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David Cunningham [25]Donald J. Cunningham [21]Daniel W. Cunningham [11]David I. Cunningham [10]
David S. Cunningham [8]Daniel Cunningham [5]D. Cunningham [4]D. R. Cunningham [1]

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  1.  48
    Rhizome and the mind: Describing the metaphor.Kathy L. Schuh & Donald J. Cunningham - 2004 - Semiotica 2004 (149):325-342.
  2.  25
    Logics of Generalization: Derrida, Grammatology and Transdisciplinarity.David Cunningham - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (5-6):79-107.
    This article seeks to explore some issues regarding the different modes of generality at stake in the formation of transdisciplinary concepts within the production of ‘theory’ in the humanities and social sciences. Focused around Jacques Derrida’s seminal account of ‘writing’ in his 1967 book Of Grammatology, the article outlines what it defines as a logic of generalization at stake in Derrida’s elaborations of a quasi-transcendental ‘inscription in general’. Starting out from the questions thereby raised about the relationship between such forms (...)
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  3.  26
    The real core model and its scales.Daniel W. Cunningham - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 72 (3):213-289.
    This paper introduces the real core model K() and determines the extent of scales in this inner model. K() is an analog of Dodd-Jensen's core model K and contains L(), the smallest inner model of ZF containing the reals R. We define iterable real premice and show that Σ1∩() has the scale property when vR AD. We then prove the following Main Theorem: ZF + AD + V = K() DC. Thus, we obtain the Corollary: If ZF + AD +()L() (...)
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  4.  36
    A logical introduction to proof.Daniel W. Cunningham - 2012 - New York: Springer.
    Propositional logic -- Predicate logic -- Proof strategies and diagrams -- Mathematical induction -- Set theory -- Functions -- Relations -- Core concepts in abstract algebra -- Core concepts in real analysis.
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  5.  52
    Is there a set of reals not in K(R)?Daniel W. Cunningham - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 92 (2):161-210.
    We show, using the fine structure of K, that the theory ZF + AD + X R[X K] implies the existence of an inner model of ZF + AD + DC containing a measurable cardinal above its Θ, the supremum of the ordinals which are the surjective image of R. As a corollary, we show that HODK = K for some P K where K is the Dodd-Jensen Core Model relative to P. In conclusion, we show that the theory ZF (...)
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  6.  55
    Propaganda architecture: interview with Rem Koolhaas and Reinier de Graaf.David I. Cunningham & Jon Goodbun - 2009 - Radical Philosophy 154:35-47.
  7. Belief, doubt and reason: C. S. Peirce on education.Donald J. Cunningham, James B. Schreiber & Connie M. Moss - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (2):177–189.
    In this paper, we explore Peirce's work for insights into a theory of learning and cognition for education. Our focus for this exploration is Peirce's paper The Fixation of Belief (FOB), originally published in 1877 in Popular Science Monthly. We begin by examining Peirce's assertion that the study of logic is essential for understanding thought and reasoning. We explicate Peirce's view of the nature of reasoning itself—the characteristic guiding principles or ‘habits of mind’ that underlie acts of inference, the dimensions (...)
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  8.  40
    The fine structure of real mice.Daniel Cunningham - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (3):937-994.
    Before one can construct scales of minimal complexity in the Real Core Model, K(R), one needs to develop the fine-structure theory of K(R). In this paper, the fine structure theory of mice, first introduced by Dodd and Jensen, is generalized to that of real mice. A relative criterion for mouse iterability is presented together with two theorems concerning the definability of this criterion. The proof of the first theorem requires only fine structure; whereas, the second theorem applies to real mice (...)
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  9.  30
    A covering lemma for L(ℝ).Daniel W. Cunningham - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (1):49-54.
    Jensen's celebrated Covering Lemma states that if 0# does not exist, then for any uncountable set of ordinals X, there is a Y∈L such that X⊆Y and |X| = |Y|. Working in ZF + AD alone, we establish the following analog: If ℝ# does not exist, then L(ℝ) and V have exactly the same sets of reals and for any set of ordinals X with |X| ≥ΘL(ℝ), there is a Y∈L(ℝ) such that X⊆Y and |X| = |Y|. Here ℝ is (...)
