Results for 'Daniel E. Deaton'

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  1.  51
    The way in which all life is lived under the direct providence of God.Daniel E. Deaton - 1991 - The Chesterton Review 17 (2):261-263.
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    Naïve realism and seeing aspects.Daniel E. Kalpokas - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (4):761-776.
    Naïve realism is the view according to which perception is a non-representational relation of conscious awareness to mind-independent objects and properties. According to this approach, the phenomenal character of experience is constituted by just the objects, properties, or facts presented to the senses. In this article, I argue that such a conception of the phenomenology of experience faces a clear counter-example, i.e., the experience of seeing aspects. The discussion suggests that, to accommodating such a kind of experience, it must be (...)
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    Berkeley.Daniel E. Flage - 2014 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Irish philosopher George Bishop Berkeley was one of the greatest philosophers of the early modern period. Along with David Hume and John Locke he is considered one of the fathers of British Empiricism. Berkeley is a clear, concise, and sympathetic introduction to George Berkeley’s philosophy, and a thorough review of his most important texts. Daniel E. Flage explores his works on vision, metaphysics, morality, and economics in an attempt to develop a philosophically plausible interpretation of Berkeley’s oeuvre as whole. (...)
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    Social Exchange in China: The Double-Edged Sword of Guanxi.Danielle E. Warren, Thomas W. Dunfee & Naihe Li - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (4):353-370.
    We present two studies that examine the effects of guanxi on multiple social groups from the perspective of Chinese business people. Study 1 (N = 203) tests the difference in perceived effects of six guanxi contextualizations. Study 2 (N = 195) examines the duality of guanxi as either helpful or harmful to social groups, depending on the contextualization. Findings suggest guanxi may result in positive as well as negative outcomes for focal actors and the aggregate.
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    Descartes's Factitious Ideas of God.Daniel E. Flage & Clarence A. Bonnen - 1989 - Modern Schoolman 66 (3):197-208.
  6.  87
    Hume's Missing Shade of Blue.Daniel E. Flage - 1997 - Modern Schoolman 75 (1):55-63.
  7. Pop-Ups, Cookies, and Spam: Toward a Deeper Analysis of the Ethical Significance of Internet Marketing Practices.Daniel E. Palmer - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):271-280.
    While e-commerce has grown rapidly in recent years, some of the practices associated with certain aspects of marketing on the Internet, such as pop-ups, cookies, and spam, have raised concerns on the part of Internet users. In this paper I examine the nature of these practices and what I take to be the underlying source of this concern. I argue that the ethical issues surrounding these Internet marketing techniques move us beyond the traditional treatment of the ethics of marketing and (...)
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  8. “Woke” Corporations and the Stigmatization of Corporate Social Initiatives.Danielle E. Warren - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (1):169-198.
    Recent corporate social initiatives (CSIs) have garnered criticisms from a wide range of audiences due to perceived inconsistencies. Some critics use the label “woke” when CSIs are perceived as inconsistent with the firm’s purpose. Other critics use the label “woke washing” when CSIs are perceived as inconsistent with the firm’s practices or values. I will argue that this derogatory use of woke is stigmatizing, leads to claims of hypocrisy, and can cause stakeholder backlash. I connect this process to our own (...)
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  9.  40
    Descartes on Causation.Daniel E. Flage & Clarence A. Bonnen - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (4):841 - 872.
    In the Third Meditation, Descartes suggests that God, and only God, is self-caused. This claim results in objections, first from Caterus and then from Arnauld, that an efficient cause must be distinct from its effect, and therefore the notion of self-causation is unintelligible. In the course of his reply to Arnauld, Descartes distinguishes between a formal cause and an efficient cause, contends that God's essence is properly the formal cause of God's existence, and attempts to find a cause midway between (...)
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  10. Berkeley’s Epistemic Ontology.Daniel E. Flage - 2004 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 34 (1):25-60.
    Berkeley’s Principles is a curious work. The nominal topic is epistemic. The actual topic is ontological. And it is not uncommon to suggest that ‘Berkeley’s system presents us with unique puzzles, particularly at its foundation.’.
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  11.  73
    Berkeley on abstraction.Daniel E. Flage - 1986 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (4):483-501.
  12.  30
    When Ethical Tones at the Top Conflict: Adapting Priority Rules to Reconcile Conflicting Tones.Danielle E. Warren, Marietta Peytcheva & Joseph P. Gaspar - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (4):559-582.
    ABSTRACT:While tone at the top is widely regarded as an important predictor of ethical behavior in organizations, we argue that recent research overlooks the various conflicting ethical tones present in many multi-organizational work settings. Further, we propose that the resolution processes promulgated in many firms and professional associations to reconcile this conflict reinforce the tone at the bottom or a tone at the top of the employee’s organization, and that both of these approaches can conflict with the tone at the (...)
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  13.  72
    Berkeley's notions.Daniel E. Flage - 1985 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45 (3):407-425.
  14.  93
    Hume’s Ethics.Daniel E. Flage - 1985 - Philosophical Topics 13 (3):71-88.
