Results for 'Felix Weilacher'

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  1.  10
    Computable Vs Descriptive Combinatorics of Local Problems on Trees.Felix Weilacher - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (4):1835-1849.
    We study the position of the computable setting in the “common theory of locality” developed in [4, 5] for local problems on $\Delta $ -regular trees, $\Delta \in \omega $. We show that such a problem admits a computable solution on every highly computable $\Delta $ -regular forest if and only if it admits a Baire measurable solution on every Borel $\Delta $ -regular forest. We also show that if such a problem admits a computable solution on every computable maximum (...)
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    Contre La Metaphysique: Questions de Methode.Felix Le Dantec - 2013 - Félix Alcan.
    Contre la metaphysique: questions de methode / par Felix Le Dantec,...Date de l'edition originale: 1912Collection: Bibliotheque de philosophie contemporaineCe livre est la reproduction fidele d'une oeuvre publiee avant 1920 et fait partie d'une collection de livres reimprimes a la demande editee par Hachette Livre, dans le cadre d'un partenariat avec la Bibliotheque nationale de France, offrant l'opportunite d'acceder a des ouvrages anciens et souvent rares issus des fonds patrimoniaux de la BnF.Les oeuvres faisant partie de cette collection ont ete (...)
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    Molecular Revolution in Brazil.Felix Guattari & Suely Rolnik - 2007 - Semiotext(E).
    Molecular Revolution in BrazilFélix Guattari and Suely Rolniktranslated by KarelClapshow and Brian HolmesYes, I believe that there is a multiple people, a people of mutants, apeople of potentialities that appears and disappears, that is embodied in social, literary, andmusical events.... I think that we're in a period of productivity, proliferation, creation, utterlyfabulous revolutions from the viewpoint of this emergence of a people. That's molecular revolution:it isn't a slogan or a program, it's something that I feel, that I live....--from MolecularRevolution in (...)
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    An Approach to Building Quantum Field Theory Based on Non-Diophantine Arithmetics.Mark Burgin & Felix Lev - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (2):325-350.
    The problem of infinities in quantum field theory (QFT) is a longstanding problem in particle physics. To solve this problem, different renormalization techniques have been suggested but the problem persists. Here we suggest another approach to the elimination of infinities in QFT, which is based on non-Diophantine arithmetics – a novel mathematical area that already found useful applications in physics, psychology, and other areas. To achieve this goal, new non-Diophantine arithmetics are constructed and their properties are studied. In addition, non-Diophantine (...)
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  5. Departure for Modern Europ. Philosophy between 1400 and 1700.Felix Meiner Verlag (ed.) - 2010
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    (1 other version)Foundations of Biology.H. G. Callan & Felix Mainx - 1956 - Philosophical Quarterly 6 (24):284.
  7. The Diplomats: 1919-1939.Gordon A. Craig & Felix Gilbert - 1954 - Science and Society 18 (1):79-80.
  8. What were the adverse events for Dupuytren's patients treated with Xiaflex who had contractures less than 20°?M. Felix Freshwater - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 1--2.
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    Dispatches from the Eastern Front: a political education from the Nixon years to the age of Obama.Gerald Felix Warburg - 2014 - Baltimore, MD: Bancroft Press.
    How does one arrive at a life in politics and policy? What happens to one's ideals when confronted with the reality that the only way to get things done in Washington is compromise? Who are the men and women who help shape our national agenda, and what drives their work? Dispatches From the Eastern Front provides fascinating, intensely personal, yet universal answers to these central questions. Recounting four decades inside Washington politics, Gerald Felix Warburg brings remarkable candor to a (...)
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  10.  32
    Theories of Alienation.R. Felix Geyer & David R. Schweitzer - 1978 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 39 (2):285-286.
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    O Paraguai como arma eleitoral: representações e identidade nacional nos jornais de Buenos Aires durante a campanha presidencial argentina de 1873-1874.Bruno Felix Segatto - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (3):109-131.
    Este artigo visa analisar de que modo as questões pertinentes à situação do Paraguai do Pós-Guerra da Tríplice Aliança serviram de instrumento de luta político-partidária entre nacionalistas e autonomistas durante a campanha presidencial argentina de 1873 e 1874. Para isso, foram consultados alguns jornais de Buenos Aires, uma vez que eram os principais canalizadores dos debates públicos e difusores de representações. Da análise das fontes pode-se apontar que a facção autonomista fez daquele conflito, da ocupação do Paraguai e das questões (...)
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    Inteligência espiritual: um estudo sobre o despertar de uma espiritualidade não religiosa como qualidade humana profunda nas organizações.Jonathan Felix de Souza - forthcoming - Horizonte:1412.
