Results for 'Cornelia Gockel'

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  1.  9
    Benjamin Katz: Georg Baselitz at Work.Cornelia Gockel - 2013 - Hirmer Publishers.
    Baselitz is one of the most important artists of today. His works can be found in major museums around the world. For over 30 years, photographer Benjamin Katz has been documenting Baselitz at work in different studios. This volume now captures Baselitz's exceptional life at work and at home. Benjamin Katz is famous for his photographic portraits of artists. Among his previous subjects are Gerhard Richter, Joseph Beuys, Sigmar Polke, Rosemarie Trockel, and Martin Kippenberger. Because Katz is friends with most (...)
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    Paul Klee’s picture-making and persona: tools for making invisible realities visible.Bettina Gockel - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (3):418-433.
    This article is concerned with Klee’s belief that ‘intuition’ is indispensable to the artistic and scientific understanding of natural processes and laws of nature. Examples of his pictorial practice are discussed which derive from the as yet for the most part unpublished and little studied writings from the period at the Bauhaus. Taking the methodologically diverse literature about Klee into account, this paper tries to understand Klee’s ‘scientism’ in the cultural and theoretical context of his time.Keywords: Intuition; Genius; E. T. (...)
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  3. Language development programs in natural science lessons in elementary school.Sabine Ahlborn-Gockel, Brigitta Kleffken & Rupert Scheuer - 2012 - In Silvija Markic, Ingo Eilks, David Di Fuccia & Bernd Ralle, Issues of heterogeneity and cultural diversity in science education and science education research: a collection of invited papers inspired by the 21st Symposium on Chemical and Science Education held at the University of Dortmund, May 17-19, 2012. Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
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  4. A Child's Garden of Prayer.H. W. Gockel, E. J. Saleska & Otto Keiser - 1948
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    “Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”-an orientational approach to suffering and evil.Matthias Gockel - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (1):97-105.
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    Einleitung.Heinz Gockel - 1973 - In Individualisiertes Sprechen: Lichtenbergs Bemerkungen Im Zusammenhang von Erkenntnistheorie Und Sprachkritik. De Gruyter. pp. 1-16.
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    Frontmatter.Heinz Gockel - 1973 - In Individualisiertes Sprechen: Lichtenbergs Bemerkungen Im Zusammenhang von Erkenntnistheorie Und Sprachkritik. De Gruyter.
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    Friedrich Schleiermachers Erwählungslehre und ihre Fortschreibung in der Theologie Karl Barths.Matthias Gockel - 2012 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 19 (2):217-246.
    The article compares the doctrine of election in the theology of Friedrich Schleiermacher, particularly his magisterial essay on the topic from 1819, and the theology of Karl Barth between 1920 and 1925. It argues that both positions are strikingly similar, in regard to both their critical evaluation of the tradition and their constructive proposals for a new foundation. Both theologians offer a theocentric reassessment that shuns the particularism of previous approaches and affirms the unity of the divine will. Schleiermacher defends (...)
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    Hermann Cremers Umformung der christlichen Lehre von den Eigenschaften Gottes im Lichte ihrer Rezeption im 20. Jahrhundert.Matthias Gockel - 2014 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 56 (1):35-63.
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    Inhalt.Heinz Gockel - 1973 - In Individualisiertes Sprechen: Lichtenbergs Bemerkungen Im Zusammenhang von Erkenntnistheorie Und Sprachkritik. De Gruyter.
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    II. Denkhaltung: „Das längst Geglaubte für unausgemacht halten".Heinz Gockel - 1973 - In Individualisiertes Sprechen: Lichtenbergs Bemerkungen Im Zusammenhang von Erkenntnistheorie Und Sprachkritik. De Gruyter. pp. 57-74.
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    III. Denkform: Witz.Heinz Gockel - 1973 - In Individualisiertes Sprechen: Lichtenbergs Bemerkungen Im Zusammenhang von Erkenntnistheorie Und Sprachkritik. De Gruyter. pp. 75-92.
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    I. Erkenntniskritik.Heinz Gockel - 1973 - In Individualisiertes Sprechen: Lichtenbergs Bemerkungen Im Zusammenhang von Erkenntnistheorie Und Sprachkritik. De Gruyter. pp. 19-56.
