Results for 'Consumer concerns'

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  1. Food, consumer concerns, and trust: Food ethics for a globalizing market. [REVIEW]Frans W. A. Brom - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (2):127-139.
    The use of biotechnology in food productiongives rise to consumer concerns. The term ``consumerconcern'' is often used as a container notion. Itincludes concerns about food safety, environmental andanimal welfare consequences of food productionsystems, and intrinsic moral objections againstgenetic modification. In order to create clarity adistinction between three different kinds of consumerconcern is proposed. Consumer concerns can be seen assigns of loss of trust. Maintaining consumer trustasks for governmental action. Towards consumerconcerns, governments seem to have (...)
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    Consumers' Concerns with How They Are Researched Online.Caroline Moraes - 2017 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 36 (1):79-101.
    Increased consumer usage of the internet has highlighted a number of problematic online marketing practices, including the use of online platforms to research consumers without full consumer awareness. Despite current debates regarding online research ethics from a marketing perspective, scant research has been published on consumers’ concerns with how they are researched online, which is a knowledge gap this paper seeks to address through qualitative research with UK consumers. This is an important yet neglected topic, given that (...)
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    Meeting consumer concerns for food safety in south korea: The importance of food safety and ethics in a globalizing market. [REVIEW]Renee B. Kim - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (2):141-152.
    As the issue of food safety became one of the important public agenda, consumer concern for food safety became the general public concern. The Korea U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA) completion allowing import of U.S. beef to Korea has turned into a massive public uproar and a series of demonstrations, revealing widespread concerns on the part of Korean producers and consumers about government food safety regulations and mishandling of the beef trade requirement. The mishandling of public (...) for BSE on U.S. beef import by the administrators led to a breakdown of the relationship between the public and the government and a loss of consumer confidence in Korea’s food safety system. The KORUS FTA beef crisis raised the issues of government accountability and the importance of understanding moral and ethical aspects of food safety management that pose perceived risk for BSE by the Korean citizen. The aim of this paper is to address the importance of understanding consumer concerns, food ethics and of appropriate risk communication in dealing with politically and publically sensitive food safety issues. This is achieved by assessing the factors that contributed to the conflict between the Korean government and the Korean public over the KORUS FTA beef agreement. (shrink)
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    Proposal for a transatlantic platform for consumer concerns and international trade.Jan Staman & Frans W. A. Brom - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (2):207-214.
    Consumer concerns pop up. They are relatedto the safety of agrifood products for people, foranimals, and for the environment as well as the socialand ethical implications of certain agrifoodproduction methods. At first sight, the WTO agreementand the SPS and TBT agreements appear to offersufficient legal scope to deal with these concerns andresolve trade conflicts. The events of recent years,however, have shown the limitations of theseagreements in dealing with cultural differencesbetween nations and in dealing with the social andpolitical (...)
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    Ethical challenges for livestock production:Meeting consumer concerns about meat safety and animalwelfare. [REVIEW]Wim A. J. Verbeke & Jacques Viaene - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (2):141-151.
    Livestock production today faces thedifficult task of effectively meeting emergingconsumer concerns while remaining competitive on majortarget markets. Meeting consumer concerns aboutproduct safety and animal welfare are identified askey attention points for future livestock production.The relevance of these issues pertains to productionefficiency and economic benefits and tore-establishing meat sector image and consumer trust.The current paper analyses consumer concerns about theethical issues of meat safety and animal welfare fromcurrent livestock production. The research methodologyis based on literature (...)
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    Think Global, Buy National: CSR, Cooperatives and Consumer Concerns in the Norwegian Food Value Chain.Lars Ursin, Bjørn Kåre Myskja & Siri Granum Carson - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (3):387-405.
    In a world where issues of food safety and food security are increasingly important, the social responsibility of central actors in the food chain—producers and the main grocery chains—becomes more pressing. As a response, these actors move from implicitly assuming social responsibilities implied in laws, regulations and ethical customs, towards explicitly expressing social responsibilities. In this paper, we discuss the ethical values relevant for the social responsibility of central food producers and retailers in Norway, one of the most subsidized and (...)
