Results for 'Composed Notion'

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  1. Towards a Notion of European Political Identity.Pablo Cristóbal Jiménez Lobeira - 2010 - Proceedings of the 17th Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics Annual Conference.
    Political integration has been part of the European project from its very beginnings. As far back as the early seventies there was already concern in Brussels that an ingredient was missing in the political integration process. ‘Output legitimacy’ – the permissive consensus citizens grant to a government that is ‘delivering’, even if they do not participate in setting its goals – could not sustain unification indefinitely. Such a lacking ingredient – or ‘soul’ – has been labelled ‘European identity’ (EI) in (...)
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    Composing alternatives.Ivano Ciardelli, Floris Roelofsen & Nadine Theiler - 2017 - Linguistics and Philosophy 40 (1):1-36.
    There is a prominent line of work in natural language semantics, rooted in the work of Hamblin, in which the meaning of a sentence is not taken to be a single proposition, but rather a set of propositions—a set of alternatives. This allows for a more fine-grained view on meaning, which has led to improved analyses of a wide range of linguistic phenomena. However, this approach also faces a number of problems. We focus here on two of these, in our (...)
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    Heiner Goebbels and curatorial composing after Cage: from staging works to musicalising encounters.Ed McKeon - 2022 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This Element introduces the notion of curatorial composing to account for certain musical practices that emerged from the 1960s as the founding concepts of music as an art - instituted in the modern era - were systematically dismantled. It raises the key question of how musical value and authority might be produced without recourse to an external principle, origin, transcendental framework, or other foundation. It argues that these practices do not dismiss the issue of value or simply relativise it (...)
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    Les notions de métaphore et d'analogie dans les épistémologies des modèles et des simulations.Franck Varenne - 2006 - Paris, France: Editions Petra.
    Le développement considérable des simulations informatiques dans les sciences contemporaines impose une remise à plat des épistémologies des modèles. Franck Varenne propose de revenir sur les limites des notions de métaphore et d'analogie pour penser les modèles, en particulier quand il s'agit des modèles composés, des pluri-modèles et des modèles de simulation (à objets ou à agents), tels qu'ils se développent depuis une dizaine d'années. Il suggère que le paradigme linguistique, à l'oeuvre aussi bien dans la pensée analytique anglo-saxonne que (...)
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    Il y a des composés, donc il y a des êtres simples. Vertu et infortune chez Condillac d’un principe métaphysique de Leibniz.Martine Pécharman - 2019 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 128 (1):57-110.
    Dans la série de principes auxquels un Mémoire pour Gabriel Cramer rédigé par Condillac début 1747 ramène le système monadologique de Leibniz, le principe de l’ingrédience de la matière par les êtres simples ou monades échappe à la critique. Condillac accorde le principe [P1] les monades sont les premiers éléments de la matière. Il rejette seulement les deux principes subalternes [P2] les monades ont un principe interne de tous leurs changements et [P3] chaque état passager d’une monade représente sous un (...)
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    Composable Relations Induced in Networks of Aligned Ontologies: A Category Theoretic Approach.Seremeti Lambrini & Kameas Achilles - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (3):285-311.
    A network of aligned ontologies is a distributed system, whose components are interacting and interoperating, the result of this interaction being, either the extension of local assertions, which are valid within each individual ontology, to global assertions holding between remote ontology syntactic entities through a network path, or to local assertions holding between local entities of an ontology, but induced by remote ontologies, through a cycle in the network. The mechanism for achieving this interaction is the composition of relations. In (...)
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    L’élaboration de la notion de totalité dans les textes théologiques de Bonaventure et de Thomas d’Aquin : vers un sens transcendant.Chirine Raveton - 2016 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 53:95-114.
    Dans leurs textes théologiques trinitaires, Bonaventure et Thomas d’Aquin excluent que Dieu – Père, Fils et Saint-Esprit – soit une totalité, au nom de sa simplicité absolue. Alors que le créé est soit composé de parties, soit la partie d’un tout, l’incréé échappe à cette structure tout / parties. Toutefois Bonaventure et Thomas d’Aquin doivent justifier l’application à Dieu, par Augustin ou le Pseudo-Denys, du vocabulaire de la totalité, dont ils mettent alors à jour un sens transcendant. En vertu de (...)
