Results for 'Computable topology'

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  1.  19
    Computable Topological Groups.K. O. H. Heer Tern, Alexander G. Melnikov & N. G. Keng Meng - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-33.
    We investigate what it means for a (Hausdorff, second-countable) topological group to be computable. We compare several potential definitions based on classical notions in the literature. We relate these notions with the well-established definitions of effective presentability for discrete and profinite groups, and compare our results with similar results in computable topology.
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    A journey through computability, topology and analysis.Manlio Valenti - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):266-267.
    This thesis is devoted to the exploration of the complexity of some mathematical problems using the framework of computable analysis and descriptive set theory. We will especially focus on Weihrauch reducibility as a means to compare the uniform computational strength of problems. After a short introduction of the relevant background notions, we investigate the uniform computational content of problems arising from theorems that lie at the higher levels of the reverse mathematics hierarchy.We first analyze the strength of the open (...)
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    On Turing degrees of points in computable topology.Iraj Kalantari & Larry Welch - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (5):470-482.
    This paper continues our study of computable point-free topological spaces and the metamathematical points in them. For us, a point is the intersection of a sequence of basic open sets with compact and nested closures. We call such a sequence a sharp filter. A function fF from points to points is generated by a function F from basic open sets to basic open sets such that sharp filters map to sharp filters. We restrict our study to functions that have (...)
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    Chainable and circularly chainable semicomputable sets in computable topological spaces.Eugen Čičković, Zvonko Iljazović & Lucija Validžić - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (7-8):885-897.
    We examine conditions under which, in a computable topological space, a semicomputable set is computable. It is known that in a computable metric space a semicomputable set S is computable if S is a continuum chainable from a to b, where a and b are computable points, or S is a circularly chainable continuum which is not chainable. We prove that this result holds in any computable topological space.
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    On degree-preserving homeomorphisms between trees in computable topology.Iraj Kalantari & Larry Welch - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (7-8):679-693.
    In this paper we first give a variant of a theorem of Jockusch–Lewis– Remmel on existence of a computable, degree-preserving homeomorphism between a bounded strong ${\Pi^0_2}$ class and a bounded ${\Pi^0_1}$ class in 2 ω . Namely, we show that for mathematically common and interesting topological spaces, such as computably presented ${\mathbb{R}^n}$ , we can obtain a similar result where the homeomorphism is in fact the identity mapping. Second, we apply this finding to give a new, priority-free proof of (...)
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    Computability of measurable sets via effective topologies.Yongcheng Wu & Decheng Ding - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (3):365-379.
    We investigate in the frame of TTE the computability of functions of the measurable sets from an infinite computable measure space such as the measure and the four kinds of set operations. We first present a series of undecidability and incomputability results about measurable sets. Then we construct several examples of computable topological spaces from the abstract infinite computable measure space, and analyze the computability of the considered functions via respectively each of the standard representations of the (...)
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    Comparing Computability in Two Topologies.Djamel Eddine Amir & Mathieu Hoyrup - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (3):1232-1250.
    Computable analysis provides ways of representing points in a topological space, and therefore of defining a notion of computable points of the space. In this article, we investigate when two topologies on the same space induce different sets of computable points. We first study a purely topological version of the problem, which is to understand when two topologies are not $\sigma $ -homeomorphic. We obtain a characterization leading to an effective version, and we prove that two topologies (...)
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    Computing the topological entropy of shifts.Christoph Spandl - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (4):493-510.
    Different characterizations of classes of shift dynamical systems via labeled digraphs, languages, and sets of forbidden words are investigated. The corresponding naming systems are analyzed according to reducibility and particularly with regard to the computability of the topological entropy relative to the presented naming systems. It turns out that all examined natural representations separate into two equivalence classes and that the topological entropy is not computable in general with respect to the defined natural representations. However, if a specific labeled (...)
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  9.  32
    On Computation of Recently Defined Degree-Based Topological Indices of Some Families of Convex Polytopes via M-Polynomial.Deeba Afzal, Farkhanda Afzal, Mohammad Reza Farahani & Samia Ali - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    Topological indices are of incredible significance in the field of graph theory. Convex polytopes play a significant role both in various branches of mathematics and also in applied areas, most notably in linear programming. We have calculated some topological indices such as atom-bond connectivity index, geometric arithmetic index, K-Banhatti indices, and K-hyper-Banhatti indices and modified K-Banhatti indices from some families of convex polytopes through M-polynomials. The M-polynomials of the graphs provide us with a great help to calculate the topological indices (...)
