Results for 'Daina Kosīte'

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  1.  42
    From Face-to-Face to Facebook: Probing the Effects of Passive Consumption on Interpersonal Attraction.Amy C. Orben, Augustin Mutak, Fabian Dablander, Marlene Hecht, Jakub M. Krawiec, Natália Valkovičová & Daina Kosīte - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Reconnecting Business and Society: Perceptions of Authenticity in Corporate Social Responsibility.Daina D. Mazutis & Natalie Slawinski - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (1):137-150.
    This article explores the relationship between corporate social responsibility and authenticity by developing a framework that explains the characteristics of CSR activities that lead to a perception by stakeholders that a firm’s CSR efforts are genuine. Drawing on the authenticity literature, we identify two core dimensions of authenticity that impact stakeholder perceptions of CSR: distinctiveness and social connectedness. Distinctiveness captures the extent to which a firm’s CSR activities are aligned with their core mission, vision and values while social connectedness refers (...)
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    Supererogation: Beyond Positive Deviance and Corporate Social Responsibility.Daina Mazutis - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (4):517-528.
    The special class of supererogatory actions—those that go “beyond the call of duty”—has thus far been omitted from the management literature. Rather, actions of a firm that may surpass economic and legal requirements have been discussed either under the umbrella term of Corporate Social Responsibility or the concept of positive deviance as articulated by the Positive Organizational Scholarship movement. This paper seeks to clarify how “duty” is understood in these literatures and makes an argument that paradigmatic examples of corporate supererogation (...)
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    Visual search for schematic emotional faces: Angry faces are more than crosses.Daina S. E. Dickins & Ottmar V. Lipp - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (1):98-114.
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    The Absolute as the Meeting Point Between Speculation and Fiction.Daina Habdankaitė - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):349-357.
    The article investigates Meillassoux’s notion of the absolute in relationship with the Kantian and Hegelian philosophical systems. The absolute, as independent of subjective consciousness, is showcased as the meeting point of speculation and fiction. By looking into Meillassoux’s notions of speculation and some works of weird fiction, it is argued that the significant role of imagination as well as a deferred temporality is what facilitates the discussion of both speculation and fiction as faculties able to transcend the limitations that are (...)
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    Social Values and Determinants of Cultural Fit in Quebec: The Roles of Ancestry, Linguistic Group, and Mental Health Status.Daina Crafa, Joanna Q. Liu & Mathieu B. Brodeur - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The adaptive self: Culture and social flexibility in feedback networks.Daina Crafa & Saskia K. Nagel - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
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    Dialogas apie sekuliarizaciją ir dabarties kultūrą.Daina Habdankaitė - 2015 - Problemos 87:200.
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    Metamorphoses of the mind.Daina Teters (ed.) - 2008 - Riga: Latvian Academy of Culture.
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  10. In Search of Virtue: The Role of Virtues, Values and Character Strengths in Ethical Decision Making.Mary Crossan, Daina Mazutis & Gerard Seijts - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (4):567-581.
    We present a comprehensive model that integrates virtues, values, character strengths and ethical decision making (EDM). We describe how a largely consequentialist ethical framework has dominated most EDM scholarship to date. We suggest that reintroducing a virtue ethical perspective to existing EDM theories can help to illustrate deficiencies in existing decision-making models, and suggest that character strengths and motivational values can serve as natural bridges that link a virtue framework to EDM in organizations. In conjunction with the more fully formulated (...)
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    Lactation and birth spacing in highland New Guinea.James W. Wood, Daina Lai, Patricia L. Johnson, Kenneth L. Campbell & Ila A. Maslar - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (S9):159-173.
    SummaryThe effects of infant suckling patterns on the post-partum resumption of ovulation and on birth-spacing are investigated among the Gainj of highland New Guinea. Based on hormonal evidence, the median duration of lactational anovulation is 20·4 months, accounting for about 75% of the median interval between live birth and next successful conception. Throughout lactation, suckling episodes are short and frequent, the interval changing slowly over time, from 24 minutes in newborns to 80 minutes in 3-year olds. Maternal serum prolactin concentrations (...)
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    The Narrative of Civil Society in Communism's Collapse and Post‐communism's Alternative: Emancipation and the Challenge of Polish Protest and Baltic Nationalism.Michael Kennedy & Daina Stukuls - 1998 - Constellations 5 (4):541-571.
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    A Time and Place for Sustainability: A Spatiotemporal Perspective on Organizational Sustainability Frame Development.Guido Palazzo, Natalie Slawinski & Daina Mazutis - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (7):1849-1890.
    In this article, we explore how sense of time and sense of place shape the development of organizational sustainability frames (OSFs). Time and place are fundamental cultural assumptions that influence the way organizations form these frames. Given that globalization and digitalization have fundamentally altered how organizations experience and value time and place, we develop a typology of OSF development and theorize how an organization’s sense of time and sense of place interact to shape the content and structure of OSFs. In (...)
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    Legal medicine implications in fibrinolytic therapy of acute ischemic stroke.Monica Sabau, Simona Bungau, Camelia Liana Buhas, Gheorghe Carp, Lucia-Georgeta Daina, Claudia Teodora Judea-Pusta, Bogdan Adrian Buhas, Claudia Maria Jurca, Cristian Marius Daina & Delia Mirela Tit - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-9.
    Before the advent of fibrinolytic therapy as a gold standard method of care for cases of acute ischemic stroke in Romania, issues regarding legal medicine aspects involved in this area of medical expertise were already presented and, in the majority of cases, the doctors seem to be unprepared for these situations. The present research illustrates some of the cases in which these aspects were involved, that adressed a clinical center having 6 years of professional experience in the application of fibrinolytic (...)
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    Sanskrit dhena = Avestan daena = Lithuanian daina.Samuel Grant Oliphant - 1912 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 32 (4):393.
  16. Experiencing Elemental Embodiment: (Re) visiting Latvian Folklore on Life and Nature.Anne Sauka - 2024 - In Lenart Škof, S. Sashinungla & Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, Elemental-Embodied Thinking for a New Era. Springer. pp. 49-72.
    Latest research in environmental humanities often presumes the necessity of some kind of an ontological “shift” in thinking and living, while the question of the possibility of such a shift on an experiential level, is still to be answered. In this article, I am (re) visiting Latvian folk epistemologies as a sample case of alternate yet already “present” ontogenealogies that could be applied for reinventing ways to experience environed embodiment. While it is not possible, or desirable to recapture the past, (...)
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    Misleading Translation of What is Philosophy? by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari.Audronė Žukauskaitė - 2022 - Problemos 101:137-141.
    Deleuze, G., Guattari, F., 2019. Kas yra filosofija? Vertė Daina Habdankaitė, Nijolė Keršytė. Vilnius: Jonas ir Jokūbas, 242 p. ISBN 978-609-8236-06-4.
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