Results for 'Conservative Judaism. '

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  1.  13
    Conservative Judaism and Jewish law.Seymour Siegel & Elliot Gertel (eds.) - 1977 - New York: Rabbinical Assembly : distributed by Ktav.
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  2. Le judaïsme dans le monde moderne: L'exemple du Conservative Judaism.G. Comeau - 1997 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 85 (2):199-223.
    Le mouvement appelé Conservative ou massorti est le courant le plus florissant du judaïsme depuis le début du siècle aux États-Unis, d’où il s’est répandu en beaucoup de pays . Cherchant à se frayer une voie entre les tendances « réformée » et « orthodoxe », qui se sont affrontées en Allemagne depuis le milieu du XIXe siècle, puis aux Etats-Unis, ce courant est significatif des tensions et des évolutions qui traversent le judaïsme contemporain. Reprenant l'intuition fondamentale de Frankel, (...)
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  3. R. Gordis, Understanding Conservative Judaism. [REVIEW]Albino Babolin - 1982 - Filosofia 33 (3):353.
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    The historical continuity motif in Conservative Judaism's concept of Israel.Allon Gal - 1993 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 2 (2):157-183.
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    Judaism and the Modern World: Conservative Views on Bioethical Issues.Felicia Cohn - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (3):67-68.
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    Reform, conservative and neo-orthodox: distinctions in contemporary Judaism: a useful lexicon for Catholics?Richard Rymarz - 2002 - The Australasian Catholic Record 79 (1):18.
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  7. Judaism, Business and Privacy.Elliot N. Dorff - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (2):31-44.
    This article first describes some of the chief contrasts between Judaism and American secularism in their underlying convictions about the business environment and the expectations which all involved in business can have of each other—namely, duties vs. rights,communitarianism vs. individualism, and ties to God and to the environment based on our inherent status as God’s creatures rather than on our pragmatic choice. Conservative Judaism’s methodology for plumbing the Jewish tradition for guidance is described and contrasted to those of Orthodox (...)
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    Law and tradition in Judaism.Boaz Cohen - 1959 - New York,: Ktav Pub. House.
    Boaz Cohen. sincere and great D'nan 'TD^n who do not approve of the policies or politics of their wilful and dominating leaders, but they are cowed into an undignified silence and submission, and are rendered impotent for salutary action.
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    Vegan revolution: saving our world, revitalizing Judaism.Richard Schwartz - 2020 - Brooklyn, NY: Lantern Publishing & Media.
    For over four decades, Richard Schwartz has engaged with two ethically rich ways of living that, as he charts in this book, he came to appreciate in middle age: Judaism and veganism. Having been born into a secular Jewish family, it was his marriage and an increasing commitment to social justice that propelled him to study and rediscover the essence of his Jewish faith. That sense of social justice further raised his awareness of the environmental movement, and, ultimately, to animal (...)
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  10. Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy.Nathan Cofnas - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (2):134-156.
    MacDonald argues that a suite of genetic and cultural adaptations among Jews constitutes a “group evolutionary strategy.” Their supposed genetic adaptations include, most notably, high intelligence, conscientiousness, and ethnocentrism. According to this thesis, several major intellectual and political movements, such as Boasian anthropology, Freudian psychoanalysis, and multiculturalism, were consciously or unconsciously designed by Jews to promote collectivism and group continuity among themselves in Israel and the diaspora and undermine the cohesion of gentile populations, thus increasing the competitive advantage of Jews (...)
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  11. Redemption Through Sin: Judaism and Heresy in Interwar Europe.Benjamin Lazier - 2002 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    This is a study of the encounter with the problem of heresy in Europe between the World Wars, in Germany and among Jews above all. It is first and foremost an intellectual history, though not exclusively so, and has four related aims. It argues, first, that the advent of a heretical ideal among Jews in the interwar period marked the definitive end of a chapter in German-Jewish history that began with Moses Mendelssohn. Mendelssohn's gambit and the liberal Judaism that arose (...)
