Results for 'Danilo Mazzoleni'

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    Considerazioni in margine alle inscriptiones christianae aquileiae.Danilo Mazzoleni - 1995 - Augustinianum 35 (2):787-796.
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  2. Interview: Antonio Negri and Danilo Zolo: Empire and the multitude: A dialogue on the new order of globalization.Antonio Negri & Danilo Zolo - 2003 - Radical Philosophy 120.
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    The development of socio-motivational dependency from early to middle adolescence.Danilo Jagenow, Diana Raufelder & Michael Eid - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  4. Reflexive epistemology and social complexity: The philosophical legacy of Otto Neurath.Danilo Zolo - 1990 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 20 (2):149-169.
    According to the article, Neurath's reflexive epistemology—expressed by the metaphor of the ship in need of reconstruction on the open sea—represents a philosophical alternative to the classical and contemporary forms of scientific realism and ethical cognitivism, including Popper's falsificationism. Against Quine's reductive interpretation of Neurath's boat argument as the basis for a 'naturalized epistemology,' the article maintains that the metaphor suggests the idea of an insuperable situation of linguistic and conceptual circularity. This prevents any attempt at self-foundation in scientific knowledge, (...)
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    Dive Risk Factors, Gas Bubble Formation, and Decompression Illness in Recreational SCUBA Diving: Analysis of DAN Europe DSL Data Base.Danilo Cialoni, Massimo Pieri, Costantino Balestra & Alessandro Marroni - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Knowledge and Conditionals of (Dis)connection.Danilo Šuster - 2015 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 15 (3):267-294.
    The gist of modal epistemology is expressed in the idea that you fail to know if you do believe truly but it is seriously possible for you to believe falsely. According to subjunctivism, this idea is captured by certain subjunctive conditionals. One formulation invokes a safety condition—“If S had believed P, then P would have been the case,” while the other invokes a sensitivity condition—“If P had been false, S would not have believed that P.” According to simple subjunctivism, such (...)
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    Considerazioni di uno psichiatra sul concetto di alienazione.Danilo Cargnello - 2005 - Comprendre: Archive International pour l'Anthropologie et la Psychopathologie Phénoménologiques 15:58-87.
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  8. Szkoła padewska i problem „nowoczesnego rozumu„.Danilo Facca - 2003 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 48.
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    El Ethos Filosófico.Danilo Guzmán - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 24:137-145.
    Nuestra tradición filosófica ha funcionando como un mito de la racionalidady no como un desarrollo de la racionalidad misma. Esta tradición muestratodas las características típicas de los sistemas mítico–mágicos. Sólo uncambio de condiciones sociales podría permitir el surgimiento de unaracionalidad genuina. De manera inversa, sólo el surgimiento de unaracionalidad genuina, podría producir el surgimiento de las condicionessociales apropiadas en las que la racionalidad pueda prosperar. No puedehaber un desarrollo filosófico genuino al margen de las condiciones socialesapropiadas. Se intenta aquí hacer (...)
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  10. Dovere deontico e dovere anankastico in giapponese.Emil Mazzoleni - 2013 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 90 (2):245-251.
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  11. Dal partito al candidato. Come cambia la comunicazione elettorale in Italia.Gianpietro Mazzoleni - 1990 - Polis 4:249-73.
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    Simboli e narrazioni del diritto in Giambattista Vico.Emil Mazzoleni - 2020 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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    Sistem i egzistencija.Danilo Pejović - 1970 - Zagreb,: "Zora,".
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    Contemporary Uses of the Notion of ’Empire’.Danilo Zolo - 2007 - The Monist 90 (1):48-64.
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  15. How to (Blind)Spot the Truth: an investigation on actual epistemic value.Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):693-720.
    This paper is about the alethic aspect of epistemic rationality. The most common approaches to this aspect are either normative (what a reasoner ought to/may believe?) or evaluative (how rational is a reasoner?), where the evaluative approaches are usually comparative (one reasoner is assessed compared to another). These approaches often present problems with blindspots. For example, ought a reasoner to believe a currently true blindspot? Is she permitted to? Consequently, these approaches often fail in describing a situation of alethic maximality, (...)
