Results for 'Confidentiality'

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  1. 34 chapter 2 ethical dimensions of therapist-patient roles and relationships.D. Confidentiality - forthcoming - Bioethics.
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  2. Subject Index to Volume 29.Teen Smokers, Adolescent Patient Confidentiality & Whom Are We Kidding - 2001 - Substance 125 (131):279.
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  3.  24
    Medical confidentiality.Kenneth Kipnis - 2007 - In Rosamond Rhodes, Leslie P. Francis & Anita Silvers, The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 104–127.
    The prelims comprise: Background: The Concept of Information Management Clearing the Ground: What Professional Obligations are Not The Concept of a Professional Obligation The Duty to Diminish Risks to Third Parties A Defense of Unqualified Confidentiality Final Thoughts Notes.
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  4.  77
    Confidentiality revisited.Ke Yu - 2008 - Journal of Academic Ethics 6 (2):161-172.
    This article challenges the importance and necessity of confidentiality, which are often taken for granted, and questions whether the default promise of confidentiality to all participants, particularly in educational research, could in fact be an unnecessary concern. This article begins by reviewing the difference in the way confidentiality is handled in different fields and the applicability of some underlying assumptions. This is followed by an explanation of why confidentiality is investigated in the sense of anonymity in (...)
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    Confidentiality, Consent and Autonomy in the Physician-Patient Relationship.Beverly Woodward - 2001 - Health Care Analysis 9 (3):337-351.
    In the practice of medicine there has long been a conflict between patient management and respect for patient autonomy. In recent years this conflict has taken on a new form as patient management has increasingly been shifted from physicians to insurers, employers, and health care bureaucracies. The consequence has been a diminshment of both physician and patient autonomy and a parallel diminishment of medical record confidentiality. Although the new managers pay lip service to the rights of patients to (...) of their records, in fact they advocate very liberal medical records access policies. They argue that a wide range of parties has a need to know the contents of individually identifiable medical records in order to control costs, promote quality of care, and undertake research in the public interest. Broad interpretations of the need to know, however, are at odds with strict interpretations of the right to confidentiality. Strict confidentiality policies require that, with few exceptions, patient consent be obtained whenever a patient's record is used outside the treatment context. The traditional criterion for overriding the consent requirement has been that without the override some harm would directly result. This rule is now challenged by the claim that patients have a duty to make their records available for a wide range of research and public health purposes. The longstanding tension between physician responsibility for patient welfare and respect for patient autonomy is being replaced by a debatable requirement that both physician and patient autonomy be subordinated to the goals of data collection and analysis. (shrink)
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    Medical Confidentiality: Legal and Ethical Aspects in Greece.Stavroulaa Papadodima - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (7):397-405.
    Respect for confidentiality is firmly established in codes of ethics and law. Medical care and the patients' trust depend on the ability of the doctors to maintain confidentiality. Without a guarantee of confidentiality, many patients would want to avoid seeking medical assistance The principle of confidentiality, however, is not absolute and may be overridden by public interests. On some occasions (birth, death, infectious disease) there is a legal obligation on the part of the doctor to disclose (...)
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  7.  59
    Breaching confidentiality to protect the public: Evolving standards of medical confidentiality for military detainees.Matthew K. Wynia* - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (8):1 – 5.
    Confidentiality is a core value in medicine and public health yet, like other core values, it is not absolute. Medical ethics has typically allowed for breaches of confidentiality when there is a credible threat of significant harm to an identifiable third party. Medical ethics has been less explicit in spelling out criteria for allowing breaches of confidentiality to protect populations, instead tending to defer these decisions to the law. But recently, issues in military detention settings have raised (...)
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  8. Violating confidentiality to warn of a risk of HIV infection: Ethical work in progress.Benjamin Freedman - 1991 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 12 (4).
    The old literature on whether medical confidentiality may be breached to warn a spouse of a risk of contracting syphilis from his/her partner — a deep and rich literature — has become relevant once again in the context of HIV infection and AIDS. This paper examines the reasoning and method employed in: the Catholic approach centered around the patient's (property) right to the secret; a (generic) model of justice, utilizing minimal principles of non-aggression and restitution; and an approach involving (...)
