Results for 'Dagmar Kodýtková'

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  1.  13
    Cold War Freud: Psychoanalysis in an Age of Catastrophes.Dagmar Herzog - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    In Cold War Freud Dagmar Herzog uncovers the astonishing array of concepts of human selfhood which circulated across the globe in the aftermath of World War II. Against the backdrop of Nazism and the Holocaust, the sexual revolution, feminism, gay rights, and anticolonial and antiwar activism, she charts the heated battles which raged over Freud's legacy. From the postwar US to Europe and Latin America, she reveals how competing theories of desire, anxiety, aggression, guilt, trauma and pleasure emerged and (...)
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    Power positions in the farm family, marrying in, and negative peer pressure: the social relations that impact agricultural practice.Dagmar Wicklow & Sally Shortall - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-15.
    In this article, we wish to consider relationships internal and external to the farm household, and how these enable and/or mitigate the adoption of better farm practices. We find that internally, members of the farm household (successors or spouses ‘marrying in’), can influence the future direction of agricultural practice in a positive way, that is more profitable and sustainable. It is not a straightforward process though. Interpersonal household relations play a role; status and standing within the family can impact on (...)
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    Machine Meets Man: Evaluating the Psychological Reality of Corpus-based Probabilistic Models.Dagmar Divjak, Ewa Dąbrowska & Antti Arppe - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (1):1-33.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 27 Heft: 1 Seiten: 1-33.
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    Context-adjusted clinical ethics support in psychiatry: Accompanying a team through a sensitive period.Dagmar Meyer & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2016 - Clinical Ethics 11 (2-3):70-80.
    In a clinic-wide approach to establish liberal policies, a closed psychiatric ward was planned to be opened. The leaders of the multi-professional team of this ward requested continuous ethics support during the first few months after the transition from their previously closed ward into an open one. During the process of accompanying the team through this ethically sensitive period of institutional change, several variations of ethics consultation were developed: the ‘context-adjusted’ clinical ethics support. Some ethics consultations focused on a retrospective (...)
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    Ethics rounds: affecting ethics quality at all organisational levels.Dagmar Schmitz, Dominik Groß, Charlotte Frierson, Gerrit A. Schubert, Henna Schulze-Steinen & Alexander Kersten - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):805-809.
    Clinical ethics support services are experiencing a phase of flourishing and of growing recognition. At the same time, however, the expectations regarding the acceptance and the integration of traditional CES services into clinical processes are not met. Ethics rounds as an additional instrument or as an alternative to traditional clinical ethics support strategies might have the potential to address both deficits. By implementing ethics rounds, we were able to better address the needs of the clinical sections and to develop a (...)
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  6. .Dagmar Hofmann - unknown
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    What makes the past perfect and the future progressive? Experiential coordinates for a learnable, context-based model of tense and aspect.Dagmar Divjak, Petar Milin, Adnane Ez-Zizi & Laurence Romain - 2022 - Cognitive Linguistics 33 (2):251-289.
    We examined how language supports the expression of temporality within sentence boundaries in English, which has a rich inventory of grammatical means to express temporality. Using a computational model that mimics how humans learn from exposure we explored what the use of different tense and aspect combinations reveals about the interaction between our experience of time and the cognitive demands that talking about time puts on the language user. Our model was trained on n-grams extracted from the BNC to select (...)
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    Why public funding for non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) might still be wrong: a response to Bunnik and colleagues.Dagmar Schmitz - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):781-782.
    Bunnik and colleagues argued that financial barriers do not promote informed decision-making prior to prenatal screening and raise justice concerns. If public funding is provided, however, it would seem to be important to clarify its intentions and avoid any unwarranted appearance of a medical utility of the testing.
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    Exploring and Exploiting Uncertainty: Statistical Learning Ability Affects How We Learn to Process Language Along Multiple Dimensions of Experience.Dagmar Divjak & Petar Milin - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (5):e12835.
