Results for 'Gregorio Fuschillo'

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  1.  16
    Consumer Sovereignty and the Ethics of Recognition.Kushagra Bhatnagar, Julien Cayla, Delphine Dion & Gregorio Fuschillo - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (1):1-19.
    The rising prominence of consumer sovereignty, wherein businesses prioritize customers as kings, presents complex ethical dilemmas. This paper delves into the ethical implications of consumer sovereignty by examining the lack of recognition to which service workers are subjected in their interactions with customers. Applying the sensitizing lens of recognition theory, we investigate how the relational domination inherent in the service industry ultimately results in four main recognition gaps: visibility, status recognition, affective recognition, and capacity recognition gaps. These gaps considerably hinder (...)
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    Jornadas "Gregorio Weinberg" Políticas Educativas en Filosofía.Gregorio Weinberg (ed.) - 2013 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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    How financial institutions can serve the common good of society: Insights from Catholic Social Teaching.Gregorio Guitián - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (S2):84-95.
    This article addresses the service of financial companies to society from the perspective of the Catholic Social Teaching (hereinafter CST), specifically regarding conflicts of interest between banks and their customers. The article begins with a case based on interviews with professionals in the financial sector, which provides the context for the CST’s contribution. The analysis of the aforementioned conflicts points to an apparent disconnect between service to society and service to customers. Thus, the bank would set aside the customer’s interests (...)
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    Conciliating Work and Family: A Catholic Social Teaching Perspective.Gregorio Guitián - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S3):513-524.
    Although work–family conflict is highly relevant for both families and businesses, scarce attention has received from business ethics perspective. This article focuses on the latter, presenting a set of relevant insights from Catholic Social Teaching (CST). After reviewing the foundations and principles presented by CST regarding work–family relationships, a set of normative propositions are presented to develop work–family policies and for a correct personal work–family balance. It is argued that business responsibility with employees’ family should be considered as a part (...)
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    Francis Bacon's Concept of spiritus and Thomas Hobbes.Gregorio Baldin - 2019 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3:401-430.
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  6. Posibilidades y límites de la idea de una Europa social.Gregorio Rodríguez Cabrero - 1995 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 5:21-37.
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    El aprecio de santo Tomás por la "sagrada doctrina" como ciencia.Gregorio Celada Luengo - 2010 - Ciencia Tomista 137 (441):33-62.
    El artículo de Alejandro Pidal y Mon sobre "La doctrina científica de santo Tomás" en el primer número de la Revista ofrece la oportunidad de volver a la intuición de fondo del aprecio por el maestro dominico. Es cierto que santo Tomás se coloca en la estela de los grandes maestros de la razón. En su afán por reivindicar el valor de la razón humana otorga a la doctrina sagrada el calificativo de ciencia. Pero es preciso, ya desde el comienzo, (...)
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    La genèse de l’interprétation historique et philosophique d’Albert le Grand.Gregorio Piaia - 1981 - In Albert Zimmermann (ed.), Albert der Große: Seine Zeit, Sein Werk, Seine Wirkung. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 237-255.
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    Aspects of University Research and Technology Transfer to Private Industry.Gregorio Martín Quetglás & Bernardo Cuenca Grau - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1/2):51 - 58.
    University research in the U.S.A. is based on a tight relationship between University and economic activity. In Europe and South America, although less commonly than in the U.S.A., there's already a large amount of experiences related to the creation of "on campus" or "spin off" companies based on the results and knowledge obtained from research in University departments and R&D centres financed with public funds. The virtual base of this results in communication technologies enables private use and the appropriation of (...)
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    Riscrivere la Terra. Poetiche del terraforming.Gregorio Tenti - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 21.
    This paper addresses a potentially major shift in environmental and landscape aesthetics, which reassesses the traditional view on landscape in light of the idea of global environment. Landscaping is thus rethought as a mode of creatively being on Earth. For this purpose, the paper begins by providing a definition of Earth as a completely semiotized and therefore “plastic” space which is continuously re-shaped by traces, semantic processes and human practices. Earth-shaping practices are then investigated as gestures of poetic overwriting, capable (...)
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    La filosofia e la sua storia: studi in onore di Gregorio Piaia.Marco Forlivesi & Gregorio Piaia (eds.) - 2017 - Padova: CLEUP.
    "Gregorio Piaia si è formato presso l'Università di Padova, dove si laureò il 17 febbraio 1968 con una tesi coordinata da Carlo Giacon sul tema dell'averroismo politico nel pensiero di Marsilio da Padova. Tra i suoi maestri è da ricordare ancora Giovanni Santinello, del quale fu il principale collaboratore nel guidare il gruppo di lavoro formato da giovani studiosi impegnati nel progetto di una grande Storia delle storie generali della filosofia, uscita in prima edizione in lingua italiana tra il (...)