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  8. Notions directrices et architectonique de la métaphysique. La critique kantienne de Wolff en 1763.Stefanie Buchenau - 2011 - Astérion 9 (9).
    Cet article cherche à reconstituer la thèse de Christian Wolff sur l’évidence (Deutlichkeit) des principes métaphysiques, dans un article de 1729 sur les « Notions directrices et le véritable usage de la première science », qui offre une référence centrale (et méconnue aujourd’hui) aux répondants du concours de 1762-1763, dont Kant. Wolff affirme en effet que la métaphysique est susceptible d’une certitude égale voire supérieure à celle des mathématiques et qu’elle diffuse cette certitude à travers toutes les autres disciplines ; (...)
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    Kuhn’s Notion of Theory Choice and the Dual-Process Theory of Cognition.James A. Marcum - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (5).
    In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn claimed that theory choice is a conversion experience and depends upon the personality or psychology of the individual scientist making the choice. Critics charged Kuhn with an irrational and a relativistic position concerning theory choice, arguing he advocated a subjective instead of an objective approach to how scientists choose one theory over another and thereby undercut epistemic accounts for the generation of scientific knowledge. In response to critics Kuhn insisted that his approach, although (...)
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  10. Two Notions of Metaphysical Modality.Antonella Mallozzi - 2018 - Synthese (Suppl 6):1-22.
    The paper explores the project of an ambitious modal epistemology that attempts to combine the a priori methods of Chalmers’ 2D semantics with Kripke’s modal metaphysics. I argue that such a project is not viable. The ambitious modal epistemology involves an inconsistent triad composed of (1) Modal Monism, (2) Two-Dimensionalism, and what I call (3) “Metaphysical Kripkeanism”. I present the three theses and show how only two of those can be true at a time. There is a fundamental incompatibility (...)
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    Les notions d'objectivité et de subjectivité en physique atomique.Paulette Destouches-Février - 1947 - Dialectica 1 (2):127-146.
    1. L'EXPLICATION PAR LES OBJETSNous ne pouvons penser, ou plus généralement agir, sans nous appuyer sur la considération d'objets, ce terme devant être pris ici dans son acception la plus générale, et désignant aussi bien des objets abstraits par exemple , ou même des objets logiques , que des objets soumis plus ou moins immédiatement à notre expérience sensible . Ce sont eux que vise notre besoin d'explication, et en même temps ce sont eux qu'il utilise, qu'il s'agisse de la (...)
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  12. Stravinsky's Poétique musicale: The composer as Homo faber. Antisemitism, Le Sacre du printemps and Adorno's critique.Antonia Tejeda Barros - 2024 - Arte, Entre Paréntesis 18 (1):18–33.
    Stravinsky considered himself a maker, a Homo faber, an artisan of the past. He confessed that he liked to compose music more than music itself, and argued that expression was not an immanent character of music. With this paper, I intend to discuss Stravinsky’s musical aesthetics (the Charles Eliot Norton Lectures given right after the outbreak of WWII –Poétique musicale), depicting and criticising his notion of expression and his view of the musician as mere “executant”. I will also point (...)
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  13. The Making of Robert Boyle' s Free Enquiry into the Vulgarly Receiv'd Notion of Nature.Michael Hunter & Edward B. Davis - 1996 - Early Science and Medicine 1 (2):204-268.
    This study throws new light on the composition of Boyle's Free Enquiry into the Vulgarly Receiv'd Notion of Nature ; it also draws more general conclusions about Boyle's methods as an author and his links with his context. Its basis is a careful study of the extant manuscript drafts for the work, and their relationship with the published editions. Section 2 describes Boyle's characteristic method of composition from the late 1650s onwards, involving the dictation of discrete sections of text (...)
