Results for 'Critical Theory, Habermas Critical Philosophy, Communicative Action, Public Space'

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  1.  64
    Critical Theory and Public Life.John Forester (ed.) - 1987 - MIT Press.
    Jurgen Habermas's critical communications theory of society has excited widespread interest in recent years. The essays in this book explore the research implications of Habermas's theory for the analysis of modern problems of public life.
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    The Critical Theory of Jürgen Habermas[REVIEW]E. G. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (3):614-615.
    McCarthy begins this first systematic review of the development of Habermas's thought with general accounts of the relation of theory and practice and of the reduction of praxis to techne in positivist conceptions of reason. We learn how the communication structures presupposed by the community of natural scientists cannot be grasped within the framework of empirical-analytic science and the technological cognitive interests on which it is based. He then goes on to explain clearly the practical interest supposedly underlying the (...)
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    Dialogues avec Jürgen Habermas.Jürgen Habermas, Isabelle Aubert & Jean-François Kervégan (eds.) - 2018 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
    Jürgen Habermas, représentant majeur de l'Ecole de Francfort, est devenu un auteur classique mais son oeuvre complexe et multiforme, composée d'une cinquantaine d'ouvrages et d'un millier d'articles, continue d'être mal identifiée. Comment saisir la diversité de ses intérêts, des théories de l'action et du langage à la morale et au droit? C'est aussi un acteur, qui intervient régulièrement dans la presse et les débats publics. Comment articuler ces prises de position avec ses travaux proprement théoriques? Dialogues avec Jürgen (...), issu d'un colloque international, offre un panorama complet du parcours intellectuel de Habermas, depuis ses premiers écrits jusqu'aux plus récents. L'espace public, l'agir communicationnel, la modernité, la démocratie, l'autonomie, les intérêts de connaissance, etc. sont ici discutés. Plus largement, c'est l'actualité même de sa pensée qui est soulignée et interrogée à propos de thèmes qui font débat : les effets du droit sur la société, la compréhension que l'on peut avoir des crises du capitalisme, ou encore le rapport complexe de la modernité aux religions. Cet ouvrage comprend deux textes inédits du philosophe, un texte d'ouverture sur l'Europe et un texte de clôture où il répond aux intervenants. (shrink)
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    The Theory of Communicative Action: Reason and the Rationalization of Society.Jürgen Habermas - 1991 - Polity.
    Here, for the first time in English, is volume one of Jurgen Habermas's long-awaited magnum opus: The Theory of Communicative Action. This pathbreaking work is guided by three interrelated concerns: to develop a concept of communicative rationality that is no longer tied to the subjective and individualistic premises of modern social and political theory; to construct a two-level concept of society that integrates the 'lifeworld' and 'system' paradigms; and to sketch out a critical theory of modernity (...)
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    Did Habermas Cede Nature to the Positivists?Gordon R. Mitchell - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (1):1-21.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.1 (2003) 1-21 [Access article in PDF] Did Habermas Cede Nature to the Positivists? Gordon R. Mitchell Jürgen Habermas's "colonization of the lifeworld" thesis (1987, 332-73) posits that many of society's pathologies are due to the tendency of institutions to convert social issues that ought to be sorted out by a debating citizenry into technical problems ripe for resolution by expert bureaucracies, thus pre-empting (...)
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    Habermas, modernity, and public theology.Don S. Browning & Francis Schüssler Fiorenza (eds.) - 1992 - New York: Crossroad.
    Jurgen Habermas is by far the most preeminent and influential philosopher in Germany today. The scope of his writings is remarkable. Their influence extends over a wide range of disciplines that include philosophy, social theory, hermeneutics, anthropology, linguistics, ethics, educational theory, and public policy. The impact of Habermas's writings on theology alone reaches from fundamental to political theology, from moral to practical theology. The significance of Habermas, Modernity, and Public Theology is twofold. First, it represents (...)
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  7.  51
    A New Critical Theory Based on Rational Choice?Matthias Fritsch - 2005 - Dialogue 44 (2):351-362.
    Joseph Heath's Communicative Action and Rational Choice may be read as a critical commentary upon Habermas's critical social theory, but it may also be read as merely using the latter as “scaffolding” for the presentation of Heath's own version of critical theory. In what follows, I will focus on the second option and thus largely ignore the exegetical question to what extent Heath provides a fair reading of Habermas. This does not mean, however, that (...)
