Results for 'Cover Songs'

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  1. A Philosophy of Cover Songs.P. D. Magnus - 2022 - Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers.
    Cover songs are a familiar feature of contemporary popular music. Musicians describe their own performances as covers, and audiences use the category to organize their listening and appreciation. However, until now philosophers have not had much to say about them. This book explores how to think about covers, appreciating covers, and the metaphysics of covers and songs. Along the way, it explores a range of issues raised by covers, from the question of what precisely constitutes a (...), to the history and taxonomy of the category, the various relationships that hold between songs, performances, and tracks, and the appreciation and evaluation of covers. (shrink)
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    Stock Market Reaction to Corporate Crime: Evidence from South Korea.Chanhoo Song & Seung Hun Han - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (2):323-351.
    This paper examines the impact of corporate crime on the stock market in South Korea. Specifically, we examine the effect of crime type, industry type, business group affiliation, and corporate governance on the relationship between corporate crime announcement and stock market reaction. We find negative reactions to stock prices around the announcements of corporate crimes but no significant difference in reactions between announcements of individual and organizational crimes. Individual white-collar crimes have a stronger negative impact on stock prices than do (...)
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  3. Precis of A Philosophy of Cover Songs.P. D. Magnus - manuscript
    A brief overview of _A Philosophy of Cover Songs_, highlighting some of the main themes in the book. The first part addresses the nature of covers and makes some important initial distinctions. The second part addresses the appreciation and evaluation of covers. The third part addresses covers as a clue to the ontology of songs. Written to introduce a session at the American Society for Aesthetics Rocky Mountain Division meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico (July 13, 2024).
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  4. Melting the Archive: The Irreconcilable Cover Song and Rock's Recorded History.Michael Rings - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (4):525-536.
    In this article, I consider a set of curious cases from the world of rock music: putative “cover versions” that differ from their corresponding canonical tracks to such an extent that it seems doubtful whether they even count as performances of the same songs. Though I address the ontological question of how or whether these tracks could be classified as actual cover songs, in this paper I am more concerned with the evaluative question of how we (...)
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    Exploring Residential Heterogeneity through Multiscalar Lens: A Case Study of Hangzhou, China.Qinshi Huang, Weixuan Song, Liyan Liu, Chunhui Liu, Xinyi Zhang & Ge He - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    The pattern, process, and mechanism of residential heterogeneity vary significantly with different geographical scales. However, most traditional methods ignore the checkboard and modifiable areal unit problem, which may cover up the complexity and hierarchy of social space. Taking Hangzhou city as an example, a multiscalar method was proposed based on the information entropy theory to estimate residential heterogeneity and its scale sensitivity. Based on the sixth population census of Hangzhou and the housing price database of 6,536 residential districts from (...)
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    Philosophy of Cover Songs.Brandon Polite - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (1):109-112.
    Anyone interested in the philosophy of music, especially popular music, should be familiar with Cristyn Magnus, P.D. Magnus, and Christy Mag Uidhir’s contempora.
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    Song, songs, and singing.Jeanette Bicknell & John Andrew Fisher (eds.) - 2013 - Malden, MA: Wiley.
    The last twenty years or so have seen a surge of interest in the philosophy of music. However there is comparatively little philosophical literature devoted specifically to songs, singing and vocal music in general. This new collection of essays on the philosophical aspects of song and singing includes articles on the relationship between words and music in songs, the ontology of songs and recordings, meaning in songs, the metaphysics of vocal music in opera and the movies, (...)
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    Island songs: a global repertoire.Godfrey Baldacchino (ed.) - 2011 - Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.
    Through the close analysis of musical performance and tradition, the scholarly contributiors to Island Songs provide a global review of how island songs, their lyrics, and their singers engage with the challenges of modernity, migration, and social change uncovering common patterns despite the diversity and local character of their subjects"--Cover p. [4].
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    The Philosophy of Modern Song.Belle Randall - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (2):234-236.
    The Philosophy of Modern Song: curious title, a curious book. If you bought it, as I did, because you are a devoted Dylan fan, hoping to find new Dylan songs inside, or at least new Dylan prose, you will be disappointed. In the photo of three musicians on the cover, none of them is Dylan. The one on the left is Little Richard. Who are the other two? Nowhere are we told their names, nor the names of the (...)
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  10. Appreciating covers.Cristyn Magnus, P. D. Magnus, Christy Mag Uidhir & Ron Mcclamrock - 2022 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 31 (63).
