Results for 'Contreras Antonio'

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  1.  6
    Sexualized Bodies of the Filipino: Pleasure and Desire as Everyday Truth and Knowledge.Antonio P. Contreras - 2014 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 15 (1):105-120.
    This paper will show that attempts to control the body in late capitalism are replete with symbolic violence. Filipinos have not succeeded in confining the body, thereby validating Foucault's (1980) critique of the repressive hypothesis. Ordinary narratives about the body in the Philippines exist not in the context of a settled template of silenced debates and repressed desires, but in the explosion of discourse and contestations, and of an intricate articulation between popular knowledge and truth on one hand, and the (...)
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  2. Governance in a Postmodern World: Challenges for Philippine Science and Politics.Antonio Contreras - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (2).
    This paper shows that a postmodern reading of science and politics in the Philippines can lead to strategies that close the gap between them not through the deployment of a homogenizing discourse that would make them converse in a single language, but through their involvement in communities of understanding even as they remain in positions of difference. It is through these communities that science and politics would become integral in the establishment of a science-based governance in a postmodern world. It (...)
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  3. The Republic and the Kingdom: A Filipino Postmodern Reflection on Thailand as a Parallel Other.Antonio Contreras - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (2).
    The position of the other in identity politics is a defining place for subject formation for it serves as a space not only to delineate what one is not, but also where one differs. This paper inquires into the political implications to Filipino identity formation of looking at Thailand as a "parallel other." In this context, such form of otherness is considered not as a subordinated alterity, but as a template upon which one can locate a meaning that would otherwise (...)
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    The kingdom and the republic: forest governance and political transformation in Thailand and the Philippines.Antonio P. Contreras - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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  5. Politics beyond the State: An Inquiry into the Politics of Filipino Everyday and Ordinary Lives.Antonio Contreras - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (2).
    This paper presents the methodological challenges and the specific constraints and opportunities for the conduct of an inquiry into the politics of Filipino everyday-and-ordinary lives. This will be done by giving particular attention to the context of the current dominant discourse and practice in “studying” Philippine society by using Political Science as the disciplinal anchor. Consequently, the current methodological assumptions in Political Science will be interrogated for their enabling and/or disenabling presence relative to how the political is teased out from (...)
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    A Scientometric Systematic Review of Entrepreneurial Wellbeing Knowledge Production.Nicolás Contreras-Barraza, Juan Felipe Espinosa-Cristia, Guido Salazar-Sepulveda, Alejandro Vega-Muñoz & Antonio Ariza-Montes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This article presents a scientometric study regarding entrepreneurship and its relationship with wellbeing. The study presents a systematic review and measures impact and relational character to identify the relevance of countries, research organizations, and authors in the field of entrepreneurial wellbeing. The study poses the following research questions: What is the nature of the evolution of scientific knowledge in the entrepreneurial wellbeing field? What is the nature of the concentration in terms of geographical distribution and co-authorship level of knowledge production (...)
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    Inquiring into the Concept of Perpetual Land Trust Using the Lens of Moral Extensionism: The Case of the Masungi Geopark Project.Contreras Antonio - 2024 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 25 (2).
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    Literature and Law in Jacques Derrida.Carlos Antonio Contreras Guala - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (152):95-110.
    RESUMEN Se estudia el vínculo entre literatura y derecho en el pensamiento de Jacques Derrida. Se indican algunos recorridos de lectura y se dilucida lo que se entiende por literatura como institución, y su vínculo y alcances en relación con el plagio y con el derecho a decirlo todo en literatura. ABSTRACT The paper examines the connection between literature and law in the thought of Jacques Derrida. On the basis of certain readings, it explains literature as an institution, as well (...)
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  9. Psicología de la Justicia. La relación alma-justicia en Platón.Sebastián Antonio Contreras Aguirre - 2008 - A Parte Rei 57:6.
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  10. Cicerón: Retórica y Filosofía Moral. Verdad y Argumentación jurídica en el Orator Perfectus.Sebastián Antonio Contreras Aguirre - 2008 - A Parte Rei 59:1.