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    III. Individualisierte Aussage.Heinz Gockel - 1973 - In Individualisiertes Sprechen: Lichtenbergs Bemerkungen Im Zusammenhang von Erkenntnistheorie Und Sprachkritik. De Gruyter. pp. 157-204.
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    I. Sprachkritik.Heinz Gockel - 1973 - In Individualisiertes Sprechen: Lichtenbergs Bemerkungen Im Zusammenhang von Erkenntnistheorie Und Sprachkritik. De Gruyter. pp. 95-127.
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    II. Sprechhaltung.Heinz Gockel - 1973 - In Individualisiertes Sprechen: Lichtenbergs Bemerkungen Im Zusammenhang von Erkenntnistheorie Und Sprachkritik. De Gruyter. pp. 128-156.
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    Individualisiertes Sprechen: Lichtenbergs Bemerkungen Im Zusammenhang von Erkenntnistheorie Und Sprachkritik.Heinz Gockel - 1973 - De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Individualisiertes Sprechen" verfügbar.
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  18.  14
    Pazifistische Herausforderungen Zur evangelischen Friedensethik heute.Matthias Gockel - 2016 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 60 (4):307-311.
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    Vom Objekt Zum Bild: Piktorale Prozesse in Kunst Und Wissenschaft, 1600 - 2000.Bettina Gockel, Julia Häcki & Miriam Volmert (eds.) - 2011 - Akademie Verlag.
    Bilder in Kunst und Wissenschaft sind Orte des Denkens und Forschens.
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    Gibt es eine Gestalttheorie der Emotionen? Ein Diskussionsvorschlag.Hellmuth Metz-Göckel - 2021 - Gestalt Theory 43 (3):323-346.
    An emotional episode consists of psychological, physiological, motor and expressive components that are tied together. Present theories and previous contributions by gestalt theorists to emotions are discussed. It is shown that the synergetic system theory represents a fruitful model for emotional processes, in which self-organisation plays a central role. Also, a selection of neuropsychological findings in this context is taken into account.
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    Gestalt Theory: History, Principle Assumptions and Research Fields.Hellmuth Metz-Göckel - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (4):21-36.
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  22.  54
    Vierzig Jahre Gesellschaft für Gestalttheorie: Der wissenschaftliche Ertrag.Hellmuth Metz-Göckel - 2018 - Gestalt Theory 40 (3):257-280.
    The Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications (GTA) is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. The task of this article was to give a selection of gestalt theoretical research, which was created within the framework of the GTA. After a brief introduction to the theory, recent developments that have emerged since the founding of the Society and have found expression in the journal Gestalt Theory, as well as in many other publications, have been discussed. A number of contributions to (...)
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    Workshop zur Situation der Wissenschaftlerinnen und der Frauenforschung in der ehemaligen DDR 10.11.1990 Dortmund.Sigrid Metz-Göckel - 1991 - Die Philosophin 2 (3):147-149.
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    (1 other version)Ein Gespräch mit Cornelia Klinger.Cornelia Klinger - 1991 - Die Philosophin 5 (2):68-77.
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    Periphere Kooptierung. Neue Formen der Ausgrenzung feministischer Kritik. Ein Gespräch mit Cornelia Klinger.Cornelia Klinger - 1998 - Die Philosophin. Forum für Feministische Theorie Und Philosophie 9 (18):95-107.
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    Cultural Techniques and Sovereignty.Cornelia Vismann - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (6):83-93.
    First published in 2010, Cornelia Vismann’s article has already attained the status of a classic. In a formulation inspired by linguistic theory, the author argues that the relation between cultural techniques and media can be understood in analogy to grammatical operations. Thus, cultural techniques define the agency of media and execute the procedural rules which the latter set in place. Together, they articulate a critique of subjectivity and sovereignty that proceeds by re-examining the notion of ‘culture’ via its agricultural (...)
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    Wolfgang Metzger: Schöpferische Freiheit. Gestalttheorie des Lebendigen. Herausgegeben von Marianne Soff und Gerhard Stemberger, mit einem Geleitwort von Jürgen Kriz. Wien: Verlag Krammer 2022, dritte Auflage. ISBN-13: 978 3 901811 80 7. [REVIEW]Hellmuth Metz-Göckel - 2022 - Gestalt Theory 44 (1-2):201-204.
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    Files: Law and Media Technology.Cornelia Vismann - 2008 - Stanford University Press.
