
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    Domestic Society in Medieval Europe: A Select Bibliography.M. Sheehan & J. Murray - 1990 - PIMS.
    A Select Bibliography Michael McMahon Sheehan Jacqueline Murray. 16 Ritual and Iconography 134 12-14c Studies in Medieval Domestic Architecture ed M.J. Swanton (London 1975). [English aristocratic housing] 135 11-12c WEDZKI,...
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    “Post-Communist Society”?Leszek Nowak - 1993 - Social Theory and Practice 19 (3):249-273.
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    The moral challenge of communism: some ethical aspects of Marxist-Leninist society.William Ernest Barton - 1966 - London,: Friends Home Service Committee.
  5. Communism as Eudaimonia.Sabeen Ahmed - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophy and Social Values 1 (2):31-48.
    Karl Marx states in Capital that “man, if not as Aristotle thought a political animal, is at all events a social animal” (Marx, 1992, 444). That Marx draws from Aristotle’s work has been long-recognized, but one could argue that Marx’s very conception of man—what he calls “species-being”—is a derivative of Aristotle’s theory of the good life. This article explores the Aristotelian underpinnings of Marx’s political philosophy and argues that Marx’s theory of species-being and human emancipation supervenes upon Aristotle’s theory of (...)
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    Bibliography of Norbert Elias, 1983-86.Rudolf Kniff - 1987 - Theory, Culture and Society 4 (2-3):541-543.
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    Where next for comrade? On the use of ideology-based address forms in post-Communist societies.Svetlana Kurteš - 2013 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 9 (1):45-69.
    The article reports on some preliminary findings of an ongoing research initiative investigating the pragmatics of daily interaction, cross-culturally and trans-nationally. Phase one of the initiative looks into the specifics of how cultural differences impact on cultural values, social categories and, ultimately, communicative styles, focusing initially on address forms. More specifically, the article looks into the current status of the ideology-based address form comrade, its pragma-semantic profile and rules governing its usage in post-Communist Eastern-European societies, looking primarily into selected instances (...)
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    Anti-Racism as Communism.Paul Gomberg - 2024 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In the United States there have been brilliant examples of anti-racist struggle-black soldiers in the Civil War, coal miners of Alabama, and especially the anti-racist working-class struggles led by the Communist Party. Yet racism persists: Jim Crow replaced racial slavery, and mass incarceration has replaced Jim Crow. Why? Paul Gomberg argues that racism is functional for capitalism, supplying low-wage, vulnerable labor and driving down conditions for all workers. How can anti-racists put an end to racist society? Gomberg argues for (...)
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    Is Communist China a New Type of Civilization? The Civilizational Argument in Contemporary Chinese Ideology.Alexander Lukin - 2024 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2024 (207):7-37.
    ExcerptEvery new Chinese leader considers it his duty to make his contribution to state administration theory, which, while formally considered to be Marxist, is moving ever further away from the classical doctrines of Marx and Engels and from their Soviet, Leninist-Stalinist version. Chinese party theoreticians explain that it is the changing situation and specific nature of Chinese society, and not just the ambitions of the country’s leaders, that create the need for new theories. It is no coincidence that a (...)
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  10. Iraqi Communist Party View of Challenges Facing Iraq after the Baker-Hamilton Report: Interview with Iraqi Communist Party Central Committee Member Salam Ali.John Foster - 2006 - Nature, Society, and Thought 19 (2):161-165.
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    Cyberethics bibliography 2005.Herman T. Tavani - 2005 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 35 (3):3.
    Included in the 2005 cyberethics bibliography update is an annotated list of more than fifty recent books; each has a publisher's date of 2002 or later. This list expands upon the books identified and annotated in cyberethics bibliography included in the June 2003 issue of ACM Computers and Society Magazine. For information about selected books published between 1998 and 2002, see the June 1999, June 2000, June 2001, and June 2002 issues of Computers and Society; and (...)
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    General Bibliography of C.G. Jung's Writings.C. G. Jung - 1979 - Routledge.
    This bibliography records the initial publication of each original work by C.G. Jung, each translation, and significant revisions and expansions of both, up to 1975. In nearly every case, the compilers have examined the publications in German, French and English. Translations are recorded in Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Greek Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. It is arranged according to language, with German and English first, publications being listed chronologically in each (...)