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    Memory: An Extended Definition.Gregorio Zlotnik & Aaron Vansintjan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:487439.
    Recent developments in science and technology point to the need to unify, and extend, the definition of memory. On the one hand, molecular neurobiology has shown that memory is largely a chemical process, which includes conditioning and any form of stored experience. On the other hand, information technology has led many to claim that cognition is also extended, that is, memory may be stored outside of the brain. In this paper, we review these advances and describe the increasingly accepted extended (...)
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  13. Marías, escritor.Gregorio Salvador Caja - 2009 - In José Luis Cañas & Juan Manuel Burgos (eds.), El vuelo del Alción: El pensamiento de Julián Marías. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma.
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    Does Geography Condition Philosophy? On Goin «Beyond the Occidental-Oriental Distinction».Paulos Mar Gregorios - 2002 - In Paulos Gregorios (ed.), Neoplatonism and Indian philosophy. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. pp. 13.
  15. Frankreich im 14. Jahrhundert: Nicole Oresme.Francesco Gregorio - 2008 - In Christoph Horn & Ada Neschke-Hentschke (eds.), Politischer Aristotelismus: die Rezeption der aristotelischen Politik von der Antike bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 112.
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  16. Transits, lieux et formes du discours philosophique grec.Francesco Gregorio - 2007 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 139 (4):385-402.
    Lire les �uvres de philosophie grecque revient la plupart du temps à lire un corpus limité de textes érigés en «classiques» déconnectés de leurs sites. Pour désenclaver cette sélection, on propose ici d�ouvrir le canon des textes philosophiques grecs moyennant une prise en compte des voyages de ces textes en Occident, de leur forme ainsi que de leur lieu de production. L�article décrit d�une part deux formes de transit des textes philosophiques grecs?: le transit homogène philologico-humaniste, le transit hétérogène des (...)
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    Moral social: guia para la formación en los valores éticos.Gregorio Iriarte - 1994 - Cochabamba, Bolivia: Centro de Promoción de los Misioneros Oblatos de M.I..
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    Spinoza: la política de las pasiones.Gregorio Kaminsky - 1990 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Gedisa Editorial.
  19.  14
    The Dead Mother: The Work of André Green.Gregorio Kohon (ed.) - 1999 - Routledge.
    _The Dead Mother_ brings together original essays in honour of André Green. Written by distinguished psychoanalysts, the collection develops the theme of his most famous paper of the same title, and describes the value of the dead mother to other areas of clinical interest: psychic reality, borderline phenomena, passions and identification. The concept of the 'dead mother' describes a clinical phenomenon, sometimes difficult to identify, but always present in a substantial number of patients. It describes a process by which the (...)
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    Fundamental Rights: Between Morals and Politics.Gregorio Peces-Barba Martínez - 2001 - Ratio Juris 14 (1):64-74.
    Starting from the impossibility of understanding fundamental rights from the standpoint of natural law doctrine or positivism, the author tackles the issue of rights from a realistic point of view, that is to say from the perspective of law and politics on the one hand, and from the perspective of public morality, on the other. Thus the foundation of fundamental rights is the meeting point of conceptions of social morality that are current in the modern world and the political aspect (...)
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    Uruguay, la tortura y los médicos.Gregorio Martirena - 1987 - Montevideo: Ediciones de la Banda Oriental.
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  22. Averroes and Arabic philosophy in the modern Historia philosophica : seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.Gregorio Piaia - 2013 - In Anna Akasoy & Guido Giglioni (eds.), Renaissance Averroism and its aftermath: Arabic philosophy in early modern Europe. New York: Springer.
  23.  20
    ‘A Great People Struggling for Their Liberties’: Spain and the Mediterranean in the Eyes of the Benthamites.Gregorio Alonso - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (2):194-204.
    SummaryThis article examines the relationship of Jeremy Bentham and some of his disciples within Romantic Liberalism in the Mediterranean in the early 1820s. By studying the content of Bentham's correspondence with his collaborators and some Spanish political leaders, the text sheds light on Bentham's ideas on constitutional rule, the independence of Latin America and religious tolerance.
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    Library, and the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts. Sr i Ravindra Kumar, himself a consummate scholar, helped us most generously with the free use of the Seminar Room and other facilities at Teen Murti Bhavan. I want to express my special thanks to Professor John RA Mayer.Paulos Mar Gregorios - 2002 - In Paulos Gregorios (ed.), Neoplatonism and Indian philosophy. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. pp. 9.