    While the effects of pattern learning on language processing are well known, the way in which pattern learning shapes exploratory behavior has long gone unnoticed. We report on the way in which individual differences in statistical pattern learning affect performance in the domain of language along multiple dimensions. Analyzing data from healthy monolingual adults' performance on a serial reaction time task and a self‐paced reading task, we show how individual differences in statistical pattern learning are reflected in readers' knowledge of (...)
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    The Role of Lexical Frequency in the Acceptability of Syntactic Variants: Evidence From that‐Clauses in Polish.Dagmar Divjak - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (7):n/a-n/a.
    A number of studies report that frequency is a poor predictor of acceptability, in particular at the lower end of the frequency spectrum. Because acceptability judgments provide a substantial part of the empirical foundation of dominant linguistic traditions, understanding how acceptability relates to frequency, one of the most robust predictors of human performance, is crucial. The relation between low frequency and acceptability is investigated using corpus- and behavioral data on the distribution of infinitival and finite that-complements in Polish. Polish verbs (...)
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  11.  22
    Kommentar II zum Fall: „Seelische Notlage und später Schwangerschaftsabbruch“.Dagmar Schmitz - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 35 (2):309-311.
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    A Review on Five Recent and Near-Future Developments in Computational Processing of Emotion in the Human Voice.Dagmar M. Schuller & Björn W. Schuller - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (1):44-50.
    We provide a short review on the recent and near-future developments of computational processing of emotion in the voice, highlighting (a) self-learning of representations moving continuously away from traditional expert-crafted or brute-forced feature representations to end-to-end learning, (b) a movement towards the coupling of analysis and synthesis of emotional voices to foster better mutual understanding, (c) weakly supervised learning at a large scale, (d) transfer learning from related domains such as speech recognition or cross-modal transfer learning, and (e) reinforced learning (...)
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  13.  35
    Die Rechte zukünftiger Kinder im Kontext pränataler Diagnostik.Dagmar Schmitz & Marcus Düwell - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (1):49-63.
    Das Gendiagnostikgesetz verbietet seit 2010 die pränatale Diagnostik spätmanifestierender Erkrankungen GenDG). In seiner Begründung bezog sich der Gesetzgeber in Analogie zu internationalen Empfehlungen für den pädiatrischen Bereich vor allem auf das Recht des heranwachsenden Kindes bzw. des späteren Erwachsenen auf Nichtwissen. Mit diesem gesetzlichen Verbot hat Deutschland einen viel diskutierten Sonderweg in der Regulierung genetischer Pränataldiagnostik eingeschlagen. Seither jedoch hat sich nicht nur die Perspektive auf prädiktive Testungen im Kindesalter verändert. In zunehmendem Maße generieren auf das gesamte Genom abzielende Diagnostikangebote (...)
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    The Role of Lexical Frequency in the Acceptability of Syntactic Variants: Evidence From that‐ Clauses in Polish.Dagmar Divjak - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (2):354-382.
    A number of studies report that frequency is a poor predictor of acceptability, in particular at the lower end of the frequency spectrum. Because acceptability judgments provide a substantial part of the empirical foundation of dominant linguistic traditions, understanding how acceptability relates to frequency, one of the most robust predictors of human performance, is crucial. The relation between low frequency and acceptability is investigated using corpus‐ and behavioral data on the distribution of infinitival and finite that‐complements in Polish. Polish verbs (...)
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    Axel Honneth: Reconceiving Social Philosophy.Dagmar Wilhelm - 2016 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book offers a critical assessment of Axel Honneth’s complex and growing opus in social and political philosophy. It examines this in the context of the history and future of the Frankfurt School and in its relation to contemporary analytic approaches to social and political philosophy as well as postmodernist critics.
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    Cognitive Effects of Masculine Generics in German: An Overview of Empirical Findings.Dagmar Stahlberg, Sabine Sczesny & Friederike Braun - 2005 - Communications 30 (1):1-21.