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    On the Contemporary Relevance of Jürgen Habermas’ Social Theory.Rainer Winter - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (7-8):5-9.
    This introduction discusses the contemporary relevance of Jürgen Habermas’ social theory following the publication of his recent work, Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie (2019). It deals with his key topics and interventionist style of thinking. The essence of Habermascritical theory is its unwavering commitment to the utopia of communicative reason.
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    Habermas: A Critical Introduction.William Outhwaite - 2009 - Polity.
    This new edition of a well-regarded book provides a concise and exceptionally clear introduction to Habermas's work, from his early writings on the public sphere, through his work on law and the state, to his more recent discussion of science, religion and contemporary Europe. Outhwaite examines all of Habermas's major works and steers a steady course through the many debates to which they have given rise. A major feature of the book is that it provides a detailed (...)
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    Refiguring Critical Theory: Jürgen Habermas and the Possibilities of Political Change.James Craig Hanks - 2002 - University Press of America.
    Refiguring Critical Theory offers some thoughts about the nature of democracy and the possibilities of individual and collective self-determination. The text traces theories of the relationship between being and consciousness from Marx through Lukacs and the Frankfurt School to Habermas' recent work The Theory of Communicative Action.
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    Intersubjectivity and critical consciousness: Remarks on Habermas's theory of communicative action.Gerhard Wagner & Heinz Zipprian - 1991 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 34 (1):49 – 62.
    The out?dated intentionalistic assumptions manifest in Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action undermine a solution to the problem of order in action theory beyond utilitarianism. An analysis of his intersubjectivistic conception, which is based on the theory of the speech?act, shows that the incompleteness of Habermas's linguistic turn is due to his attempt to revive the older Critical Theory's concept of critique. The claims for a scientifically well?founded revival of a universal concept of reason ? which are (...)
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  12.  17
    Habermas.Kenneth Baynes - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Jürgen Habermas is one of the most important German philosophers and social theorists of the late twentieth and early twenty-first century. His work has been compared in scope with Max Weber’s, and in philosophical breadth to that of Kant and Hegel. In this much-needed introduction Kenneth Baynes engages with the full range of Habermas’s philosophical work, addressing his early arguments concerning the emergence of the public sphere and his initial attempt to reconstruct a critical theory of (...)
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  13.  9
    Jurgen Habermas: Critic in the Public Sphere.Robert C. Holub - 1991 - Routledge.
    The most important intellectual in the Federal Republic of Germany for the past three decades, Habermas has been a seminal contributor to fields ranging from sociology and political science to philosophy and cultural studies. Although he has stood at the centre of concern in his native land, he has been less readily accepted outside Germany, particularly in the humanities. His theoretical work postulates the centrality of communication and understanding, and as such his strategy of debate is marked by a (...)
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  14.  39
    Speaking Habermas to Gramsci: Implications for the Vocational Preparation of Community Educators.John Bamber & Jim Crowther - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (2):183-197.
    Re-working the Gramscian idea of the ‘organic’ intellectual from the cultural-political sphere to Higher Education (HE), suggests the need to develop critical and questioning ‘counter hegemonic’ ideas and behaviour in community education students. Connecting this reworking to the Habermasian theory of communicative action, suggests that these students also need to learn how to be constructive in developing such knowledge. Working towards critical and constructive capacities is particularly relevant for students who learn through acting in practice settings where (...)
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  15. From joint attention to communicative action: Some remarks on critical theory, social ontology and cognitive science.Matteo Bianchin - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (6):593-608.
    In this article I consider the relevance of Tomasello’s work on social cognition to the theory of communicative action. I argue that some revisions are needed to cope with Tomasello’s results, but they do not affect the core of the theory. Moreover, they arguably reinforce both its explanatory power and the plausibility of its normative claims. I proceed in three steps. First, I compare and contrast Tomasello’s views on the ontogeny of human social cognition with the main tenets of (...)
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  16.  37
    Recovering ethical life: Jürgen Habermas and the future of critical theory.J. M. Bernstein - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Jurgen Habermas' construction of a critical social theory of society grounded in communicative reason is one of the very few real philosophical inventions of recent times that demands and repays extended engagement. In this elaborate and sympathetic study which places Habermas' project in the context of critical theory as a whole past and future, J. M. Bernstein argues that despite its undoubted achievements, it contributes to the very problems of ethical dislocation and meaninglessness it aims (...)