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  13. L'éducation des sentiments, 1 vol.P. Félix Thomas - 1898 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 6 (6):1-2.
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  14. About life.Bianca Kennedy und Felix Kraus - 2016 - In Elif Özmen (ed.), Über Menschliches: Anthropologie zwischen Natur und Utopie. Münster: Mentis.
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  15. Partial truth: A short rejoinder and a new proposal.José Felix Tobar-Arbulu - 1988 - Epistemologia 11 (1):141.
  16.  21
    Demanding and encouraging. Education, what for?Félix Von Cube - 1985 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 12:71.
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  17. Sustainable governance and management of food systems: ethical perspectives.Cristian Timmermann & Georges F. Félix - 2019 - Wageningen Academic Publishers.
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    As Leituras Que Michel Foucault Fez de Adam Smith: Uma Breve História Do Pensamento Econômico.Claudio Vinicius Felix Medeiros - 2014 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 6 (11):132-148.
    São duas as obras de Foucault privilegiadas neste estudo: As palavras e as coisas, de 1966, e Nascimento da biopolítica, de 1979. Uma das razões pelas quais é possível criar linhas diagonais de interpretação entre estes dois momentos da obra de Foucault é que em ambos os textos ele se debruça sobre a economia política de Smith, com um rigor tamanho que nos pareceu possível extrair daí o esboço de uma breve história do pensamento econômico. O objetivo deste artigo é (...)
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    The Influence of Menstrual Cycle and Androstadienone on Female Stress Reactions: An fMRI Study.Ka Chun Chung, Felix Peisen, Lydia Kogler, Sina Radke, Bruce Turetsky, Jessica Freiherr & Birgit Derntl - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Les phénomènes QUI commencent.Félix Le Dantec - 1910 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 69:249-274.
  21.  99
    Climate Change, Justice, and Sustainability

    The Right to Freedom, Protection Rights, and Balancing.
    Felix Ekardt - 2014 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (2):187-200.
    The debate on climate change needs normative visions and principles to provide orientation and to line up normative requirements. This may enable to provide a comprehensive view on energy and climate topics. This contribution, while dealing with justice, gives a perspective from ethics respectively from a (re-)interpretation of national constitutions, the EU Charter of fundamental rights and the European convention on human rights in the light of sustainability. It takes us to human rights as the basic norm of any liberal (...)
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    Fouilles de Délos. Le portique Tétragone.Félix Dürrbach - 1902 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 26 (1):480-553.
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    Inscriptions d'Aegosthènes et de Pagae.Félix Dürrbach - 1885 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 9 (1):318-322.
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    Inscriptions de la Pérée rhodienne.Félix Dürrbach & Georges Albert Radet - 1886 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 10 (1):245-269.
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    Inscriptions d'Oenoé, Pagae et Aegosthènes.Félix Dürrbach - 1889 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 13 (1):367-368.
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  26.  15
    Dar razón de la libertad en Kant y en Hegel.Félix Duque - 2004 - Tópicos 12:5-40.
    The article analyses and confronts the concepts of reason and freedom in Kant and Hegel in a contemporary perspective. It refutes the current interpretations of these authors and makes relevant the priority of freedom. Reason is possible only because of the existence of freedom. Such the famous circle acknowledged by Kant: reason is the grounding of freedom, whilst the latter is the grounding of reason. Hegel will agree with that "circle of feedback", but will endeavour to develop dialectically what in (...)
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  27.  67
    Elogio de la frialdad. Sobre el Estado de la modernidad postrevolucionaria.Félix Duque - 1994 - Isegoría 10:167-178.
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    Gegenbewegung der Zeit: Die hermeneutische Verschiebung der Religion in der Phänomenologie des jungen Heidegger.Félix Duque - 1999 - Heidegger Studies 15:97-116.
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    La descendencia de Heidegger: del pastor del ser al hombre auto-operable.Félix Duque - 2001 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22:17-40.
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    Los destinos de la tradición: filosofía de la historia de la filosofía.Félix Duque - 1989 - Barcelona: Anthropos.
    El presente trabajo revisa la historia del pensamiento occidental desde la reflexión de las distintas concepciones de lo que "historia" y "pensamiento" han significado.
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  31. La lógica de la objetividad y la asunción de la teología.FÉlix Duque - 1992 - Pensamiento 48 (189/192):257-278.
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  32. Las virtudes de la realidad.Félix Duque - 1999 - Laguna 6:153-172.
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  33.  93
    Martin Heidegger: En los confines de la Metafisica.Félix Duque - 1996 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13 (9):19.