    This article presents a series of experiments which were conducted among native speakers of German to determine the influence of different types of German generics on the cognitive inclusion of women. Results indicate that the inclusion of women is higher with ‘non-sexist’ alternatives than with masculine generics, a tendency which was consistent across different studies. The different alternatives, however, showed different effects which also varied depending on the context. These results are discussed with regard to their practical consequences in situations (...)
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    “Cognitive Linguistics: Looking back, looking forward”.Dagmar Divjak, Natalia Levshina & Jane Klavan - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (4):447-463.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 27 Heft: 4 Seiten: 447-463.
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    Extracting prototypes from exemplars What can corpus data tell us about concept representation?Dagmar Divjak & Antti Arppe - 2013 - Cognitive Linguistics 24 (2).
  19.  16
    The Fetus as a Patient: A Contested Concept and its Normative Implications.Dagmar Schmitz & Angus Clarke - 2018 - Routledge.
    Due to new developments in prenatal testing and therapy the fetus is increasingly visible, examinable and treatable in prenatal care. Accordingly, physicians tend to perceive the fetus as a patient and understand themselves as having certain professional duties towards it. However, it is far from clear what it means to speak of a patient in this connection. This volume explores the usefulness and limitations of the concept of ¿fetal patient¿ against the background of the recent seminal developments in prenatal or (...)
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    Behavioral Signatures of Memory Resources for Language: Looking beyond the Lexicon/Grammar Divide.Dagmar Divjak, Petar Milin, Srdan Medimorec & Maciej Borowski - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (11):e13206.
    Although there is a broad consensus that both the procedural and declarative memory systems play a crucial role in language learning, use, and knowledge, the mapping between linguistic types and memory structures remains underspecified: by default, a dual-route mapping of language systems to memory systems is assumed, with declarative memory handling idiosyncratic lexical knowledge and procedural memory handling rule-governed knowledge of grammar.We experimentally contrast the processing of morphology (case and aspect), syntax (subordination), and lexical semantics (collocations) in a healthy L1 (...)
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  21. In Deixis in der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, Dagmar Schmauks deals with the phenomenon of'multimediale Referentenidentifikation'. This means that various sign systems are used when performing an utterance. Schmauks (pp. 12f.) points out that one has to differentiate between two types of sign systems: those of natural languages and that of nonverbal. [REVIEW]Dagmar Schmauks - 1993 - Semiotica 96:319.
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  22. Is the institutionalization and legalization of assistance to suicide dangerous? A critical analysis of counterarguments.Dagmar Fenner - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (3):200-214.
    Der Beitrag befasst sich mit den Chancen und Risiken einer allfälligen gesetzlichen Legalisierung der Suizidbeihilfe. Die Argumente, die gegen eine solche Legalisierung sprechen, werden zu drei thematischen Gruppen zusammengefasst und erörtert: „Slippery-Slope“-Argumente, Argumente vom „moralischen Druck“, und die Furcht vor einer „Entsolidarisierung der Gesellschaft“ sowie die „Gefährdung des Arzt-Patient-Verhältnisses“. Diese Gegenargumente erweisen sich als nicht zwingend, sofern Kriterien und Richtlinien für eine legitime Form der Suizidbeihilfe entwickelt und staatlich kontrolliert werden könnten.
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    Intimacy and Exclusion: Religious Politics in Pre-revolutionary Baden.Dagmar Herzog - 1996
    During the years leading up to the revolutions of 1848, liberal and conservative Germans engaged in a contest over the terms of the Enlightenment legacy and the meaning of Christianity--a contest that grew most intense in the Grand Duchy of Baden, where liberalism first became an influential political movement. Bringing insights drawn from Jewish and women's studies into German history, Dagmar Herzog demonstrates how centrally Christianity's problematic relationships to Judaism and to sexuality shaped liberal, conservative, and radical thought in (...)
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    Breastfeeding policies and the production of motherhood: a historical–cultural approach.Dagmar Estermann Meyer & Dora Lúcia De Oliveira - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (1):11-18.