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  10.  40
    Ideology, history, and political affect.Daniel Cunningham - 2024 - Constellations 31 (2):146-159.
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  11. The Futures of Surrealism: Hegelianism, Romanticism, and the Avant-Garde.David Cunningham - 2005 - Substance 34 (2):47-65.
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  12.  26
    (1 other version)A Diamond Principle Consistent with AD.Daniel Cunningham - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (3):397-407.
    We present a diamond principle ◊R concerning all subsets of Θ, the supremum of the ordinals that are the surjective image of R. We prove that ◊R holds in Steel’s core model K, a canonical inner model for determinacy.
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  13.  16
    Utopia as compensation for secularization.Daniel Cunningham - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 181 (1):20-33.
    In this article, I argue for an historical understanding of the relationship between ideology and utopia/utopianism that positions the latter as a specifically modern compensation for the loss of the cosmologically grounded, unitary ideology supplied by the late medieval Christian Church. This claim relies upon but revises Fredric Jameson’s early theorization of the collaboration between ideology and utopia/utopianism, which emphasizes that utopian elements allow ideology to offer subjects a ‘compensatory exchange’ for their complicity. Developing my central argument requires considering the (...)
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  14.  36
    Educating the semiotic mind: Introduction to special issue on 'Semiotics and education'.Donald J. Cunningham - 2007 - Semiotica 2007 (164):1-7.
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  15.  37
    Metaphors we teach by: An embodied cognitive analysis of No Child Left Behind.Kevin M. Clark & Donald J. Cunningham - 2006 - Semiotica 2006 (161):265-289.
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  16.  24
    Masters of Our Own Meaning.Donald J. Cunningham, Ana Baratta & Amber Esping - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (153 - 1/4):53-72.
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  17.  70
    How the Sublime Became “Now”.David Cunningham - 2004 - Symposium 8 (3):549-571.
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  18.  40
    The concept of metropolis: philosophy and urban form.David I. Cunningham - 2005 - Radical Philosophy 133:13-25.
  19.  28
    A syllogism for formulating hypotheses.Jungsub Kim & Donald J. Cunningham - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (144).
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  20.  32
    Timeless ideas.Donald J. Cunningham - 1995 - Semiotics 1995:263-269.
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  21.  26
    Hjorth, G., Kechris, AS and Louveau, A., Bore1 equivalence.J. Avigad, B. Courcelle, I. Walukiewicz, D. W. Cunningham, T. Fernando, M. Forti & F. Honaell - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 92 (1):297.
  22.  50
    Abduction and Affordance: J. J. Gibson and Theories of Semiosis.Donald J. Cunningham - 1988 - Semiotics:27-33.
  23. Alain Badiou, On Beckett.D. Cunningham - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
  24.  54
    A Covering Lemma for HOD of K (ℝ).Daniel W. Cunningham - 2010 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 51 (4):427-442.
    Working in ZF+AD alone, we prove that every set of ordinals with cardinality at least Θ can be covered by a set of ordinals in HOD of K (ℝ) of the same cardinality, when there is no inner model with an ℝ-complete measurable cardinal. Here ℝ is the set of reals and Θ is the supremum of the ordinals which are the surjective image of ℝ.
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  25.  55
    A Semiotic Critique of Cognitive Science.Donald J. Cunningham - 1990 - Semiotics:71-76.
  26.  33
    A time for dissonance and noise.David Cunningham - 2003 - Angelaki 8 (1):61 – 74.
  27.  13
    Answering the question: what is to be done?David I. Cunningham - 2007 - Radical Philosophy 141:34-38.
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  28.  17
    Barriers to Peace in Civil War.David E. Cunningham - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Civil wars vary greatly in their duration. This book argues that conflicts are longer when they involve more actors who can block agreement and identifies specific problems that arise in multi-party bargaining. Quantitative analysis of over 200 civil wars since World War II reveals that conflicts with more of these actors last much longer than those with fewer. Detailed comparison of negotiations in Rwanda and Burundi demonstrates that multi-party negotiations present additional barriers to peace not found in two party conflicts. (...)
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  29. Ben Watson, Adorno for Revolutionaries.David Cunningham - 2012 - Radical Philosophy 173:46.
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  30.  13
    Clodovis boff on the discipline of theology.David S. Cunningham - 1990 - Modern Theology 6 (2):137-158.
