Results for 'Cristian Restrepo'

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  1.  1
    Un enfoque económico de la adecuación del esfuerzo terapéutico en pacientes con patología oncológica.Cristian Restrepo - 2024 - Persona y Bioética 28 (1):e2815.
    En el presente texto se destaca la importancia de explorar factores económicos en la atención de pacientes con cáncer, un aspecto poco considerado en la literatura científica. Se menciona cómo en Corea del Sur el cáncer representa el 27,5 % de la mortalidad y los costos médicos que comporta aumentan significativamente cerca del final de la vida. En Colombia, el gasto en atención de cáncer ha crecido, de manera que representa un desafío económico tanto para los pacientes como para sus (...)
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    Orden contrainsurgente y dominación. Autora: Vilma Liliana Franco Restrepo.Nataly Montoya Restrepo - 2009 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 40:308-311.
    Libro reseñado: Orden contrainsurgente y dominación. Autora: Vilma Liliana Franco Restrepo.
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    Does critical realism need the concept of three domains of reality? A roundtable.Dave Elder-Vass, Tom Fryer, Ruth Porter Groff, Cristián Navarrete & Tobin Nellhaus - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (2):222-239.
    The concept of the three domains of reality is widely used in empirical critical realist research. However, there has been little scrutiny of how the domains are conceptualized and what they contribute to critical realism and how they should be applied in empirical research. This paper involves four arguments. First, Tom Fryer and Cristián Navarrete argue that the three domains of reality are redundant, confusing, and unsupported by Bhaskar’s theorizing. Second, Dave Elder-Vass argues that the three domains schema embodies a (...)
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  4. Levels of explicability for medical artificial intelligence: What do we normatively need and what can we technically reach?Frank Ursin, Felix Lindner, Timo Ropinski, Sabine Salloch & Cristian Timmermann - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 35 (2):173-199.
    Definition of the problem The umbrella term “explicability” refers to the reduction of opacity of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. These efforts are challenging for medical AI applications because higher accuracy often comes at the cost of increased opacity. This entails ethical tensions because physicians and patients desire to trace how results are produced without compromising the performance of AI systems. The centrality of explicability within the informed consent process for medical AI systems compels an ethical reflection on the trade-offs. Which (...)
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    Physical Activity in Natural Environments Is Associated With Motivational Climate and the Prevention of Harmful Habits: Structural Equation Analysis.Manuel Castro-Sánchez, Félix Zurita-Ortega, José Antonio Pérez-Turpin, Javier Cachón-Zagalaz, Cristian Cofre-Bolados, Concepción Suarez-Llorca & Ramón Chacón-Cuberos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Justificatory explanations in machine learning: for increased transparency through documenting how key concepts drive and underpin design and engineering decisions.David Casacuberta, Ariel Guersenzvaig & Cristian Moyano-Fernández - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (1):279-293.
    Given the pervasiveness of AI systems and their potential negative effects on people’s lives (especially among already marginalised groups), it becomes imperative to comprehend what goes on when an AI system generates a result, and based on what reasons, it is achieved. There are consistent technical efforts for making systems more “explainable” by reducing their opaqueness and increasing their interpretability and explainability. In this paper, we explore an alternative non-technical approach towards explainability that complement existing ones. Leaving aside technical, statistical, (...)
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  7. Health and environment from adaptation to adaptivity: a situated relational account.Laura Menatti, Leonardo Bich & Cristian Saborido - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (3):1-28.
    The definitions and conceptualizations of health, and the management of healthcare have been challenged by the current global scenarios (e.g., new diseases, new geographical distribution of diseases, effects of climate change on health, etc.) and by the ongoing scholarship in humanities and science. In this paper we question the mainstream definition of health adopted by the WHO—‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’ (WHO in Preamble to the constitution of (...)
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    Respuesta al comentario de Jorge Aurelio Díaz. "Restrepo, Carlos Enrique. 'La superación teológica de la metafísica'".Carlos Enrique Restrepo - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (150):303-305.
    Se busca rastrear la imagen que Platón tiene de Heráclito y articularla con la estructura argumentativa del Cratilo, para comprender las necesidades textuales a las que responde la doctrina del flujo perpetuo, es decir, la discusión sobre la corrección (ὀρθότης) del nombre. Gracias a la inclusión del testimonio heraclíteo, resulta posible rastrear la presunta consolidación de la tesis sobre los nombres primarios y los secundarios como el eje de la separación entre dos planos de realidad (uno estable y uno móvil) (...)
