Results for 'Conscience Bruderhof Communities.'

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  1.  9
    The conscience.Eberhard Arnold - 2019 - Walden, New York, USA: Plough Publishing House.
    A trusted guide into the inner realm where our spirits find strength to master life and live for God. It is hard to exaggerate the significance of Innerland, either for Eberhard Arnold or his readers. It absorbed his energies off and on for most of his adult life--from World War I, when he published the first chapter under the title War: A Call to Inwardness, to 1935, the last year of his life. Packed in metal boxes and buried at night (...)
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    The Significance of Conscience in Community: Rethinking the ‘Hands Off Religion’ Doctrine.Chagai Schlesinger - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 36 (2):463-490.
    When evaluating religious accommodation claims, courts refrain from examining the relationship between the specific claim and the common religious practice of the relevant religion. This paper rethinks this doctrine. I argue that it stems from understanding religious accommodation as a protection of conscience. This idea itself suffers from conceptual and practical challenges, which can be mitigated if we understand religion as a communal function of conscientious actions. The communal aspect bears practical and moral significance, and I explore three dimensions (...)
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  3. A crisis of conscience: Is community journalism the answer?J. Herbert Altschull - 1996 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 11 (3):166 – 172.
    With lost credibility, ratings, and circulation, journalism faces a crisis of conscience. One answer is participatory community journalism; journalists become activists on behalfofthe process of self-government. A veteran journalist and author of Agents of Power, Altschull questions the press's arrogance, its faith in objectivity, and its unvarying insistence on its First Amendment rights, and asks instead that the public interest be put ahead of the maximization of profit, that media help to mediate public issues, and that the public be (...)
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  4. Andrew R. Murphy, Conscience and Community: Revisiting Toleration and Religious Dissent in Early Modern England and America Reviewed by.Roderick Nicholls - 2002 - Philosophy in Review 22 (2):132-134.
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    La communication des consciences et les relations avec autrui.Michel Henry - 2011 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 2:139-178.
    Rédigées entre 1943 et 1953, ces notes inédites révèlent combien Michel Henry fut préoccupé par le problème de « l’expérience d’autrui » dès ses années de formation philosophique. Elles révèlent également l’utilisation précoce d’une jeune Henry des Ecritures comme source d’inspiration pour un certain nombre d’intuitions spécifiquement philosophiques qu’il développera dans sa trilogie de fin de vie sur la philosophie du christianisme.
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    La communication des consciences et l'édification de la moralité.Georges Bastide - 1961 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 7:53-57.
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  7. Communicabilité et communication des consciences.Maurice Nédoncelle - 1972 - Giornale di Metafisica 27:1-11.
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    Visions of Schooling: Conscience, Community, and Common Education.Rosemary C. Salomone - 2000 - Yale University Press.
    At no time in the past century have there been fiercer battles over our public schools than there are now. Parents and educational reformers are challenging not only the mission, content, and structure of mass compulsory schooling but also its underlying premise—that the values promoted through public education are neutral and therefore acceptable to any reasonable person. In this important book, Rosemary Salomone sets aside the ideological and inflammatory rhetoric that surrounds today’s debates over educational values and family choice. She (...)
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  9. Conscience and Conviction: The Case for Civil Disobedience.Kimberley Brownlee - 2012 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Oxford Legal Philosophy publishes the best new work in philosophically-oriented legal theory. It commissions and solicits monographs in all branches of the subject, including works on philosophical issues in all areas of public and private law, and in the national, transnational, and international realms; studies of the nature of law, legal institutions, and legal reasoning; treatments of problems in political morality as they bear on law; and explorations in the nature and development of legal philosophy itself. The series represents diverse (...)
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    Conscience in world religions.Jayne Hoose (ed.) - 1999 - Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Conscience in World Religions is a unique collection of papers which allows the reader to compare and contrast the origins and development of the concept of conscience within different Christian traditions, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism. The first part of the book, based upon extensive research of the Christian debate of conscience, explores the dynamic relation between authority, revelation, and education for both the individual and the community. It provides the reader with an insight into approaches to and (...)