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    The Extreme Right as a Philosophical and Psychoanalytic Problem: About “Liber-Fascism” and its Modalities of Jouissance.Jesús Ayala-Colqui, Arturo Romero Contreras, Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, Jesús Wiliam Huanca-Arohuanca & S. Antonio Letelier - 2023 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 23:143-162.
    The aim of this article is to problematize, from a sociopolitical and psychoanalytic point of view, the current rise of the new rights, especially in Latin America. Although this extremist renaissance is loosely and indicatively referred to as fascism, we believe that, after careful analysis, today’s far-rights are not simple repetitions of the fascisms of the s. XX. It is about an unprecedented governmentality and ideology that, on the one hand, is not reduced to neoliberalism and, on the other hand, (...)
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  12. Ley natural, determinatio y derecho positivo. Lo indiferente y las determinaciones del legislador.Sebastián Antonio Contreras Aguirre - 2011 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 25:39-54.
    Uno de los tópicos principales de la teoría clásica del derecho natural es el de la relación entre derecho natural y positivo. Para todos los autores clásicos, el derecho positivo encuentra su origen en los principios universales del derecho, que Santo Tomás ha llamado lex naturalis. Pero estos principios universales del derecho son tan generales e inespecíficos, que para formar parte de un ordenamiento jurídico concreto (en una comunidad política concreta) necesitan de alguna especificación. Este modo de «especificar» los preceptos (...)
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  13. Colaboradores de este número.Pablo Badillo O'Farrell, Manuel Barrios Casares, António Braz Teixeira, Francisco J. Contreras, Gustavo Costa, Alberto M. Damiani, Marcel Danesi, Thomas Gilbhard, Gabriel Livov & Fabrizio Lomonaco - 2002 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 2001 (461):13-14.
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    Constitución del sujeto de la enunciación en Escritura de Raimundo Contreras.Juan Antonio Requena Cerda - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (1):86-96.
    Este artículo propone una relectura de Escritura de Raimundo Contreras de Pablo de Rokha. El objetivo es encontrar huellas de la presencia y referencialidad del sujeto de la enunciación al interior del discurso que él mismo produce, o sea, evidenciar aquellas marcas textuales que permiten comprender cómo en Escritura emerge un sujeto de la enunciación que torna inestables los límites de la primera persona singular. De manera específica, propongo poner atención en los modelos de configuración identitaria que despliega el (...)
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    Roberto M. Gerstmann y Antonio Quintana Contreras: Estética y fotografía de los indígenas del Norte Grande.Margarita Alvarado P. & Carla Möller Z. - 2009 - Aisthesis 46.
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  16. A neurobiology for consciousness.Antonio R. Damasio - 2000 - In Thomas Metzinger (ed.), Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Empirical and Conceptual Questions. MIT Press.
  17.  56
    Further Selections From the Prison Notebooks.Antonio Gramsci - 1995 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
  18. Ruptura epistemológica en el saber pedagógico: la resignificación del episteme curricular.María Angélica Guzmán Droguett & Rolando N. Pinto Contreras - 2004 - Theoria 13:121-131.
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    Garantismo constitucional y cosmopolitismo en la era postpandemia. Perspectivas y desafíos.Antonio Mesa León - 2023 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 42:2-22.
    La crisis sanitaria mundial ha propiciado un fecundo debate iusfilosófico en lo referente a la protección de los derechos humanos. El nuevo escenario exige respuestas nuevas por parte de la filosofía del derecho. En este trabajo se somete a crítica la teoría del garantismo constitucional de Luigi Ferrajoli, cuestionándose su idoneidad como marco de referencia para afrontar los mencionados desafíos. La crítica se centra en la concepción ferrajoliana de la democracia y en su proyección cosmopolita. Se argumentará que la extensión (...)
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  20. Etienne Gilson: metafisica e metodologia dell'esperienza storica.Antonio Livi - 1984 - Filosofia Oggi 7 (4):547-556.
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    Abitare nella possibilità: l'esperienza della letteratura.Antonio Spadaro - 2008 - Milano: Jaca book.
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    Il male in Dio: rivelazione e ragione nell'ultimo Pareyson.Antonio Stevenazzi - 2006 - Verona (Italy): Fede & cultura.
