Results for 'Contra Mundum'

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  1. Sidelights.Contra Mundum - 1931 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):81 – 90.
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    RIBEIRO, N. "Pessoa Philosophical Essays". New York: Contra Mundum Press, 2012. 260p.Cláudia Souza - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (129):379-381.
    Neste texto, procuro encontrar as origens de um dos mais importantes conceitos de Gilles Deleuze, o conceito de Imagem-tempo. Este conceito remete-nos para os primeiros textos de Deleuze dedicados à filosofia de Espinosa e ao problema do autómato espiritual e relaciona-se directamente com o problema da passividade/actividade do espectador. Ou seja, o conceito crucial na sua filosofia do cinema, a Imagem-tempo, esconde uma importante reflexão sobre a Imagem cinematográfica como arte de massas, os (im)poderes do pensamento e o modo fascista (...)
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    Louis-Auguste Blanqui. Eternity by the Stars: An Astronomical Hypothesis. Trans. Frank Chouraqui. New York: Contra Mundum Press, 2013. 202 pp. [REVIEW]Andrew Pendakis - 2016 - Critical Inquiry 42 (4):996-997.
  4. Disputationes de Deo, Et Providentia Divina. Disp. I. An Philosophorum Ulli, & Quinam Athei Fuerunt? Ii. A Rerum Finibus Deum Esse Demonstratur. Iii. Epicuri & Cartesii Hypotheses de Universi Fabricatione Evertuntur. Iv. Mundum Neque Prorsus Infectum, Neque Necessitate Factum; Sed Solo Opificis Consilio Extructum Fuisse Demonstratur. V. A Generis Humani Ortu, & Corporis Humani Structur' Deum Esse Demonstratur. Vi. Contra Scepticorum & Academicorum Disciplinam, Potissimùm Ciceronis de Quætionibus Academicis Libros, & Cartesii Meditationes Metaphysicas Disputatur.Samuel Parker, John Martyn & M. Clark - 1678 - Typis M. Clark, Impensis Jo. Martyn Ad Insigne Campanæ in Cœeterio D. Pauli.
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    An introduction to 'faith, unbelief and evil'.David Jakobsen - 2012 - Synthese 188 (3):399-409.
    On the historic Cross, it is God Himself Who has actually met the last dark limits of our life, and has brought Himself face to face with that inescapable something (or Someone) which seems to keep us forever strangers (physically, morally, logically and in every other way) to the Absolute and Eternal. And because it is God Himself Who has thus in life and in death personally encountered sin, death, time and corruption, He has overthrown them and raised and transformed (...)
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    Divine Wisdom, Natural Order, and Human Intervention.Peter A. Kwasniewski - 2017 - Studia Neoaristotelica 14 (2):115-138.
    In libro suo cui titulus Discursus de metaphysica Leibnitius quaestionem movet, quomodo homo in mundum harmonia gaudentem praestabilita agere debeat eiusque bonitatem, quo melius se explicet, adiuvare. Responsio ab eo allata vero discrepantiam quandam prae se fert ad docendum valde utilem. Una ex parte enim Leibnitius docet dari ordinem naturalem a Providentia firme constitutum, altera ex parte tamen suae aetatis doctrinam profitetur, scil. mundum agentibus humanis, ut technologiae cultoribus, infinitas praebere possibilitates. Aliorum Leibnitii textuum perscrutatio necnon eorum cum (...)
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    Aetius, Placita, in Doxographi Graeci, ed. H. Diels, Berlin, 1879. Anselm, Opera omnia, 6 vols, ed. FS Schmitt, Edinburgh: Nelson, 1946-61. Aquinas, Thomas, Expositiones super librum Boethii de Trinitate, ed. B. Decker, Leiden: Brill, 1965. Aristotle, Categoriae et Liber de Interpretation, ed. L. Minio-Paluello, Scriptorum. [REVIEW]Contra Gaudentium - 2001 - In Eleonore Stump & Norman Kretzmann (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Augustine. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 280.
  8. Dios,¿ nos ha abandonado? Dieciséis autores aportan sus reflexiones a este volumen.Contra El Modelo de Larry Laudan - 2001 - Signos Filosóficos 6:307-342.
