Results for 'Cristian Rafael Peralta Núñez'

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  1.  5
    Elegir en tiempos de incertidumbre.Cristian Rafael Peralta Núñez - 2023 - Pensamiento 79 (303):435-462.
    La capacidad de elegir se ha erigido como una de las notas características de la libertad en la cultura contemporánea, pero si esta capacidad se ejerce de modo autorreferente puede meter a las personas en dinámicas que les suman en la incertidumbre. Partiendo de un estudio interdisciplinar en el que interactúan filosofía, sociología y teología, en este artículo se pretende analizar la categoría «elección» desde una de las espiritualidades más influyentes de la historia de la Iglesia Católica moderna, la espiritualidad (...)
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    Self-Regulation of the Fusiform Face Area in Autism Spectrum: A Feasibility Study With Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback.Jaime A. Pereira, Pradyumna Sepulveda, Mohit Rana, Cristian Montalba, Cristian Tejos, Rafael Torres, Ranganatha Sitaram & Sergio Ruiz - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Treatment of depression in the elderly with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation using theta-burst stimulation: Study protocol for a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial.Leandro Valiengo, Bianca S. Pinto, Kalian A. P. Marinho, Leonardo A. Santos, Luara C. Tort, Rafael G. Benatti, Bruna B. Teixeira, Cristiane S. Miranda, Henriette B. Cardeal, Paulo J. C. Suen, Julia C. Loureiro, Renata A. R. Vaughan, Roberta A. M. P. F. Dini Mattar, Maíra Lessa, Pedro S. Oliveira, Valquíria A. Silva, Wagner Farid Gattaz, André R. Brunoni & Orestes Vicente Forlenza - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionTranscranial magnetic stimulation is a consolidated procedure for the treatment of depression, with several meta-analyses demonstrating its efficacy. Theta-burst stimulation is a modification of TMS with similar efficacy and shorter session duration. The geriatric population has many comorbidities and a high prevalence of depression, but few clinical trials are conducted specifically for this age group. TBS could be an option in this population, offering the advantages of few side effects and no pharmacological interactions. Therefore, our aim is to investigate the (...)
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    Applying the SRL vs. ERL Theory to the Knowledge of Achievement Emotions in Undergraduate University Students.Jesús de la Fuente, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova, Manuel Mariano Vera & Paola Paoloni - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Implications of Unconnected Micro, Molecular, and Molar Level Research in Psychology: The Case of Executive Functions, Self-Regulation, and External Regulation.Jesús de la Fuente, María Carmen González-Torres, Maite Aznárez-Sanado, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez & Manuel Mariano Vera - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) in Spanish Adolescents: Factor Structure and Rasch Analysis.María Carmen Pichardo, Francisco Cano, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova, Jesús de la Fuente, F. Javier Peralta-Sánchez & Jorge Amate-Romera - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Differential Predictive Effect of Self-Regulation Behavior and the Combination of Self- vs. External Regulation Behavior on Executive Dysfunctions and Emotion Regulation Difficulties, in University Students.Jesús de la Fuente, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Mónica Pachón-Basallo, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Manuel Mariano Vera-Martínez & Magdalena P. Andrés-Romero - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:876292.
    The aim of this research was to establish linear relations (association and prediction) and inferential relations between three constructs at different levels of psychological research –executive dysfunction(microanalysis),self-regulation(molecular level), andself-vs.external regulation(molar level), in the prediction of emotion regulation difficulties. We hypothesized that personal and contextual regulatory factors would be negatively related to levels of executive dysfunction and emotion regulation difficulties; by way of complement, non-regulatory and dysregulatory personal, and contextual factors would be positively related to these same difficulties. To establish relationships, (...)
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  8. Self- vs. External-Regulation Behavior ScaleTM in different psychological contexts: A validation study.Jesús de la Fuente, Mónica Pachón-Basallo, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova & Paul Sander - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The self- vs. external-regulation behavior theory, SR-ER Theory model has postulated the Self-Regulation /Non or De-Regulation/Dys-regulation continuum in the person and in their context. The model also generates a behavioral heuristic that allows us to predict and explain the variability of other dependent behavioral variables in a range of scenarios. Consequently, the objective of this study was to validate the different scales prepared on the basis of the theory presented. A total of 469 students voluntarily completed at different times the (...)