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  9.  25
    Confidentiality and Nursing Practice: Ethics and Law.Charles Ngwena & Ruth Chadwick - 1994 - Nursing Ethics 1 (3):136-150.
    This paper examines the ethical and legal duties of confidentiality owed by the nurse, with special reference to obligation to the employer. The main focus is on exploring the parameters of that duty and determining circumstances in which it might be ethically and legally justifiable to disclose confidential information. It is submitted that the obli gation to preserve the confidence of the patient or employer is relative rather than abso lute. In exceptional cases, disclosure is permissible in order to (...)
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    Confidentiality in participatory research.Elmira Petrova, Jan Dewing & Michelle Camilleri - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (4):442-454.
    Aim: This article presents key ethical challenges that were encountered when conducting a participatory qualitative research project with a very specific, small group of nurses, in this case with practice development nurses in Malta. Background: With the small number of nurses employed in practice development roles in Malta, there are numerous difficulties of maintaining confidentiality. Poorly constructed interventions by the researcher could have resulted in detrimental effects to research participants and the overall trustworthiness of the research. Generally, ethical guidelines (...)
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  11. Confidentiality and the professions.R. B. Edwards - 1988 - In Rem Blanchard Edwards & Glenn C. Graber, Bioethics. Harcourt, Wadsworth. pp. 72-81.
    This article is in a larger textbook of articles on Medical Ethics. It identifies a number of values that underlie professional commitments to confidentiality that are involved in protecting or promoting the client's (1) privacy, (2)social status, (3) economic advantages, (4) openness of communications, (5) seeking professional help, (6) trust in professionals, (7) autonomous control over personal information. The problem of making exceptions to confidentiality commitments is also examined.
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  12.  61
    HIV, confidentiality and 'a delicate balance': a reply to Leone Ridsdale.M. W. Adler - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (4):196-198.
    The passing on of information to GPs by genito-urinary doctors is to be encouraged but is not always possible and ultimately the patient's wishes and confidentiality must be respected if sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection are to be controlled. Infected health-care workers should seek counselling and medical support and clear guidelines from professional organisations which are in existence. However, they will only do so if strict confidentiality is maintained and assurance about future employment can be given.
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    Understanding confidentiality breach in adolescent mental health sessions: an integrated model of culture and parenting.Jianwen Hui, Chunhui Wang, Yuhua Li & Elvin Yao - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (4):245-256.
    ABSTRACT Adolescent mental health has become a growing concern. One unique challenge to adolescents’ willingness to seek professional mental health support is the concern of confidentiality breach by their parents. This concern may carry more weight in collectivistic cultures, such as China. The current study utilized a large parent sample (N = 460) recruited from six high schools and attempted to integrate cultural self-construal and parenting styles in the context of parental attitudes toward mental health professionals and desires to (...)
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  14.  53
    Safeguarding Confidentiality in Electronic Health Records.Akhil Shenoy & Jacob M. Appel - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (2):337-341.
    Abstract:Electronic health records (EHRs) offer significant advantages over paper charts, such as ease of portability, facilitated communication, and a decreased risk of medical errors; however, important ethical concerns related to patient confidentiality remain. Although legal protections have been implemented, in practice, EHRs may be still prone to breaches that threaten patient privacy. Potential safeguards are essential, and have been implemented especially in sensitive areas such as mental illness, substance abuse, and sexual health. Features of one institutional model are described (...)
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  15. Confidentiality in Prison Health care – A Practical Guide.Bernice Elger & David Shaw - 2018 - In Bernice S. Elger, Catherine Ritter & Heino Stöver, Emerging Issues in Prison Health. Springer.
    The importance of medical confidentiality is obvious to anyone who has ever been a patient, and protecting private information about patients is one of the key responsibilities of healthcare professionals. However, maintaining the confidentiality of patients who are incarcerated in prisons poses several ethical challenges. In this chapter we explain the importance of confidentiality in general, and the dilemmas that sometimes face doctors with regard to it, before describing some of the specific difficulties faced by prison doctors. (...)
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  16.  23
    The decline of medical confidentiality medical information management: The illusion of patient choice.Ingrid Ann Whiteman - 2015 - Clinical Ethics 10 (3):47-58.
