Results for 'Maureen Sheehan'

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  1. The allocation of medical resources.Maureen Sheehan & Deane Wells - 1985 - In C. L. Buchanan & Elizabeth W. Prior, Medical care and markets: conflicts between efficiency and justice. [Carleton, Vic.]: Centre of Policy Studies, Monash University. pp. 55--69.
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    Maureen Sie.Maureen Sie - 2009 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 49 (4):46-47.
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    (1 other version)Logic: The Question of Truth.Thomas Sheehan (ed.) - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Martin Heidegger's 1925–26 lectures on truth and time provided much of the basis for his momentous work, Being and Time. Not published until 1976 as volume 21 of the Complete Works, three months before Heidegger's death, this work is central to Heidegger's overall project of reinterpreting Western thought in terms of time and truth. The text shows the degree to which Aristotle underlies Heidegger's hermeneutical theory of meaning. It also contains Heidegger’s first published critique of Husserl and takes major steps (...)
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    Making Sense of Heidegger: A Paradigm Shift.Thomas Sheehan - 2014 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This important book opens a new path in Heidegger research that will stimulate dialogue within Heidegger studies, as well as with philosophers outside the phenomenological tradition and scholars in theology, literary criticism, and existential psychiatry.
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    Marxism and the philosophy of science: a critical history.Helena Sheehan (ed.) - 1985 - Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press.
    A masterful survey of the history of Marxist philosophy of science. Now with a new afterword. Skillfully deploying a large cast of characters, Sheehan retraces the development of Marxist philosophy of science through detailed and highly readable accounts of the debates that have characterized it. Approaching Marxism from the perspective of the philosophy of science, Sheehan shows how Marx's and Engel's ideas on the development and structure of natural science had a crucial impact on the work of early (...)
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  6. Can Broad Consent be Informed Consent?M. Sheehan - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (3):226-235.
    In biobanks, a broader model of consent is often used and justified by a range of different strategies that make reference to the potential benefits brought by the research it will facilitate combined with the low level of risk involved (provided adequate measures are in place to protect privacy and confidentiality) or a questioning of the centrality of the notion of informed consent. Against this, it has been suggested that the lack of specific information about particular uses of the samples (...)
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    Trust, trustworthiness and sharing patient data for research.Mark Sheehan, Phoebe Friesen, Adrian Balmer, Corina Cheeks, Sara Davidson, James Devereux, Douglas Findlay, Katharine Keats-Rohan, Rob Lawrence & Kamran Shafiq - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e26-e26.
    When it comes to using patient data from the National Health Service for research, we are often told that it is a matter of trust: we need to trust, we need to build trust, we need to restore trust. Various policy papers and reports articulate and develop these ideas and make very important contributions to public dialogue on the trustworthiness of our research institutions. But these documents and policies are apparently constructed with little sustained reflection on the nature of trust (...)
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  8. Does Not, Amsterdam-New York, Rodopi, 2005. Il recente libro di Maureen Sie ha come obiettivo spiega-re perché l'esistenza della libertà del volere non è necessaria per garantire che le nostre quotidiane pratiche di attribuzione di re.Maureen Sie - 2006 - Rivista di Filosofia 97 (1).
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    (3 other versions)Heidegger: the man and the thinker.Thomas Sheehan (ed.) - 1981 - New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers.
    Many people consider Martin Heidegger the most important German philosopher of the twentieth century. He is indisputably controversial and influential. Athough much has been written about Heidegger, this may be the best single volume covering his life, career, and thought. For all its breadth and complexity, Heidegger's perspective is quite simple: he is concerned with the meaning of Being as disclosure. Heidegger's life was almost as simple. He was a German professor, except for a brief but significant period in which (...)
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  10. A paradigm shift in Heidegger research.Thomas Sheehan - 2001 - Continental Philosophy Review 34 (2):183-202.
    The Beiträge zur Philosophie mandates a paradigm shift in Heidegger scholarship. In the face of (1) widespread disarray in the current model, the new paradigm (2) abandons Sein as a name for die Sache selbst, (3) understands Welt/Lichtung/Da as that which gives being, (4) interprets Dasein as apriori openedness rather than as being-there, (5) understands the Kehre as the interface of Geworfenheit and Entwurf, not as a shift in Heidegger's thinking, (6) interprets Ereignis as the opening of the Da rather (...)
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    In defence of governance: ethics review and social research.Mark Sheehan, Michael Dunn & Kate Sahan - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (10):710-716.