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    Balancing internet marketing needs with consumer concerns: a property rights framework.E. Rose - 2001 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 31 (1):17-21.
    Innovations in web technologies, data warehousing and data mining enable Internet marketers to collect, process and analyze personal data gathered from web users browsing and online purchase habits on a much greater scale as it is now quicker and more economical to do so. Recent surveys indicate that consumers are not comfortable with these practices, especially when the data is collected or sold without their consent. The resulting conflict of interest demands a solution. In this paper, a framework of incomplete (...)
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    From the guest editors food ethics and consumer concerns.Frans W. A. Brom & Bart Gremmen - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (2):111-112.
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    Belgian Consumers' Opinion on Pork Consumption Concerning Alternatives for Unanesthetized Piglet Castration.Sanne Van Beirendonck, Bert Driessen & Rony Geers - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (1):259-272.
    Male piglets in Belgium are still castrated unanesthetized in the first week of life, but animal rights organizations, supermarkets, and some consumers no longer accept this method in terms of animal welfare, and are pushing the pig industry to apply available alternative methods. This major change in pig husbandry will increase production costs without a guarantee for return of investment by consumers. Therefore, it is important to know the opinion of consumers on this matter. A questionnaire was used to collect (...)
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    Consumer Protection against Unfair Commercial Practices in the Light of Directive 2005/29 Concerning Unfair Business-to-Consumer Commercial Practices in the Internal Market. [REVIEW]Robert Stefanicki - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (1):69-90.
    The aim of the Directive 2005/29 on unfair commercial practices is to contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market and achieve a high level of consumer protection by way of approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of Member States relating to the elimination of these practices. As announced to the European Commission’s Green Paper, the Commission felt that the existing regulations in the Member States in that the regard to show significant differences causes legal uncertainty (...)
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  11. Belgian Consumers' Opinion on Pork Consumption Concerning Alternatives for Unanesthetized Piglet Castration.Sanne Beirendonck, Bert Driessen & Rony Geers - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (1):259-272.
    Male piglets in Belgium are still castrated unanesthetized in the first week of life, but animal rights organizations, supermarkets, and some consumers no longer accept this method in terms of animal welfare, and are pushing the pig industry to apply available alternative methods. This major change in pig husbandry will increase production costs without a guarantee for return of investment by consumers. Therefore, it is important to know the opinion of consumers on this matter. A questionnaire was used to collect (...)
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    Ethical concerns with online direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical companies.Henry Curtis & Joseph Milner - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (3):168-171.
    In recent years, online direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical companies have been created as an alternative method for individuals to get prescription medications. While these companies have noble aims to provide easier, more cost-effective access to medication, the fact that these companies both issue prescriptions as well as distribute and ship medications creates multiple ethical concerns. This paper aims to explore two in particular. First, this model creates conflicts of interest for the physicians hired by these companies to write prescriptions. Second, (...)
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    Ethical Concerns in Poultry Production: A German Consumer Survey About Dual Purpose Chickens.Maria Busse, Maria Lee Kernecker, Jana Zscheischler, Felix Zoll & Rosemarie Siebert - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (5):905-925.
    The paper offers insights into the acceptability of ethical issues in poultry production and how this situation provides an opportunity to transform the prevailing system into a more sustainable one. The survey among German consumers reveals that killing day-old chicks is a well-known practice and is rated as “very problematic”. In contrast, dual-purpose chickens are mostly unknown but are considered a positive alternative to killing day-old chicks. Consumer clusters were identified regarding purchasing criteria for dual-purpose chickens, purchasing routines and (...)
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  14.  58
    Novel foods and consumer rights: Concerning food policy in a liberal state. [REVIEW]Klaus Peter Rippe - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (1):71-80.
