Results for 'Continental Feminism'

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    Continental Feminism.Jami Weinstein - 2017 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 7 (1):171-177.
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    Continental feminism.Ann J. Cahill - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    European immigration and Continental feminism: Theories of Rosi Braidotti.Iveta Jusová - 2011 - Feminist Theory 12 (1):55-73.
    This article considers the academic writings and activism of the major Continental feminist philosopher Rosi Braidotti against the background of the growing religiously and racially biased anti-immigration sentiment in Europe. Special attention is paid to Braidotti’s recent response to the post-secular turn in feminism. The article contends that Braidotti’s work highlights and embraces the destabilising structural effects the intensified migration flows have on European identity. It argues that Braidotti charts new models of European subjectivity that would facilitate mutually (...)
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    Continental Feminism.Dilek Huseyinzadegan, Jana McAuliffe, Marie Draz, Tamsin Kimoto, Erika Brown, Jameliah Shorter Bourhanou & Ege Selin Islekel - 2020 - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    The Continental Feminism Reader.Ann J. Cahill & Jennifer Hansen (eds.) - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    In an era of backlash and supposed stagnation, feminist philosophers are still providing fresh and challenging perspectives--you just have to know where to look. Continental feminist theory continues to address pressing questions of equality and difference, identity and subjectivity. Modern thinkers like Judith Butler, Kelly Oliver, and Drucilla Cornell give strikingly new perspectives on sex, gender, sexual politics, and the various social reasons for gender inequality. Yet their theories are not always well received. Continental Feminism Reader responds (...)
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  6. Continental Feminism Reader, edited by Ann J. Cahill and Jennifer Hansen.N. McAfee - 2004 - Teaching Philosophy 4:377-380.
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    Intersections between analytic and continental feminism.Georgia Warnke - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Continental Feminism Reader. [REVIEW]Noëlle McAfee - 2004 - Teaching Philosophy 27 (4):377-380.
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    Continental feminism.Jennifer Hansen - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Intersections between pragmatist and continental feminism.Shannon Sullivan - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Critique of Continental Feminism.Elaine P. Miller - 2017 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 7 (1):149-156.
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    Reflections on the Status of Continental Feminism.Kris Sealey - 2017 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 7 (1):165-170.
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  13. The Problem of Disembodiment: An Approach from Continental Feminist-Realist Philosophy.Stanimir Panayotov - 2020 - Dissertation, Central European University
    The argument of this dissertation is that despite the intellectual gendered burden of the problem of disembodiment I define, it can be employed from within the limitations of a gendered account in feminist philosophy of the continental-realist type. I formulate the problem of disembodiment as rooted in the notion of the boundless (apeiron) associated with femininity. Both boundlessness and disembodiment are subject to radicalization in Plato (chōra) and Plotinus (to hen). Read as a dyad, they culminate in a tendency (...)
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  14. Life, death and (inter)subjectivity: realism and recognition in continental feminism.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 60 (1-3):41-59.
    I begin with the assumption that a philosophically significant tension exists today in feminist philosophy of religion between those subjects who seek to become divine and those who seek their identity in mutual recognition. My critical engagement with the ambiguous assertions of Luce Irigaray seeks to demonstrate, one the one hand, that a woman needs to recognize her own identity but, on the other hand, that each subject whether male or female must struggle in relation to the other in order (...)
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    The Color of Change in Continental Feminist Philosophy.Donna-Dale L. Marcano - 2012 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 26 (2):211-215.
  16. Feminist Approaches to Intersection of Pragmatism and Continental Philosophy.Shannon Sullivan - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Convergences: Black Feminism and Continental Philosophy.Beverly Guy-Sheftall & George Yancy - 2010 - State University of New York Press.
    Black Feminism and Continental Philosophy in dialogue.
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    Continental and Feminist Philosophical Pedagogies: Conditions.Sina Kramer - 2012 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 2 (1):68-71.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Continental and Feminist Philosophical PedagogiesConditionsSina KramerIn thinking through what it means to teach continental and feminist philosophy, I keep coming back to a somewhat enigmatic line from Adorno’s essay, “Why Still Philosophy?”: “Because philosophy is good for nothing, it is not yet obsolete” (Adorno 2005, 15). I believe that this dialectical aphorism has everything to do with the conditions under which we as teachers practice philosophy today, (...)
