Results for 'Completely Solved'

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  1. Er caianiello1.Completely Solved - 1986 - In G. Palm & A. Aertsen (eds.), Brain Theory. Springer. pp. 147.
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    Neuronic equations revisited and completely solved.E. R. Caianiello - 1986 - In G. Palm & A. Aertsen (eds.), Brain Theory. Springer. pp. 147--160.
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    The Inflation Technique Completely Solves the Causal Compatibility Problem.Elie Wolfe & Miguel Navascués - 2020 - Journal of Causal Inference 8 (1):70-91.
    The causal compatibility question asks whether a given causal structure graph — possibly involving latent variables — constitutes a genuinely plausible causal explanation for a given probability distribution over the graph’s observed categorical variables. Algorithms predicated on merely necessary constraints for causal compatibility typically suffer from false negatives, i.e. they admit incompatible distributions as apparently compatible with the given graph. In 10.1515/jci-2017-0020, one of us introduced the inflation technique for formulating useful relaxations of the causal compatibility problem in terms of (...)
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    Completeness also Solves Carnap’s Problem.Eric Johannesson - 2022 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):192-198.
    In what sense, and to what extent, do rules of inference determine the meaning of logical constants? Motivated by the principle of charity, a natural constraint on the interpretation of logical constants is to make the rules of inference come out sound. But, as Carnap observed, although this constraint does rule out some non-standard interpretations, it does not rule them all out. This is known as Carnap’s problem. I suggest that a charitable interpretation of the logical constants should, as far (...)
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    Dynamic perceptual completion and the dynamic snapshot view to help solve the ‘two times’ problem.Ronald P. Gruber, Ryan P. Smith & Richard A. Block - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (4):773-790.
    Perceptual completion fills the gap for discrete perception to become continuous. Similarly, dynamic perceptual completion provides an experience of dynamic continuity. Our recent discovery of the ‘happening’ element of DPC completes the total experience for dynamism in the flow of time. However, a phenomenological explanation for these experiences is essential. The Snapshot Hypotheses especially the Dynamic Snapshot View provides the most comprehensive explanation. From that understanding the ‘two times’ problem can be addressed. The static time of spacetime cosmologies has been (...)
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    Solving the Frame Problem: A Mathematical Investigation of the Common Sense Law of Inertia.Murray Shanahan & Professor of Cognitive Robotics Murray Shanahan - 1997 - MIT Press.
    In 1969, John McCarthy and Pat Hayes uncovered a problem that has haunted the field of artificial intelligence ever since--the frame problem. The problem arises when logic is used to describe the effects of actions and events. Put simply, it is the problem of representing what remains unchanged as a result of an action or event. Many researchers in artificial intelligence believe that its solution is vital to the realization of the field's goals. Solving the Frame Problem presents the various (...)
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    No evidence of test priming between solving anagrams and completing word fragments.Michael R. Polster & Eugene Winograd - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (4):303-306.
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    Structural Completeness in Fuzzy Logics.Petr Cintula & George Metcalfe - 2009 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 50 (2):153-182.
    Structural completeness properties are investigated for a range of popular t-norm based fuzzy logics—including Łukasiewicz Logic, Gödel Logic, Product Logic, and Hájek's Basic Logic—and their fragments. General methods are defined and used to establish these properties or exhibit their failure, solving a number of open problems.
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    Solving the Jigsaw Puzzle.Peggy Cadet - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (2):1-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Solving the Jigsaw PuzzlePeggy CadetIn my medical record, there is an enigmatic note. It was written as a consultation request from a pediatric endocrinologist to a plastic surgeon while I was hospitalized at age 13 (in the late 1960s) for mastectomy. The note reads:You have seen this unfortunate teenager with the feminizing testis [older name for androgen insensitivity] syndrome on several occasions in the past in reference to the (...)