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  10.  21
    Topology, computational models, and social‐cognitive complexity.Jürgen Klüver & Christina Stoica - 2006 - Complexity 11 (4):43-55.
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    Computing Some Degree-Based Topological Indices of Honeycomb Networks.Lili Gu, Shamaila Yousaf, Akhlaq Ahmad Bhatti, Peng Xu & Adnan Aslam - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    A topological index is a numeric quantity related with the chemical composition claiming to correlate the chemical structure with different chemical properties. Topological indices serve to predict physicochemical properties of chemical substance. Among different topological indices, degree-based topological indices would be helpful in investigating the anti-inflammatory activities of certain chemical networks. In the current study, we determine the neighborhood second Zagreb index and the first extended first-order connectivity index for oxide network O X n, silicate network S L n, chain (...)
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  12.  37
    Computability of pseudo-cubes.Marko Horvat, Zvonko Iljazović & Bojan Pažek - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (8):102823.
    We examine topological pairs (\Delta, \Sigma) which have computable type: if X is a computable topological space and f:\Delta \rightarrow X a topological embedding such that f(\Delta) and f(\Sigma) are semicomputable sets in X, then f(\Delta) is a computable set in X. It it known that (D, W) has computable type, where D is the Warsaw disc and W is the Warsaw circle. In this paper we identify a class of topological pairs which are similar to (...)
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  13.  17
    Topology optimization of computer communication network based on improved genetic algorithm.Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor, Jilei Zhang, Yuhong Fan & Hua Ai - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):651-659.
    The topology optimization of computer communication network is studied based on improved genetic algorithm, a network optimization design model based on the establishment of network reliability maximization under given cost constraints, and the corresponding improved GA is proposed. In this method, the corresponding computer communication network cost model and computer communication network reliability model are established through a specific project, and the genetic intelligence algorithm is used to solve the cost model and computer communication network reliability model, respectively. It (...)
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  14.  45
    Quantum Physics, Topology, Formal Languages, Computation: A Categorical View as Homage to David Hilbert.Chiara Marletto & Mario Rasetti - 2014 - Perspectives on Science 22 (1):98-114.
    . The deep structural properties of a quantum information theoretic approach to formal languages and universal computation, as well as those of the topology problem of defining the presentation of the Mapping Class Group of a smooth, compact manifold are shown to be grounded in the common categorical features of the two problems.
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  15.  27
    Computably Compact Metric Spaces.Rodney G. Downey & Alexander G. Melnikov - 2023 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 29 (2):170-263.
    We give a systematic technical exposition of the foundations of the theory of computably compact metric spaces. We discover several new characterizations of computable compactness and apply these characterizations to prove new results in computable analysis and effective topology. We also apply the technique of computable compactness to give new and less combinatorially involved proofs of known results from the literature. Some of these results do not have computable compactness or compact spaces in their statements, (...)
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  16.  18
    Computability of graphs.Zvonko Iljazović - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (1):51-64.
    We consider topological pairs,, which have computable type, which means that they have the following property: if X is a computable topological space and a topological imbedding such that and are semicomputable sets in X, then is a computable set in X. It is known, e.g., that has computable type if M is a compact manifold with boundary. In this paper we examine topological spaces called graphs and we show that we can in a natural way (...)
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  17.  40
    Topologic organization of context fields for sensorimotor coordination.Pietro Morasso, Vittorio Sanguineti & Francesco Frisone - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):693-693.
    In field computing a topologic organization of CFs is necessary to support sensorimotor planning. A simple model of cortical dynamics can exploit such topologic organization.
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  18.  80
    Computational Modeling in Philosophy.Simon Scheller, Merdes Christoph & Stephan Hartmann (eds.) - 2022
    Computational modeling should play a central role in philosophy. In this introduction to our topical collection, we propose a small topology of computational modeling in philosophy in general, and show how the various contributions to our topical collection ft into this overall picture. On this basis, we describe some of the ways in which computational models from other disciplines have found their way into philosophy, and how the principles one found here still underlie current trends in the feld. Moreover, (...)
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  19.  70
    Topological Self‐Organization and Prediction Learning Support Both Action and Lexical Chains in the Brain.Fabian Chersi, Marcello Ferro, Giovanni Pezzulo & Vito Pirrelli - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (3):476-491.