    In the public debate concerning novel foods, someconsumer groups claim a consumer right to have accessto certain kinds of food in the market. To discusssuch statements, the paper identifies the reasons thatmay justify liberal states to regulate food. Althoughit defends certain paternalistic activities, itfavours an autonomy-centred food policy. Autonomy andconsumer sovereignty require that certain conditionsare fulfilled. It may be argued that one suchcondition is that the consumer should have choices.Against this position, the paper defends the view thatliberty rights (...)
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    Direct to consumer testing in reproductive contexts – should health professionals be concerned?Heather Skirton - 2015 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11 (1):1-9.
    Direct to consumer genetic testing offered via the Internet has been available for over a decade. Initially most tests of this type were offered without the input of the consumer’s own health professional. Ethical and practical concerns have been a raised over the use of such tests: these include fulfilling the requirement for informed consent, utility of results for health care management and the potential burden placed upon health services by people who have taken tests.
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    Taking consumers seriously: Two concepts of consumer sovereignty. [REVIEW]Michiel Korthals - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (2):201-215.
    Governments, producers, and international free tradeorganizations like the World Trade Organization (WTO) areincreasingly confronted with consumers who not only buy (or don'tbuy) goods, but also demand that those goods are producedconforming to certain ethical (often diverse) standards. Not onlysafety and health belong to these ethical ideals, but animalwelfare, environmental concerns, labor circumstances, and fairtrade. However, this phantom haunts the dusty world of social andpolitical philosophy as well. The new concept ``consumersovereignty'' bypasses the conceptual dichotomy of consumer andcitizen.According to (...)
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  17. Consumer Rights to Informed Choice on the Food Market.Volkert Beekman - 2008 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11 (1):61-72.
    The discourse about traceability in food chains focused on traceability as means towards the end of managing health risks. This discourse witnessed a call to broaden traceability to accommodate consumer concerns about foods that are not related to health. This call envisions the development of ethical traceability. This paper presents a justification of ethical traceability. The argument is couched in liberal distinctions, since the call for ethical traceability is based on intuitions about consumer rights to informed choice. (...)
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  18. Consumer Boycotts as Instruments for Structural Change.Valentin Beck - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (4):543-559.
    Consumer boycotts have become a frequent form of social protest in the digital age. The corporate malpractices motivating them are varied, including environmental pollution, lack of minimum labour standards, severe mistreatment of animals, lobbying and misinformation campaigns, collaboration or complicity with illegitimate political regimes, and systematic tax evasion and tax fraud. In this article, I argue that organised consumer boycotts should be regarded as a legitimate and purposeful instrument for structural change, provided they conform to a number of (...)
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    Biology, biologists and bioethics: concerns for scientists, politicians and consumers: proceedings of the international workshop biology, biologists and bioethics... held in Naples (Italy) on June 16th- 17th, years 2000..S. Dumontet & Horst Grimme (eds.) - 2004 - Marano di Napoli: Foxwell & Davies Italia.
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  20. Marketing Dataveillance and Digital Privacy: Using Theories of Justice to Understand Consumers’ Online Privacy Concerns.Laurence Ashworth & Clinton Free - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 67 (2):107-123.
    Technology used in online marketing has advanced to a state where collection, enhancement and aggregation of information are instantaneous. This proliferation of customer information focused technology brings with it a host of issues surrounding customer privacy. This article makes two key contributions to the debate concerning digital privacy. First, we use theories of justice to help understand the way consumers conceive of, and react to, privacy concerns. Specifically, it is argued that an important component of consumers' privacy concerns (...)
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    The Impact of Proximity on Consumer Fair Trade Engagement and Purchasing Behavior: The Moderating Role of Empathic Concern and Hypocrisy.Alvina Gillani, Smirti Kutaula, Leonidas C. Leonidou & Paul Christodoulides - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (3):557-577.