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    La época de la crisis: conversaciones con Danilo Cruz Velez.Danilo Cruz Vélez & Rubén Sierra Mejía - 1996 - Santiago de Cali: Universidad del Valle. Edited by Rubén Sierra Mejía.
  17. Reflexive Epistemology. The Philosophical Legacy of Otto Neurath.Danilo Zolo - 1989 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 118.
  18. La época de la crisis: conversaciones con Danilo Cruz Velez.Danilo Cruz Vélez - 1996 - Santiago de Cali: Editorial Universidad del Valle. Edited by Rubén Sierra Mejía.
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  19. Un dialogo tra Tecla Mazzarese e Danilo Zolo: Guerra diritti e ordine globale.Tecla Mazzarese & Danilo Zolo - 2001 - la Società Degli Individui 11.
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  20. Rani Hajdeger: recepcija i kritika bivstva i vremena / priredili Danilo Basta i Dragan Stojanović.Danilo N. Basta & Dragan Stojanović (eds.) - 1979 - Beograd: Vuk Karadžić.
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    Staying Alive: The Psychology of Human Survival.Danilo E. Ponce & Roger Walsh - 1985 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 5:216.
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    Nietzsche, entre o Übermensch e o Unmensch.Danilo Bilate - 2014 - Cadernos Nietzsche 34:215-229.
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    Deleuze e a imagem: um problema estético.Danilo Bilate - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (3):153-170.
    Resumo: Este artigo busca investigar possíveis significações da palavra “imagem”, que se depreendam dos textos de Deleuze sobre as artes, através de uma pesquisa filológica que respeita a cronologia de suas obras. Essa noção de imagem, fundamental para a Estética, aparece em seus comentários sobre Proust, o cinema, Bacon e Beckett, principalmente, seja com o uso do termo “imagem”, seja com os termos “signo” e “ideia”, àquele correlatos. Assim, verifica-se um vácuo na década de 70, de modo que, se a (...)
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    Samopoštovanje i puzavost: noviji tekstovi s povodom.Danilo N. Basta - 2007 - Beograd: Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu.
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    Rosmini e la problematica politico-sociale dell'Europa del 2000.Danilo Castellano (ed.) - 1999 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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    Curiosity about Curiosity.Danilo Šuster - 2016 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):327-340.
    Ilhan Inan’s (2012) approach to curiosity is based on the following central theses: (i) for every question asked out of curiosity there is a corresponding term (definite description) that is inostensible for the asker (its reference is unknown) and that has the function of uniquely identifying an object; (ii) the satisfaction of curiosity is always in the form of com- ing to know an object as falling under a concept. This model primarily covers curiosity as our search for empirical objectual (...)
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  27. Il \'De fato\' di Simone Porzio: nota storico-critica.Danilo Facca - 2002 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 47.
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  28. The exercise of the Potestas Vicaria of the Roman Pontiff.Danilo R. Flores - 2022 - In Joel C. Sagut & Alfredo P. Co (eds.), Faith and reason in the Catholic intellectual tradition. España, Manila, Philippines: University of Santo Tomas Publishing House.
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  29. Lo analítico.Danilo Guzmán - 1985 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (66):93-100.
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    Hacia una pastoral de la escucha desde el Counselling humanista integrativo.Danilo José Janegitz - 2021 - Mayéutica 47 (104):415-436.
    This paper aims to elucidate the emphatic demand of the Listening Pastoral inside the Catholic Church. The Supreme Pontiff, Pope Francis, dreams with a clergy with a greater capacity to handle the Christian community in its most relevant urgencies, such as youth accompaniment, specially an active listening made with attentive ears. From this base the article proposes a new method for accompaniment: a pastoral of listening according to the Humanistic Integrative Counseling model. However, the Listening Pastoral doesn’t have agents with (...)
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    Skepticism and Language in Early Modern Philosophy: The Early Linguistic Turn.Danilo Marcondes - 2020 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book shows that at the beginning of modern thought the revival of ancient skepticism challenged the powers of the intellect in making knowledge possible, opening the way to the consideration of language as an alternative to mental representation, thus leading to an early linguistic turn.
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    M. Livolsi e U. Volli (a cura di), "Il televoto".Gianpietro Mazzoleni - 1997 - Polis 11 (2):322-324.
