Results for 'D. Naumann'

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  1.  44
    Smiling reflects different emotions in men and women.Simine Vazire, Laura P. Naumann, Peter J. Rentfrow & Samuel D. Gosling - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (5):403-405.
    We present evidence that smiling is positively associated with positive affect in women and negatively associated with negative affect in men. In line with Vigil's model, we propose that, in women, smiling signals warmth (trustworthiness cues), which attracts fewer and more intimate relationships, whereas in men, smiling signals confidence and lack of self-doubt (capacity cues), which attracts numerous, less-intimate relationships.
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    Smiling reflects different emotions in men and women – ERRATUM.Simine Vazire, Laura P. Naumann, Peter J. Rentfrow & Samuel D. Gosling - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (6):469-469.
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    Die Kraft des Exempels: Eine Kantische Perspektive Auf Das Problem der Supererogation.Katharina Naumann - 2020 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Es ist ein verbreitetes Phänomen unserer moralischen Urteilspraxis, dass wir herausragende moralische Handlungen bisweilen als moralisch wertvoll und dennoch nicht als moralisch geboten beurteilen, d.i. als supererogatorisch. Für die kantische Ethik stellt diese Beobachtung eine Herausforderung dar. Nicht nur verfügt sie nicht über eine Kategorie der Supererogation, vielmehr scheinen die wenigen Stellen, an denen sich Kant explizit mit moralisch herausragendem Handeln befasst, auf den ersten Blick dafür zu sprechen, dass eine solche Urteilspraxis schlicht als fehlerhaft zurückzuweisen ist. Dagegen arbeitet die (...)
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  4. Naumann, D., Literaturtheorie und Geschichtsphilosophie. [REVIEW]P. Swiggers - 1982 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 44:374.
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    John J. O'Meara, Bernd Naumann: Latin Script and Letters A.D. 400–900. Festschrift presented to Ludwig Bieler on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Pp. vi + 276; photograph of Prof. Bieler. Leiden: Brill, 1976. Cloth, fl. 88. [REVIEW]Michael Winterbottom - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (1):196-196.
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    What Does It Mean to Be Human? Life, Death, Personhood and the Transhumanist Movement.D. John Doyle - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is a critical examination of the philosophical and moral issues in relation to human enhancement and the various related medical developments that are now rapidly moving from the laboratory into the clinical realm. In the book, the author critically examines technologies such as genetic engineering, neural implants, pharmacologic enhancement, and cryonic suspension from transhumanist and bioconservative positions, focusing primarily on moral issues and what it means to be a human in a setting where technological interventions sometimes impact strongly (...)
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    Imagery Effects on Recall of Minimally Counterintuitive Concepts.D. Jason Slone, Afzal Upal, Ryan Tweney, Lauren Gonce & Kristin Edwards - 2007 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 7 (3-4):355-367.
    Much experimental evidence shows that minimally counterintuitive concepts, which violate one intuitive ontological expectation of domain-specific natural kinds, are remembered as well as or better than intuitive concepts with no violations of ontological expectations, and much better than maximally counterintuitive concepts with more than one violation of ontological violations. It is also well established that concepts rated as high in imagery, are recalled better than concepts that are low in imagery. We conducted three studies to test whether imagery levels affected (...)
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  8. History and the Contemporary Scientific Realism Debate.Timothy D. Lyons & Peter Vickers - 2021 - In Timothy D. Lyons & Peter Vickers (eds.), Contemporary Scientific Realism: The Challenge From the History of Science. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  9.  41
    When representations conflict with reality: The preschooler's problem with false beliefs and “false” photographs.D. Zaitchik - 1990 - Cognition 35 (1):41-68.
  10. Confucius: The Analects.D. C. Lau (ed.) - 1996 - Columbia University Press.
    A record of the words and teachings of Confucius, _The Analects_ is considered the most reliable expression of Confucian thought. However, the original meaning of Confucius's teachings have been filtered and interpreted by the commentaries of Confucianists of later ages, particularly the Neo-Confucianists of the Song dynasty, not altogether without distortion.In this monumental translation by Professor D. C. Lau, an attempt has been made to interpret the sayings as they stand. The corpus of the sayings is taken as an organic (...)
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  11. Fitness and function.D. M. Walsh - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (4):553-574.
    According to historical theories of biological function, a trait's function is determined by natural selection in the past. I argue that, in addition to historical functions, ahistorical functions ought to be recognized. I propose a theory of biological function which accommodates both. The function of a trait is the way it contributes to fitness and fitness can only be determined relative to a selective regime. Therefore, the function of a trait can only be specified relative to a selective regime. Apart (...)