    Breastfeeding policies and the production of motherhood: a historical–cultural approach This paper revisits some of the aspects that allow us to situate historically the process that has been called the ‘politicization of women's breasts’. It is part of a broader research project being undertaken in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which is studying information from the educational material used in the National Campaign for the Incentive of Breastfeeding. The methodological approach used is cultural analysis, and its theoretical basis is informed (...)
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    Teddy bears, Tarnagotchis, transgenic mice.Dagmar Schmauks - 2000 - Sign Systems Studies 28:309-324.
    The expression "artificial animal" denotes a range of different objects from teddy bears to the results of genetic engineering. As a basis for further investigation, this article first of all presents the main interpretations and traces their systematic interconnections. The subsequent sections concentrate on artificial animals in the context of play. The development of material toys is fueled by robotics. It gives toys artificial sense organs, limbs, and cognitive abilities, thus enabling them to act in the real world. The second (...)
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  26. Freier Wille, Personale Identität und epistemische Ungewissheit.Dagmar Kiesel & Sebastian Schmidt - 2019 - In Kiesel Dagmar & Cleophea Ferrari (eds.), Willensfreiheit. Frankfurt a.M.: Klostermann. pp. 221-258.
    Freiwilligkeit, personale Identität (im Sinne eines harmonisch verfassten und stabilen Selbst) und epistemische Gewissheit sind bei den meisten antiken Philosophieschulen untrennbar miteinander verbunden und garantieren im Rahmen einer als Lebenskunst verstandenen Philosophie das Glück. Im Anlehnung an Überlegungen bei Aristoteles und dem zeitgenössischen Philosophen Peter Bieri analysieren wir, wie Entscheidungen, die zum Zeitpunkt ihres Treffens als bedingt frei und selbstbestimmt wahrgenommen wurden, im Nachhinein vom Han-delnden aufgrund des damals fehlenden Wissens über die Handlungsumstände als unfrei wahrgenommen werden und zu Erfahrungen (...)
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    Das Gute Leben.Dagmar Fenner - 2007 - De Gruyter.
    Philosophie ist der Versuch, durch überzeugendes und durchsichtiges Argumentieren bestimmte Fragen zu lösen. Philosophische Grundthemen sind Fragen nach dem Verständnis der Welt im Ganzen und unserer Stellung in ihr. Diese Fragen können prinzipiell nur kontrovers beantwortet werden. Die Reihe Grundthemen Philosophie möchte der Diskussion solcher philosophischen Grundthemen einen Ort geben. Anstelle einer umfassenden einführenden Darstellung werden in den einzelnen Bänden in Auseinandersetzung mit ausgewählten historischen Positionen die jeweiligen Probleme analysiert und Lösungsmöglichkeiten diskutiert. Dabei setzt der Verfasser/die Verfasserin eigene Akzente und (...)
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    Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Beratung bei (späten) Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen.Dagmar Schmitz - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (2):113-124.
    Die in den vergangenen Monaten auf den Weg gebrachten Initiativen zur Änderung des Schwangerschaftskonfliktgesetzes in Deutschland betonen den grundsätzlichen Stellenwert der Schwangerenberatung vor und nach Pränataldiagnostik und damit auch die Bedeutung der Entscheidung der Schwangeren. Vorstellbar und zum Teil auch bereits eingerichtet sind darüber hinaus Beratungsstrukturen für die in einen Abbruch involvierten Ärzte. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Beratung für die Schwangere wie auch für die beteiligten Ärzte bei (späten) Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen. Die umfassende Beratung der Schwangeren kann (...)
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    Kunst und Moral.Dagmar Fenner - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 67 (1).
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  30. Czechoslovakia after 1989 through Arendt's Eyes: From Pariahs to Strong Men.Dagmar Kusá & James Griffith - 2020 - In Peter Šajda (ed.), Modern and Postmodern Crises of Symbolic Structures: Essays in Philosophical Anthropology. Leiden ;: Brill | Rodopi. pp. 125-157.
