Results for 'Curtis Beach'

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  1. The Gospel of Mark: Its Making and Meaning.Curtis Beach - 1959
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    The descent of instinct.Frank A. Beach - 1955 - Psychological Review 62 (6):401-410.
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    Evolutionary changes in the physiological control of mating behavior in mammals.Frank A. Beach - 1947 - Psychological Review 54 (6):297-315.
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    Evidential pluralism and evidence of mechanisms in the social sciences.Derek Beach - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8899-8919.
    Is evidential pluralism possible when we move to the social sciences, and if so, to what degree? What are the analytical benefits? The answer put forward in this article is that there is a tradeoff between how serious social science methodologies take the study of mechanisms and the analytical benefits that flow from evidential pluralism. In the social sciences, there are a range of different approaches to studying mechanisms, differentiated by the degree to which the ‘process’ is unpacked theoretically, and (...)
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    The Potencies of God(S): Schelling's Philosophy of Mythology.Edward Allen Beach - 1994 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores the metaphysical, epistemological, and hermeneutical theories of Schelling’s final system concerning the nature and meaning of religious mythology.
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  6. Ethical appraisal boards : constitutions, functions, tensions and blind-spots.Dennis Beach & Begoña Vigo Arrazola - 2019 - In Hugh Busher & Alison Fox, Implementing ethics in educational ethnography: regulation and practice. New York, NY: Routledge.
  7.  11
    The Neural Representation of a Repeated Standard Stimulus in Dyslexia.Sara D. Beach, Ola Ozernov-Palchik, Sidney C. May, Tracy M. Centanni, Tyler K. Perrachione, Dimitrios Pantazis & John D. E. Gabrieli - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The neural representation of a repeated stimulus is the standard against which a deviant stimulus is measured in the brain, giving rise to the well-known mismatch response. It has been suggested that individuals with dyslexia have poor implicit memory for recently repeated stimuli, such as the train of standards in an oddball paradigm. Here, we examined how the neural representation of a standard emerges over repetitions, asking whether there is less sensitivity to repetition and/or less accrual of “standardness” over successive (...)
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    Bluffing: Its demise as a subject unto itself.John Beach - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (3):191 - 196.
    Business bluffing as a subject has been mentioned in various journals for at least the past 16 years. Its treatment has become one of apparent serious intent to identify it as a subject matter unto itself. Definitionally and theoretically, its essence has been specified but seemingly without due regard to its true nature. Business bluffing is an act of puffing at best and misrepresentation or fraud at worst. In either case, its legality and morality are already well defined and discussions (...)
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    Patient and Family Perspectives on Respect and Dignity in the Intensive Care Unit.Mary Catherine Beach, Lindsay Forbes, Emily Branyon, Hanan Aboumatar, Joseph Carrese, Jeremy Sugarman & Gail Geller - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (1):15-25.
    Respect and dignity are central to moral life, and have a particular importance in health care settings such as the intensive care unit (ICU). We conducted 15 semistructured interviews with 21 participants during an ICU admission to explore the definition of, and specific behaviors that demonstrate, respect and dignity during treatment in the ICU. We transcribed interviews and conducted thematic qualitative analysis. Seven themes emerged that focused on what it means to be treated with respect and/or dignity: treated as a (...)
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    Time to Listen: Most Regular Patrons of Music Venues Prefer Lower Volumes.Elizabeth Francis Beach & Megan Gilliver - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Autonomy of Mathematical Knowledge: Hilbert's Program Revisited.Curtis Franks - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Most scholars think of David Hilbert's program as the most demanding and ideologically motivated attempt to provide a foundation for mathematics, and because they see technical obstacles in the way of realizing the program's goals, they regard it as a failure. Against this view, Curtis Franks argues that Hilbert's deepest and most central insight was that mathematical techniques and practices do not need grounding in any philosophical principles. He weaves together an original historical account, philosophical analysis, and his own (...)
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    The postulate of immortality in Kant: To what extent is it culturally conditioned?Edward A. Beach - 2008 - Philosophy East and West 58 (4):pp. 492-523.
    Kant's noncognitive argument based on practical reason claims that moral considerations alone suffice to justify the idea of personal immortality as a postulate. Some recent objections are considered here that have charged him with overstepping his own distinction between phenomenon and noumenon. After examining the arguments, Kant is exonerated of having violated his own principles. More troubling, however, is the peculiarity involved in postulating an infinite progression toward a goal whose attainment, by hypothesis, would undermine the very foundations of morality (...)
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  13. The transition to civilization and symbolically stored genomes.Jon Beach - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (1):109-141.
    The study of culture and cultural selection from a biological perspective has been hampered by the lack of any firm theoretical basis for how the information for cultural traits is stored and transmitted. In addition, the study of any living system with a decentralized or multi-level information structure has been somewhat restricted due to the focus in genetics on the gene and the particular hereditary structure of multicellular organisms. Here a different perspective is used, one which regards living systems as (...)