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    Problem-Solving and Tool Use in Office Work: The Potential of Electronic Performance Support Systems to Promote Employee Performance and Learning.Tamara Vanessa Leiß, Andreas Rausch & Jürgen Seifried - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the context of office work, learning to handle an Enterprise Resource Planning system is important as implementation costs for such systems and associated expectations are high. However, these expectations are often not met because the users are not trained adequately. Electronic Performance Support Systems are designed to support employees’ ERP-related problem-solving and informal learning. EPSS are supposed to enhance employees’ performance and informal workplace learning through task-specific and granular help in task performance and problem-solving. However, there is little empirical (...)
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  11. Complete Analysis and Clarificatory Analysis in Wittgenstein's Tractatus.Dawn M. Phillips - 2007 - In Michael Beaney (ed.), The Analytic Turn: Analysis in Early Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology. New York: Routledge. pp. 164.
    I examine the relationship between complete analysis and clarificatory analysis and explain why Wittgenstein thought he required both in his account of how to solve the problems of philosophy. I first describe Wittgenstein’s view of how philosophical confusions arise, by explaining how it is possible to misunderstand the logic of everyday language. I argue that any method of logical analysis in the Tractatus will inevitably be circular, but explain why this does not threaten the prospect of solving philosophical problems. I (...)
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    Hilbert, completeness and geometry.Giorgio Venturi - 2011 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 2 (2):80-102.
    This paper aims to show how the mathematical content of Hilbert's Axiom of Completeness consists in an attempt to solve the more general problem of the relationship between intuition and formalization. Hilbert found the accordance between these two sides of mathematical knowledge at a logical level, clarifying the necessary and sufficient conditions for a good formalization of geometry. We will tackle the problem of what is, for Hilbert, the definition of geometry. The solution of this problem will bring out how (...)
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  13. From the end of Unitary Science Projection to the Causally Complete Complexity Science: Extended Mathematics, Solved Problems, New Organisation and Superior Purposes.Andrei P. Kirilyuk - 2017 - In Theory of Everything, Ultimate Reality and the End of Humanity: Extended Sustainability by the Universal Science of Complexity. Beau Bassin: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. pp. 199-209.
    The deep crisis in modern fundamental science development is ever more evident and openly recognised now even by mainstream, official science professionals and leaders. By no coincidence, it occurs in parallel to the world civilisation crisis and related global change processes, where the true power of unreduced scientific knowledge is just badly missing as the indispensable and unique tool for the emerging greater problem solution and further progress at a superior level of complex world dynamics. Here we reveal the mathematically (...)
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    Solving the obesity epidemic: voices from the community.Scherezade K. Mama, Erica G. Soltero, Tracey A. Ledoux, Martina R. Gallagher & Rebecca E. Lee - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (3):192-201.
    Science and Community: Ending Obesity Improving Health (S&C) aimed to reduce obesity in Houston by developing community partnerships to identify research priorities and develop a sustainable obesity reduction program. Partnership members were recruited from S&C events and invited to participate in in‐depth interviews to gain insight into obesity prevalence, causes, and solutions. Members (n = 22) completed a 60–90‐min in‐depth interview. The interview guide consisted of 30 questions about pressing health problems in the community, potential solutions to health problems and (...)
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  15. AI-Completeness: Using Deep Learning to Eliminate the Human Factor.Kristina Šekrst - 2020 - In Sandro Skansi (ed.), Guide to Deep Learning Basics. Springer. pp. 117-130.
    Computational complexity is a discipline of computer science and mathematics which classifies computational problems depending on their inherent difficulty, i.e. categorizes algorithms according to their performance, and relates these classes to each other. P problems are a class of computational problems that can be solved in polynomial time using a deterministic Turing machine while solutions to NP problems can be verified in polynomial time, but we still do not know whether they can be solved in polynomial time as (...)