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  33. Quando la pubblicità elettorale non serve.Gianpietro Mazzoleni - 1992 - Polis 6 (2):291-304.
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    Suvremena filozofija zapada: i odabrani tekstovi.Danilo Pejović - 1982 - Zagreb: Nakl. zavod Matice hrvatske.
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    Come vedere: iconismo come pluristabilità tra visione e linguaggio.Danilo Sirianni - 2017 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    Democracy and Complexity: A Realistic Approach.Danilo Zolo - 1992 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This book is a highly original and provocative contribution to democratic theory.
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    Nietzsche et l'affectologie: pour une éthique des affects.Danilo Bilate - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Bertrand Binoche.
    Nietzsche est mort et c'est à nous à le faire vivre. Cet usage du texte n'est pas un retour à ce que Deleuze professait superbement : pour ce dernier, faire un enfant dans le dos (de Kant, de Bergson, voire de Nietzsche, même si Deleuze affirmait qu'avec ce dernier c'était l'inverse), c'était à la fois utiliser l'auteur pour lui faire dire ce qu'il n'avait explicitement pas dit, mais qui pouvait présenter un intérêt spéculatif, et, en même temps, dissimuler cet écart. (...)
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    A Note on Knowing and Checking.Danilo Šuster - 2023 - Acta Analytica 38 (1):79-93.
    I raise some questions about differentiations between methods, checking methods, and appropriate methods in terms of their modal profiles. Melchior argues that there can be sensitive checking methods which are not safe. I try to show that such methods are epistemically deficient. I introduce restricted sensitivity (RS) and investigate its checking profile. RS with respect to a proposition _p_ requires that we consider more non-p worlds (not just the closest ones) but not those which are irrelevant (outside a sphere of (...)
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    Nad prepiskom Martina Hajdegera: jedan vid epistolarne filozofije.Danilo N. Basta - 2012 - Beograd: Dosije studio.
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  40. Večni mir i carstvo slobode: ogledi o Kantovoj i Fihteovoj praktičkoj filozofiji.Danilo N. Basta - 2001 - Beograd: Plato.
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    Schopenhauer e la "cosa in sé" quale principio gnoseologico del mondo.Danilo Ciolino - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (1).
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    No title available.Danilo Vaz Curado R. M. Costa - 2009 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 50 (119):275-280.
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    La via patica alla cura.Di Petta Gilberto Tittarelli Danilo - 2020 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 8 (2):167-206.
    The phenomenological attitude allows us to grasp something that happens before the distinction between subject and object. The application to groups of human beings in a clinical and therapeutic context of the phenomenological setting allows us, in spite of its descriptive-contemplative aura, the extreme richness of potentialities, applicative and transformative, of one of the greatest intuitions of modern thought: the disappearance of the fracture between the subject, the others and the world-of-life, in the evidence of meaning that the mutual experience (...)
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    A filosofia política de Ortega y Gasset.Danilo Santos Dornas - 2004 - Critica.
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    Filosofia, filologia, biologia: itinerari dell'aristotelismo cinquecentesco.Danilo Facca & Giancarlo Zanier - 1992 - Edizioni Dell'ateneo.
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  46. Szymona Birkowskiego komentarz do Timajosa. Tłum. z włoskiego Anna Dudzińska-Facca).Danilo Facca - 1992 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 37:145-160.
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    Les deux modernités occidentales et la géo-modernité actuelle.Danilo Martuccelli - 2017 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 281 (3):349-367.
    This paper proposes a rewriting of modernity departing form the argument that Western modernity has never been a unique tradition but rather a tension between at least two large slopes that have never ceased to be weighed and compared: an Anglo-Saxon and a Latin slope. Without neglecting the contribution of other traditions, and departing from the analysis of modernity today, the article makes the hypothesis that putting at the center analytically this Anglo-Saxon and Latin division, that is, undertaking the study (...)
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  48. La question du social.Danilo Martuccelli - 1992 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 39 (93):367-387.
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    Troubles dans la mobilisation.Danilo Martuccelli - 2020 - Cités 83 (3):51-64.
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    Veliki učitelji mišljenja.Danilo Pejović - 2002 - Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak.
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