Results for 'Danilo Citro'

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  1.  1
    Kant e o Gênio Na Filosofia.Danilo Citro - 2009 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 1 (2):13-21.
    O gênio é a faculdade do espírito na obra de arte bela. Este princípio de vida vem da produção de objetos que só o gênio é capaz. Para isto, ele tem a imaginação como um importante responsável. Então analisaremos a faculdade de imaginação na obra kantiana e sua relação com outras faculdades, para aprofundarmos a definição de gênio na Critica do Juízo.
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    La época de la crisis: conversaciones con Danilo Cruz Velez.Danilo Cruz Vélez & Rubén Sierra Mejía - 1996 - Santiago de Cali: Universidad del Valle. Edited by Rubén Sierra Mejía.
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    A Cosmopolitan Philosophy of International Law? A Realist Approach.Danilo Zolo - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (4):429-444.
    Analyzing different works and in particular Habermas' reflection on Kant, the author reconstructs, first, his approach to international law and his political and legal cosmopolitanism. Second, he presents some critical observations on Habermas' cosmopolitanism in the context of his more general discursive theory of law and state. In this perspective, he discusses the problems of peace and of the role of the United Nations, the strategy of protection of human rights, and the question of world citizenship. He argues that Habermas' (...)
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    The development of socio-motivational dependency from early to middle adolescence.Danilo Jagenow, Diana Raufelder & Michael Eid - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Positive Tolerance: An Ethical Oxymoron.Danilo Zolo - 1997 - Ratio Juris 10 (2):247-251.
    Analyzing Apel's proposal for positive tolerance in multicultural society, the author develops critical observations concerning, first, the distinction between negative and positive tolerance, second, the ethical foundation of positive tolerance and, finally, the semantic content of the notion.
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    Function, meaning, complexity: The epistemological premisses of Niklas Luhmann's 'sociological enlightenment'.Danilo Zolo - 1986 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 16 (1):115-127.
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    Dive Risk Factors, Gas Bubble Formation, and Decompression Illness in Recreational SCUBA Diving: Analysis of DAN Europe DSL Data Base.Danilo Cialoni, Massimo Pieri, Costantino Balestra & Alessandro Marroni - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  8. La época de la crisis: conversaciones con Danilo Cruz Velez.Danilo Cruz Vélez - 1996 - Santiago de Cali: Editorial Universidad del Valle. Edited by Rubén Sierra Mejía.
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    Prust i violina u Zabeli: o Mihailu Đuriću povodom pedesetogodišnjice njegovog upokojenja: (2011-2016).Danilo N. Basta - 2016 - Beograd: Dosije studio.
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    Saggi di filosofia della politica: temi e problemi della secolarizzazione occidentale.Danilo Castellano - 2021 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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    Antimo Negri: il filosofo del Vesuvio.Michele Citro, Giovanni Praticò & Roberto Spirito (eds.) - 2019 - Mercato S. Severino (SA): Paguro edizioni.
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  12. Filosofia da linguagem : da teoria do significado à teoria da ação.Danilo Marcondes de Souza Filho - 1986 - In de Souza Filho & Danilo Marcondes (eds.), Significado, verdade e ação: ensaios de filosofia analítica da linguagem. Niterói: EDUFF.
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    Considerazioni in margine alle inscriptiones christianae aquileiae.Danilo Mazzoleni - 1995 - Augustinianum 35 (2):787-796.
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    Suvremena filozofija zapada: i odabrani tekstovi.Danilo Pejović - 1982 - Zagreb: Nakl. zavod Matice hrvatske.
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  15. Rani Hajdeger: recepcija i kritika bivstva i vremena / priredili Danilo Basta i Dragan Stojanović.Danilo N. Basta & Dragan Stojanović (eds.) - 1979 - Beograd: Vuk Karadžić.
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  16. The anthropological argument : The rediscovery of ancient skepticism in modern thought.Danilo Marcondes - 2009 - In Maia Neto, José Raimundo, Gianni Paganini & John Christian Laursen (eds.), Skepticism in the modern age: building on the work of Richard Popkin. Boston: Brill.
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    Nietzsche et l'affectologie: pour une éthique des affects.Danilo Bilate - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Bertrand Binoche.
    Nietzsche est mort et c'est à nous à le faire vivre. Cet usage du texte n'est pas un retour à ce que Deleuze professait superbement : pour ce dernier, faire un enfant dans le dos (de Kant, de Bergson, voire de Nietzsche, même si Deleuze affirmait qu'avec ce dernier c'était l'inverse), c'était à la fois utiliser l'auteur pour lui faire dire ce qu'il n'avait explicitement pas dit, mais qui pouvait présenter un intérêt spéculatif, et, en même temps, dissimuler cet écart. (...)