    It is reasonable to consider and trust that information taken from us about our medical health and history will be protected by rules on confidentiality and consent. Apart from very rare cases, perhaps of major public interest or for public health reasons, this information will not be shared with others without our consent. However, both a number of reforms in National Health Service patient data management policy (now enshrined in legislation) and developments in the general law on privacy challenge (...)
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    Breaking Confidentiality to Report Adolescent Risk-Taking Behavior by School Psychologists.William A. Rae, Jeremy R. Sullivan, Nancy Peña Razo & Roman Garcia de Alba - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (6):449-460.
    School psychologists often break confidentiality if confronted with risky adolescent behavior. Members of the National Association of School Psychologists ( N = 78) responded to a survey containing a vignette describing an adolescent engaging in risky behaviors and rated the degree to which it is ethical to break confidentiality for behaviors of varying frequency, intensity, and duration. Respondents generally found it ethical to break confidentiality when risky adolescent behaviors became more dangerous or potentially harmful, although there was (...)
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    Confidentiality and Ethical Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health.Steven Walker - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (3):302-308.
    This paper examines the concept of confidentiality and the quality of the relationship between young people experiencing mental health problems and social workers supporting them. The nature of a therapeutic intervention brings into focus the rigidities and complexities in adhering to agency and professional guidelines on confidentiality. The paper highlights the tensions and ethical dilemmas in making decisions about risk and whether, when, and how to breach confidentiality.
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    Medical confidentiality: an intransigent and absolute obligation.M. H. Kottow - 1986 - Journal of Medical Ethics 12 (3):117-122.
    Clinicians' work depends on sincere and complete disclosures from their patients; they honour this candidness by confidentially safeguarding the information received. Breaching confidentiality causes harms that are not commensurable with the possible benefits gained. Limitations or exceptions put on confidentiality would destroy it, for the confider would become suspicious and un-co-operative, the confidant would become untrustworthy and the whole climate of the clinical encounter would suffer irreversible erosion. Excusing breaches of confidence on grounds of superior moral values introduces (...)
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  20.  7
    Breaching Confidentiality in Genetic and Non-Genetic Cases: Two Problematic Distinctions.Madison K. Kilbride - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-13.
    Ethical questions about confidentiality arise when patients refuse to inform relatives who are at risk of a genetic condition. Specifically, healthcare providers may struggle with the permissibility of breaching confidentiality to warn patients’ at-risk relatives. In exploring this issue, several authors have converged around the idea that genetic cases differ from non-genetic cases (e.g., involving a threat of violence or the spread of an infectious disease) along two related dimensions: (1) In genetic cases, the risk of harm is (...)
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  21.  32
    Patient confidentiality, the duty to protect, and psychotherapeutic care: perspectives from the philosophy of ubuntu.Cornelius Ewuoso - 2021 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 42 (1):41-59.
    This paper demonstrates how ubuntu relational philosophy may be used to ground beneficial coercive care without necessarily violating a patient’s dignity. Specifically, it argues that ubuntu philosophy is a useful theory for developing necessary conditions for determining a patient’s potential dangerousness; setting reasonable limits to the duty to protect; balancing the long-term good of providing unimpeded therapy for patients who need it with the short-term good of protecting at-risk parties; and advancing a framework for future case law and appropriate regulations (...)
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  22.  60
    Medical confidentiality and the competent patient.Gerard Niveau, Sandra Burkhardt & Sarah Chiesa - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (11):686-689.
    Confidentiality is both a fundamental principle of medical ethics and a legal obligation.In exceptional situations not covered by legal provisions, doctors may want to waive confidentiality against the wishes of the patient. Swiss law calls for an authority to rule on such cases. In the Canton of Geneva this authority is the Commission for Professional Confidentiality. This paper concerns 41 cases managed by this commission. The study shows that the majority of these requests to the Commission concern (...)
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    Confidentiality and HIV/AIDS in South Africa.Leana R. Uys - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (2):158-166.
    Keeping the diagnosis of a client confidential is one of the cornerstones of professional practice. In the case of a diagnosis such as HIV/AIDS, however, the ethics of this action may be challenged. Such a decision has a range of negative effects, for example, the blaming of others, supporting the denial of the client, and complicating the health education and care of the patient. It is suggested that the four ethical principles should be used to explore the ethics of such (...)
