Results for 'Dalia Maini'

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  1.  5
    Visual studies: l'avvento di nuovi paradigmi.Tommaso Gatti & Dalia Maini (eds.) - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Predictors of Stress in College Students.Dalia Saleh, Nathalie Camart & Lucia Romo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  3. Analogical Reflection as a Source for the Science of Life: Kant and the Possibility of the Biological Sciences.Dalia Nassar - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 2016 (58):57-66.
    In contrast to the previously widespread view that Kant's work was largely in dialogue with the physical sciences, recent scholarship has highlighted Kant's interest in and contributions to the life sciences. Scholars are now investigating the extent to which Kant appealed to and incorporated insights from the life sciences and considering the ways he may have contributed to a new conception of living beings. The scholarship remains, however, divided in its interest: historians of science are concerned with the content of (...)
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    Romantic Empiricism: Nature, Art, and Ecology From Herder to Humboldt.Dalia Nassar - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Nassar distinguishes an understudied philosophical tradition that emerged in Germany in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, traces its development, and argues for its continued significance. She shows how four key thinkers, whom she calls the 'romantic empiricists', developed a distinctive approach to the study of nature, which culminated in an ecological understanding of nature and the human place within it. Nassar contends that the romantic empiricist insights and approaches remain crucial for us today, as we seek to address (...)
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  5.  42
    Collection and Division in Plato’s Critique of Writing.Doug Al-Maini - 2015 - Ancient Philosophy 35 (1):41-62.
  6.  14
    Cosmopolitanism, Stoicism, and Liberalism.Doug Al-Maini - 2007 - Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 4:145-159.
  7. Filial Piety in the Euthyphro.Doug Al-Maini - 2011 - Ancient Philosophy 31 (1):1-24.
  8. Opening the Kiste: Religion, Politics, and Philosophy in Plato's "Phaedrus".Doug Al-Maini - 2004 - Dissertation, University of Guelph (Canada)
    This thesis is an examination of human maturation as portrayed in Plato's Phaedrus. Adulthood is reached when a transition from an appetitive attitude into an intellectual focus has been accomplished. The practice of philosophy, considered as the "love of wisdom", represents the greatest actualization of human potential. Facilitation of this transition is realized by a process of initiation into philosophy, and Plato makes full metaphoric use of the phenomenon of religious initiation in his description of becoming a philosopher. Much of (...)
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    History of Science During the Cold War Under the Microscope.Dalia Báthory - 2018 - History of Communism in Europe 9:7-12.
    The general post-communist perspective of historiography on the Cold War era is that the world was divided into two blocs, so different and isolated from one another that there was no interaction between them whatsoever. As revisionist literature is expanding, the uncovered data indicates a far more complex reality, with a dynamic East-West exchange of goods, money, information, human resources, and technology, be it formal or informal, official or underground, institutional or personal. The current volume History of Communism in Europe: (...)
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    Weaving the Narrative Strings of the Communist Regimes – Building Society with Bricks of Stories.Dalia Báthory - 2014 - History of Communism in Europe 5:7-16.
    The long duration of the Communist regime cannot be explained without closely looking at the manners of creating shared meanings and agreement on explanations on the shared historical context. Narratives of legitimation, some easier to depict than others, were almost as important as the use of force in imposing the specific values of the regime. In other words, soft power was the buttress of hard power. But the nuances are numerous, once we put this otherwise obvious remark under closer scrutiny. (...)
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  11. Directionality and complexity in music.Dalia Cohen - 1995 - In Mojsej G. Boroda (ed.), Units, text and language: an interdisciplinary approach. Bochum: Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer.
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  12. Derrida and Descartes: Economizing thought.Dalia Judovitz - 1989 - In Hugh J. Silverman (ed.), Derrida and Deconstruction. London: Routledge. pp. 2--40.
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  13.  23
    De-assembling vision: Conceptual strategies in Duchamp, Matta-Clark, Wilson.Dalia Judovitz - 2002 - Angelaki 7 (1):95 – 114.