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    Aquinas Against the Averroists: On There Being Only One Intellect.Ralph McInerny, Thomas, Thomas de Aquino & Thomas De Unitate Intellectus Contra Averroistas - 1993 - Purdue University Press.
    In the mid-1260s in Paris, a dispute raged that concerned the relationship between faith and the Augustinian theological tradition on the one side and secular leaning as represented by the arrival in Latin of Aristotle and various Islamic and Jewish interpreters of Aristotle on the other. Masters of the arts faculty in Paris represented the latter tradition, indicated by the phrase "double truth theory." In 1269, Thomas Aquinas wrote the polemical work On There Being Only One Intellect, Against the Averroists (...)
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    The problem of critical ontology: Bhaskar contra Kant.Dustin McWherter - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Dustin McWherter defends the possibility of critical ontology by pitting Roy Bhaskar's attempt to rehabilitate ontology in the philosophy of science against Kant's attempt to replace traditional ontology with an account of cognitive experience.
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    The normativity of philosophical discourse: pro et contra.Xenija Zborovska & Serhiy Proleev - 2019 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 5:6-20.
    One of the main vocations of scientific communication is to find points of fruitful theoretical debate - those features of ideas, argumentation, established ideas that can become the source of new intellectual pursuits and conceptual assets. Acceptance of differences of positions, giving impulse to view too commonplace - that served as an impulse for raising the question of the normativity of philosophical discourse.
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    ¿Por qué leer el Fedro como un diálogo político? Sócrates contra los legisladores.Nemrod Carrasco - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 54:77-92.
    El problema central del Fedro, el de la belleza de la escritura filosófica, es profundamente político. Está relacionado con el centro del diálogo, donde Sócrates se opone a la falsa belleza de los legisladores. Sobre esta oposición, es posible articular una nueva lectura del Fedro que deje atrás la suposición de que la belleza es el tema central del diálogo, así como la interpretación del mito final como la crítica platónica a cualquier tipo de escritura. El Fedro sólo condena la (...)
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  13. Más allá de la militancia contra las creencias: secularización, laicidad y psicoanálisis.Fernando M. González - 2006 - In Benjamin Mayer Foulkes (ed.), Ateologías. México: Conaculta.
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  14. Análisis de un movimiento social femenino contra el hambre y la miseria.Silvia Alejandra Navarro & Mirella Beatriz Peralta - 2007 - Aposta 34:4.
    The present work tried to analyze the emergency of a feminine social movement of defense against the hunger and the misery through different theoretical concepts, particularly taken from authors like of Ipola, Jelin and Evers. The central axis of the essay is the collective action of a group of women who opened a communitarian dining room to satisfy the basic food needs of the district.
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    A Syriac Commentary on Gregory of Nyssa contra Eunomium.M. F. G. Parmentier - 1988 - Bijdragen 49 (1):2-17.
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    Sprache und ihre Begründung: Wittgenstein contra Searle.Matthias Ohler - 1988 - Köln: Janus Presse.
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    The unity of heaven and man versus absolute unlikeness—Kierkegaard, European thinker, contra Chinese philosophy.Yiyun Zhou - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):195-200.
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    Gregorio de Nacianzo y Paladio de Helenópolis contra los malos obispos: ¿diatriba cínica o "rethorical display"?Silvia Acerbi - 2014 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones:179-199.
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  19. Philosophy in Red, Philosophy in Purple: Lebenswelt Given, Weltanschauung Achieved, Lifeworld Contra Worldview.T. Allen - 2008 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 28 (1):9-17.
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    D. von Hildebrand (2016). Mi lucha contra Hitler. Madrid: Rialp.José Alfredo Peris Cancio - 2018 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 14:295-299.
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  21. Tres nociones de "sentido común" contra el escepticismo.Eduardo M. González de Luna - 2012 - In González de Luna, M. Eduardo, Mauricio Ávila Barba & Óscar Wingartz Plata (eds.), Problemas filosóficos interdisciplinarios de la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad. Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Filosofía.
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  22. The history of philosophy and contra morals.D. Losurdo - 1997 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 52 (2):257-281.
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  23. El programa de Roger Penrose contra el dualismo.Re Maldonado - 1998 - Universitas Philosophica 31:31-54.
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  24. (1 other version)La doctrina del pecado original en la "Summa contra gentiles".Raymond Martin - 1915 - Ciencia Tomista 10:389-400.