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    How to build complete creatures rather than isolated cognitive simulators.Rodney A. Brooks - unknown
    Artificial Intelligence as a discipline has gotten bogged down in subproblems of intelligence. These subproblems are the result of applying reductionist methods to the goal of creating a complete artificial thinking mind. In Brooks (1987) 1 have argued that these methods will lead us to solving irrelevant problems; interesting as intellectual puzzles, but useless in the long run for creating an artificial being.
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    δ-Complete Decision Procedures for Satisfiability over the Reals.Sicun Gao, Jeremy Avigad & Edmund M. Clarke - unknown
    We introduce the notion of “δ-complete decision procedures” for solving SMT problems over the real numbers, with the aim of handling a wide range of nonlinear functions including transcendental functions and solutions of Lipschitz-continuous ODEs. Given an SMT problemϕ and a positive rational number δ, a δ-complete decision procedure determines either that ϕ is unsatisfiable, or that the “δ-weakening” of ϕ is satisfiable. Here, the δ-weakening of ϕ is a variant of ϕ that allows δ-bounded numerical perturbations on ϕ. We (...)
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  18. On Turing Completeness, or Why We Are So Many (7th edition).Ramón Casares - manuscript
    Why are we so many? Or, in other words, Why is our species so successful? The ultimate cause of our success as species is that we, Homo sapiens, are the first and the only Turing complete species. Turing completeness is the capacity of some hardware to compute by software whatever hardware can compute. To reach the answer, I propose to see evolution and computing from the problem solving point of view. Then, solving more problems is evolutionarily better, computing is for (...)
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    Husserl and Hilbert on completeness, still.Jairo Silva - 2016 - Synthese 193 (6):1925-1947.
    In the first year of the twentieth century, in Gottingen, Husserl delivered two talks dealing with a problem that proved central in his philosophical development, that of imaginary elements in mathematics. In order to solve this problem Husserl introduced a logical notion, called “definiteness”, and variants of it, that are somehow related, he claimed, to Hilbert’s notions of completeness. Many different interpretations of what precisely Husserl meant by this notion, and its relations with Hilbert’s ones, have been proposed, but no (...)
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    A Completeness Proof for a Regular Predicate Logic with Undefined Truth Value.Antti Valmari & Lauri Hella - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (1):61-93.
    We provide a sound and complete proof system for an extension of Kleene’s ternary logic to predicates. The concept of theory is extended with, for each function symbol, a formula that specifies when the function is defined. The notion of “is defined” is extended to terms and formulas via a straightforward recursive algorithm. The “is defined” formulas are constructed so that they themselves are always defined. The completeness proof relies on the Henkin construction. For each formula, precisely one of the (...)
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  21. Solving the inclusion problem: Gender without representationalism.E. Willems - 2024 - Synthese 204 (174):1-27.
    Recent work in the metaphysics of gender mostly focuses on trying to solve the exclusion problem - roughly, the problem of giving a metaphysical account of gender that doesn’t exclude anyone from their appropriate gender category. It is acknowledged that no completely satisfactory answer to the exclusion problem has yet been given in the literature; typically such theories fail to account for the diverse experiences and characteristics of trans people. One response is to adopt an anti-realism about gender properties, (...)
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    Amodal Completion: Mental Imagery or 3D Modeling?Christopher Gauker - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-23.
    In amodal completion the mind in some sense completes the visual perceptual representation of a scene by representing parts of the scene hidden behind other objects. Cognitive science has had a lot to say about how amodal completion occurs but has had little to say about the format of the representations involved and the way in which they represent. Some philosophers hold that amodal completions take the form of sensory imaginings of the occluded portions. This theory poses a puzzle for (...)
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    On Complete Information Dispositionalism.Mons Nyquist - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (5):1915-1938.
    In a trio of recent articles, Johnson and Nado defend a form of metasemantic dispositionalism, arguing for a novel approach to the “error”-problem, based on speakers’ dispositional states under what they call a state of “full information”. In this article, I argue that their brand of dispositionalism fails to solve the “error”-problem, because of what I think of as counterexamples to it. In the final sections, I propose a way to amend the theory to shield it from some of the (...)