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    Continental Philosophy in Feminist Perspective: Re-Reading the Canon in German.Herta Nagl-Docekal & Cornelia Klinger (eds.) - 2000 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    "We translate what American women write, they never translate our texts," wrote Helene Cixous almost two decades ago. Her complaint about the unavailability of French feminist writing in English has long since been rectified, but the situation for feminist writing by German-speaking philosophers remains today what it was then. This pioneering collection takes a giant step forward to overcoming this handicap, revealing the full richness and variety of feminist critique ongoing in this linguistic community. The essays offer fresh readings of (...)
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  20. Continental Philosophy in Feminist Perspective: Re-Reading the Canon in German. Edited by Herta Nagl-Docekal and Cornelia Klinger.S. Stuurman - 2004 - The European Legacy 9:417-418.
  21. Convergences: Black Feminism and Continental Philosophy.Maria del Guadalupe Davidson, Kathryn T. Gines & Donna-Dale L. Marcano (eds.) - 2010 - SUNY Press.
    A range of themes—race and gender, sexuality, otherness, sisterhood, and agency—run throughout this collection, and the chapters constitute a collective discourse at the intersection of Black feminist thought and continental philosophy, converging on a similar set of questions and concerns. These convergences are not random or forced, but are in many ways natural and necessary: the same issues of agency, identity, alienation, and power inevitably are addressed by both camps. Never before has a group of scholars worked together to (...)
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    Feminist Art History and De Facto Significance.Susan Feagin - 1995 - In Peg Zeglin Brand Weiser & Carolyn Korsmeyer (eds.), Feminism and Tradition in Aesthetics. Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In her excellent "Feminist Art History and De Facto Significance," for example, aesthetician Susan L. Feagin explains how her initial skepticism about Continental approaches-especially those drawing on Foucault, Marx, Levi-Strauss, Lacan, and "even Derrida and poststructuralist literary theory" - gave way to an appreciation of how these approaches encourage, in a way analytic aesthetics does not, "the trenchant analyses and acute observations that have emerged from feminist art historians" (305). And, indeed, although she goes on to suggest how traditional (...)
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    Feminist Philosophies of Life.Hasana Sharp & Chloë Taylor (eds.) - 2016 - Chicago: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Much of the history of Western ethical thought has revolved around debates about what constitutes a good life, and claims that a good life is achievable only by certain human beings. In Feminist Philosophies of Life, feminist, new materialist, posthumanist, and ecofeminist philosophers challenge this tendency, approaching the question of life from alternative perspectives. Signalling the importance of distinctively feminist reflections on matters of shared concern, Feminist Philosophies of Life not only exposes the propensity of discourses to normalize and exclude (...)
  24. Feminist Reflections on the History of Philosophy.Lilli Alanen & Charlotte Witt (eds.) - 2004 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Feminist work in the history of philosophy has come of age as an innovative field in the history of philosophy. This volume marks that accomplishment with original essays by leading feminist scholars who ask basic questions: What is distinctive of feminist work in the history of philosophy? Is there a method that is distinctive of feminist historical work? How can women philosophers be meaningfully included in the history of the discipline? Who counts as a philosopher? This collection is a unique (...)
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    Ethics Embodied: Rethinking Selfhood Through Continental, Japanese, and Feminist Philosophies.Erin McCarthy & Thomas P. Kasulis - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    Ethics Embodied: Rethinking Selfhood through Continental, Japanese and Feminist Philosophies explores the importance of the body to ethical selfhood. Through her comparative feminist approach to ethics, the critical comparison McCarthy offers in Ethics Embodied not only illuminates complexities in Continental, Japanese and Feminist philosophies, it provides clues about how to live the model of selfhood, ethics, and the body that emerges through the encounter.
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  26. Becoming Divine: Towards a Feminist Philosophy of Religion.Grace Jantzen - 1999 - Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press.
    "The book’s contribution to feminist philosophy of religion is substantial and original.... It brings the continental and Anglo-American traditions into substantive and productive conversation with each other." —Ellen Armour To what extent has the emergence of the study of religion in Western culture been gendered? In this exciting book, Grace Jantzen proposes a new philosophy of religion from a feminist perspective. Hers is a vital and significant contribution which will be essential reading in the study of religion.