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    Abraham Geiger's Liberal Judaism: Personal Meaning and Religious Authority.Ken Koltun-Fromm - 2006 - Indiana University Press.
    German rabbi, scholar, and theologian Abraham Geiger is recognized as the principal leader of the Reform movement in German Judaism. In his new work, Ken Koltun-Fromm argues that for Geiger personal meaning in religion—rather than rote ritual practice or acceptance of dogma—was the key to religion’s moral authority. In five chapters, the book explores issues central to Geiger’s work that speak to contemporary Jewish practice—historical memory, biblical interpretation, ritual and gender practices, rabbinic authority, and Jewish education. This is essential reading (...)
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    Progressive Minds, Conservative Politics: Leo Strauss's Later Writings on Maimonides.Aryeh Tepper - 2013 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _Compelling account of Strauss's mature Maimonidean writings._.
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    A Survey on the Concept of ‘Tikkun olam: Repairing the World’ in Judaism.Mürsel Özalp - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):291-309.
    The Hebrew phrase tikkun olam means repairing, mending or healing the world. Today, the phrase tikkun olam, particularly in liberal Jewish American circles, has become a slogan for a diverse range of topics such as activism, political participation, call and pursuit of social justice, charities, environmental issues and healthy nutrition. Moreover, the presidents of the United States who attend Jewish religious days and Jewish ceremonies state the tikkun olam in its Hebrew origin, pointing out its origin embedded in the Judaism (...)
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  15.  22
    Circumcision: Ordinary and Universal in My Community.Allan J. Jacobs - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (2):71-73.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Circumcision:Ordinary and Universal in My CommunityAllan J. JacobsMy1 circumcision experiences are remarkable mostly for their ordinariness. My wife Danaë gave birth to our son Perseus2 while I was a resident in obstetrics and gynecology in a city where we had no family. Perseus was circumcised in a Jewish brit milah3 ceremony on the eighth day of his life, as were my wife's and my male ancestors back into ancient (...)
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  16.  12
    Elliot N. Dorff: in search of the good life.Hava Tirosh-Samuelson & Aaron W. Hughes (eds.) - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff, the Sol and Anne Dorff Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Rector of American Jewish University in Los Angeles, is one of today's leading Jewish ethicists. Writing extensively on the intersection of law, morality, science, religion, and medicine, Dorff offers an authoritative and non-Orthodox interpretation of Jewish law. As a leader in the Rabbinical Assembly's Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, he has shaped the religious practices of Conservative Jews. In serving on national advisory committees and (...)
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  17.  6
    Aging and the aged in Jewish law: essays and responsa.Walter Jacob & Moshe Zemer (eds.) - 1998 - Pittsburgh: Rodef Shalom Press.
    THE FREEHOF INSTITUTE OF PROGRESSIVE HALAKHAH The Freehof Institute of Progressive Halakhah is a creative research center devoted to studying and defining the progressive character of the halakhah in accordance with the principles and theology of Reform Judaism. It seeks to establish the ideological basis of Progressive halakhah, and its application to daily life. The Institute fosters serious studies, and helps scholars in various portions of the world to work together for a common cause. It provides an ongoing forum through (...)
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    The unfolding tradition: philosophies of Jewish law.Elliot N. Dorff - 2011 - New York: Aviv Press.
    Previous title: "The unfolding tradition: Jewish law after Sinai.".
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  19.  9
    The rabbi's brain: mystics, moderns and the science of Jewish thinking.Andrew B. Newberg - 2018 - Nashville, Tennessee: Turner Publishing Company. Edited by David Halpern.
    The topic of "Neurotheology" has garnered increasing attention in the academic, religious, scientific, and popular worlds. However, there have been no attempts at exploring more specifically how Jewish religious thought and experience may intersect with neurotheology. The Rabbi's Brain engages this groundbreaking area. Topics included relate to a neurotheological approach to the foundational beliefs that arise from the Torah and associated scriptures, Jewish learning, an exploration of the different elements of Judaism (i.e. Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox), an exploration of (...)