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  9. Taking Relational Authenticity Seriously: Neurotechnologies, Narrative Identity, and Co-Authorship of the Self.Emilian Mihailov, Alexandra Zorila & Cristian Iftode - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):35-37.
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  10. Applications of the ACGT Master Ontology on Cancer.Mathias Brochhausen, Gabriele Weiler, Luis Martín, Cristian Cocos, Holger Stenzhorn, Norbert Graf, Martin Dörr, Manolis Tsiknakis & Barry Smith - 2008 - In Meersman R. & Herrero P. (eds.), Proceedings of 4th International IFIP Workshop On Semantic Web and Web Semantics (OTM 2008: Workshops), LNCS 5333. pp. 1046–1055.
    In this paper we present applications of the ACGT Master Ontology (MO) which is a new terminology resource for a transnational network providing data exchange in oncology, emphasizing the integration of both clinical and molecular data. The development of a new ontology was necessary due to problems with existing biomedical ontologies in oncology. The ACGT MO is a test case for the application of best practices in ontology development. This paper provides an overview of the application of the ontology within (...)
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    Bias in algorithms of AI systems developed for COVID-19: A scoping review.Janet Delgado, Alicia de Manuel, Iris Parra, Cristian Moyano, Jon Rueda, Ariel Guersenzvaig, Txetxu Ausin, Maite Cruz, David Casacuberta & Angel Puyol - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (3):407-419.
    To analyze which ethically relevant biases have been identified by academic literature in artificial intelligence algorithms developed either for patient risk prediction and triage, or for contact tracing to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, to specifically investigate whether the role of social determinants of health have been considered in these AI developments or not. We conducted a scoping review of the literature, which covered publications from March 2020 to April 2021. ​Studies mentioning biases on AI algorithms developed for contact (...)
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    Biological Purposes Beyond Natural Selection: Self-Regulation as a Source of Teleology1.Javier González de Prado & Cristian Saborido - 2025 - Erkenntnis 90 (1):217-236.
    Selected-effects theories provide the most popular account of biological teleology. According to these theories, the purpose of a trait is to do whatever it was selected for. The vast majority of selected-effects theories consider biological teleology to be introduced by natural selection. We want to argue, however, that natural selection is not the only relevant selective process in biology. In particular, our proposal is that biological regulation is a form of biological selection. So, those who accept selected-effects theories should recognize (...)
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  13.  28
    Reflections on quantum computing.Michael J. Dinneen, Karl Svozil & Cristian S. Calude - 2000 - Complexity 6 (1):35-37.
  14.  27
    Keys to Decrypt the Republic Against Democracy.Ricardo Sanín-Restrepo & Marinella Machado Araujo - 2022 - Law and Critique 33 (1):41-62.
    The concept of the republic is a complex meta-principle that facilitates and conceals global relations of domination. Specifically, it enables the invisibility of racism as the core of political power. From its very origins the concept of republic serves to seize constituent power or politeia. In modernity, as it merges with private property, it will serve as the launchpad of a vast colonization project that then evolves in a new form of power in coloniality. The article applies the theory of (...)
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    Fonos Y estructuras silábicas más frecuentes en el habla glosolálica de tres hispanohablantes.Gastón Felipe Salamanca Gutiérrez & Cristián Andrés Cabezas Mundaca - 2014 - Alpha (Osorno) 39:123-142.
    En esta presentación se determinan las unidades fónicas segmentales -y su frecuencia- presentes en el habla glosolálica de tres hispanohablantes, y se establece que en ella aplica la hipótesis de que el tipo silábico universal y más frecuente es CV. Para concretar estos objetivos se contabilizaron los segmentos y las estructuras silábicas presentes en 57 grupos fónicos, correspondientes a 2 minutos y 44 segundos de habla glosolálica. En consonancia con el diseño de investigación descrito, hemos dispuesto este trabajo como sigue: (...)
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    Mathematical aspects of the periodic law.Guillermo Restrepo & Leonardo Pachón - 2006 - Foundations of Chemistry 9 (2):189-214.
    We review different studies of the Periodic Law and the set of chemical elements from a mathematical point of view. This discussion covers the first attempts made in the 19th century up to the present day. Mathematics employed to study the periodic system includes number theory, information theory, order theory, set theory and topology. Each theory used shows that it is possible to provide the Periodic Law with a mathematical structure. We also show that it is possible to study the (...)
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  17. Divorţul de politică.Magdalena Boiangiu, Mircea Kivu, Mirela Iamandi, Cătălin Avramescu, Cristian Pîrvulescu, Iosif Boda, Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, Claude Karnoouh & Valeriu Negru - 2003 - Dilema 553:7-11.