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  14. The Architectonic and History Of Phenomenology: Distinguishing Between Fink's and Husserl's Notion of Phenomenological Philosophy.Peter Andras Varga - 2011 - In Phenomenology 2010 vol. 4: Selected Essays from Northern Europe.
    It is the aim of my paper to explore the chances of a decidedly historical approach to Eugen Fink's involvement in Edmund Husserl's mature philosophy. This question has been subject to much debate recently; but I think that the recently published early notes of Fink have not been sufficiently evaluated by Husserl scholarship. I embed the investigation of Fink's ideas in the contemporaries reactions to them, and argue that Fink's very specific methodological ideas was already formulated in details before he (...)
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  15. To metron: sur la notion de mesure dans la philosophie d'Aristote: septième rencontre aristotélicienne (Catania, 20 au 22 juin 2018).Giovanna R. Giardina (ed.) - 2020 - Bruxelles: Éditions Ousia.
    La notion de mesure traverse les traités du corpus d'Aristote en connexion des problèmes qui sont d'une importance centrale. Le recueil est composé d'une série d'études de: Tomàs Calvo, R.Loredana Cardullo, Laura Castelli, Lambros Couloubaritsis, Paolo Crivelli, Sylvain Delcomminette, Giovanna R.Giardina, David Lefebvre, Antonio P.Mesquita, Pierre-Marie Morel, Marco Panza, Fernando Rey Puente. -- Provided by publisher.
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    Philosophy of Law--Its Notion and Problems (in Serbo-Croatian).Vladimir Kubes - 1986 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 19:1083-1093.
    Philosophy of law is philosophy about law. common critical ontology examines the structure of the world which is hierarchical and is composed of four fundamental levels; the anorganic being, the organic being, the psychical being and the spiritual being, where we meet the personal, objective and the objectified spirit. the new critical ontology is science in the strictest sense of the word and consequently goes out from the total experience. critical legal ontology examines the essence of law and states (...)
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    Sur la notion de l'identité en biologie.Jan Wilczyński - 1946 - Acta Biotheoretica 8 (1-2):1-17.
    Gegenüber den Ansichten vonCharles Richet , sowie auch die gegensätzliche, die von E.Meyerson , bei Seite lassend, hebt der Verfasser hervor, dass gerade auf dem Gebiete der Biologie vollständig identische Gebilde, Merkmale oder Erscheinungen, so zu sagen mit mathematischer Notwendigkeit, auftreten müssen, falls die Verterbung der Merkmale, die sich auf dem Wege der geschlechtlichen Fortpflanzung abspielt und derMendel-Gesetzen unterworfen ist, auf das Verfahren desNewton'schen Binoms zurückzuführen ist. Die entwickelte Reihe dieses letzteren — in deren Gliedern vertreten — stellt dann ein (...)
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    Leibniz: general inquiries on the analysis of notions and truths.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Massimo Mugnai & Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
    In General Inquiries on the Analysis of Notions and Truths, Leibniz articulates for the first time his favourite solution to the problem of contingency and displays the main features of his logical calculus. Leibniz composed the work in 1686, the same year in which he began to correspond with Arnauld and wrote the Discourse on Metaphysics. General Inquiries supplements these contemporary entries in Leibniz's philosophical oeuvre and demonstrates the intimate connection that links Leibniz's philosophy with the attempt to create (...)
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    Using Logic to Evolve More Logic: Composing Logical Operators via Self-Assembly.Travis LaCroix - 2022 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (2):407-437.
    I consider how complex logical operations might self-assemble in a signalling-game context via composition of simpler underlying dispositions. On the one hand, agents may take advantage of pre-evolved dispositions; on the other hand, they may co-evolve dispositions as they simultaneously learn to combine them to display more complex behaviour. In either case, the evolution of complex logical operations can be more efficient than evolving such capacities from scratch. Showing how complex phenomena like these might evolve provides an additional path to (...)