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  20. Жінки в рабинаті: Американський досвід.Anna Mariia Basauri Zuzina - 2014 - Схід 3 (129):74-77.
    Стаття присвячена історії становлення жіночого рабинату в іудаїзмі США. Оскільки сміха (звання рабина) надається в теологічних навчальних закладах, то авторка акцентує свою увагу саме на них. Розглянуто позицію представників ортодоксального іудаїзму, які, базуючись на Галасі, забороняють жінкам ставати рабинами. Далі розглядається, яким чином навчальні заклади різних напрямів сучасного іудаїзму (реформістського, реконструктивістського та консервативного) приймали рішення про дозвіл жінкам вступати до рабинських факультетів та отримувати сміху. Авторка пов'язує ці зміни з феміністським рухом 1960-70 рр. Виділено загальні проблеми жінок під час навчання (...)
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    Afro-American Jews.Şahin Kizilabdullah - 2022 - Dini Araştırmalar 25 (62):59-82.
    Judaism is one of the oldest surviving religious traditions in the world. The Jews, who base their history on Abraham and his son Isaac, began to be called religion with Moses. The Jews, who lived their golden age in and around Jerusalem during the David and Solomon periods, also built the Temple, which was at the center of their religious life. The Jews, who rebuilt the Temple during the Babylonian exile and subsequently Ezra's reign, lived in these lands until the (...)
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  22.  4
    The rabbi's brain: an introduction to Jewish neurotheology.Andrew B. Newberg - 2018 - Nashville, Tennessee: Turner Publishing Company. Edited by David Halpern.
    The topic of "Neurotheology" has garnered increasing attention in the academic, religious, scientific, and popular worlds. However, there have been no attempts at exploring more specifically how Jewish religious thought and experience may intersect with neurotheology. The Rabbi's Brain engages this groundbreaking area. Topics included relate to a neurotheological approach to the foundational beliefs that arise from the Torah and associated scriptures, Jewish learning, an exploration of the different elements of Judaism (i.e. Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox), an exploration of (...)
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  23. This is my beloved, this is my friend: a rabbinic letter on intimate relations.Elliot N. Dorff - 1996 - [New York?]: Rabbinical Assembly.
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    Tora między życiem a śmiercią: bioetyki żydowskie w dialogu.Tomasz P. Terlikowski - 2007 - Warszawa: Rhetos.
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    Moses’ Role in Writing the Torah: The History of Jewish Fundamental Tenet.Eran Viezel - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (39):3-44.
    The basic axiom of Judaism over the generations has been that the Torah is of divine origin and was transmitted to Israel by Moses. Numerous and diverse notions regarding the composition of the Torah and Moses’ role in writing it can and have been derived from this conservative doctrine, however. To date, no full and exhaustive inquiry into the matter having been conducted into the subject to date, some relevant sources and the relationship between the diverse views or their (...)
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    Monotheism and Tolerance: Recovering a Religion of Reason.Robert Erlewine - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Why are religious tolerance and pluralism so difficult to achieve? Why is the often violent fundamentalist backlash against them so potent? Robert Erlewine looks to a new religion of reason for answers to these questions. Drawing on Enlightenment writers Moses Mendelssohn, Immanuel Kant, and Hermann Cohen, who placed Christianity and Judaism in tension with tolerance and pluralism, Erlewine finds a way to break the impasse, soften hostilities, and establish equal relationships with the Other. Erlewine’s recovery of a religion of reason (...)
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  27.  17
    The moral imagination: from Edmund Burke to Lionel Trilling.Gertrude Himmelfarb - 2006 - Chicago: Ivan R. Dee.
    Edmund Burke : apologist for Judaism? -- George Eliot : the wisdom of Dorothea -- Jane Austen : the education of Emma -- Charles Dickens : "a low writer" -- Benjamin Disraeli : the Tory imagination -- John Stuart Mill : the other Mill -- Walter Bagehot : "a divided nature" -- John Buchan : an untimely appreciation -- The Knoxes : a God-haunted family -- Michael Oakeshott : the conservative disposition -- Winston Churchill : "quite simply, a great (...)