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  9. Die Unwissenheit des Philosophen, oder, Warum hat Plato die "ungeschriebene Lehre" nicht geschrieben?Rafael Ferber - 1991 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
    The debate over Plato’s “ so called unwritten doctrines”, which he communicated only to a small circle of trusted disciples, has caused a stir among philosophers in recent decades. Rafael Ferber assumes a differentiated position in this controversy. He is convinced that the unwritten doctrines did exist, but that Plato, for reasons inherent in the process of gaining knowledge, was unable to communicate these doctrines even to his closest disciples. In this book, Ferber outlines the discussion and summarizes the (...)
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    The Effect of Entropy on the Performance of Modified Genetic Algorithm Using Earthquake and Wind Time Series.Manuel Vargas, Guillermo Fuertes, Miguel Alfaro, Gustavo Gatica, Sebastian Gutierrez & María Peralta - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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    The Adolescent's Competency for Interacting with Alcohol as a Determinant of Intake: The Role of Self-Regulation.Jesús de la Fuente, Inmaculada Cubero, Mari Carmen Sánchez-Amate, Francisco J. Peralta, Angélica Garzón & Javier Fiz Pérez - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Innovation, ethics and our common futures: a collaborative philosophy.Rafael Ziegler - 2020 - Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    The important yet contradictory role of innovation in society calls for a philosophy of innovation. Critically exploring innovation in relation to values, the economy and social change, Rafael Ziegler proposes a collaborative theory and practice of innovation that aims to liberate possibilities for our common futures. Following cues from the arts and drawing on the innovation literature across the social sciences, this book exposes pro-innovation bias and the gospel of disruptive change. Not only entrepreneurs but also civic networks and (...)
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  13. Perché Platone nel Timeo torna a sostenere la dottrina delle idee.Rafael Ferber - 1997 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 18 (1):5-28.
    In the whole Corpus Platonicum, we find in principle only one "direct argument" (Charles Kahn) for the existence of the ideas (Tim.51d3-51e6). The purpose of the article is to analyse this argument and to answer the question of why Plato in the Timaeus again defended the existence of the ideas despite the objections in the Parmenides. He defended it again because the latent presupposition of the apories in the Parmenides, the substantial view of sensibles, is removed through the introduction of (...)
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  14. Diagnosing Diabetic Retinopathy With Artificial Intelligence: What Information Should Be Included to Ensure Ethical Informed Consent?Frank Ursin, Cristian Timmermann, Marcin Orzechowski & Florian Steger - 2021 - Frontiers in Medicine 8:695217.
    Purpose: The method of diagnosing diabetic retinopathy (DR) through artificial intelligence (AI)-based systems has been commercially available since 2018. This introduces new ethical challenges with regard to obtaining informed consent from patients. The purpose of this work is to develop a checklist of items to be disclosed when diagnosing DR with AI systems in a primary care setting. -/- Methods: Two systematic literature searches were conducted in PubMed and Web of Science databases: a narrow search focusing on DR and a (...)
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  15. Valid for What? On the Very Idea of Unconditional Validity.Cristian Larroulet Philippi - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 51 (2):151–175.
    What is a valid measuring instrument? Recent philosophy has attended to logic of justification of measures, such as construct validation, but not to the question of what it means for an instrument to be a valid measure of a construct. A prominent approach grounds validity in the existence of a causal link between the attribute and its detectable manifestations. Some of its proponents claim that, therefore, validity does not depend on pragmatics and research context. In this paper, I cast doubt (...)
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  16. Privacy. An intercultural perspective.Rafael Capurro - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (1):37-47.
    This paper deals with intercultural aspects of privacy, particularly with regard to differences between Japanese and Western conceptions. It starts with a reconstruction of the genealogy of Western subjectivity and human dignity as the basic assumptions underlying Western views on privacy. An analysis of the Western concept of informational privacy is presented. The Japanese topic of ‘‘denial of self” (Musi) as well as the concepts of Seken, Shakai and Ikai (as analyzed by the authors of the companion piece on privacy (...)
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    Context of Contextualized Teaching Situations in the Initial Training of Mathematics Teachers at the Popular University of Cesar.Teovaldo García Romero, Ingris Trespalacio Buelvas, Wilcar Damián Cifuentes Álvarez, Hamilton Jair García Castro & Zaida Karina Peralta Luna - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1443-1464.