    A recording or performance of a song is a cover if there is an earlier, canonical recording of the song. It can seem intuitive to think that properly appreciating a cover requires considering it in relation to the original, or at least that doing so will yield a deeper appreciation. This intuition is supported by some philosophical accounts of covers. And it is complicated by the possibility of hearing in, whereby one hears elements of the original version in (...)
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  11. Cover Versions: Ethics, Approporiation, and Expertise.Jeanette Bicknell - 2022 - Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 45 (4):227-234.
    Ethical issues arise when musicians perform and record “cover” versions of songs. In this paper I discuss performances of Blues music by professional musicians who do not have strong cultural ties to this material. I begin with a discussion of musical authenticity and appropriation, and then discuss some of the surrounding ethical issues, drawing on James O. Young’s defense of profound cultural offense. Could harm arise from cross-cultural musical covers, and if so, is this harm always a relevant (...)
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    Gallic War Songs: Furius Bibaculus’ Annales Belli Gallici.Peter Kruschwitz - 2010 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 154 (2):285-305.
    This article reconsiders the evidence for Furius Bibaculus’ historical epic Annales Belli Gallici, an epic arguably covering Caesar’s warfare in Gaul. In addition to a reconsideration of the textual evidence and the testimonia, this article discusses in detail questions of authorship, date, and sources. The article concludes with some observations on language and content of the Annales Belli Gallici.
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  13. Judging Covers.Cristyn Magnus, P. D. Magnus & Christy Mag Uidhir - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 71 (4):361-370.
    Cover versions form a loose but identifiable category of tracks and performances. We distinguish four kinds of covers and argue that they mark important differences in the modes of evaluation that are possible or appropriate for each: mimic covers, which aim merely to echo the canonical track; rendition covers, which change the sound of the canonical track; transformative covers, which diverge so much as to instantiate a distinct, albeit derivative song; and referential covers, which not only instantiate a distinct (...)
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    Orchestrations of consciousness in the universe: Consciousness and electronic music applied to Xenolinguistics and Adnyamathanha aboriginal songs.Willard G. Van De Bogart - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (1):113-131.
    This article deals with the reframing of the concept of universal mediated communication on a global scale. Subjects include the following: the universe has a conscious force field at all its scales, requiring continuous inter-scale communication of information; the field exhibits distinct electromagnetic frequencies associated with the building blocks of life; and advances in the technology of sound production with electronic synthesizers can be applied to study mechanisms of such universal communication. The question being addressed is how electronic synthesizers can (...)
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  15. Sonic Pictures.Jason P. Leddington - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (3):354-365.
    Winning essay of the American Society for Aesthetics' inaugural Peter Kivy Prize. Extends Kivy's notion of sonic picturing through engagement with recent work in philosophy of perception. Argues that sonic pictures are more widespread and more aesthetically and artistically important than even Kivy envisioned. Topics discussed include: the nature of sonic pictures; the nature of sounds; what we can (and more importantly, cannot) conclude from musical listening; sonic pictures in film; beatboxing as an art of sonic picturing; and cover (...)
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  16. Musical “Covers” and the Culture Industry.Babette Babich - 2018 - Research in Phenomenology 48 (3):385-407.
    This essay foregrounds “covers” of popular recorded songs as well as male and female desire, in addition to Nietzsche’s interest in composition, together with his rhythmic analysis of Ancient Greek as the basis of what he called the “spirit of music” with respect to tragedy. The language of “sonic branding” allows a discussion of what Günther Anders described as the self-creation of mass consumer but also the ghostly time-space of music in the broadcast world. A brief allusion to Rilke (...)
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  17. Rethinking hereditary relations: the reconstitutor as the evolutionary unit of heredity.Sophie J. Veigl, Javier Suárez & Adrian Stencel - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-42.
    This paper introduces the reconstitutor as a comprehensive unit of heredity within the context of evolutionary research. A reconstitutor is the structure resulting from a set of relationships between different elements or processes that are actively involved in the recreation of a specific phenotypic variant in each generation regardless of the biomolecular basis of the elements or whether they stand in a continuous line of ancestry. Firstly, we justify the necessity of introducing the reconstitutor by showing the limitations of other (...)
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    Пісні кубанських козаків як історичне джерело.Dmytro Bilyi, Taras Osadtsiv & Taras Shit - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):42-46.