    A growing body of evidence in cognitive psychology and neuroscience suggests a deep interconnection between sensory-motor and language systems in the brain. Based on recent neurophysiological findings on the anatomo-functional organization of the fronto-parietal network, we present a computational model showing that language processing may have reused or co-developed organizing principles, functionality, and learning mechanisms typical of premotor circuit. The proposed model combines principles of Hebbian topological self-organization and prediction learning. Trained on sequences of either motor or linguistic units, the (...)
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  20.  17
    Topological Aspects of Molecular Networks: Crystal Cubic Carbons.Muhammad Javaid, Aqsa Sattar & Ebenezer Bonyah - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    Theory of networks serves as a mathematical foundation for the construction and modeling of chemical structures and complicated networks. In particular, chemical networking theory has a wide range of utilizations in the study of chemical structures, where examination and manipulation of chemical structural information are made feasible by utilizing the numerical graph invariants. A network invariant or a topological index is a numerical measure of a chemical compound which is capable to describe the chemical structural properties such as melting point, (...)
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  21.  28
    Computable metrization.Tanja Grubba, Matthias Schröder & Klaus Weihrauch - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (4‐5):381-395.
    Every second-countable regular topological space X is metrizable. For a given “computable” topological space satisfying an axiom of computable regularity M. Schröder [10] has constructed a computable metric. In this article we study whether this metric space can be considered computationally as a subspace of some computable metric space [15]. While Schröder's construction is “pointless”, i. e., only sets of a countable base but no concrete points are known, for a computable metric space a concrete (...)
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  22.  19
    Computable approximations of a chainable continuum with a computable endpoint.Zvonko Iljazović & Matea Jelić - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (1):181-201.
    It is known that a semicomputable continuum S in a computable topological space can be approximated by a computable subcontinuum by any given precision under condition that S is chainable and decomposable. In this paper we show that decomposability can be replaced by the assumption that S is chainable from a to b, where a is a computable point.
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    On Dynamic Topological and Metric Logics.B. Konev, R. Kontchakov, F. Wolter & M. Zakharyaschev - 2006 - Studia Logica 84 (1):129-160.
    We investigate computational properties of propositional logics for dynamical systems. First, we consider logics for dynamic topological systems (W.f), fi, where W is a topological space and f a homeomorphism on W. The logics come with ‘modal’ operators interpreted by the topological closure and interior, and temporal operators interpreted along the orbits {w, f(w), f2 (w), ˙˙˙} of points w ε W. We show that for various classes of topological spaces the resulting logics are not recursively enumerable (and so not (...)
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  24. Computational modeling in philosophy: introduction to a topical collection.Simon Scheller, Christoph Merdes & Stephan Hartmann - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-10.
    Computational modeling should play a central role in philosophy. In this introduction to our topical collection, we propose a small topology of computational modeling in philosophy in general, and show how the various contributions to our topical collection fit into this overall picture. On this basis, we describe some of the ways in which computational models from other disciplines have found their way into philosophy, and how the principles one found here still underlie current trends in the field. Moreover, (...)
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  25.  20
    Reusing Topological Nexttime Logic.Bernhard Heinemann - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (6):1207-1234.
    In this paper, a particular extension of the constitutive bi-modal logic for single-agent subset spaces will be provided. That system, which originally was designed for revealing the intrinsic relationship between knowledge and topology, has been developed in several directions in recent years, not least towards a comprehensive knowledge-theoretic formalism. This line is followed here to the extent that subset spaces are supplied with a finite number of functions which shall represent certain knowledge-enabling actions. Due to the corresponding functional modalities, (...)
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  26. A Study on Fog Computing Environment Mobility and Migration.R. J. Pedro - 2018 - 22nd International Conference Electronics 22.
    Cloud Computing paradigm has reached a high degree of popularity among all kinds of computer users, but it may not be suitable for mobile devices as they need computing power to be as close as possible to data sources in order to reduce delays. This paper focuses on achieving mathematical models for users moving around and proposes an overlay mobility model for Fog Data Centres based on traditional wireless mobility models aimed at better allocating edge computing resources to client demands. (...)