  14.  14
    Майбутнє гуманізму: Місце людини в техногенній цивілізації.Dalia L. Kobelieva - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 63:155-165.
    The article is devoted to reflections on the future of the humanistic paradigm that underlies modern culture, and an analysis of the views of modern philosophers and historians on this scientific problem. Modern science and technology are evolving very rapidly. Society is trying to keep up with their development and modernize culture to meet new requirements. The foundation of modern culture is humanism as a system of views and values associated with the recognition of the central role of man, as (...)
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    Interpreting Novalis’ Fichte-Studien.Dalia Nassar - 2010 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 84 (3):315-341.
    The philosophical reception of German Romanticism, lead by Manfred Frank, has focused on Novalis’ early notes while studying Fichte, titled by the editors of the critical edition, the Fichte-Studien. Frank’s claim that these notes contain the most important philosophical contribution of Romanticism has played an especially influential role in the Anglo-American interpretations of Novalis and of philosophical Romanticism in general. In this paper I contest the coherency of these notes, and argue that a proper interpretation of Novalis must take into (...)
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  16. Sensibility and Organic Unity: Kant, Goethe, and the Plasticity of Cognition.Dalia Nassar - 2015 - Intellectual History Review 25 (3):311-326.
    In this paper, I trace a ‘leading thread’ from Kant’s Critique of Judgment to Goethe that involves a shift from a conceptual framework, in which a priori concepts furnish necessity and thereby science, to a framework in which sensible experience plays a far more significant and determining role in the formation of knowledge. Although this shift was not enacted by Kant himself, his elaboration of organic unity or organisms paved the way for this transformation. By considering both the methodological difficulties (...)
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    VICTIMS, FIGHTERS, SURVIVORS Quietism and Activism in Israeli Historical Consciousness.Dalia Ofer - 2010 - Common Knowledge 16 (3):493-517.
    A contribution to the sixth installment of the Common Knowledge symposium “Apology for Quietism,” this article reflects on the challenges that understanding the Holocaust posed for Jews in Palestine and has posed for them in Israel. Ofer concentrates on the images of victims, fighters, and survivors as they were formulated during the last years of World War II and after the establishment of the State of Israel. Behind these images stood historical, concrete human beings who were classified according to concepts (...)
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  18. Psicoanálisis de orientación lacaniana y feminismos.Dalia Virgilí Pino - 2020 - In Macarena Iralde (ed.), Feminismo y psicoanálisis: un diálogo actual y necesario. Colegiales, Buenos Aires, República Argentina: Ricardo Vergara Ediciones.
  19.  24
    Branch‐specific migration cues in the Drosophila tracheal system.Dalia Rosin & Ben-Zion Shilo - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (2):110-113.
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    The impossibility of immanence.Dalia Satkauskytė - 2017 - Sign Systems Studies 45 (1-2):120-136.
    The book Maupassant (1976), which is devoted to an analysis of Maupassant’s short story “Two friends”, is one of A. J. Greimas’ most important works. In it he tried out the semiotic tools he had developed up to that point, tested models for narrative analysis, and anticipated future perspectives in the development of semiotic theory. We discuss how the book puts forward the principle of immanent analysis, and how the “closed” text – the object of semiotic analysis – is constructed. (...)
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  21. Transformacje myślenia metafi zycznego w fenomenologii.Dalia Marija Stančienė - 2006 - Colloquia Communia 80 (1-2):128-136.
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    The Culture of the Body: Genealogies of Modernity.Dalia Judovitz - 2001 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    What is the body? How was it culturally constructed, conceived, and cultivated before and after the advent of rationalism and modern science? This interdisciplinary study elaborates a cultural genealogy of the body and its legacies to modernity by tracing its crucial redefinition from a live anatomical entity to disembodied, mechanical and virtual analogs. The study ranges from Baroque, pre-Cartesian interpretations of body and embodiment, to the Cartesian elaboration of ontological difference and mind-body dualism, and it concludes with the parodic and (...)