    There is a growing body of literature that has sought to undermine systems of ethical regulation, and governance more generally, within the social sciences. In this paper, we argue that any general claim for a system of research ethics governance in social research depends on clarifying the nature of the stake that society has in research. We show that certain accounts of this stake—protecting researchers’ freedoms; ensuring accountability for resources; safeguarding welfare; and supporting democracy—raise relevant ethical considerations that are reasonably (...)
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  12. Heidegger and the Nazis.Thomas Sheehan - unknown
    by Victor Farías, translated from Spanish and German into French by Myriam Benarroch and Jean-Baptiste Grasset, preface by Christian Jambet. Editions Verdier, 332 pp., Fr125 (paper).
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    On the Nature and Sociology of Bioethics.Mark Sheehan & Michael Dunn - 2013 - Health Care Analysis 21 (1):54-69.
    Much has been written in the last decade about how we should understand the value of the sociology of bioethics. Increasingly the value of the sociology of bioethics is interpreted by its advocates directly in terms of its relationship to bioethics. It is claimed that the sociology of bioethics (and related disciplinary approaches) should be seen as an important component of work in bioethics. In this paper we wish to examine whether, and how, the sociology of bioethics can be defended (...)
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    Resources and the rule of rescue.Mark Sheehan - 2007 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 24 (4):352–366.
    The central issue that I consider in this paper is the use of the so‐called ‘Rule of Rescue’ in the context of resource allocation. This ‘Rule’ has played an important role in resource allocation decisions in various parts of the world. It was invoked in Ontario to overturn a decision not to fund treatment for Gaucher's Disease and it has also been used to justify resource decisions in Israel concerning the same condition. -/- In the paper I consider the nature (...)
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  15. Phase Space Portraits of an Unresolved Gravitational Maxwell Demon.D. P. Sheehan, J. Glick, T. Duncan, J. A. Langton, M. J. Gagliardi & R. Tobe - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (3):441-462.
    In 1885, during initial discussions of J. C. Maxwell's celebrated thermodynamic demon, Whiting (1) observed that the demon-like velocity selection of molecules can occur in a gravitationally bound gas. Recently, a gravitational Maxwell demon has been proposed which makes use of this observation [D. P. Sheehan, J. Glick, and J. D. Means, Found. Phys. 30, 1227 (2000)]. Here we report on numerical simulations that detail its microscopic phase space structure. Results verify the previously hypothesized mechanism of its paradoxical behavior. (...)
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    On Movement and the Destruction of Ontology.Thomas Sheehan - 1981 - The Monist 64 (4):534-542.
    Two problems continue to haunt Heideggerian scholarship and to pose needless obstacles to those who seek to enter his thought. One is the almost ritualistic repetition of the master’s terminology—especially at its most manneristic—on the part of his disciples. Another is the tendency, which is found in Heidegger as well as in his disciples, to hypostasize “being” into an autonomous “other” that seems to function on its own apart from entities and from man. Both of these problems gather around Heidegger’s (...)
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    Authority and the Future of Consent in Population-Level Biomedical Research.Mark Sheehan, Rachel Thompson, Jon Fistein, Jim Davies, Michael Dunn, Michael Parker, Julian Savulescu & Kerrie Woods - forthcoming - Public Health Ethics.
    Population-level biomedical research has become crucial to the health system’s ability to improve the health of the population. This form of research raises a number of well-documented ethical concerns, perhaps the most significant of which is the inability of the researcher to obtain fully informed specific consent from participants. Two proposed technical solutions to this problem of consent in large-scale biomedical research that have become increasingly popular are meta-consent and dynamic consent. We critically examine the ethical and practical credentials of (...)
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  18. A Normal Nazi.Thomas Sheehan - unknown
    In 1987 Victor Farías' Heidegger et le nazisme dropped like a bomb on the quiet chapel where Heidegger's disciples were gathered, and blew the place to bits. The myth Heidegger had concocted after the war -- that he supported the Nazis briefly and only to protect the university -- was shattered by the evidence Farías mustered of Heidegger's deep and long-lasting commitment to National Socialism, his blatant anti-Semitism, his blackballing of colleagues for no more than holding pacifist convictions, associating with (...)
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  19. KEHRE and EREIGNIS: A prolegomenon to introduction to metaphysics.Thomas Sheehan - manuscript
    Interpretations of Heidegger often fail to distinguish between two very different matters -- on the one hand “the turn” (die Kehre), and on the other hand “the change in Heidegger’s thinking” (die Wendung im Denken), that is, the shift in the way Heidegger formulated and presented his philosophy beginning in the 1930s. Failure to make this distinction can be disastrous for understanding Heidegger, and the danger becomes more acute the closer one gets to texts like Introduction to Metaphysics, where both (...)