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  25. Eschatology and Llull's: Llibre contra anticrist.P. Beattie - 1997 - Studia Lulliana 37 (93):3-24.
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  26. Conan, el niño del futuro (1978): alegoría de la lucha contra el sistema hegemónico.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2022 - Quadrata. Estudios Sobre Educación, Artes y Humanidades 4 (8):127-138.
    Conan, el niño del futuro (1978) es un dibujo animado oriental que plasma a una sociedad futurista que ha sobrevivido a la Tercera Guerra Mundial. El personaje principal, un niño de 10 años, aparece en la historia para impedir que el grupo hegemónico continúe con su pretensión de dominar el mundo, sin importar la tiranía que ejercen contra los ciudadanos. Para lograr ese vil propósito, las autoridades de Isla Industria han incurrido en escenarios en los que se observa la (...)
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    La La Ley marroquí de violencia contra las mujeres: una aproximación al contenido y al debate ideológico.Carmelo Pérez Beltrán - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (48).
    This article has two objectives: firstly, studying the main contributions and deficiencies of the Law No. 103.13 on the fight of violence against women, enacted in Morocco on March 12th 2018. Secondly, studying ideological stress points between the civil society that is most committed with gender violence in Morocco, whose referents are based on the international declarations and conventions, and the governmental institutions of the Justice and Development Party, in power from January 2012, whose approaches are determined by the Islamist (...)
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    The Use and Misuse of Pleasure: Hadot contra Foucault on the Stoic Dichotomy Gaudium-Voluptas in Seneca.Matteo Johannes Stettler - unknown
    Chapter II of Foucault's The Care of the Self, 'The Cultivation of the Self,' is arguably one of the most controversial sections of the entire History of Sexuality. The diatribe over this chapter was initially mounted by Pierre Hadot's critical essay 'Reflections on the Idea of the 'Cultivation of the Self." Therein, Hadot objects to Foucault’s dissolution of the Stoic doctrinal antinomy between voluptas ('pleasure') and gaudium ('joy') and, thereby, to the relegation of the latter notion to the subordinate status (...)
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  29. In philosophiae gremium confugere: Augustine's View of Philosophy in the First Book of the Contra Academicos.Giovanni Catapano - 2000 - Dionysius 18:45-68.
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    Die Überlieferung von Augustinus, De Genesi contra Manichaeos.Rainer Jakobi - 2004 - Augustinianum 44 (2):437-442.
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    (1 other version)IX-8 Ordinis noni tomus octavus: Apologia contra Sanctium Caranzam et quatuor apologiae contra Stunicam.Henk Jan de Jonge & Jan Bloemendal (eds.) - 2015 - BRILL.
    This volume includes the critical edition of five apologias (1522-1529) in which Erasmus defended his New Testament translation and commentary (1516)against Diego López de Zúñiga and Sancho Carranza. The edition is partly based on manuscript sources never used before.
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  32. Thomistic existentialism and the proofs ex motu at Contra gentiles I, C. 13.J. F. X. Knasas - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (4):591-615.
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  33. Rameae scholae: et defensio Petri Rami: contra Georgii Liebleri calumnias, in epitomen octo librorum acroamaticōn aspersas.Anders Krag - 1582 - Frankfurt am Main: Minerva.
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    O insulto da feiura na escola: insurreições contra o Capital.Steferson Zanoni Roseiro & Janete Magalhães Carvalho - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-25.
    Wondering what would happen with the control logic if the ugliness take control on school, this essay uses the fabulation as a research method to produce fables of insurrection against the Capitalism. It starts from the principle that in the contemporary context the embellishing practices have constituted themselves as a way to control the body. This way, ugliness – usually recognized as the opposite to beauty – is presented as a way to confront the regulator beauty. Methodologically, the research was (...)
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  35. Becoming and the Challenge of Ontological Incompleteness: Virginia Woolf avec Lacan contra Deleuze.Kathryn Van Wert - 2020 - In Russell Sbriglia & Slavoj Zizek (eds.), Subject lessons: Hegel, Lacan, and the future of materialism. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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    Para Além da Loucura e da normalidade: Nietzsche contra a recepção psiquiátrica.Daniel Pereira Andrade - 2008 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 20 (27):279.