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  13.  23
    Communism: The Humanist Religion.Charles Li - 1999 - Science and Society 63 (2):243 - 246.
  14. Does the Communist Mentality Explain the Behaviour of Albanian Politicians During the Transition Period.Gerti Sqapi (ed.) - 2021 - Tirana: UET Press.
    During the three decades since Albania overthrew the communist dictatorial system and began its democratic changes, the existence of a line of thought in Albanian society has been noted, which tends to explain the behaviour of Albanian politicians during the transition period based on the assumption of a “communist mentality” carried by them. This line of thought has often been dominant and has been reflected in the Albanian media and public space as a form of “main” explanation to show (...)
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  15. What makes communism possible? The self-realisation interpretation.Jan Kandiyali - 2024 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 23 (3):273-294.
    In the Critique of Gotha Programme, Karl Marx famously argues that a communist society will be characterised by the principle, ‘From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs!’ I take up a question about this principle that was originally posed by G.A. Cohen, namely: what makes communism (so conceived) possible for Marx? In reply to this question, Cohen interprets Marx as saying that communism is possible because of limitless abundance, a view that Cohen (...)
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    Francophonie et démocratisation post-communiste.Anna Krasteva - 2004 - Hermes 40:201.
    L'article se propose d'étudier la Francophonie dans la lumière de la transition post-communiste. L'objectif est d'opposer à l'approche quantitative, qui mesure souvent l'impact de la Francophonie dans les pays non francophones de l'Europe de l'Est par le nombre d'élèves, une autre approche qui cherche le lien entre la Francophonie et les problèmes stratégiques du développement des pays respectifs. Le prisme est moins celui de la diversité culturelle que celui de la démocratisation. L'article est structuré en trois parties. La première analyse (...)
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    Communist Theory In The Nigerian Trade Union Movement.Peter Waterman - 1973 - Politics and Society 3 (3):283-312.
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  18. Communist China 1955-1959: Policy Documents with Analysis.Robert R. Bowie & John K. Fairbank - 1964 - Science and Society 28 (2):247-249.
  19. A Capitalist Road to Communism.Robert J. van der Veen - 1986 - Theory and Society 15 (5):635.
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    The Communist Millennium: the Soviet View. [REVIEW]J. B. R. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):809-809.
    In the corpus of Marxist and Communist theory, there exists no complete analysis of what the future society will look like. Marx, himself, was skeptical about the possibility of providing such an analysis. Nevertheless, most Marxist theoreticians have alluded to this future society and have indicated some of its general characteristics. Analyzing the relevant writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Bukharin and Stalin, the author attempts to present a description of the communist future society according to Communist (...)
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    Antonio Gramsci: An Annotated Bibliography of Studies in English.Harvey J. Kaye - 1981 - Politics and Society 10 (3):335-353.
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    Society as a Department Store: Critical Reflections on the Liberal State.Ryszard Legutko - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    In Society as a Department Store Ryszard Legutko wrestles with the emancipatory ideology promulgated by postmodernists, libertarians, and liberal thinkers. Legutko argues that modern Western liberals have embraced a revolutionary ethic; they have turned their backs on their own cultural heritage, and used its political and ideological apparatus to destroy classical metaphysics and epistemology. The book considers the paradoxical implications of this state of affairs for Eastern European intellectuals arguing that, with the triumph of liberalism over communism, these (...)
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  23.  50
    A capitalist road to communism.Robert J. Veen & Philippe Parijs - 1986 - Theory and Society 15 (5):635-655.
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    Czech Society in-between the Waves.Eva Věšínová-Kalivodová - 2005 - European Journal of Women's Studies 12 (4):421-435.
    The article explores gender roles in Czech society during the 1990s, seeking in them continuity with the socialist past as well as divergence from it. The state-socialist construction of social space brought women, in the course of 40 years, into a post-feminist situation - they got beyond the second-wave claim of the public sphere for women. The communist epoch gave birth to an illusory gender equity while it preserved a specifically modified public/private divide and ’empowered’ attitudes of the population (...)
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  25. An annotated bibliography of the 1990-1995 IABS Annual Proceedings'.Denis Collins - 1996 - Business and Society 35 (3):240-63.
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    Paradoxes in the Communist Theory of Marxism.Theodor I. Oizerman - 2009 - Diogenes 56 (2-3):37-50.