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  27. Feminist Aesthetics.Gemma Arguello - 2019 - International Lexicon of Aesthetics 2 (Autumn).
    Feminist aesthetics can be characterized as a critical conceptual framework for analyzing the gender assumptions Western aesthetics, philosophy of the arts and the arts have had and their implications in the categories they have historically employed. It emerged as a result the influence feminism had in the study of gender bias in the artistic production and its reception. Works like Linda Nochlin’s Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? (1971) and Laura Mulvey’s Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema (1975) (...)
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    Poststructuralism, feminism, and religion: triangulating positions.Carol Wayne White - 2002 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    In this brilliant assessment of the relation between poststructuralism and feminism to current religious thought, philosopher of religion Carol Wayne White convincingly demonstrates that postmodernist continental and feminist philosophies—far from being antithetical to religious concerns—in fact enrich our understanding of religion and its relevance to debates about contemporary culture. By triangulating these three unique perspectives on culture she expands prevailing views of cultural criticism and opens up the discussion to new creative solutions that arise from the intersecting interests (...)
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  29. ""Alcoff, Linda." Cultural Feminism versus Post-Structuralism: The Identity Crisis in Feminist Theory." In Feminist Theory in Practice and Process, ed. Micheline R. Malson, Jean F. O'Barr, Sarah Westphal-Wihl, and Mary Wyer, 295-326. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.." Feminist Politics and Foucault: The Limits to a Collaboration." In Crises in Continental Philosophy, ed. Arlene Dallery and Charles Scott, 69-86. Albany. [REVIEW]Jefmer Allen & Iris Marion Young - 2000 - In Linda Fisher & Lester Embree (eds.), Feminist phenomenology. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c. pp. 293.
  30. Feminism, Sexuality, and the Return of Religion.Linda Martín Alcoff & John D. Caputo (eds.) - 2011 - Indiana University Press.
    Feminist theory and reflections on sexuality and gender rarely make contact with contemporary continental philosophy of religion. Where they all come together, creative and transformative thinking occurs. In Feminism, Sexuality, and the Return of Religion, internationally recognized scholars tackle complicated questions provoked by the often stormy intersection of these powerful forces. The essays in this book break down barriers as they extend the richness of each philosophical tradition. They discuss topics such as queer sexuality and religion, feminism (...)
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    Continental Philosophy: A Critical Approach.William Ralph Schroeder - 2004 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Continental Philosophy: __A Critical Approach_ is a lucid and wide-ranging introduction to the key figures and philosophical movements of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Includes chapters on Hegel; Marx and Western Marxism; Schopenhauer, Freud, and Bergson; Nietzsche; hermeneutics; phenomenology; existentialism; structuralism,; poststructuralism; French feminism; and postmodernism. Provides an ideal text or background resource for many different introductory and advanced courses on modern European philosophy.
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    Feminism.Sarah Coakley - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 689–694.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The “Generic Male” and the Problem of Evil The Concept of God and Feminist Critique Feminism and Religious Epistemology Works cited.
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    The continental ethics reader.Matthew Calarco & Peter Atterton (eds.) - 2003 - London: Routledge.
    The Continental Ethics Reader is the first comprehensive anthology of classic writings on ethics and moral philosophy from the major figures in Continental thought. The carefully selected readings are divided into five sections: Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, Existentialism, Critical Theory, Postmodernism, Psychoanalysis and Feminism. All of the authors and their writings are introduced and placed in philosophical context by the editors. The Continental Ethics Reader is an ideal point of entry to the most pressing issues and most (...)
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  34. Feminist philosophy of humor.Amy Marvin - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (7):e12858.
    Over the past decades humor studies has formed an unprecedented interdisciplinary consolidation, connected with a consolidation in philosophy of humor scholarship. In this essay, I focus specifically on feminist philosophy of humor as an area of study that highlights relationships between humor, language, subjectivity, power, embodiment, instability, affect, and resistance, introducing several of its key themes while mapping out tensions that can be productive for further research. I first cover feminist theories of humor as instability and then move to feminist (...)
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  35. Feminist philosophy of language.Jennifer Saul - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Much of feminist philosophy of language so far can be described as critical—critical either of language itself or of philosophy of language, and calling for change on the basis of these criticisms. Those making these criticisms suggest that the changes are needed for the sake of feminist goals — either to better allow for feminist work to be done or, more frequently, to bring an end to certain key ways that women are disadvantaged. In this entry, I examine these criticisms. (...)