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  17.  12
    The Cambridge Companion to Habermas.Stephen K. White (ed.) - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Jurgen Habermas is unquestionably one of the foremost philosophers writing today. His notions of communicative action and rationality have exerted a profound influence within philosophy and the social sciences. This volume examines the historical and intellectual contexts out of which Habermas' work emerged, and offers an overview of his main ideas, including those in his most recent publication. Amongst the topics discussed are his relationship to the Frankfurt School of critical theory and Marx, his unique contributions (...)
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  18.  19
    The Cambridge companion to Habermas.Thomas McCarthy (ed.) - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Jurgen Habermas is unquestionably one of the foremost philosophers writing today. His notions of communicative action and rationality have exerted a profound influence within philosophy and the social sciences. This volume examines the historical and intellectual contexts out of which Habermas' work emerged, and offers an overview of his main ideas, including those in his most recent publication. Amongst the topics discussed are his relationship to the Frankfurt School of critical theory and Marx, his unique contributions (...)
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  19. Review of Habermas Theory of Communicative Action. [REVIEW]Eugene Halton - 1989 - Symbolic Interaction 12:333-360.
    Jürgen Habermas’s two-volume Theory of Communicative Action is at once an attempt to develop a socially-based theory of action as an alternative to the subjectivist and individualist underpinnings of much of social theory, a “two-level concept of society that connects the ‘lifeworld’ and ‘system’ paradigms,” a critical theory of modernity which retains the enlightenment ideal of rationally-grounded societies, and a theory of meaning rooted in a developmental logic of world­historical rationality. Habermas seeks to find a via (...)
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  20.  77
    Toward a critique of systematically distorting communication technology: Habermas, baudrillard, and mass media.Drew Pierce - 2006 - Social Philosophy Today 22:89-102.
    Since seminal essays like Adorno’s ‘The Culture Industry’ and Benjamin’s ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,’ the mass media has been of central concern for Critical Theory. Yet Critical Theorists have produced relatively little in the way of systematic analysis of the concrete institutions of mass communication. Early on, Habermas seemed to be headed in this direction, especially with the publication of The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. However, in Habermas’s (...)
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  21.  5
    India, Habermas and the normative structure of public sphere.Muzaffar Ali Malla - 2023 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The book examines how the contemporary Indian situation poses a strict theoretical challenge to Habermas's theorization of the public sphere and employs the method of samvāda to critically analyze and dissect its universalist claims. It invites the reader to consider the possibility of imagining a normative Indian public sphere that is embedded in the Indian context-in a native and not nativist sense-to get past the derivative language of philosophical and political discourses prevalent within Indian academia. The book (...)
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    System and lifeworld in Habermas' theory of democracy.Jeffrey Flynn - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (2):205-214.
    In this article I challenge two arguments central to Hugh Baxter's critical interpretation of Habermas in his recent book, Habermas: The Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy (2011). Both arguments focus on whether Habermas’ system -lifeworld model of society can successfully make space for democratic politics. Baxter highlights problems with both Habermas’ The Theory of Communicative Action [hereafter cited as TCA] and Habermas’ attempts to fix those problems in Between Facts and Norms (...)
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    Rational choice as critical theory.Heath Joseph - 1996 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 22 (5):43-62.
    Habermas has argued that many of the endemic socio- economic problems of Western society are either symptoms or prod ucts of a 'lopsided' process of cultural rationalization, one that has emphasized instrumental forms of rationality over communicative. But other than presenting a rather general typology of lifeworld pathologies, Habermas has not done much to specify what these problems might be, nor has he provided any 'middle-range' analysis of the mechanisms through which they might be generated. This paper (...)
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    I compiti di una teoria critica della società. Il percorso intellettuale di Jürgen Habermas.Luca Corchia - 2017 - Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia 58 (1):5-30.
    The text examines the attempt by Jürgen Habermas to renew the tasks of critical theory. The systematic reconstruction of his writings reveals a system of typical functions: a) the rationalization of instrumental and strategic action in the material reproduction of social systems (social technology); b) the analysis of the pathologies in the symbolic reproduction of the world of life; c) the clarification of the cognitive, value and expressive models in the public sphere; d) the unveiling of false (...)