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  24. Two Kinds of Completeness and the Uses (and Abuses) of Exclusion Principles.Matthew C. Haug - 2009 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 47 (4):379-401.
    I argue that the completeness of physics is composed of two distinct claims. The first is the commonly made claim that, roughly, every physical event is completely causally determined by physical events. The second has rarely, if ever, been explicitly stated in the literature and is the claim that microphysics provides a complete inventory of the fundamental categories that constitute both the causal features and intrinsic nature of all the events that causally affect the physical universe. After showing that (...)
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    Schizotypy and Performance on an Insight Problem-Solving Task: The Contribution of Persecutory Ideation.Jan Cosgrave, Ross Haines, Stuart Golodetz, Gordon Claridge, Katharina Wulff & Dalena van Heugten – van der Kloet - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:340880.
    Insight problem solving is thought to underpin creative thought as it incorporates both divergent (generating multiple ideas and solutions) and convergent (arriving at the optimal solution) thinking approaches. The current literature on schizotypy and creativity is mixed and requires clarification. An alternate approach was employed by designing an exploratory web-based study using only correlates of schizotypal traits (paranoia, dissociation, cognitive failures, fantasy proneness, and unusual sleep experiences) and examining which (if any) predicted optimal performance on an insight problem-solving task. One (...)
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    Circular Discernment in Completely Extensive Structures and How to Avoid such Circles Generally.F. A. Muller - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (5):947-952.
    In this journal (Studia Logica), D. Rizza [2010: 176] expounded a solution of what he called “the indiscernibility problem for ante rem structuralism”, which is the problem to make sense of the presence, in structures, of objects that are indiscernible yet distinct, by only appealing to what that structure provides. We argue that Rizza’s solution is circular and expound a different solution that not only solves the problem for completely extensive structures, treated by Rizza, but for nearly (but not) (...)
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    Formalization of functionally complete propositional calculus with the functor of implication as the only primitive term.Czes?aw Lejewski - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (4):479 - 494.
    The most difficult problem that Leniewski came across in constructing his system of the foundations of mathematics was the problem of defining definitions, as he used to put it. He solved it to his satisfaction only when he had completed the formalization of his protothetic and ontology. By formalization of a deductive system one ought to understand in this context the statement, as precise and unambiguous as possible, of the conditions an expression has to satisfy if it is added (...)
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  28. Husserl and Hilbert on completeness, still.Jairo Jose da Silva - 2016 - Synthese 193 (6):1925-1947.
    In the first year of the twentieth century, in Gottingen, Husserl delivered two talks dealing with a problem that proved central in his philosophical development, that of imaginary elements in mathematics. In order to solve this problem Husserl introduced a logical notion, called “definiteness”, and variants of it, that are somehow related, he claimed, to Hilbert’s notions of completeness. Many different interpretations of what precisely Husserl meant by this notion, and its relations with Hilbert’s ones, have been proposed, but no (...)
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    Completing the Physical Representation of Quantum Algorithms Provides a Quantitative Explanation of Their Computational Speedup.Giuseppe Castagnoli - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (3):333-354.
    The usual representation of quantum algorithms, limited to the process of solving the problem, is physically incomplete. We complete it in three steps: extending the representation to the process of setting the problem, relativizing the extended representation to the problem solver to whom the problem setting must be concealed, and symmetrizing the relativized representation for time reversal to represent the reversibility of the underlying physical process. The third steps projects the input state of the representation, where the problem solver is (...)
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    Solving the Trolley Problem.Shelly Kagan - 2016 - In Eric Rakowski (ed.), The Trolley Problem Mysteries. New York, USA: Oxford University Press USA.
    This comment asks us to imagine that we have discovered a principle that completely matches our intuitions about the various actions that might be performed in all the different versions of the trolley problem. Would that constitute a solution to the problem of providing a plausible principle to cover these various cases? Not necessarily, since the principle might turn on distinctions that have no obvious moral significance, and we might be unable to provide the principle with a compelling and (...)