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    Introducing continental philosophy.Christopher Want - 2013 - London: Icon Books. Edited by Piero.
    What makes philosophy on the continent of Europe so different and exciting? And why does it have such a reputation for being 'difficult'? Continental philosophy was initiated amid the revolutionary ferment of the 18th century, philosophers such as Kant and Hegel confronting the extremism of the time with theories that challenged the very formation of individual and social consciousness. Covering the great philosophers of the modern and postmodern eras – from Nietzsche, Heidegger, Derrida and Deleuze right to up Agamben (...)
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    A Feminist Cartography of Critical New Materialist Philosophies.Evelien Geerts - 2024 - In Felicity Colman & Iris van der Tuin (eds.), Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 78-104.
    In ‘Situated Knowledges’, feminist science studies scholar – and, as will be argued in this chapter, critical new materialisms scene-setter – Donna Haraway (1988) reveals her own politicised ‘electroshock’ (578) therapeutic take on epistemology and what it means to create knowledge from the ground up. She builds her argument upon Marxist, historical and feminist materialisms, the rich tradition of feminist epistemology and, above all, Sandra Harding’s (1986, 1987, 1991) standpoint theory. Connecting the foregoing philosophies to the Foucauldian idea of power/knowledge (...)
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    Continental Philosophy: An Anthology.William McNeill & Karen S. Feldman (eds.) - 1998 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    From Immanuel Kant to Postmodernism, this volume provides an unparalleled student resource: a wide-ranging collection of the essential works of more than 50 seminal thinkers in modern European philosophy. Areas covered include Kant and German Idealism, Existentialism, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Marxism and the Frankfurt School, Structuralism, Psychoanalysis, Feminism, Deconstruction, and Postmodernism. Each section begins with a concise and helpful introduction, and all the texts have been selected for accessibility as well as significance, making the volume ideal for introductory and advanced (...)
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    A Feminist Philosophy of Religion: The Rationality and Myths of Religious Belief.Pamela Sue Anderson - 1997 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Bridging the traditionally separate domains of analytic and Continental philosophies, Pamela Sue Anderson presents for the first time, a feminist framework for studying the philosophy of religion.
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    Le mouvement féministe en Amérique latine et aux Caraïbes.Jules Falquet - 2007 - Actuel Marx 42 (2):36-47.
    The Feminist Movement in Latin America and in the Caribbean: Challenges and Hopes, in the Face of Neoliberal Globalisation Despite their diversity, Latin America and the Caribbean demonstrate a certain historical and political unity. The social movements which are rooted there are often deployed on a continental scale. They are, furthermore, often to the forefront in the questioning of neoliberal globalisation. The analysis of the South American feminist movement, one which is remarkable for its importance and for its innovative (...)
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  41. The Feminist Futures of Reading Diffractively: How Barad's Methodology Replaces Conflict-based Readings of Beauvoir and Irigaray.Evelien Geerts & Iris van der Tuin - 2016 - Rhizomes 30 (1).
    Quantum leaps happen in texts, too. This reading of the role of the quantum leap in Karen Barad's agential realism is necessary, because arguing that the diffractive reading strategy proposed by Barad's ethico-onto-epistemology mirrors the physical phenomenon of diffraction would indeed be representationalist. Reviewing how Barad—in her own oeuvre—has transformed diffraction into an innovative reading methodology that could not only potentially challenge the epistemological underpinnings of the canonization process that is at work in feminist theory, but could also radically change (...)
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    Dalit Theology after Continental Philosophy.Y. T. Vinayaraj - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book, steeped in the traditions of both postcolonial theory and Continental philosophy, addresses fundamental questions about God and theology in the postcolonial world. Namely, Y.T. Vinayaraj asks whether Continental philosophies of God and the 'other' can attend to the struggles that entail human pain and suffering in the postcolonial context. The volume offers a constructive proposal for a Dalit theology of immanent God or de-othering God as it emerges out of the Lokayata, the Indian materialist epistemology. Engaging (...)