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    Constante Cosmológica e Matéria Escura.Danilo Rodrigues, Jojomar Lucena dos Santos & José Raymundo Novaes Chiappin - 2024 - Princípios 31 (65).
    O presente ensaio tem por objetivo mostrar o papel desempenhado pelas hipóteses ad hoc em dois importantes episódios da cosmologia científica: a adoção da constante cosmológica por Einstein e a descoberta da matéria escura por Zwicky. Há importantes semelhanças entre ambos, uma vez que foram hipóteses adotadas com base em possíveis interações cosmológicas gravitacionais. Comumente encontramos juízos distintos em relação aos dois casos, apenas por um ter sido lembrado como um “sucesso preditivo” e o outro como um “fracasso” de Einstein. (...)
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    Mark Johnson e Jay Schulkin, Mind in nature. John Dewey, cognitive science, and a naturalistic philosophy for living Cambridge (MA)-London, The MIT Press, 2023 (consultato in formato epub).Danilo Manca - 2023 - Studi di Estetica 27 (3).
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    La justicia penal en Kant.Danilo Basta - 2004 - Endoxa 1 (18):283.
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    Le cas Napoléon.Danilo Bilate - 2021 - Nietzsche Studien 50 (1):121-140.
    Napoleon Bonaparte is a veritable “case” for Nietzsche: he does not reduce Napoleon to a single image, but he rather builds up an ambiguous image of Napoleon for years without trying to define a final result. This ongoing construction is due to Nietzsche’s deep admiration for Napoleon that, however great it may be, does not avoid a certain distancing. Defined as the synthesis of Unmensch and Übermensch, Nietzsche regards Napoleon as an extraordinary human being because of his immorality when he (...)
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  22. Torquato Nanni: Dilemmas of the Socialist Who Admired Mussolini.Danilo Breschi - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2005 (133):150-153.
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    Considerazioni di uno psichiatra sul concetto di alienazione.Danilo Cargnello - 2005 - Comprendre: Archive International pour l'Anthropologie et la Psychopathologie Phénoménologiques 15:58-87.
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    O charlatanismo como problema estético-filosófico em Schopenhauer.Danilo Bilate de Carvalho - 2019 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 10 (3):199.
    O objetivo deste texto é o de apresentar as questões filosóficas que giram em torno da acusação schopenhaueriana corriqueira de charlatanismo contra seus adversários. O estudo dessas questões-satélites mostra que o charlatanismo pode ser compreendido como um problema filosófico e não mero xingamento vazio de relevância teórica, como se entende comumente. Elas podem ser resumidas como questões estéticas ou retóricas, porque problematizam o estilo do texto filosófico, o seu uso e sua função comunicativa. Próximo do pedante e do sofista, o (...)
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    Introducción a la filosofía de la política: breve manual.Danilo Castellano - 2020 - Madrid: Marcial Pons.
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    La felicidad de la θεωρία en la Ética nicomáquea de Aristóteles.Danilo Tapia Castillo - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 6:37-50.
    La Ética nicomáquea parece abogar por dos visiones excluyentes de la eudaimonía. En el presente texto se muestran una serie de argumentos que proponen lo contrario. Siendo el hombre nous, y el nous aquello más divino, la paradójica o arbitraria defensa de la theoría como la forma más elevada de praxis, cobra sentido en la concepción aristotélica de lo humano como un continuo intento de trascender sus propios límites.
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    Modernità della classicità: la filosofia etico-politica in Marino Gentile.Danilo Castellano & Giancarlo Giurovich (eds.) - 1996 - Udine: Forum Edizioni.
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    Hegel e la fenomenologia trascendentale.Danilo Manca, Elisa Magrì & Alfredo Ferrarin (eds.) - 2015 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Making sense of doing science: on some pragmatic motifs guiding the enactive approach to science.Danilo Manca - 2025 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 24 (1):231-249.
    In this article, I will explore the enactive approach to science and the pragmatic motifs that guide it. In particular, in the first half of the article, I will discuss to what extent enactivism can be seen as a philosophy of nature, and by comparing it with Sellars’s interpretation of the conflict between the manifest and the scientific image of humans in the world, I will focus on the view of nature that enactivism defends. In the second part, I will (...)
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    Naturalness and Historicity: Strauss and Klein on the Quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns.Danilo Manca - 2017 - Philosophical Readings 9 (1):44-49.