    I temi della libertà e del male nelle considerazioni di Luigi Pareyson rivelano una profondità non comune e costituiscono, specie per la teologia, una riflessione "provocante" che dà a pensare. Se la fenomenologia del male moltiplica le domande senza risposta, nell'ordine del pensiero, esso rappresenta l'aporia delle aporie. Eppure, di fronte alla lacerante domanda sul male, l'uomo da sempre ha tentato di rispondervi. Ma il male, nella sua multiforme e tentacolare realtà, non solo sembra sfuggire ad ogni risposta, ma nello (...)
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  23. Machine consciousness: A manifesto for robotics.Antonio Chella & Riccardo Manzotti - 2009 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 1 (1):33-51.
    Machine consciousness is not only a technological challenge, but a new way to approach scientific and theoretical issues which have not yet received a satisfactory solution from AI and robotics. We outline the foundations and the objectives of machine consciousness from the standpoint of building a conscious robot.
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    (1 other version)Teosofia.Antonio Rosmini - 1967 - [Milan, Italy]: Bompiani. Edited by Samuele Francesco Tadini.
  25.  53
    The Foundations of Spacetime Physics: Philosophical Perspectives.Antonio Vassallo (ed.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book provides an up-to-date overview of the foundations of spacetime physics. It features original essays written by world-class experts in the physics and philosophy of spacetime. The foundational questions regarding the origin and nature of spacetime are branching into new and exciting directions. These questions are not restricted to the quantum gravity program but also arise in the context of a well-established theory like general relativity. Against the background of these quick and diverse developments, this volume features a broad (...)
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  26.  6
    Con Vico nel secolo dei lumi.Antonio Verri - 2002 - [Galatina (Le)]: Congedo.
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    Elogio da descrença: ensaios.António Vieira - 2022 - Lajes do Pico: Companhia das Ilhas.
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    Momenti del pensiero giuridico contemporaneo.Antonio Villani - 1970 - Napoli,: L'arte tipografica.
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  29. Ansiedad, estrés, emociones negativas y salud.Antonio Cano Vindel - 2010 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 60 (968):12-16.
    En la Psicología, las emociones que más se han estudiado son las emociones negativas, llamadas así porque generan una experiencia desagradable. Las más importantes son la ansiedad (ante situaciones de amenaza), la ira o enfado (ante un daño o perjuicio), y la tristeza (precursora de la depresión, se produce ante situaciones de pérdida).
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  30. Conscience.Antonio Rosmini - unknown
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  31. Towards robot conscious perception.Antonio Chella - 2007 - In Antonio Chella & Riccardo Manzotti (eds.), Artificial Consciousness. Imprint Academic. pp. 124-140.
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    Elettra Stimilli (a cura di),.Antonio Moretti - 2019 - Giornale Critico di Storia Delle Idee 1:271-278.
    Decostruzione o biopolitica? aims to bring to light both differences and affinities – in their problematic interplay – between deconstruction and biopolitics, thus lifting the smokescreen of French Theory as a unified field of research and revoking its role as an unambiguous and functional category of the history of philosophy. At the same time, this collected edition points towards the work that ITN has been doing for the past decade: retracing the roots of contemporary Italian philosophy and the emergence of (...)
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    Il fondamento positivo del mondo: indagini francescane sulla materia all'inizio del XIV secolo (1300-1330 ca.).Antonio Petagine - 2019 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    Bioethics of Public Policies. Ethical Standards in Crisis Situations.Antonio Sandu - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1Sup2):141-160.
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    El sentido del hombre en el universo.Antonio Blanch & Alfredo Tiemblo (eds.) - 1999 - Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
    Este volumen recoge las ponencias, comunicaciones y coloquios que se ofrecieron en la última reunión organizada por la Asociación Interdisciplinar “José de Acosta” (ASINJA). El tema vertebrador, como indica el título, es el sentido del hombre en el Universo. La toma de conciencia de sí mismo y del Universo en el que se encuentra inmerso, hacen platearse al hombre una serie de preguntas sobre el sentido de las cosas, o sobre el por qué y el para qué de la propia (...)
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    An intermediate level between the psychological and the neurobiological levels of descriptions of appraisal-emotion dynamics.Antonio Chella - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):199-200.
    Conceptual space is proposed as an intermediate representation level between the psychological and the neurobiological levels of descriptions of appraisal and emotions. The main advantage of the proposed intermediate representation is that the appraisal and emotions dynamics are described by using the terms of geometry.