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  25. The Uses of Mead in Habermas’ Social Theory. Before the Theory of Communication Action.Luca Corchia - 2019 - Italian Sociological Review 2 (9):209-234.
    The aim of this paper is to show how Habermas used the writings of George Herbert Mead. This subject has already been examined by the critical literature; however, the originality of this analysis with respect to previous studies lies in its philological approach. The result of the research proves that the interest of Habermas towards the American social psychologist originates well before the Theory of Communicative Action and accompanies the elaboration of Habermas’ research programme for (...)
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  26.  50
    (1 other version)A Critique of Habermas' Diskursethik.Alessandro Ferrara - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (64):45-74.
    With the publication of Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns (1981) and of his essays “A Reply to my Critics” (1982), “Diskursethik — Notizen zu einem Bugründungsprogramm” (1983), “Moralbewusstsein und kommunikatives Handeln” (1983), and “Über Moralität und Sitdichkeit — Was macht eine Lebensform ‘rational’?” (1984), Habermas has considerably developed and systematized his views on ethics. Up to Communication and the Evolution of Society (1979), ethics had been of interest to Habermas mainly insofar as certain concepts related to it — such (...)
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  27. O que há de político na teoria da ação comunicativa? Sobre O déficit de institucionalização em Jürgen Habermas.Jorge Adriano Lubenow - 2013 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 18 (1):157-190.
    This paper aims to elucidate the negative understanding of politics (depoliticization) that results from the classic work of Jürgen Habermas about communicative action. The political potential of communicative action that results from political public sphere and the institutionalization of practical and political discourse constitute the leitmotiv of Habermas’s political philosophy. However, the understanding of politics that results from the communicative action presents the problem of limited capacity of realization of a discursive social practice in (...)
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  28.  46
    The Philosophy of Jürgen Habermas: A Critical Introduction.Uwe Steinhoff - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    Jürgen Habermas seeks to defend the Enlightenment and with it an "emphatical", "uncurtailed" conception of reason against the post-modern critique of reason on the one hand, and against so-called scientism (which would include critical rationalism and the greater part of analytical philosophy) on the other. His objection to the former is that it is self-contradictory and politically defeatist; his objection to the latter is that, thanks to a standard of rationality derived from the natural sciences or from Weber's (...)
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  29.  14
    Philosophical discourse: Communication and Norm.Yevhen Bystrytsky - 2019 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 5:29-39.
    The situation of public functioning of philosophy today is being fundamentally changed in comparison with it that even was by the end of last century. The new opportunities of free appeal to philosophical concepts and meanings and their use by every participant of unlimited networks of open communication raise issues of preservation and protection of normative philosophical discourse. The author formulates the need in such normativity as an issue of difference between the context of reproduction and the innovation one (...)
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    Some problems of rationality, understanding, and universalistic ethics in the context of Habermas's theory of communicative action.Jan Ajzner - 1994 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 24 (4):466-484.
    The arguments presented in this discussion point to some problems in the theory of communicative action considered as a starting point for a sociological theory with both normative and explanatory aspirations. It is argued that Habermas's notion of consensus is not sufficiently developed to constitute a foundation of the ethics of public debates; that both social action and communicative action are grounded in social actors' references to the same three worlds, which makes the coordination of actions (...)
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  31.  19
    Bildung according to Habermas: Publicity, Discourse and Politics.Asger Sørensen - 2015 - Ixtli 2 (3):109-127.
    The argument is that Bildung has occupied Habermas from the earliest writings. In these writings he criticizes the idea of being educated as an expression of innate abilities and emphasizes instead the significance of the social conditions of the upbringing. This is the subject of the first section. The second section provides a presentation of the ideology-critical analysis of Bildung found in Habermas’s doctoral thesis on The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. The basic critique is (...)
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  32. Habermas and the Question of Bioethics.Hille Haker - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (4):61-86.
    In The Future of Human Nature, Jürgen Habermas raises the question of whether the embryonic genetic diagnosis and genetic modification threatens the foundations of the species ethics that underlies current understandings of morality. While morality, in the normative sense, is based on moral interactions enabling communicative action, justification, and reciprocal respect, the reification involved in the new technologies may preclude individuals to uphold a sense of the undisposability of human life and the inviolability of human beings that is (...)