    The purpose of this research is to reflect on the role of the context environment of the contextualized situations of teaching school mathematics, which make significant contributions to the initial training of the mathematics teacher at the Universidad Popular del Cesar-Valledupar-Colombia, where the informants were the twelve students enrolled in the subjects of Elective III, Mathematics Didactics, History and Epistemology of Mathematics and Degree Work II, of the VI, VII, VIII and IX semesters respectively, of the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics (...)
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    Nationalism, Imagery, and the Filipino Intelligentsia in the Nineteenth Century.Vicente L. Rafael - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (3):591-611.
    To see nationalism as a cultural artifact is to argue against attempts at essentializing it. Anderson claims that nationalism can be better understood as obliquely analogous to such categories as religion and kinship. Membership in a nation draws on the vocabulary of filiation whereby one comes to understand oneself in relation to ancestors long gone and generations yet to be born. In addressing pasts and futures, nationalism resituates identity with reference to death, one’s own as well as others’. Herein lies (...)
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    Percepción de un portafolio electrónico en un curso de cirugía oncológica.Juan A. Díaz-Plasencia, Hugo D. Valencia-Mariñas & Katherine Y. Lozano Peralta - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-10.
    Los objetivos del presente estudio son evaluar la aceptabilidad de los estudiantes del modelo de portafolio electrónico de casos clínicos virtuales, lineales e integradores y su percepción sobre la metodología de aula invertida y aprendizaje en equipo modificado.El modelo de enseñanza mixta del portafolio electrónico, aula invertida y del aprendizaje en equipo modificado para estudiantes de pregrado permitió mejorar la satisfacción de los estudiantes al promover el aprendizaje activo y reflexivo. Los alumnos encontraron el modelo útil para una variedad de (...)
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    Breve recuerdo del maestro inolvidable.Rafael Elvira - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico 39 (87):777-784.
    This article attempts to present the human face of Antonio Millán-Puelles, as well as his philosophical contributions. Rafael Alvira, one of his closest disciples explains here Millán-Puelles philosophical thinking from within. It describes the philosophical path followed by Millán-Puelles for the sake of liberty, objectivity and philosophical realism.
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    Pensar la salud.María Belén Campero & Cristián Favre - 2021 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 11 (2):17-24.
    Este libro reciente de Cristian Saborido sobre filosofía de la medicina, que, como no abunda, se titula fundacionalmente en forma homónima, _Filosofía de la medicina, _es un texto dedicado tanto a filósofos de la ciencia, como a profesionales de la salud. En tal sentido es un libro para el estudio de una disciplina de la filosofía y, a la vez, un texto para indagar y provocar la reflexión de quienes llevan a cabo la práctica de las ciencias médicas. Aquí (...)
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    Translating Information.Rafael Capurro - 2017 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 4 (1):122-128.
    Paper presented at the conference FIS/ISIS 2015: Information Society at the Crossroads — Response and Responsibility of the Sciences of Information, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, June 3-6, 2015. See: Conference Proceedings. The paper is based on my Apud Arabes. Notes on the Greek, Latin, Arabic, Persian, and Hebrew Roots of the Concept of Information (Capurro 2014), that goes back to my PhD thesis Information (Capurro 1978), as well as on Rafael Capurro and Birger Hjørland: The Concept of Information (...)
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    The Silence of God.Rafael Gambra - 2018 - Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
    In a world of constant "progress", The Silence of God reminds us of the importance of the permanent things. In this engaging book, the Spanish philosopher Rafael Gambra chronicles the destructive effects of progressivism on human society. He demonstrates how the technological advances of the past five hundred years have given man a false sense of mastery - and a false sense that the traditional structures that reconciled man with his surroundings and his mortality are now obsolete.
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    Averroes: Paráfrasis de la retórica de Aristóteles.Rafael Ramón Guerrero - 2000 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 7:155-162.
    Traducción anotada de Rafael Ramón Guenero. Esta versión ha aparecido publicada en Averroes. Antología, introducción y selección de textos M. Cruz Hernández. Sevilla. Fundación El Monte. 1998. pp, 114-123. Como decía José Miguel Puerta en su versión de la primera parte de la Paráfrasis del Libro de la Poética, publicada en el número anterior de esta misma Revista, por el carácter divulgativo de aquella Antología, los textos fueron editados sin anotaciones ni aparato crítico. Creo conveniente, por ello, su publicación (...)