    The article reports the findings of an empirical study among consumers, regarding the impact of physical, social, and psychological proximity on their engagement to the fair trade idea and purchasing behavior. Based on a random sample of 211 British and 112 Indian consumers and using structural equation modeling, it was found that high levels of physical, social, and psychological proximity leads to high consumer fair trade engagement. Moreover, consumer fair trade engagement was confirmed to have a positive impact (...)
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  22.  73
    Naturally confused: consumers' perceptions of all-natural and organic pork products. [REVIEW]Katie M. Abrams, Courtney A. Meyers & Tracy A. Irani - 2010 - Agriculture and Human Values 27 (3):365-374.
    Consumers are bombarded with labels and claims that are intended to address their concerns about how food products are produced, processed, and regulated. Among those are the natural or all-natural claims and the certified organic label. In this study, two focus groups were conducted to explore consumers’ attitudes toward all-natural and organic pork and to gather their reactions to the USDA organic standards for meat, and the policy for natural claims. Results indicated that participants had positive associations with the (...)
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  23.  8
    Consumer Sovereignty and Human Interests.G. Peter Penz - 1986 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book, published in 1986, addresses questions concerned with a central normative principle in contemporary assessments of economic policies and systems. What does 'consumer sovereignty' mean? Is consumer sovereignty an appropriate principle for the optimization and evaluation of the design and performance of economic policies, institutions and systems? If not, what is a more appropriate principle? The author argues that the conception of consumer sovereignty has to be broadened so that it is not limited to the market (...)
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    Ethics, Risk and Benefits Associated with Different Applications of Nanotechnology: a Comparison of Expert and Consumer Perceptions of Drivers of Societal Acceptance.L. J. Frewer, A. R. H. Fischer & N. Gupta - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (2):93-108.
    Examining those risk and benefit perceptions utilised in the formation of attitudes and opinions about emerging technologies such as nanotechnology can be useful for both industry and policy makers involved in their development, implementation and regulation. A broad range of different socio-psychological and affective factors may influence consumer responses to different applications of nanotechnology, including ethical concerns. A useful approach to identifying relevant consumer concerns and innovation priorities is to develop predictive constructs which can be used (...)
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  25. Consumer attitudes towards the development of animal-friendly husbandry systems.L. J. Frewer, A. Kole, S. M. A. Van de Kroon & C. de Lauwere - 2005 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18 (4):345-367.
    Recent policy developments in the area of livestock husbandry have suggested that, from the perspective of optimizing animal welfare, new animal husbandry systems should be developed that provide opportunities for livestock animals to be raised in environments where they are permitted to engage in “natural behavior.” It is not known whether consumers regard animal husbandry issues as important, and whether they differentiate between animal husbandry and other animal welfare issues. The responsibility for the development of such systems is allocated jointly (...)
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    Consumer Boycotts and Jurisprudential Challenges Related to Identifying Their Legal Cause (‘İllah).Ozat Shamshıyev - 2024 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 61:179-193.
    Recently, consumer boycott has been used as an economic weapon and a tool of passive resistance. There are several dimensions to consumer boycott, which serves as a means for Muslim communities to assert their will and to make their voices heard. This study primarily examines the legal (fiqhi) justifications for consumer boycott. The main objective of the study is to identify the reasons (causes) that lead Muslims to engage in consumer boycott. In addition, a secondary objective (...)
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    Direct-to-Consumer Neurotechnologies and Quantified Relationship Technologies: Overlapping Ethical Concerns.Sven Nyholm, Brian D. Earp & John Danaher - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (4):167-170.
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    Ethical and Regulatory Concerns About Direct-to-Consumer Brain Stimulation for Athletic Enhancement.Robert Martone & John Shook - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (4):191-193.
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    Citizens, Consumers and the Environment: Reflections on The Economy of the Earth 1.Russell Keat - 1994 - Environmental Values 3 (4):333-349.
    This paper presents a critical evaluation of Mark Sagoff's critique of economistic approaches to environmental decision-making in The Economy of the Earth. Whilst endorsing many of Sagoff's specific arguments against the use of extended versions of cost-benefit analysis in making such decisions, it criticises the conceptual framework within which these arguments are developed. In particular, it suggests that what Sagoff represents as a tension between consumers and their public roles as citizens is better understood as one between culturally shared values (...)