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  24.  63
    Balancing confidentiality and the information provided to families of patients in primary care.M. D. Perez-Carceles - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (9):531-535.
    Background: Medical confidentiality underpins the doctor–patient relationship and ensures privacy so that intimate information can be exchanged to improve, preserve, and protect the health of the patient. The right to information applies to the patient alone, and, only if expressly desired, can it be extended to family members. However, it must be remembered that one of the primary tenets of family medicine is precisely that patient care occurs ideally within the context of the family. There may be, then, certain (...)
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  25.  18
    Confidentiality and Rape Counseling.Alan Meisel - 1981 - Hastings Center Report 11 (4):5-7.
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    Ethicality and confidentiality: is there an inverse-care issue in general practice ethics?Andrew Papanikitas - 2011 - Clinical Ethics 6 (4):186-190.
    This paper discusses confidentiality as a routine issue of concern to British general practitioners participating in a qualitative study as well as in contemporaneous practice literature. While keen to reflect on routine issues, such as confidentiality, participants who professed a lack of expertise in medical ethics also perceived reluctance or inability to access educational resources or ethics support. Such lack of ability might include a perception of non-entitlement to access advice and support, a fear of criticism, or simply (...)
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    Lawyers, Confidentiality and Public and Private Interests.Kay Wheat - 1998 - Legal Ethics 1 (2):184.
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    Confidentiality: a critique of the traditional view.Sally Glen - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (5):403-406.
    Confidentiality’ can become a somewhat embellishing signboard for paternalistic caring. In essence, one needs to distinguish between confidentiality as a respectful attitude to a patient/client, where it becomes credible that the caring professional will not misuse the information he or she obtains about the patient/client, and between confidentiality misused as an instrument of power to keep the patient/client outside of processes in which it might be important or advantageous for him or her to participate.
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    Strict Confidentiality: An Alternative to Pre’s “Limited Confidentiality” Doctrine. [REVIEW]John Lowman & Ted Palys - 2007 - Journal of Academic Ethics 5 (2-4):163-177.
    In “Advisory Opinion on Confidentiality, Its Limits and Duties to Others” the Canadian Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics (PRE) articulates a rationale for a priori limitations to research confidentiality, based largely on putative legal duties to violate confidentiality in certain circumstances. We argue that PRE promotes a “Law of the Land” doctrine of research ethics that is but one approach to resolving potential conflicts between law and research ethics. PRE emphasises risks that have never materialized, and (...)
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    Confidentiality: a modified value.H. E. Emson - 1988 - Journal of Medical Ethics 14 (2):87-90.
    In its original expression as a medical value confidentiality may have been absolute; this concept has become eroded by patient consent, legal actions and change in the climate of public opinion. In particular requirements arising out of legal statutes and common law judgements have greatly modified the confidentiality of the doctor-patient relationship in societies deriving their law from English origins. Despite this, confidentiality remains a value which the physician must strive to preserve. He cannot however do this (...)
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  31. Confidentiality.Toby Schonfeld - 2012 - In D. Micah Hester & Toby Schonfeld, Guidance for healthcare ethics committees. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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    Confidentiality breaches in clinical practice: what happens in hospitals?Cristina M. Beltran-Aroca, Eloy Girela-Lopez, Eliseo Collazo-Chao, Manuel Montero-Pérez-Barquero & Maria C. Muñoz-Villanueva - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):52.
    BackgroundRespect for confidentiality is important to safeguard the well-being of patients and ensure the confidence of society in the doctor-patient relationship. The aim of our study is to examine real situations in which there has been a breach of confidentiality, by means of direct observation in clinical practice.MethodsBy means of direct observation, our study examines real situations in which there has been a breach of confidentiality in a tertiary hospital. To observe and collect data on these situations, (...)
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  33.  72
    Confidentiality and the ethics of medical ethics.W. A. Rogers - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (4):220-224.