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    The evolution of the conscience in civilised communities: In special relation to sexual vices.R. A. Fisher - 1922 - The Eugenics Review 14 (3):190.
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    From Embodiedness to Community: Recognition, Alterity and the Existentialist Social Conscience.Kalle Pihlainen - 2004 - Human Affairs 14 (2):126-134.
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    Le problème de la communication Des consciences chez plotin et saint Augustin.Jean Pépin - 1950 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 55 (2):128 - 148.
  14.  87
    La notion de conscience: Communication faite (en francais) au vme congres international de psychologie, Rome, 30 avril 1905.William James - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (7):65-73.
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    The Voice of Conscience, Kierkegaard’s Theory of Indirect Communication, and Buber’s Philosophy of Dialogue.Claudia Welz - 2017 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2017 (1):363-378.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook Jahrgang: 2017 Heft: 1 Seiten: 363-378.
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    Note nouvelle sur le problème de la communication Des consciences chez plotin et saint Augustin (fin).Jean Pépin - 1951 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 56 (3):316 - 326.
  17.  29
    Factors affecting conscience-based nursing practices: A qualitative study.Madineh Jasemi, Sanaz Aazami, Masumeh Hemmati Maslak Pak, Hosein Habibzadeh & Roghayeh Esmaeili Zabihi - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1350-1360.
    Background: Conscience is a guiding factor in nursing practice for delivering the ultimate care. In order to expand the concept of conscience-based care, factors affecting conscience in nursing practice need to be identified. Objectives: The current study assessed nurses’ experiences to explore factors affecting conscience in nursing practice. Research design: This qualitative content analysis study employed purposive sampling to reach 14 nurses working at educational hospitals in Tabriz and Urmia, Iran. Data were analyzed using inductive and (...)
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    Michel Henry et la conscience de la vie affective.Jean-Michel Longneaux - 2011 - Cahiers Philosophiques 126 (3):49-65.
    Comment comprendre que nous puissions avoir conscience de notre vie affective? Si l’on prend au sérieux les analyses de Michel Henry, cette expérience commune devrait être impossible. Si c’est la vie et l’expérience qui doivent nous servir de guides, alors il faut intégrer les acquis incontournables de la phénoménologie matérielle et la dépasser.
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    Communication Influences the “Mechanisms” of the Living World and Society.Bernard Dugué - 2017 - In Information and the World Stage. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley. pp. 31–44.
    In this chapter, the issue of information will be tackled from a "pathological" point of view, by considering living cells that have become cancerous and societies permeated by "psychological imbalances". The chapter focuses on the issue of fanaticism, whose cause is evidently related to the way of interpreting the world. The issue will revolve around immunity, identity, forms and communication. The chapter also considers some perspicacious analyses published in the 1960s by Jurgen Habermas. This unmissable philosopher has managed to shed (...)
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    Conscience, Citizenship, and Global Responsibilities.Richard Reilly - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):117-131.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 117-131 [Access article in PDF] Conscience, Citizenship, and Global Responsibilities Richard Reilly St. Bonaventure University A version of this paper was presented at the Sixth International Conference of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies held at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington, in August 2000.Upon discovering that Antigone had buried her brother, Polyneices, King Creon ascertains that she indeed had known of his decree forbidding (...)
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    The Development of Public Conscience: Hume’s Third Way Between Hobbes and Locke.Aaron Alexander Zubia - 2025 - Political Theory 53 (1):62-82.
    Hume devised a third way between Hobbes and Locke that bolstered the former’s defense of stability and the latter’s defense of rebellion. This feat remains underappreciated. Hume’s third way rests on the idea of the public conscience, which, like Hobbes’s idea of the public conscience, derives from communication and consensus. The public conscience orients us toward the public interest, which, in Hume’s theory, is the authoritative standard by which individuals and government alike must abide. In this paper, (...)