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    Socioeconomic Differences in Parental Communication About Location.María del Rosario Maita, Daniela Jauck, Seamus Donnelly & Olga Peralta - 2018 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 18 (3-4):410-427.
    This study explored whether parental directions about location differ by socioeconomic status and whether children’s performance is associated with parental spatial directions. We designed a task in which parents hid a toy in one of five identical boxes in a small-scale space, and then verbally guided their children’s search. Middle-SES parents employed more language in general than low-SES parents. However, groups used the same amount of spatial terms, suggesting that providing effective spatial directions is probably a matter of quality than (...)
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    Chile: Acceptability of a Training Program for Depression Management in Primary Care.Rigoberto Marín, Pablo Martínez, Juan P. Cornejo, Berta Díaz, José Peralta, Álvaro Tala & Graciela Rojas - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Effects of factors of self-regulation vs. factors of external regulation of learning in self-regulated study.Mónica Pachón-Basallo, Jesús de la Fuente, María C. González-Torres, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Francisco J. Peralta-Sánchez & Manuel M. Vera-Martínez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Since the mid-20th century, the study of Self-Regulated Learning has aimed to identify the distinctive characteristics that enable individuals to acquire new knowledge and skills under their control. The theory of Internal Self-Regulation vs. External-Regulation in Learning has postulated that a large number of self-regulatory variables are mediated by regulated/non-regulated or dysregulated features of the context. After signing their informed consent, a total of 616 university students completed validated instruments of SRL vs. ERL, behavioral regulation, regulatory teaching, and metacognitive study (...)
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    A Non-relativistic Approach to Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: The Case of the Harmonic Oscillator.Luis A. Poveda, Luis Grave de Peralta, Jacob Pittman & Bill Poirier - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-20.
    A recently proposed approach to relativistic quantum mechanics is applied to the problem of a particle in a quadratic potential. The methods, both exact and approximate, allow one to obtain eigenstate energy levels and wavefunctions, using conventional numerical eigensolvers applied to Schrödinger-like equations. Results are obtained over a nine-order-of-magnitude variation of system parameters, ranging from the non-relativistic to the ultrarelativistic limits. Various trends are analyzed and discussed—some of which might have been easily predicted, others which may be a bit more (...)
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    Equitable Access to Antibiotics: A Core Element and Shared Global Responsibility for Pandemic Preparedness and Response.Mengying Ren, Anthony D. So, Sujith J. Chandy, Mirfin Mpundu, Arturo Quizhpe Peralta, Kerstin Åkerfeldt, Anna Karin Sjöblom & Otto Cars - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (S2):34-39.
    Securing equitable antibiotic access as an essential component for health system resilience and pandemic preparedness requires a systems perspective. This article discusses key components that need to be coordinated and paired with adequate financing and resources to ensure antibiotic effectiveness as a global public good, which should be central while discussing a new global agreement.
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    Nivel de conocimientos de salud de los escolares del quinto año de secundaria en Lima, Perú.Joseph Jesús Sánchez Gavidia, Oliver Rúa Fernandez, Nicky Castillo Córdova & Gladys Peralta Cáceres - 2018 - Cultura 32:367-379.
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  31. Erkenntniskritik und Selbstreflexion: Kritik als Praxis: Überlegungen zu einem neukonfuzianischen Begriff der »Kritik« anhand des Frühwerks Móu Zongsans.Rafael Suter - 2011 - Polylog.
    Mit Blick auf Móu Zōngsāns erkenntnistheoretische Schriften untersucht Rafael Suters die Frage, ob es diesem gelungen ist, die kritische Philosophie Kants mit der konfuzianischen so zu vermitteln, dass sich von einer kritischen Transformation konfuzianischen Denkens sprechen läßt, oder ob er im Versuch, dies zu tun, nicht letztlich in einen kritikfernen Intuitionismus zurückgefallen ist, gegen den der Kritizismus Kants doch gerade gerichtet war. Aus der Konstellation, die diese Untersuchung mit den beiden vorhergehenden bildet, wird deutlich, dass dies eine Frage von (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Against Prohibition (Or, When Using Ordinal Scales to Compare Groups Is OK).Cristian Larroulet Philippi - forthcoming - The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    There is a widely held view on measurement inferences, that goes back to Stevens’s ([1946]) theory of measurement scales and ‘permissible statistics’. This view defends the following prohibition: you should not make inferences from averages taken with ordinal scales (versus quantitative scales: interval or ratio). This prohibition is general—it applies to all ordinal scales—and it is sometimes endorsed without qualification. Adhering to it dramatically limits the research that the social and biomedical sciences can conduct. I provide a Bayesian analysis of (...)
