Donald A. Wells [12]David Wells [7]D. Wells [6]David A. Wells [5]
Donald Arthur Wells [5]Deborah L. Wells [2]Deane Wells [2]Donald Wells [2]

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  1.  76
    Group processes and performance and their effects on individuals' ethical frameworks.Marshall Schminke & Deborah Wells - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 18 (4):367 - 381.
    This paper explores the influence of group context on the ethical predispositions of group members. Results indicate that groups exert a powerful influence on individuals' ethical frameworks, and that the patterns of these influences differ depending on the type of ethical framework involved. Individuals' ethical utilitarianism was affected by both leadership style and group cohesiveness. Ethical formalism was most affected by the leadership style in the group.
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  2.  47
    Non-Anthropocentrism? A Killing Objection.Tony Lynch & David Wells - 1998 - Environmental Values 7 (2):151-163.
    To take the idea of a non-anthropocentric ethic of nature seriously is to abandon morality itself. The idea of humanity is not an optional extra for moral seriousness. Non-anthropocentric environmental ethicists mistake the kind of value non-human entities may bear. It is not moral value, but aesthetic value.
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  3. In vitro fertilisation: the major issues.P. Singer & D. Wells - 1983 - Journal of Medical Ethics 9 (4):192-199.
    In vitro fertilisation is now an established technique for treating some forms of infertility, yet it remains ethically controversial. New developments, such as embryo donation and embryo freezing, have led to further discussion. We briefly discuss the ethical aspects of IVF, focusing on the issues of resource allocation, the 'unnaturalness' of the procedure, the moral status of the embryo, surrogate motherhood, and restrictions on access to IVF. We argue that, on the whole, IVF is an ethically justifiable method of assisting (...)
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  4.  68
    Justice, sexual harassment, and the reasonable victim standard.Deborah L. Wells & Beverly J. Kracher - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (6):423 - 431.
    In determining when sexual behavior in the workplace creates a hostile working environment, some courts have asked, Would a reasonableperson view this as a hostile environment? Two recent court decisions, recognizing male-female differences in the perception of social sexual behavior at work, modified this standard to ask, Would a reasonablevictim view this as a hostile environment? As yet, there is no consensus in the legal community regarding which of these standards is just.We propose that moral theory provides the framework from (...)
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  5.  50
    The extended phenotype: a comparison with niche construction theory.David A. Wells - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (4):547-567.
    While niche construction theory locates animal artefacts in their constructors’ environment, hence treating them as capable of exerting selective pressure on both the constructors and their descendants, the extended phenotype concept assimilates artefacts with their constructors’ genes. Analogous contrasts apply in the case of endoparasite and brood parasite genes influencing host behaviour. The explanatory power of these competing approaches are assessed by re-examining the core chapters of Richard Dawkins’ _The Extended Phenotype_. Because animal artefacts have multiple evolutionary consequences for their (...)
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  6.  18
    An encyclopedia of war and ethics.Donald Arthur Wells (ed.) - 1996 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    First encyclopedia by noted experts who critically survey the ethics of warmaking from a variety of perspectives.
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  7.  91
    How much can "the just war" justify?Donald A. Wells - 1969 - Journal of Philosophy 66 (23):819-829.
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  8.  18
    Ectogenesis, Justice and Utility: A Reply to James.Deane Wells - 1987 - Bioethics 1 (4):372-379.
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  9.  51
    How ethical are ethical purchasing policies?Don Wells - 2004 - Journal of Academic Ethics 2 (1):119-140.
    In recent years ethical purchasing policies have been promoted as potentially effective and promising ways of combatting global inequality and oppressive labour practices in developing countries. These initiatives have been launched on university campuses with the hope of opening a new front for improving labour rights under conditions of neo-liberal globalization. This paper is an attempt to respond to the critics of these policies, and especially their claims that ethical purchasing may have the perverse effect of increasing job losses and (...)
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  10. Editorial Preface to Presentations by the Member Associations of the International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures.David A. Wells - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (2):91-94.
    This issue of Diogenes includes short papers by prominent officers of 18 of the member-associations of the International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures (Fédération Internationale des Langues et Littératures Modernes - FILLM) with a view to introducing and explaining the history, purpose, and function of these international learned societies representing different branches of the modern languages field at a time when the role of such bodies is often questioned even by professional academics working within the discipline, and their very (...)
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  11.  13
    Just war" talk and "good sense.Donald Wells - 1976 - Journal of Social Philosophy 7 (2):5-8.
  12.  17
    The limits of war and military necessity.Donald A. Wells - 1988 - Journal of Social Philosophy 19 (1):3-13.
  13.  13
    Vietnam and the Calculation of Atrocities.Donald Wells - 1973 - Journal of Social Philosophy 4 (3):13-16.
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  14.  12
    What Does the Conviction of Calley Imply?Donald A. Wells - 1971 - Journal of Social Philosophy 2 (2):2-5.
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  15. How Mathematicians Work. Newsletter No. 1. July 1992.H. Hearnshaw, P. Maher, P. Muir, J. Steed & D. Wells - 1992 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 6.
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  16. Employee selection and the ethic of care.Beverly Kracher & Deborah L. Wells - 1998 - In Marshall Schminke (ed.), Managerial ethics: moral management of people and processes. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Assocs.. pp. 81.
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  17.  26
    Back from Beyond.Tony Lynch & David Wells - 1998 - Environmental Values 7 (2):193 - 197.
    To take the idea of a non-anthropocentric ethic of nature seriously is to abandon morality itself. The idea of humanity is not an optional extra for moral seriousness. Non-anthropocentric environmental ethicists mistake the kind of value non-human entities may bear. It is not moral value, but aesthetic value.