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    "Conscience the Ground of Consciousness": The Moral Epistemology of Coleridge's Aids to Reflection.Jeffrey Hipolito - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (3):455-474.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 65.3 (2004) 455-474 [Access article in PDF] "Conscience the Ground of Consciousness": The Moral Epistemology of Coleridge's Aids to Reflection Jeffrey Hipolito Everett Community College. It will hardly come as a shock to the readers of this journal that Kant has been the philosophical gatekeeper of all those who have come after him and that the scale of his achievement was recognized (...)
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    Private Consciences and Public Reasons.Kent Greenawalt - 1995 - Oup Usa.
    Within democratic societies, a deep division exists over the nature of community and the grounds for political life. Should the political order be neutral between competing conceptions of the good life or should it be based on some such conception? This book addresses one crucial set of problems raised by this division: What bases should officials and citizens employ in reaching political decisions and justifying their positions? Should they feel free to rely on whatever grounds seem otherwise persuasive to them, (...)
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    Professional Ethics, Personal Conscience, and Public Expectations.Claudia E. Haupt - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (3):233-237.
    Examining to what extent physicians are, or ought to be, defined by the profession when giving advice to patients, this commentary seeks to offer a better understanding of the potential conflicts that the American Medical Association’s (AMA’s) “Opinion 1.1.7, Physician Exercise of Conscience,” addresses. This commentary conceptualizes the professions as knowledge communities, and situates the physician-patient relationship within this larger conceptual framework. So doing, it sheds light on how and when specialized knowledge is operationalized in professional advicegiving. Physicians communicate (...)
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    Social Conscience and Responsibility: Teaching the Common Good in Secondary Education.Jane E. Bleasdale & Julie A. Sullivan (eds.) - 2020 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this volume we will focus on how educators in high schools (grades 9-12) can incorporate the teaching of ethics effectively across all disciplines.
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    Access-to-Care and Conscience: Conflicting or Coherent?Joel L. Gamble & Nathan K. Gamble - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (1):54-71.
    “Intervention” is not synonymous with “care.” For an intervention to constitute care—which patients should have a right to access—it must be technically feasible and licit. Now these criteria do not prove sufficient; numerous archaic interventions remain feasible and legally permissible, yet are now bywords for spurious care. Therefore, we propound another necessary condition for an intervention to become care: the physician must rationally judge the intervention to be conducive to the patient’s good. Consequently, the right of access-to-care relies on physicians (...)
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  27. False Convictions and True Conscience.Candice Delmas - 2015 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 35 (2):403-425.
    Society typically shows conscientious objectors more deference than civil disobedients, on the grounds that they appear more conscientious and less strategically minded than the latter. Kimberley Brownlee challenges this standard picture in Conscience and Conviction: The Case for Civil Disobedience, where she claims that civil disobedience is more conscientious than conscientious objection, in virtue of its communicativeness. Brownlee conceives of conscientious conviction as necessarily communicative, and distinguishes it from ‘conscience’—the set of practical moral skills involved in adequately responding (...)
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  28. The Identity, Conscience, Will and Mission Domains of Soul across Human, Noospheric and Cosmic Scales.Nandor Ludvig - 2022 - Open Journal of Philosophy 12 (4):580-600.
    The aim of this work was to elaborate on the author’s previously published hypothesis of the Soul of Multiverse, a suggested cosmic phenomenon that also appears to imbue the human Soul across its individual and noospheric scales. Without alternatives, the method of analysis continued to rely on the approach of cosmological neuroscience, which integrates scientific facts, religious insights, philosophical suggestions, engineering rules and artistic tools to grasp the complexity of the multidimensional phenomenon of Soul. The result of this examination was (...)
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  29. Aspects de la théorie de la perception chez les néoplatoniciens: sensation (aïo&naiç), sensation commune (Koivr| a'io&r| aiç), sensibles communs (Koivà aioOr| trx) et conscience de soi (owaiaônoiç).I. HAdoT - 1997 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 8 (1997):33-85.