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  20. Reconciling Data Actionability and Accountability in Global Health Research.Nathanael Sheehan & Sabina Leonelli - manuscript
    All too often, the requirements for actionability and accountability of data infrastructures are conceptualised as incompatible and leading to a trade-off situation where increasing one will unavoidably decrease the other. Through a comparative analysis of two data infrastructures used to share genomic data about the SARS-COV-2 virus, we argue that making data actionable for knowledge development involves a commitment to ensuring that the data in question are representative of the phenomena being studied and accountable to data subjects and users. This (...)
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  21. Hermeneia and apophansis: The early Heidegger on Aristotle.Thomas Sheehan - manuscript
    Aristotle's treatment of logos apophantikos is found within the treatise that bears the title Peri Hermeneias, On Hermeneia. And it was to this treatise -- or, more accurately, to the first four sections of it -- that the early Heidegger turned again and again in his courses during the 1920s in an effort to retrieve from this phenomenon a hidden meaning.
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  22. Heidegger, Aristotle and Phenomenology.Thomas J. Sheehan - 1975 - Philosophy Today 19 (2):87-94.
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    L’affaire Faye: Faut-il brûler Heidegger?Thomas Sheehan - 2016 - Philosophy Today 60 (2):481-535.
    L’affaire Faye: Johannes Fritsche’s bizarre Historical Destiny and National Socialism in Heidegger’s Being and Time (1999) mistranslates every key term in Sein und Zeit §74 and distorts the entire book. Gaëtan Pégny’s justification of Emmanuel Faye’s mistranslations of Heidegger is beyond irresponsible. François Rastier’s “Open Letter to Philosophy Today” lends uncritical support to Faye’s dubious “scholarship.”.
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  24. Determination of Death: A Scientific Perspective on Biological Integration.Maureen L. Condic - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (3):257-278.
    Human life is operationally defined by the onset and cessation of organismal function. At postnatal stages of life, organismal integration critically and uniquely requires a functioning brain. In this article, a distinction is drawn between integrated and coordinated biologic activities. While communication between cells can provide a coordinated biologic response to specific signals, it does not support the integrated function that is characteristic of a living human being. Determining the loss of integrated function can be complicated by medical interventions that (...)
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    Should research ethics committees meet in public?M. Sheehan - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (8):631-635.
    Currently, research ethics committees in the UK meet behind closed doors—their workings and most of the content of their decisions are unavailable to the general public. There is a significant tension between this current practice and a broader societal presumption of openness. As a form of public institution, the REC system exists to oversee research from the perspective of society generally.An important part of this tension turns on the kind of justification that might be offered for the REC system. In (...)
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  26. Individual Moral Development and Ethical Climate: The Influence of Person–Organization Fit on Job Attitudes.Maureen L. Ambrose, Anke Arnaud & Marshall Schminke - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 77 (3):323-333.
    This research examines how the fit between employees moral development and the ethical work climate of their organization affects employee attitudes. Person-organization fit was assessed by matching individuals' level of cognitive moral development with the ethical climate of their organization. The influence of P-O fit on employee attitudes was assessed using a sample of 304 individuals from 73 organizations. In general, the findings support our predictions that fit between personal and organizational ethics is related to higher levels of commitment and (...)
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  27. Parthood and Multi-location.Maureen Donnelly - 2010 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 5:203-243.
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  28. What, after all, was Heidegger about?Thomas Sheehan - 2014 - Continental Philosophy Review 47 (3-4):249-274.
    The premise is that Heidegger remained a phenomenologist from beginning to end and that phenomenology is exclusively about meaning and its source. The essay presents Heidegger’s interpretation of the being (Sein) of things as their meaningful presence (Anwesen) and his tracing of such meaningful presence back to its source in the clearing, which is thrown-open or appropriated ex-sistence (das ereignete/geworfene Da-sein). The essay argues five theses: (1) Being is the meaningful presence of things to man. (2) Such meaningful presence is (...)
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  29. Using mereological principles to support metaphysics.Maureen Donnelly - 2011 - Philosophical Quarterly 61 (243):225-246.
    Mereological principles are sometimes used to support general claims about the structure and arrangement of objects in the world. I focus initially on one such mereological principle, the weak supplementation principle (WSP). It is not obvious that (WSP) is prescribed by ordinary thinking about parthood. Further, (WSP) is not needed for a fairly strong formal characterization of the part–whole relation. For these reasons, some arguments relying on (WSP) might be countered by simply denying (WSP). I argue more generally that there (...)