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    Topologien des Körpers im Werk von Gilles Deleuze und Michel Foucault: Eine Einführung.Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews - 2017 - In Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews (eds.), Innen - Außen - Anders: Körper Im Werk von Gilles Deleuze Und Michel Foucault. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 11-48.
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    Generalization learning techniques for automating the learning of heuristics.D. A. Waterman - 1970 - Artificial Intelligence 1 (1-2):121-170.
  14.  23
    The simultaneous transfer of conditioned excitation and conditioned inhibition.D. D. Wickens - 1939 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 24 (3):332.
  15. Advice on modal logic.D. Scott - 1980 - In Karel Lambert (ed.), Philosophical problems in logic: some recent developments. Hingham, MA: Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston. pp. 143--173.
  16. Empathy and mirroring : Husserl and Gallese.D. Zahavi - 2012 - In Roland Breeur & Ullrich Melle (eds.), Life, Subjectivity, and Art: Essays in honor of Rudolf Bernet. New York: Springer Science+Business Media.
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  17. Moral realism and the argument from disagreement.D. Loeb - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 90 (3):281-303.
  18.  6
    Tradition, Rationality, and Virtue: The Thought of Alasdair Macintyre.Thomas D. D'Andrea - 2006 - Routledge.
    Tradition, Rationality and Virtue provides the first comprehensive and detailed treatment of the work of Alasdair MacIntyre. In this book, Thomas D'Andrea presents an accessible critical study of the full range of MacIntyre's thought, across ethical theory, psychoanalytic theory, social and political philosophy, Marxist theory, and the philosophy of religion. Moving from the roots of MacIntyre's thought in ethical inquiry, this book examines MacIntyre's treatment of Marx, Christianity, and the nature of human action and discusses in depth the development and (...)
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  19. Aristotle’s Biology was not Essentialist.D. M. Balme - 1980 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 62 (1):1-12.
  20.  22
    Chronic pain patients’ need for recognition and their current struggle.D. Koesling & C. Bozzaro - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):563-572.
    Chronic pain patients often miss receiving acknowledgement for the multidimensional struggles they face with their specific conditions. People suffering from chronic pain experience a type ofinvisibilitythat is also borne by other chronically ill people and their respective medical conditions. However, chronic pain patients face both passive and active exclusion from social participation in activities like family interactions or workplace inclusion. Although such aspects are discussed in the debates lead by the bio-psycho-social model of pain, there seems to be a lack (...)
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  21. The structuralist view of economic theories: A review essay: The case of general equilibrium in particular.D. Wade Hands - 1985 - Economics and Philosophy 1 (2):303-.
  22. Prudential Reasons.D. Clayton Hubin - 1980 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):63 - 81.
    Several authors, including Thomas Nagel and David Gauthier, have defended the view that reasons of self-interest (prudential reasons) are rationally binding. That is, there is always a reason, bearing on the rational advisability, based on one's self-interest and, as a result, a person may act irrationally by knowingly acting against such reasons regardless of the person's desires or values. Both Nagel and Gauthier argue from the rationally mandatory nature of prudential reasons to the conclusion that moral reasons can be rationally (...)
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  23.  61
    On the philosophical function of the ‘sage’ in the Laozi.Paul J. D’Ambrosio - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 32 (4):420-438.
    In philosophical interpretations of the Laozi the function of the ‘sage’ is a relatively under concentrated on topic. Although nearly every scholar does have something to say about the sage, comments are usually brief and often revolve around the sage as some particular character-type; for example highlighting the sage as a ‘sage-ruler’. In this article we will argue that the sage serves as a tool for understanding the major concepts, thinking, and logic of the Laozi. While the sage does often (...)
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    XXVI. Isotopic spin relection rules-VI: The 6·88 mev state of10B.D. H. Wilkinson & A. B. Clegg - 1956 - Philosophical Magazine 1 (3):291-297.
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  25. Popper and after. Four Modern Irrationalists.D. C. Stove - 1984 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 35 (3):307-310.
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  26. Diversity and Conservation Status of Fishes Inhabiting Chittaura Jheel, Bahraich, U.P.D. K. Yadav & A. K. Sharma - 2021 - Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences 40 (2):298-303.