    In their work The German Ideology, the founders of Marxism assert that the prerequisite of post-capitalist (defined by them as communist) society is the universal development of human abilities and all social relations. But then on the same page, contrary to this statement, it is alleged that the abolition of private property is not only highly topical but it is also an imperative history-making task. In Manifesto of the Communist Party, Marx and Engels explain that economic crises recurrently shaking (...)
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  27.  42
    Walter Benjamin’s communism.Alison Ross - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 166 (1):16-39.
    What does ‘communism’ mean in Walter Benjamin’s writing? It has been used in some quarters to claim that Benjamin has a quasi-Marxist theory of communist society. This paper will argue instead that Benjamin’s communism is framed by his distinctive conception of experience and that it is understandable only through that conception. Benjamin’s image of ‘communist society’ refers to a specific type of experience rather than a type of social organization. The paper discusses the conceptual background of (...)
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  28.  22
    Tax Revenues of Post - Communist E.U. Member Countries.Květa Kubátová - 2011 - Creative and Knowledge Society 1 (2):57-69.
    Tax Revenues of Post - Communist E.U. Member Countries This article aims to analyze and evaluate tax policy of 10 post communist countries of the EU, especially the Slovak Republic and Czech Republic, during the their first 5 years in the community through the development of their tax revenues. Data to analyze are the data of the European Commission for the years 2003 to 2008. The subject of analysis is the total tax burden and the tax structure, i.e. direct and (...)
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    (1 other version)On Some Issues of Communist Morality.Li Fanfu - 1981 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 13 (1):22-36.
    Communist morality already occupies the dominant position in Chinese society, but influences of the old morality of the landowning, bourgeois class still remain. In this situation, we must first of all clearly understand, What ultimately are the differences between the new morality and the old morality? In what areas do their fundamental differences appear?
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    The Idea of Communism.Tariq Ali - 2009 - Seagull Books.
    November 9, 2009 will mark 20 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the monumental event that signaled the beginning of the end of Communism in the former Soviet Union. Yet, why was this collapse of Communism considered final, but the many failures of capitalism are considered temporary and episodic? In _The Idea of Communism_, Tariq Ali addresses this very question. The idea of Communism, argues Ali, was simple and noble. _The Communist Manifesto_, which advocated the (...)
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    Weaving the Narrative Strings of the Communist Regimes – Building Society with Bricks of Stories.Dalia Báthory - 2014 - History of Communism in Europe 5:7-16.
    The long duration of the Communist regime cannot be explained without closely looking at the manners of creating shared meanings and agreement on explanations on the shared historical context. Narratives of legitimation, some easier to depict than others, were almost as important as the use of force in imposing the specific values of the regime. In other words, soft power was the buttress of hard power. But the nuances are numerous, once we put this otherwise obvious remark under closer scrutiny. (...)
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  32.  43
    “A capitalist road to communism”: A comment.Alec Nove - 1986 - Theory and Society 15 (5):673-678.
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    In Denial: Historians, Communism & Espionage.Fraser Ottanelli - 2006 - Science and Society 70 (3):421-423.
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    The Post-Communist Manifesto.Václav Bělohradsky - 2011 - Human Affairs 21 (1):62-69.
    The essay is the critical reflection on the current state of global politics. It points to the importance of reconnecting politics with more substantial “human affairs”. The search for new understanding and conceptual tools is necessary on both sides of the political spectrum, however, the left should press for its lost identity more urgently. But what is even more urgent is the planetary vision based on reflexive rationality and a politics of dialogue, respect for the environment and civil society, (...)
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    A computer ethics bibliography.Herman T. Tavani - 1995 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 25 (2):8-18.
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    Marxism after communism.Michael Burawoy - 2000 - Theory and Society 29 (2):151-174.
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    The capitalist road to communism.Johannes Berger - 1986 - Theory and Society 15 (5):689-694.
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    The Style of the Communist Manifesto.Paul N. Siegel - 1982 - Science and Society 46 (2):222 - 229.
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    The Ethics of the Communist Manifesto.Howard Selsam - 1948 - Science and Society 12 (1):22 - 32.
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    From Traces of Communism to Islets of Communism: Revisiting Althusser’s Metaphors.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 41 (1).