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    Completeness for flat modal fixpoint logics.Luigi Santocanale & Yde Venema - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (1):55-82.
    This paper exhibits a general and uniform method to prove axiomatic completeness for certain modal fixpoint logics. Given a set Γ of modal formulas of the form γ, where x occurs only positively in γ, we obtain the flat modal fixpoint language by adding to the language of polymodal logic a connective γ for each γΓ. The term γ is meant to be interpreted as the least fixed point of the functional interpretation of the term γ. We consider the following (...)
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  32. A fresh look at research strategies in computational cognitive science: The case of enculturated mathematical problem solving.Regina E. Fabry & Markus Pantsar - 2019 - Synthese 198 (4):3221-3263.
    Marr’s seminal distinction between computational, algorithmic, and implementational levels of analysis has inspired research in cognitive science for more than 30 years. According to a widely-used paradigm, the modelling of cognitive processes should mainly operate on the computational level and be targeted at the idealised competence, rather than the actual performance of cognisers in a specific domain. In this paper, we explore how this paradigm can be adopted and revised to understand mathematical problem solving. The computational-level approach applies methods from (...)
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  33. Uncorking the muse: Alcohol intoxication facilitates creative problem solving.Andrew F. Jarosz, Gregory Jh Colflesh & Jennifer Wiley - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):487-493.
    That alcohol provides a benefit to creative processes has long been assumed by popular culture, but to date has not been tested. The current experiment tested the effects of moderate alcohol intoxication on a common creative problem solving task, the Remote Associates Test . Individuals were brought to a blood alcohol content of approximately .075, and, after reaching peak intoxication, completed a battery of RAT items. Intoxicated individuals solved more RAT items, in less time, and were more likely to (...)
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    A proof of standard completeness for Esteva and Godo's logic MTL.Sándor Jenei & Franco Montagna - 2002 - Studia Logica 70 (2):183-192.
    In the present paper we show that any at most countable linearly-ordered commutative residuated lattice can be embedded into a commutative residuated lattice on the real unit interval [0, 1]. We use this result to show that Esteva and Godo''s logic MTL is complete with respect to interpretations into commutative residuated lattices on [0, 1]. This solves an open problem raised in.
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    Multiobjective Parallel Algorithms for Solving Biobjective Open Shop Scheduling Problem.Seyed Hassan Shams Lahroudi, Farzaneh Mahalleh & Seyedsaeid Mirkamali - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-16.
    Open Shop Scheduling Problem is one of the most important scheduling problems in the field of engineering and industry. This kind of problem includes m machines and n jobs, each job contains a certain number of operations, and each operation has a predetermined processing time on its corresponding machine. The order of processing of these operations affects the completion times of all jobs. Therefore, the purpose of OSSP is to achieve a proper order of processing of jobs using specified machines, (...)
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    Spatial Visualization in Physics Problem Solving.Maria Kozhevnikov, Michael A. Motes & Mary Hegarty - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (4):549-579.
    Three studies were conducted to examine the relation of spatial visualization to solving kinematics problems that involved either predicting the two‐dimensional motion of an object, translating from one frame of reference to another, or interpreting kinematics graphs. In Study 1, 60 physics‐naíve students were administered kinematics problems and spatial visualization ability tests. In Study 2, 17 (8 high‐ and 9 low‐spatial ability) additional students completed think‐aloud protocols while they solved the kinematics problems. In Study 3, the eye movements of (...)
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  37. Solving the Mystery of Mathematics.Jared Warren - 2023 - Philosophy Now Magazine 157:16-19.
    This is a magazine article discussing the philosophy of mathematics and arguing for mathematical conventionalism, written for a non-academic audience. (As often happens with popular articles, the editors made some changes that I'm not completely happy with, e.g., the titled section headings and sub-title).
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  38. Causal Exclusion and Physical Causal Completeness.Dwayne Moore - 2019 - Dialectica 73 (4):479-505.