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  30. Consumers' perceptions of corporate social responsibilities: A cross-cultural comparison. [REVIEW]Isabelle Maignan - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 30 (1):57 - 72.
    Based on a consumer survey conducted in France, Germany, and the U.S., the study investigates consumers'' readiness to support socially responsible organizations and examines their evaluations of the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities of the firm. French and German consumers appear more willing to actively support responsible businesses than their U.S. counterparts. While U.S. consumers value highly corporate eco-nomic responsibilities, French and German consumers are most concerned about businesses conforming with legal and ethical standards. These findings provide useful (...)
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    Consumer’s stated trust in the food industry and meat purchases.Larissa S. Drescher, Janneke de Jonge, Ellen Goddard & Thomas Herzfeld - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (4):507-517.
    Research indicates that consumers are particularly concerned about the safety of meat. More highly processed meat is perceived as more unsafe than fresh or natural meats, i.e., consumers trust processed meat less. This paper studies the relationship between perceived trust and day-to-day purchase behavior for meat, giving special attention to the degree of meat processing. Controlling for trust in food chain actors and demographic and socio-economic variables, actual meat purchases of Canadian households are linked to answers from a commissioned food (...)
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    Consumer Trust, Social Marketing and Ethics of Welfare Exchange.Chong Ju Choi, Tarek Ibrahim Eldomiaty & Sae Won Kim - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 74 (1):17-23.
    The global corporate scandals such as Enron, Worldcom and Global Crossing have raised fundamental issues of business ethics as well as economic, social and anthropological questions concerning the nature of business competition and global capitalism. The purpose of this conceptual paper is to introduce the concept of "welfare exchange" to the existing notions of economic, social and anthropological notions of business and exchange in markets and society in the 21st century. Global competition and business success in the 21st century continue (...)
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  33.  41
    Should we be concerned about direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs?Christopher Jordens & Lynley Anderson - 2005 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 2 (2):61-62.
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  34. Motivations of the Ethical Consumer.Oliver M. Freestone & Peter J. McGoldrick - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (4):445-467.
    There are strong indications that many consumers are switching towards more socially and environmentally responsible products and services, reflecting a shift in consumer values indicated in several countries. However, little is known about the motives that drive some toward, or deter others from, higher levels of ethical concern and action in their purchasing decisions. Following a qualitative investigation using ZMET and focus group discussions, a questionnaire was developed and administered to a representative sample of consumers; nearly 1,000 usable questionnaires (...)
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    Consumer protection and electronic commerce in the Sultanate of Oman.Rakesh Belwal, Rahima Al Shibli & Shweta Belwal - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (1):38-60.
    PurposeWithin a larger mandate of reviewing the key global trends concerning consumer protection in the electronic commerce (e-commerce) literature, this study aims to study the legal framework concerning e-commerce and consumer protection in the Sultanate of Oman and to analyse the current regulations concerning e-commerce and consumer protection.Design/methodology/approachThis study followed the normative legal research approach and resorted to the desk research process to facilitate content analysis of literature containing consumer protection legislation and regulatory provisions in Oman (...)
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    Consumer protection.Stephen Meili - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer, The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article deals with the issue of consumer complaint and various mechanisms aimed at addressing it. It reviews empirical studies of the interplay between consumer complaining behavior, dispute resolution mechanisms, and administrative enforcement of consumer laws. The article illustrates the evolution of consumer protection and provides a logical framework within which to suggest areas for expanded empirical work in this area. This article reveals research studies on complaining behavior focusing on marketing studies and socio-legal studies. It (...)
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    Importance and Feasibility of Animal Welfare Measures from a Consumer Perspective in Germany.Heinke Heise, Sirkka Schukat & Carolin Winkel - 2020 - Food Ethics 5 (1-2).