    The present article aims to examine the Black Sea / Kuban Cossacks' songs as one of the most important historical sources, which allows us to understand the important aspects of the history of the North Caucasus Ukrainian people'. This is primarily due to the new challenges needed to study the evolution of their identity, certain features of the mentality, and "survival strategies" characteristic for the Ukrainian population in the region. New questions put by historians require expansion of sources where (...)
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    Students, places, and identities in English and the arts: creative spaces in education.David Stevens & Karen Lockney (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of contents -- Contributors -- Introduction -- 1 From place to planet: The role of the language arts in reading environmental identities from the UK to New Zealand -- From here to there -- Cockney translation -- Environmental identities -- Environmental knowledge -- Conclusion: moving from place to planet -- Notes -- References -- 2 Connecting community through film in ITE English -- Introduction -- The place of (...)
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    Kaja, a Stretscher-Barear from the Warsaw Uprising, Saviour of the Hubal Cross.Aleksandra Ziółkowska-Boehm - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (7-9):157-174.
    This paper is a fragment of the book “Kaja od Radosława, czyli historia Hubalowego Krzyża”, which was published by Warszawskie Wydawnictwo Literackie Muza in 2006. It will be published by the American publisher The Military History Press under the title “Kaia Savior of the Hubal Cross”. Covering a century of Polish history, it is full of tragic and compelling events. Such historic events as Polish life in Siberia, Warsaw before the war, the German occupation, the Warsaw Uprising, life in Ostaszków, (...)
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    A Voice and Nothing More.Mladen Dolar - 2006 - MIT Press.
    Plutarch tells the story of a man who plucked a nightingale and finding but little to eat exclaimed: "You are just a voice and nothing more." Plucking the feathers of meaning that cover the voice, dismantling the body from which the voice seems to emanate, resisting the Sirens' song of fascination with the voice, concentrating on "the voice and nothing more": this is the difficult task that philosopher Mladen Dolar relentlessly pursues in this seminal work.The voice did not figure (...)
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    Preface.Attiya Ahmad - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (1):7.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface This issue of Feminist Studies includes a cluster of essays that demonstrates new approaches to life writing, with special attention to unconventional women’s autobiographies. Lara Vapnek describes the historical inhibitions that shaped the self-presentation of pioneering American labor activist Elizabeth Gurley Flynn in the early twentieth century such that she omitted her sexual relationships with both women and men from her autobiographical writings. Overlapping with Vapnek’s historical focus, (...)
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    Four Poems.Yuri Andrukhovych, John Hennessy & Ostap Kin - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):347-351.
    Color FilmAs if from darkness, from gloom, from nothing —this moment is sewn through us like a thread —from above our shoulders — from primeval night —a shining river. A flying light.Onto the screen, onto a white calm,onto a cloth, onto the ground of spatial fields,it flies through the eyeless dark,it's as voluminous as seed or salt.And in this theater, where light's been banished,where even streetlight fades away completely,other light channels vibrate,and reflections wander through the eye.The curtains open up — (...)
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    Collective Violence and Birthday Parties: A Girardian Analysis of the Piñata.Dominic Pigneri - 2022 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 29 (1):209-216.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Collective Violence and Birthday PartiesA Girardian Analysis of the PiñataDominic Pigneri (bio)The piñata is a tradition most commonly associated with Latin America, but this party game has a mysterious origin. Some suppose that the origin of the practice was brought to the Americas by the Spanish, who received the custom from the Italians.1 Some say that the Italians, through Marco Polo, appropriated the ritual from the Chinese.2 Others see (...)
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    Musical Worlds: New Directions in the Philosophy of Music.Philip Alperson - 1998 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This volume, reproducing a special issue of The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism on &"The Philosophy of Music&" (Winter 1994) with a revised introduction and two new articles, is distinguished by its breadth of content, diversity of approaches, and clarity of argument, which should make it useful for classroom teaching. The topics covered include musical representation, the expression of feeling in music, the metaphysics of operatic speech and song, musical understanding, musical composition, feminist music theory, music and politics, music (...)
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  26. Making tracks: The ontology of rock music.Andrew Kania - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 64 (4):401–414.
    I argue that the work of art in rock music is a track constructed in the studio, that tracks usually manifest songs, which can be performed live, and that a cover version is a track (successfully) intended to manifest the same song as some other track. This ontology reflects the way informed audiences talk about rock. It recognizes not only the centrality of recorded tracks to the tradition, as discussed by Theodore Gracyk, but also the value accorded to (...)