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    The role of emotion in ethics and bioethics: dealing with repugnance and disgust.Mark Sheehan - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (1):1-2.
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    The turn: All three of them.Thomas Sheehan - 2013 - In Francois Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson, The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 31.
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    The final-over-final condition: a syntactic universal.Michelle Sheehan, Theresa Biberauer, Ian Roberts & Anders Holmberg (eds.) - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    An examination of the evidence for and the theoretical implications of a universal word order constraint, with data from a wide range of languages. This book presents evidence for a universal word order constraint, the Final-over-Final Condition (FOFC), and discusses the theoretical implications of this phenomenon. FOFC is a syntactic condition that disallows structures where a head-initial phrase is contained in a head-final phrase in the same extended projection/domain. The authors argue that FOFC is a linguistic universal, not just a (...)
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    Molecular genetics and the biological basis of color vision.Maureen Neitz & Jay Neitz - 1998 - In Werner Backhaus, Reinhold Kliegl & John Simon Werner, Color Vision: Perspectives from Different Disciplines. De Gruyter. pp. 101--119.
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  34. Heidegger's Interpretation of Aristotle: Dynamis and Ereignis.Thomas J. Sheehan - 1978 - Philosophy Research Archives 4:278-314.
    The essay shows how Heidegger's understanding of physis in Aristotle lays the foundation for his understanding of Ereignis. The essay draws on Heidegger's lecture courses, published and unpublished, particularly "On the Being and Conception of Physis." After introductory remarks on how Heidegger reads Aristotle "phenomenologically" in general, the essay focuses on how Heidegger reads physis as a mode of Being (ousia) by reading kinesis as a mode of Being, specifically as energeia ateles (incomplete Being). But energeia ateles is characterized by (...)
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    Invisible hands: self-organization and the eighteenth century.Jonathan Sheehan - 2015 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Dror Wahrman.
    In Invisible Hands, the historians Jonathan Sheehan and Dror Wahrman identify a defining feature of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment: the decline of God as a source of order in favor of a new model of self-organization.” Sheehan and Warhman provide a novel account of how people on the threshold of modernity understood the continuing presence in the world of apparent disorder, randomness, and chance. If God no longer actively guaranteed that order will always prevail, what or whom did? The (...)
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    Getting to the topic: The new edition of wegmarken.Thomas J. Sheehan - 1977 - Research in Phenomenology 7 (1):299-316.
  37. Introduction: Heidegger, the Project and the Fulfillment.Thomas Sheehan - 1981 - In Heidegger: the man and the thinker. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. pp. 211.
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  38. Das Gewesen.Thomas Sheehan - unknown - Existentia 6 (1-4):1-17.
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  39. Endurantist and perdurantist accounts of persistence.Maureen Donnelly - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 154 (1):27 - 51.
    In this paper, I focus on three issues intertwined in current debates between endurantists and perdurantists—(i) the dimension of persisting objects, (ii) whether persisting objects have timeless, or only time-relative, parts, and (iii) whether persisting objects have proper temporal parts. I argue that one standard endurantist position on the first issue is compatible with standard perdurantist positions on parthood and temporal parts. I further argue that different accounts of persistence depend on the claims about objects' dimensions and not on the (...)
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    Associations Between Motivation and Mental Health in Sport: A Test of the Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.Rachel B. Sheehan, Matthew P. Herring & Mark J. Campbell - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:366459.
    Motivation has been the subject of much research in the sport psychology literature, whereas athlete mental health has received limited attention. Motivational complexities in elite sport are somewhat reflected in the mental health literature, where there is evidence for both protective and risk factors for athletes. Notably, few studies have linked motivation to mental health. Therefore, the key objective of this study was to test four mental health outcomes in the motivational sequence posited by the Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and (...)
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    Astonishing! Things Make Sense!Thomas Sheehan - 2011 - Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 1:1-25.
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    Patient Perspectives on the Learning Health System: The Importance of Trust and Shared Decision Making.Maureen Kelley, Cyan James, Stephanie Alessi Kraft, Diane Korngiebel, Isabelle Wijangco, Emily Rosenthal, Steven Joffe, Mildred K. Cho, Benjamin Wilfond & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (9):4-17.