    Nonreductive physicalists endorse the principle of mental causation, according to which some events have mental causes: Sid climbs the hill because he wants to. Nonreductive physicalists also endorse the principle of physical causal completeness, according to which physical events have sufficient physical causes: Sid climbs the hill because a complex neural process in his brain triggered his climbing. Critics typically level the causal exclusion problem against this nonreductive physicalist model, according to which the physical cause is a sufficient cause of (...)
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    Are there cross-cultural differences in emotional processing and social problem-solving?Roger Baker, Kevin Thomas & Aneta Kwaśniewska - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (2):205-210.
    Emotional processing and social problem-solving are important for mental well-being. For example, impaired emotional processing is linked with depression and psychosomatic problems. However, little is known about crosscultural differences in emotional processing and social problem-solving and whether these constructs are linked. This study examines whether emotional processing and social problem-solving differs between Western and Eastern European cultures. Participants completed questionnaires assessing both constructs. Emotional processing did not differ according to culture, but Polish participants reported more effective social problem-solving abilities than (...)
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  40. Algorithm and Parameters: Solving the Generality Problem for Reliabilism.Jack C. Lyons - 2019 - Philosophical Review 128 (4):463-509.
    The paper offers a solution to the generality problem for a reliabilist epistemology, by developing an “algorithm and parameters” scheme for type-individuating cognitive processes. Algorithms are detailed procedures for mapping inputs to outputs. Parameters are psychological variables that systematically affect processing. The relevant process type for a given token is given by the complete algorithmic characterization of the token, along with the values of all the causally relevant parameters. The typing that results is far removed from the typings of folk (...)
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    Constitutive Inference and the Problem of a Complete Variation of Factors.Jens Harbecke - 2018 - In Antonio Piccolomini D’Aragona, Martin Carrier, Roger Deulofeu, Axel Gelfert, Jens Harbecke, Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Lara Huber, Peter Hucklenbroich, Ludger Jansen, Elizaveta Kostrova, Keizo Matsubara, Anne Sophie Meincke, Andrea Reichenberger, Kian Salimkhani & Javier Suárez (eds.), Philosophy of Science: Between the Natural Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 205-221.
    This paper aims to solve a potential problem for the methodology of constitutive inference offered by Harbecke. The methodology is ultimately based on Mill’s “method of difference”, which requires a complete variation of factors in a given frame. In constitutive contexts, such a complete variation is often impossible. The offered solution utilizes the notion of a “mechanism slice”. In a first step, an example of a currently accepted explanation in neuroscience is reconstructed, which serves as a reference point of the (...)
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  42. Solving the Conjunction Problem of Russell's Principles of Mathematics.Gregory Landini - 2020 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 8 (8).
    The quantification theory of propositions in Russell’s Principles of Mathematics has been the subject of an intensive study and in reconstruction has been found to be complete with respect to analogs of the truths of modern quantification theory. A difficulty arises in the reconstruction, however, because it presents universally quantified exportations of five of Russell’s axioms. This paper investigates whether a formal system can be found that is more faithful to Russell’s original prose. Russell offers axioms that are universally quantified (...)
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  43. Toward an integrated theory of insight in problem solving.Robert W. Weisberg - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (1):5-39.
    The study of insight in problem solving and creative thinking has seen an upsurge of interest in the last 30 years. Current theorising concerning insight has taken one of two tacks. The special-process view, which grew out of the Gestalt psychologists’ theorising about insight, proposes that insight is the result of a dedicated set of processes that is activated by the individual's reaching impasse while trying to deal with a problematic situation. In contrast, the business-as-usual view argues that insight is (...)
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  44. Can motto-goals outperform learning and performance goals? Influence of goal setting on performance and affect in a complex problem solving task.Miriam Sophia Rohe, Joachim Funke, Maja Storch & Julia Weber - 2016 - Journal of Dynamic Decision Making 2 (1):1-15.