    Dissident circles during the Czechoslovak communist regime were organized in semi-private islands of resistance. They saw themselves as a parallel polis in line with Arendt’s notion of political action by pursuing “life in truth,” authentic experience, and ultimately freedom. The heroes of these circles were that society’s pariahs. In their quest for authenticity, they turned to the past to find meaning, to understand the nature of their communities and the needs for political action towards the future. As such, they sought (...)
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    Digitalisierung – Revitalisierung oder Bedrohung der Demokratie? Reflexionen zur demokratischen Qualität digitaler Öffentlichkeit.Dagmar Fenner - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 78 (3):385-407.
    There is currently much discussion about the crisis or even the end of demo- cracy. In the initial phase of digitalisation, many hoped that the Internet, with its boundlessly open, egalitarian and interactive structure, would provide a boost to democratisation. This article is based on Jürgen Habermas' deliberative theory of democracy and examines whether the digital public sphere fulfils the requirements of a critical public sphere as a normative principle. The opportu- nities and risks of increasingly online public communication are (...)
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  32. 1989 in Czechoslovakia through Arendt's Eyes: An Immodern Revolution.Dagmar Kusá & James Griffith - 2019 - Sociološki Pregled 3 (53):787-811.
    This essay examines the status of events of 1989 in Czechoslovakia from an Arendtian perspective, focusing on whether they qualify as a revolution or even, precisely speaking, a modern event. For Arendt, revolutions are decidedly modern in that they expand freedom to all equally, an expansion conceivable because history can be thought of as rectilinear and because new ideas can be introduced into the secular world. Leaving aside the importance of violence as a criterion, we find that 1989 in Czechoslovakia (...)
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  33. Fontenelle a vznik novověké koncepce pokroku na přelomu sedmnáctého a osmnáctého století.Dagmar Zajíčková - 2014 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 36 (4):397-419.
    Článek ukazuje pohled na utváření novověké koncepce pokroku v dílech Bernarda Le Boviera de Fontenelle. Idea pokroku byla poprvé přesně zformulována právě ve Fontenellových pracích. Podnětem pro Fontenellovy úvahy byla intelektuální debata querelle des anciens et des modernes. Tato diskuze měla rozhodnout o nadřazenosti novověku nad antikou nebo naopak. Fontenelle se debaty účastnil a závěry, k nimž došel, dovršily jeho teorii pokroku, jíž se věnoval nejen téměř ve všech pracích, ale též ve chvalořečích.
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    Thinking in Many Tongues: Language(s) and Late Imperial China’s Science.Dagmar Schäfer - 2017 - Isis 108 (3):621-628.
    A society and scholarly culture united in its use of one language dominates the general view of Late Imperial China’s sciences. Recent studies have suggested, however, that in the past, as in the present, multilingual practices might have been the norm. Asian-language historians have shown that Chinese script embraced many tongues, intonating the characters in different dialects and giving them new meanings in Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese. Rather than assuming that a hegemonic approach to language was a given in historical (...)
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  35. Seeing and Believing: The Thin Blue Line of Documentary Objectivity.Dagmar Barnouw - 1995 - Common Knowledge 4 (1):129-43.
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    4 Wunsch- und Zieltheorie.Dagmar Fenner - 2007 - In Das Gute Leben. De Gruyter. pp. 59-102.
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  37. Disturbances of visual information processing in early states of psychosis and experimental delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol altered states of consciousness.Dagmar Koethe, Christoph W. Gerth, Miriam A. Neatby, Anita Haensel, Martin Thies, Udo Schneider, Hinderk M. Emrich, Joachim Klosterkötter, Frauke Schultze-Lutter & F. Markus Leweke - 2006 - Schizophrenia Research 88 (1-3):142-150.
  38.  20
    Zwischen Selbstverwirklichung und Selbsttranszendenz – Menschliche Selbstentwürfe und die ethische Frage nach dem Guten.Dagmar Fenner - 2015 - In Marcel Meier Kressig & Mathias Lindenau (eds.), Was Ist der Mensch?: Vier Ethische Betrachtungen. Vadian Lectures Band 1. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 71-92.