    If there is a normative moral theory embedded in Hume's works and if the recent critics of the utilitarian interpretation of Hume are correct in claiming that he was not a utilitarian, then what is the nature of Hume's moral theory? In this paper I hope to provide a plausible answer to that question by examining Hume's contention that the moral sentiment is analogous to a secondary quality. I shall show that his discussions of the moral sentiment provide one with (...)
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  15.  50
    To the Editor.Daniel E. Lee & Lisa Brothers Arbisser - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (5):7-7.
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    The Experience Not Well Lost.Daniel E. Kalpokas - 2014 - Contemporary Pragmatism 11 (1):43-56.
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  17.  15
    Freedom Vs. Intervention: Six Tough Cases.Daniel E. Lee - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Freedom vs. Intervention, Daniel E. Lee addresses questions around such controversial issues as abortion, legalization of physician-assisted suicide and recreational use of marijuana, and the right to refuse medical treatment, taking an innovative approach by applying traditional just war criteria to questions of intervention.
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  18.  21
    The Future of Health Equity in America: Addressing the Legal and Political Determinants of Health.Daniel E. Dawes - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (4):838-840.
    There is much discourse and focus on the social determinants of health, but undergirding these multiple intersecting and interacting determinants are legal and political determinants that have operated at every level and impact the entire life continuum. The United States has long grappled with advancing health equity via public law and policy. Seventy years after the country was founded, lawmakers finally succeeded in passing the first comprehensive and inclusive law aimed at tackling the social determinants of health, but that effort (...)
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  19.  67
    Locke's relative ideas.Daniel E. Flage - 1981 - Theoria 47 (3):142-159.
  20.  64
    John Stuart Mill on Liberty and Control, and: Mill's Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy (review).Daniel E. Palmer - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (2):308-311.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.2 (2003) 308-311 [Access article in PDF] Joseph Hamburger. John Stuart Mill on Liberty and Control. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999. Pp. xx + 239. Cloth, $35.00. C. L. Ten, editor. Mill's Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy. Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1999. Pp. xxiii + 498. Cloth, $180.00. John Stuart Mill's On Liberty is commonly viewed as the classic defense of individual liberty, (...)
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  21.  32
    Cathedrals, symphony orchestras, and iPhones: The cultural basis of modern technology.Daniel E. Moerman - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (4):231-232.
    The distinctions drawn by Vaesen are plausible when we are comparing chimpanzees and human beings somewhere between the middle Paleolithic and the Neolithic. But since then new kinds of organization have vastly outstripped these neurological differences to account for the enormous advancement of human technology leaving our remarkable evolutionary cousins far behind.
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    Hume's Hobbism and His Anti-Hobbism.Daniel E. Flage - 1992 - Hume Studies 18 (2):369-382.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume's Hobbism and His Anti-Hobbism Daniel E. Flage Thomas Hobbes posed a crise morale to which British philosophers attempted to reply for over a century.1 Hobbes maintained that the terms 'good' and 'evil' have no import beyond individual self-interest and the fulfilment or failure to fulfil one's desires.2 While alluding to lawsofnature knownbyreason,3whetherone deems suchlaws dictates ofprudence4 or laws of some moral import,5 Hobbes held: (1) that the (...)
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  23. Berkeley’s Contingent Necessities.Daniel E. Flage - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (3):361-372.
    The paper provides an account of necessary truths in Berkeley based upon his divine language model. If the thesis of the paper is correct, not all Berkeleian necessary truths can be known a priori.
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  24.  78
    On the viability of a rule utilitarianism.Daniel E. Palmer - 1999 - Journal of Value Inquiry 33 (1):31-42.
  25. A Question of Identification.Daniel E. Gershenson - 1968 - Philosophical Forum 1 (2):217.
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  26.  54
    Hume's dualism.Daniel E. Flage - 1982 - Noûs 16 (4):527-541.
  27. Are Corruption Indices a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? A Social Labeling Perspective of Corruption.Danielle E. Warren & William S. Laufer - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (4):841 - 849.
    Rankings of countries by perceived corruption have emerged over the past decade as leading indicators of governance and development. Designed to highlight countries that are known to be corrupt, their objective is to encourage transparency and good governance. High rankings on corruption, it is argued, will serve as a strong incentive for reform. The practice of ranking and labeling countries "corrupt," however, may have a perverse effect. Consistent with Social Labeling Theory, we argue that perceptual indices can encourage the loss (...)
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  28.  41
    Errata: Hume's dualism.Daniel E. Flage - 1983 - Noûs 17 (2):339.
  29.  49
    Venn-type diagrams for arguments of N terms.Daniel E. Anderson & Frank L. Cleaver - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):113-118.
    The attempt to find usable diagrams fornterms of the sort devised by John Venn seems to have originated with Venn himself, who published diagrams for up to five classes (the fifth class, however, was shaped like a doughnut, and contained an area outside itself — like the hole in the doughnut). Venn then suggested that “if we wanted to use a diagram forsixterms (x, y, z, w, v, u) the best plan would probably be to taketwofive-term figures, one for theupart (...)