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    Albertus Magnus and the Notion of Syllogistic Middle Term.J. M. Hubbard - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (1):115-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ALBERTUS MAGNUS AND THE NOTION OF SYLLOGISTIC MIDDLE TERM J. M. HUBBARD College of St. Thomas St. Paul, Minnesota ABERT THE GREAT is recognized as one of the great scientific minds of the Middle A:ges, both for his commentaries on Aristotle's scientific works and for his own contributions to the study of nature. His contributions to the science of logic go largely unnoticed, however. This is probably due (...)
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  21. How can a line segment with extension be composed of extensionless points?Brian Reese, Michael Vazquez & Scott Weinstein - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-28.
    We provide a new interpretation of Zeno’s Paradox of Measure that begins by giving a substantive account, drawn from Aristotle’s text, of the fact that points lack magnitude. The main elements of this account are (1) the Axiom of Archimedes which states that there are no infinitesimal magnitudes, and (2) the principle that all assignments of magnitude, or lack thereof, must be grounded in the magnitude of line segments, the primary objects to which the notion of linear magnitude applies. (...)
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  22. EU Analogical Identity – Or the Ties that Link (Without Binding).Pablo Cristóbal Jiménez Lobeira - 2010 - ANU Centre for European Studies Briefing Paper Series 1 (2).
    From the political point of view, European Union (EU) integration implies some kind of unity in the community constituted by EU citizens. Unity is difficult to attain if the diversity of citizens (and their nations) is to be respected. A thick bond that melts members' diversity into a 'European pot' is therefore out of the question. On the other hand, giving up unity altogether makes political integration impossible. Through a meta-theoretical analysis of normative positions, this paper proposes a composed (...)
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    Éduquer : des mots à la chose.Bernard Jolibert - 2016 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 66 (2):61-77.
    La notion d’ éducation apparaît si vaste qu’il semble difficile d’en proposer une définition univoque. Elle comprend aussi bien les méthodes pédagogiques proches du dressage mécanique le plus behaviouriste que l’influence inconsciente et vague que les adultes exercent sans le vouloir sur les enfants. Elle renvoie au système institutionnel mais aussi à l’univers familial, voire plus simplement encore à l’influence la plus générale que les êtres humains exercent les uns sur les autres à travers les échanges qu’impose l’existence sociale. (...)
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    À l’origine de la pastoralité à Vatican II.Gilles Routhier - 2011 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 67 (3):443-459.
    The notion of the pastoral is at the heart of C. Theobald’s reflection on Vatican II, a council which has been characterized as a “pastoral council”. For Theobald, the pastoral, in the very act of proclamation, implies that the audience ought to be taken into account. This article attempts to trace this reception-critical concern back to its source using two biographies and the discussion on religious freedom which took place in the Central Preparatory Commission. Before Vatican II even opened, (...)
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    El pensamiento de Henri Bergson en torno a la duración como una clave para tensionar el proceso de conformación de una experiencia musical.Santiago Astaburuaga Peña - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):155-182.
    Can the realization of a written musical piece appear as a sufficient phenomenon to impulse a type of experience that suspends our need to decipher to understand and to separate to recognize? The execution of a score is commonly considered as the sound unfolding of the parts that the signs written on it disposes, however, it is precisely the abundance of what actually happens in the territory in which it is realized what that perspective cancels and may well constitute the (...)
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  26. Conceiving simple experiences.Michael V. Antony - 2001 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 22 (3):263-86.
    That consciousness is composed of simple or basic elements that combine to form complex experiences is an idea with a long history. This idea is approached through an examination of our “picture” or conception of consciousness . It is argued that CC commits us to a certain abstract notion of simple experiential events, or simples, and that traditional critiques of simple elements of experience do not threaten simples. To the extent that CC is taken to conform to how (...)
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  27. One Self per Customer? From Disunified Agency to Disunified Self.David Lumsden & Joseph Ulatowski - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (3):314-335.
    The notion of an agent and the notion of a self are connected, for agency is one role played by the self. Millgram argues for a disunity thesis of agency on the basis of extreme incommensurability across some major life events. We propose a similar negative thesis about the self, that it is composed of relatively independent threads reflecting the different roles and different mind-sets of the person's life. Our understanding of those threads is based on theories (...)