    Dopo uno sguardo generale alla dottrina dell'anima nel tardo neoplatonismo e alla tradizione dei commentari al De anima di Aristotele, l'A. esamina il tema della sensazione, della sensazione comune, dei sensibili comuni e della coscienza soprattutto in Simplicio, Prisciano e Filopono. L'A. propone inoltre un esame critico dello studio di P. Lautner Rival Theories of Self-Awareness in Late Neoplatonism in «Bullettin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London» 29 107-16. L'ultima parte del saggio è centrata sul (...)
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    Health and Medicine in the Anglican Tradition: Conscience, Community, and Compromise.David H. Smith - 1986 - Crossroad Publishing.
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    Humanisme mondial et agnosticisme sans frontières: une alliance historique au-delà de l'Orient et de l'Occident pour une révolution, une civilisation humanistes et agnostiques communes: et donc pour la diffusion d'une pensée et d'une conscience universelles à la fois éthiques et scientifiques, pédagogique, thérapeutiques mais aussi démocratiques, républicaines et laïques.Jean Guilhot - 2008 - Le Kremlin-Bicêtre: les Points sur les i.
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    A Sartrean Analysis of Conscience-based Refusals in Healthcare.Kimberly S. Engels - 2015 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 34 (2):195-214.
    This paper provides an analysis of conscience-based refusals in healthcare from a Sartrean view, with an emphasis on the tension between individual responsibility and professional role morality. Conscience-based refusals in healthcare involve healthcare workers refusing to perform actions based on core moral beliefs. Initially this appears in line with Sartrean authenticity, which requires acknowledgment that one is not identical with professional role. However, by appealing to Sartre’s later social thought, I show that professional role morality is authentic when (...)
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    The grail and the development of conscience: St Paul and Parsifal.Karl König - 2016 - [Edinburgh]: Floris Books.
    König often gave lectures based around Christian festivals, and the selection in this book were first presented at Easter time. The central theme here is the development of conscience and memory, which raises questions about individual freedom and spirituality, particularly in the context of community building. Running alongside the main theme, König discusses subjects close to his heart including the search for the Grail, Parsifal and St Paul, bringing them together in surprising and challenging ways.
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  34. René le senne et la communication Des consciences.Herbert W. Schneider - 1955 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10 (3):418-419.
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    A Case for Collective Conscience: Climategate, COP-15 and Climate Justice.Celia Deane-Drummond - 2011 - Studies in Christian Ethics 24 (1):5-22.
    This paper argues that given the importance of joining together local and global aspects of climate change, individual conscience needs to be complemented by critical consideration of collective forms of conscience. Evidence for the existence of such collective forms as relevant to climate debates can be found in public reactions to email leaks on climate science, dubbed ‘Climategate’ in the processes leading up to the United Nations Summit on Climate Change, COP-15. In critical engagement with Emile Durkheim’s (...) collective and Bernard Häring’s reciprocal consciences, I argue for collective conscience to be used as a heuristic tool in order to analyse both weaknesses in collective responsibility and appropriate actions of communities at local, national or international levels. I suggest that such an approach critically engages with more general notions such as the role of solidarity in public debate that both develops and critiques Jürgen Habermas’s more recent work opening up a religious voice in the public domain. Using an experiential case study from the Massai tribe, I intend to show just one way in which collective conscience might be expressed when faced with the problems associated with climate change. (shrink)
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    Du sens commun à son « noyau sain ». L’historicité du sens commun selon Gramsci.Louis Rouquayrol - 2023 - Actuel Marx 73 (1):177-193.
    Gramsci avance, dans ses Cahiers de prison, un certain nombre de propositions sur le sens commun. À partir d’elles, on peut penser une méthode qui permettrait de construire une histoire du sens commun et une histoire de la philosophie comme pratique de transformation du sens commun. Cinq thèses, en particulier, sont examinées : 1) tous les hommes sont philosophes ; 2) l’histoire de la philosophie livre une histoire déformée du sens commun ; 3) le sens commun est affecté de différents (...)
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    La conscience de l'observateur: de la physique théorique à la logique mathématique.Yvon Provençal - 1977 - Dialogue 16 (2):228-244.