    In this paper we consider the use of cases in medical ethics research and teaching. To date, there has been little discussion about the consent or confidentiality requirements that ought to govern the use of cases in these areas. This is in marked contrast to the requirements for consent to publish cases in clinical journals, or to use personal information in research. There are a number of reasons why it might be difficult to obtain consent to use cases in (...)
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    Confidentiality.Raanan Gillon & Daniel K. Sokol - 1998 - In Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer, A Companion to Bioethics. Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 511–519.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References.
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    Medical confidentiality and the protection of Jehovah's Witnesses' autonomous refusal of blood.O. Muramoto - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (5):381-386.
    Mr Ridley of the Watch Tower Society , the controlling religious organisation of Jehovah's Witnesses , mischaracterises the issue of freedom and confidentiality in JWs' refusal of blood by confusing inconsistent organisational policies with actual Biblical proscriptions. Besides exaggeration and distortion of my writings, Ridley failed to present substantive evidence to support his assertion that no pressure exists to conform to organisational policy nor systematic monitoring which compromises medical confidentiality. In this refutation, I present proof from the WTS's (...)
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    UK Conference Report: Confidentiality and Collaboration—The Ethics of Information Sharing in Health and Social Care.Martin Gill & Peter Jordan - 2012 - Ethics and Social Welfare 6 (1):74-78.
    (2012). UK Conference Report: Confidentiality and Collaboration—The Ethics of Information Sharing in Health and Social Care. Ethics and Social Welfare: Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 74-78. doi: 10.1080/17496535.2012.651888.
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    Confidentiality for mental health concerns in adolescent primary care.Larry Wissow, K. Fothergill & J. Forman - 2001 - Bioethics Forum 18 (3-4):43-54.
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    Neuroethics, confidentiality, and a cultural imperative in early onset Alzheimer disease: a case study with a First Nation population.Shaun Stevenson, B. L. Beattie, Richard Vedan, Emily Dwosh, Lindsey Bruce & Judy Illes - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8:15.
    The meaningful consideration of cultural practices, values and beliefs is a necessary component in the effective translation of advancements in neuroscience to clinical practice and public discourse. Society’s immense investment in biomedical science and technology, in conjunction with an increasingly diverse socio-cultural landscape, necessitates the study of how potential discoveries in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer disease are perceived and utilized across cultures. Building on the work of neuroscientists, ethicists and philosophers, we argue that the growing field of neuroethics provides (...)
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    Boundaries of confidentiality in nursing care for mother and child in HIV programmes.Bodil Bø Våga, Karen Marie Moland & Astrid Blystad - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (5):576-586.
    Background: Confidentiality lies at the core of medical ethics and is the cornerstone for developing and keeping a trusting relationship between nurses and patients. In the wake of the HIV epidemic, there has been a heightened focus on confidentiality in healthcare contexts. Nurses’ follow-up of HIV-positive women and their susceptible HIV-exposed children has proved to be challenging in this regard, but the ethical dilemmas concerning confidentiality that emerge in the process of ensuring HIV-free survival of the third (...)
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    Confidentiality and the duties of care.J. O'Brien - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (1):36-40.
    Doctors have an ethical and legal duty to respect patient confidentiality. We consider the basis for this duty, looking particularly at the meaning and value of autonomy in health care. Enabling patients to decide how information about them is disclosed is an important element in autonomy and helps patients engage as active partners in their care.Good quality data is, however, essential for research, education, public health monitoring, and for many other activities essential to provision of health care. We discuss (...)
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  41.  86
    Confidentiality in End-of-Life and After-Death Situations.Rebekah J. Bardash, Caroline Burke & James L. Werth - 2002 - Ethics and Behavior 12 (3):205-222.
    Confidentiality is one of the foundations on which psychotherapy is built. Limitations on confidentiality in the therapeutic process have been explained and explored by many authors and organizations. However, controversy and confusion continue to exist with regard to the limitations on confidentiality in situations where clients are considering their options at the end of life and after a client has died. This article reviews these 2 areas and provides some suggestions for future research.
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    The Confidentiality and Privacy Implications of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.Stacey A. Tovino - 2005 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 33 (4):844-850.