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    A Criminal Law for Semicitizens.Ivó Coca-Vila & Cristián Irarrázaval - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (1):56-72.
    Journal of Applied Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    AI, Sustainability, and Environmental Ethics.Cristian Moyano-Fernández & Jon Rueda - 2023 - In Francisco Lara & Jan Deckers, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 219-236.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) developments are proliferating at an astonishing rate. Unsurprisingly, the number of meaningful studies addressing the social impacts of AI applications in several fields has been remarkable. More recently, several contributions have started exploring the ecological impacts of AI. Machine learning systems do not have a neutral environmental cost, so it is important to unravel the ecological footprint of these techno-scientific developments. In this chapter, we discuss the sustainability of AI from environmental ethics approaches. We examine the moral (...)
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  35. On Measurement Scales: Neither Ordinal Nor Interval?Cristian Larroulet Philippi - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):929-939.
    There is a received view on measurement scales. It includes both a classification of scales and a set of prescriptions regarding measurement inferences. This article casts doubt on the adequacy of this received view. To do this, I propose an epistemic characterization of the ordinal/interval distinction, that is, one in terms of researchers’ beliefs. This novel characterization reveals the ordinal/interval distinction as too coarse grained and thus the received view as too restrictive of a framework for measurement research.
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  36. The concept of an aesthetic property.Rafael DeClercq - 2002 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 60 (2):167–176.
    This paper provides an analysis of the concept of an aesthetic property in non-aesthetic terms.
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  37. May Artificial Intelligence take health and sustainability on a honeymoon? Towards green technologies for multidimensional health and environmental justice.Cristian Moyano-Fernández, Jon Rueda, Janet Delgado & Txetxu Ausín - 2024 - Global Bioethics 35 (1).
    The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare and epidemiology undoubtedly has many benefits for the population. However, due to its environmental impact, the use of AI can produce social inequalities and long-term environmental damages that may not be thoroughly contemplated. In this paper, we propose to consider the impacts of AI applications in medical care from the One Health paradigm and long-term global health. From health and environmental justice, rather than settling for a short and fleeting green honeymoon between (...)
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  38. On Floridi’s metaphysical foundation of information ecology.Rafael Capurro - 2008 - Ethics and Information Technology 10 (2-3):167-173.
    The paper presents a critical appraisal of Floridi’s metaphysical foundation of information ecology. It highlights some of the issues raised by Floridi with regard to the axiological status of the objects in the “infosphere,” the moral status of artificial agents, and Floridi’s foundation of information ethics as information ecology. I further criticise the ontological conception of value as a first order category. I suggest that a weakening of Floridi’s demiurgic information ecology is needed in order not to forget the limitations (...)
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    Humean time-reversal symmetry.Michael Esfeld & Cristian López - 2023 - Synthese 202 (2):1-19.
    In this paper, we put forward an alternative interpretation of time-reversal symmetry in philosophy of physics: Humean time-reversal symmetry. According to it, time-reversal symmetry is understood as a heuristic, epistemic virtue of the best system, not as a property of the Humean mosaic. One of the consequences of this view is that one of the main arguments against a primitive direction of time is rendered harmless, which paves the way for primitivism about the direction of time.
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    Heidegger and the Question of Man’s Poverty in World.Rafael Winkler - 2007 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 15 (4):521 – 539.
    This article offers a new reading of Heidegger's thesis of the animal in The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics. Framing Heidegger's text through a brief analysis of Protagoras' genetic story of nature and of man's nature in Plato's eponymous dialogue, our reading brings out three key elements common to both texts: living nature as a normative rather than a physical order, the poverty of man's world in relation to the animal, and the attempted redemption of the latter through the acquisition of (...)
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    Hipótesis y tener por verdadero en Kant.Rafael Reyna Fortes - 2023 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 88:137-151.