    Cet article a pour but de faire connaître au lecture une approche théorique de la réalité physique différente de celle communément admise depuis les débuts de la science physique. On y montre d'abord comment l'approche traditionnelle traite avec une notion de l'événement physique et des étres physiques en ǵenéral qui laisse systématiquement de côté ces éléments de complexité considérés trop facilement comme superflus, mais qui appartiennent à la réalité physique et en constituent la trame. On proposera alors une nouvelle approche (...)
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    Intensified job demands, stress of conscience and nurses' experiences during organizational change.Mikko Heikkilä, Mari Huhtala, Saija Mauno & Taru Feldt - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (1):217-230.
    Background: Nurses frequently face ethically demanding situations in their work, and these may lead to stress of conscience. Working life is currently accelerating and job demands are intensifying. These intensified job demands include (1) work intensification, (2) intensified job-related planning demands, (3) intensified career-related planning demands, and (4) intensified learning demands. At the same time, many healthcare organizations are implementing major organizational changes that have an influence on personnel. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the association (...)
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    Conscience, Consensus, & Crossroads in Law: Eighth Round Table on Law and Semiotics.Roberta Kevelson - 1995 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    This book explores from selected semioticians' international and cross-cultural viewpoints, the changing concepts of custom and community. The idea of the 'primitive' as a complex social system is explored in the context of recent studies of comparative law. The range of focus is from Lockean majority-rule to aboriginal self-determination, and includes a new look at waning ideologies such as the «old» feminism, Critical Legal Studies, and postmodernisms. Pragmatism is reinterpreted and reviewed with fresh eyes.
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  40. Conscience (rule) utilitarianism and the criminal law.R. B. Brandt - 1995 - Law and Philosophy 14 (1):65 - 89.
    A rule- utilitarian appraisal of criminal law requires that the total system, including punishments, is justified only if it will expectably maximize public benefit, including its stigmatizing some behaviors as "offenses" and its prescribed punishment of these, such as imprisonment, with (possible) deterrent effects. In view of the paucity of evidence about the deterrent effect of prison sentences, some changes seem to be in order: reduction in the length of incarceration, replacement of prison by fines or restrictions on the convicted (...)
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    La tache aveugle: droit et prise de conscience.François Jouen (ed.) - 2018 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
    Il est un point commun de la prise de conscience entre les spécialistes des sciences cognitives et les spécialistes des sciences du droit. Il s'agit d'un point aveugle (ou d'une tache aveugle) correspondant à un trou de l'oeil. Le cerveau ignore en pareille hypothèse la tache aveugle et il va " au-delà de l'information fournie par la rétine en faisant une supposition raisonnable sur l'image qui pouvait être dans la zone aveugle " (Christof Koch). C'est un procédé analogue sur (...)
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    Populisme de gauche et conscience noire : race, histoire et pluralisme après Laclau et Mouffe.Norman Ajari - 2021 - Philosophiques 48 (1):93-114.
    Dans la continuité de leurs travaux communs des années 1980, Ernesto Laclau et Chantal Mouffe ont développé parallèlement une nouvelle théorie du populisme. Cet article la définit comme une double ontologie du politique, qui fait droit à la fois à l’inimitié, ou dimension dissociative, et à la délibération, ou dimension associative du politique. Pour distinguer leur approche des populismes de droite, Laclau et Mouffe recourent à un anti-essentialisme intransigeant qui écarte l’histoire des éléments décisifs pour la construction d’un sujet politique. (...)
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    The individualization of conscience: what Daybreak(9, 10, 544) and The Gay Science(117) tell us about the sovereign individual. [REVIEW]Guy Elgat - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63 (1):1-19.
    The figure of the sovereign individual has stood for about two decades at the center of an exegetical debate concerning its identity and ideality. What is often lost sight of in these debates is the role of the sovereign individual in Nietzsche’s genealogy of guilt and bad conscience in the Genealogy’s second essay. I argue for the following claims. First, that the figure of the sovereign individual is not a singular occurrence in Nietzsche’s published writings but is present in (...)