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    Encoding modal logics in logical frameworks.Arnon Avron, Furio Honsell, Marino Miculan & Cristian Paravano - 1998 - Studia Logica 60 (1):161-208.
    We present and discuss various formalizations of Modal Logics in Logical Frameworks based on Type Theories. We consider both Hilbert- and Natural Deduction-style proof systems for representing both truth (local) and validity (global) consequence relations for various Modal Logics. We introduce several techniques for encoding the structural peculiarities of necessitation rules, in the typed -calculus metalanguage of the Logical Frameworks. These formalizations yield readily proof-editors for Modal Logics when implemented in Proof Development Environments, such as Coq or LEGO.
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  19.  19
    Uso del lenguaje formulaico en la escritura de estudiantes de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera: Resultados de una investigación acción.Marcela Soledad Vildósola Campos, Cristian Hernán Sanhueza Campos & Katia Lorena Sáez Carrillo - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (2):301-316.
    El presente estudio muestra cómo un enfoque de investigación acción aborda la enseñanza explícita de lenguaje formulaico en estudiantes de 8vo básico y su efecto en el uso de éste en la escritura de textos narrativos en Inglés. El proceso de intervención fue realizado en un colegio privado en Chile. Los datos fueron obtenidos a partir de un grupo de 23 participantes siguiendo una metodología de investigación-acción que permitió recolectar y analizar información obtenida a través de textos escritos por los (...)
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    Validation of the Revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire (OBVQ-R) Among Adolescents in Chile.Jorge Gaete, Daniela Valenzuela, María Inés Godoy, Cristian A. Rojas-Barahona, Christina Salmivalli & Ricardo Araya - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Bullying is a phenomenon that affects children and adolescents worldwide, and it has major consequences for all participants involved in these situations. In Chile, researchers have validated several instruments used to investigate aggression between peers and school violence, but there is a lack of validation of instruments to investigate bullying. The purpose of this study was to provide evidence of the validity and reliability of the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire—Revised version in the Chilean context. The participants were 2,775 students from schools (...)
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    Effects of Olympic Combat Sports on Health-Related Quality of Life in Middle-Aged and Older People: A Systematic Review.Pablo Valdés-Badilla, Tomás Herrera-Valenzuela, Eduardo Guzmán-Muñoz, Pedro Delgado-Floody, Cristian Núñez-Espinosa, Matias Monsalves-Álvarez & David Cristóbal Andrade - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Olympic combat sports are unconventional physical activity strategies to train middle-aged and older people with and without health problems. This systematic review aimed to assess the available body of published peer-reviewed articles related to the effects of Olympic combat sports interventions on health-related quality of life in adults aged 45 and older. The search was carried out in five generic databases until July 2021 and the protocol was registered in PROSPERO. The PRISMA guidelines were followed and the Downs and Black (...)
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  22. Normative framework of informed consent in clinical research in Germany, Poland, and Russia.Marcin Orzechowski, Katarzyna Woniak, Cristian Timmermann & Florian Steger - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-10.
    Background: Biomedical research nowadays is increasingly carried out in multinational and multicenter settings. Due to disparate national regulations on various ethical aspects, such as informed consent, there is the risk of ethical compromises when involving human subjects in research. Although the Declaration of Helsinki is the point of reference for ethical conduct of research on humans, national normative requirements may diverge from its provisions. The aim of this research is to examine requirements on informed consent in biomedical research in Germany, (...)
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  23.  37
    Is the Constitution the Trap? Decryption and Revolution in Chile.Ricardo Sanín-Restrepo & Marinella Machado Araujo - 2020 - Law and Critique 31 (1):41-49.
    We will examine the revolts, begun in October of 2019, and currently developing in Chile under three conjoined parts. First, we will not try to theoretically ‘tame’ the revolutionary creature, but rather to plug immanently into the energy of the ‘potentia’ of the revolutionary event. To this extent, we will highlight the shortcomings of a theoretical enterprise that intends to explain it in traditional terms or that thrives for a variant of simple ‘reformism’. Second, and consequently, we will describe how (...)
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  24. Quantum Molinism.Thomas Harvey, Frederick Kroon, Karl Svozil & Cristian Calude - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (3):167-194.
    In this paper we consider the possibility of a Quantum Molinism : such a view applies an analogue of the Molinistic account of free will‘s compatibility with God’s foreknowledge to God’s knowledge of (supposedly) indeterministic events at a quantum level. W e ask how (and why) a providential God could care for and know about a world with this kind of indeterminacy. We consider various formulations of such a Quantum Molinism, and after rejecting a number of options arrive at one (...)