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  27. The Poetry of Jeroen Mettes.Samuel Vriezen & Steve Pearce - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):22-28.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 22–28. Jeroen Mettes burst onto the Dutch poetry scene twice. First, in 2005, when he became a strong presence on the nascent Dutch poetry blogosphere overnight as he embarked on his critical project Dichtersalfabet (Poet’s Alphabet). And again in 2011, when to great critical acclaim (and some bafflement) his complete writings were published – almost five years after his far too early death. 2005 was the year in which Dutch poetry blogging exploded. That year saw the foundation (...)
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    Early Chinese Mysticism: Philosophy and Soteriology in the Taoist Tradition.Livia Kohn & PhD Associate Professor of Religion Livia Kohn - 1992 - Princeton University Press.
    Did Chinese mysticism vanish after its first appearance in ancient Taoist philosophy, to surface only after a thousand years had passed, when the Chinese had adapted Buddhism to their own culture? This first integrated survey of the mystical dimension of Taoism disputes the commonly accepted idea of such a hiatus. Covering the period from the Daode jing to the end of the Tang, Livia Kohn reveals an often misunderstood Chinese mystical tradition that continued through the ages. Influenced by but ultimately (...)
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    The philosopher's toolkit: a compendium of philosophical concepts and methods.Peter S. Fosl - 2020 - Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Julian Baggini.
    Philosophy can be an extremely technical and complex affair, one whose terminology and procedures are often intimidating to the beginner and demanding even for the professional. Like that of surgery, the art of philosophy requires mastering a body of knowledge as well as acquiring precision and skill with a set of instruments or tools. The Philosopher's Toolkit may be thought of as a collection of just such tools. Unlike those of a surgeon or a master woodworker, however, the instruments presented (...)
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    Rêver le monde: imaginaires de Nietzsche.Arnaud Sorosina - 2024 - Paris: Éditions Manucius.
    Il y avait l'imaginaire doucereux de l'onirisme baroque, stipulant que le monde est un songe, auquel une rationalité arrogante a voulu opposer un réalisme têtu : la fiction est une chose, la réalité en est une autre. Renvoyant dos à dos le baroquisme rêveur et le réalisme sec, Nietzsche fait valoir la convertibilité réciproque du rêve et de la veille, de l'imaginaire et du réel, de la fiction et du vécu. En examinant l'étoffe dont le monde est fait, le philosophe (...)
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  31. Cosmic Pessimism.Eugene Thacker - 2012 - Continent 2 (2):66-75.
    continent. 2.2 (2012): 66–75 ~*~ We’re Doomed. Pessimism is the night-side of thought, a melodrama of the futility of the brain, a poetry written in the graveyard of philosophy. Pessimism is a lyrical failure of philosophical thinking, each attempt at clear and coherent thought, sullen and submerged in the hidden joy of its own futility. The closest pessimism comes to philosophical argument is the droll and laconic “We’ll never make it,” or simply: “We’re doomed.” Every effort doomed to failure, every (...)
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    Gray Zones at the Emotion/Cognition Interface: A Commentary.Jaak Panksepp - 1990 - Cognition and Emotion 4 (3):289-302.
    Two thing are obvious from the subjective experience of emotional states: (1) emotions have a power of their own in directing and disrupting behavioural options, thinking processes, and bodily states, all the more so if one is immature; (2) our thoughts and appraisals of events can instigate or inhibit feelings to a substantial extent, all the more so as we age and get more experienced. These common introspective observations suggest that there are reciprocal influences between emotions and cognitive processes, the (...)
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    Song Chun-gil: hwahae wa p'oyong ŭi yehakcha.In-ch'ang Song - 2009 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Sŏnggyun'gwan Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
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    Notice; Index of Jobs for Women.Hannah Baker Saltmarsh - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (3):738.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:738 Feminist Studies 42, no. 3. © 2016 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Hannah Baker Saltmarsh Notice When I read people’s necks, waiting on the same wheels: make out the names, Rabbit, Omar, Tiny, Mark, Deedy, Soulja, like characters on a new Netflix series that uses people’s real names; or say, trace up to the teardrop on the cheek, either you murdered someone or was someone’s little b in prison (...)
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    Stripping the Roman Ladies: Ovid's Rites and Readers.Ioannis Ziogas - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (2):735-744.