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    Adieu à Emmanuel Lévinas.Jacques Derrida - 1997 - Editions Galilée.
    Deux textes composent cet adieu : l'hommage prononcé par Derrida aux obsèques d'Emmanuel Levinas suivi d'une lecture de Levinas à partir de la notion d'accueil et l'élaboration "subjugante" du concept d'accueil.
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    A causal dispositional account of fitness.Laura Nuño de la Rosa & Vanessa Triviño - 2016 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 38 (3):1-18.
    The notion of fitness is usually equated to reproductive success. However, this actualist approach presents some difficulties, mainly the explanatory circularity problem, which have lead philosophers of biology to offer alternative definitions in which fitness and reproductive success are distinguished. In this paper, we argue that none of these alternatives is satisfactory and, inspired by Mumford and Anjum’s dispositional theory of causation, we offer a definition of fitness as a causal dispositional property. We argue that, under this framework, the (...)
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    Good work and aesthetic education: William Morris, the arts and crafts movement, and beyond.Jeffrey Petts - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (1):30-45.
    A notion of "good work," derived from William Morris and the Arts and Crafts Movement but also part of a wider tradition in philosophy (associated with pragmatism and Everyday Aesthetics) understanding the global significance of, and opportunities for, aesthetic experience, grounds both art making and appreciation in the organization of labor generally. Only good work, which can be characterized as "authentic" or as unalienated conditions of production and reception, allows the arts to thrive. While Arts and Crafts sometimes promotes (...)
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    The Myth of Unique Hues.Radek Ocelák - 2015 - Topoi 34 (2):513-522.
    The paper examines the notion, widespread in the contemporary color science, that there are certain hues, specifically focal red, yellow, green and blue, that are unique or privileged in human prelinguistic color perception, all other chromatic hues being perceptually composed of these. I successively consider and reject all motivations that have been provided for this opinion; namely the linguistic, “phenomenological”, and some minor or historical motivations. I conclude that, contrary to the standard opinion, there is no solid reason (...)
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  32. Thinking Through Music: Wittgenstein’s Use of Musical Notation.Eran Guter & Inbal Guter - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (3):348-362.
    Wittgenstein composed five original musical fragments during his transitional middle period, in which he employs musical notation as a means by which to convey his philosophical thoughts. This is an overlooked aspect of the importance of aesthetics, and musical thinking in particular, in the development of Wittgenstein’s philosophy. We explain and evaluate the way the music interlinks with Wittgenstein’s philosophical thoughts. We show the direct relation of these musical examples as precursors to some of Wittgenstein’s most celebrated ideas (the (...)
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    L’image-transaction.Ingrid Hoelzl & Christophe Degoutin - 2020 - Multitudes 77 (4):129-140.
    Cet article mobilise la notion d’« approche transactionnelle », empruntée à John Dewey et Arthur Bentley, pour nous inviter à concevoir les images circulant sur nos réseaux électroniques au-delà des représentations dont elles sont porteuses à la surface des écrans. Comprendre leur dynamique implique de prendre en compte les multiples couches dont elles se composent, depuis la matérialité des flux électriques, à travers les strates de langages-machine, les protocoles de transfert ou le design des interfaces. L’image que nous identifions (...)
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  34. Fear and loathing in the Australian bush: gothic landscapes in bush studies and picnic at hanging rock.Kathleen Steele - 2010 - Colloquy 20:33-56.
    In 2008, renowned Australian composer Peter Sculthorpe remarked that almost everything he has written since the early 1960s has been influenced by Indigenous music “because that was a music … shaped by the landscape over 50,000 years.” 3 His preference for accumulating “an effect of relentless prolongation” through the use of long drones has seen his music fail, until recently, to appeal to an Australian ear attuned to Bach and Mozart. 4 His aim, however, has not been to satisfy the (...)
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    Nonhuman Chimeras with Human Brain Cells.Eric Sotnak - 2007 - Between the Species 13 (7):8.