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  25. Uma interface entre o eu-corpo na psicanálise freudiana e o corpo próprio na fenomenologia do corpo.Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro & Cristian Marques - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e34968.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo mostrar, desde a psicanálise freudiana, um caminho possível que a leva ao encontro da filosofia de orientação fenomenológica. Em O eu e o isso, de 1923, Sigmund Freud emprega uma nova noção pouco explorada na literatura psicanalítica: o eu-corpo. O escopo de nossa análise delimita-se à interpretação e à explicitação da noção de eu-corpo tal como esta foi apresentada por Freud, confrontando-a com a fenomenologia em Merleau-Ponty e Michel Henry. Para tanto, propomos uma análise (...)
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    Colonial thought.Luis Fernando Restrepo - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.), A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 36–52.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Institutional History of Colonial Philosophy The Conquest of America: Some Epistemological and Ethical Questions Post Conquest Indigenous Perspectives Creole Perspectives: Two Seventeenth‐Century Intellectuals The American Experience of the Enlightenment Colophon References.
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    Temporal Uncertainty and Temporal Estimation Errors Affect Insular Activity and the Frontostriatal Indirect Pathway during Action Update: A Predictive Coding Study.Roberto Limongi, Francisco J. Pérez, Cristián Modroño & José L. González-Mora - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  28. Ethical assessments and mitigation strategies for biases in AI-systems used during the COVID-19 pandemic.Alicia De Manuel, Janet Delgado, Parra Jonou Iris, Txetxu Ausín, David Casacuberta, Maite Cruz Piqueras, Ariel Guersenzvaig, Cristian Moyano, David Rodríguez-Arias, Jon Rueda & Angel Puyol - 2023 - Big Data and Society 10 (1).
    The main aim of this article is to reflect on the impact of biases related to artificial intelligence (AI) systems developed to tackle issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, with special focus on those developed for triage and risk prediction. A secondary aim is to review assessment tools that have been developed to prevent biases in AI systems. In addition, we provide a conceptual clarification for some terms related to biases in this particular context. We focus mainly on nonracial biases (...)
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  29. Reframing data ethics in research methods education: a pathway to critical data literacy.Javiera Atenas, Leo Havemann & Cristian Timmermann - 2023 - International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 20:11.
    This paper presents an ethical framework designed to support the development of critical data literacy for research methods courses and data training programmes in higher education. The framework we present draws upon our reviews of literature, course syllabi and existing frameworks on data ethics. For this research we reviewed 250 research methods syllabi from across the disciplines, as well as 80 syllabi from data science programmes to understand how or if data ethics was taught. We also reviewed 12 data ethics (...)
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    A New Approach to the Problem of the Order of the Ten Trichotomies and the Classification of Sixty-six Types of Signs in Peirce's Late Speculative Grammar.Jorge Alejandro Flórez Restrepo & Juliana Acosta López de Mesa - 2022 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 57 (3):374-396.
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    Non-accessible mass and the ontology of GRW.Cristian Mariani - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 91 (C):270-279.
    The Mass Density approach to GRW (GRWm for short) has been widely discussed in the quantum foundations literature. A crucial feature of GRWm is the introduction of a Criterion of Accessibility for mass, which allows to explain the determinacy of experimental outcomes thus also addressing the tails problem of GRW. However, the Criterion of Accessibility leaves the ontological meaning of the non-accessible portion of mass utterly unexplained. In this paper I discuss two viable approaches to non-accessible mass, which I call (...)
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  32. Mark Twain y la verdad nociva.José Andrés Quintero Restrepo - 2012 - Escritos 20 (45):417-434.
    Samuel Langhorne Clemens o Mark Twain es el autor del Diario de Adán y Eva, Un yanki en la corte del rey Arturo, Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer, Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn y otras. Este escritor norteamericano asumió la práctica literaria como un asunto que va más allá del entretenimiento: escribió para interpelar al lector. Y este detalle salta a la vista con un libro que rara veces es referenciado: Sobre la decadencia del arte de mentir, texto que aborda (...)
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    What is Quantum Information?Olimpia Lombardi, Sebastian Fortin, Federico Holik & Cristian López (eds.) - 2017 - New York, NY: CUP.
    Combining physics and philosophy, this is a uniquely interdisciplinary examination of quantum information science. Suitable as both a discussion of the conceptual and philosophical problems of this field and a comprehensive stand-alone introduction, this book will benefit both experienced and new researchers in quantum information and the philosophy of physics.