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    Liberalism’s bad conscience.Bryan Garsten - 2011 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 14 (4):509-512.
    Lucas Swaine attempts to persuade theocrats of the value of liberty of conscience. But his promotion of principles of conscience for theocratic communities reveals a divided spirit in contemporary liberalism, which is torn between wanting to respect religion as it is and wanting to reform or liberalize it.
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    Institutions of conscience: Politics and principle in a world of religious pluralism. [REVIEW]Lucas A. Swaine - 2003 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 6 (1):93-118.
    This article considers the difficult question of whether there are any reasons for theocratic religious devotees to affirm liberalism and liberal institutions. Swaine argues not only that there are reasons for theocrats to affirm liberalism, but that theocrats are committed rationally to three normative principles of liberty of conscience, as well. Swaine subsequently discusses three institutional and strategic implications of his arguments. First, he outlines an option of semisovereignty for theocratic communities in liberal democracies, and explains why an appropriate (...)
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    Sensibilité et conscience émotionnelle dans l’autisme.Sarah Arnaud - 2019 - Revue Médecine et Philosophie 1 (1).
    Cet article propose une caractérisation de la sensibilité et de la conscience émotionnelle des personnes autistes grâce à des précisions terminologiques des concepts d’émotions et de conscience. Il met en évidence le caractère contradictoire qui semble caractériser la sensibilité des personnes autistes : alors que leurs états internes du corps parviennent à la conscience beaucoup plus fréquemment que pour les personnes neurotypiques, leurs émotions sont appréhendées de manière descriptive et non par le biais de ces ressentis corporels, (...)
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    Gandhi and Tagore: Politics, Truth and Conscience.Gangeya Mukherji - 2015 - Routledge India.
    This book brings together the political thought of Gandhi and Tagore to examine the relationship between politics, truth and conscience. It explores truth and conscience as viable public virtues with regard to two exemplars of ethical politics, addressing in turn the concerns of an evolving modern Indian political community. The comprehensive and textually argued discussion frames the subject of the validity of ethical politics in inhospitable contexts such as the fanatically despotic state and energised nationalism. The book studies (...)
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  48. The Firm as a “Community of Persons”: A Pillar of Humanistic Business Ethos.Domènec Melé - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (1):89-101.
    The article starts by arguing that seeing the firm as a mere nexus of contracts or as an abstract entity where different stakeholder interests concur is insufficient for a “humanistic business ethos”, which entails a complete view of the human being. It seems more appropriate to understand the firm as a human community, a concept which can be found in several sources, including managerial literature, business ethics scholars, and Catholic Social Teaching. In addition, there are also philosophical grounds that support (...)
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    Subjectivité et conscience d'agir: approches cognitive et clinique de la psychose.Henri Grivois & Joëlle Proust - 1998 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Dans la psychose, les données cliniques montrent que dès l'apparition des premiers troubles aigus, une difficulté caractéristique se manifeste au niveau de l'attribution de la responsabilité causale des actions. Les patients se sentent poussés à agir par les autres tout en ayant aussi le sentiment de contrôler l'action d'autrui. Cette difficulté va souvent de pair chez les schizophrènes avec une modification du sentiment d'identité personnelle. Parmi les symptômes de l'autisme, on trouve des difficultés de contrôle de l'action, une réduction des (...)
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    Matters of Conscience: Conversations with Sterling M. McMurrin on Philosophy, Education, and Religion.Sterling M. McMurrin & L. Jackson Newell - 1996
    For more than fifty years, Sterling M. McMurrin served as one of the preeminent intellectual voices of the LDS community. From his beginnings as an Institute of Religion instructor to U.S. Commissioner of Education, and from a professor of philosophy to U.S. Envoy to Iran, he showed by example how personal and institutional morality can be defended.In a series of candid discussions with Jack Newell, McMurrin reveals his ability to reconcile freedom and conscience. In a spirit of repartee and (...)
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