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  27.  18
    Vertex-Edge-Degree-Based Topological Properties for Hex-Derived Networks.Ali Ahmad & Muhammad Imran - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    A topological index can be focused on uprising of a chemical structure into a real number. The degree-based topological indices have an active place among all topological indices. These topological descriptors intentionally associate certain physicochemical assets of the corresponding chemical compounds. Graph theory plays a very useful role in such type of research directions. The hex-derived networks have vast applications in computer science, physical sciences, and medical science, and these networks are constructed by hexagonal mesh networks. In this paper, we (...)
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  28. Topological complexity of locally finite ω-languages.Olivier Finkel - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (6):625-651.
    Locally finite omega languages were introduced by Ressayre [Formal languages defined by the underlying structure of their words. J Symb Log 53(4):1009–1026, 1988]. These languages are defined by local sentences and extend ω-languages accepted by Büchi automata or defined by monadic second order sentences. We investigate their topological complexity. All locally finite ω-languages are analytic sets, the class LOC ω of locally finite ω-languages meets all finite levels of the Borel hierarchy and there exist some locally finite ω-languages which are (...)
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  29.  34
    When series of computable functions with varying domains are computable.Iraj Kalantari & Larry Welch - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (6):471-493.
  30.  48
    Topological aspects of branching-time semantics.Michela Sabbadin & Alberto Zanardo - 2003 - Studia Logica 75 (3):271 - 286.
    The aim of this paper is to present a new perspective under which branching-time semantics can be viewed. The set of histories (maximal linearly ordered sets) in a tree structure can be endowed in a natural way with a topological structure. Properties of trees and of bundled trees can be expressed in topological terms. In particular, we can consider the new notion of topological validity for Ockhamist temporal formulae. It will be proved that this notion of validity is equivalent to (...)
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  31.  28
    Topological Modification of Brain Networks Organization in Children With High Intelligence Quotient: A Resting-State fMRI Study.Ilaria Suprano, Chantal Delon-Martin, Gabriel Kocevar, Claudio Stamile, Salem Hannoun, Sophie Achard, Amanpreet Badhwar, Pierre Fourneret, Olivier Revol, Fanny Nusbaum & Dominique Sappey-Marinier - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:455520.
    The idea that intelligence is embedded not only in a single brain network, but instead in a complex, well-optimized system of complementary networks, has led to the development of whole brain network analysis. Using graph theory to analyze resting-state functional MRI data, we investigated the brain graph networks (or brain networks) of high intelligence quotient (HIQ) children. To this end, we computed the “hub disruption index κ”, an index sensitive to graph network modifications. We found significant topological differences in the (...)
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  32.  18
    Topology Optimization of Interactive Visual Communication Networks Based on the Non-Line-of-Sight Congestion Control Algorithm.Boya Liu & Xiaobo Zhou - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-11.
    In this paper, an in-depth study of interactive visual communication of network topology through non-line-of-sight congestion control algorithms is conducted to address the real-time routing problem of adapting to dynamic topologies, and a delay-constrained stochastic routing algorithm is proposed to enable packets to reach GB within the delay threshold in the absence of end-to-end delay information while improving network throughput and reducing network resource consumption. The algorithm requires each sending node to select an available relay set based on the (...)
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  33. Fuzzy Topology and Łukasiewicz Logics from the Viewpoint of Duality Theory.Yoshihiro Maruyama - 2010 - Studia Logica 94 (2):245-269.
    This paper explores relationships between many-valued logic and fuzzy topology from the viewpoint of duality theory. We first show a fuzzy topological duality for the algebras of Łukasiewicz n -valued logic with truth constants, which generalizes Stone duality for Boolean algebras to the n -valued case via fuzzy topology. Then, based on this duality, we show a fuzzy topological duality for the algebras of modal Łukasiewicz n -valued logic with truth constants, which generalizes Jónsson-Tarski duality for modal algebras (...)
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  34.  80
    Simplicity in effective topology.Iraj Kalantari & Anne Leggett - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (1):169-183.
    The recursion-theoretic study of mathematical structures other thanωis now a field of much activity. Analysis and algebra are two such structures which have been studied for their effective contents. Studies in analysis began with the work of Specker on nonconstructive proofs in analysis [16] and in Lacombe's inspiring notes on relevant notions of recursive analysis [8]. Studies in algebra originated in the work of Frolich and Shepherdson on effective extensions of explicit fields [1] and in Rabin's study of computable (...)
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  35. Topology and Life Redux: Robert Rosen’s Relational Diagrams of Living Systems. [REVIEW]A. H. Louie & Stephen W. Kercel - 2007 - Axiomathes 17 (2):109-136.