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  28.  15
    Caring for Creation: An Ecumenical Approach to the Environmental Crisis.Max Oelschlaeger (ed.) - 1996 - Yale University Press.
    Many environmentalists believe that religion has been a major contributor to our ecological crisis, for Judeo-Christians have been taught that they have dominion over the earth and so do not consider themselves part of a biotic community. In this book a philosopher of environmental ethics acknowledges that religion may contribute to environmental problems but argues that religion can also play an important role in solving these problems―that religion can provide an ethical context that will help people to become sensitive to (...)
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  29. Oh, All the Wrongs I Could Have Performed! Or: Why Care about Morality, Robustly Realistically Understood.David Enoch & Itamar Weinshtock Saadon - 2023 - In Paul Bloomfield & David Copp (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Moral Realism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 434-462.
    Suppose someone is brought up as an orthodox Jew, and so only eats kosher, is very conservative sexually, etc. Suppose they then find out that this Judaism stuff is just all a big mistake. If they then regret all the shrimp they could have eaten, all the sex!, this makes perfect sense. Not so, however, if someone finds out that moral realism is false, and they now regret all the fun they could have had hurting people’s feeling, etc. Even (...)
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  30.  9
    Multi-Secularism: A New Agenda.Paul Kurtz - 2010 - Routledge.
    The contemporary world is witness to an intense, sometimes violent controversy about secularism. These trends have been exacerbated by the emergence of fundamentalism, which challenges the secular society and the secularization of philosophical ideas and ethical values. Paul Kurtz has been personally involved in the campaign for secularism throughout his career as a philosopher. This book reflects his participation in this battle and extends his thinking to new areas. Secularists maintain that the state should not impose a religious creed on (...)
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  31.  12
    In Defense of Religious Liberty.David Novak - 2009 - Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
    In Defense of Religious Liberty contains David Novak’s vigorous—and paradoxical—argument that the primacy of divine law is the best foundation for a secular, multicultural democracy. Novak presents his claim, which will astound both liberal and conservative advocates of democracy, in political, philosophical, and theological terms. He shows how the universal norms of divine law are knowable as natural law, that they are the best formulations of the human rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that their (...)
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  32.  13
    Orthodox violence: “Critique of Violence” and Walter Benjamin's Jewish political theology.Udi E. Greenberg - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (3):324-333.
    This paper deals with the role of Judaism in Walter Benjamin's famous 1921 essay on violence and law, Zur Kritik der Gewalt. Despite the intense attention devoted to this essay, the role of Jewish myth in it has not yet been thoroughly explained. This study contends that the association between what Benjamin termed revolutionary violence and the Jewish messianic tradition, which plays a central role in the evaluation of Benjamin's text, is far more problematic than has hitherto been assumed, and (...)
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    Das Verständnis des Todes bei Ben Sira.Otto Kaiser - 2001 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 43 (2):175-192.
    On the background and within the framework of the traditional Israelite-Jewish anthropology Ben Sira advises his pupils and readers to accept death as a fate and to draw the consequences of the fact that human beings have no other life than the present one. For the Lord the shortness of human life gives reason for his mercy, if they return to his commands. On the other hand the way a man dies is a parameter for God's judgement. Apart from the (...)
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    Orthodox violence: “Critique of Violence” and Walter Benjamin's Jewish political theology.Udi E. Greenberg1 - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (3):324-333.
    This paper deals with the role of Judaism in Walter Benjamin's famous 1921 essay on violence and law, Zur Kritik der Gewalt. Despite the intense attention devoted to this essay, the role of Jewish myth in it has not yet been thoroughly explained. This study contends that the association between what Benjamin termed revolutionary violence and the Jewish messianic tradition, which plays a central role in the evaluation of Benjamin's text, is far more problematic than has hitherto been assumed, and (...)
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    Matthew 5:17 and Matthew's Community.Bradley Trout - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (3):6.