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  33. Juergen Habermas and the Colonization of the Lifeworld.James Craig Hanks - 1991 - Dissertation, Duke University
    The relationship between being and consciousness has been characterised as one of alienation , reification , instrumentalization , and 'one dimensionalization' . More recently Jurgen Habermas has described the 'colonization of the lifeworld'. Each of these theorists argues that social and political philosophy has two primary tasks. First, a political philosophy should construct a model of how we might best structure our social and political situation so as to maximize freedom and self-determination. Second, a political philosophy should provide an (...)
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  34.  60
    Work and Weltanschauung: The Heidegger Controversy from a German Perspective.Jürgen Habermas & John McCumber - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (2):431-456.
    From the perspective of a contemporary German reader, one consideration is particularly important from the start. Illumination of the political conduct of Martin Heidegger cannot and should not serve the purpose of a global depreciation of his thought. As a personality of recent history, Heidegger comes, like every other such personality, under the judgment of the historian. In Farias’ book as well, actions and courses of conduct are presented that suggest a detached evaluation of Heidegger’s character. But in general, as (...)
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    II. Reply to Skjei∗.JÜrgen Habermas - 1985 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):105-113.
    Erling Skjei's criticisms (Inquiry 28, this issue) of my account of communicative action in The Theory of Communicative Action are based on a misunderstanding of the role of the analysis of speech acts in that work. I begin by restating the terms of my analysis, and after dealing with Skjei's objections to my claims for the explanatory power of illocutionary acts, draw attention to a problem with imperatives that I haven't yet done justice to.
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    The movement from the paradigm of production to the paradigm of language in Habermas’s critical theory of society. [Spanish].Javier Roberto Suárez González - 2010 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 13:96-129.
    Normal 0 21 false false false ES-CO X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 My aim in this paper is first to develop the question raised by Habermas concerning the possibilities of a history of philosophy oriented to praxis. This line of analysis will let see the internal connection between theory and praxis within the framework of a materialistic understanding of philosophy. Secondly, I will show how this question becomes a reconstruction of historical materialism in the context of an analysis of the processes (...)
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    Calhoun’s Critical Sociology of Cosmopolitanism, Solidarity and Public Space.Michael D. Kennedy - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 84 (1):73-89.
    Calhoun’s critical sociology relies not only on engagements with Habermas, Bourdieu and Taylor, but also on the middle range empirical traditions of American sociology. Through a review of his recent work on cosmopolitanism and globalization, community and solidarity, and public spaces and sociology, I propose that his search to explain different ways in which solidarity is developed offers a robust sociological foundation for the development of the most appropriate intellectual formation, and institutional sequel, to the emancipatory project (...)
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    Communicative reason and religion: The case of Habermas.Pieter Duvenage - 2010 - Sophia 49 (3):343-357.
    Although Jürgen Habermas has a strong argument to link reason and philosophy, he also thinks that religion has a legitimate place in the (rational) public sphere. The question, though, is: what does this legitimate place entail? Is the power of religious language due to the fact that modern culture is not sufficiently secularized, that is, not yet sufficiently philosophic? Or is the power of religious language due to the fact that it successfully articulates certain widely shared moral (and (...)
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  39. Radical Interpretation or Communicative Action: Holism in Davidson and Habermas.Barbara Fultner - 1995 - Dissertation, Northwestern University
    I focus on holism in philosophy of language, particularly in Donald Davidson's truth-conditional semantics and Jurgen Habermas's formal pragmatics. An adequate semantics must take account of three dimensions: the subjective, the social, and the objective. It must, in this sense, be holistic. All three aspects are mutually irreducible and interdependent. Yet holistic approaches lack a clear sense of how they are related. Both Habermas and Davidson recognise that language is spoken by individuals whose intentions it expresses, that it (...)
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  40. Theories of community in Habermas, Nancy and Agamben: A critical evaluation.Brian Elliott - 2009 - Philosophy Compass 4 (6):893-903.
    Continental philosophy over the past two decades has increasingly turned its attention to social and political matters. Two key figures involved in this move, Jean-Luc Nancy and Giorgio Agamben, have advanced a position centering on the idea of singular community . This article sets out the basic features of this idea and contrasts it with Habermas' theory of communicative or dialogical community . Habermas is open to the criticism that his theory of community is constructed according to (...)