    Algebraic/topological descriptions of living processes are indispensable to the understanding of both biological and cognitive functions. This paper presents a fundamental algebraic description of living/cognitive processes and exposes its inherent ambiguity. Since ambiguity is forbidden to computation, no computational description can lend insight to inherently ambiguous processes. The impredicativity of these models is not a flaw, but is, rather, their strength. It enables us to reason with ambiguous mathematical representations of ambiguous natural processes. The noncomputability of these structures means computerized (...)
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  36.  10
    Computable Vs Descriptive Combinatorics of Local Problems on Trees.Felix Weilacher - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (4):1835-1849.
    We study the position of the computable setting in the “common theory of locality” developed in [4, 5] for local problems on $\Delta $ -regular trees, $\Delta \in \omega $. We show that such a problem admits a computable solution on every highly computable $\Delta $ -regular forest if and only if it admits a Baire measurable solution on every Borel $\Delta $ -regular forest. We also show that if such a problem admits a computable solution (...)
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  37.  19
    Coarse computability, the density metric, Hausdorff distances between Turing degrees, perfect trees, and reverse mathematics.Denis R. Hirschfeldt, Carl G. Jockusch & Paul E. Schupp - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 (2).
    For [Formula: see text], the coarse similarity class of A, denoted by [Formula: see text], is the set of all [Formula: see text] such that the symmetric difference of A and B has asymptotic density 0. There is a natural metric [Formula: see text] on the space [Formula: see text] of coarse similarity classes defined by letting [Formula: see text] be the upper density of the symmetric difference of A and B. We study the metric space of coarse similarity classes (...)
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  38.  33
    Computational Models and Virtual Reality. New Perspectives of Research in Chemistry.Klaus Mainzer - 1999 - Hyle 5 (2):135 - 144.
    Molecular models are typical topics of chemical research depending on the technical standards of observation, computation, and representation. Mathematically, molecular structures have been represented by means of graph theory, topology, differential equations, and numerical procedures. With the increasing capabilities of computer networks, computational models and computer-assisted visualization become an essential part of chemical research. Object-oriented programming languages create a virtual reality of chemical structures opening new avenues of exploration and collaboration in chemistry. From an epistemic point of view, virtual (...)
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  39.  44
    Computing links and accessing arcs.Timothy H. McNicholl - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (1-2):101-107.
    Sufficient conditions are given for the computation of an arc that accesses a point on the boundary of an open subset of the plane from a point within the set. The existence of a not-computably-accessible but computable point on a computably compact arc is also demonstrated.
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    Topology and Morphogenesis.Xin Wei Sha - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (4-5):220-246.
    One can use mathematics not as an instrument or measure, or a replacement for God, but as a poetic articulation, or perhaps as a stammered experimental approach to cultural dynamics. I choose to start with the simplest symbolic substances that respect the lifeworld’s continuous dynamism, temporality, boundless morphogenesis, superposability, continuity, density and value, and yet are independent of measure, metric, counting, finitude, formal logic, syntax, grammar, digitality and computability – in short, free of the formal structures that would put a (...)
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  41.  30
    A computable version of Banach’s Inverse Mapping Theorem.Vasco Brattka - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 157 (2-3):85-96.
    Given a program of a linear bounded and bijective operator T, does there exist a program for the inverse operator T−1? And if this is the case, does there exist a general algorithm to transfer a program of T into a program of T−1? This is the inversion problem for computable linear operators on Banach spaces in its non-uniform and uniform formulation, respectively. We study this problem from the point of view of computable analysis which is the Turing (...)
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  42.  12
    Topology, Algebra, Diagrams.Brian Rotman - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (4-5):247-260.
    Starting from Poincaré’s assignment of an algebraic object to a topological manifold, namely the fundamental group, this article introduces the concept of categories and their language of arrows that has, since their mid-20th-century inception, altered how large areas of mathematics, from algebra to abstract logic and computer programming, are conceptualized. The assignment of the fundamental group is an example of a functor, an arrow construction central to the notion of a category. The exposition of category theory’s arrows, which operate at (...)
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    (1 other version)R. H. Urbano and R. K. Mueller. A topological method for the determination of the minimal forms of a Boolean function. Transactions of the IRE Professional. Group on Electronic Computers, vol. EC-5 no. 3 , pp. 126–132. - David M. Brender. The logical procedures needed for finding the minimals of a Boolean function on a digital computer. Summaries of talks presented at the Summer Institute for Symbolic Logic, Cornell University, 1957, 2nd edn., Communications Research Division, Institute for Defense Analyses, Princeton, N.J., 1960, p. 210. [REVIEW]Thomas H. Mott - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (4):368-370.