    Many people find the notion of blending humans and nonhumans together to create animals whose brains are composed entirely of human brain cells disturbing. I argue that these moral qualms lack adequate justification. I consider a number of reasons for objecting to the creation of such chimeras and argue that none of these reasons withstand scrutiny. I argue that the only plausible objections to these chimeras would require that they possess morally significant properties that would be lacked by (...)
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    Nietzsche’s Sorrentino Politics.Peter Durno Murray - 2024 - Nietzsche Studien 53 (1):155-181.
    The passages composed by Nietzsche around the time he spent at Sorrento reflect an engagement with the anarcho-utopian socialist milieu into which he had been introduced by Malwida von Meysenbug. The “Sorrentino politics” that appear in Human, All Too Human I and II and later works need to be understood in the context of an affirmative form of political thought that could remedy the pessimism and nihilism that he finds in the politics of all sides. Nietzsche argues that the (...)
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    Le troisième œil.Fatimah Tobing Rony - 2007 - Multitudes 2 (2):75-86.
    Résumé Ce texte se compose de trois extraits de l’ouvrage de Fatimah Tobing Rony, The Third Eye. Race, Cinema, and Ethnographic Spectacle, dans lequel l’auteure explore les représentations des « indigènes » non occidentaux au début du XX e siècle, entre cinéma, culture populaire et ethnographie. Elle met en évidence le rôle des images dans la perception de l’altérité à travers la notion de « troisième œil », soit l’expérience consistant à regarder tout en étant soi-même regardé comme un (...)
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    The projective theory of consciousness: from neuroscience to philosophical psychology.Alfredo Pereira Jr - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (s1):199-232.
    : The development of the interdisciplinary areas of cognitive, affective and action neurosciences contributes to the identification of neurobiological bases of conscious experience. The structure of consciousness was philosophically conceived a century ago as consisting of a subjective pole, the bearer of experiences, and an objective pole composed of experienced contents. In more recent formulations, Nagel refers to a “point of view”, in which qualitative experiences are anchored, while Velmans understands that phenomenal content is composed of mental representations (...)
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    Time Translation of Quantum Properties.Roberto Laura & Leonardo Vanni - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (2):160-173.
    Based on the notion of time translation, we develop a formalism to deal with the logic of quantum properties at different times. In our formalism it is possible to enlarge the usual notion of context to include composed properties involving properties at different times. We compare our results with the theory of consistent histories.
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  40. Computation, external factors, and cognitive explanations.Amir Horowitz - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (1):65-80.
    Computational properties, it is standardly assumed, are to be sharply distinguished from semantic properties. Specifically, while it is standardly assumed that the semantic properties of a cognitive system are externally or non-individualistically individuated, computational properties are supposed to be individualistic and internal. Yet some philosophers (e.g., Tyler Burge) argue that content impacts computation, and further, that environmental factors impact computation. Oron Shagrir has recently argued for these theses in a novel way, and gave them novel interpretations. In this paper I (...)
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  41. The Architecture of the Mind:Massive Modularity and the Flexibility of Thought: Massive Modularity and the Flexibility of Thought.Peter Carruthers - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    This book is a comprehensive development and defense of one of the guiding assumptions of evolutionary psychology: that the human mind is composed of a large number of semi-independent modules. The Architecture of the Mind has three main goals. One is to argue for massive mental modularity. Another is to answer a 'How possibly?' challenge to any such approach. The first part of the book lays out the positive case supporting massive modularity. It also outlines how the thesis should (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Non-reductive physicalism and degrees of freedom.Jessica Wilson - 2010 - British Journal for Philosophy of Science 61 (2):279-311.
    Some claim that Non- reductive Physicalism is an unstable position, on grounds that NRP either collapses into reductive physicalism, or expands into emergentism of a robust or ‘strong’ variety. I argue that this claim is unfounded, by attention to the notion of a degree of freedom—roughly, an independent parameter needed to characterize an entity as being in a state functionally relevant to its law-governed properties and behavior. I start by distinguishing three relations that may hold between the degrees of (...)