    A study was carried out from October, 2020 to September, 2021to investigate the diversity of fishes and the conservation status of Chittaura Jheel (Bahraich), Uttar Pradesh. During the study period, 38 fish species belonging to 28 genera, 14 families and 7 orders have been identified. The order Cypriniformes was found the dominated order with 15 species(39.47%) followed by Siluriformes 10 species (26.31%), Perciformes 4 species (10.52%), Ophiocephaliformes 4 species (10.52%), Synbranchiformes2 species (5.26%), Osteoglossiformes 2 species (5.26%) and Clupiformes 1 species (...)
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  27.  53
    The 'Right' Not to know.D. E. Ost - 1984 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 9 (3):301-312.
    There is a common view in medical ethics that the patient's right to be informed entails, as well, a correlative right not to be informed, i.e., to waive one's right to information. This paper argues, from a consideration of the concept of autonomy as the foundation for rights, that there can be no such ‘right’ to refuse relevant information, and that the claims for such a right are inconsistent with both deontological and utilitarian ethics. Further, the right to be informed (...)
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    Moral Practices.D. Z. Phillips & H. O. Mounce - 1970 - Philosophy 46 (176):179-181.
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  29. On really believing.D. Z. Phillips - 1993 - In Dewi Zephaniah Phillips (ed.), Wittgenstein and religion. New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press. pp. 33-55.
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    Pointing at the moon: Buddhism, logic, analytic philosophy.Mario D'Amato, Jay L. Garfield & Tom J. F. Tillemans (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume collects essays by philosophers and scholars working at the interface of Western philosophy and Buddhist Studies. Many have distinguished scholarly records in Western philosophy, with expertise in analytic philosophy and logic, as well as deep interest in Buddhist philosophy. Others have distinguished scholarly records in Buddhist Studies with strong interests in analytic philosophy and logic. All are committed to the enterprise of cross-cultural philosophy and to bringing the insights and techniques of each tradition to bear in order to (...)
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  31.  60
    Plato, Statesman 284c-d: An "Argument from the Sciences".Richard D. Mohr - 1977 - Phronesis 22 (3):232 - 234.
  32.  32
    Paraconsistent Logics and Translations.Itala M. Loffredo D’Ottaviano & Hércules de Araújo Feitosa - 2000 - Synthese 125 (1-2):77-95.
    In 1999, da Silva, D'Ottaviano and Sette proposed a general definition for the term translation between logics and presented an initial segment of its theory. Logics are characterized, in the most general sense, as sets with consequence relations and translations between logics as consequence-relation preserving maps. In a previous paper the authors introduced the concept of conservative translation between logics and studied some general properties of the co-complete category constituted by logics and conservative translations between them. In this paper we (...)
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    Authorship policies of bioethics journals.D. B. Resnik & Z. Master - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (7):424-428.
    Inappropriate authorship is a common problem in biomedical research and may be becoming one in bioethics, due to the increase in multiple authorship. This paper investigates the authorship policies of bioethics journals to determine whether they provide adequate guidance for researchers who submit articles for publication, which can help deter inappropriate authorship. It was found that 63.3% of bioethics journals provide no guidance on authorship; 36.7% provide guidance on which contributions merit authorship, 23.3% provide guidance on which contributions do not (...)
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  34. A Solid-State Maxwell Demon.D. P. Sheehan, A. R. Putnam & J. H. Wright - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (10):1557-1595.
    A laboratory-testable, solid-state Maxwell demon is proposed that utilizes the electric field energy of an open-gap p-n junction. Numerical results from a commercial semiconductor device simulator (Silvaco International–Atlas) verify primary results from a 1-D analytic model. Present day fabrication techniques appear adequate for laboratory tests of principle.
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    What Is the Western Concept of the Self? On Forgetting David Hume.D. W. Murray - 1993 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 21 (1):3-23.
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    Agreed: The Harm Principle Cannot Replace the Best Interest Standard … but the Best Interest Standard Cannot Replace The Harm Principle Either.D. Micah Hester, Kellie R. Lang, Nanibaa' A. Garrison & Douglas S. Diekema - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (8):38-40.
    In Bester’s article (2018) challenging the use of the harm principle and advocating sole reliance on the use of a best interest standard (BIS) in pediatric decision-making, we believe that the auth...
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    Ceux qui acceptent des Idées de toutes choses.Pieter D’Hoine - 2010 - Philosophie Antique 10:227-254.