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    (1 other version)The slingshot argument: An improved version.Dalia Drai - 2002 - Ratio 15 (2):194–204.
    In the paper I exploit Frege's notions of sense and synonymity in order to amend the slingshot argument. The main emendation is to replace the assumption about logical equivalence by an assumption about synonymity. While the replaced assumption begs the question about the reference of sentences, the replacing assumption has much more theoretical support from Frege's general conception of sense and reference and the relation between them. In the paper I use a specific notion of synonymity which I believe is (...)
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  24.  19
    Subjectivity and representation in Descartes: the origins of modernity.Dalia Judovitz - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
  25. The Human Vocation and the Question of the Earth: Karoline von Günderrode’s Philosophy of Nature.Dalia Nassar - 2022 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (1):108-130.
    Contra widespread readings of Karoline von Günderrode’s 1805 “Idea of the Earth ” as a creative adaptation of Schelling’s philosophy of nature, this article proposes that “Idea of the Earth” furnishes a moral account of the human relation to the natural world, one which does not map onto any of the more well-known romantic or idealist accounts of the human-nature relation. Specifically, I argue that “Idea of the Earth” responds to the great Enlightenment question concerning the human vocation, but from (...)
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  26.  31
    Women philosophers in the long nineteenth century: the German tradition.Nassar Dalia & Kristin Gjesdal (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    The long Nineteenth Century spans a host of important philosophical movements: romanticism, idealism, socialism, Nietzscheanism, and phenomenology, to mention a few. Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Marx are well-known names from this period. This, however, was also a transformative period for women philosophers in German-speaking countries and contexts. Their works are less well-known, yet offer stimulating and path-breaking contributions to nineteenth-century thought. In this period, women philosophers explored a wide range of philosophical topics and styles. Throughout the movements of romanticism, (...)
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  27.  77
    The Normative Significance of Desires.Dalia Drai - 2012 - Journal of Value Inquiry 46 (4):417-434.
  28.  70
    Idealism is Nothing but Genuine Empiricism: Novalis, Goethe and the Ideal of Romantic Science.Dalia Nassar - 2011 - Goethe Yearbook 18 (1).
    This article appeared in a special issue of the Goethe Yearbook, on Goethe and German Idealism. In it, I consider Novalis' unparalleled admiration for Goethe's scientific writings in contrast to his rather lukewarm reception of Goethe's poetry. I argue that Novalis' ideal of a “romantic encyclopedia” in which all the arts and sciences are understood in their relations to one another (as opposed to in isolation, like Diderot and D'Alemberts' project) is inspired by Goethe's practice as a scientist. I develop (...)
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  29. From a philosophy of self to a philosophy of nature: Goethe and the development of Schelling's naturphilosophie.Dalia Nassar - 2010 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 92 (3):304-321.
    One of the most significant moments in the development of German idealism is Schelling's break from his mentor Fichte. On account of its significance, there have been numerous studies examining the origin and meaning of this transition in Schelling's thought. Not one study, however, considers Goethe's influence on Schelling's development. This is surprising given the fact that in the fall of 1799 Goethe and Schelling meet every day for a week, to go through and edit what came to be Schelling's (...)
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  30.  47
    Immediacy and Mediation in Schleiermacher’s Reden Über die Religion.Dalia T. Nassar - 2006 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (4):807-840.
    TRADITIONALLY, SCHLEIERMACHER’S REDEN ÜBER DIE RELIGION has been considered to emphasize intuition and immediacy as the means by which to understand and relate to the world. This reading was popularized by Wilhelm Dilthey and carried on into the twentieth century by Karl Barth and Hans-Georg Gadamer. Though none of these thinkers is solely interested in the Reden, it forms their starting point and as such informs much of their interpretation of Schleiermacher’s later works. More recently, however, an emphasis on Schleiermacher’s (...)
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    Supervenience and Realism.Dalia Drai - 2020 - Routledge.