    Advances in science and technology frequently raise new ethical, legal, and social issues, and developments in neuroscience and neuroimaging technology are no exception. Within the field of neuroethics, leading scientists, ethicists, and humanists are exploring the implications of efforts to image, study, treat, and enhance the human brain.This article focuses on one aspect of neuroethics: the confidentiality and privacy implications of advances in functional magnetic resonance imaging. Following a brief orientation to fMRI and an overview of some of its (...)
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    Privacy, confidentiality and abortion statistics: a question of public interest?Jean V. McHale & June Jones - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (1):31-34.
    Next SectionThe precise nature and scope of healthcare confidentiality has long been the subject of debate. While the obligation of confidentiality is integral to professional ethical codes and is also safeguarded under English law through the equitable remedy of breach of confidence, underpinned by the right to privacy enshrined in Article 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998, it has never been regarded as absolute. But when can and should personal information be made available for statistical and research (...)
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  44. Privacy, confidentiality and personality rights in biobanking and genetic research with human tissue (Second International Conference, G ottingen).Katharina Beier - 2011 - In Katharina Beier, Nils Hoppe, Christian Lenk & Silvia Schnorrer, The ethical and legal regulation of human tissue and biobank research in Europe: proceedings of the Tiss.EU project. [G ottingen]: Universit atsverlag G ottingen.
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    Confidential Relationships: Psychoanalytic, Ethical, and Legal Contexts.Christine M. Koggel, Allannah Furlong & Charles Levin - 2003 - Rodopi.
    This book focuses the collective attention of psychotherapists, the legal community, social scientists, and ethicists on the moral, legal, and clinical problems of confidentiality in psychotherapeutic practice. By providing timely and important interdisciplinary contributions, the book opens the way to understanding, if not resolving, the conflicting interests and values at stake in the debate on confidentiality.
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    Maintaining confidentiality in prospective studies: anonymous repeated measurements via email (ARME) procedure.Vladimir Carli, Gergö Hadlaczky, Camilla Wasserman, Nicola Stingelin-Giles, Stella Reiter-Theil & Danuta Wasserman - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (2):127-129.
    Respecting and protecting the confidentiality of data and the privacy of individuals regarding the information that they have given as participants in a research project is a cornerstone of complying with accepted research standards. However, in longitudinal studies, establishing and maintaining privacy is often challenging because of the necessity of repeated contact with participants. A novel internet-based solution is introduced here, which maintains privacy while at the same time ensures linkage of data to individual participants in a repeated measures (...)
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  47.  33
    Confidentiality: Medical ethics and professional morality.John King-Farlow & Paul Langham - 1981 - Philosophical Papers 10 (1):9-15.
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    Confidentiality of Adolescent Risk-Taking Behaviors: A Survey of Turkish School Counselors.Rahsan Sivis-Cetinkaya - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (6):459-472.
    The present study investigated school counselors’ ratings of the importance of factors in deciding to report adolescent risk-taking behaviors to parents. Turkish school counselors were surveyed. Differences based on gender, years of experience, level of education, attendance of a counseling ethics course, and geographic region were investigated. Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests were used in data analysis. Protecting the student was the highest rated factor. Women and those who took an ethics course rated protecting the student higher than others. (...)
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    Confidentiality and the law.T. McConnell - 1994 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (1):47-49.
    Codes of medical ethics issued by professional organizations typically contain statements affirming the importance of confidentiality between patients and health-care practitioners. Seldom, however, is the confidentiality obligation depicted as absolute. Instead, exceptions are noted, the most common of which is that health-care professionals are justified in breaching the confidence of a patient if required by law to do so. Reasons that might be given to support this exception are critically discussed in this paper. The conclusion argued for is (...)
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    Confidentiality within physiotherapy: perceptions and attitudes of clinical practitioners.S. Cross - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (6):447-453.
    Objectives—This study examined the issue of confidentiality in relation to i) undergraduate curriculum content in physiotherapy, and ii) the awareness, experiences and attitudes of clinical physiotherapists.Design—Postal survey of universities and focus group interviews with physiotherapists.Setting—Twenty-five universities in the UK and Ireland and 44 therapists in five hospitals in southern England.Results—The survey of universities indicated that legal and ethical aspects of confidentiality featured in virtually all preregistration courses that responded. However, whereas its inclusion was rated as extremely important, the (...)
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