    We conducted focus groups to assess patient attitudes toward research on medical practices in the context of usual care. We found that patients focus on the implications of this research for their relationship with and trust in their physicians. Patients view research on medical practices as separate from usual care, demanding dissemination of information and in most cases, individual consent. Patients expect information about this research to come through their physician, whom they rely on to identify and filter associated risks. (...)
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    Explaining the differential application of non-symmetric relations.Maureen Donnelly - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):3587-3610.
    Non-symmetric relations like loves or between can apply to the same relata in non-equivalent ways. For example, loves may apply to Abelard and Eloise either by Abelard’s loving Eloise or by Eloise’s loving Abelard. On the standard account of relations, different applications of a relation to fixed relata are distinguished by the direction in which the relation applies to the relata. But neither Directionalism nor its most popular rival, Positionalism, offer accounts of differential application that generalize to relations of arbitrary (...)
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    Introduction: Thinking about Idols in Early Modern Europe.Jonathan Sheehan - 2006 - Journal of the History of Ideas 67 (4):561-569.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 67.4 (2006) 561-569 MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]Introduction: Thinking about Idols in Early Modern EuropeJonathan Sheehan University of MichiganAbstractThis essay is an introduction to a collection of six articles on early modern debates about idolatry. If the debates started in religion, however, they quickly generated political, philosophical, anthropological, and even scientific corollaries. These may appear to be abstract and theoretical questions, but (...)
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    American avant-garde cinema's philosophy of the in-between.Rebecca Sheehan - 2020 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Can films philosophize rather than simply represent philosophical ideas developed outside of the cinematic medium? Taking up this question crucial to the emergent field of film philosophy, this book argues that the films of the American avant-garde do "do" philosophy and illuminates the ethical and political stakes of their aesthetic interventions. The book traces the avant-garde's philosophy by developing a history and theory of its investment in dimensional, conceptual, and material in-betweens, clarifying how this cinema's reflections on the creation and (...)
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    Crowdsourcing and Minority Languages: The Case of Galician Inflected Infinitives1.Michelle Sheehan, Martin Schäfer & Maria Carmen Parafita Couto - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Results from a crowdsourced audio questionnaire show that inflected infinitives in Galician are still acceptable in a broad range of contexts, different from those described for European Portuguese. Crucially, inflected infinitives with referential subjects are widely accepted only inside strong islands in Galician (complements of nouns, adjunct clauses). They are widely rejected in non-islands, notably in the complements of epistemic/factive verbs, in contrast with Portuguese and older varieties of Galician (Gondar 1978, Raposo 1987). Statistical analysis shows, however, that, in the (...)
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    Domestic Society in Medieval Europe: A Select Bibliography.M. Sheehan & J. Murray - 1990 - PIMS.
    A Select Bibliography Michael McMahon Sheehan Jacqueline Murray. 16 Ritual and Iconography 134 12-14c Studies in Medieval Domestic Architecture ed M.J. Swanton (London 1975). [English aristocratic housing] 135 11-12c WEDZKI,...
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    Heidegger's Being and time: paraphrased and annotated.Thomas Sheehan - 2025 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    This important new book condenses and rephrases, paragraph by paragraph, the entirety of Heidegger's magnum opus Being and Time. Leading Heidegger scholar Thomas Sheehan renders the text in reader-friendly language and i an essential resource for students, scholars and anyone engaging with Heidegger's complex work.
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    Heidegger’s Gesamtausgabe and its English translations.Thomas Sheehan - 2014 - Continental Philosophy Review 47 (3-4):423-447.
    This bibliography presents information on the English translations of Heidegger’s Gesamtausgabe as they are known to me as of September 2014. Sometimes, but not always, earlier or alternate translations are also given.Texts already published between 1910 and 1976GA 1: Frühe Schriften, ed. Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann, 1978; first edition 1972; texts from 1912-16.GA 1: 1–15, “Das Realitätsproblem in der modernen Philosophie ” = “The Problem of Reality in Modern Philosophy,” trans. Philip J. Bossert, revised Aaron Bunch, Becoming Heidegger: On the Trail (...)
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    (1 other version)Marxism and the philosophy of science: a critical history: the first hundred years.Helena Sheehan - 1993 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Skillfully deploring a large cast of characters, Sheehan retraces the development of Marxist philosophy of science through detailed and highly readable accounts of the debates that have characterized it. The opening chapter discussed the ideas of Marx and Engels, and the second, Marxist theoreticians of the Second International. In the third chapter Sheehan covers Russian Marxism up to World War II. Sheehan concludes with a close analysis of the development of the debate among non-Soviet Marxists, placing particular (...)
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