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    Valéry e la filosofia della letteratura.Danilo Manca - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 70:125-140.
    In the present article, I will address the question of whether Paul Valéry’s thought can somehow contribute to the recent debate concerning the philosophy of literature. Firstly, I will focus on the idea according to which philosophy can be meant not only as a literary genre but also as an art of thinking. This allows Valéry to state that the poet, too, has a philosophy insofar as he or she is able to think abstractly by practicing his or her own (...)
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  32. Incompatibilism and the logic of transfer.Danilo šuster - 2004 - Acta Analytica 19 (33):45-54.
    Modal arguments for incompatibility of freedom and determinism are typically based on the “transfer principle” for inability to act otherwise (Beta). The principle of agglomerativity (closure under conjunction introduction) is derivable from Beta. The most convincing counterexample to Beta is based on the denial of Agglomeration. The defender of the modal argument has two ways to block counterexamples to Beta: (i) use a notion of inability to act otherwise which is immune to the counterexample to agglomerativity; (ii) replace Beta with (...)
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    La fortuna del pensamiento de Niklas Luhmann en Italia.Danilo Zolo - 1990 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 30:251-267.
    La explosiva fecundidad de Luhmann no puede explicarse sin referencia a un extraordinario método de trabajo, selectivo y combinatorio a la vez, basado en el automatismo interactivo de un elaboradísimo fichero por materias. ¿Será precisamente la estructura laberíntica del fichero y de la obra de Luhmann la clave interpretativa de la consideración excepcional, persistente y creciente que ha merecido en el círculo de la cultura italiana de los setenta-ochenta? La primera recepción de Luhmann en Italia es realizada por (y coincide (...)
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    L'intervento umanitario armato fra etica e diritto internazionale.Danilo Zolo - 2007 - Jura Gentium 4:7-24.
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    Sulla giustizia. A proposito dell'"espansione globale" del potere dei giudici.Danilo Zolo - 1998 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 11 (3):445-456.
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  36. The Death Penalty Divides the West.Danilo Zolo - 2009 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 1 (1):83-110.
    The death penalty is so deeply rooted in the history of humanity that it will not be possible to abolish it any time soon, together with its ancestral models, such as lynching, stoning and torture. There is little use in appealing to absolute ethical values or to juridical principles held to be universal. A realistic approach suggests a careful consideration of the function the death penalty performed – and still performs – in the structures of political power and in the (...)
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    Violenza e non-violenza dopo l'11 settembre.Danilo Zolo - 2002 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 15 (1):11-20.
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    Cornelius Castoriadis : promesses et problèmes de la création.Danilo Martuccelli - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 113 (2):285-305.
    L’article est un examen critique de l’œuvre de Cornelius Castoriadis. Tout au long de sa vie, aussi bien par l’histoire des idées que par l’étude des situations socio-historiques, sa préoccupation centrale a toujours été d’établir le caractère créateur de l’action humaine. Mais dans sa réhabilitation intellectuelle de la création, Castoriadis donne en dernière instance le primat aux dimensions psychiques sur les dimensions sociales. C’est ce parcours et les principales conséquences sociologiques qu’il induit qui retiendront notre attention. Son œuvre permet à (...)
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  39. The modality principle and work-relativity of modality.Danilo Šuster - 2005 - Acta Analytica 20 (4):41-52.
    Davies argues that the ontology of artworks as performances offers a principled way of explaining work-relativity of modality. Object oriented contextualist ontologies of art (Levinson) cannot adequately address the problem of work-relativity of modal properties because they understand looseness in what counts as the same context as a view that slight differences in the work-constitutive features of provenance are work-relative. I argue that it is more in the spirit of contextualism to understand looseness as context-dependent. This points to the general (...)
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  40. Reflexive epistemology and social complexity: The philosophical legacy of Otto Neurath.Danilo Zolo - 1990 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 20 (2):149-169.
    According to the article, Neurath's reflexive epistemology—expressed by the metaphor of the ship in need of reconstruction on the open sea—represents a philosophical alternative to the classical and contemporary forms of scientific realism and ethical cognitivism, including Popper's falsificationism. Against Quine's reductive interpretation of Neurath's boat argument as the basis for a 'naturalized epistemology,' the article maintains that the metaphor suggests the idea of an insuperable situation of linguistic and conceptual circularity. This prevents any attempt at self-foundation in scientific knowledge, (...)