    Ovid's disclaimers in theArs Amatorianeed to be read in this context. My main argument is that, in his disclaimers, Ovid is rendering his female readership socially unrecognizable, rather than excluding respectable virgins andmatronaefrom his audience.Ars1.31–4, Ovid's programmatic statement about his work's target audience, is a case in point. A closer look at the passage shows that he does not necessarily warn off Roman wives and marriageable girls:este procul, uittae tenues, insigne pudoris,quaeque tegis medios instita longa pedes:nos Venerem tutam concessaque furta (...)
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    Pragmatic Aspects of Human Communication.Colin Cherry (ed.) - 1974 - Reidel.
    'Human Communication' is a field of interest of enormous breadth, being one which has concerned students of many different disciplines. It spans the imagined 'gap' between the 'arts' and the 'sciences', but it forms no unified academic subject. There is no commonly accepted terminology to cover aU aspects. The eight articles comprising this book have been chosen to illustrate something of the diversity yet, at the same time, to be comprehensible to readers from different academic disciplines. They cannot pretend (...)
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    SPEP Co-Director's Address: "The Wind Began to Howl" - Dylan's Antinomianism.Andrew Cutrofello - 2020 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 34 (3):232-247.
    On October 26–27, 1962, the first meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy took place in Evanston, Illinois. Seven months earlier, on March 19, 1962, Columbia Records released the debut album of a young folk singer from Hibbing, Minnesota. Topics discussed at the SPEP meeting included the "phenomenology of perception, existential aesthetics, value theory, the life-world, the emotions, and expressive meaning."1 Songs on the album included two originals—"Talking New York" and "Song to Woody"—and covers of several gospel (...)
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    Preface.Carine Defoort - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (4):3-3.
    In October of last year, the Sinology Department of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven organized a one-week seminar on the topic "Contemporary Chinese Scholars on Chinese Philosophy" , together with the philosophy departments of Beijing University and the K.U. Leuven. Each of the five morning sessions consisted of a lecture by a Beijing University scholar, followed by the response of a K.U. Leuven scholar and discussion with the audience. The lectures covered the fields of Song-Ming thought , pre-Qin daoism , comparative (...)
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    Confucian ethics in Western discourse.Wai-Ying Wong - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Confucian Ethics in Western Discourse brings Chinese philosophers into dialogue with contemporary moral philosophers, identifying how ancient Chinese philosophy can contribute to Western discussions of moral philosophy. Covering the characteristics and significance of the Confucian ethical tradition, this study introduces the main concepts, discusses differing perspectives of moral dilemmas and closely examines whether Confucian ethics should be considered as virtue ethics in the Western tradition. Through analysis of the meaning of virtues in Confucian ethics it draws comparison with virtues in (...)
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    B Flach! B Flach!Myroslav Laiuk & Ali Kinsella - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):1-20.
    Don't tell terrible stories—everyone here has enough of their own. Everyone here has a whole bloody sack of terrible stories, and at the bottom of the sack is a hammer the narrator uses to pound you on the skull the instant you dare not believe your ears. Or to pound you when you do believe. Not long ago I saw a tomboyish girl on Khreshchatyk Street demand money of an elderly woman, threatening to bite her and infect her with syphilis. (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Echoes of Past and Present.Matthew Crippen & Matthew Dixon - 2019 - In Randall E. Auxier & Megan A. Volpert (eds.), Tom Petty and Philosophy: We Need to Know. Chicago, Illinois: Open Court Publishing. pp. 16-25.
    The album Echo was produced in a depressed, drug-riddled phase when Tom Petty’s first marriage was ending and his physical condition so degraded that he took to using a cane. Petty filmed no videos, avoided playing the album’s songs on the follow-up tour and reported little memory of its making. The thoughtfulness and self-reflection that traumatic circumstances spur distinguish the album. So too does the tendency to look backwards in times of crisis, whether in hopes of finding solidity in (...)
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    Peter McGehee and the Erotics of Gay Self-Representation.Raymond-Jean Frontain - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1):115-151.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Peter McGehee and the Erotics of Gay Self-RepresentationRaymond-Jean Frontain (bio)Novelist Peter McGehee was a beautiful man who—at the height of what Brad Gooch terms “the Golden Age of Promiscuity”—knew he was a beautiful man.1 Coming of age in the early 1970s when American gay men consciously set about refashioning their image, Peter’s dress was always striking, whether he was playing the slut or the dandy. Members of his close (...)
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    The Relevance of Relevant Thinking: Remarks on Carlin Romano's America the Philosophical.Esa Saarinen - 2016 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 52 (3):338.