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  43. Teaching Recent Continental Philosophy.Stephen H. Daniel - 2004 - In Tziporah Kasachkoff (ed.), Teaching Philosophy: Theoretical Reflections and Practical Suggestions. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 197-206.
    An explanation of how to organize and teach a course in recent continental thought, including treatments of the major figures in critical theory, hermeneutics, structuralism, deconstruction, psychoanalytic feminism, poststructuralism, postcolonialism, and postmodernism. Reprint from *In the Socratic Tradition: Essays on Teaching Philosophy*, ed. Tziporah Kasachkoff (Lanham, Md: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998).
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    Contemporary Continental Thought.Stephen H. Daniel - 2004 - Prentice-Hall.
    A survey with readings in critical theory, hermeneutics, structuralism, deconstruction, psychoanalytic feminism, poststructuralism, postcolonialism, and postmodernism. Aimed at students and scholars interested in an overview of movements in continental philosophy in the past century.
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    Emerging Trends in Continental Philosophy.Todd May (ed.) - 2010 - Durham [England]: Routledge.
    "Emerging Trends in Continental Philosophy" presents a comprehensive and accessible analysis of the most recent developments in European thought. From feminist thought to environmental philosophy to analytic themes in Continental philosophy to recent discussions of citizenship, "Emerging Trends" offers an overview of the currents animating contemporary Continental philosophy. The volume focuses on thematic developments rather than individual figures, allowing the reader to follow the threads that weave different thinkers together. Each essay is written by an expert in (...)
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    Feminist Thought. A Theoretical Approach.Adriana Cavarero & Daniele Fulvi - 2021 - Journal of Continental Philosophy 2 (1):159-201.
    In this essay, Cavarero thematically highlights the main issues of feminist thought, by criticizing the patriarchal system and its theoretical products—such as the concepts of complementarity of the sexes and of equality—through the lens of sexual difference. In doing so, she radically criticizes the so-called binary economy, namely the interpretative model on which the patriarchal system is based, in which the sole male sex is self-represented, establishing at the same time a representation of the female sex that is functional to (...)
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  47. Feminist phenomenological voices.Linda Fisher - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (1):83-95.
    A feminist phenomenological analysis of voice, rooted in both the feminist understanding of the role of voice in identity, agency, and the creation of meaning, and the phenomenological thematization and theorization of phenomenal, lived experience, leads to a deeper understanding of the importance of the materiality of the voices with which we speak, and their role in both subjective and intersubjective experience. Starting from an analysis of the intertwined associations and imageries of the feminine, voice, and embodiment, I discuss the (...)
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  48. Feminism against'the feminine'.Stella Sandford - 2001 - Radical Philosophy 105:6-14.
    Whilst the distinction between French and Anglo-American feminism was always rather dubious two specific linguistic differences between French and English have nevertheless determined two streams of feminist thought, and complicated the relation between them. Since the 1960s, English-language feminisms, in so far as they are distinctive, have centrally either presupposed or explicitly theorized the category of gender, for which there is no linguistic equivalent in French. At the same time, much (although not all) that came to be categorized as (...)
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  49. Re-vitalizing the American Feminist-Philosophical Classroom: Transformative Academic Experimentations with Diffractive Pedagogies.Evelien Geerts - 2019 - In Carol A. Taylor & Annouchka Bayley (eds.), Posthumanism and Higher Education: Reimagining Pedagogy, Practice and Research. Springer Verlag. pp. 123-140.
    This chapter touches upon the damaging impact of neoliberal reason on institutions of higher education, and my efforts as a teacher to help turn things around by re-vitalizing the classroom. After a critique of current neoliberal ‘borderline times’, the chapter takes the reader on a journey of diffractive re-imaginings in which I share some of my experiences of co-learning with undergraduates in an American feminist-philosophical classroom. My central argument is that the neoliberalism-induced crisis in education can be affirmatively counteracted through (...)
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  50. Feminist Epistemology at Hypatia's 25th Anniversary.Helen Longino - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (4):733-741.
    This essay surveys twenty-five years of feminist epistemology in the pages of Hypatia. Feminist contributions have addressed the affective dimensions of knowledge; the natures of justification, rationality, and the cognitive agent; and the nature of truth. They reflect thinking from both analytic and continental philosophical traditions and offer a rich tapestry of ideas from which to continue challenging tradition and forging analytical tools for the problems ahead.
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