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    Scholars as Global Change Agents: Toward the Idea of Interdisciplinary Critical Spaces in Higher Education.Roger Philip Mourad - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (4):443-460.
    The transformative university is a reflective and critical university that attempts to transform the world so as to live under democratic values of freedom, inclusion, equality and justice. It is a...
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    Pragmatism and Critical Theory.Larry Ray - 2004 - European Journal of Social Theory 7 (3):307-321.
    This article discusses Habermas’s project of reformulating Critical Theory through a pragmatic philosophy of communication, while defending post-metaphysical reason and commitment to grounded critique. Habermas’s use of pragmatics is contrasted with Rorty, who argues for a non-foundational pragmatism that eschews the idea of science as the only site of reason and social progress. The argument moves through three stages. First, it outlines Habermas’s project of recovering critical activity with particular attention to his debt to pragmatic (...)
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    Communicative action and corporate annual reports.Kristi Yuthas, Rodney Rogers & Jesse F. Dillard - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (1-2):141 - 157.
    Annual reports are an important element in the genre of corporate public discourse. The reporting practices mandated by the Securities and Exchange Commission for all publicly traded corporations are intended to render the annual reports a legitimate and trustworthy medium through which management communicates information related to the financial performance of the firm. The following discussion represents an inaugural attempt to investigate the ethical characteristics of the discourse found in corporate annual reports using Habermas' principles of communicative (...)
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    From critique of ideology to politics: Habermas on Bildung.Asger Sørensen - 2015 - Ethics and Education 10 (2):252-270.
    Considering the German idea of Bildung, I argue that it is a central concern of Habermas. First, he criticized the idea of being educated as a sign of innate abilities, emphasizing instead the significance of the social conditions of the upbringing. Subsequently, inspired by Adorno, he performed an analysis of Bildung, based on critique of ideology, in The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. The basic critique is that Bildung is too tightly connected to societal dominance, but still (...)
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  45. Refiguring Critical Theory: Jyrgen Habermas and the Possibilities of Political Change.Craig J. Hanks - 2002 - Upa.
    Refiguring Critical Theory offers some thoughts about the nature of democracy and the possibilities of individual and collective self-determination. The text traces theories of the relationship between being and consciousness from Marx through Lukacs and the Frankfurt School to Habermas' recent work The Theory of Communicative Action.
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    Order Without Rules: Critical Theory and the Logic of Conversation.David Bogen - 1999 - State University of New York Press.
    Questions whether the logic of language underlying Habermas's theory of communicative action is in fact the defining feature of conversational practice.
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  47. The enduring significance of Axel Honneth's critical conception of work.Karl Nicholas Moll - 2009 - Emergent Australasian Philosophers 2 (1).
    This essay explores Axel Honneth‘s 1980 essay ―Work and Instrumental Action‖ with a view to revitalising its argument about the value of a critical conception of work activity. In his early essay, Honneth sought to reconstruct this critical conception of work, inspired by the philosophy of Marx, in an effort to generate a critique of Habermas‘s communicative social theory. Honneth doubted whether Habermas‘s core epistemological category of instrumental rationality could capture the normative significance of individual (...)
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    Basic problems of a critical theory of education.Helmut Peukertruth - 1993 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 27 (2):159–169.
    ABSTRACT Education is in itself a project of Enlightenment. The critical theory of the Frankfurt School, whose origin and development bear the imprint of self-destructive social-cultural processes of modernity and of the Holocaust, can count as an attempt to continue the process of Enlightenment through radical self-criticism. The paper presents the approach of the first generation of critical theory and then Jurgen Habermas' critique of this approach and his reconstruction of critical theory in his theory of (...)
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    The Theory of Communicative Action. Vol. 1: Reason and the Rationalization of Society.Nanette Funk, Jurgen Habermas & Thomas McCarthy - 1986 - Philosophical Review 95 (2):269.
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    Constructing Community: Configurations of the Social in Contemporary Philosophy and Urbanism.Brian Elliott - 2010 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Constructing Community examines community from the particular perspective of the shaping and control of urban space in contemporary liberal democracies. Following a consideration and critique of influential theories of community that have arisen within European philosophy over the last three decades, Brian Elliott investigates parallel approaches to community within urban theory and practice over the same period. Underlying the comparison of political theory and urban practice is a basic assumption that community and place are intimately connected such that the (...)
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