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  30.  38
    Individual goods, collective goods, and the aims of medicine.Daniel E. Palmer - 2006 - Journal of Value Inquiry 40 (2-3):243-258.
  31. ¿Puede el mundo desempeñar un papel epistémico en la justificación de la creencia?: Rorty, Davidson y Mc Dowell en debate.Daniel E. Kalpokas - 2004 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 30 (1):37-64.
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    Anaxagoras and the birth of physics.Daniel E. Gershenson - 1964 - New York,: Blaisdell Pub. Co.. Edited by Daniel A. Greenberg.
  33. Philosophy of the social sciences.Daniel E. Little - 1995 - In Robert Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. New York City: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2--704.
  34.  31
    Francisco Pereira, Ver no es creer.Daniel E. Kalpokas - 2022 - Critica 54 (161):95-108.
    Francisco Pereira, Ver no es creer, Gedisa, México, 2021, 272 pp.
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    Perchance to Dream: Reply to Traiger.Daniel E. Flage - 1985 - Hume Studies 11 (2):173-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:173. PERCHANCE TO DREAM: A REPLY TO TRAIGER1 In "Hume on Memory and Causation" I argued that Hume took ideas of the memory to be relative ideas corresponding to definite descriptions of the general form "the complex impression that is the (original) cause of a particular positive idea m and which exactly (or closely) resembles m, " where 'm' is a variable ranging over positive ideas (mental images). My (...)
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    Medios de comunicación deportivos. La situación española en el contexto internacional.Daniel E. Jones - 1994 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 38:101-108.
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    A Note on the Syntheticity of Mathematical Propositions in Kant’s Prolegomena.Daniel E. Anderson - 1979 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):149-153.
  38. Descartes and Atheism.Daniel E. Anderson - 1980 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 29:11-24.
  39. Attention as a problem in behavior theory.Daniel E. Berlyne - 1970 - In David I. Mostofsky (ed.), Attention: Contemporary Theory and Analysis. Appleton-Century-Crofts. pp. 25--50.
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  40.  77
    (1 other version)Hume on denotation and connotation.Daniel E. Flage - 1986 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):451-461.
  41.  35
    The Essences of Spinoza's God.Daniel E. Flage - 1989 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 6 (2):147 - 160.
  42.  33
    Theocritus 26. 31.Daniel E. Gershenson - 1968 - The Classical Review 18 (02):148-.
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  43. Is Formal Ethics Training Merely Cosmetic? A Study of Ethics Training and Ethical Organizational Culture.Danielle E. Warren, Joseph P. Gaspar & William S. Laufer - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (1):85-117.
    ABSTRACT:U.S. Organizational Sentencing Guidelines provide firms with incentives to develop formal ethics programs to promote ethical organizational cultures and thereby decrease corporate offenses. Yet critics argue such programs are cosmetic. Here we studied bank employees before and after the introduction of formal ethics training—an important component of formal ethics programs—to examine the effects of training on ethical organizational culture. Two years after a single training session, we find sustained, positive effects on indicators of an ethical organizational culture (observed unethical behavior, (...)
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  44.  13
    The argument for single-purpose robots.Daniel E. Moerman - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Hegel’s Criticism of Analogical Procedure and the Search For Final Purpose.Daniel E. Shannon - 1988 - The Owl of Minerva 19 (2):169-182.
    In the section called “Observation of Nature” in the Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel considers and criticizes a particular form of methodology which seeks final purposes by analogy. Through this methodology what is essential for thought is the recognition and demarcation of differentiae, which are imputed to natural objects as qualities by which things maintain their distinct and separate character - what Hegel calls their “being-for-self.” By these differentiae, then, the objects are categorized into types, or “natural kinds,” which, in turn, (...)
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  46.  81
    Taking role moralities seriously.Daniel E. Wueste - 1991 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):407-417.
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    Hope is Where We Least Expect to Find It.Daniel E. Lee - 1993 - Upa.
    A crisis of values underlies the economic uncertainty and anxiety about the future of the United States. The author of this book observes the shift of emphasis from productivity to consumption, from contribution to entitlement, and from long-term investment to short-term gain.
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    To the Editor.Daniel E. Lee & Lisa Brothers Arbisser - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 39 (5):7-7.
  49.  21
    Parfit, the Reductionist View, and Moral Commitment.Daniel E. Palmer - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 15:40-45.
    In Reasons and Persons, Derek Parfit argues for a Reductionist View of personal identity. According to a Reductionist, persons are nothing over and above the existence of certain mental and/or physical states and their various relations. Given this, Parfit believes that facts about personal identity just consist in more particular facts concerning psychological continuity and/or connectedness, and thus that personal identity can be reduced to this continuity and/or connectedness. Parfit is aware that his view of personal identity is contrary to (...)
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  50. The semeiosic economy of fear.E. Valentine Daniel - 2004 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 71 (4):1087-1110.
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