    First published in 1999, this volume focuses on the relation of supervenience which plays a crucial role in contemporary philosophical discussions in diverse fields including the philosophy of mind, ethics and aesthetics. Contrasting the material and conceptual worlds, Dalia Drai questions what we are committed to when we adopt a position affirming determination but denying reduction. The answer Drai develops is that in both cases this position commits us to an anti-realist approach with regard to the supervenient domains.
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    Romantic Empiricism after the ‘End of Nature’: Contributions to Environmental Philosophy.Dalia Nassar - 2014 - In The Relevance of Romanticism: Essays on German Romantic Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Over the last two decades, environmental theorists have repeatedly pronounced the “end” of nature, arguing that the idea of nature is neither plausible nor desirable. This chapter offers an environmental reappraisal of romanticism, in light of these critiques. Its goals are historical and systematic. First, the chapter assesses the validity of the environmentalist critique of the romantic conception of nature by distinguishing different strands within romanticism, and locating an empiricist strand in the natural-scientific work of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Second, (...)
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  33. The Romantic Absolute: Being and Knowing in Early German Romantic Philosophy, 1795-1804.Dalia Nassar - 2013 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    The absolute was one of the most significant philosophical concepts in the early nineteenth century, particularly for the German romantics. Its exact meaning and its role within philosophical romanticism remain, however, a highly contested topic among contemporary scholars. In The Romantic Absolute, I offer a new assessment of the romantics and their understanding of the absolute, filling an important gap in the history of philosophy, especially with respect to the crucial period between Kant and Hegel.
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    Matter and Form: From Natural Science to Political Philosophy.Douglas Al-Maini, Coleen Zoller, Mostafa Younesie, Michael Weinman, Ahmed Abdel Meguid, David Lewis Schaefer, Dwayne Raymond, Paul Ulrich, Leah Bradshaw, Juhana Lemetti, Ingrid Makus, Lee Ward, Leonard R. Sorenson & Steven Robinson (eds.) - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Matter and Form explores the relationship between natural science and political philosophy from the classical to contemporary eras, taking an interdisciplinary approach to the philosophic understanding of the structure and process of the natural world and its impact on the history of political philosophy. It illuminates the importance of philosophic reflection on material nature to moral and political theorizing, mediating between the sciences and humanities and making a contribution to ending the isolation between them.
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    Myth and Philosophy in Plato’s Phaedrus by Daniel S. Werner.Doug Al-Maini - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (1):161-162.
    The Phaedrus continues to fascinate. But then, that seems to be precisely the point, and scholars are doing an ever-better job of showing how the Phaedrus accomplishes the interest it generates, both in itself and in philosophy generally. The latest commentary to unravel the propaedeutic nature of the Phaedrus is Daniel Werner’s monograph, and it is a well-written, meticulous, and insightful examination. As his title suggests, Werner limits himself to the topic of myths in the Phaedrus, but that lens gives (...)
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  36.  82
    Technique and teleology in plato's rhetoric.Doug Al-Maini - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (4):283-298.
    This paper is an investigation of the place of rhetoric in Plato's judgement that philosophers must rule. The possibility that rhetoric could facilitate the rule of philosophy raises the question of whether rhetoric could also be used to undermine the governance of philosophy. It is my thesis that Plato argues for understanding rhetoric as limited in its ability to function at cross-purposes to those of philosophy because of a basic and direct relationship between the effectiveness of rhetoric and its ability (...)
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    What is a physical event?Dalia Drai - 1994 - Philosophical Papers 23 (2):129-135.
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    Autobiographical Discourse and Critical Praxis in Descartes.Dalia Judovitz - 1981 - Philosophy and Literature 5 (1):91-107.
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  39. Nikolas Rose Brunel University.Dalia Judovitz - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (1):137.
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    Nykstančio geolekto ateitis UNESCO saugomame objekte.Dalia Kiseliūnaitė - 2020 - Logos 105.
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    Viśva kā prathama mānava-mūlya-paraka śabdāvalī kā viśvakośa.Dharmapāla Mainī & Jaya Prakāśa Śarmā (eds.) - 2005 - Nayī Dillī: Sarūpa eṇḍa Sanza.