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    Colección estéticas contemporáneas.1 Proyecto Editorial de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia.Porfirio Cardona Restrepo - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (157):280-282.
    A pesar de matices y variaciones de significado, la intencionalidad husserliana sigue al servicio de la verdad como adaequatio, adaptada al orden monádico de la conciencia trascendental. Sin embargo, en la conciencia interna del tiempo se ve la dificultad de interpretar intencionalmente la esfera pasiva de la conciencia, con lo cual peligra la vocación por la verdad de la intencionalidad. A partir de la constitución eidética, se busca una génesis pasiva del sentido ideal intencional, sin perder su referencia egológica. Despite (...)
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    Pluralismo artístico.Porfirio Cardona Restrepo (ed.) - 2009 - Medellín: Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
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    Comparación entre enfoques generativos y discriminativos para la clasificación de eventos sísmicos.Restrepo Cuestas, Bonie Johana, Mauricio Alexander Alvarez López & Ricardo Henao - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  37. A formação de Uma comunidade virtual sob O olhar da teoria da atividade.Cristiane Heemann - 2011 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 13 (2):p - 33.
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  38. El pensamiento husserliano anterior a las Ideas‖.Daniel Hererra Restrepo - 1964 - Franciscanum. Revista de Las Ciencias Del Espíritu (Bogotá: Universidad de San Buenaventura) Vi 18:207-35.
  39. La concepcion linguistica del conocimiento en Ockham.Daniel Herrera Restrepo - 1987 - Franciscanum 29 (86-87):223-235.
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    La finitud de la guerra o la guerra infinita.Alexander Muriel Restrepo - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (156):223-241.
    A partir de la divergencia de M. Foucault con Th. Hobbes con respecto a la guerra como principio y fundamento del poder, se muestra la importancia de esa diferencia conceptual para los análisis políticos contemporáneos. Foucault sostiene que, en las sociedades modernas de Occidente, la comunidad política, y más precisamente la política misma, ha sido el terreno de la guerra librada por otros medios. Por extensión, esta tesis significa invertir el principio de von Clausewitz; a saber, que la guerra es (...)
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    Global Justice and the Modern Empire: Richard W. Miller: Globalizing Justice: The Ethics of Poverty and Power, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010, 341 pp.Cristian Perez - 2012 - Res Publica 18 (3):277-282.
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    Brain Cortex Activity in Children With Anterior Open Bite: A Pilot Study.Claudia Restrepo, Paola Botero, David Valderrama, Kelly Jimenez & Rubén Manrique - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Durée and temporality: a defense of Bergson’s conception of time.Jorge Alejandro Flórez Restrepo - 2015 - Discusiones Filosóficas 16 (27):49-61.
    This paper is a defense of Bergson’s conception of time against Heidegger’s accusation on Being and Time. There, Heidegger accused Bergson’s conception of committing the same mistake of the traditional conception of time as a spatialized succession of “nows.” This is an unfair accusation, for Bergson’s main concepts of Duration and Élan Vital are precisely opposite to that. In fact, Bergson’s concept of time coincides with Heidegger’s conception of Temporality which is essential in his existential analytical and fundamental ontology.
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  44. Etica profesional del educador.Bernardo Restrepo Botero - 1985 - [Medellín, Colombia]: Universidad de Antioquia, Departamento de Publicaciones.
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    Libro reseñado: Hegel: la desgraciada reconciliación del espíritu. Autor: Carlos Másmela.Carlos Enrique Restrepo - 2003 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 28:159-161.
    MASMELA. Carlos. Hegel: la desgraciada reconciliación del espíritu. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 2001, 185 p.
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    Libertad y locura.Luis Carlos Restrepo - 1983 - Bogotá, D.E.: Ediciones EGO PUTO.
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    Nomoárquica, principialística jurídica, o Los principios generales del derecho.Hernán Valencia Restrepo - 1993 - Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Temis.
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    Sartre a través de La náusea.Álvaro Restrepo Betancur - 2012 - [Medellín, Colombia]: Ediciones UNAULA.
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  49. Sistemas de información geográfica aplicados a estudios de corrosión atmosférica.Alex H. Restrepo, Carlos Botero Vega, Esteban Correa Bedoya, Félix Echeverría, Juan G. Castaño, Nixon Aristizabal & Oscar Quintero - 2007 - Scientia 13.
  50.  22
    A Conceptual and Analytical Framework for Estimation the Ecological Integrity of Landscape Scale.L. A. Vélez Restrepo & A. Gómez Sal - 2008 - Arbor 184 (729).
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