    Promises of communism, traces of communism, outlines of communism, islets of communism: Althusser’s metaphors for communism emerging at the margins of existing social forms point towards important open questions for any rethinking of a strategy for communism: Is communism just a political project or a political design for a post-capitalist society or is the projection, elaboration, and expansion of social forms already appearing within contemporary capitalist society as a result of collective (...)
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  41. Reparations for Recent Historical Injustices. The Case of Romanian Communism.Horaţiu Traian Crişan - 2016 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 3 (2):151-162.
    The debate concerning the legitimacy of awarding reparations for historical injustices focuses on the issue of finding a proper moral justification for granting reparations to the descendants of the victims of injustices which took place in the remote past. Regarding the case of Romanian communism as a more recent injustice, and analyzing the moral problems entailed by this historical lapse, within this paper I argue that overcoming such a legacy cannot be carried out, as in the case of historical (...)
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    A history of post-communist remembrance: from memory politics to the emergence of a field of anticommunism.Zoltan Dujisin - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (1):65-96.
    This article invites the view that the Europeanization of an antitotalitarian “collective memory” of communism reveals the emergence of a field of anticommunism. This transnational field is inextricably tied to the proliferation of state-sponsored and anticommunist memory institutes across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), but cannot be treated as epiphenomenal to their propagation. The diffusion of bodies tasked with establishing the “true” history of communism reflects, first and foremost, a shift in the region’s approach to its past, one (...)
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  43.  10
    A Brief Annotated Bibliography of Healthy Work.Nina Nakajima - 2004 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (4):366-371.
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  44.  11
    Animal control: a preliminary bibliography.Roberta Palen - 1980 - Monticello, Ill.: Vance Bibliographies.
    Indigenous knowledge is the dynamic information base of a society, facilitating communication and decision-making. It is the cornerstone of many modern-day innovations in science and technology. It is also a ready and valuable resource for sustainable and resilient livelihoods, and attracts increasing public interest due to its applications in bio-technology, health, bioprospecting, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, food preparation, mathematics and astronomy. INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE OF NAMIBIA is a fascinating compendium aimed at a wide readership of academics and students, government officials, policy makers, (...)
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  45.  4
    The Isis Bibliography: Information Practices from Sarton’s Vision to the Digital Age.Zachary Barr, Alex S. Ratowt & Stephen P. Weldon - 2024 - Isis 115 (3):491-502.
    The Isis bibliography of the history of science has been published continuously since the first issue of the journal in 1913. This essay examines how information practices used to produce the bibliography have shaped, and were shaped by, the evolving discipline of the history of science. We first focus on the intellectual endeavors of George Sarton, who used the bibliography to help define and create a new academic field: the history of science. Next, we outline the administrative (...)
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  46. History of the Communist Movement: Failure, Betrayal, or Learning Process?Domenico Losurdo - 2003 - Nature, Society, and Thought 16 (1):33-58.
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  47. The Dynamics of Communism in Eastern Europe.Richard Voyles Burks & Robert Vincent Daniels - 1963 - Science and Society 27 (3):368-371.
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  48. The Complete Bibliography of Rohit Parikh.Rohit Parikh - 2017 - In Ramaswamy Ramanujam, Lawrence Moss & Can Başkent, Rohit Parikh on Logic, Language and Society. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    The Dialectics of the Growth of Socialism into Communism.P. N. Fedoseev - 1962 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 1 (2):25-35.
    Under today's conditions, when the Soviet Union is successfully engaged in the comprehensive construction of a communist society, and the prospect of uniform advancement toward communism seems possible for the socialist countries, the theoretical problems relating to the transition from socialism to communism acquire major importance. In our day, problems of scientific communism are resolved in practice, in the creative activity of tens and hundreds of millions of people. The success of the construction of communism (...)
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  50. A Brave New World in the Making: Fully Automated Luxury Communism as a Political Dystopia.Joonas S. Martikainen - 2023 - In Martta Heikkilä, Erika Ruonakoski & Irina Poleshchuk, Analyzing Darkness and Light: Dystopias and Beyond. BRILL. pp. 66–87.
    During the last decade a new utopian horizon has emerged from the radical left: that of a future postcapitalist society in which technological progress and renewable energy finally take care of our material needs while robots do most our work for us, making paid employment a thing of the past. Instead, we can focus on fulfilling our desires and dreaming up new ones, leading lives of luxury and ease. This utopia, often called “fully automated luxury communism," could be (...)
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