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    Digital Design and Topological Control.Luciana Parisi - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (4-5):165-192.
    At the turn of the 21st century, topology, the mathematical study of spatial properties that remain the same under the continuous deformation of objects, has come to invest all fields of aesthetics and culture. In particular, the algebraic topology of continuity has added to the digital realm of binary information, the on and off states of 0s and 1s, an invariant property, which now governs the relation between different forms of data. As this invariant function of continual transformation (...)
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    Effective inseparability in a topological setting.Dieter Spreen - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 80 (3):257-275.
    Effective inseparability of pairs of sets is an important notion in logic and computer science. We study the effective inseparability of sets which appear as index sets of subsets of an effectively given topological T0-space and discuss its consequences. It is shown that for two disjoint subsets X and Y of the space one can effectively find a witness that the index set of X cannot be separated from the index set of Y by a recursively enumerable set, if X (...)
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    Algebraic and topological semantics for inquisitive logic via choice-free duality.Nick Bezhanishvili, Gianluca Grilletti & Wesley H. Holliday - 2019 - In Rosalie Iemhoff, Michael Moortgat & Ruy de Queiroz (eds.), Logic, Language, Information, and Computation. WoLLIC 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11541. Springer. pp. 35-52.
    We introduce new algebraic and topological semantics for inquisitive logic. The algebraic semantics is based on special Heyting algebras, which we call inquisitive algebras, with propositional valuations ranging over only the ¬¬-fixpoints of the algebra. We show how inquisitive algebras arise from Boolean algebras: for a given Boolean algebra B, we define its inquisitive extension H(B) and prove that H(B) is the unique inquisitive algebra having B as its algebra of ¬¬-fixpoints. We also show that inquisitive algebras determine Medvedev’s logic (...)
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    Computable and continuous partial homomorphisms on metric partial algebras.Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen & John V. Tucker - 2003 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9 (3):299-334.
    We analyse the connection between the computability and continuity of functions in the case of homomorphisms between topological algebraic structures. Inspired by the Pour-El and Richards equivalence theorem between computability and boundedness for closed linear operators on Banach spaces, we study the rather general situation of partial homomorphisms between metric partial universal algebras. First, we develop a set of basic notions and results that reveal some of the delicate algebraic, topological and effective properties of partial algebras. Our main computability concepts (...)
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    Topological Representation of the Lambda-Calculus.Steve Awodey - 2000 - Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 10 (1):81-96.
    The [lambda]-calculus can be represented topologically by assigning certain spaces to the types and certain continuous maps to the terms. Using a recent result from category theory, the usual calculus of [lambda]-conversion is shown to be deductively complete with respect to such topological semantics. It is also shown to be functionally complete, in the sense that there is always a ‘minimal’ topological model in which every continuous function is [lambda]-definable. These results subsume earlier ones using cartesian closed categories, as well (...)
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  49. Topological Foundations of Cognitive Science.Carola Eschenbach, Christopher Habel & Barry Smith (eds.) - 1984 - Hamburg: Graduiertenkolleg Kognitionswissenschaft.
    A collection of papers presented at the First International Summer Institute in Cognitive Science, University at Buffalo, July 1994, including the following papers: ** Topological Foundations of Cognitive Science, Barry Smith ** The Bounds of Axiomatisation, Graham White ** Rethinking Boundaries, Wojciech Zelaniec ** Sheaf Mereology and Space Cognition, Jean Petitot ** A Mereotopological Definition of 'Point', Carola Eschenbach ** Discreteness, Finiteness, and the Structure of Topological Spaces, Christopher Habel ** Mass Reference and the Geometry of Solids, Almerindo E. Ojeda (...)
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    A Model Theory of Topology.Paolo Lipparini - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-35.
    An algebraization of the notion of topology has been proposed more than 70 years ago in a classical paper by McKinsey and Tarski, leading to an area of research still active today, with connections to algebra, geometry, logic and many applications, in particular, to modal logics. In McKinsey and Tarski’s setting the model theoretical notion of homomorphism does not correspond to the notion of continuity. We notice that the two notions correspond if instead we consider a preorder relation \( (...)
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