    En este artículo me propongo analizar dos aspectos, a menudo obviados, de la teoría kantiana del conocimiento. Se trata de la teoría del dar por verdadero y de su conexión con las hipótesis. En una primera aproximación intentaré precisar qué distingue a la opinión de otros modos de dar por verdadero como lo son el saber y la creencia. En segundo lugar, habiendo dado debida cuenta de qué son las opiniones, intentaré explicar por qué Kant considera que las hipótesis son (...)
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  42. Access to Prenatal Testing and Ethically Informed Counselling in Germany, Poland and Russia.Marcin Orzechowski, Cristian Timmermann, Katarzyna Woniak, Oxana Kosenko, Galina Lvovna Mikirtichan, Alexandr Zinovievich Lichtshangof & Florian Steger - 2021 - Journal of Personalized Medicine 11 (9):937.
    The development of new methods in the field of prenatal testing leads to an expansion of information that needs to be provided to expectant mothers. The aim of this research is to explore opinions and attitudes of gynecologists in Germany, Poland and Russia towards access to prenatal testing and diagnostics in these countries. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with n = 18 gynecologists in Germany, Poland and Russia. The interviews were analyzed using the methods of content analysis and thematic analysis. Visible (...)
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    Digital Whoness: Identity, Privacy and Freedom in the Cyberworld.Rafael Capurro, Michael Eldred & Daniel Nagel - 2013 - De Gruyter.
    The first aim is to provide well-articulated concepts by thinking through elementary phenomena of today s world, focusing on privacy and the digital, to clarify who we are in the cyberworld hence a phenomenology of digital whoness. The second aim is to engage critically, hermeneutically with older and current literature on privacy, including in today s emerging cyberworld. Phenomenological results include concepts of i) self-identity through interplay with the world, ii) personal privacy in contradistinction to the privacy of private property, (...)
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    Intuición, racionalidad y confiabilidad.Rafael Miranda - 2018 - Cinta de Moebio 62:261-273.
    Resumen: El objetivo de este escrito es discutir el rol y validez de las intuiciones en el ámbito epistémico, en particular el rol de las denominadas intuiciones racionales y su característica de acceso a priori a ciertos ítems o de conocimiento o de creencia. Se analizará el supuesto de centralidad de las intuiciones en la argumentación filosófica. Este supuesto otorga un rol evidencial a una intuición I que un sujeto S tiene respecto a una proposición P. En otras palabras, dicha (...)
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    EEG-Based Analysis of the Emotional Effect of Music Therapy on Palliative Care Cancer Patients.Rafael Ramirez, Josep Planas, Nuria Escude, Jordi Mercade & Cristina Farriols - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Understanding the complexity of axiom pinpointing in lightweight description logics.Rafael Peñaloza & Barış Sertkaya - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 250 (C):80-104.
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    The Moral Pitfalls of Cultivated meat: Complementing Utilitarian Perspective with eco-republican Justice Approach.Cristian Moyano-Fernández - 2022 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 36 (1):1-17.
    The context of accelerated climate change, environmental pollution, ecosystems depletion, loss of biodiversity and growing undernutrition has led human societies to a crossroads where food systems require transformation. New agricultural practices are being advocated in order to achieve food security and face environmental challenges. Cultivated meat has recently been considered one of the most desired alternatives by animal rights advocates because it promises to ensure nutrition for all people while dramatically reducing ecological impacts and animal suffering. It is therefore presented (...)
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    “REOFUT” as an Observation Tool for Tactical Analysis on Offensive Performance in Soccer: Mixed Method Perspective.Rafael Aranda, Joaquín González-Ródenas, Ignacio López-Bondia, Rodrigo Aranda-Malavés, Andrés Tudela-Desantes & M. Teresa Anguera - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Active citizenship for persons with psychosocial disabilities in Sweden.Rafael Lindqvist & Marie Sépulchre - 2016 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 10 (2):124-136.
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  50. Fair agricultural innovation for a changing climate.Zoë Robaey & Cristian Timmermann - 2018 - In Erinn C. Gilson & Sarah Kenehan, Food, Environment, and Climate Change: Justice at the Intersections. Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 213-230.
    Agricultural innovation happens at different scales and through different streams. In the absence of a common global research agenda, decisions on which innovations are brought to existence, and through which methods, are taken with insufficient view on how innovation affects social relations, the environment, and future food production. Mostly, innovations are considered from the standpoint of economic efficiency, particularly in relationship to creating jobs for technology-exporting countries. Increasingly, however, the realization that innovations cannot be successful on their technical prowess alone (...)
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