    The subject animal welfare is increasingly in the public discourse. Consumers and policymakers are increasingly demanding products that are produced under increased animal welfare standards. The profession of the farmer involuntarily gets into disrepute. Many consumers want fundamental changes in pig farming, but are not aware of the consequences of implementation. In this representative study, consumers (n = 1101) were asked about their assessment of 33 animal welfare measures with regard to their importance and the feasibility of implementing those measures. (...)
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  38. Consumers, Boycotts, and Non-Human Animals.Gary Chartier - 2005 - Buffalo Environmental Law Journal 12:123-94.
    Considers the ways in which alternative moral positions—consequentialism, natural law theory (adjusted to incorporate recognition of non-human animals' moral standing), and Stephen Clark's version of Aristotelian virtue ethics—respond to the question whether a boycott of the meat industry is morally obligatory. Investigates the likely responses of the various positions to a range of casuistic concerns.
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    Concern, Respect, and Cooperation.Garrett Cullity - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Three things often recognized as central to morality are concern for others’ welfare, respect for their self-expression, and cooperation in worthwhile collective activity. When philosophers have proposed theories of the substance of morality, they have typically looked to one of these three sources to provide a single, fundamental principle of morality – or they have tried to formulate a master-principle for morality that combines these three ideas in some way. This book views them instead as three independently important foundations of (...)
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    Consumer Complaining Behavior: a Paradigmatic Review.Swapan Deep Arora & Anirban Chakraborty - 2020 - Philosophy of Management 20 (2):113-134.
    Consumer complaining behavior (CCB) is an important stream of research and practice, as it links the domains of service failure and service recovery. CCB research, although extensive and temporally wide, exhibits a lack of concern for the underlying assumptions of scholarly inquiry. Researchers neither explicitly mention, nor consciously indicate their ontological, epistemological, and methodological assumptions. We systematically identify the extant CCB literature and map it to two well-accepted paradigmatic classifications (Burrell and Morgan 1979; Deetz Organization Science 7(2): 191–207, 1996). (...)
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    Consumer Choice and Farmers' Markets.Rachel Dodds, Mark Holmes, Vichukan Arunsopha, Nicole Chin, Trang Le, Samantha Maung & Mimi Shum - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (3):397-416.
    The increasing popularity of local food consumption can be attributed to the heightened awareness of food safety concerns, carbon emissions produced from food transportation, and an understanding of how large corporations’ obtain their food supplies. Although there is increasing discussion on both the local and organic food movement independently, there is not a wide availability of literature examining the motivations and perceptions of consumers with regard to farmers’ markets. Issues such as perceptions about what type of food consumers are (...)
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  42. Exploring Italian Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Sustainable Fashion: The Roles of Eco-Consciousness and Vintage Preference.Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Thien-Vu Tran, Hong-Hue Thi Nguyen, Thi Mai Anh Tran & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Studying the psychology behind the purchase of eco-friendly products and second-hand items can offer valuable insights to promote sustainable consumer behavior. This paper examines factors influencing Italian consumers’ willingness to pay regarding bio-based clothing and second-hand items. Drawing from data collected from 402 Italian participants, we examine how motivations and socio-demographic factors are associated with willingness to pay in the context of sustainable fashion. Our findings reveal that motivations related to environmental concerns are positively associated with consumers’ willingness (...)
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    Consumer autonomy and sufficiency of gmf labeling.Helena Siipi & Susanne Uusitalo - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (4):353-369.
    Individuals’ food choices are intimately connected to their self-images and world views. Some dietary choices adopted by consumers pose restrictions on their use of genetically modified food (GMF). It is quite generally agreed that some kind of labeling is necessary for respecting consumers’ autonomy of choice regarding GMF. In this paper, we ask whether the current practice of mandatory labeling of GMF products in the European Union is a sufficient administrative procedure for respecting consumers’ autonomy. Three issues concerning this question (...)