    The reign of paper files would seem to be over once files are reduced to the status of icons on computer screens, but Vismann's book, which examines the impact of the file on Western institutions throughout history, shows how the creation of order in medieval and early modern administrations makes its returns in computer architecture.
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    Gesture and Sign: Cataclysmic Break or Dynamic Relations?Cornelia Müller - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:347591.
    The goal of the article is to offer a framework against which relations between gesture and sign can be systematically explored beyond the current literature. It does so by (a) reconstructing the history of the discussion in the field of gesture studies, focusing on three leading positions (Kendon, McNeill, and Goldin-Meadow); and (b) by formulating a position to illustrate how this can be achieved. The paper concludes by emphasizing the need for systematic cross-linguistic research on multimodal use of language in (...)
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  30.  10
    A question of time: How demographic faultlines and deep-level diversity impact the development of psychological safety in teams.Rebecca Gerlach & Christine Gockel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Psychological safety is a shared belief among team members that it is safe to take interpersonal risks. It can enhance team learning, experimentation with new ideas, and team performance. Considerable research has examined the positive effects of PS in diverse organizational contexts and is now shifting its focus toward exploring the nature of PS itself. This study aims to enhance our understanding of PS antecedents and development over time. Based on the model of team faultlines and research on team diversity, (...)
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    Nachruf auf Michael Stadler (1941–2020).Kurt Guss & Hellmuth Metz-Göckel - 2021 - Gestalt Theory 43 (1):145-147.
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  32. The Devotional Bible, Volume II, The Gospels According to St. Luke and St. John.Theo Hoyer & H. W. Gockel - 1948
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    Agents versus structures in English School theory: Is co-constitution the answer?Cornelia Navari - 2020 - Journal of International Political Theory 16 (2):249-267.
    While generally accepted as an interpretive theory, Bull’s emblematic text demonstrates strong structural characteristics. Subsequent attributions move between the interpretive or ‘reflexive’ and t...
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  34.  52
    Your emotion or mine: labeling feelings alters emotional face perception—an ERP study on automatic and intentional affect labeling.Cornelia Herbert, Anca Sfärlea & Terry Blumenthal - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Perceptual-Cognitive Changes During Motor Learning: The Influence of Mental and Physical Practice on Mental Representation, Gaze Behavior, and Performance of a Complex Action.Cornelia Frank, William M. Land & Thomas Schack - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    In Pursuit of a ‘Single Source of Truth’: from Threatened Legitimacy to Integrated Reporting.Cornelia Beck, John Dumay & Geoffrey Frost - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (1):191-205.
    This paper explores one organisation’s journey into non-financial reporting, initially motivated by a crisis in public confidence that threatened the organisation’s legitimacy to the present with the organisation embracing integrated reporting. The organisation’s journey is framed through a legitimation lens and is illustrated by aligning internal reflections with external outputs guided by predominant paradigms of good practice, such as the GRI guidelines and more recently integrated reporting 〈IR〉. We find that the organisation’s relationship with external guidelines has evolved from pragmatic (...)
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    18-month-Olds comprehend indirect communicative acts.Cornelia Schulze & Michael Tomasello - 2015 - Cognition 136 (C):91-98.
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    Beyond the connectome: How neuromodulators shape neural circuits.Cornelia I. Bargmann - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (6):458-465.
    Powerful ultrastructural tools are providing new insights into neuronal circuits, revealing a wealth of anatomically‐defined synaptic connections. These wiring diagrams are incomplete, however, because functional connectivity is actively shaped by neuromodulators that modify neuronal dynamics, excitability, and synaptic function. Studies of defined neural circuits in crustaceans, C. elegans, Drosophila, and the vertebrate retina have revealed the ability of modulators and sensory context to reconfigure information processing by changing the composition and activity of functional circuits. Each ultrastructural connectivity map encodes multiple (...)
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    My Sadness – Our Happiness: Writing About Positive, Negative, and Neutral Autobiographical Life Events Reveals Linguistic Markers of Self-Positivity and Individual Well-Being.Cornelia Herbert, Eileen Bendig & Roberto Rojas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Responsibility in Complex Conflicts: An Afghan Case.Cornelia Vikan - 2017 - Journal of Military Ethics 16 (3-4):239-255.