    In this paper, we bring together research on complex problem solving with that on motivational psychology about goal setting. Complex problems require motivational effort because of their inherent difficulties. Goal Setting Theory has shown with simple tasks that high, specific performance goals lead to better performance outcome than do-your-best goals. However, in complex tasks, learning goals have proven more effective than performance goals. Based on the Zurich Resource Model, so-called motto-goals should activate a person’s resources through positive affect. It was (...)
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  45. Discussion: Re‐solving irrelevant conjunction with probabilistic independence.James Hawthorne & Branden Fitelson - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (4):505-514.
    Naive deductivist accounts of confirmation have the undesirable consequence that if E confirms H, then E also confirms the conjunction H·X, for any X—even if X is completely irrelevant to E and H. Bayesian accounts of confirmation may appear to have the same problem. In a recent article in this journal Fitelson (2002) argued that existing Bayesian attempts to resolve of this problem are inadequate in several important respects. Fitelson then proposes a new‐and‐improved Bayesian account that overcomes the problem (...)
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    Different incubation tasks in insight problem solving: evidence for unconscious analytic thought.Laura Caravona & Laura Macchi - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 29 (4):559-593.
    This paper explores the effect of different types of incubation task (visual, numerical and verbal) with various levels of attentional focus and cognitive effort (non-demanding, low-demanding and high-demanding) on the resolution of insight problems. The most effective was found to be the low-demanding task (regardless of its nature), which although requiring attentional focus, leaves resources available for the unconscious analytical restructuring process, obtaining a high percentage of success in solving the problem shortly after completion of the incubation task. Overall findings (...)
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    Defining the contours of united states V. hensley: Limiting the use of Terry stops for completed misdemeanors.Rachel Weiss - unknown
    In United States v. Hensley, a unanimous Court set forth the rule that, "if police have a reasonable suspicion, grounded in specific and articulable facts, that a person they encounter was involved in or is wanted in connection with a completed felony, then a Terry stop may be made to investigate that suspicion." By expanding the scope of the Terry doctrine, Hensley strengthened the power of law enforcement officials to "stop and frisk" individuals who they believe may pose a threat (...)
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    Conceptual Knowledge, Procedural Knowledge, and Metacognition in Routine and Nonroutine Problem Solving.David W. Braithwaite & Lauren Sprague - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (10):e13048.
    When, how, and why students use conceptual knowledge during math problem solving is not well understood. We propose that when solving routine problems, students are more likely to recruit conceptual knowledge if their procedural knowledge is weak than if it is strong, and that in this context, metacognitive processes, specifically feelings of doubt, mediate interactions between procedural and conceptual knowledge. To test these hypotheses, in two studies (Ns = 64 and 138), university students solved fraction and decimal arithmetic problems (...)
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    Stepping out of history: Mindfulness improves insight problem solving.Brian D. Ostafin & Kyle T. Kassman - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):1031-1036.
    Insight problem solving is hindered by automated verbal–conceptual processes. Because mindfulness meditation training aims at “nonconceptual awareness” which involves a reduced influence of habitual verbal–conceptual processes on the interpretation of ongoing experience, mindfulness may facilitate insight problem solving. This hypothesis was examined across two studies . Participants in both studies completed a measure of trait mindfulness and a series of insight and noninsight problems. Further, participants in Study 2 completed measures of positive affect and a mindfulness or control training. The (...)
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    “Common Denominator” in Solving Multi-Factory Problems by Intelligent Systems.Artem S. Adzhemov & Alla B. Denisova - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):878-887.
    The most important property, a distinctive feature of any intelligent system, is its decision-making ability. In this case, the more complex the problem to be solved, the more and more diverse the initial data, and the more critical it is that the decision to be made was comprehensively considered and evaluated. In many cases, simultaneously arriving various initial data, if considered separately, and decisions based on such consideration lead to completely different results, often contradicting each other. Therefore, in (...)
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