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  41. Interview: Antonio Negri and Danilo Zolo: Empire and the multitude: A dialogue on the new order of globalization.Antonio Negri & Danilo Zolo - 2003 - Radical Philosophy 120.
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    Arguing about Free Will: Lewis and the Consequence Argument.Danilo Šuster - 2021 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 21 (63):375-403.
    I explore some issues in the logics and dialectics of practical modalities connected with the Consequence Argument (CA) considered as the best argument for the incompatibility of free will and determinism. According to Lewis (1981) in one of the possible senses of (in)ability, the argument is not valid; however, understood in the other of its possible senses, the argument is not sound. This verdict is based on the assessment of the modal version of the argument, where the crucial notion is (...)
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  43. How to (Blind)Spot the Truth: an investigation on actual epistemic value.Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):693-720.
    This paper is about the alethic aspect of epistemic rationality. The most common approaches to this aspect are either normative (what a reasoner ought to/may believe?) or evaluative (how rational is a reasoner?), where the evaluative approaches are usually comparative (one reasoner is assessed compared to another). These approaches often present problems with blindspots. For example, ought a reasoner to believe a currently true blindspot? Is she permitted to? Consequently, these approaches often fail in describing a situation of alethic maximality, (...)
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    (1 other version)Conhece-Te a Ti Mesmo: Externalismo e Autoconhecimento de Atitudes Passadas.Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2010 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 2 (3):157-174.
    Existe uma tese que dá conta da compatibilidade entre externalismo sobre conteúdo mental e autoconhecimento (BURGE, 1988). Esta tese, que explora a proprie-dade de autoverificação de autoatribuições do tipo “penso que p”, porém, funciona ape-nas para autoatribuições de pensamentos cuja expressão é a primeira pessoa do tempo presente do modo indicativo em seu uso assertórico. Entre os casos problemáticos estão as autoatribuições no passados e as autoatribuições de atitudes proposicionais específicas. Tal falha do compatibilismo é apontada por Boghossian (1992) como (...)
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    Non Sequitur – Some Reflections on Informal Logic.Danilo Šuster - 2009 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):91-102.
    Some general, programmatic points about informal logic are addressed. The informal approach to argument analysis faces serious foundational problems which have been recognized by its practitioners – but informal logic has yet to come together as a clearly defined discipline. Another problem is the dilemma of the dialectician (Sextus Empiricus): informal logic is either trivial or powerless on its own (field expertise is needed). According to Johnson and Blair the central notion in theory of argument is cogency which replaces soundness. (...)
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  46. The Maker’s Knowledge Principle and the Limits of Science.Danilo Marcondes de Souza Filho - 2002 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 76:229-237.
    This paper starts with an analysis of the maker’s knowledge principle as one of the main characteristics of Modern epistemology. We start by showing that maker’s knowledge can be understood in two ways: 1) a negative sense, as a way of establishing limits to human knowledge: we can only know what we create; and 2) a positive sense, as legitimizing human knowledge: we effectively know what we create. We proceed then to examine the roots of the maker’s knowledge principle in (...)
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    A Note on Knowing and Checking.Danilo Šuster - 2023 - Acta Analytica 38 (1):79-93.
    I raise some questions about differentiations between methods, checking methods, and appropriate methods in terms of their modal profiles. Melchior argues that there can be sensitive checking methods which are not safe. I try to show that such methods are epistemically deficient. I introduce restricted sensitivity (RS) and investigate its checking profile. RS with respect to a proposition _p_ requires that we consider more non-p worlds (not just the closest ones) but not those which are irrelevant (outside a sphere of (...)
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    Desigualdade e Educação: mais uma revolução inacabada?Danilo Romeu Streck - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021036.
    The article aims to revisit the relationship between inequality and education, a theme that accompanies education in modern societies. Despite access to data on inequality in society and education, as well as many analyzes of the origins and trends that provoke real social apartheids one has the impression that the metaphor of the labyrinth, common in Latin American literature, applies to education. The article is divided in two parts. The first seeks to situate the theme of inequality as a problem (...)
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    The Situated Mind and the Space of Reasons.Danilo Manca - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (2).
    In this article I discuss the primacy that, following Sellars, Robert Brandom ascribes to the intersubjective and discursive space of reasons over all other processes in which the human mind is involved. I will compare Brandom’s perspective with that of the situated approach to the study of mind. At first, my aim is to show that the origin of intentionality has to be found in the sphere of sentience and the living body. Second, by comparing the enactivist account of language (...)
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    Pet likova Slobodana Jovanovića.Danilo N. Basta - 2003 - Beograd: Javno preduzeće Službeni list SCG.
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