    ABSTRACTThis paper discusses soldiers’ moral responsibility in today’s complex conflicts. The point of departure is the increased focus on soldiers as moral decision-makers in war, illustrated by the introduction of core values in the Norwegian Armed Forces. Responsibility is one of these core values, but it is not clear exactly how we should understand responsibility. I use a case where a group of Norwegian soldiers in the International Security Assistance Force sought the cooperation of a group of mujahedeen to solve (...)
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    Editorial: The Janus Face of Language: Where Are the Emotions in Words and Where Are the Words in Emotions?Cornelia Herbert, Thomas Ethofer, Andreas J. Fallgatter, Peter Walla & Georg Northoff - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Making Sense of Science: Separating Substance from Spin.Cornelia Dean - 2017 - Harvard University Press.
    Cornelia Dean draws on her 30 years as a science journalist with the New York Times to expose the flawed reasoning and knowledge gaps that handicap readers when they try to make sense of science. She calls attention to conflicts of interest in research and the price society pays when science journalism declines and funding dries up.--.
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    Regular Physical Activity, Short-Term Exercise, Mental Health, and Well-Being Among University Students: The Results of an Online and a Laboratory Study.Cornelia Herbert, Friedrich Meixner, Christine Wiebking & Verena Gilg - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  44.  4
    Contemporary Art and Event-Based Social Theory.Cornelia Bohn - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (3):51-74.
    In light of the sociological insight that it is left to the art system what counts as art, new artistic forms inevitably alter the prevailing concept of art. The article examines how artistic morphogenesis occurs in a twofold manner in the case of contemporary art: as self-referential process through new form combinatorics or asynchronous artistic operations whose artworks elude the gaze, and as other-referential relation. One of the main features of contemporary art lies in its strong reference to the present, (...)
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    Politics in the Interest of Capital: A Not-So-Organized Combat.Cornelia Woll - 2016 - Politics and Society 44 (3):373-391.
    In recent debates about inequality, many have pointed to the predominant position of the finance. This article highlights that structural power, not lobbying resources, are key to explaining variations across countries. It examines finance-government negotiations over national bank rescue schemes during the recent financial crisis. Given the structural power of finance, the variation in bank bailouts across countries cannot be explained by lobbying differences. Instead of observing organized interest intermediation, we can see that disorganization was crucial for the financial industry (...)
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    Classical Hindu Mythology: A Reader in the Sanskrit Puranas.Cornelia Dimmitt - 1978 - Temple University Press.
    The Mahapuranas embody the received tradition of Hindu mythology. This anthology contains fresh translations of these myths, only a few of which have ever been available in English before, thus providing a rich new portion of Hindu mythology. The book is organized into six chapters. "Origins" contains myths relating to creation, time, and space. "Seers, Kings and Supernaturals" relates tales of rivers, trees, animals, demons, and men, particularly heroes and sages. Myths about the chief gods are dealt with in three (...)
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  47.  99
    The Concepts of the Sublime and the Beautiful In Kant and Lyotard.Cornelia Klinger - 1995 - Constellations 2 (2):207-223.
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    The Representation of Motor (Inter)action, States of Action, and Learning: Three Perspectives on Motor Learning by Way of Imagery and Execution.Cornelia Frank & Thomas Schack - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:224812.
    Learning in intelligent systems is a result of direct or indirect interaction with the environment. Humans can learn by way of different states of (inter-)action such as the execution or the imagery of an action, but their unique potential to induce brain-related as well as mind-related changes in the motor action system is still being debated. The systematic repetition of different states of action (e.g., execution and imagery in terms of physical and mental practice) and their contribution to the learning (...)
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    Assessing reported adherence to pharmacological treatment recommendations. Translation and evaluation of the Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS) in Germany.Cornelia Mahler, Katja Hermann, Rob Horne, Sabine Ludt, Walter Emil Haefeli, Joachim Szecsenyi & Susanne Jank - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (3):574-579.
  50.  9
    The New York Times book of physics and astronomy: more than 100 years of covering the expanding universe.Cornelia Dean - 2013 - New York: Sterling.
    From the discovery of distant galaxies and black holes to the tiny interstices of the atom, here is the very best on physics and astronomy from the New York Times! The newspaper of record has always prided itself on its award-winning science coverage, and these 125 articles from its archives are the very best, covering more than a century of breakthroughs, setbacks, and mysteries. Selected by former science editor Cornelia Dean, they feature such esteemed and Pulitzer Prize-winning writers as (...)
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