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  31.  30
    Capitalist epics: Abstraction, totality and the theory of the novel.David I. Cunningham - 2010 - Radical Philosophy 163:11-23.
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  32.  90
    Christian ethics: the end of the law.David S. Cunningham - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    Narrating the Christian life -- Practicing the Christian life -- Living the Christian life.
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  33.  43
    Cultural Historical Activity Theory From a Semiotic Standpoint.Donald J. Cunningham - 1999 - Semiotics:71-77.
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  34.  26
    Divine Teaching: An Introduction to Christian Theology – By Mark A. McIntosh.David S. Cunningham - 2010 - Modern Theology 26 (2):314-316.
  35. Educative experiences in early childhood : lessons from Dewey.Denise D. Cunningham & Donna Adair Breault - 2022 - In Lynn E. Cohen & Sandra Waite-Stupiansky, Theories of early childhood education: developmental, behaviorist, and critical. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  36.  26
    Empirical Semiotics--Oxymoron or Essential for Semiotics?Donald J. Cunningham - 1985 - Semiotics:183-188.
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  37. Flaubert's parrot'.David Cunningham - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 170:46-50.
  38. Faithful Persuasion: In Aid of Rhetoric of Christian Theology.David S. Cunningham - 1990
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  39. Francisco Sánchez: Carta a Cristibal Clavio.D. R. Cunningham & Carlos Mellizo - 1978 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 5:387-406.
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  40.  24
    Here comes the new: Deadwood and the historiography of capitalism.David I. Cunningham - 2013 - Radical Philosophy 180:8-24.
  41. Henri Lefebvre, The Urban Revolution.D. Cunningham - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  42.  40
    Is Cognitive Science Possible.Donald J. Cunningham - 1989 - Semiotics:323-327.
  43. Mobilizing ethnic competition.David Cunningham - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (5):505-525.
    Ethnic competition theory provides a powerful explanation for ethnic conflict, by demonstrating how variation in ethnic mobilization relates to intergroup struggles over scarce resources. However, the tendency to capture such relationships at the aggregate level, through macro-level proxies of intergroup competition, offers little insight into the processes through which ethnic grievances mobilize into contentious action. This article integrates insights from the social movements literature to address how competitive contexts crystallize into broader conflicts. Drawing on data from the civil rights-era Ku (...)
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  44.  42
    Mental Handicap -- Partnership in the Community.Deirdre Cunningham - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (3):160-161.
  45.  18
    Mathematical Logic: An Introduction.Daniel Cunningham - 2023 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Mathematical Logic: An Introduction is a textbook that uses mathematical tools to investigate mathematics itself. In particular, the concepts of proof and truth are examined. The book presents the fundamental topics in mathematical logic and presents clear and complete proofs throughout the text. Such proofs are used to develop the language of propositional logic and the language of first-order logic, including the notion of a formal deduction. The text also covers Tarski’s definition of truth and the computability concept. It also (...)
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  46. NEWS-Academic Freedom, the Israeli Left and the Occupation Within.David Cunningham - 2008 - Radical Philosophy 150:67.
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  47.  24
    Notes on nuance: rethinking a philosophy of modern music.David I. Cunningham - 2004 - Radical Philosophy 125:17-28.
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  48. OBITUARY-JG Ballard, 1930-2009.David Cunningham - 2009 - Radical Philosophy 156:66.
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  49.  19
    On forcing over $$L(\mathbb {R})$$.Daniel W. Cunningham - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (3):359-367.
    Given that \(L(\mathbb {R})\models {\text {ZF}}+ {\text {AD}}+{\text {DC}}\), we present conditions under which one can generically add new elements to \(L(\mathbb {R})\) and obtain a model of \({\text {ZF}}+ {\text {AD}}+{\text {DC}}\). This work is motivated by the desire to identify the smallest cardinal \(\kappa \) in \(L(\mathbb {R})\) for which one can generically add a new subset \(g\subseteq \kappa \) to \(L(\mathbb {R})\) such that \(L(\mathbb {R})(g)\models {\text {ZF}}+ {\text {AD}}+{\text {DC}}\).
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  50.  56
    On Representation.Donald Cunningham - 1983 - Semiotics:41-48.
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