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    "Pleasure, Sex, and Politics Belong Together": Post-Holocaust Memory and the Sexual Revolution in West Germany.Dagmar Herzog - 1998 - Critical Inquiry 24 (2):393-444.
  40. How the First Partial Transpose was Written.Dagmar Bruß & Chiara Macchiavello - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (11):1921-1926.
    We tell the tale of the first writing of a partial transpose, without guaranteeing historical authenticity.
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    Translating and Reading The Second Sex in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s.Dagmar Pichová - 2021 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 31 (2):231-253.
    The Czech translation of selected parts of The Second Sex was published in 1966. The Slovak translation, published in 1967, was nearly the complete text. Attitudes toward Beauvoir’s feminism can be observed in two Czech academic journals (Sociologický časopis [Czech sociological review] and Filosofický časopis [Philosophical review]) and in a debate in Literární noviny (Literary review). The author focuses on the context of both translations and describes the reactions to the Czech translation both in the academy and by the general (...)
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  42. „K dvom významom pojmu zodpovednosť.".Dagmar Smreková - forthcoming - Filozofia.
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    Du Ch'telet, Émilie. Rozprava o štěstí.Dagmar Pichová & Josef Petrželka - 2023 - Studia Philosophica 70 (2):134-136.
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    Genetic testing in the workplace.Dagmar Schmitz & Urban Wiesing - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (2):114-126.
    ZusammenfassungDie Zulässigkeit genetischer Untersuchungen an Arbeitnehmern wird in Deutschland neu diskutiert, nachdem einer hessischen Lehrerin die Verbeamtung auf Probe zunächst verweigert wurde, weil ihr Vater an der Huntington-Krankheit leidet. Es soll untersucht werden, ob eine gesetzliche Regelung genetischer Untersuchungen in der Arbeitsmedizin wünschenswert ist und welche ethischen Maßstäbe dabei zu berücksichtigen wären. Gendiagnostische Untersuchungsverfahren im engeren Sinn finden noch keine breite Anwendung in der Arbeits- und Betriebsmedizin. Die Nutzung genetischer Informationen gehört aber auch hier zum Standard. Damit sind verschiedene ethische (...)
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    Ethics Consultation—A Blind Spot of Philosophy in Bioethics?Dagmar Schmitz & Marcus Duewell - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (12):47-48.
    While making an important point for a strong role of philosophers and philosophical work in bioethics, Blumenthal-Barby and colleagues (2022) fail to mention one of the most pressing tasks in this...
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  46. On the Entanglement Structure in Quantum Cloning.Dagmar Bruß & Chiara Macchiavello - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (11):1617-1628.
    We study the entanglement properties of the output state of a universal cloning machine. We analyse in particular bipartite and tripartite entanglement of the clones, and discuss the “classical limit” of infinitely many output copies.
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  47. Terminating pregnancy after prenatal diagnosis—with a little help of professional ethics?Dagmar Schmitz - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (7):399-402.
    Termination of pregnancy after a certain gestational age and following prenatal diagnosis, in many nations seem to be granted with a special status to the extent that they by law have to be discussed within a predominantly medical context and have physicians as third parties involved in the decision-making process (‘indication-based’ approach). The existing legal frameworks for indication-based approaches, however, do frequently fail to provide clear guidance for the involved physicians. Critics, therefore, asked for professional ethics and professional institutions in (...)
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    Du Marsaisův Filozof.Dagmar Pichová - 2013 - Pro-Fil 14 (1):2.
    Předkládaná studie je úvodem k textu Filozof, jehož autorem je francouzský gramatik a filozof César Chesneau Du Marsais (1676-1756). Po stručné charakteristice autora a jeho díla jsou představeny nejvýznamnější edice textu Filozof v 18. století: první vydání v roce 1743, anonymní verze v Encyklopedii a Voltairova edice z roku 1773.
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    Freud and Oedipus.Dagmar Barnouw - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (5):609-611.
  50. Speech Regained: Hannah Arendt and the American Revolution.Dagmar Barnouw - 1986 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 15 (2):137-152.
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