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  14. Interventions and Just Wars: the Case of Kosovo.Hugh Beach - 2000 - Studies in Christian Ethics 13 (2):15-31.
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  15. Hegel’s Misunderstood Treatment of Gauss in the Science of Logic.Edward Beach - 2006 - Idealistic Studies 36 (3):191-218.
    This essay explores Hegel’s treatment of Carl Friedrich Gauss’s mathematical discoveries as examples of “Analytic Cognition.” Unfortunately, Hegel’s main point has been virtually lost due to an editorial blunder tracing back almost a century, an error that has been perpetuated in many subsequent editions and translations.The paper accordingly has three sections. In the first, I expose the mistake and trace its pervasive influence in multiple languages and editions of the Wissenschaft der Logik. In the second section, I undertake to explain (...)
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  16. Introduction to logic.John D. Beach - 1970 - Boston,: Allyn & Bacon.
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    Schelling: An Introduction to the System of Freedom.Edward Beach - 1984 - Philosophical Books 25 (3):157-159.
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  18. The Later Schelling’s Conception of Dialectical Method, in Contradistinction to Hegel’s.Edward A. Beach - 1990 - The Owl of Minerva 22 (1):35-54.
    Schelling is best known in the Anglo-American philosophical community for work he did in his twenties, between 1797 and 1803. During this time, he appropriated Fichte’s standpoint of transcendental idealism and developed some of its implications for the philosophies of nature, history, and art. Schelling did not claim at this stage to be formulating an original standpoint of his own, but simply to be extending the Fichtean principles in new directions. In this endeavor he was quite successful, and for a (...)
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    Conviction Narrative Theory and the Theory of Narrative Thought.Lee Roy Beach & James A. Wise - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e84.
    Conviction Narrative Theory bears a close resemblance to the Theory of Narrative Thought, although the two were designed to address different questions. In this commentary, we detail some of the more pronounced similarities and differences and suggest that resolving the latter could produce a third theory of narrative cognition that is superior to either of these two.
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  20. Hegel’s Mediated Immediacies.Edward A. Beach - 2010 - The Owl of Minerva 42 (1-2):153-217.
    Dieter Henrich has presented persuasive evidence that Hegel’s logic does not, in practice, provide a linear deduction of logical categories, but rather borrows thought-forms proper to subsequent stages in order to effect its dialectical transitions. In reply, I argue that the presented order of the categories is already implicitly sublated by a deep structure of circularity that determines the development. Thus, Hegel’s dialectic is deliberately nonlinear in terms of both its content and its method. One can therefore acknowledge the astuteness (...)
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    (1 other version)A Critique of Human Capital Formation in the U.S. and The Economic Returns to Sub-Baccalaureate Credentials.Josh M. Beach - 2009 - Educational Studies 45 (1):24-38.
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  22. American Fiction, 1920-1940.Joseph Warren Beach - 1941 - Macmillan.
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    Absolute Knowledge and the Problem of Systematic Completeness in Hegel’s Philosophy.Beach - 1981 - Dissertation, Northwestern University
    As an important corollary of this interpretation of absolute knowledge, the dissertation concludes with the suggestion that Hegelian philosophy need not be regarded merely as an interesting curiosity in the history of ideas, but rather that it can serve as a vital and potentially rewarding source of fresh theoretical insights. ;Instead, the concrete completeness of speculative philosophy can only consist in the activity of a dynamical, ceaselessly self-examining and self-regulating intellectual community. In one sense, of course, no finite system can (...)
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    Another Look at the Thomism of Etienne Gilson.John D. Beach - 1976 - New Scholasticism 50 (4):522-528.
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    Analogous Naming, Extrinsic Denomination, and the Real Order.John D. Beach - 1965 - Modern Schoolman 42 (2):198-213.
  26. Act of analysis.John D. Beach - 1980 - The Thomist 44 (1):45-71.
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    A Spirituality of Exile: Responding to God's Absence.Lee Beach - 2017 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 10 (1):33-50.
    In the journey of faith almost everyone experiences times of spiritual desolation when our sense of God's presence is stripped away and our certainty about his faithfulness is deeply eroded. Times like this are intensely disorienting as they leave us grasping for answers, but even more importantly searching for a way forward. The literature of the Bible provides us with both experiential companionship and language to guide our journey through the desolate places of spiritual experience. The prayer language of exile (...)
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  28. American Social Problems.Walter Greenwood Beach - 1934 - The Monist 44:311.
  29. Books Available List.J. M. Beach, Gerald Grant, Vicki Gunther, James McGowan, Kate Donegan, Michael S. Merry, Jeffery Ayala Milligan & Identity Citizenship - 2011 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 47 (3).
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    Can a Soldier Love His Enemy?Hugh Beach - 2015 - Studies in Christian Ethics 28 (3):280-286.
    This article addresses the issue of love in war from the position of an officer actively engaged in the training of officers in the British army over many years. It describes the ethos which informs this training and proposes that a better analogy is with the Golden Rule.