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    Consumer Complicity and the Problem of Individual Causal Efficacy.Corey Katz - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 24 (2).
    Because of the “problem of individual causal inefficacy,” it has been difficult to explain why a purchase that will make little to no difference to a producer’s wrongdoing is itself morally wrong. Some have recently appealed to the concept of complicity in order to support the idea that consumers have a moral reason to avoid purchasing from companies engaged in wrongdoing. In this paper, I contribute to the development of this direction in consumer ethics. First, I explore how we (...)
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    Consumer attitudes towards nanotechnologies applied to food production.L. J. Frewer, N. Gupta, S. George, A. R. H. Fischer, E. L. Giles & David Coles - unknown
    The literature on public perceptions of, and attitudes towards, nanotechnology used in the agrifood sector is reviewed. Research into consumer perceptions and attitudes has focused on general applications of nanotechnology, rather than within the agrifood sector. Perceptions of risk and benefit associated with different applications of nanotechnology, including agrifood applications, shape consumer attitudes, and acceptance, together with ethical concerns related to environmental impact or animal welfare. Attitudes are currently moderately positive across all areas of application. The occurrence (...)
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    The Distribution of Consumer Goods: A Factual Study of Methods and Costs in the United Kingdom in 1938.James B. Jefferys, Margaret Maccoll & G. L. Levett - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1950, this book is one of a series of studies regarding the structure of the British economy which were produced by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research after the Second World War. It was produced in collaboration with a group of leading businessmen, all of whom were concerned in one way or another with the distribution of consumer goods and dissatisfied with the existing state of knowledge about distribution. The study represented a substantial advance (...)
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  47. Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Disputes.Feliksas Petrauskas & Eglė Kybartienė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (3):921-941.
    Consumer disputes and their nature are changing very fast every day. E-commerce is promoted by the all relevant stakeholders such as European Commission, consumers associations, competent institutions, and business sector in order to achieve the main present goal—consumer confidence in business and full functioning of the internal EU market. Here the third parties are important—trade partners from all over the word. There is no legal relation or actions between disputes and searching for the most convenient, fast, cheap and (...)
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  48.  42
    Consumer Food Ethics: Considerations of Vulnerability, Suffering, and Harm.Yana Manyukhina - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (4):595-614.
    Over the past years, various accounts of ethical consumption have been produced which identify certain concepts as central to mediating the ethical relationship between the consumer and the consumed. Scholars across disciplinary fields have explored how individuals construe their ethical consumption responsibilities and commitments through the notions of identity, taking care and doing good, proximity and distance, suggesting the centrality of these themes to consumer engagement in ethical practices. This paper contributes to the body of research concerned with (...)
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    How consumer perceived ethicality influence repurchase intentions and word-of-mouth? A mediated moderation model.Syed Hamad Hassan Shah, Shen Lei, Syed Talib Hussain & Syeda Mariam - 2020 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 9 (1):1-21.
    Ethical consumerism has been dramatically increasing in recent decades, but in service sector, fewer research has been conducted especially in the fast-food industry. In this paper, we determined empirically the consumer perceived ethicality effects on repurchase intentions as well as on word of mouth through brand image partial mediation and customer expertise moderation in fast-food sector. The data were collected from 307 consumers of the fast-food restaurants through self-administered questionnaires. Common method variance and social desirability bias were measured before (...)
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  50.  17
    Consumer Sovereignty and the Ethics of Recognition.Kushagra Bhatnagar, Julien Cayla, Delphine Dion & Gregorio Fuschillo - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (1):1-19.
    The rising prominence of consumer sovereignty, wherein businesses prioritize customers as kings, presents complex ethical dilemmas. This paper delves into the ethical implications of consumer sovereignty by examining the lack of recognition to which service workers are subjected in their interactions with customers. Applying the sensitizing lens of recognition theory, we investigate how the relational domination inherent in the service industry ultimately results in four main recognition gaps: visibility, status recognition, affective recognition, and capacity recognition gaps. These gaps (...)
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