    One of the central arguments in establishing the ‘Christian-Jewish’ nature of the Matthean community is the argument that Matthew’s community was law observant. In particular, Matthew 5:17–19 is said to argue in favour of a community that had not broken ties with Judaism. This paper argues that Matthew 5:17–19 is not primarily about demonstrating lawobservance, but fulfilment. When πληρόω is understood in light of its broader Matthean usage, it becomes apparent that ‘to fulfil’ means the coming about of what the (...)
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  36. America's Religion versus Religion in America: A Philosophic Profile.Robert Trundle - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (33):3-20.
    Religion can be politicized to become a murderous ideology and ideology can be interpreted messianically to become a virtual religion. With the caveat that a religio-ideological capitalism pertains only to a minority of conservative Americans and that most Americans are not ideological, ideological capitalism has had an inordinate influence on America’s social-political praxis. This praxis has suffered from the ideology where “ideology” denotes inter alia: 1) a system of belief whose believers are intolerant of anything less than fervent adherence (...)
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    Intimacy and Exclusion: Religious Politics in Pre-revolutionary Baden.Dagmar Herzog - 1996
    During the years leading up to the revolutions of 1848, liberal and conservative Germans engaged in a contest over the terms of the Enlightenment legacy and the meaning of Christianity--a contest that grew most intense in the Grand Duchy of Baden, where liberalism first became an influential political movement. Bringing insights drawn from Jewish and women's studies into German history, Dagmar Herzog demonstrates how centrally Christianity's problematic relationships to Judaism and to sexuality shaped liberal, conservative, and radical thought (...)
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  38.  14
    That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew: Karl Barth's "Doctrine of Israel".Katherine Sonderegger - 1992 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A leader in the Confessing Church, an outspoken opponent of Anti-Semitism, and, late in life, a committed supporter of the state of Israel, Karl Barth was nevertheless a firm and unflinching anti-Judaic theologian. _That Jesus Was Born a Jew _devotes itself to an analysis and description of these two sides of Barth's thought, from the period of the _Römerbrief_ through the Church Dogmatics and later postwar addresses. It places Barth's thought against the backdrop of his contemporaries and the developments in (...)
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    Educational Ideologies: Contemporary Expressions of Educational Philosophy.William F. O'Neill - 1981
    An overview of the significant ideological options in American educational philosophy focusing mainly on contemporary public education in the United States. Part I presents the Educational Ideologies Inventory, a diagnostic test derived from the conceptual model of six basic educational ideologies, defines key terms and discusses the relationship between philosophy and education. Part II identifies and defines the three conservative ideologies: educational fundamentalism, intellectualism and conservatism. Part III examines the three liberal ideologies: educational liberalism, liberationism and anarchism. Part IV (...)
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    Reading LXXJudith 13:1–9 as performance.Nicholas P. L. Allen & Pierre J. Jordaan - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):6.
    The Septuagint Book of Judith and its derivatives have had an enormous influence on the history of Western Europe and the Christian church. Judith has been employed in various situations to incite violence against a perceived opposition. In this regard, this article focuses on the climax of this book (Jdt 13:1–9) as performance text. In this context, many of the insights proffered by Perry in his seminal work Insights from Performance Criticism (2016) have been expanded upon from the perspective of (...)
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    No Restraint: Arguments From Religious Freedom, Equality, and Enrichment.Kent Greenawalt - 1995 - In Private Consciences and Public Reasons. Oup Usa.
    In this chapter, a challenge to the idea of ecumenical exchange is set forth from explicit religious premises. One made by David Smolin critiques Michael Perry's ideas on religious dialogue. Based mainly on the conservative traditionalist view, Smolin rejects the idea of a rational reexamination of religious beliefs. Smolin regards liberal Christianity as unstable, because the attempted mix of modernist premises with loyalty to God is bound to result in an increasingly secular identity. Smolin urges that the very nature (...)