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    Corporate environmental reputation: Exploring its definitional landscape.Gregorio Martín-de Castro, Javier Amores-Salvadó, José E. Navas-López & Remy M. Balarezo-Núñez - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (1):130-142.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Etica y sociedad: homenaje a Gregorio Rodríguez de Yurre.Gregorio R. De Yurre & Carlos Abaitua (eds.) - 1989 - Vitoria [Spain]: Eset.
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  27. Ideología, ciencia y política científica.Gregorio Klimovsky (ed.) - 1972 - Montevideo]: Fundación de Cultura Universitaria.
    Ciencia e ideología: reportaje a Gregorio Klimovsky.--Grupo de Estudio sobre Ciencia y Subdesarrollo. Ciencia dependiente en la Argentina.--Varsavsky, O. Ideología y verdad. Ciencia y estilos de desarrollo.--Simpson, T.M. Irracionalidad, ideología y objetividad.--García, R.V. Ciencia política y concepcíon del mundo.--Schvarzer, J. La ideología de un científico puro.
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    Visión sinóptica de la vida religiosa según san Agustín.Gregorio Armas - 1979 - Augustinus 24 (94):205-213.
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    Dall'immagine alla vita: introduzione alla cinefilosofia di Gilles Deleuze.Marcello De Gregorio - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
  30. Questioni etico-giuridiche in tema di perizia e perito nel diritto processuale canonico.Faustino de Gregorio - 2002 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 79 (3):471-492.
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  31. Problems in a Christian Philosophical Approach to Peace.Paulos Gregorios - 1985 - Dialectics and Humanism 12 (3-4):161-166.
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  32. Notas preliminares sobre convención y modalidad.Gregorio Klimovsky - 1976 - Buenos Aires: Instituto Torcuato Di Tella, Centro de Investigaciones Sociales. Edited by Raúl Orayen.
    Klimovsky, G. Notas preliminares sobre convención y modalidad.--Orayen, R. Comentario del trabajo del profesor G. Klimovsky "Notas preliminares sobre convención y modalidad".--Klimovsky, G. Respuesta al Comentario del profesor Raúl Orayen.--Orayen, R. Acerca de la adecuación de los modelos formales de la explicación científica.--Klimovsky, G. Comentario del trabajo del profesor Raúl Orayen, "Acerca de la adecuación de los modelos formales de la explicación científica".--Orayen, R. Respuesta al Comentario del profesor G. Klimovsky.
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    Ugaritic nḥl and ͗udbr: Etymology and Semantic Field.Gregorio del Olmo Lete - 2012 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 132 (4):613.
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  34. "Lecciones" de Santo Tomás. Sobre la relación entre fe y razón.Gregorio Celada Luengo - 2009 - Ciencia Tomista 136 (438):19-52.
    La teología de santo Tomás es una tarea de mediación entre la concepción cristiana del universo y el conocimiento de la cultura humana. El artículo presenta su originalidad en este cometido siguiendo la lectura de los textos. La primera parte presenta su vocación cristiana en el contexto de las innovaciones culturales del siglo XIII. La segunda, ofrece el contexto de los debates que santo Tomás mantuvo con teólogos y filósofos. Así puede ofrecer en la tercera parte la síntesis original del (...)
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  35. ¿ Cuál fue nuestro último debate intelectual?Gregorio Morán - 1999 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):241-250.
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    Il nome della rosa di Umberto Eco e la storia della filosofia medievale / Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose and the History of Medieval Philosophy.Gregorio Piaia - 2016 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 23:107.
    What contribution has Umberto Eco’s historical fiction made to knowledge of the history of medieval philosophy? His first and most famous novel, The Name of the Rose, had the merit of drawing the attention of the common reader to mediaeval thought, which is usually neglected and still not widely known. However, this portrayal was characterized by a negative and deforming image of medieval monasticism and its philosophical conceptions. By contrast the scholastic Middle Ages were looked upon by Eco with very (...)
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    Il ruolo dell’imperatore Costantino in Marsilio da Padova.Gregorio Piaia - 2006 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 51 (3):67-73.
    A assim chamada “Doação de Constantino”, pela qual o papa ter-se-ia tornado senhor temporal, foi julgada, geralmente, de forma negativa pelos pensadores do século XIV, ou como uma ação de duplo efeito. Marsílio de Pádua a encara sob outro aspecto: a doação mostra que o imperador era superior ao papa e aos demais hierarcas da Igreja. Daí ele deduz que, dentro da sociedade, também da sociedade cristã, o imperador é a autoridade coativa suprema, da qual promana o poder coativo eventualmente (...)