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    Free public reason: making it up as we go.Fred D'Agostino - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Free Public Reason examines the idea of public justification, stressing its importance but also questioning the coherence of the concept itself. Although public justification is employed in the work of theorists such as John Rawls, Jeremy Waldron, Thomas Nagel, and others, it has received little attention on its own as a philosophical concept. In this book Fred D'Agostino shows that the concept is composed of various values, interests, and notions of the good, and that no ranking of these is (...)
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    Essays in Ancient Epistemology.Gail Fine - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume draws together a series of thirteen essays on ancient epistemology by Gail Fine. She discusses knowledge, belief, subjectivity, and scepticism in Plato, Aristotle, and the Pyrrhonian sceptics. They consider such questions as: is episteme knowledge? Is doxa belief? Do the ancientshave the notion of subjectivity? Do any of them countenance external world scepticism? Several essays compare these philosophers with one another, as well as with more recent discussions of knowledge, belief, subjectivity, and scepticism, asking how if at (...)
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    Mereology: A Philosophical Introduction.Giorgio Lando - 2017 - London, UK: Bloomsbury.
    Parthood and composition are everywhere. The leg of a table is part of the table, the word "Christmas" is part of the sentence "I wish you a merry Christmas", the 13th century is part of the Middle Ages. The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg compose Benelux, the body of a deer is composed of a huge number of cells, the Middle Ages are composed of the Early Middle Ages, High Middle Ages, and Late Middle Ages. Is there really a (...)
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    Winged Words to Yemen.Ralph Lerner - forthcoming - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale.
    The Epistle to Yemen (composed in 1172) offers a rare opportunity to observe an individual of genuine philosophical stature engaging in popular enlightenment. As in his other works, Moses Maimonides appears here as a religious teacher, but one who goes beyond that and insists on introducing his audience to elementary notions of evidence, credibility, probability, and critical judgment.His Epistle is a decidedly political speech, both in subject matter and in manner of treatment.
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    Il Y a du quotidien: Levinas and Heidegger on the self.Michael Fagenblat - 2002 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 28 (5):578-604.
    Levinas's notion of il y a (there is) existence is shown to be the organizing principle behind his challenge to Being and Time. The two main aspects of that challenge propose an ontology that is not entirely reduced to being-in-the-world and a correlative account of the self that is not entirely reduced to context. In that way Levinas attempts first to restore unconditional value to the self and then to 'produce' a pluralist social ontology based on the independence of (...)
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    Method and Mathematics: Peter Ramus's Histories of the Sciences.Robert Goulding - 2006 - Journal of the History of Ideas 67 (1):63-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Method and Mathematics:Peter Ramus's Histories of the SciencesRobert GouldingPeter Ramus (1515–72) was, at first sight, the least likely person to write an influential history of mathematics. For one thing, he was clearly no great mathematician himself. His sympathetic biographer Nicholas Nancel related that Ramus would spend the mornings being coached in mathematics by a team of experts he had assembled, and in the afternoon would lecture on the very (...)
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    On Misunderstanding Heraclitus: the Justice of Organisation Structure.David Shaw - 2019 - Philosophy of Management 18 (2):157-167.
    Writers on organisational change often refer to the cosmology of Heraclitus in their work. Some use these references to support arguments for the constancy and universality of organisational change and the consignment to history of organisational continuity and stability. These writers misunderstand the scope of what Heraclitus said. Other writers focus exclusively on the idea that originated with Heraclitus that the universe is composed of processes and not of things. This idea, which has been particularly associated with Heraclitus’s thought (...)
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    Authenticities: Philosophical Reflections on Musical Performance.Günter Zöller - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (4):638.
    Kivy distinguishes between three different claims to authenticity in the historical performance movement: authenticity with respect to the composer’s intention, authenticity with regard to sound, and authenticity in matters of performance practice. To this, Kivy adds a fourth notion of authenticity that does not figure in the idealized self-description of the historical performance movement but rather points to an alternative kind of authenticity championed by Kivy himself: the authenticity that a performance might have due to the sincerity of the (...)
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