    Encyclopedia on human ethics and values.
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    Reality Through Illusion.Dalia Nassar - 2006 - Idealistic Studies 36 (1):27-45.
    Though Novalis was considered by both his contemporaries and his first critics to have made both an important philosophical as well as literary contribution, his place and significance in the history of philosophy has only rarely been clearly demarcated. It is only with the publication of the Novalis Schriften that an interest in Novalis’s philosophical contribution has arisen. Though the main discussion in the literature focuses on one of the central concepts in Novalis’s thought, that of presentation (Darstellung, Repräsentation), it (...)
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    Schelling und die Frühromantik: Das Unendliche und das Endliche im Kunstwerk.Dalia Nassar - 2011 - In Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak (ed.), Das Problem der Endlichkeit in der Philosophie Schellings. Le problème de la finitude dans la philosophie de Schelling. Lit.
    The article argues that a close examination of the development of Schelling’s thought reveals that, already in the 1800 System of Transcendental Idealism, Schelling had abandoned his earlier understanding of the relationship between the infinite and finite—as elaborated in his philosophy of nature—and began to articulate a more Platonic understanding of the absolute. It thus challenges the widespread interpretation of Schelling’s development, and contests the commonly accepted views of Schelling’s relationship to romanticism.
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    “Poeetide rahva” müüt ja massikirjanduse fenomen Leedus. Kokkuvõte.Dalia Satkauskytė - 2003 - Sign Systems Studies 31 (1):269-269.
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    The Constitutional Foundations of the Financial System of the State of Lithuania.Dalia Vasarienė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (3):987-1003.
    The paper focuses on the constitutional foundations of the finance system of the Republic of Lithuania. Constitutional jurisprudence pays due respect to the issues of budget system, and to interpret and analyse tax problems. The main purpose of this paper is to analyse separate institutes of the financial system of Lithuania, reflected in the main law of the country – the Constitution, and how these norms are interpreted in the constitutional doctrine. Notably, although the main analysed provisions are entrenched in (...)
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    Plato’s Phaedo: Forms, Death, and the Philosophical Life. By David Ebrey.Doug Al-Maini - 2024 - Ancient Philosophy 44 (1):251-255.
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    Shaping Tomorrow: The Impact of AI on Architectural History and Interior Design Education.Dalia Hafiz - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:357-367.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques have become popular in architecture and design, and several studies have focused on using these technological advancements to solve various architectural problems. AI is used in various architectural design applications, from intelligent material composition to layout solutions, and it is also vital in supporting the architecture and design education mechanism. A comprehensive understanding of literature is necessary to use these powerful tools in education adequately. This is due to the large volume of research being created and (...)
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  48. Reasons Have no Weight.Dalia Drai - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (270):60-76.
    Practical reasoning is often described as weighing reasons. When one deliberates about what to do one puts all the reasons for the action on one side and all the reasons against the action on the other side. The balance between both sides determines the outcome of the deliberation. Assuming that this description is correct, the next question is how the different reasons for and against the action determine the outcome of the deliberation. This is the place where the notion of (...)
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    2. Vision, Representation, and Technology in Descartes.Dalia Judovitz - 1993 - In David Michael Levin (ed.), Modernity and the Hegemony of Vision. University of California Press. pp. 63-86.
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    The Realm of Mimesis in Plato: Orality, Writing, and the Ontology of the Image by Mariangela Esposito (review).Doug Al-Maini - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (2):347-349.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Realm of Mimesis in Plato: Orality, Writing, and the Ontology of the Image by Mariangela EspositoDoug Al-MainiESPOSITO, Mariangela. The Realm of Mimesis in Plato: Orality, Writing, and the Ontology of the Image. Boston: Brill, 2023. xiv + 173 pp. Cloth, $143.00This manuscript grew out of the author’s original interest in Platonic aesthetics, itself developing into a more particularized examination of Plato’s account of beauty. Plato’s interest in (...)
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