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    Un filosofo di fronte alla Grande Guerra: Antonio Aliotta.Gregorio Piaia - 2016 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 71 (4):309-319.
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    La antifilosofía en la escuela media y la universidad.Gregorio Weinberg & Marcelo Lobosco (eds.) - 2015 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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    La condición humana en la era de la posverdad: V Jornadas sobre Políticas Educativas en Filosofía "Gregorio Weinberg".Hernán Murano & Gregorio Weinberg (eds.) - 2018 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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    Brucker Versus Rorty? On the 'models' of the Historiography of Philosophy.Gregorio Piaia - 2001 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (1):69-81.
  42.  36
    Service as a Bridge between Ethical Principles and Business Practice: A Catholic Social Teaching Perspective.Gregorio Guitián - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (1):59-72.
    This article presents the ethical concept of service as a way of specifying higher ethical principles in business practice. We set out from the work of a number of scholars who have found some shared ethical principles for doing business in a context of cultural diversity. Love, benevolence, consideration, and other related concepts are considered to be important guiding concepts for business but it is not clear how they are to be operationalized. We argue that the ethical concept of service (...)
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  43.  28
    Offshore Outsourcing from a Catholic Social Teaching Perspective.Gregorio Guitián & Alejo José G. Sison - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (3):595-609.
    We explore offshore outsourcing through the lenses of Catholic Social Teaching (CST). First, we review the outcomes of the 30-year debate in business ethics on issues related to offshore outsourcing. We then cluster authors into two groups—the justice-centered approach and the welfare-centered approach—corresponding to different perspectives on the ethical challenges of offshoring. In the second part, we present and apply the four fundamental principles of the CST (human dignity, subsidiarity, solidarity and the common good) to offshoring, in dialogue with the (...)
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    Reflections of a Nonpolitical Naturalist: Ernst Haeckel, Wilhelm Bleek, Friedrich Müller and the Meaning of Language.Mario A. di Gregorio - 2002 - Journal of the History of Biology 35 (1):79-109.
    Ernst Haeckel was convinced that the origin of language was the keyto understand human evolution. The distinguished slavist AugustSchleicher was his original inspiration on that matter but hiscousin Wilhelm Bleek was the deciisive source for his views of human language. Bleek lived in Southern Africa, studied Xhosa andZulu, and had the rare opportunity to learn the bushman languagewhich, with its characteristic clicks, suggested the form of theoriginal human language in its evolution from ape-like sounds.Haeckel's view of anthropology based on cultural (...)
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  45.  19
    From Aristotelianism to Galilean science: Paolo Sarpi’s natural philosophy.Gregorio Baldin - 2022 - Intellectual History Review 32 (2):179-196.
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    La curiosità e le passioni della conoscenza. Filosofia e scienze da Montaigne a Hobbes.Gregorio Baldin - 2016 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 71 (3):535-538.
  47.  12
    The multidimensionality of cell behaviors underlying morphogenesis: a case study in ascidians.Anna Di Gregorio & Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (9):874-879.
    Databases where different types of information from different sources can be integrated, cross‐referenced and interactively accessed are necessary for building a quantitative understanding of the molecular and cell biology intrinsic to the morphogenesis of an embryo. Tassy and colleagues1 recently reported the development of software tailor‐made to perform such a task, along with the generation and integration of three‐dimensional anatomical models of embryos. They convincingly illustrated the utility of their approach by applying it to the early ascidian embryo. BioEssays 28: (...)
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    Agostinho e Isidoro: da 'doxografia especulativa' à codificação enciclopédica.Piaia Gregório - 2004 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 49 (3):525-436.
    No presente texto mostra-se comoAgostinho e Isidoro são os dois autores funda-mentais de que se valeram os medievais em suaselaborações do que seria uma 'história da filosofi-a'. Tanto um como outro não é original em suasclassificações. Entretanto, Agostinho é muitomais especulativo e possuí um conceito bemdefinido de verdade e de filosofia, a partir do qualjulga a contribuição dos pensadores pagãos.Isídoro, que muito se utiliza da obra do bispo deHipona, mostra-se mais um compilador enciclo-pédico.
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    Can Philosophy Create Culture?Paul Gregorios - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (2):129-132.
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  50. Method and Epistemology in Science: Some Counter-Comments on Chance.Paulos Mar Gregorios - 1992 - In Jayant Vishnu Narlikar, Indu Banga & Chhanda Gupta (eds.), Philosophy of science: perspectives from natural and social sciences. Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers. pp. 137.
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