    Chez les commentateurs platoniciens de l’époque impériale, l’un des problèmes majeurs liés à la théorie des Idées concernait le domaine d’application de cette doctrine. L’exégèse de la première partie du Parménide de Platon donnait occasion à diverses discussions sur ce sujet. Le Commentaire de Proclus sur le Parménide est sans doute la plus précieuse source qui soit parvenue de l’Antiquité jusqu’à nous pour la reconstitution de ces débats. Alors que la grande majorité des commentateurs anciens étaient convaincus que les Idées (...)
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    Political Decision Procedures.D. A. Lloyd Thomas - 1970 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 70 (1):141 - 158.
    D. A. Lloyd Thomas; VIII—Political Decision Procedures1, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 70, Issue 1, 1 June 1970, Pages 141–160, https://doi.or.
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    Physicalism UnBlocked.D. Gene Witmer - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (7):890-904.
    What has become known asthe blockers problemis an alleged difficulty facing attempts to formulate physicalism as a supervenience thesis. A blocker is an entity, itself contrary to physicalism, with the power to disrupt an otherwise necessary connection between physical and nonphysical conditions. I argue that there is no distinct blockers problem. Insofar as a problem can be identified, it turns out to be just a rather baroque version of a distinct and familiar objection to supervenience formulations and to be of (...)
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  40. Papers in metaphysics and epistemology.D. M. Armstrong - 2001 - Philosophical Review 110 (1):77-79.
    This is part of a three-volume collection of most of David Lewis' papers in philosophy, except for those that previously appeared in his Philosophical Papers (Oxford University Press, 1983 and 1986). They are now offered in a readily accessible form. This second volume is devoted to Lewis' work in metaphysics and epistemology. The purpose of this collection, and the volumes that precede and follow it, is to disseminate more widely the work of an eminent and influential contemporary philosopher. The volume (...)
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    Knowledge and Social Imagery.D. E. B. Pollard - 1976 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 25:365-367.
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  42. Symmetry and asymmetry in the construction of 'elements' in the Timaeus.D. R. Lloyd - 2006 - Classical Quarterly 56 (2):459-474.
    In this paper I contend that the 'superfluity' of triangles is only apparent; all those specified are indeed required for the smallest sub-units, so long as the symmetry of the final body to be constructed is taken into account at earlier stages.
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    Good-making and beauty-making characteristics an exercise in moral and aesthetic evaluation.D. H. J. Warner - 1968 - Ethics 78 (2):124-143.
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  44. O relacionamento entre doença física e distúrbio psicológico.D. W. Winnicott - forthcoming - Natureza Humana.
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    Visual Attention.Richard D. Wright (ed.) - 1998 - Oxford University Press.
    This book contains a rich, interdisciplinary collection of articles by some of the pioneers of contemporary research on attention.
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    The View from Somewhere.D. M. Yeager - 2003 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 23 (1):101-120.
    Accepting James Gustafson's recent argument that right reading and valid criticism of H. R. Niebuhr's Christ and Culture must begin with an informed understanding of Niebuhr's utilization of the ideal-typical method, the author reviews characteristics of Weberian typologies and discusses the levels of criticism to which typologies are legitimately subject. Right appreciation of the text's genre exposes many criticisms of Christ and Culture to be misguided, but it also throws into relief those features of the text that cannot be accounted (...)
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    The amorous imagination: individuating the other-as-beloved.D. Andrew Yost - 2021 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Building on Jean-Luc Marion's phenomenology of love this book takes up the "question of the Other" and argues that through the interpretive activities of the amorous imagination lovers come to experience one another as the Beloved.
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    Aḥvāl va ās̲ār-i Mīr Findiriskī (m. 1050) =.Muḥammad Riz̤ā Zādʹhūsh - 2012 - Qum: Muʼassasah-i Kitābʹshināsī-i Shīʻah. Edited by Mīr Findariskī & Abū al-Qāsim ibn Mīrzā Buzurg.
  49. Psychoneuroendocrinology of social behavior.D. Zillman & M. Zillman - 1996 - In E. E. Higgins & A. Kruglanski (eds.), Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles. Guilford. pp. 39--71.
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    No Purification Ontology, No Quantum Paradoxes.Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (12):1921-1933.
    It is almost universally believed that in quantum theory the two following statements hold: all transformations are achieved by a unitary interaction followed by a von-Neumann measurement; all mixed states are marginals of pure entangled states. I name this doctrine the dogma of purification ontology. The source of the dogma is the original von Neumann axiomatisation of the theory, which largely relies on the Schrődinger equation as a postulate, which holds in a nonrelativistic context, and whose operator version holds only (...)
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