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    Reluctant Modernism: Moses Mendelssohn's Philosophy of History.Matt Erlin - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (1):83-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.1 (2002) 83-104 [Access article in PDF] Reluctant Modernism: Moses Mendelssohn's Philosophy of History Matt Erlin In a well-known passage from the second section of Jerusalem (1784) Moses Mendelssohn takes his old friend Lessing to task for his recent treatise on The Education of the Human Race (1780). His respect for the author notwithstanding, Mendelssohn has little sympathy for Lessing's view of human (...)
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    Review of Paul F. M. Zahl, The First Christian: Universal Truth in the Teachings of Jesus[REVIEW]D. Seiple - 2004 - Review of Biblical Literature 2004 (September 11).
    This book by Paul F. M. Zahl, Dean of Cathedral Church of the Advent (Episcopal) in Birmingham, Alabama, is billed as “an exercise in New Testament theology.” Jesus, Zahl declares, was “the First Christian,” and this can be so only because the relation between Jesus and his Judaic background is not what mainstream biblical scholars have thought. Zahl sees the historical Jesus as mainly discontinuous with his own Judaic context and (or, it seems, because) he thinks that this is the (...)
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    So Radically Jewish that He’s an Evangelical Christian: N.T. Wright’s Judeophobic and Privileged Paul.Stephen L. Young - 2022 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 76 (4):339-351.
    N.T. Wright remains an influential biblical interpreter among evangelical and conservative-mainline Christians. Critiques of his readings of Paul by scholars from the wider academy are not common in these spaces. This article illustrates the historical inaccuracies, Judeophobia, and erasures of exploitation that animate Wright’s discussions of Paul and philosophy, ancient Judaism, and the question of whether Paul was counter-cultural in Paul and the Faithfulness of God. Ultimately the apostle becomes a ventriloquist for the narratives, fixations, and voices that are (...)
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    Overhearing Hollander's Hyphens: Poet-Critic, American-Jew.Andrew Bush - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (2):70-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.2 (2000) 70-87 [Access article in PDF] Overhearing Hollander's Hyphens Poet-Critic, American-Jew Andrew Bush in memory of Maria TorokJohn Hollander. The Work Of Poetry. New York: Columbia UP, 1997. Hyphens Mordecai Kaplan's grand quest romance, Judaism as a Civilization (1934), finds its nadir midway through his argument. He had set out not from Judaism in search of, say, God, but from America in search of Judaism, an altogether (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Ethics and Morality Edited by Elliot N. Dorff and Jonathan K. Crane.Louis E. Newman - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):219-221.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Ethics and Morality Edited by Elliot N. Dorff and Jonathan K. CraneLouis E. NewmanThe Oxford Handbook of Jewish Ethics and Morality EDITED BY ELLIOT N. DORFF AND JONATHAN K. CRANE New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. 499 pp. $150The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Ethics and Morality addresses what has long been a major lacuna in the field of Jewish studies. No one who (...)
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  47. Baker, Susan, Kousis, Maria, Richardson, Dick and Young, Stephen (eds)(1997) The Politics of Sustainable Development: Theory, Policy and Practice within the European Union, New York: Routledge. Black, Brian (2000) Petrolia: the Landscape of America's First Oil Boom, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. [REVIEW]Conservative Manifesto - 2001 - Ethics, Place and Environment 4 (1):77-78.
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  48. Hunting controversies.Gameand Wild Life Conservation - 2008 - In Susan Jean Armstrong & Richard George Botzler (eds.), The animal ethics reader. New York: Routledge.
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    MOZAFFAR QlZILBASH 223 Reviews RM Hare, Sorting Out Ethics DALE E. MILLER 241 Andrew Mason (ed.), Ideals on Equality.Conservative Utilitarianism, Jeremy Bentham & J. S. Mill - 2000 - Utilitas 12 (2).
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    Socio-Cognitive Factors Associated With Lifestyle Changes in Response to the COVID-19 Epidemic in the General Population: Results From a Cross-Sectional Study in France.Aymery Constant, Donaldson Fadael Conserve, Karine Gallopel-Morvan & Jocelyn Raude - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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