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    Avances en la responsabilidad del Estado colombiano a partir de las recomendaciones de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos contenidas en los fallos contra Colombia.Corina Duque Ayala, Dalia Carreño Dueñas & María Constanza Ballesteros - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
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    The Historical Setting of Prudentius' Contra Symmachum.T. D. Barnes - 1976 - American Journal of Philology 97 (4):373.
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    “Laicidad positiva” o una nueva reacción en contra de la modernidad ilustrada.Juan David Ramírez Echeverri - 2024 - Co-herencia 21 (41):44-72.
    En las dos últimas décadas un sector de la doctrina colombiana y española ha acudido al término laicidad positiva para definir y explicar el modelo de Estado constitucional y democrático de derecho en cuanto al tratamiento de la religión. A partir de la teoría política, en este artículo se presenta una crítica a dicha postura, enmarcándola según los presupuestos de los que parten los autores que le adhieren el adjetivo positivo a la laicidad como reacción frente a la modernidad ilustrada. (...)
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    Socio-Political Naturalism and the History of Republican Thought: Cicero contra Aristotle.Cary Nederman - 2020 - The European Legacy 26 (1):1-21.
    Recent scholarship on republicanism often looks back to Aristotle as the Greco-Roman epitome of the history of republican theory. This article contends that Aristotle offers a poor model in compari...
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    The Use of Analogy in the Summa Contra Gentiles.Thomas Marguerite Flanigan - 1957 - Modern Schoolman 35 (1):21-37.
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  42. Los andalusíes en el ejercito sa'dí: un intento de golpe de estado contra Ahmad al-Mansûr al-Dahabí (1578).Mercedes García-Arenal - 1984 - Al-Qantara 5 (1):169-202.
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  43. Jacobi Schegkii Schorndorffensis Hyperaspistes responsi, ad quatuor epistolas Petri Rami contra se aeditas.Jacob Schegk - 1570 - Frankfurt/Main: Minerva.
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    Los alcances de la crítica contra la justicia ateniense en la comedia Avispas de Aristófanes.María Jimena Schere - 2012 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 16 (1):45-57.
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    Galindo, A. / Ujaldón, E. : Diez mitos de la democracia. Contra la demagogia y el populismo, Córdoba: Almuzara.Nuria Sánchez Madrid - 2018 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 74:220.
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    The prosopopoeia of Church as Mother in Augustine’s Psalmus contra Partem Donati.Carl P. E. Springer - 1987 - Augustinian Studies 18:52-65.
  47. Porque te quiero te aporreo: La violencia contra las mujeres como el sustento Del patriarcado.María Isleny Franco Moreno & Dora Cecilia Rodríguez Avendaño - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (2).
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  48. La tolerancia social de la violencia contra las mujeres en España.Isabel Tajahuerce - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (960):32-37.
    La parte más visible de la violencia contra las mujeres son las muertas. La tolerancia social de la violencia es la que permite que las mujeres sean asesinadas, pero también que se suiciden sin que las víctimas pasen a formar parte de las cifras oficiales, que se hundan en la depresión, que renuncien a puestos de trabajo o que se rindan y decidan soportar lo insoportable, tanto en ámbitos privados como profesionales. La historia, desde la tradición popular a las (...)
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  49. Solidarity with metaphysics at the time of its downfall : Adorno contra Heidegger.Samir Gandesha - 2009 - In Stefano Giacchetti Ludovisi & G. Agostini Saavedra (eds.), Nostalgia for a Redeemed Future: Critical Theory. University of Delaware.
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    Uses and Misuses of the Common Concepts Strategy in Emperor Julian's Contra Galilaeos.Mate Veres - 2013 - In Mihail Mitrea (ed.), Tradition and Transformation: Dissent and Consent in the Mediterranean. Third CEMS International Graduate Conference (Budapest, May 30 - June 1, 2013). Solivagus Verlag. pp. 40-55.
    In this paper, I argue that Emperor Julian’s use of the theory of common concepts is evidence for a general strategy of Platonist anti-Christian discourse: the attempt at showing that Christianity, as opposed to pagan philosophy, fails to live up to the commonly available standards of truth. After the introduction (§ 1), the paper offers a short summary of the Stoic theory of common concepts and their Platonist appropriation (§ 2). Then it turns to Julian’s account of the naturally arising (...)
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