    I remember distinctly the moment I heard “All My Loving”, the first song by the Beatles I ever heard, in 1963 when I was 10 years of age. While puzzled by the unconventional long hair of the musicians of whom I had heard rumors, the music touched me. It felt right. I got a similar feeling when I started to read Carlin Romano’s hefty book in digital format one night in Athens whilst I was attending the World Congress of Philosophy. (...)
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    Character ethics and the Old Testament: moral dimensions of Scripture.R. Carroll, M. Daniel & Jacqueline E. Lapsley (eds.) - 2007 - Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press.
    Throughout the Old Testament, the stories, laws, and songs not only teach a way of life that requires individuals to be moral, but they demonstrate how. In biblical studies, character ethics has been one of the fastest-growing areas of interest. Whereas ethics usually studies rules of behavior, character ethics focuses on how people are formed to be moral agents in the world. This book presents the most up-to-date academic work in Old Testament character ethics, covering topics throughout the Torah, (...)
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    History of the Development of Chinese Chan Thought.Tianxiang Ma - 2023 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    The book aims to describe the history of Chan (Japanese Zen) School thought from the standpoint of social history. Chan, a school of East Asian Buddhism, was influential on all levels of societies in the region because of its intellectual and aesthetic appeal. In China, Chan infiltrated all levels of society, mainly because it engaged with society and formed the mainstream of Buddhism from the tenth or eleventh centuries through to the twentieth century. This book, taking a critical stance, examines (...)
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    Comic Business: Theatricality, Technique, and Performance Contexts in Aristophanic Comedy (review).C. W. Marshall - 2007 - American Journal of Philology 128 (3):431-435.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Comic Business: Theatricality, Technique, and Performance Contexts in Aristophanic ComedyC. W. MarshallMartin Revermann. Comic Business: Theatricality, Technique, and Performance Contexts in Aristophanic Comedy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. xiv + 396 pp. 15 black-and-white plates. 3 black-and-white figs. 5 tables. Cloth, $115.The cover illustration of Martin Revermann's book on Aristophanic performance betrays the author's personal and intellectual debts: caricatures of five scholars thanked in the preface, drawn (...)
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    Sense and Sensibility: IARPT's Four Existential Orientations.William David Hart - 2023 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 44 (1):5-25.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sense and Sensibility: IARPT’s Four Existential OrientationsWilliam David Hart (bio)I. Introduction: IARPT’s Liberal HorizonThe concerns of the Institute of American Religious and Philosophical Thought are worlds apart from the preoccupations that animate the characters in Jane Austen’s novels. This is not to say that IARPT is disinterested in romance, love, and heartbreak. It is to say, rather, that Sense and Sensibility, the title of Austen’s 1811 novel, is a (...)
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  48.  36
    The school for life: N.F.S. Grundtvig on education for the people.Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig - 2011 - Aarhus: Aarhus University Press. Edited by Edward Broadbridge, Uffe Jonas, Clay Warren & Ove Korsgaard.
    N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783-1872) produced a major body of work in the fields of theology, education, literature, politics, and history. He was also a poet, a hymn-writer, and a translator. In particular, however, it is his educational writings that over the years have attracted international attention-from the USA in the west to Japan in the east. In recognition of his influence the European Union called its adult education project 'the Grudtvig programme'. As part of its agenda to digitalise and translate some (...)
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  49.  70
    Kaja, a Stretscher-Barear from the Warsaw Uprising, Saviour of the Hubal Cross.Jerzy Kłoczowski - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (7-9):157-174.
    This paper is a fragment of the book “Kaja od Radosława, czyli historia Hubalowego Krzyża”, which was published by Warszawskie Wydawnictwo Literackie Muza in 2006. It will be published by the American publisher The Military History Press under the title “Kaia Savior of the Hubal Cross”. Covering a century of Polish history, it is full of tragic and compelling events. Such historic events as Polish life in Siberia, Warsaw before the war, the German occupation, the Warsaw Uprising, life in Ostaszków, (...)
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  50.  25
    The ontology of Confucius jen (humanity).Lai Chen - 2022 - New Jersey: World Scientific. Edited by Chunlan Jin.
    In this book, the author adopts the methodology of "discussing philosophy by studying history of philosophy". The chapters in the book discuss the essential content of The Study of Renxue Ontology, Ren's development in pre-Qin (before 206BC) and Han period (206BC-220), Ren theories in Song Dynasty (960-1279) and Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). It covers topics ranging from Confucius and Mencius' classic theories to Li Zehou's ontology of emotions as well as the development of Ren in the historical context and its contemporary (...)
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