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  18.  24
    Insuring the Future.Tony Lynch & David Wells - 2001 - Environmental Values 10 (4):507-521.
    Environmental politics needs more than piecemeal institutional efforts and more than calls for a set of 'new' values. It needs a realistic, comprehensive, and effective policy programme. Such a programme can be derived from a conjunction of Hardin's work on the 'tragedy of the commons' and Beck's analysis of the 'risk society', and involves exploiting the possibilities for the internalisation of risk provided by the insurance and reinsurance industries. Such exploitation requires tailored changes to the politico-legal environment, enforcing strict liability (...)
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  19. The allocation of medical resources.Maureen Sheehan & Deane Wells - 1985 - In C. L. Buchanan & Elizabeth W. Prior (eds.), Medical care and markets: conflicts between efficiency and justice. [Carleton, Vic.]: Centre of Policy Studies, Monash University. pp. 55--69.
  20.  25
    Basic propositions in Ayer and Russell.Donald A. Wells - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (4):124-127.
  21.  26
    Cytogenetics in reproductive medicine: The contribution of comparative genomic hybridization (CGH).Dagan Wells & Brynn Levy - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (3):289-300.
    Cytogenetic research has had a major impact on the field of reproductive medicine, providing an insight into the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities that occur during gametogenesis, embryonic development and pregnancy. In humans, aneuploidy has been found to be relatively common during fetal life, necessitating prenatal screening of high‐risk pregnancies. Aneuploidy rates are higher still during the preimplantation stage of development. An increasing number of IVF laboratories have attempted to improve pregnancy rates by using preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to ensure that (...)
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  22.  52
    Description and prescription in value judgments.Donald A. Wells - 1950 - Journal of Philosophy 47 (15):434-438.
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  23.  9
    Fatherly Advice. The Precepts of 'Gregorius', Marke, and Gurnemanz and the School Tradition of the 'Disticha Catonis'. With a Note on Grimmelshausen’s ‘Simplicissimus’.David A. Wells - 1994 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 28 (1):296-332.
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  24. God, man, and the thinker: philosophies of religion.Donald A. Wells - 1962 - New York,: Random House.
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  25.  2
    God, man, and the thinker: philosophies of religion.Donald A. Wells - 1962 - New York,: Random House.
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  26.  19
    Is “Just Violence” Like “Just War”?Donald A. Wells - 1970 - Social Theory and Practice 1 (1):26-38.
  27.  10
    Losing Our Virtue: Why the Church Must Recover Its Moral Vision.David F. Wells - 1999 - Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
    In Losing Our Virtue: Why the Church Must Recover Its Moral Vision, theologian David Wells argues that the Church is in danger of losing its moral authority to speak to a culture whose moral fabric is torn. Although much of the Church has enjoyed success and growth over the past years, Wells laments a "hollowing out of evangelical conviction, a loss of the biblical word in its authoritative function, and an erosion of character to the point that today, no discernible (...)
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  28.  10
    Marxism and the Modern State: An Analysis of Fetishism in Capitalist Society.David Wells - 1981 - Humanities Press.
  29.  1
    Meaning, Understanding, Interpretation.David G. Wells - 1976 - [S.N.].
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  30.  14
    Online Public Access Catalogues and Library Discovery Systems.David Wells - 2022 - Knowledge Organization 48 (6):457-466.
    This article provides an overview of computer based catalogue systems designed for use by library clients, seeing present day ‘discovery systems’ on the same trajectory as the older ‘online public access catalogues’ which they are gradually replacing, both in technical development and their approach to client use scenarios. It traces the history of the OPAC/discovery system from its origins in the library automation of the 1960s through to the present and discusses the main technical standards which have formed its development. (...)
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  31.  60
    Phenomenology and value theory.Donald A. Wells - 1955 - Journal of Philosophy 52 (3):64-70.
  32.  27
    Présentation : la Fédération Internationale des Langues et Littératures modernes.David A. Wells - 2002 - Diogène 198 (2):111-114.
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  33. Philosophy, Rationality, and Individual Differences.D. Wells - 1992 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 4.
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  34. Response.David Wells - 1991 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 3.
  35.  29
    Some implications of empirical truth by convention.Donald A. Wells - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (6):185-192.
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  36.  7
    Tony Blair: Making Labour Liberal.David G. Wells - 2000
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  37.  8
    The Medieval Nebuchadnezzar. The Exegetical Tradition of Daniel IV and its Significance for the Ywain Romances and for German Vernacular Literature.David Wells - 1982 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 16 (1):380-432.
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  38.  33
    The psychological surd in statements of good and evil.Donald A. Wells - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (22):682-689.
  39. War Crimes and Laws of War.David A. Wells - 1991 - Upa.
    This updated and revised second edition of Donald A. Wells's popular 'War Crimes and Laws of War', originally published in 1984, traces the rules of war since ancient times. The major sources of the rules or 'laws' of war are explored: the congresses of the Hague, Geneva, and the United Nations. But an abyss exists between what military manuals allow and what the congresses prohibit; this book attempts to resolve this dilemma. An important text for military college courses and international (...)
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  40. EN, C. L.: "Mill on Liberty". [REVIEW]D. Wells - 1983 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 61:330.
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  41. FISHKIN, J.: "Tyranny and Legitimacy". [REVIEW]D. Wells - 1982 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 60:307.
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  42. SCRUTON, R., "The Meaning of Conservatism". [REVIEW]D. Wells - 1981 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 59:459.
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  43. Vernon Venable, "Human Nature: The Marxian View". [REVIEW]Donald A. Wells - 1946 - Philosophical Forum 4:36.
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