    El ensayo se propone ofrecer una visión de conjunto de la obra de Martin Heidegger, centrada en el problema de la verdad del ser, verdad que brilla en la actitud del «estar-ahí a la muerte», en la obra de arte como cruce en quiasmo y enel ensamblaje cósmico de la Cuadratura. Se hace resaltar así la fuerte unidad que preside el camino del pensar heideggeriano, más allá de las consabidas, didácticas y artificiosas divisiones, vueltas y contravueltas; más allá, tanihién de (...)
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  34. «Nada hay que pueda ser más bello, ni llegar a serle.» La imagen de Grecia en Hegel y Hölderlin.Félix Duque - 2014 - Annuario Filosofico 30:128-153.
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  35.  61
    Die Philosophie in Freiheit setzen.Félix Duque - 1999 - Fichte-Studien 15:169-188.
  36.  13
    (2 other versions)Myers's A Text-book of Experimental Psychology.Felix Arnold - 1910 - Journal of Philosophy 7:640.
  37. Notes and News.Felix Arnold - 1907 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 4 (5):139.
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    Espen Dahl: Phenomenology and the Holy: Religious Experience After Husserl: London: SCM Press, 2010. ISBN 9780334043461, 330 pp, $90. [REVIEW]Felix O. Murchadha - 2013 - Husserl Studies 29 (3):255-261.
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    Bayle, Jurieu, and the ‘Dictionnaire Historique et Critique’. [REVIEW]Felix Waldmann - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (2):399-401.
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    Thomas Piketty. Capital and Ideology. Trans. Arthur Goldhammer. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2020. 1104 pp. [REVIEW]Till Breyer & Felix Kersting - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (3):613-615.
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    The Electron Coins of Phocaea and Mytilene. [REVIEW]Felix Eckstein - 1983 - Philosophy and History 16 (1):50-53.
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  42. La psicología de las emociones: Félix García Moriyón entrevista a Roberto Colom.Félix García Moriyón - 2005 - Diálogo Filosófico 62:223-256.
    La psicología y los psicólogos han dedicado bastante esfuerzo para conseguir una comprensión mejor y más profundea de las emociones y los sentimientos. Roberto Colom con sus respuestas nos ofrece una visión de primera mano de todas esas aportaciones así como el punto de vista de un psicólogo sobre el valos y la importancia de las emociones, los sntimientos y la vida afectiva en general para la personalidad humana.
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  43. Zur sozialethischen Verpflichtung der Kirche: Festschrift für Felix Tschudi.Felix Tschudi (ed.) - 1987 - Bern: Das Institut.
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  44. Rusty‐brown and Phacelia Blue? Landmark Art by the IBA.Udo Weilacher - 1999 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 26:61.
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    Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics: Felix Mühlhölzer in Conversation with Sebastian Grève.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2014 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 3 (2):151-180.
    Sebastian Grève interviews Felix Mühlhölzer on his work on the philosophy of mathematics.
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    Interview: Felix Guattari.Mark D. Seem & Felix Guattari - 1974 - Diacritics 4 (3):38.
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  47. Paul Felix Lazarsfeld.Paul Felix Lazarsfeld - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher (ed.), Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag. pp. 275.
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    Freedom, power, and political morality: essays for Felix Oppenheim.Felix E. Oppenheim, Ian Carter & Mario Ricciardi (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Palgrave.
    This collection of original essays on political and legal theory concentrates on themes dealt with in the work of Felix Oppenheim, including fundamental political and legal concepts and their implications for the scope of morality in politics and international relations. Among the issues addressed are the relationship between empirical and normative definitions of "freedom", "power", and "interests", whether governments are free to act against the national interest, and whether they can ever be morally obliged to do so.
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  49. "A mathematical proof must be surveyable" what Wittgenstein meant by this and what it implies.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2006 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 71 (1):57-86.
    In Part III of his Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics Wittgenstein deals with what he calls the surveyability of proofs. By this he means that mathematical proofs can be reproduced with certainty and in the manner in which we reproduce pictures. There are remarkable similarities between Wittgenstein's view of proofs and Hilbert's, but Wittgenstein, unlike Hilbert, uses his view mainly in critical intent. He tries to undermine foundational systems in mathematics, like logicist or set theoretic ones, by stressing the (...)
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  50. Towards a theory of Reparative Multiculturalism.Felix Lambrecht - 2023 - Ethnicities 23 (4):562–582.
    Contemporary liberal states must provide an answer to the “question of cultural diversity”, requiring a principled way to determine which minority cultural practices a state must accommodate and support. (Liberal egalitarian) multiculturalism answers this question neatly by creating a dichotomy between national minorities and ethnic minorities (the national/ethnic “dichotomy”). Where national minorities are entitled to extensive and far-reaching cultural rights, ethnic minorities are entitled to significantly fewer cultural rights and accommodations. This dichotomy is enacted through a distributive logic that allocates (...)
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