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    Christian ethics.Waldo Beach - 1955 - New York,: Ronald Press Co.. Edited by H. Richard Niebuhr.
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    Christian Ethics: A Case Method Approach, Third Edition.Timothy A. Beach-Verhey - 2007 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 27 (1):286-288.
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  33. Christian Ethics in the Protestant Tradition.Waldo Beach & J. Philip Wogaman - 1988
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    Christian ethics; sources of the living tradition.Waldo Beach - 1973 - New York,: Ronald Press Co.. Edited by H. Richard Niebuhr.
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    Conscience on campus.Waldo Beach - 1958 - New York,: Association Press.
  36.  47
    Codes of Ethics.John Beach - 1985 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 4 (1):53-64.
  37.  71
    Calvinist resources for contemporary american political life: A critique of Michael Walzer's revolution of the saints.Timothy A. Beach-Verhey - 2009 - Journal of Religious Ethics 37 (3):473-493.
    Inheriting the religious prejudices of the Enlightenment, many supporters of liberal democracy consider John Calvin's theology contrary to the norms and virtues necessary for productive public discourse in a religiously and culturally diverse society. In Revolution of the Saints: A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics , Michael Walzer makes a similar assumption, arguing that, despite its contribution to political modernization, the inherent fideism, absolutism, and intolerance of Calvinism constitutes a threat to public discourse in liberal society. In this (...)
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    Defending Contrastive Luck.Patrick Beach - 2017 - Southwest Philosophy Review 33 (2):107-126.
    In his paper, “Why Every Theory of Luck is Wrong,” Steven D. Hales presents a range of purported counterexamples to every account of luck that has a control condition or a chance condition. He gathers these counterexamples under the headings of lucky necessities, skillful luck, and diachronic luck. He concludes that no account of luck does or even can be developed which adequately handles these cases. In response, a novel account of luck— contrastive luck —is briefly developed in this paper. (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Dance of the Dialectic: A Dramatic Dialogue Presenting Hegel's Philosophy of Religion.E. BEACH - 1978
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    Exodus 3:1–12.Kathy Beach-Verhey - 2005 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 59 (2):180-182.
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    Exemplifying Public Discourse.Timothy A. Beach-Verhey - 2004 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 24 (2):115-136.
    MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. IS UNIVERSALLY REGARDED AS ONE OF THE most important figures in twentieth-century American public life. Yet his subtle integration of Christian faith and democratic values runs afoul of many current theories concerning faith, liberal democracy, and public discourse. Putting John Rawls's secular liberalism and Stanley Hauerwas's Christian traditionalism in conversation with Martin Luther King's words and deeds reveals the weaknesses inherent in both Rawls's and Hauerwas's approaches. Furthermore, the exemplary model of public discourse that King embodied (...)
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    Editorial: Refining Prevention: Genetic and Epigenetic Contributions.Steven R. H. Beach & Jessica M. Sales - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Event salience and response frequency on a ten-alternative probability-learning situation.Lee R. Beach & Richard W. Shoenberger - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (3):312.
  44. History and the other: Dussel’s challenge to Levinas.Dennis Beach - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (3):315-330.
    a product of human thought that betrays the lived uniqueness of persons, reducing ‘otherness’ to the categories of the understanding and to its historical consequences? Or is history too ‘thick’ to be synchronized in memory and historical consciousness? The article, taking its inspiration from Enrique Dussel’s ethics of liberation and particular moments of Latin American history, develops the notion of the proximity of history, phenomenologically critiquing Emmanuel Levinas’s own reduction of history to consciousness, his reading of history as a synchronizing (...)
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    Higher levels of protective parenting are associated with better young adult health: exploration of mediation through epigenetic influences on pro-inflammatory processes.Steven R. H. Beach, Man Kit Lei, Gene H. Brody, Meeshanthini V. Dogan & Robert A. Philibert - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:138269.
    The current investigation was designed to examine the association of parenting during late childhood and early adolescence, a time of rapid physical development, with biological propensity for inflammation. Based on life course theory, it was hypothesized that parenting during this period of rapid growth and development would be associated with biological outcomes and self-reported health assessed in young adulthood. It was expected that association of parenting with health would be mediated either by effects on methylation of a key inflammatory factor, (...)
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    Instructions about randomness and run dependency in two-choice learning.Lee R. Beach & Richard G. Swensson - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (2):279.
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    Mr. Krutch and ideal values in literature.Joseph Warren Beach - 1937 - International Journal of Ethics 48 (4):487-497.
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    Obsessive Images: Symbolism in the Poetry of the 1930's and 1940's.Joseph Warren Beach - 1961 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 20 (1):105-106.
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    Portraits in Sechs Furstenstaaten Rajasthans vom 17. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert.Milo C. Beach & Juliane Anna Lia Molitor - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):522.
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    Probability learning: Response proportions and verbal estimates.Lee Roy Beach, Richard M. Rose, Yutaka Sayeki, James A. Wise & William B. Carter - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (2):165.
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