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    Le prime traduzioni della Monadologie di Leibniz (1720-1721): introduzione storico-critica, sinossi dei testi, concordanze contrastive.Antonio Lamarra - 2001 - Firenze: Leo S. Olschki. Edited by R. Palaia & Pietro Pimpinella.
  38.  9
    A experiência estética como experiência do mundo: a estética segundo Mikel Dufrenne.António Pedro Pita - 1999 - Porto: Campo das Letras.
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    Wittgenstein, 50 años después: con aportaciones del I Congreso Hispano-Luso de Filosofía.Antonio Alonso Puelles & Carmen Galán Rodríguez (eds.) - 2001 - Mérida: Regional de Extremadura.
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    Consciência social e realidade nacional em Alvaro Vieira Pinto.Antonio Alvimar Souza - 1999 - Londrina: Editora UEL.
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    Up to Equimorphism, Hyperarithmetic Is Recursive.Antonio Montalbán - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (2):360 - 378.
    Two linear orderings are equimorphic if each can be embedded into the other. We prove that every hyperarithmetic linear ordering is equimorphic to a recursive one. On the way to our main result we prove that a linear ordering has Hausdorff rank less than $\omega _{1}^{\mathit{CK}}$ if and only if it is equimorphic to a recursive one. As a corollary of our proof we prove that, given a recursive ordinal α, the partial ordering of equimorphism types of linear orderings of (...)
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    Comunità di ricerca filosofica e formazione: pratiche di coltivazione del pensiero.Antonio Cosentino - 2011 - Napoli: Liguori. Edited by Stefano Oliverio.
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    Il Millenarismo di Tertulliano.Antonio Delrio - 2003 - Augustinianum 43 (2):365-396.
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    L'ultimo sciamano: conversazioni su Heidegger.Antonio Gnoli - 2006 - Milano: Tascabili Bompiani. Edited by Franco Volpi.
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    Aprender a ver: estudios de filosofía y cine.Antonio Lastra - 2012 - Valencia: Aduana Vieja Editorial.
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  46.  21
    Note on 'What I Believe' and Reply.Antonio Malo - 2010 - Acta Philosophica 19 (1):113 - 123.
    The present review is a critical reflection on Kenny’s book ’What I believe’. The author tries to understand why Kenny is neither a theist nor an atheist, but an agnostic. He thinks that Kenny is not a theist because arguments for the existence of God always have for him logical weaknesses. According to the author, in this point appears Kenny’s "central belief", namely that human logic makes reality to be true. Nevertheless, the author shows that Kenny is closer to the (...)
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  47.  56
    Another impossibility result for normal form games.Antonio Quesada - 2002 - Theory and Decision 52 (1):73-80.
    It is shown that the axioms Cubitt and Sugden (1994; Economic J. 104: 798) impose on a theory of rationally justifiable play (TRJP) do not prevent the possibility that two players necessarily disagree concerning the probability they ascribe to the choice of a third player. This appears to indicate that those axioms are not sufficient for defining a `reasonable' TRJP. In addition, for the case in which a player's beliefs are statistically independent, conditions for a TRJP are suggested under which (...)
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  48. Ensayo sobre ciencia constitucional.Antonio José Iregui - 1897 - Bogotá (Colombia): Imprenta de vapor de Zalamea hermanos.
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  49. Introduzione alla filosofia del diritto.Antonio Pagano - 1908 - Torino,: Fratelli Bocca.
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    Inteligencia artificial sostenible y quíntuple hélice: una respuesta ética en el ámbito de la innovación.Antonio Luis Terrones Rodríguez - 2024 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36 (2):408-429.
    En la era del Antropoceno y en el contexto de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial, la inteligencia artificial representa un elemento que profundiza los problemas relacionados con la degradación ambiental. En este sentido, figuras destacadas como Aimee van Wynsberghe y Mark Coeckelbergh han comenzado a plantear el concepto de inteligencia artificial sostenible (IAS). Sin embargo, es importante conectar esta propuesta conceptual con un modelo de innovación que permita su realización en aras de la sostenibilidad. La quíntuple hélice constituye una oportunidad para (...)
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